1、初高中英语衔接教材目 录前言第一章 高中新教材简介及学习方法第二章 词汇知识及实践演练第三章 句子成分和基本句型第四章 简单句的种类第五章 动词的时态语态第六章 复合句:宾语从句,状语从句,定语从句第一章 初、高中英语的区别及学习方法初中英语高中英语词汇量较小(1500+200)词汇量较大(八级3500,九级4500)句子结构易理解句子结构变复杂语法不陌生但都是皮毛语法的系统性,注意特殊的语法现象课文篇幅较短,课堂逐句分析理解注重篇章理解,不逐句翻译简单的阅读理解题(事实题)更高要求的主观题(作者观点,标题,结构)简单的听力训练、口语表达越来越长的句子,越来越快的语速,跟不上,听不清,记不住,
2、说不清;会读不会说作文有话写,写的出作文体裁话题多样,要求更高 教材内容简单,课堂时间充裕,有时间操练课堂时间紧,任务多,注重课下巩固练习,自学为主中考题型高考题型一、认识初、高中英语的区别 即将开始的高中学习生活,特别是英语的学习是与初中阶段有着很大不同的: 1. 课本编排上的区别:初中的每一个单元是分为4课的,每篇中有的是对话,有的是阅读文,也配有一些练习,而高中的每个单元并不分课,而是基本上按模块(module)划分。教材把话题、结构、功能和任务型活动有机地结合在一起,既符合中国学生英语学习的规律和特点,又体现了新的教育教学理念。教材系统性强,各单元采用板块的设计形式,有利于教师灵活整合
3、教材内容。大体分为“Warming up”(热身),即是针对本单元的话题提出的一些问题,以练习口语的形式做引子,便于进入本单元的主题,下个部分就是“Reading”了,高中的阅读文分为阅读前和阅读后的讨论、思考问题并加入了有关的语言知识的学习及练习,在阅读教学的安排上。读后活动的练习层次清楚,体现对课文理解考察的三个维度:弄清事实(Factual) 分析信息(Analytical) 判断和推理(Inferential)。可以说是极大地丰富了教学内容。除此之外还会有稍短的阅读与听力及写作等方面的练习,写作训练既重视结果,更重视过程,提供铺垫性活动以加强对过程性写作的监督。通过听、读活动从语言和写
4、作技巧方面进行相关输入,为学生的最终成长奠定基础。 2. 在词汇上的区别:我们初中的教材已是新版本了,每个单元的单词可能大家觉得已经不少了,但高中教材中的词汇更是成倍地增加了,增加了大约2000词。这也是新编教材的一个特点,加入了许多当前常用的,新出现的流行的词汇,也是与我们学的新编初中课本相承接的,所以,为了能尽快适应高中词汇的学习,我们应该及早着手把初中阶段的词汇再熟悉一遍。另外,对于高中英语词汇的学习,大家还要知道其要求是远远高于初中的,在学习单词时,我们既要了解它在文中的意思,还要掌握它在练习中,阅读、考试中可能出现的所有意思,用法及搭配等。一词多义,一词多性,依綱不据本。 3. 在所
5、学语法上的区别:在初中阶段我们把基础的语法内容已经学习过了,但是语法学习没有得到足够的重视,不少同学对语法知之甚少,甚至一窍不通。而在高中我们要学习的是更深更高层次的语法。如定语从句,非谓语动词、名词性从句,倒装结构、虚拟语气等等,其中的部分内容我们并不陌生,但是初中我们所接触的还只是皮毛,高中阶段的学习会比之前的所学内容复杂得多,要求上也要高得多,除了看懂更要求会应用。语法知识是英语学习的重要内容,是日常及高考的考试范围,所以我们要充分利用暑假把之前的漏洞弥补好,在后面的学习中,你们也会重温这些知识并将之与高中内容进一步融合,为大家步入高中学习打好基础。 4. 在课堂要求上的区别:大部分的初
7、5. 在考试评估制度上的区别:这一区别可能是影响最大的一点,我们许多同学初中英语一直较差的原因在很大程度上是由于初中这种不正常的考试制度,很多人认为英语不用下功夫学,反正最后背背答案就可过关,这样成绩不错,学得也很轻松。一旦抱有这种想法,初中这个重要的打基础的阶段就被荒废过去了,这对我们升入高中后的英语学习是极为不利的,这就好比是建造没有基础的空中楼阁,肯定会感到很难,很吃力。进入高中之后我们的考试是没有比较明确的特定范围,不能靠背答案过关,而且所学所考的内容应该都是向高考看齐的,难度肯定不小,但同学们也不要害怕,只要努力学习,坚持不懈,认真积累,完成好每天的功课,做好充分迎接失败的心理准备,
9、英语知识的衔接。高一开始,应从实际出发,先找到初高中英语知识“脱钩处”,尽快平稳过渡。梳理初中知识,对掌握得不够扎实的内容要好好补补。结合新课教学的需要,将初、高中英语语言知识有机地结合起来,复习旧知识为新课打下基础,在学新课的过程中,旧知识又得到运用和巩固。 “两条腿走路”,才走得更实、更好、更远。(二)、做好英语学习习惯的衔接。初中学习英语的习惯大多数是被动式的,进入高中,应该从被动逐渐转向主动。高一开始,应特别注意培养以下几个新的学习习惯。1、学会使用工具书的习惯。遇到词汇方面的疑问不要被动等待教师解答,学会自己查词典寻找答案。准备一本好的英语语法工具书和词典,养成经常翻阅的习惯,在口、
11、成为一个重点培养目标。多阅读适合自己水平和兴趣的英语读物,尤其是原汁原味的地道的。4、背诵英语课文和范文的习惯英语表达能力差,要提高书面表达能力一个行之有效的办法就是多背诵,学习别人的好词好句,久而久之,表达能力也会随之提高。所以要培养背诵英语课文和范文的习惯。5、每周做一点学法探讨。学习策略是提高学习效率和培养自主学习能力的保证。根据多元智力理论,每个学生都有自己的优势和独特的学习策略,比如:精耕细作(ploughboy)、博览群书(bookworm)、强化训练(test-killer)、灵感突现(inspiration-catcher)、听说交际(au-diovisual learner)
12、和博采众长(multi-method learner)等类型。最佳学习策略应是一整套立足个性、突出特色和强调实效的学习方法。每个学生都应不断改进和寻找适合自己的学习策略,结合教材的Learner Log, Assessment, Learning tip和Checkpoint写“学法周记”,总结和探讨。(三)、做好心理上的衔接。相对于初中英语,高中英语一下子难度加大,容量增加。相当一部分学生不适应。再者,进入高中的学生往往都是原先初中成绩较好的学生,“高手”群体中总有一些学生会掉在班级的后面。有些学生这时候以为自己英语学不来了,就想放弃或懈怠它。这个时候,每位学生都应该对自己有个辩证的分析,从
15、做过的练习当中要进行归类。其实练习多了,也无非是那么几种,“换汤不换药”。带有此种习惯和目的去做练习,就会拓宽知识,锻炼能力和发展思维。学习理念:study theorypassive learning(被动学习)active learning(主动学习)学习要求“四个一”一套作业本(听写本,作业本,作文本)一本纠错本一本笔记本(至少够一学期用)一本字典英语学习一日常规 今天我背单词了吗? 今天我完成作业了吗? 今天我预习了吗? 今天我复习了吗? 今天我大声朗读了吗? 今天我阅读了吗? 今天我听录音了吗? 今天我试着用英语交流了吗?学习英语要理顺的几个概念:1、 主谓关系与动宾关系2、 主动关
16、系与被动关系3、 动作的执行者与承受着4、 逻辑主语与真正的主语5、 逻辑宾语与真正的宾语第二章 重要词性了解一、名词名词分类普通名词个体名词表示人或物的个体,如:teacher, pen, hand集体名词表示个体组成的集合体,如:family, team, police物质名词表示无法分为个体的固体、液体、气体等实物,如:ice, water, gas抽象名词表示抽象概念的,如性质、状态、情感等的名词,如:sadness, happiness, work专有名词人名、地名、机构、事物、组织、概念、节日等。名词复数构成规律规则变化一般直接在名词后加-s以字母-s,-sh, -ch, -x结尾
17、的名词后加-es以字母-f或-fe结尾的名词,把-f/-fe改为-v,再加-es以-0结尾的名词的复数多数加-es以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,要把y改为i,再加-es不规则变化改变单数名词中的元音字母单复数形式相同,如:sheep, deer, fish, means表示某国人的名词的复数形式因习惯不同而各异a.单复数形式相同(多以ese结尾),如:Chinese, , Swissb.词尾加-s(多以-an结尾),如:Americans, Koreans, Indiansc.将man变成men,将woman变成 women,如:Englishman-Englishmen其他形式,如:mousem
18、ice, child- children名词所有格加-s/-s名词单数形式,用-s,表示,如: the girls books复数形式,用s表示,如Teachers books注:所有格后所接名词表示地点时候,地点名词可省略。如:the doctors复合名词在最后的名词后加s,如brother-in-laws books表示时间、距离、重量、国家、城市,地点无生命的名词也可用s形式来表示其所有关系,如:three days walk借助介词of无生命的物体的名词所有格常用of表示。如:the cover of the book双重所有格由s所有格和of所有格组合修饰名词,如:an old f
19、riend of Toms二、代词种类人称人称代词物主代词反身代词第一人称I, we, me, usmy, our, mine, oursmyself, ourselves第二人称youyour, yoursyourself,yourselves第三人称we, he, she, ithis, her, its, hers, theirshimself, herself,itself, themselves指示代词this, that, these, those, such, the same不定代词all, both, neither, none, either, each, many, fe
20、w, little,another, much, one, ones, some, any以及no-/some-/any-/every-+body/one/thing疑问代词who, whom, whose, what, which相互代词each, other, one, another, each others, one anothersExercises:1. Here is the that his younger brother loves best.A. coffee cup B. coffees cup C. cup of coffee D. coffee of cup2. Mr
21、. Tony always has to tell his students at the beginning of his lectures.A. some good pieces of news B. some pieces of good newsC. some good piece of news D. some piece of good news3. As a businessman, Mr. Li gained his by selling famous of English and American writers.A. wealth; work B. wealth; work
22、s C. wealths ; works D. wealths ; work4. He is a kind-hearted man. People can get on well with him.A. Few B. A little C. Quite a few D. Little5. The post office isnt far from here. Its only bicycle ride.A. half an hours B. an hour and a half C. half an hour D. half an hours6. The population of Shang
23、hai very big and most of its population native people.A. are ; is B. is ; is C. are; are D. is; are7. Would you like to have ,Tom?No, thanks, l have had enough.A. any more orange and apples B. some more oranges and applesC. any more oranges and apples D. some more oranges and apple8. Which do you pr
24、efer to drink, or coffee? , please. A. teas; Two tea B. tea; Two tea C. tea; Two teas D. teas; Two teas9. lt was really to get a present from him on her birthday party that she couldnt believe it, looking at him in .A. such big surprise; a surprise B. such a big surprise; surpriseC. so big surprise;
25、 a surprise D. such big surprise; surprise10. These are bikes. The twin brothers like them very much.A. Jacks and Jerrys B. Jacks and Jerry C. Jacks and Jerry B. Jack and Jerrys11. How much water is there in the bottle? .Youd better come to fetch another bottle.A. A little B. Nothing C. No one D. No
26、ne12. Bill works harder than in his class. He is the most excellent student l have met.A. the other boys B. other boys C. any boy D. another boy三、形容词一、成分成 分例 句定 语One of the most common languages used for creating web pages is called HTML.Who is the greatest woman writer alive in the world?表 语After g
27、etting her hair cut, she looked even more beautiful宾语补足语With the window open, many things in the shop were stolen at night.状 语The bird fell onto the ground, dead.二、比较级此外,初中还安排了形容词比较级、最高级的语法点学习。其变化规则如下表:规 则原 级比较级最高级单音节形容词在词尾加-er;-esthighfewhigherfewerhighestfewest以字母e结尾的形容词在词尾加-r;-stlargewidelarger w
28、iderlargest widest以重读闭音节结尾的形容词,末尾只有一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾,应先双写该辅音字母,然后加-er;-estthinbighotthinnerbiggerhotterthinnestbiggesthottest以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词,须先将y变成i,然后加-er;-esthappyfunnyhappierfunnierhappiestfunniest多音节形容词前加more变比较级;加the most变最高级beautifulinterestingmore beautifulmore interestingthe most beautifulthe mo
29、st interesting部分不规则的形容词变化如下表:原级比较级最高级goodbetterbestbad/illworseworstmany/muchmoremostlittlelessleastfarfarther/furtherfarthest/furthestoldolder/elderoldest/eldest三、具体用法1、只能修饰形容词原级的词very, quite, so, too. 例如:He is too tired to walk on. 他太累了以至不能再继续走了。My brother runs so fast that I cant follow him. 我弟弟跑
30、得那么快以至我跟不上他。2、含有asas(与一样)的原级表达句式。例如:Tom is as old as Kate. 汤姆和凯特年龄一样大。Tom is twice as old as Kate. 汤姆的年龄是凯特的两倍。Tom runs as fast as Mike. 汤姆和迈克跑得一样快。【注意】1、否定形式not asas 也可以用成not soas“不如不及。”例如:He doesnt walk as slowly as you. 他走路不像你那样慢。This room is not as/so big as that one. 这个房间不如那个大。2、可以修饰比较级的词much,
31、a lot, a great deal, far, by far(得多),a little, a bit(一点儿),even(甚至),still(仍然),any(用于否定、疑问句中)。例如:Lesson One is much easier than Lesson Two.第一课比第二课容易得多。Tom looks even younger than before. 汤姆甚至比以前更年轻。This train runs much faster than that one. 这辆火车比那辆跑得快。She drives still more carefully than her husband.
32、她开车仍然比她丈夫还认真。【典型例题】1、The experiment was easier than we had expected.A. more B. much more C. much D. more much答案C。much可修饰比较级,easier本身已是比较级,不能再用more.2、最高级表示三者及三者以上事物间的比较,常与of,in连用。例如:The Yangtze River is the longest river in China. 长江是中国最长的河流。 The Yangtze River is longer than any other river in China.
33、 长江比中国其他任何一条河都长。Of all the planets, the Mercury is the nearest to the sun. 在所有的行星中,水星离太阳最近。3、“比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越”。例如:He is getting taller and taller. 他长得越来越高了.The flowers are more and more beautiful. 花儿越来越漂亮。4、“the + 比较级the+比较级”表示“越,就越”。例如:The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes youll make. 你越认
34、真,犯的错误就越少。【典型例题】 children there are in a family, their life will be.A. The less, the better B. The fewer, the better C. Fewer, richer D. More, poorer答案B。由句意得知“家里孩子越少,生活会越好。”children是可数名词,应用few来修饰。四、形容词与不定代词的搭配连用当形容词和不定代词something, anything, noting, everything连用时,这些代词应放在前面,形容词在后面。例如:Do you have anyth
35、ing interesting to tell us all today? 今天有啥有趣的事情跟我们大家说说吗?Take it easy. There is nothing serious with your disease, which is just a cold. 别紧张,你的病无大碍,只是感冒而已。【典型例题】I have to do today.A. anything important B. something important C. important nothing D. important something答案B。形容词修饰不定代词时应放在其后面。故排除C、D。句意是“我
36、今天有重要的事情要做”,表示肯定用something.五、形容词与enough的搭配连用当形容词enough和不定代词连用时,形容词放在前面,enough在后面。例如:Charlie was lucky enough to have been taken to the Loch Ness with families. 查理足够幸运地被家人带着去过尼斯湖。【注意】1. 只能用作定语,不能用作表语的形容词:little, wooden , golden, many, elder不能说The boy is little. The watch is golden / wooden.2. 只能作表语,不
37、能用作定语的形容词:well, ill, alone, content, unable, worth, afraid, alive, asleep, ashamed, awake, aware例如:an ill boy, an alone village就是用错的短语。可以说an ill idea“坏点子”,ill当定语时是转义,不是“有病的”了。3. 英语形容顺序当两个以上形容词修饰一个名词,形容词该如何排列?为什么不能说a black new pen,而是说成a new black pen? 这里面有无规则可循?如果你记住下列口决:好美小高状其新,颜色国料特别近。那你就能掌握英语中系列形容
38、词做前置定语时的排列问题。“好”代表评价性的形容词,如nice, good, kind等;“美”指描述物体给人的心理感受的形容词,如beautiful, pretty, handsome, ugly, good-looking, lovely等;“小”指描述物体大小的形容词,如small, big, large, little等;“高”指描述物体的高低/矮的形容词,如tall, high, short, deep, wide, shallow, thick等;“状”指描述物体形状的形容词。如round, square, narrow等;“其”是整个口诀中的语气词,无含义。“新”指描述物体新旧的
39、形容词。如new, old young等。“颜色”就是red, green, blue, pink, black, yellow, purple这类词语。“国”也就是描述国籍类的形容词。如Chinese, Germany, Russian, Spanish等。“料”指描述物体制成所用的材料。如plastic, metal, wood, aluminum, wool, cotton, glass, steel等。英语中这六类形容词连用时就按上述先后顺序排列,如a nice long new black British plastic pen 当然,实际语言使用中不可能出现这么多形容词连用的情况。
40、4. 英语同源形容词的区别在英语中某些词有两种或两种以上的形容词形式,它们词形相近,但词义不同,容易用错。 v-ing 表示事物的特征 v-ed 表示人的心理感受frightening 令人恐惧的Frightened对感到恐惧delightingdelightedannoyingannoyedexcitingexcited【典型例题】The boy on the tree asked in a voice,“Are you sure Im going to land on the mat?”A. happy B. frightened C. frightening D. embarrassin
41、g答案B。树上的孩子害怕地问道:“你们确信我会落到垫子上吗?”a frightened voice,表明树上的孩子心理很恐惧。5.“定冠词the+形容词”表示一类人或物,用做主语时,谓语用复数形式。例如:the young 年青人 the weak 弱者 the strong 强者the disabled 残疾人 the old/aged老年人 the injured受伤人员E.g: The injured in the traffic accident have been rushed to the nearest hospital. 交通事故中受伤的人员已经被迅速送到最近的医院去了。6.“
42、not +比较级”并不表示否定,而是表示正面的肯定。例如:I couldnt agree more. 我绝对赞同。You couldnt have chosen a better gift for me.你挑选给我的是最好的礼物。7. 并非所有的形容词都有比较级。如:superior, senior, junior, similar, different, necessary, impossible等形容词没有比较级、最高级的用法。【典型例题】After we compare the two, we find this design is that one.A. more superior t
43、o B. far superior than C. more superior than D. far superior to答案D。“对比之后,我们发现这款设计比那一款要优越”。形容词superior没有比较级形式,选项A.C.用了比较级,故错误;superior 与to搭配连用,故B也错。8. 连系动词seem, feel, sound, appear, remain, look, go, turn, get, become常接形容词构成系表结构。例如:The witness remained silent over the matter for some reasons. 出于某些原因,
44、目击者对此事保持沉默。Your proposal sounds very practical. 你的提议听起来很实用。Exercises:1. Several hours later, with the help of the police, the students managed to escape from the dangerous place, .A. hungry and frightened B. hungrily and frighteningC. hungry and frightening D. hungrily and frightened2. l feel even n
45、ow.A . bad B. well C. worse D. worst3. She was very happy. She ran of all the runners.A. fastest B. the quickest C. slowest D. quickly4. Keep quiet, please. Its noisy here.A. many too B. too many C. much too D. too much5. Have you spoken to a foreigner? No, A. already; never B. ever; never C. yet; a
46、lready D. ever; ever6. He is taller than in his class.A. any boy B. any c. any other boy D. some other boys7. English is as as Chinese. You should learn it well.A. important B. more important C. the most important D. much more important8. Music is not so useful as science. Its useful than science.A.
47、 fewer B. less C. more D. a lot9. Weve never heard of story before.A. such a strange B. such strange C. so a strange D. so strange10. You must wear glasses. They can keep your eyes A. soft B. safe C. safely D. safety11. The box is heavy for the girl carry.A. too; to B. to; too C. so; that D. no; to1
48、2. As far as Im concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, .A. the more for life are you equipped B. the more equipped for life you areC. the more life you are equipped for D. you are equipped the more for life 四、副词一、成分1、作状语We should listen to the teachers carefully in class. 我们在
49、课上应该仔细听讲。(副词修饰动词)You are quite right. 你相当正确。(修饰形容词)He parked the car very easily. 他很容易地把汽车停放好了。(修饰副词)I usually go to school at 6:40 every morning. 我通常每天6点40去上学。(修饰整个句子)2、作定语有时少数地点副词和时间副词可以作定语,放在所修饰词的后边。People there used to drink or use the water in the river. 过去那儿的人们饮用那条河里的水。【注意】副词作定语时和介词短语作定语一样,一律后
50、置。3、作表语作表语的副词多数是表示位置的,如in, out, on, back, down, up, off, away, upstairs.He is in. 他在家。Whats on this evening? 今晚演什么节目?I must be off mow. 我现在必须走了。4、作宾语补足语Let them in.让他们进来。We saw her off two days ago. 两天前我们为她送行。二、副词在句中的位置1、在形容词之前。Its extremely hot today.Wind is a kind of environmentally friendly energ
51、y.2、在be动词、助动词之后。Im terribly sorry for what I have done to you.English is widely used all over the world.3、多个助动词时,副词一般放在第一个助动词后。但须注意:大多数方式副词位于句尾,但宾语过长,副词可以提前,以使句子平衡。We could see very clearly a strange light ahead of us. 我们能清晰地看到一束奇怪的光在我们的前头。方式副词well, badly(糟、坏),hard等只放在句尾。He speaks English well.4、地点副
52、词、时间副词和方式副词一般放在句末。【注意】地点副词作状语时要后置,不属于这种情况。Ill wait for you here. 我将在这儿等你。(地点副词)Ill meet him at the station tomorrow. 明天我将去车站接他。(时间副词)Tomorrow Ill meet him at the station.The boy wrote the homework quickly. 这个男孩子写作业很快。(方式副词)They did their experiments carefully in the lab yesterday. 昨天他们在实验室认真地做实验。(方式
53、地点时间)【注意】有时为了强调时间,也可把时间副词放在句首。Last week the students all worked well here. 这些学生上周在这里都做得很好。5、频度副词在句子位置有以下两种:在be动词、情态动词及第一个助动词之后。例如:She is always kind to us. 她对我们总是很好。(动词)I can never forget the day. 我永远也不能忘掉这一天。(情态动词)The work has never been done. 这件工作永远也做不完。在实义动词之前。例如:He often goes to school late.三、副词
54、的比较级和最高级规则副词比较级和最高级的变化形式与形容词基本上一样的,这里不再赘述。仅举几例:hard harder hardest fast faster fastestlate- later - latest early earlier earliest不规则副词well better - best much more mostbadly worse - worst little less least但是,派生类副词即以后缀-ly结尾的副词不能像形容词那样加-er 或-est,如quickly - more quickly - most quickly quietly - more qui
55、etly - most quietly【注意】early 中的ly不是后缀,故可以把y变i再加-er和-est四、副词的排列顺序1、时间、地点副词,小单位的在前,大单位在后。Lets make it 8:30 tomorrow morning.2、方式副词,短的在前,长的在后,并用and或but等连词连接。Please write slowly and carefully.3、多个不同副词排列,程度+地点+方式+时间副词【注意】副词very可以修饰形容词,但不能修饰动词。(错)I very like English.(对) I like English very much.【注意】副词enou
56、gh要放在形容词的后面,形容词enough放在名词前后都可。I dont know him well enough.There is enough food for everyone to eat.五、副词的构成除了often, seldom, always, already, ever, fast, straight等副词外,一般情况下,在形容词末尾加上-ly就成了副词,一些以-l结尾的形容词变副词时须双写l,然后加-ly。如:slow slowly, quick quickly , clear clearly, obvious obviouslyphysical physically, m
57、ental mentally, peaceful peacefully另外少数-le结尾的形容词变副词时,-le直接换成-ly。Terrible Terribly gentle gently comfortable comfortably true truly但需注意:下列-ly结尾的词多用做形容词。friendly, deadly, lovely, lively, likely, lonely, weekly, monthly, orderly, warmly六、come, go, head, arrive等动词与下列副词连用时,不用介词。drive downtown驾车去商业区 go up
58、stairs上楼 come downstairs下楼live abroad住在国外 stay indoors呆在室内 play outdoors在户外玩go home回家 get there去那儿 arrive here 到这儿衔接学习:1、否定副词(no, hardly, scarcely, seldom, rarely, little, few等)置于句首用部分倒装。例如Hardly had the criminal arrived at the airport when the policemen arrested him. 罪犯一到机场就被警察抓住。Seldom does my fat
59、her drink unless there comes a good friend. 我父亲很少饮酒,除非有好朋友来。Under no circumstances will Mary give up the idea of going go college. 任何情况下玛丽都不会放弃上大学的想法2、当副词here, there, now, out, in, up, down, away, then, back, off等放在句首时,须用完全倒装句式。Here comes the bus! 公共汽车来了。Now comes your turn! 现在轮到你了。The door opened,
60、and in came Mr Wan. 门开了,万先生进来了。A strong wind blew and away went his hat. 一阵强风刮来,他的帽子飞走了。3、高中有这些词如:strangely, unfortunately, obviously, clearly, additionally, hopefully常用于句首修饰整个句子,对整个句子做评注。Unfortunately,the village was covered by a heavy mud storm. 很不幸地,这个村庄被泥石流给埋没了。Obviously , they have already know
61、n the result of the interview. 显然他们已经知晓面试的结果。Hopefully the problem will be solved soon. 这个问题有望很快得到解决。4、兼有两种形式的副词(1)close与closelyclose意思是“近”; closely意思是“仔细地“。例如:He is sitting close to me.Watch him closely.(2)late 与latelylate 意思是“晚”;lately意思是“最近”。例如:You have come too late.What have you been doing late
62、ly?(3)deep与deeplydeep意思是“深”,表示空间深度;deeply时常表示感情上的深度,“深深地”。例如:He pushed the stick deep into the mud.Even father was deeply moved by the film.(4)high与highlyhigh表示空间高度;highly表示程度,相当于much.例如:The plane was flying high.I think highly of your opinion.(5)wide与widelywide表示空间宽度;widely意思是“广泛地”,“在许多地方”,例如:He op
63、ened his mouth wide.English is widely used in the world.(6)free与freelyfree的意思是“免费”;freely的意思是“无限制地”。例如You can eat free in my restaurant whenever you like.You may speak freely, say what you like.5、有些副词如:however, therefore, nevertheless, thus, meanwhile等用在句中,起前后过度作用。例如:There is little chance that we w
64、ill succeed in changing the law. Nevertheless, it is important that we try. 我们几乎没有可能改变法律。不过,重要的是我们努力争取。Exercises:1. What was the weather like yesterday?lt was terrible. It rained so that people could go out.A. hardlyhard B. hardlyhardly C. hardhardly D. hardhard2. Three years , he became a driver.A.
65、 late B. later C. lately D. more lately3. Do you think the fish tastes ?She cooked it , l think.A. good, good B. well, good C. well, well D. good, well4. She played the piano than we had thought.A.successful B. successfully C. more successful D. more successfully5. lll go and visit you nest week.A.
66、sometime B. sometimes C. some times D. some time6. You dont see the professor from Singapore quite often, do you?No, we only meet .A. eventually B. constantly C. occasionally D. frequently7. The key English well is to read more when A. to learn; possible B. of learning; possiblyC. of learning; was p
67、ossible D. to learning; possible8. had they left the train they realized they had left their bag in the car.A. Hardlywhen B. Hardlythan C. No soonerwhen D. No soonerthen9. l couldnt find my English-Chinese dictionary .A. somewhere B. everywhere C. nowhere D. anywhere10. l dont stand a chance of gett
68、ing the job.Dont be silly, you mustnt put yourself .A. down B. up C. off D. away11. Do you think that the evening party was a success?Yes, ! Its couldnt be .A. relatively; better B. absolutely; betterC. approximately; more perfect D. fortunately; more excellent12. On Teachers Day , We all went to sc
69、hool to see our teachers.A. especially B. specially C. particularly D. attentively第三章 句子的成分和基本句型句子成分:组成句子的各个部分叫作句子成分。英语的句子成分和中文的句子成分大致相同,可分为:主语,谓语,宾语,表语,定语,状语,宾语补语。一、主语表明句子里所谈的是:“什么人”或“什么物”,主语常用名词、代词或相当于名词的词或短语充当。例如:Lily likes her new bike.(名词) 莉莉喜欢她的新自行车。He gets up early every day.(代词) 他每天都起得很早。To
70、learn English well is not easy.(不定式短语)学好英语不容易。二、谓语说明主语“做什么”、“是什么”或“怎么样”,英语中谓语只能用动词充当。例如:We work hard.我们努力工作。The boy caught a bird. 那个男孩逮住一只鸟。He is my father. 他是我父亲。They all look fine. 他们都很好。谓语和主语在人称和数方面必须保持一致。例如:I am reading. You are reading. HeShe is reading. We are reading.三、宾语宾语是动作行为的对象。由名词、代词或相当
71、于名词或代词的词或短语充当,和及物动词一起构成谓语,说明主语“做什么”。例如:Tom bought a story-book.(名词)汤姆买了一本故事书。I saw him yesterday. (代词)昨天我看到他了。He wanted to have a cup of tea. (不定式短语)他想要一杯茶。直接宾语和间接宾语有些及物动词可以有两个宾语,一个指人,一个指物,指人的叫作间接宾语,指物的叫直接宾语。合称双宾。例如:He gave me some ink . 他给了我一些墨水。间接宾语 直接宾语 Our teacher told us an interesting story. 老
72、师给我妈讲了一个有趣的故事。间接宾语 直接宾语四、表语说明主语“是什么”或“怎么样”,与连系动词一起构成谓语,表语由名词、形容词、或相当于名词或形容词的词或短语等充当。例如:My sister is a nurse.(名词)我的姐姐是一名护士。They were at home.(介词短语)他们在家里。She got angry. (形容词)她生气了。Her grandfather is over eighty years old.(数词)她的祖父八十多岁了。五、定语定语是修饰名词或代词的,可以作定语的除形容词外,还有名词、代词、数词、介词短语或相当于形容词的词或短语等。例如:This is
73、a green cup.(形容词)这是一个绿色的杯子。Are these students your classmates? (代词)这些学生是你班的吗?Winter is the coldest season of the year.(介词短语)冬天是一年中最冷的季节。I have something important to tell you.(不定式)我有重要的事情要告诉你。The people here are very friendly.(副词)这里的人们非常友好。注意:形容词作定语时通常放在被修饰的词之前。而介词短语、不定式短语或副词等作定语时则放在被修饰的词之后。六、状语状语是修
74、饰动词、形容词、或副词的,有的修饰全句。可以作状语的主要是副词和介词短语或相当于副词的词或短语等。例如:You are quite right .(副词) 你非常正确。Mr.Wu comes to the school by bike. (介词短语) 吴老师骑自行车上学校。She will arrive in Beijing on Monday. (介词短语)她将于星期一到达北京。He stopped to have a look. (不定式短语)他停下来看了看。七、宾语补足语有些及物动词的宾语后边还需要有一个补足语,意思才能够完整。宾语和它的补足语构成复合宾语。例如:We call her
75、Xiao Li. 宾语 宾语补足语You must keep the room clean and tidy. 宾语 宾语补足语John asked me to help him with his Chinese. 宾语 宾语补足语I will have my hair cut tomorrow. 宾语 宾语补足语We saw the boy playing basketball on the playground just now. 宾语 宾语补足语句子成分巧记歌诀 主谓宾表定状补, 七种成分记清楚。 句子主干主谓宾(表),枝叶成分定状补。 定语修饰主宾表, 宾语之后常有补。 主谓人称数一致
76、, 状语位置最灵活。Exercises:指出下列句子中划线部分的成分。1We all study hard at English.A. 主语 B. 谓语 C. 宾语 D.表语2Betty likes her new bike very much. A. 主语 B.谓语 C.宾语 D.表语3My brother is a policeman. A. 主语 B.谓语 C.宾语 D.表语4Were you at home last night? A.定语 B.状语 C.宾补 D.表语5Winter is the coldest season of the year. A 定语 B.状语 C.宾补 D
77、.表语6He often walks in the park. A.定语 B.状语 C.宾语 D.表语7Mary asked me to help her yesterday.A.定语 B.状语 C.宾补 D.表语8He bought me a nice present last week. A.宾语 B.直接宾语 C.间接宾语 D.宾补9His parents are doctors.A.宾语 B.表语 C.谓语 D.定语10Ill get you some tea now.A.宾语 B.直接宾语 C.间接宾语 D.宾补11My mother told us an interesting s
78、tory last night.A.表语 B.直接宾语 C.间接宾语 D.宾补12He has read the book twice.A.主语 B.谓语 C.表语 D.宾语13They seemed unhappy when they heard the news.A.表语 B.谓语 C.宾语 D.定语14Do you have something to eat ?A.状语 B.定语 C.宾语 D.宾补15We made him our monitor.A.宾语 B.定语 C. 状语 D.宾补简单句的基本句型: 由一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)所构成的句子叫简单句。根据句子的
79、基本结构,简单句分为5种基本句型:1SV;(主语 不及物动词)I can swim. 我会游泳。主语 谓语(不及物动词)Everything changes. 万物都在变。主语 谓语The plane has already arrived. 飞机已经抵达。 主语 谓语2SVO;(主语及物动词宾语)I like English. 我喜欢英语。主语 谓语 宾语They are reading books . 他们在看书。主语. 谓语 宾语He bought a computer last week. 他上周买了台电脑。主语 谓语 宾语3SVP;(主语连系动词表语)My mother is a s
80、cientist. 我母亲是个科学家。主语 谓语 表语She looks young. 她看上去很年轻。主语 谓语 表语The food tastes very delicious. 这食物尝起来很香。主语 谓语 表语4SVIODO;(主语及物动词间接宾语直接宾语)My mother bought me a dictionary yesterday. 我母亲昨天给我买了本字典。主语 谓语 间接宾语 直接宾语Can you give me the math book? 你能给我那本数学书吗?谓语 主语 谓语 间接宾语 直接宾语Will you tell us something about yo
81、ur school life? 你给我讲讲你们的学习生活,好吗?谓语 主语 谓语 间接宾语 直接宾语5SVOOc;(主语及物动词宾语补语) We must keep our classroom clean and tidy. 我们必须保持教室干净、整洁。主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语My mother asks me to speak English as much as possible. 我母亲要求我尽可能多地讲英语。 主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语I heard her singing happily in the room just now. 刚才我听到她在房间里高兴地唱着歌。主语 谓语
82、宾语 宾语补足语简单句五种基本句型巧记歌诀:英语句子万万千,五大句型把线牵。句型种类看动词,后接成分是关键。系词之后接表语,不及物后无需连。及物又可分三类,单宾双宾最常见。还有宾语补足语,各种搭配记心间。Exercises:指出下列句子的基本类型1They are listening.2My mother is fifty now.3I have bought three books.4My friend gave me a birthday present.5I painted the wall white.6The boss often makes the workers work twe
83、lve hours a day.7They arrived at six oclock.8The map is on the wall9Children often sing this song.10Mr Wu teaches us English.11She showed her friends all her pictures.12I find him a lovely boy.请朗读以下句子,划分下列句子的成分,并指出他们分别属于简单句中的哪种。1. Our country consumes a large number of plastic bags.2. The super-thin
84、 bags are the main source of white pollution.3. We should encourage people to return to carrying cloth bags.4. The new rule came out.5. Enviornmental groups welcome the new rule.6. They can stop using plastic bags.7. What is particularly positive is that it involves public participation.8. Shops don
85、t offer free plastic bags to their consumers.9. Hong Kong and Australia are considering measures to curb plastic bag litter.10. Chinese consumers have gotten used to free plastic shopping bags.第四章 简单句的种类英语句子按结构可分为三类:简单句,并列句和复合句:1、 简单句Simple Sentences含有一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)的句子。e.g. He often reads E
86、nglish in the morning.Tom and Mike are American boys.2、 并列句Compound Sentences包含两个或两个以上主谓结构的句子且句子之间有并列连词and/but等或用分号连接。e.g. You help him and he helps you.The future is bright; the road is tortuous.3、 复合句Complex Sentences 包含一个主句和一个从句或一个主句和多个从句的句子,且从句用从属连词引导。定语从句,状语从句,名词性从句都是复合句。e.g. The foreign visito
87、rs took a lot of pictures when they were at the Great Wall.按照句子的功能,简单句可分为4类:陈述句,疑问句,祈使句,和感叹句。一、陈述句用来陈述一件事或表达一种看法。1肯定式:主语谓语I came here last night. 我是昨晚到这儿的。The earth turns around the sun. 地球绕着太阳转。We have many friends. 我们有很多朋友。Zhang Hong likes dancing. 张红喜欢跳舞。2否定式:如果句子的谓语动词是behave或有助动词和情态动词,在它们之后加not构
88、成否定式。China is not a developed country. 中国不是一个发达国家。He hasnt been to Hangzhou. 他没去过杭州。We cant live without air. 没有空气,我们就不能生存。They will not (wont) go there. 他们将不去那里。如果句子的谓语是行为动词,而又没有助动词或情态动词时,在谓语动词前加助动词do(第三人称单数用does,过去式用did)再加not构成否定式。I dont want to go. 他不想去。He doesnt like English. 他不喜欢英语。She didnt go
89、 to the party last night. 昨晚她没有去参加晚会。二、 疑问句英语中的疑问句分为一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句。1. 一般疑问句用yes或no来回答的疑问句。Are you from England? 你是英格兰人吗?Do you speak English? 你讲英语吗?Will you be free tomorrow? 你明天有空吗?2. 特殊疑问句用疑问代词或疑问副词提问的句子,不用yes或no回答。Whose bike is the newest? 谁的自行车最新?Who teaches you English? 谁教你们英语?Who are
90、you waiting for? 你在等谁?When will the meeting begin? 会议将在什么时候开始?Why didnt you tell me earlier? 你为什么不早点告诉我呢?3. 选择疑问句提出两个或两个以上的情况让对方选择。选择疑问句由“一般疑问句or一般疑问句”构成,其中后一个问句中与前一个句中的相同部分被省略。不用yes或no回答,要用完整的句子回答。Is Kates hair long or short? Its long. 凯特的头发是长还是短? 是长的。Shall we go by bus or walk? By bus. 我们是乘车去还是步行呢
91、? 乘车去4. 反意疑问句前一部分陈述一件事实,后一部分对前面的陈述提出相反的疑问。即前一部分如果是肯定结构,后一部分用否定结构;如果前一部分是否定结构,后一部分用肯定结构。You are from England, arent you? 你是英格兰人,对吗?He can swim, cant he ? 他会游泳,对吗?Jim will go to England, wont he? 吉姆将去英国,是吗?Tom tells you about it, doesnt he? 汤姆告诉你那件事的,对吗?Jenny didnt come to school yesterday, did she? 珍
92、妮昨天没来上学,对吗?They havent been to the Great Wall, have they? 他们没有去过万里长城,是吗?Its not very cold today, is it? 今天天气不很冷, 是吗?Exercises:1. The teacher had a word with you,_?A. didnt he B. hadnt he C. didnt have he D. did not he2. You wont take back what you said,_?A. didnt you B. will you C. arent you D. were
93、 you3. Lets go to watch the football match,_?A. do we B. dont we C. shall we D. will you 4. Your family has no colour TV set,_?A. hasnt it B. doesnt it C. is it D. does it5. Miss Liu doesnt like dancing, does she? -_A. No, she does B. No, she do C. Yes, she does D. Yes, she is 6. Theres something wr
94、ong with the radio, _? A. hasnt there B. doesnt there C. isnt there D. is there三祈使句表示命令,请求或建议,主语通常省略说话对象是第二人称时,主语you一般省略。肯定式:谓语是动词原形(+宾语)否定式:Dont/Never+动词原形+例如:Be quiet,please. 请安静Please come in. 请进Dont be afraid. 别害怕说话对象式第一第三人称时,用“Let+宾语+动词原形”,否定式用“Let+宾语+not+动词原形”,也可以“Dont +let +宾语+动词原形”。例如:Lets g
95、o to school. 我们去上学吧Let him not come in.=Dont let him come in. 别让他进来四感叹句表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情感叹句有what和how开头的两种形式。What修饰名词,how修饰形容词,副词或动词,句末用感叹号。例如:1What+(a)+名词!What fun!多么有趣What+(a)+形容词+名词主语+谓语!What a beautiful picture it is!这是多么美的一幅画啊!口语中,常省略主语和谓语。例如:What a good idea!多好的主意啊!2How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!How interesting t
96、he film is!这电影真有趣!3How+主语+谓语!How she works!她工作多努力啊!How I wanted to see you!我多么想见到你啊!Exercises:1_clever boy he is!A. How B. What C. How a D. What a2_beautiful the Daming Lake looks!A. What a B. How C. What D. How a3_ wonderful film it is !A. What B. How C. What a D. So4_ happy life we are living toda
97、y !A. What B. What a C. How D. How a5_all these dustmen are working!A. How hard B. What hard C. How hardly D. What hardlyExercises:指出下列句子的种类。1. Im from London.2. Dont speak to me now.3. Lucy likes bananas.4. Do you like cooking?5. What about you?6Is it Lucy or Lily?7. Nice to meet you!8. This way, p
98、lease.9. He doesnt work on a farm.10. What a fine day it is! 第五章 动词的时态与语态动词时态时态是表示行为、动作和状态在各种时间条件下的动词形式。英语中有16种时态。常用的时态有:一般现在时、一般过去时、现在完成时、过去完成时、现在进行时、过去进行时、过去将来时、将来进行时、将来完成时。处理时态问题首先要把握各种动词时态所表达的时间概念,注意捕捉决定时态的信息。如:表示时间的副词、短语和从句。有时还要通过上下文的时间关系以及题目设置的语境去挖掘隐藏信息。形式时间一般进行完成现在dodoesamis doingarehave done
99、has过去didwasdoingwerehad done将来Shalldowillwill be doingshall have donewill过去将来Shoulddowouldwould be doing(一)一般现在时1通常表示现阶段经常发生的动作、存在状态或经常的习惯性的动作。常与often, usually, always, sometimes, today, every five minutes, on Sundays等时间状语连用。She is always ready to help others. 她总是乐于助人。The old man goes to park every
100、morning. 这位老人每天早上都去公园。2表示永恒的真理以及客观事实。The earth goes round the sun. 地球绕着太阳转。3表示按规定或计划要发生的动作。The train starts at seven in the morning. 火车早上七点出发。4在时间和条件状语从句中代替一般将来时。Ill go with you, if you are free tomorrow. 如果你明天有空,我就会和你一起去。(二)一般过去时1一般过去时表示过去某一时间发生的动作或情况。常与表示过去的时间状语ago, yesterday , last week, in the o
101、ld days ,when I was five years old, in 1995 等连用。I met him yesterday. 昨天我遇见了他。They began to work two months ago. 两个月前他们开始工作。2一般过去时多和表示过去了的时间状语连用。但是有时候句子并没有过去的时间状语,这时就要通过语境、说话人的口气来判断。He wrote a novel. 他写了一部小说。I didnt expect you were waiting for us. 我没预料到你正在等我们。3used to do sth. 意为“过去常常做某事”,暗含“现在不做了”之意。
102、be used to do sth. 意为“被用于做某事”,不定式表示目的,可用于多种时态。be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事。He used to get up early . 过去他总是早起。(现在不这样了)He will be used to getting up early . 他将会习惯早起。Wood is used to make paper. 木材被用来造纸。(三)一般将来时1、表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态,常用的时间状语有later(on), soon, in a month, next time, from now on, tomorrow等。I sha
103、ll be eighteen years old next year. 明年我就十八岁了。He will not go to the airport to meet her this afternoon. 今天下午他不去机场接她。2、一般将来时的其它表示形式(1)一般现在时表将来按照计划或时刻表要发生的事情。The new library opens next month. 新图书馆下月开放。The plane takes off at 3:00 P.m. 飞机于下午三点起飞。在条件状语从句和时间状语从句中用一般现在时表将来。If you leave tomorrow , Ill see yo
104、u at the airport. 如果你明天走,我到机场送你。When she comes, Ill tell her about it. 她来时我将把这件事告诉她。(2)现在进行时表将来现在进行时表示将来,往往是指计划好或准备要做的事。一些表示动作转换的终止性动词,如go, come, leave, start, begin,stay,take off,arrive等,或者也称为位移性动词,其进行时表示马上要做某事。Im taking the kids to the zoo this Sunday. 这个周日我将带孩子们去动物园。He is leaving school in one ye
105、ars time.他一年后就要毕业了。(3)be to do sth结构表示计划中约定的或按职责、义务和要求必须去做的事或即将发生的动作。The president is to visit Japan in May.主席将于五月访问日本。Im to get married next year. 我明年结婚。(4)be about to do. 结构表示“刚要做某事,马上要做某事,正要做某事”,强调动作即将发生(不跟表将来的时间状语连用)。We are about to discuss this problem.我们将马上讨论这个问题。They were about to leave when
106、the telephone rang. 他们正要离开时电话响了。3、will和be going to的区别。(1)will多表示带意愿色彩的将来或客观上将来要发生的事,也可表示临时做出决定将要做的事。I will stay with you and help you. 我会和你一起并且帮助你。You have left the light on. 你还开着灯呢。 Oh, so I have. I will go and turn it off. 哦,确实是的。我马上去关掉它。(2)be going to常用于口语中,主要用来表示将发生的动作或存在的状态、打算或准备要做的事或根据某种迹象判断可能
107、将要发生的事。Theres going to be an English film this evening. 今晚有一场英文电影。Look at those clouds. Its going to rain. 看那些乌云,要下雨了。(四)现在完成时1、表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。常与already, ever, never, just ,yet等副词连用。I have just finished my homework. 我刚刚完成我的家庭作业。He has been to Germany. 他去过德国。2、表示从过去某时刻开始,持续到现在的动作或情况,并且有可
108、能会继续持续下去,此时经常用延续性动词。时间状语常用since加一个过去的时间点,或for加一段时间,或加一个现在时间。I have known him for three years. 我认识他三年了。He has lived here since 1995.他自1995年以来就住在这儿。【注意】(1)因为含有for加一段时间或since加一时间点这样的时间状语的完成时,有延续性的特点,所以不能使用瞬间动词。My sister has been married for 5 years.我姐姐结婚五年了。My sister has married. Dont disturb her. 我姐姐已
109、经结婚了。不要打扰她。(2)在This/That/It is the first/second/third/.time that.句型里,从句要用现在完成时。This is the second time that the products of our company have been shown in the International Exhibition. 这是我公司产品第二次参加国际展览会。(3)句型It is/has been.since.所使用的两种时态都正确。It is/has been 10 years since I last saw him. 从我上次见到他以来已经有1
110、0年了。(五)过去完成时1、过去完成时是一个相对时态,表示过去的过去,只有在两个过去发生的动作相比较时才可显示出来。When we got to the station, the train had left.2、过去完成时表示截止到过去某一时间已经完成的动作。By the end of last month, we had reviewed four books. 截止到上个月末,我们已经复习了四本书。3、表示思维的动词用过去完成时,意为“原本(但事与愿违)”。I had thought that he would win. 我原以为他能赢。We had believed that he c
111、ould tell the truth. 我们原本相信他能够说实话。(六)现在进行时1、现在进行时表示说话时或现阶段正在进行的动作。Listen, someone is crying. 听,有人在哭。What are you doing these days? 这些天你们在干什么?2、有时,现在进行时也与always等副词连用,表示反复出现的习惯性动作,用以表达说话人赞扬、讨厌等情绪。He is always asking the same question. 他总是问同一个问题。(厌烦)3、动词go, come, leave, arrive, start, begin, end等表将要发生的
112、动作时也用现在进行时。They are leaving for Shanghai. 他们将动身去上海。4、状态动词be, have, belong to, remember, know, love, like, prefer, remember, forget, hope, wish, want, see, hear, find, feel等一般不用于进行时。Do you know where he is? 你知道他在哪儿吗?(七)过去进行时1、表示在过去某一时刻或过去一段时间内正在发生的动作。I was doing my homework at this time yesterday. 昨天
113、的这个时候我正在做作业。2、如果when, while这样的时间状语引导词所引导的主从句之一是一般过去时,则另一个句子常用过去进行时。I was washing my hair when you knocked at the door. 你敲门的时候我正在洗头发。【辨析】现在完成时与一般过去时现在完成时是联系过去和现在的纽带,它强调过去的动作对现在的影响;一般过去时只表示过去的某个具体时间里发生的动作,与现在没有联系。试比较:He has worked in that hospital for 8 years. (表示他从过去开始工作,一直工作到现在,可能现在仍在那家医院工作。)他已经在那家医
114、院里工作了8年。He worked in that hospital for 8 years. (这只是讲述一个过去的事实,表示他现在已经不在那家医院了。)他曾经在那家医院工作了8年。Have you had your lunch? 你吃午饭了吗?What did you have for lunch? 你午饭吃的是什么?I have ever been to the Great Wall, and I went there last summer. 我去过长城,我去年夏天去的。Exercises:1. I took a photo of you just now.Really? I with
115、 attention.A. didnt look B. wasnt looking C. am not looking D. havet looked 2. You havent said a word about my new hair-style. What do you think of it? Im sorry I anything about it sooner. I certainly think its pretty.A. dont say B. wasnt saying C. didnt say D. havent said3. Can I help you, Madam. N
116、o, thanks, I .A. have just looked around B. just look aroundC. am just looking around D. just looked around4. That famous cherry tree because of pollution.Yes, we have to do something to save it.A. has died B. had died C. is died D. is dying5. She ought to stop reading; she has a headache because sh
117、e too long.A. had read B. read C. is reading D. has been reading6. Youre talking too much.Only at home. No one me but you.A. is hearing B. had heard C. hears D. heard7. What have you been doing? I asked you a question. Why didnt you answer?Sorry, I to the news on the radio.A. listened B. have listen
118、ed C. was listening D. had listened8. You should have told him the date earlier.I , but he forgot about it.A. did B. have C. had D. should have9. You could have asked Tom for help, for he is good at physics.Really? Oh, a whole night ,Why didnt you tell me earlier?A. is wasted B. was wasted C. had wa
119、sted D. has wasted10. The thief tried to break away from the policeman who him but failed.A. held B. had held C. would hold D. was holding11. You exercises at your desk! Why not take some exercise?A. always do B. are always doing C. have always done D. have always been doing12. What were you up to w
120、hen she dropped in?I for a while and some reading.A. was playing; was going to go B. played; didC. had played; was going to go D. had played; did用括号中动词的适当形式填空。1.It is the fourth time that Mike (travel) to China.2.He (not finish)the work by the end of last month.3.LiMing (know) him since then.4.I (re
121、ceive) a letter from my brother last night.5.We (be ) to London many times before we left England.6.How long you (learn) English by the end of this term?7.He (live) in this city since he (leave) his hometown.When did he (leave) there?He there three years ago.8.His father (be) in the Party for years.
122、When he (join) the Party?He (join) the Party in 1996.9.It (rain )for such a long time!When it (rain)?It (rain) 3 hours ago.10.I (hope)to be back last night, but I (not catch) the train.11.Hello, may I speak to John? (speak).动词的语态语态有两种:主动语态和被动语态。主语是动作的发出者为主动语态;主语是动作的接受者为被动语态。(1) 被动语态1) 用法A 不知道动作的执行者是
123、谁。B 没有必要指出动作的执行者C 强调动作的承受着。(2)被动语态的构成及用法1) 被动语态最基本的句型结构是: be +及物动词过去分词 一般现在时:is/am/are+done一般过去时:was/were+done现在进行时:is/am/are+being+done过去进行时:was/were+being+done一般将来时:will+be+done过去将来时:would+be+done现在完成时:have/has+been+done过去完成时:had+been +done2) 被动语态中的谓语动词一定要是及物动词因为被动句中的主语是动作的承受者,某些短语动词如look after, t
124、hink of, take care of, work out, laugh at等,也可用于被动语态。The children were taken good care of by her. 【注意】短语动词中的介词或副词变成被动语态时不可遗漏。3) 主动语态变为被动语态要加“to”的情况若宾语补足语是不带to 的不定式,变为被动语态时,该不定式前要加“to”。此类动词为感官动词,如:feel, hear, help, listen to, look at, make, observe, see, notice, watch等。例如:The teacher made me go out of
125、 the classroom.I was made to go out of the classroom (by the teacher).4) 主动形式表示被动意义 1)如wash, clean, cut, read, wear, draw, write, sell等动词虽然用做主动形式却表示被动的意义。例如:The pen writes smoothly.2) 感官动词如feel,look,smell,taste,sound等直接跟形容词作表语。The food tastes good.非谓语动词(只简要介绍初中部分内容,在高中阶段非谓语动词是重要语法项目,同学们要努力掌握)对非谓语动词的
126、考点是:感官动词后不定式作宾语补足语和动词ing形式作宾语补足语的用法;一些特殊动词的动词不定式作宾语补足语时不带to,但变为被动语态时就要带to;有些动词既可接不定式也可接动词ing形式作宾语,但表达的意思不同。这些都是历年中考的重点。(1)非谓语动词的形式非谓语动词指的是在句中起名词,形容词或副词作用的动词形式,而不是作谓语的动词形式。 动词的非谓语形式分为动名词,分词,动词不定式。(2)不定式作宾语补足语Father will not allow us to play on the street.(3)不定式作目的状语He ran so fast as to catch the firs
127、t bus.(4)用不定式和分词作补足语都可以的动词这样的动词有感官动词如:see, hear, look, notice, observe, feel等,使役动词如:have, make, leave, keep, get等。接不定式表示动作的完整性,真实性;+doing 表示动作的连续性,进行性。I saw him work in the garden yesterday.昨天我看见他在花园里干活了。(强调“我看见了”这个事实)I saw him working in the garden yesterday.(强调“我见他正干活”这个动作)昨天我见他正在花园里干活。(5)用不带to不定式
128、的情况使役动词如: let, have, make等和感官动词如: see, watch, hear, listen to, smell, feel, find 等后作宾补,省略to。在被动语态中则to不能省掉。(6)接动名词与不定式意义不同1) stop to do停止,中断做某事后去做另一件事。stop doing停止做某事。2) forget to do忘记要去做某事。 (未做)forget doing忘记做过某事。 (已做)3) remember to do 记得去做某事。 (未做)remember doing记得做过某事。 (已做)4) try to do努力,企图做某事。try d
129、oing 试验,试着做某事。5) go on to do做了一件事后,接着做另一件事。go on doing 继续做原来做的事。6) mean to do 打算、想mean doing意味着4. 容易混淆的常用动词的辨析(1) say, speak, talk, tell的用法。1) say表示讲话,作为及物动词使用,后跟宾语或宾语从句。He said he would go there.Its time to leave. We have to say goodbye to you.2)speak表示“讲话”,一般作为不及物动词使用,而有时作为及物动词后面跟上各种语言作为宾语。Do you
130、speak English?May I speak to Mr Pope, please?3) talk表示“谈话”,是不及物动词,与to , about, with等连用,才可宾语。What are you talking about?Mr Jackson is talking with my father in the office now.4) tell 表示“告诉,讲述”是及物动词,可以带双宾语或复合宾语。She told us an interesting story yesterday.My teacher told me that we would have an English
131、 exam the next month.(2) look, see, watch和watch的用法。1) look强调“看”这个动作,是不及物动词,常与at连用,然后接宾语。Look! The girl is swimming in the lake.Look at the picture carefully. Can you find something unusual?2) see 指“看见”某物,强调的是结果。They cant see the words on the blackboard.Does Lily often go to see a film on Sunday?3) w
132、atch 指的是“观看”,“注视”之意。The twins are watching TV now.He will go to watch a volleyball match.4) read指“看书”、“看报”、“阅读”之意。Dont read in the sun.I like to read newspapers when I am free.(3) borrow, lend和keep的区别。1) borrow意思为“借入”,常常与from连用,是非延续性动词,表示瞬间即能完成的动作。Meimei borrowed a book from the library just now.May
133、 I borrow your dictionary?2) lend 是“借出”之意,常常与to连用,同borrow一样,是非延续性动词,只表示瞬间即能完成的动作。Uncle Wany has lent his car to Mr Li.Could you lend us your radio, please?3) keep是“保存”的意思,动作可以延续。How long can the recorder be kept?The farmer kept the pat for two weeks.(4) bring, take, carry 和get的用法。1) bring意思为“拿来”、“带来
134、”。指将某物或某人从别处“带来”。Bring me the book, please.May I bring Jim to see you next Saturday?2) take意思是“拿走”,“带走”,把某物或某人从这里“带来”或“拿到”某处之意。It looks like rain. Take a raincoat with you.Mother took the little girl to the next room.3) carry 是“带着、搬运、携带”的意思,指随身携带,有背着、扛着、抱着、提着的含义,不表明来去的方向。Do you always carry a handba
135、g?The box is heavy. Can you carry it?4) get是去某处将某物拿回来。Please go to my office to get some chalk.There is no water in the bottle. Why not get some?(5) wear, put on和dress的区别1) wear是“穿着”“戴着”的意思,可以用于穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽子、戴手套、佩戴首饰等,强调“穿着”的状态。Tom always wears black shoes.He wears a raincoat even when it is fine.She d
136、oesnt like to wear a red flowers in her hair.2) put on是“穿上”“戴上”的意思,可以用于穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽等。着重于穿戴的动作。Its cold. Youd better put on your coat.He put on his hat and went out of the room.3) dress可以作及物动词和不及物动词,有“穿着”“打扮”的意思。作“穿着”解时,只用于穿衣服,不用于穿鞋、戴帽、戴手套。作为及物动词用时,它的宾语是人,不是衣服。dress sb. (给某人穿衣服),而wear作“穿着”用时,也是及物动词,但它的宾
137、语是物,不是人,即wear sth.(穿着衣物)。She always dresses well.Get up and dress quickly.Mary is dressing her child.(6) take, spend 和use的用法。1) take指做某事用多少时间,句型是:It takes/took/ will take + sb. +some time + to do sth.It took me three days to finish the work.It will take you a while week to travel thought the forest.
138、It takes only one hour to fly to Shanghai.2) spend指某人在某事(物)上花费时间或钱。句型是:Someone spends + money/time + on something(in) doing sth.She spent more than 500 yuan on that coat.He didnt spend much time on his lessons.He spent much time (in) correcting students exercises.Mother spent her evenings (in) washi
139、ng clothes.3) use表示使用工具、手段等。Do you know how to use the computer?Shall we use your car?(7)reach, get 和arrive的区别。1) reach是及物动词,后面要直接跟表示地点的名词作宾语。After the train had left, they reached the stationWe reached the top of the mountain at last.2) get是不及动词,常与to连用,再接名词,后面接表示地点的副词时,不用to,get to常用于口语中。When the st
140、udents got to the cinema, the film had begun.My sister was cooking when mother got home.3) arrive是不及物动词,表示到达一个小地方时,用arrive at, 到达一个大地方时用arrive in。The soldiers arrived at a small villageThe foreigners will arrive in Shanghai tomorrow.【演练】1. Listen! Some of the girls _ about Harry Potter. Lets join th
141、em.A. are talking B. talkC. will talk D. talked2. Our teacher, Miss Chen, _English on the radio the day before yesterday.A. teaches B. taughtC. will teach D. had taught3. I dont think I _ you in that dress before.A. have seen B. was seeingC. saw D. see4. Susans parents have bought a large house with
142、 a swimming pool. It _ be very expensive.A. must B. can C. mustnt D. cant5. Coffee is ready. How nice it _ ! Would you like some?A. looks B. smells C. sounds D. feels6. “ Mr. Zhu, youd better _ too much meat. You are already over weight,” said the doctor.A. not to eat B. to eat C. not eat D. eat7. “
143、Dont always make Michael _ this or that. He is already a big boy, dear,” Mr. Bush said to his wife.A. do B. to do C. does D. did8. Sorry, I cant hear you clearly. Will you please _ your E-mail address? Ill write it down.A. review B. recite C. report D. repeat9. Dont _ your coat, Tom! Its easy to cat
144、ch cold in spring.A. take away B. take off C. take down D. take out10. You _ go and ask Meimei. She _ know the answer.A. must; can B. must; may C. need; can D. can; may11. Im sorry youve missed the train. It _ 10 minutes ago.A. left B. has left C. had left D. has been left12. I bought a new dictiona
145、ry and it _ me 30 yuan.A. paid B. spent C. took D. cost13. -Mum, may I go out and play basketball?-_ you _ your homework yet?A. Do; finish B. Are; finishing C. Did; finishing D. Have; finished14. I have to go now. Please remember to _ the lights when you leave.A. turn off B. turn down C. turn up D.
146、turn on15. A talk on Chinese history _ in the school next week.A. be given B. has been given C. will be given D. will give16. Look! How heavy the rain is! Youd better _.A. dont go now B. stay here when it stopsC. not leave until it stops D. not to leave at once17. You may go fishing if your work _.A
147、. is done B. will be done C. has done D. have done18. Cotton _ nice and soft.A. is felt B. is feeling C. feel D. feels19. -Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Dick?-John _.A. cleaned B. does C. did D. is20. -Linda had nothing for breakfast this morning, _?-No. She got up too late.A. had she B. had
148、nt she C. did she D. didnt she【练习答案】1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.D 11.A 12.D 13.D 14.A 15.C 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.C 20.C第六章 复合句(宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句)宾语从句考点集汇,讲解和训练一. 宾语从句的种类宾语从句是一种名词性从句,在句中作及物动词的宾语,或介词的宾语,或形容词的宾语。根据引导宾语从句的不同连词,宾语从句可分为三类。1. 由that引导的宾语从句。That只有语法作用,没有实在的意义,在口语和非正式文体中可以省略。例如:He said (t
149、hat) he wanted to stay at home.She doesnt know (that) she is seriously ill.I am sure (that) he will succeed.2. 由连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which和连接副词when, where, why, how引导的宾语从句。这些连接代词和连接副词在宾语从句中充当某个成分。例如:Do you know who (whom) they are waiting foe?He asked whose handwriting was the best.Can you te
150、ll me where the No.3 bus stop is?I dont know why the train is late.3. 由if或whether引导的宾语从句。If和whether在句中的意思是“是否”。例如:I want to know if (whether) he lives there.He asked me whether (if) I could help him.二. 宾语从句的语序宾语从句的语序应为陈述句的语序。例如:I hear (that) physics isnt easy.I think (that) you will like this school
151、 soon.Can you tell me how I can get to zoo?Please tell me when well have the meeting.三. 宾语从句的时态1. 如果主句的时态是一般现在时,宾语从句该用什麽时态就用什麽时态。例如:I dont think (that) you are right.Please tell us where he is.Can you tell me how I can get to the railway station?2. 如果主句的时态是一般过去时,宾语从句只能用相应的过去时态(一般过去时, 过去进行时, 过去将来时,过去
152、完成时)。例如:He asked what time it was.He told me that he was preparing for the sports meet.He asked if you had written to Peter.He said that he would go back to the U.S. soon.3. 如果宾语从句所陈述的是客观真理,其时态常用一般现在时。例如:Our teacher said that January is the first month of the year.Scientists have proved that the ear
153、th turns around the sun.【演练】1. Do you know _ during the coming summer holiday? A. what will Tom do B. what did Tom do C. what Tom will do D. what Tom did2. I want to know_. A. what is his name B. whats his name C. that his name is D. what his name is3. Do you know _ I could pass the exam? A. that B.
154、 whether C. what D. which4. Jim doesnt understand _. A. which is the way to the museum B. why his wife always goes shopping C. what is the way to the museum D. why does she always go shopping5. -Could you tell me _ she is looking for? A. that B. whose C. who D. which6. Mr. King didnt know _ yesterda
155、y evening. A. when does his son come home B. when his son comes home C. when did his son come home D. when his son came home7. Could you tell me _ the bike this morning? A. how does he mend B. how he mends C. how he mended D. how did he mend8. -Im waiting for the mail. Do you know _ it will arrive?
156、-Usually it comes by 4: 00. A. how B. where C. when D. what9. -Excuse me, would you please tell me _? -Certainly. Go straight along here. Its next to a hospital. A. how we can get to the post office B. how can we get to the post office C. how get to the post office D. how could we get to the post of
157、fice10. -Can I help you? -Yes. Id like a ticket to Mount Emei. Can you tell me _ take to get there? A. how soon will it B. how soon it will C. how long it will D. how long will it11. He wanted to know _. A. whether he speaks at the meeting B. when the meeting would start C. what hes going to do at t
158、he meeting D. where would the meeting be held 12. -Could you tell me _ the Bamboo Garden? -The day after tomorrow, I think. A. when will you visit B. when you will visit C. when would you visit D. when you would visit13. Would you please tell me _ next, Mr Wang? A. what should we do B. we should do
159、what C. what we should do D. should we do what14. You cant imagine _ when they received these nice Christmas presents. A. how they were excited B. how excited they were C. how excited were they D. they were how excited15. I want to know _ you will come back at 8:00 tomorrow. A. that B. when C. where
160、 D. whether16. -Could you tell me _? -Sorry, I dont know. I was not at the meeting. A. what does he say at the meeting B. what did he say at the meeting C. what he says at the meeting D. what he said at the meeting17. -Could you tell me _ last night? -Er, I was watching Euro 2004 at home. A. what yo
161、u were doing B. what were you doing C. what you are doing D. what are you doing18. The teacher asked the students _. A. if they were interested in dinosaurs B. when was Albert Einstein born C. what they will do with the computers D. how many trees they have planted19. Every morning the patients are
162、asked if _ their temperature taken. A. they had had B. have they had C. they have had D. had they had20. Its up to you to decide _ youll go there, by air or by road.A.how B. why C. that D. when【练习答案】1.C 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.B 12.B 13.C 14.B 15.D 16.D 17.A 18.A 19.C 20.A状语从句的考点集汇,讲
163、解和训练【名师点睛】用来修饰主句中的动词,副词和形容词的从句叫状语从句。根据其含义状语从句可分为时间状语从句,地点状语从句,条件状语从句, 原因状语从句,结果状语从句,比较状语从句,目的状语从句,让步状语从句。1. 时间状语从句(1)时间状语从句常用when, as, while, before, after, since, till, until, as soon as等连词来引导。例如:It was raining hard when got to school yesterday.While he was doing his homework, the telephone rang.As
164、 he walked along the lake, he sang happily.He had learned a little Chinese before he came to China.After he finished middle school, he went to work in a factory.(2)在时间状语从句里,通常不用将来时态,用现在时态表示将来的动作或状态。例如:Ill ring you up as soon as I get to New York.I will tell him everything when he comes back.He wont
165、believe it until he sees it with his own eyes.(3)在带有till或until引导的时间状语从句的主从复合句里,如果主句用肯定式,其含义是“一直到时”,谓语动词只能用延续性动词。如果主句用否定式,其含义是“直到才”, “在以前不”, 谓语动词可用瞬间动词。例如:The young man read till the light went out.Lets wait until the rain stops. We wont start until Bob comes. Dont get off until the bus stops.2. 条件状语
166、从句(1)条件状语从句通常由if, unless引导。例如:What shall we do if it snows tomorrow?Dont leave the building unless I tell you to.(2)在条件状语从句里,谓语动词通常用现在时态表示将来的动作或状态。例如:Ill help you with your English if am free tomorrow.He wont be late unless he is ill.(3)“祈使句 + and (or)+ 陈述句” 在意思上相当于一个带有条件状语从句的复合句。例如:Hurry up, or you
167、ll be late.=If you dont hurry up, youll be late.Study hard and you will pass the exam.=If you study hard, you will pass the exam.3. 原因状语从句(1)原因状语从句通常由because, since, as引导。例如:He didnt come to school because he was ill.As it is raining, we shall not go the zoo.Since you cant answer the question, Ill a
168、sk someone else.(2)because表示直接原因,语气最强。Because引导的原因状语从句多放在主句之后。回答由why提出的问题,只能用because。As和since语气较弱,一般用来表示明显的原因。由as和since引导的原因状语从居多放在句首。例如:-Why arent going there?-Because I dont want to.As he has no car, he cant get there easily.Since we have no money, we cant buy it.(3)because和so不能同用在一个句子里。4. 结果状语从句(
169、1)结果状语从句由sothat, suchthat, so that引导。例如:He is so poor that he cant buy a bike for his son.She is such a good teacher that everybody likes her.My pencil fell under the desk, so that I couldnt see it.(2)sothat语such.that可以互换。例如:在由so.that引导的结果状语从句中,so是副词,与形容词连用。其结构是: “.so + 形容词(副词)+ that + 从句”。例如:He was
170、 so glad that he couldnt say a word.The hall is so big that it can hold 2,000 people.Mother lives so far away that we hardly ever see her.在由suchthat引导的结果状语从句中,such是形容词,它修饰的可以是单数或复数可数名词,也可以是不可数名词;名词前面可以带形容词,也可不带。如果是单数可数名词,前面需加不定冠词a或an。例如:It was such a hot day that nobody wanted to do anything.He had
171、such long arms that he could almost touch the ceiling.He made such rapid progress that he did very well in the mid-term. 有时上述两种结构是可以互换的。例如:It was such a wonderful film that all of us wanted to see it again.=The film was so wonderful that all of us wanted to see it again.It is such an important match
172、 that nobody wants to miss it.=The match is so important that nobody wants to miss it.(3)如果名词前由many, much, little, few等词修饰时,只能用so, 不用such。例如:Soon there were so many deer that they ate up all the wild roses.He has so little time that he cant go to the cinema with you.5. 比较状语从句比较状语从句通常由asas, 比较级 + tha
173、n等连词引导。例如:Tom runs faster than John does.This classroom is as big as that one.6. 目的状语从句(1)目的状语从句通常由 so that, in order that引导。例如:We started early so that we could catch the first train.He studies hard so that he could work better in the future.We used the computer in order that we might save time.(2)
174、so that既可引导目的状语从句,又可引导结果状语从句。区别这两种从句的办法有两个:1)目的状语从句里往往带有情态动词can, could, may, might等。2)从意思上看,目的状语从句往往表示的目的很明确。例如:Speak clearly so that they may understand you. (目的状语从句)Jack is badly ill so that he has to rest. (结果状语从句)7. 让步状语从句(1)让步状语从句通常由although, though等连词引导。例如:Though he is young, he knows a lot.Al
175、though I am tired, I must go on working.(2)although(though)不能用在同一个句子中。例如:我们不能说:Though it was raining hard, but he still went out.应该说:Though it was raining hard, he still went out.或It was raining hard, but he still went out.8. 地点状语从句 地点状语从句常常由where来引导。例如: Go where you like. Where there is a will, the
176、re is a way.【演练】一. 单项填空1. _ hes old, he can still carry this heavy bag. A. Though B. Since C. For D. So2. -Do you know if he _ to play basket ball with us? -I think he will come if he _ free tomorrow. A. comes; is B. comes; will be C. will come; is D. will come; will be3. In the zoo if a child _ int
177、o the water and cant swim, the dolphins may come up _ him. A. will fall; to help B. falls; to help C. will fall; help D. falls; helping4. I dont remember _ he worked in that city when he was young. A. what B. which C. where D. who5. We will stay at home if my aunt _ to visit us tomorrow. A. comes B.
178、 come C. will come D. is coming6. The police asked the children _ cross the street _ the traffic lights turned green. A. not; before B. dont; when C. not to; until D. not; after7. I was late for class yesterday _ there was something wrong with my bike. A. when B. that C. until D. because8. Ill go sw
179、imming with you if I _ free tomorrow. A. will be B. shall be C. am D. was9. In the exam, the _ you are, _ the _ mistakes you will make. A. careful; little B. more careful; fewest C. more careful; fewer D. more careful; less10. You should finish your lessons _ you go out to paly. A. before B. after C
180、. when D. while11. I hurried _ I wouldnt be late for class. A. since B. so that C. as if D. unless12. When you read the book, youd better make a mark _ you have any questions. A. which B. that C. where D. though13. The teacher raised his voice _ all the students could hear him. A. for B. so that C.
181、because D. in order14. He took off his coat _ he felt hot. A. because B. as C. if D. since15. It is _ that wed like to go out for a walk. A. a lovely day B. too lovely a day C. so lovely a day D. such lovely a day16. Mary had _ much work to do that she stayed at her office all day. A. such B. so C.
182、too D. very17. _ I felt very tired, I tried to finish the work. A. Although B. Because C. As D. As if18. _ the day went on, the weather got worse. A. With B. Since C. While D. As19. _ well you can drive, you must drive carefully. A. So long as B. In order that C. No matter how D. The moment20. Write
183、 to me as soon as you _ to Beijing. A. will get B. get C. getting D. got【练习答案】 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.A 18.D 19.C 20.B定语从句的考点集汇,讲解和训练一. 定语从句的功用和结构 在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。被定从句修饰的词叫做先行词。定语从句必须放在先行词之后。引导定语从句的关联词有关系代词和关系副词。例如:This is the present that
184、he gave me for my birthday.Do you know everybody who came to the party?I still remember the night when I first came to the village?This is the place where Chairman Mao once lived.二. 关系代词和关系副词的功用 关系代词和关系副词用来引导定于从句,在先行词和定语从句之间起纽带作用,使二者联系起来。关系代词和关系副词又在定语从句中充当一个成分。关系待客做主语,宾语,定语,关系副词可作状语。1. 作主语:关系代词在定语从句
185、中作主语时,从句的谓语动词的人称和数须和先行词一致。例如:I dont like people who talk much but do little.The cars which are produced in Hubei Province sell very well.2. 作宾语:She is the person that I met at the school gate yesterday.The book that my grandmother gave me is called “The Great Escape”.3. 作定语关系代词whose在定语从句中作定语用。例如:Wha
186、ts the name of the young man whose sister is a doctor?The girl whose father is a teacher studies very hard.4. 作状语Ill never forget the day when I first came to Beijing.This is the house where I was born.三. 各个关系代词和关系副词的具体用法1. who 指人,在定语从句中作主语。例如:The person who broke the window must pay for it.The boy
187、who is wearing the black jacket is very clever.2. whom指人,在定语从句中作宾语。例如:Do you know the young man (whom) we met at the gate?Mr Lee (whom) you want to see has come.3. whose 指人,在定语从句中作定语。例如:The girl whose mother is ill is staying at home today.I know the boy whose father is a professor.4. which指物,在定语从中作
188、主语或宾语。例如:A dictionary is a book which gives the meaning of words.Here is the book (which) the teacher mentioned yesterday.5. that多指物,有时也指人,在定语从句中作主语或宾语。例如:Ive read the newspaper that(which) carries the important news.Who is the person that is reading the newspaper over there?6. when 指时间,在定语从句中作状语。例如
189、: Ill never forget the time when we worked on the farm. He arrived in Beijing on the day when I left.7. where 指地点,在定语从句中作状语。例如: This is the house where we lived last year. The factory where his father works is in the east of the city.四. 关系代词 whom, which 在定语从句中作介词宾语时,可以和介词一起放于先行词与定语从句之间,有时为了关系紧凑也可以将
190、whom 与 which 与先行词紧挨着书写,而将介词置于定语从句的后面,如:That was the room in which we had lived for ten years. = That was the room which we had lived in for ten years. 五. 具体使用时还要注意下列问题:1. 只能使用that,不用which 的情况:(1) 先行词是all, few, little, nothing, everything, anything 等不定代词时。例如: All that he said is true. (2) 先行词被only, n
191、o, any, all,等词修饰时。例如: He is the only foreigner that has been to that place. (3) 先行词是序数词或被序数词修饰的词。例如:He was the second (person) that told me the secret.(4) 先行词是形容词最高级或被形容词最高级修饰的词。This is the best book (that) I have read this year.(5) 先行词既包括人又包括物时。例如:He talked about the people and the things he rememb
192、ered.2. 只能用which,不用that 的情况:(1) 在非限制性定语从中。例如: The meeting was put off, which was exactly what we wanted. (2) 定语从句由介词+关系代词引导,先行词是物时。例如:The thing about which he is talking is of great importance.【演练】1. -Who is the man _ was talking to our English teacher? -Oh! Its Mr Baker, our maths teacher. A. he B.
193、 that C. whom D. which2. I hate the people _ dont help others when they are in trouble. A. who B. which C. they D. where3. The foreigner _ visited our school is from Canada. A. which B. when C. who D. whom4. George Mallory was an English school teacher _ loved climbing. A. who B. whom C. he D. which
194、5. This is the place _I have ever visited. A. there B. when C. where D. which6. Nobody knows the reason _ she didnt come to the meeting. A. that B. which C. why D. when7. The moon is a world _ there is no life. A. that B. which C. where D. why8. He has forgotten the day _ he arrived. A. when B. wher
195、e C. that D. which9. He still remembers the days _ he spent with your family. A. when B. where C. that D. on which10. Mr. White, _ car had been stolen, came to the policeman. A. who B. that C. whose D. which11. He got to the village _ his family once lived before liberation. A. that B. which C. when
196、 D. where12. This is the house _ I want to buy. A. in which B. that C. whose D. where13. This is the house _ our beloved Premier Zhou once lived and worked. A. which B. that C. when D. where14. He didnt tell me the place _ he was born. A. that B. which C. when D. where15. He lived in a small village, _ was a long way from the railway station. A. that B. which C. where D. when【练习答案】1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.D 14.D 15.B