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本文(2017优化方案高考总复习英语(江苏专用)习题 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 模块5UNIT2知能演练轻松闯关.docx)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2017优化方案高考总复习英语(江苏专用)习题 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 模块5UNIT2知能演练轻松闯关.docx

1、Unit 2The environment(A卷).单项填空1The boss showed his_ of Toms hard work in the company by raising his pay to $5, 000 a month.AdistinctionBpromotionCappreciation DreservationC解析: 句意:老板通过将Tom的月薪提升到5 000美元来表示对他的赏识。 appreciation“欣赏, 赏识”, 符合句意, 故答案为C项。 2(2016启东中学高三检测)The detective, _ to be reading a newspa

2、per, glanced at the man _ next to a woman.Apretending; seatedBpretended; seatedCpretending; seatDpretended; seatingA解析: 第一空是现在分词作非限制性定语, 修饰the detective, 二者之间为主动关系, 所以用现在分词; 第二空是过去分词作定语, 修饰the man, seat“使就座”, 所以用其过去分词形式。 3(2016启东中学考前辅导)Scientists have created the worlds smallest“snowman”, _about a f

3、ifth of the width of a human hair.Ameasures BmeasuringCmeasured Dto measureB解析: measure作“量度达” 讲时是不及物动词, 和被修饰词snowman之间构成主动关系, 所以选measuring作定语。 4At last, the boys found themselves _ in a pleasant park with trees providing shade.Ato sit BsatCsitting Dhaving satC解析:此处为现在分词作宾补, 宾语themselves和sit之间构成主动关系,

4、且强调进行,所以用其现在分词形式。5Love means you care about the _ of a person, that is, you hope he or she can lead a happy life. Aauthority BbeliefCpreference DwelfareD解析: authority权威, 权利; belief信仰, 相信; preference偏向, 优先权; welfare福利, 幸福; 根据you hope he or she can lead a happy life(你希望他或她能够过着幸福的生活)可知横线上应该填一个与此句对应的名词。

5、 句意:爱意味着你关心一个人的幸福, 也就是说, 你希望他或她能够过着幸福的生活。 故选D。6I would appreciate_, to be frank, if the goods could be delivered as soon as possible.Ayou BthisCit DmyselfC解析: 此处it作形式宾语, 代替后面的“if the goods could be delivered as soon as possible”。 to be frank为插入语。 且I would appreciate it if.,为固定搭配。7My uncle hasnt been

6、 able to quit smoking, but at least he has_Acut out Bcut downCcut up Dcut offB解析: cut out裁剪, 戒掉; cut down削减, 压缩, 缩减; cut up切碎, 切开; cut off 切断, 隔断, 断绝。 由语境My uncle hasnt been able to quit smoking可知说话者的叔叔并没有“戒掉” 吸烟, 从后面的but at least的转折可以得知“他减少了吸烟的量” 。 因此该题的正确答案为B。8My money _. I must go to the bank to

7、draw some of my savings out before Ive none in hand.Ahas run out Bis running outChas been run out Dis being running outB解析: 句意:我的钱快用光了, 在用完之前我得去银行取一些。 run out为不及物动词短语, 不能用于被动语态。 9He stood up, _ a cigarette and left the room.Alighting BlightedCto light DlitD解析: 这里表示的是三个连续的动作, 所以动词都用过去式形式, “点燃” 用作谓语时,

8、 过去式通常是lit, lighted通常作定语。 10(2016浙江慈溪高三调研)According to a recent survey, some TV programs should take _ for teenagers negative behavior. Ainfluence BresponsibilityCcredit DexplanationB解析: take responsibility for 对负责任。 句意: 根据一个最近的调查, 有些电视节目应当对青少年的不良行为负责。 11With more forests being destroyed, huge quant

9、ities of good earth _ each year.Ais washing away Bis being washed awayCare washing away Dare being washed awayD解析: 本题考查了两个知识点。 其一是主谓一致:根据quantity的用法, quantities of复数名词或不可数名词作主语, 谓语动词与quantities保持一致, 故谓语动词要用复数形式, 排除了A、B两个选项; 其二考查了语态, “土壤是被冲走的”, 故选择D项。 12She and her roommate silently warred over matte

10、rs _from when the lights should be turned off to how the furniture should be arranged.Aranging BexchangingCtransforming DvaryingA解析: 句意:她因许多事情而与室友暗地里不和, 诸如什么时候熄灯啦, 家具应如何摆放啦, 等等。 vary“变化”; range“(在一定范围内) 变动, 变化”, range 从到变化; exchange“交换”; transform“变换, 转换” 。 13(2013江苏高考T31)Shortly after suff

11、ering from a massive earthquake and_to ruins,the city took on a new look.Areducing BreducedCbeing reduced Dhaving reducedC解析: 句意:“在遭受大地震,沦为废墟之后不久,这座城市就呈现出了新的面貌。”shortly after在之后不久,引导时间状语。after在此可视为介词,后接动名词作其宾语。根据短语reduce the city to ruins(使城市沦为废墟)可知,逻辑主语the city 与reduce构成被动关系,排除A、D两项;而and连接两个并列成分,根据

12、suffering from a massive earthquake and_to ruins中suffering 的形式,可确定答案为being reduced。14The waves reached as high as 61 feet and moved rapidly through the city,_ down the wall of houses.Ahaving torn BtoreCtear DtearingD解析: the waves与tear down之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,另外,此处表示的是谓语动作带来的自然而然的结果,故用tearing down。15Well, yo

13、ud better buy that shirt.Brown and black dont go together._ I wear it with another shirt?AHow do you like BDo you meanCWhat if DHow aboutC解析: 由语境可知答句句意:我把它和另一件衬衣配在一起穿怎么样?.阅读理解ASALT LAKE CITYThe Utah Jazz basketball team signed a 5yearold. Freeagent player to a oneday contract for a special performan

14、ce in October. The Utah Jazz has just made his dream come true. The boy has suffered from blood cancer since 2012.JP Gibson, who was diagnosed with severe blood cancer, signed his contract with Jazz President Randy Rigby before joining the team for the preseason training play at Utah Jazzs sport cen

15、ter. JP was joined by his parents, Josh and Megan, and his 2yearold sister, Elsie.The activity was hosted by the Jazz and photographer Jon Diazs “Anything Can Be” project, which provides support and hope to families like the Gibsons. Jon Diaz asks children with cancer what their dreams and wishes ar

16、e, and he writes their stories in a book. JP, wearing a No. 1 shirt, even got to play in the play. He passed the ball, and Rudy Obert, a player of Utah Jazz, lifted him up so he could dunk(扣篮) and shake hands with some players as fans were cheerful.“JP loves most sports, but basketball is absolutely

17、 his favorite,” Megan Gibson said in a statement released by the Jazz.“When he was just over one year old, he would sit with my husband, Josh, watching games. He started insisting on shooting hoops(投篮) for an hour each night before bedtime when he was just 15 months old. He knows he has to be 6 befo

18、re he can play Junior Jazz, and he reminds us all the time that he cant wait until hes 6.” 【解题导语】本文是新闻报道类文章。 这篇报道来自盐湖城, 该城的The Utah Jazz篮球队帮助患了血癌的五岁儿童篮球迷实现“扣篮” 的梦想。 1Utah Jazz signs a 5yearold JP Gibson just to _Amake the team more famousBrealize the dream of JP GibsonCsatisfy the taste of the fansD

19、promote the “Anything Can Be” projectB解析: 细节理解题。 根据题干关键词a 5yearold JP Gibson找到文章对应段落是文章第一段,由Freeagent player to a oneday contract for a special performance in October.The Utah Jazz has just made his dream come true.可知Utah Jazz与五岁的JP Gibson签约就是为了帮助JP Gibson实现他的梦想。 故选B。 2“Anything Can Be” project _Ara

20、ises money to help the development of NBABprovides support and hope to kids loving basketballChas kids with cancer write their stories in a bookDoffers assistance to those who are in misfortuneD解析: 推理判断题。 根据题干中的“Anything Can Be” project找到文章对应段落是文章第三段, 其中的第一句话The activity was hosted by the Jazz and p

21、hotographer Jon Diazs “Anything Can Be” project, which provides support and hope to families like the Gibsons.中的关键词provides support and hope to families like the Gibsons推断该项目主要是为那些处于困难中的家庭提供援助。 故选D。 B(2016浙江部分一级达标学校联盟联考)My sister moved to Australia a few years ago to study. She was graduating just b

22、efore Christmas, but due to my own scholarly schedule back home, I would not be able to make it in time for her graduation. She was understandably disappointed, and I felt guilty that I wasnt able to be there for her on this most special occasion.While talking to my supervisor the week before my sis

23、ters graduation, I mentioned that I would be missing my sisters graduation, and she commented, “Well, if you want to go, I have no problem with it, so go ahead!” I couldnt believe my luck! I nearly jumped for joy.“Just make sure you get permission from the administration,” she added. My heart sank.

24、The administration at my school was wellknown for denying any sort of timeoff requests, and lastminute pleas would undoubtedly draw nothing but anger. I almost didnt bother asking, because I knew it would be a waste of time and I knew the answer already: no.But something in me decided to try, just i

25、n case. Maybe it was the hope that the Christmas Spirit would somehow affect the administrative office at this time of year.When I returned home to find the Associate Deans reply in my inbox, I prepared myself for disappointment. I opened the email and started to read. And reread. Approval? I rubbed

26、 my eyesthere must be a mistake. But no. I couldnt believe my luck! The only logical explanation I could possibly come up with was that the Christmas Spirit had been hiding in the heart of my Associate Dean when she was reading my request.Immediately, I called the airline. Miraculously, even during

27、the busy Christmas season, I was able to change my ticket to arrive the day before my sisters graduation.With this fantastic news, I was bursting to tell my sister. But, fingers on the dial, I paused. Wouldnt it be so much more fantastic if I could surprise her? I pictured myself just showing up, kn

28、ocking at her door. What a state of shock she would be in!Slowly the_idea developed in my mind. For a surprise of a grand scale, I needed a much more dramatic arrival than just a ring of the doorbell. I started to plot. Then, brilliance struck. Getting delivered in a box to my sisters house by couri

29、ers(快递员)!I knew if I pulled this off, my presence at her graduation and my grand arrival would be the best Christmas present I could ever give my sister.Although I was leaving in less than seventytwo hours, I jumped on my computer in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and started googling courier compani

30、es. The only one willing to go along with my Christmas surprise, was CouriersPlease. At first the branch manager said no, pointing out that Christmas was their busiest season and he couldnt spare a courier for this rather unusual request. But he suddenly warmed up to the idea and actually volunteere

31、d to dress up and deliver me himself. The Christmas Spirit strikes again!Upon my arrival in Australia, the manager met me in full uniform, but that wasnt all. Hed brought one of his couriers, plus a CouriersPlease van along for the ride as well! They even had a reinforced box prepared for me that th

32、eyd already tested at the office. Id thought it would be easier to walk up to the doorway, and then jump in the box while they rang the doorbell. But no, they insisted; my sister might see me through the window and they certainly didnt want to risk my Christmas surprise.Instead, they parked a few hu

33、ndred meters up the street, where they loaded me in the box and carried me all the way up to my sisters, where they rang the doorbell and announced they had a delivery for her.I couldnt see the look on my sisters face as she opened the door to couriers with a surprise delivery, but I could tell from

34、 her voice that she was more than a little confused.This soon transformed into disbelief and shock when the box was opened and she saw her elder sister sitting inside smiling up at her. She was at a complete loss for words, and I will never forget the look on her face as she opened those flaps on th

35、e box.It was such a gift to be able to attend my sisters graduation, and to show her my love by giving her the most unique, unconventional Christmas present in the history of our family. It was a memory both she and I will cherish forever.It also served as a lesson for me:never, ever underestimate t

36、he power of the Christmas Spirit. It can move hearts, minds, and yes, even people in boxes.【解题导语】 本文是篇记叙文, 讲述的是作者为了给妹妹一个惊喜, 将自己快递到妹妹的面前。 这份特殊的礼物, 在圣诞节这样一个特殊的日子里, 有着不一样的含义, 令人终生难忘。3After hearing what the supervisor said, the author felt _Apuzzled and later discouragedBdoubtful and later hopelessCexci

37、ted but later frustratedDhopeful but later annoyedC解析: 细节理解题。 根据第二段中的“I couldnt believe my luck!I nearly jumped for joy.” 以及“My heart sank.” 可知, 作者先是高兴, 后又沮丧, 故答案为C项。 4According to the passage, the underlined part “the idea” refers to “_”Athe intention to give her sister a callBthe plan to get herse

38、lf delivered in a boxCthe thought of giving her sister a surpriseDthe attempt to attend her sisters graduationC解析: 词义猜测题。 根据第五段的“Wouldnt it be so much more fantastic if I could surprise her? I pictured myself just showing up, knocking at her door. What a state of shock she would be in!” 及本段“For a su

39、rprise of a grand scale” 可知, 答案为C项。 5The branch manager of CouriersPlease was _Astubborn but understanding Bconsiderate and helpfulCindifferent but openmindedDwarmhearted but uselessB解析: 推理判断题。 根据倒数第三、四段中对manager的描述可知, 分行经理由最先的不愿意到愿意, 到后来开来一辆车, 准备好一个结实的箱子, 让 “我” 在离妹妹家门口很远的地方躲进箱子里, 以防 “我” 给妹妹的惊喜被提前看到

40、, 这些都体现出他是一个热心肠、考虑问题周全、乐于助人的人。 故答案为B项。 6Seeing the author in the box, the sister was speechless because _Ashe hadnt got over the shockBshe was totally in great panicCshe was to find words of thanksDshe felt confused about the deliveryA解析: 细节理解题。 根据倒数第二段的“This soon transformed into disbelief and shoc

41、k when the box was opened and she saw her elder sister sitting inside smiling up at her. She was at a complete loss for words” 可知, 答案为A项。 7In the eyes of the author, _ played a key role in her success in giving her sister a surprise Christmas.Adetermination BluckCthe Christmas Spirit DpersistenceC解析

42、: 细节理解题。 根据全文中多次提到的the Christmas Spirit可知, 这次作者能够成功请假、买到飞机票、送出惊喜礼物, 全都是the Christmas Spirit的功劳。 故答案为C项。 8What do we know from the passage?AThat the author would miss the graduation disappointed her sister, who thought it was unforgivable.BThe administration at her school would deny her request, so t

43、he author didnt think of giving it a try.CWhen she was to call her sister, the author forgot the phone number so she didnt make a phone call.DThe authors unexpected arrival gave her sister such a big surprise as the two would treasure forever.D解析: 细节理解题。 根据最后一段中的“It was such a gift to be able to att

44、end my sisters graduation, and to show her my love by giving her the most unique, unconventional Christmas present in the history of our family. It was a memory both she and I will cherish forever.” 可知答案为D项。 Unit 2The environment(B卷).完形填空(2016镇江模拟)Being the eldest son of my parents, I became the“big

45、 boy” of the family.My parents gave me the status of a“big boy” and let me have _1_ that were somewhat challenging for me at that _2_ age.Whenever I had some _3_ in doing a certain task, they used to encourage me by saying, “you are a big boy, you can _4_ it” .Though I was a small boy at that time,

46、my confidence level _5_ to the new height and I started _6_ myself as a big boy.That“big boy”_7_ slowly developed into the“I can do” philosophy(哲学), which has helped me a lot throughout my life.The “I can do” philosophy prepares you _8_, as well as physically, and helps you to do what otherwise you

47、think you cannot do.The“big boy” concept _9_ your inner energy level to such an extent that you start _10_“you can do”And that is the starting point which opens the doors of _11_ for you.Whenever I have to face a _12_, I say to myself “I can do it because I am a big boy” and that encourages me a lot

48、 in _13_ my fears and provides my body with the extra energy needed to do that “_14_” task.The“big boy” concept is always _15_ to anyone.It takes away all your weaknesses and thus _16_ you to accept big challenges.By accepting big challenges, you invite big opportunities and thus get big _17_Success

49、 in life comes to the people who think big, act big and are willing to _18_ big responsibilities. Make yourself feel big. Plan something big. Surprise your colleagues by accepting big responsibilities.Be always _19_ to do big tasks.Once you accept yourself as a big boy or a big girl then _20_ can co

50、me in your way of success.【解题导语】 本文是一篇议论文。 作者小时候在完成一些具有挑战性的任务时, 父母经常鼓励他要做一个“大男孩”, 这种理念增强了作者的自信和力量, 成为了他的人生哲学。 因此作者建议我们每个人要有“大男孩” 理念, 这样才能够取得成功。1A.foodsBtasksCproblems DappointmentsB解析: 根据下文“Whenever I had some _ in doing a certain task” 可知, 这是作者父母要求他做的事。 故选B, 意为“任务” 。 2A.young BoldCproper DimproperA

51、解析: 根据下文“Though I was a small boy at that time” 可知, 作者当时年龄还小。 故选A。 3A.chances BrightsCconfidence DhesitationD解析: 根据下文“they used to encourage me by saying” 可知, 作者对完成这些任务有顾虑时, 父母常常鼓励他。 故选D, 意为“犹豫, 顾虑” 。 4A.see BdoCcheck DsayB解析: 既然是鼓励作者, 当然说他能完成任务了。 故选B。 5A.dropped BreturnedCgrew DheldC解析: 根据下文“to the

52、 new height” 可知, 得到父母的不断鼓励, 作者也变得越来越自信。 故选C。 6A.dressing BbehavingCencouraging DpraisingB解析: 根据常理可知, 由于父母的鼓励, 作者无形中也把自己当作“大孩子” 来看待, 行为做事体现出“大孩子” 的风范。 故选B, 意为“行为, 举止” 。 7A.concept BnameCmodel DlogoA解析: 根据下文“Thebig boyconcept” 可知, 答案为A, 意为“概念, 理念” 。 B项意为“名字”; C项意为“模式, 模型”; D项意为“标志, 徽标”, 均不符合语境。 8A.par

53、tially BthoroughlyCmentally DmorallyC解析: 根据“philosophy” 及“as well as physically” 可知, 此处指精神上。 故选C。 9A.destroys BbalancesCevaluates DraisesD解析: 根据上句可知, 这种理念给了作者心理和身体上的鼓舞, 因此此处指增加了内心的能量。 故选D, 意为“提高”, 与下段中的“provides my body with the extra energy” 相照应。 A项意为“毁掉, 破坏”; B项意为“平衡”; C项意为“评估, 估价”, 均不符合语境。

54、ubting BbelievingCsuggesting DimaginingB解析: 根据上句中的“and helps you to do what otherwise you think you cannot do” 可知, “大男孩” 理念会增加你的内心能量, 让你开始相信你可以做到。 故选B, 意为“相信” 。 11A.success BfameCwisdom DfortuneA解析: 根据最后一段最后一句可知, 这是通往成功之门的起点。 故选A。 B项意为“名声, 声望”; C项意为“智慧”; D项意为“财富, 运气”, 均不符合语境。 12A.mistake BhardshipCc

55、hallenge DpuzzleC解析: 根据第一段中的“let me have _ that were somewhat challenging for me at that _ age” 可知, 作者要完成的事常常具有一定的难度和挑战性。 故选C, 意为“挑战, 难题” 。 A项意为“错误”; B项意为“苦难”; D项意为“迷, 难题”, 均不符合语境。 13A.overcoming BchangingCpreventing DavoidingA解析: 根据上文可知, 这样的想法给了作者信心和力量, 鼓励作者克服恐惧。 故选A, 意为“克服” 。 B项意为“改变”; C项意为“阻止”; D

56、项意为“避免”, 均不符合语境。 14A.possible BimpossibleCeasy DscientificB解析: 根据上文“do what otherwise you think you cannot do” 可知, 这样的事都是作者原来认为不可能完成的事。 故选B, 意为“不可能的” 。 15A.difficult BstrangeChelpful DnewC解析: 这句话是本段中心句, 根据本段内容可知, 此处是指这样的理念对每个人都有用。 故选C。 16A.requires BremindsCpays DenablesD解析: 根据上文可知, 这种理念能够帮助人消除恐惧, 增

57、强自信和力量, 从而让人能够接受更大的挑战。 由此可知, 答案为D, 意为“使能够” 。 A项意为“需要, 要求”; B项意为“提醒, 使想起”; C项意为“支付”, 均不符合语境。 17A.burdens BrewardsCtroubles DstressesB解析:根据句中的“you invite big opportunities” 可知, 此处应选褒义词。 故选B, 意为“回报, 报酬”。 A项意为“负担”; C项意为“麻烦”; D项意为“压力”, 均不符合语境。 18A.accept BrefuseCrecognize DacknowledgeA解析: 根据下文“by accepti

58、ng big responsibilities” 可知, 答案为A。 19A.lucky BanxiousCwilling DunwillingC解析: 根据本段中作者强调的“willing” 及“accepting” 可知, 答案为C, 强调自愿、主动接受。 20A.everything BsomethingCanything DnothingD解析: 根据本段第一句可知, 只要你接受自己是个大男孩或大女孩, 那么没有什么能够阻止你获得成功。 所以根据句中的“in your way(妨碍)” 可知, 答案为D。 .阅读理解AGeorgia Aquarium is open 365 days

59、a year. Please note that hours of operation do vary.Last ticket sold and entry is 30 minutes before closing time.Regular HoursSundayFriday:10 am.5 pm.Saturday:9 am.6 pm.Summer Hours:May 27August 16MondaySaturday:9 am.9 pm.Sunday:9 am.6 pm.Full Price Total TicketAdult(aged 1364):$38.95Child(aged 312)

60、:$32.95Senior(agd 65):$34.95Total Ticket Online DiscountAdult(aged 1364):$35.95Child(aged 312):$29.95Senior(aged 65):$31.95Animal Encounters:$59.95Beluga&Friends Interactive Program:$179.95Journey with Gentle Giants Immersion Program:$234.95AT&T Dolphin TalesOur new dolphin gallery, theater and show

61、 are now open.The gallery and viewing window are open to general admission guests periodically throughout the day.Show times vary each day, so check for times when you are purchasing general admission tickets.Dont forgetAT&T Dolphin Tales is included in Total Ticket general admission, so dont miss t

62、his spectacular show!4D TheaterDeepos Undersea 3D Wondershow Presented by AT&TWith multiple shows throughout the day, be sure to catch this unique experience at Georgia Aquarium.Admission to the 4D Theater is included in Total Ticket general admission!Journey with Gentle Giants Immersion ProgramSwim

63、 or scuba diving in the Ocean Voyager exhibit, built by The Home Depot.Swim is daily at 4:30 pm., and scuba diving is daily at 3 pm.and Saturday and Sunday at 11 am.Spots are limited, so its best to book in advance.Beluga&Friends Interactive Program Interact with belugas and harbor seals in the Geor

64、giaPacific Cold Water Quest gallery.This animal interaction occurs daily at 10 am.and 1:30 pm.Spots are limited, so its best to book in advance.Animal EncountersInteract with a penguin daily at 11:30 am.and 1:45 pm.You can also experience a special encounter with a dolphin.Spots are limited, so its

65、best to book in advance.【解题导语】本文是篇广告文体。 文章主要给游客们介绍了Georgia Aquarium 所提供的主要游览项目及票价等。 1How much can they save if grandparents in their seventies with a 10yearold boy visit Georgia Aquarium with online tickets?A$3.B$6.C$9. D$12C解析:数字计算题。 根据题干关键词grandparents in their seventies with a 10yearold boy找到文章对应

66、Full Price Total Ticket部分的Senior(aged 65):$34.95, Child(aged 312):$32.95和Total Ticket Online Discount 中的Child(aged 312):$29.95, Senior(aged 65):$31.95进行计算(34.95232.95)(29.9531.952)9可知在网上购票可省$9, 故选C。 2Which of the following about AT&T Dolphin Tales is TRUE?AIt is open all day long to visitors.BIt is

67、really worth watching for visitors.CVisitors have to pay extra money to watch it.DVisitors should book their tickets in advance.B解析:细节理解题。 根据题干关键词AT&T Dolphin Tales找到文章对应段是AT&T Dolphin Tales部分的The gallery and viewing window are open to general admission guests periodically throughout the day.排除A; 根据

68、该部分的Dont forgetAT&T Dolphin Tales is included in Total Ticket general admission排除C和D; 根据该部分的so dont miss this spectacular show可推断海豚表演值得看看。 故选B。 3With a Total Ticket, visitors are allowed to visit_AAnimal EncountersBBeluga&Friends Interactive ProgramC4D TheaterDeepos Undersea 3D WondershowDJourney wi

69、th Gentle Giants Immersion ProgramC解析:细节理解题。 根据题干关键词With a Total Ticket找到文章对应部分4D TheaterDeepos Undersea 3D Wondershow Presented by AT&T的Admission to the 4D Theater is included in Total Ticket general admission!可知有全票可以游览4D TheaterDeepos Undersea 3D Wondershow, 不需要额外付费。 故选C。 B(2016启东中学高三检测)The argume

70、nt over a Philadelphia school district accused of secretly spying on pupils through laptop cameras became fiercer today after it acknowledged obtaining more than 56,000 images of its students, many of them in their homes.When the scandal(丑闻) first broke, it was believed that only a few pictures had

71、been taken of one pupil, Blake Robbins.But court papers released this week showed that thousands of images were taken of Robbins and other students.Robbins and his parents have filed an action against the school district.Court papers from the Robbins lawyers said that at first it was thought that th

72、e laptops technology had produced a few images but they found more than 400 of Robbins, including images“showing him partially undressed and sleeping” .Robbins said he did not know why the spying device was activated(激活) as his laptop had not been reported stolen or missing.Other students whose pict

73、ures were taken said their laptops had not been reported stolen or missing either.An administrator at the school, one of the few with authority to track the laptops, remained silent, refusing to answer questions.The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that 38,500 of the images came from six laptops that

74、had been reported missing from the Harriton gym in September.These apparently helped the police catch a suspect.Another set of images were from cameras in laptops which employees responsible for tracking failed or forgot to turn off.The court papers, filed by Robbins lawyers, said that the technolog

75、y was activated between 20 October and 4 November last year, with most of the 400 shots of him while he was in his home, and included his family.“There were additional webcam pictures and screen shots taken of Blake Robbins which, up to now, have not been recovered because the evidence was deleted b

76、y the IT department,” the court papers say.One of Robbins lawyers is trying to obtain access to the administrators home computer to confirm whether she downloaded any of the pictures.The court papers indicate she may be a voyeur(窥隐私者) though it has not been proved.【解题导语】 本文为一篇新闻报道。 文章介绍了美国费城一所学校因通过手

77、提电脑窥视学生隐私而被提起公诉。 经过调查, 该校学生的大量照片被窃取, 学校管理者可能是故意偷窥。 4We can learn from the passage that_ARobbins parents remained calm over the scandalBRobbins had his laptop stolen before the scandalCthe laptops technology produced some imagesDthe private rights of the students were offendedD解析: 推理判断题。 根据第一段中的“accu

78、sed of secretly spying on pupils through laptop cameras.acknowledged obtaining more than 56, 000 images of its students.” 可知, 费城一所学校通过手提电脑的摄像头获取了大量学生照片, 侵犯了学生的隐私权。 故D项正确。 5What did The Philadelphia Inquirer say about the case?AThe police had found some evidence.BMost of the laptops in Harriton gym w

79、ere missing.CEmployees in charge of tracking deliberately left the laptops on.DThere was obviously more than one suspect related to the case.A解析: 细节理解题。 根据第六段第二句“These apparently helped the police catch a suspect.” 可知, The Philadelphia Inquirer认为警方已经发现了一些证据。 故A项正确。 根据第六段第一句中的“.the images came from s

80、ix laptops that.” 可知, 丢失的是电脑里大部分照片并非大部分电脑, 故B项与文章描述不符; 根据该段第三句中的“.for tracking failed or forgot to turn off ” 可知, C项与文章描述不符; D项文中未提及。 6According to the court papers, the administrator_Amay have spied her students on purposeBmay have broken into Robbins houseChas downloaded many students picturesDhas

81、 removed evidence from computersA解析: 细节理解题。 根据最后一段最后一句“The court papers indicate she may be a voyeur(窥隐私者)though it has not been proved.” 可知, 根据法庭文件, 尽管没能被证实, 但管理者有可能涉嫌故意窥视学生。 故A项正确。 7What does the passage mainly talk about?AModern technology has negative effects on our lives.BStudents in Philadelph

82、ia are accustomed to being spied on secretly.CA Philadelphia school is charged with spying students through laptop cameras.DThe American government should take measures to improve teachers qualities.C解析: 主旨大意题。 根据第一段第一句“The argument over a Philadelphia school district accused of secretly spying on pupils through laptop cameras.” 及对全文的理解可知, 本文主要讲述了:费城一所学校通过手提电脑窥视学生的隐私而被起诉。 故C项正确。

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