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1、Unit 4Earthquakes (2).短语填空1_ his accent,he must be from my hometown.2Id like to _ you for what you did all these years.3The stadium was named _ the clubs first chairman.4She _ me warmly _ my exam results.5You should _ yourself.答案1.Judging by2.express my thanks to3.in honour of4.congratulated;on5.be

2、proud of.单项填空1To all the workers of the hospital,it is a great _ to be able to meet Premier Wen face to face.Ahonour Bfavor Cpraise Dpride答案A考查名词词义辨析。句意:对于这个医院的全体员工来说,能够面对面地见到温总理非常荣幸。It is an honour to do sth做很荣幸。结合句意选A。2_ his expression,he probably is in need of help now.AGenerally speaking BTo tel

3、l you the truthCJudging from DTo be honest答案C考查短语意义。句意:由他的表情判断,他现在可能需要帮助。generally speaking一般来说;to tell you the truth说实话;judging from由判断;to be honest老实话。结合句意选C。3Since she listened to a _ ghost story,she has never been alone during the night.Afrightening BworryingCinteresting Dsurprising答案A4His paren

4、ts wouldnt let him marry anyone _ family was poor.(2013长沙高一检测)Aof whom BwhomCof whose Dwhose答案D句意:他父母不允许他娶家庭贫穷的人。whose引导定语从句修饰anyone。从句中缺少定语,故用whose,不用whom;但可以用the family of whom/of whom the family。5Luckily,the accident didnt _ much damage to both of the two cars.Amake Btake Cdo Dbring答案C6The other

5、day,we got together to _ her on her passing the college entrance examination.Acelebrate Breward Cexpress Dcongratulate答案D7He is a _ manhe always says what he thinks.Acurious Bserious Csincere Dupset答案C考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他是一个直爽的人他总是怎么想就怎么说。curious“好奇的,好事的”;serious“严肃的”;sincere“真挚的,真诚的”;upset“不安的”。结合句意C项正确。

6、8A park will be built _ those who died in the big natural disaster in the city.Ain favor of Bin face ofCin honour of Din search of答案C9The result was not as good as expected but the _ on his face told us that he was still very happy.Aexpression BimpressionCcelebration Dappearance答案A考查名词词义辨析。expressio

7、n“表情”;impression“印象”;celebration“庆祝”;appearance“外表”。由句意可知A项正确。10Have you finished your experiment report,Jane?Oh,my God.Ive _ forgotten all about that.(2013温州高一检测)Astrongly Bextremely Centirely Dfreely答案C句意:你写完实验报告了吗,简?哦,上帝啊,我完全忘了。strongly坚强地,强烈地;extremely极其地;entirely完全地;freely自由地,免费地。11Everybody go

8、t _ when they heard the _ story.(2013南阳高一检测)Ashocked;shocked Bshocking;shockingCshocked;shocking Dshocking;shocked答案C12_ his parents expected,he was admitted into the big local company.AWhat BAs CWhich DThat答案B考查定语从句。句意:正如他父母所期望的,他被当地的大公司录取。as引导非限制性定语从句,可置于句首,意为“正如”。13The head teacher was so _ to re

9、ceive the invitation sent by his students who would hold the MidAutumn evening party.Apleased Bupset Cworried Dconcerned答案A14When I got back home,I found my newly bought bag _.Amissed Blosing Cgoing Dlost答案D考查find sth done(发现某物/事做了)结构。句意:当我到家时,我发现新买的包丢了。15What you said _ him to do that,I think.Acaus

10、ed Bcause Cmade Dhave答案A句意:我认为你说的话使得他这么干。cause sb to do sth引起某人做某事。.完成句子1Tom _(十分自豪)his new car.2I _(很高兴)to do business with you.3I would like to _(给你一些建议)in the name of a friend.4I would like to _(表达谢意)to those who have helped me out of trouble.5He was honored _(因他所做的)6_(由他的话判断),the accident was te

11、rrible.7Please _(接受我诚挚的道谢)and best wishes.8I want to _(祝贺他成功)答案1.is very proud of2.am very pleased3.give you some advice4.express my thanks5.for what he had done 6Judging from what he said7.accept my sincere thanks8.congratulate him on his success.完形填空After the earthquake hit northeast Japan on Marc

12、h 11,2011,many touching stories that I saw with my own eyes happened around me.I had to walk home since all the _1_ had stopped after the quake.On my way home I _2_ an old Japanese lady at the bakery shop who was giving out free bread,which made my heart _3_.A middleaged Japanese man was holding a s

13、ign that read,“Please use our _4_.” He was _5_ his house for people to go to the restroom.My friend wanted to _6_ others.He stood in the cold with a sign “If you are okay with a motorcycle,I will _7_ you to your house.” And then I saw him take one gentleman home,all the way to a faraway place!Then n

14、ext day I drove to _8_ my car with gas.There is a lack(缺乏)of _9_ now and many gasoline stations are either closed or have very _10_ lines.I got _11_,since I was behind 15 cars.Finally,when it was my _12_,the man smiled and said,“_13_ this situation,we are only giving $30 worth gas per person.Is that

15、 alright?”“_14_.Im just glad that we are all able to _15_,” I said.His smile gave me so much comfort.I saw a man at the evacuation(疏散)center _16_ when people brought food to him.It was the first time in three days that food was brought to their center.However,after he wiped the tears,his next _17_ s

16、urprised me.“I am very _18_ that we are provided with food.But people in the city next to us havent _19_ any food at all.Please go to that center as well.” And when hearing that,I realized there is a bright future on the other side of this _20_.【语篇解读】 地震无情人有情,地震之后作者目睹到的一切让他对未来充满信心。1A.rescue Blife Ct

17、raffic Dbusiness答案C由I had to walk home可知,由于地震的破坏,所有的“交通(traffic)”都瘫痪了,“我”不得不步行回家。2A.missed Bcaught Cnoticed Dheard答案C根据第一段的“many moving stories that I saw with my own eyes happened around me”可知,下面的事情是作者亲眼目睹的,故在此用noticed。3A.kind Bhotel Cbroken Dwarm答案D面包店的一位老太太在免费发放面包,这使得作者的内心感到非常“温暖(warm)”。4A.toilet

18、 Bsoft Chospital Dhouse答案A从下一句的to go to the restroom可知,这个人举的牌子上写着:请用我们的“卫生间(toilet)”。5A.selling Bopening Crepairing Dbuilding答案B因为要让别人用他的卫生间,所以他“打开(opening)”房门。6A.encourage Bchange Csave Dhelp答案D从本段末的“And then I saw him take one gentleman home,all the way to a faraway place”可知,作者的朋友也想“帮助(help)”别人。7A

19、.drive Bfollow Clead Dsend答案A从上文及下一句可知,因交通瘫痪,所以作者的朋友通过载人回家来帮助别人,故选A项。drive“用车送(某人)”。8A.start Bfill Ccheck Dwash答案B从下文可知,作者开车去加油。fill意为“装满;填满”,符合语境。9A.information Bgas Cfood Dsalt答案B地震后“汽油(gas)”短缺,所以排着“长(long)”队。10A.direct Bfine Clong Dthin答案C11A.worried Blucky Csad Dangry答案A因为前面还有15辆车,所以作者“担心(worrie

20、d)”(加不到油)。12A.time Bturn Cduty Ddecision答案B最后,轮到了作者。turn在此意为“(轮到的)机会”。13A.Except for BTogether withCBecause of DInstead of答案C“因为(Because of)”目前的境况,所以每辆车只能加30美元的汽油。14A.Not at all BOf courseCNo way DNever mind答案B从下文的glad可知,作者表示同意,所以选择B项Of course。15A.share Boffer Clearn Dchoose答案A作者很高兴能“分享(share)”到汽油。1

21、6A.singing BeatingCsmiling Dcrying答案D从下文的he wiped the tears可知,那个人收到食品后激动地“哭(crying)”了。17A.words Broles Cways Dpromises答案A后面是他所说的话,所以在此为words。18A.sure BgratefulCsurprised Dproud答案B那个人对于能够收到食物表示非常“感激(grateful)”,但他附近的那座城市还没有“收到(received)”任何食物,所以他建议给那所疏散中心送些食物。19A.bought BwastedCprepared Dreceived答案D20A

22、.disaster BchanceCcenter Dcity答案A地震是一次“灾难(disaster)”,但作者从中看到了他们美好的未来。.根据下面短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。When the Home Office says that its worrying about bars that encourage people to drink when theyre already drunk,it means that the problem of drinking is about people falling over in city

23、centers._1_However,the latter is a more difficult issue.There are plenty of drunken people who are a bit unsteady going upstairs to bed and dont break anything.The biggest change in their drinking habits is the increase in the drinking of wine,most of which is drunk at home.This is what will stop us

24、 becoming a 24hour pub society._2_The British are good at staying at homemost people now have informal dining kitchens,which encourage informal eating and drinking._3_It doesnt sound unreasonable,but the Department of Health would say that it adds up to a health problem.Yet this has become the cultu

25、ral standard for all generations. The enormous rise in alcohol consumption from the 1980s is considered to be down to women drinking,partly reflecting their increasing importance as wage earners _4_5_Today,the number of people who say that they dont drink in this country is rising,probably because o

26、f incentives offered by insurance companies.Its probably the case that those who do drink are drinking more,possibly because of the recession.AWhy not have a nice meal and open a bottle of wine?BPeople are happy drinking at home,where they dont pay pub prices.CWill British drinkers take any notice o

27、f the government?DWhat the Home Office is talking about is the link between drinking and Social order,rather than driving and health.EThe change in attitudes to drink driving in recent years shows that this can happen.FThere is a strong connection between the economy and alcohol consumption in Britain.GDrinking at home seems safer fo many wmen than going to a pub.答案1.D2.B3.A4.G5.F


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