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优化指导2013高考英语总复习 课时作业6 新人教版必修2(新课标全国) WORD版含答案.doc

1、【优化指导】(新课标全国)2013高考英语总复习 课时作业6Unit1必修2一、单项填空1The World Expo is like_great stage for cultural exchange,bringing people into closer contact with_rest of the world.Aa;不填Ba;theCthe;不填 Dthe;the解析:考查冠词的用法。句意:世博会就像一个文化交流的大舞台,使得世界不同地方的人们进行更加密切的接触。第一个空表示泛指“一个大舞台”故用不定冠词a;第二个空the rest of属于固定用法表示“其余的”。答案:B2It i

2、s said that beggar is _ a fool.Yes,as a matter of fact,he is a gifted man.Anothing but BeverythingCanything but Dsomething of解析:anything but“除了外的任何事情,根本不”;nothing but“只有,不过是”;something of“有几分”。句意:据说那个乞丐一点也不笨。是的,事实上,他是个有天赋的人。答案:C3She was such a proud girl that she would die _ she would admit she was

3、wrong.Arather than BuntilCafter Dbefore解析:考查连词。before在本句中意为rather than sth.。句意:她是一个骄傲的女孩,她宁愿死也不愿意承认她错了。答案:D4If I hadnt helped you when you were in trouble,you _ now.Awouldnt be smiling Bcouldnt have smiledCwont smile Ddidnt smile解析:考查虚拟语气。句意:如果你那次麻烦的时候不是我帮你,你现在就不会在这里笑了。答案:A5Which does he often enjoy

4、_his weekends,playing computer games or studying?Aspending Bto spendCbeing spent Dspend 6Mr.Smith,here is my homework._,young man.Keep it up and youll make progress.ACongratulations BGood jobCYou are welcome DBe careful解析:考查交际用语。Congratulations祝贺;Good job做得不错;You are welcome没关系;Be careful小心。句意:“史密斯先

5、生,这是我的作业。”“做得很好,年轻人。保持下去,你会进步的。”根据句意选B项。答案:B7Her son came out of the examination room and waved to her after _ seemed like hours.Athat BwhichCit Dwhat解析:考查名词性从句。what引导的从句做介词after的介词宾语,what表示时间,在从句中作seem的主语。句意:感觉好像数个小时后,她的儿子才从考场内出来向她挥手示意。答案:D8I think the way the manager talked _ the money seems impro

6、per.Aabout raise Bto raiseCabout to raise Dof raise解析:the way后跟了两个定语,一个是省略了that的they talked about定语从句,另一个是to raise the money的不定式短语。句意:我认为经理谈到的筹措钱的方式似乎不恰当。答案:C9Which of the clothes on this shelf do you like best?_.They are both fashion and beautiful.AEither BNoneCAll DBoth解析:选择答案的主要信息是like best,由best

7、最高级可知表示三者以上,又由后一句的fashion和beautiful可知C项正确。答案:C10Koalas,Australian animals,eat so many of these leaves that they_a special smell from their oil,making you think of cough pills.Atake on Btake offCtake up Dtake in解析:考查动词短语辨析。take on呈现;take off起飞,脱掉;take up占据,拿起;take in吸收。句意:澳大利亚的动物考拉吃这么多的这些树叶以至于他们的脂肪中呈

8、现出一种特别的气味,这种味道让你想起一种咳嗽药。答案:A11This formed the center of what came to be known,and still_known,as Africa Town.Awas Bwill beCis Dhad been解析:考查时态。用一般现在时表示现在仍然很出名。此题考生会认为前后时态一致而错选A项。句意:这形成了逐渐闻名的中心,并且作为非洲城现在仍然很出名。答案:C12While playing computer games,_.Athe doorbell rangBthe doorbell ringsCI heard the doorb

9、ell ringDI heard the doorbell rings解析:考查主语一致。playing的逻辑主语是I,因此排除A和B,动词hear后面用动词原形作宾补,故C项符合。答案:C13Although she was disabled,yet she aimed _ when she was young,for which her classmates spoke _ of her.Ahigh;high Bhighly;highlyChighly;high Dhigh;highly 14The warning we were given as children_eating fast

10、 will make you fat may,in fact have a scientific explanation.Athat BwhoCwhere Dwhich解析:考查名词性从句。从句that eating fast will make you fat作先行词warning的同位语从句。句意:孩子们所得到的吃饭快会使他们发胖的警告事实上有一种科学的解释。答案:A15Coffee _ milk.Only coffee,please,_ I used to like coffee with milk.Aand;and Band;butCor;and Dor;but解析:考查并列连词。第一

11、个人要“咖啡加牛奶”;第二个人只要咖啡,但他以前常常喝咖啡加牛奶。由句意可知选B项。注意:不要理解成了问句和答语。答案:B二、阅读理解AWhen many people see birds cleaning their feathers,they think it is due to the pride in one part of the bird.But,in reality,what they are doing is good for their wings,the tools that they depend on for safe flight.If a birds wings a

12、re not in perfect condition,the bird either wont be able to fly or wont be able to control its flight.That is why after a long flight and even throughout the day,you will see them cleaning their feathers.Most birds,if they get a chance,will take a bath at least once a day.They do this to get rid of

13、the dust that has accumulated in their feathers throughout their flights during the day.In dry or desert areas,birds will not always be able to find water in which to bath,but they still need to clean their feathers.What many birds will do is to take dust baths.They will roll around in dust until it

14、 covers their feathers.They will stand up,shake the dust out,and then clean their feathers with their hard mouths,as usual.Baths are important for another reason.Many parasites(寄生虫)are attracted to birds day by day.They will try to reach birds and suck their blood.Daily baths help to keep the parasi

15、tes to a minimum.Some birds,especially those that spend a lot of time in or around water,have skin glands(皮腺)that produce oil.After bathing,these birds will produce oil from the glands to spread over their wings,which helps to keep them free of water.If you are a bird lover and have bird houses in y

16、our yard,it can be good to go the extra step:providing a bird bath.Once the birds in your neighborhood discover it,you will be surprised at how popular it becomes as they periodically stop by to take their daily bath.鸟儿为什么喜欢梳理自己的羽毛呢?读了本文你就会找到答案。1Many people think cleaning feathers is _.Aof no practi

17、cal significance for birdsBa kind of need of birds bodiesCa habit for the birds to make friendsDto express the different emotions of the birds解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“When many people see birds cleaning their feathers,they think it is due to the pride in one part of the bird.But,in reality,what they are doing

18、 is good for their wings,the tools that they depend on for safe flight.”可知,人们看到鸟儿清理羽毛,会认为这是一种骄傲的表现。但是事实上,鸟儿清理羽毛有益于它们的翅膀,这是它们赖以安全飞行的工具。即很多人认为鸟儿清理羽毛不具有实用的意义。答案:A2Besides ensuring their flight safety,birds clean feathers in order to _.Arelax themselvesBkeep themselves healthyCmake themselves attractive

19、Dkeep themselves free of any parasite解析:推理判断题。根据第三段“Many parasites are attracted to birds day by day.They will try to reach birds and suck their blood.Daily baths help to keep the parasites to a minimum.”可知,鸟儿每天洗澡可以使身体上的寄生虫数量降至最低。由此可推知,除了确保飞行的安全性,鸟儿洗澡还为了保持身体健康。答案:B3What does the author further remin

20、d the readers of in the last paragraph?ABirds tend to come near people living in a yard.BEveryone should love birds as much as possible.CMost birds enjoy living in the place which is near water.DIt is helpful to provide a bird bath for the birds in your neighborhood. 4What does the passage mainly ta

21、lk about?AWhat birds enjoy doing.BHow birds clean themselves.CWhy baths matter much to birds.DHow we can be good bird lovers.解析:主旨大意题。文章主要分析了鸟儿清洗羽毛的原因,即为什么洗澡对鸟儿如此重要。答案:CBAmericans have many museums such as art museums,history museums,car museums,train museums and space museums,many of which are famo

22、us.Millions of people from around the world visit them each year.And then we have some other museumsthese make you ask,“Did they really build a museum for that?”No American picnic would be complete without mustard(芥末)People in Wisconsin love it so much;they built a museum in its honor.The National M

23、ustard Museum has over 5,000 kinds of mustard from 60 countries.You can even have a taste and buy containers of mustard in the museum.If you visit the Banana Museum in Washington you could learn everything you ever wanted to know about bananas.There are almost 4,000 objects in honor of this favorite

24、 fruit.Another unusual museum is in Missouri.It has over 150 wreaths(花环)and 2,000 pieces of jewelry made of human hair.According to Leila Cohoon who owns the museum,some of the objects are over 100 years old.The human hair wreaths were considered pieces of art long ago.And then there is the Twine Ba

25、ll Museum in Minnesota.It has only one object on displaywhat it calls the largest twine ball in the world.A man named Francis Johnson began winding(缠绕)twine,or thick string,into a ball in March of 1950.He wound for 4 hours a day for 23 weeks.The ball got so big that he needed a machine to lift it,so

26、 he could wind some more.Mr.Johnson wound the ball for about 30 years with the final twine ball 4 meters across and weighing 7,900 kilograms.Or you could visit Barney Smiths Toilet Seat Museum in Texas.Yes,it is what you think it is!文章介绍了美国的几个颇具创意的博物馆。5According to the first paragraph,some other mus

27、eums are _.AfamousBoriginalCmodern Dtraditional解析:推理判断题。根据第一段“And then we have some other museumsthese make you ask,Did they really build a museum for that?”可推知,其他的一些博物馆很新颖。答案:B6Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe Banana Museum collected all the information about bananas.BTh

28、e museum in Missouri was built over 100 years ago.CMany bananas are planted in the Banana Museum.DLike Leila Cohoon,Francis Johnson bought a museum.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“If you visit the Banana Museum in Washington you could learn everything you ever wanted to know about bananas.”可知,在华盛顿的Banana Museum里,你可以

29、了解到你想知道的关于香蕉的一切知识。即该博物馆收集了一切关于香蕉的信息。答案:A7According to the passage,Francis Johnson _.Alived alone in MinnesotaBwas good at playing the ballCenjoyed visiting museumsDwas a man with a strong will解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“He wound for 4 hours a day for 23 weeks.Mr.Johnson wound the ball for about 30 years with.”

30、可知,Mr.Johnson在23周内,每天都缠线球4个小时,并且这项运动他坚持了30年。由此可推知,Mr.Johnson是一个拥有坚强毅力的人。答案:D8If the last paragraph is continued,it will focus on _.Athe life of Barney SmithBthe ticket price of the museumChow particular the museum isDthe cost of creating the museum解析:推理判断题。根据前文可知,文章提到的博物馆均介绍了其特色之处。故推知,接下来文章会进一步介绍Barney Smiths Toilet Seat Museum的特别之处。答案:C 版权所有:高考资源网()版权所有:高考资源网()

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