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上海市浦东新区2015-2016学年高二上学期期末质量抽测英语试题 扫描版含答案.doc

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1、2016学年浦东新区高二第一学期英语期末答案 . Listening Section A Short Conversations Directions: In Section A, you will hear four short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After y

2、ou hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question.1. W: Did you get the job you applied for that company?M: What a pity! That job was offered to someone else. Q: How does the man probably feel? 2. W

3、: Jack thinks hes the smartest student in our class.M: But most others think differently.Q: What does the man mean? 3. W: I will need a dozen eggs and two kilos of sausages.M: The sausages come in packages of one kilo each. I hope thats all right.Q: Where does this conversation most probably take pl

4、ace? 4. M: Sheila is an American, but shes lived in the Far East for most of her life.W: Yes, she speaks Japanese and Chinese as well as English.Q: Whats Sheilas nationality? Section B Passage Directions: In Section B, you will hear one short passage, and you will be asked three questions on the pas

5、sage. The passage will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Scientists believe that our dreams can often give us information about

6、 ourselves, if we take the time to consider them seriously. On the simplest level, dreams can make us aware of things we have missed during the day because we were too busy to notice them. For instance, if you dream of missing an important appointment, your dream may be trying to remind you of somet

7、hing coming up that you have forgotten to write down.On a deeper level, dreams can show us how we really feel about our relationships. For instance, a young woman who considered herself fairly happily married dreamed of angrily hitting her husband over the head with a book. The dream was urging the

8、woman to get in touch with her feelings of dislike to her husband for her husband had insisted that she stay home instead of taking an interesting job.Questions:5. What did the passage say about dreams?6. Why did the speaker mention the dream of missing an appointment?7. What did the woman dream? Se

9、ction C Longer Conversation 3%Directions: In Section C, you will hear one conversation. The conversation will be read twice. After you hear the conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 8 through

10、10 are based on the following conversation.M:Hello, Margaret!W: Hello! Nice to see you.M:How long have you worked here?W: I began to work here when I was 40 years old. So I have worked here for 45 years.M:Why are you still working?W:Its not for the money! Its because I like working.M:How do you keep

11、 so young? Whats the secret?W: Well, young people spend a lot of time in front of the television these days. They arent as active as we were! I think the secret is keeping busy. Im not as clever as young people are today. All these computers frighten me. Oh, yes, and I always have a glass of hot mil

12、k before I go to bed. I think it helps me to sleep.M:Is milk your favorite drink?W:Yes, but I also like tea. As soon as I get home, I always have a cup of tea.Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer. Keys:I. Listening14DCAB 57 BAC 8.85/Eighty-five 9. busy 10.getting批改说明:1拼错一个单词扣0.5分;210题写成

13、get的其他形式扣0.5分; II. Grammar11. what/whatever 12. whom13. each other/one another14. Sitting 15. spending 16. will be forced17. needed18. bought19. across/ in/throughout/around/over 20. which/that21. hard/harder22. why批改说明:114题大小写扣0.5分 III. Vocabulary2330 DEAB CGHF IV. Cloze3142 BCDAC AAABCCB V. Readin

14、g ComprehensionSection A4345 DBB4648 CAC4951ABBSection B52. low pay/being under-paid/not being well-paid53. causing some best students not to choose teaching profession/some best students dont choose teaching profession54. choose careers other than teaching/choose other careers instead of teaching/s

15、top pouring into teacher training programme55. not be changed/remain unchanged/still suffer/suffer 批改说明:1. 52-55意思对语法正确2分,意思不完整扣1分,语法错误扣1分,词数超扣1分,不以半分计。2. 52, 53 若学生用完整的句子答题,参照批改说明1评分。 VI. Translation牛津英语学生使用:(主要考查Unit 456)1. 毫无疑问,我们已经适应了高中生活。(doubt)2. 这次互联网大会给我留下了深刻的印象。(impress)3. 多亏了你的帮助,我们终于按时完成了

16、任务。(thanks)4. 当得知自己的梦想实现时,玛丽热泪盈眶。(dream) 1. There is no doubt that /No doubt/Without doubt, we have been/got used /accustomed /have adapted /have adapted ourselves to the life in the senior high school.2. I am/was deeply(0.5) impressed by(0.5) the Internet conference./The Internet conference impress

17、ed me deeply/very much.3. Thanks to your help, we finished the task on time in the end.4. On/When hearing/Hearing /When she heard that her dream came true/she had realized her dream, Mary couldnt help crying/cried with joy.When she heard that her dream came true/she had realized her dream, tears fil

18、led with her eyes/her eyes (were) filled with tears. 新世纪学生使用:(主要考查Unit5678)1. 我一安定下来,就会尽快通知你。(settle)2. 看书占用了我绝大多数的课余时间。(take)3. 多亏了你的帮助,我们终于按时完成了任务。(thanks)4. 请充分利用此次互联网大会召开的机会,与世界各地的商家进行交流。(use) 1. Once/As soon as I settle down, I will inform you as soon as possible/I can.2. Reading books has take

19、n up most of my spare time.3. Thanks to your help, we finished the task on time in the end.4. Please make full use of the Internet conference to communicate with companies from all over the world.批改说明:1. 每句3分,每句中的一个下划线为1分。牛津英语第2句的I am/was impressed 1分,deeply和by各0.5分。2. 有时一个下划线可能有两个点,如has taken up,既有

20、时态又考查了词组,请老师们协商后统一标准,酌情扣分。3. 单词拼写、标点符号、大小写错误,累计每两处扣一分; 语法错误每处扣一分。每句同类错误不重复扣分。译文没有用所给单词扣一分。4. 此处提供参考答案,如有其它表述只要准确都给分。 VII. Writing批改说明:1. 建议均分6分2. 本题总分为10分,其中内容4分,语言4分,组织结构2分。3. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定所属档次,然后对照相应的组织结构档次给予加分。其中内容和语言两部分相加,得6分以上者,组织结构部分可考虑加2分,6分以下者考虑加0,1分。字数不满、文章不分段、书写较差以至影响交际等,在总分中酌情扣1-2分。

21、4. 评分时应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性、上下文的连贯性及语言的得体性。就本篇文章内容来说,有2-3句讲述图片内容的就可以算有描述;议论部分只要能自圆其说,不管是从哪个角度,如:乱砍伐后无法获得森林的benefits的;如何保护森林,获得真正的victory的,等等,都算是符合议论要求。 审题分析及范文图片中的手指代表着森林中的树木,但大多手指已被砍去,只剩下食指和中指,摆出V字形的手势,V代表胜利,但这种残败的胜利却充满警醒的意味:人类砍伐树木,为满足眼前的利益,却不顾森林及环境的可持续发展,这种急功近利的心态,破坏了人和自然的和谐,最终带来的,是环境的恶化

22、,物种的消失,最后危及人类自身。该图片让我们反思:不加节制地索取自然,就是自我戕害,用残剩的手指摆出一个胜利手势,是欺人又自欺,这种胜利的背后一定是人类付出的巨大代价。唯有敬畏自然,人类才能和自然和谐生存下去。该文章基本结构为第一部分:简要描述图片,关注与所要表现的主题有关的细节,无关的细节可以省去。第二部分:看了该图片之后所想到的。可以围绕“人类这么做的后果是什么?”“森林保护来说什么才是真正的胜利?”“如何才能获得真正胜利?”等展开。 学生习作一Commonly speaking, the gesture V is a symbol of victory, through which pe

23、ople express their happiness. Not in this picture. Three out of five fingers representing trees are cut down, and the remaining two fingersform the gesture of victory. Ironic as it is I dont think this is victory. I dont believe victory is defined by how much forest weve cut down, or how big profits

24、 weve made through the overconsumption of the environment. On the contrary, victory comes in an environmentally friendly way-be it the restoration of land and forest or a new technology on protecting the world we live in. In all, whenour children, and grandchildren can enjoy a better life, thats pro

25、bably the ultimate goal of our ages and thats what Victory is all about. (131 words)建平中学张珈铭 学生习作二The ironic picture, with three of the five fingers cut, vividly expresses humans ignorance of environmental protection.In 2009, the government of Heilong Jiang acclaimed its accomplishment of the 10.8 pe

26、rcent growth in GDP at the expense of eradicating hundreds of acres of trees. The same tragedies happen incessantly throughout the world. According to the research conducted by Princeton University, 98 percent of the continent is facing the hazard of being desertified.From my perspective, we couldnt

27、 base economic prosperity on the unscrupulous overdraw in natural resources. Lao-tzu, an ancient philosopher who established Daoism, said that man is an integral part of nature. However, we people in industrial era just recite it as a paragraph in textbooks but not put it into practice. And if we st

28、ick to the same path, well soon enjoy the victory of suicide.(138 words)建平中学郭昊伦 学生习作三The picture depicts the hand gesture of V, which often stands for victory. At closer inspection, the other three fingers, which represent trees, have been cut off. It reads on one of the remaining fingers “This is n

29、ot real victory.”This ironic picture reminds me of the horrible things that human beings have done to existing forests. Ignorant of the benefits that forests can bring to human beings, they recklessly cut down tress in large numbers to satisfy their own needs. As a result, landslides occur frequentl

30、y, bringing disasters to human beings and a growing number of species are becoming extinct due to the loss of habitats. By no means can this be called real victory. To rectify this situation, human beings should always bear in mind that making proper and scientific use of the forests and sticking to sustainable development are the key to real victory. Only in this way, can human beings enjoy peace and harmony. (157 words) 版权所有:高考资源网()


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