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本文(《创新方案》2017届高考英语(北师大版)一轮复习再回顾配套文稿教案:题型4 完形填空题的备考策略与对点训练 WORD版含解析.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

《创新方案》2017届高考英语(北师大版)一轮复习再回顾配套文稿教案:题型4 完形填空题的备考策略与对点训练 WORD版含解析.doc

1、题型4 完形填空题的备考策略与对点训练体裁一记叙文.策略指导 近年来,记叙文类完形填空在高考中占有很大比重,旨在考查学生对文章故事情节的正确理解能力,重点考查学生对语言基础知识的掌握情况。解题时,需要注意文中时间和空间的变化,人物关系,事件的发生、发展及结局等要素。根据对文章的整体理解,并结合细节变化对每一个小题做出正确的选择,最大限度地提高解题正确率。.模拟训练A(2016东北三省四市联考)A couple of days ago, we were in Edmonton helping one son move there to live with his brother._1_ we w

2、ere leaving from their apartment, we noticed a man _2_ by very slowly. We commented how _3_ it seemed and as we looked back in the _4_ we saw he had run off the road into a tree.We _5_ stopped and jumped out of our vehicle. Our _6_ son reached inside and turned off the mans vehicle and my husband an

3、d older son tried talking to the older gentleman _7_ got no response. Fearing he might have choked (窒息), they _8_ to get him out of the vehicle. I quickly threw a _9_ from our car onto the wet ground. As soon as they got him out, they _10_ him on his side and he started choking and spitting up.My yo

4、unger son was on the _11_ to 911 while my husband and older son each held one of the mans hands and _12_ trying to talk to him. I sat beside him and told him that _13_ was on the way. When he started to get _14_ we talked calmly to him and kept him quiet. I was so amazed by the number of people who

5、_15_ down and asked if help was needed, and everything was _16_When the _17_ arrived the medical workers assured us we had done everything we could. They _18_ us and took him back to the hospital as soon as possible.I told my husband and sons how _19_ I was of them for not being afraid to help and “

6、get their hands dirty”They _20_ later in the day to their friends that they were really “heroes”语篇解读:看到一辆车撞到了一棵树上,作者一家立刻下车实施救援,照顾伤者直到救护人员到来。1A.AsBBeforeCSince DAlthough解析:选A考查连词。根据语境可知,这里指时间,意思是“当我们要离开的时候”。故用as。before和since表示的时间不对,而although表示让步。2A.jumping BwalkingCrunning Ddriving解析:选D考查动词。联系下文的“Our

7、 _ son reached inside and turned off the mans vehicle”可知,这个人是开车(driving)过去的,故选D。3A.wonderful BimportantCstrange Dnecessary解析:选C考查形容词。根据上下文,并结合“very slowly”等信息可知,此处表示我们觉得有些奇怪。故选C。wonderful“精彩的”,important“重要的”,necessary“必要的”。4A.window BmirrorCsky Ddistance解析:选B考查名词。此处指从车的后视镜(mirror)里看到他开车撞到了树上。据此可知,显然

8、不是从窗户(window)、天空(sky)看;distance意为“距离”,也不符合语境。5A.luckily BslowlyCfinally Dquickly解析:选D考查副词。结合语境和常识可知,此处表示我们迅速(quickly)停了下来,然后从车里跳了出来。luckily“幸运地”,slowly“慢慢地”,finally“最终”。6A.younger BolderCcleverer Dbigger解析:选A考查形容词。由下文中的“older son”可知,此处指年纪较小的(younger)儿子,而不是年长的(older),更不是指更聪明的(cleverer)或更大的(bigger)。7A

9、.and BorCbut Dso解析:选C考查连词。丈夫、儿子和这个老先生谈话,但是(but)没有得到回应。此处表示转折,故选C。and, or和so所表示的逻辑关系用在此处都不合适。8A.pretended BstruggledCrefused Dintended解析:选B考查动词。结合语境可知,此处表示他们竭力(struggled)把他从车里弄出来。pretend“假装”,refuse“拒绝”,intend“打算”。9A.plastic BcurtainCnewspaper Dblanket解析:选D考查名词。根据下文中的“the wet ground”可以推知,地面潮湿,所以我从车里拿来

10、毯子(blanket)。plastic“塑料”,curtain“窗帘”,newspaper“报纸”。10A.laid BfoundCsent Dleft解析:选A考查动词。结合语境和常识可知,此处表示他们把他侧放着。lay“放置”,符合语境。find, send和leave的意思均不符合语境。11A.way BroadCphone Dcorner解析:选C考查名词。我的小儿子给911打电话。be on the phone表示“在打电话中”。way“方法,道路”,road“道路”,corner“拐角”。12A.finished BcontinuedCavoided Denjoyed解析:选B考查

11、动词。根据上文中的“my husband and older son tried talking to the older gentleman”可知,此处表示继续(continued)和他说话。finish“完成”,avoid“避免”,enjoy“享受”。13A.operation BtreatmentCresearch Dhelp解析:选D考查名词。我告诉他救援(help)就要到了。operation“手术”,treatment“治疗”,research“研究”。14A.scared BsurprisedCworried Ddisappointed解析:选A考查形容词。联系“we talke

12、d calmly to him and kept him quiet”可推知,他开始变得害怕(scared)。surprised“吃惊的”,worried“担心的”,disappointed“失望的”。15A.moved BlookedCslowed Dturned解析:选C考查动词。结合语境和常识可知,此处表示许多人慢下来(slowed down),询问是否需要帮助。16A.on time Ball rightCin ruins Din danger解析:选B考查固定短语。此处指是否一切都正常(all right)。on time“及时”,in ruins“成为废墟”,in danger“处

13、在危险中”。17A.truck BcarCtrain Dambulance解析:选D考查名词。联系上文中描述的车撞到树上,还有救援的过程可知,此处指救护车(ambulance)。truck“卡车”,car“汽车”,train“火车”。18A.thanked BinspiredCencouraged Dsupported解析:选A考查动词。我们提供了帮助,所以他们对此表示感谢(thanked)。inspire“鼓舞”,encourage“鼓励”,support“支持”。19A.careful BtiredCproud Dafraid解析:选C考查形容词。根据下文的“not being afrai

14、d to help and get their hands dirty”可推知,我感到很自豪(proud)。careful“细心的”,tired“疲劳的”,afraid“害怕的”。20A.explained BjokedCcomplained Dmurmured解析:选B考查动词。他们当天对朋友开玩笑说(joked)他们是真正的英雄。explain“解释”,complain“抱怨”,murmur“低声说”。B(2016海口模拟)An old English saying goes, “Laughter is the best medicine.” One person who certainl

15、y agrees with this is Norman Cousins.Norman Cousins _1_ for a magazine called Saturday Review for almost forty years. He also _2_ articles about peace, traveling to many different countries to _3_ his ideas.In the 1960s, after _4_ to the United States from a busy and tiring trip to Europe, Mr. Cousi

16、ns got _5_. In less than a week after he got back, he could not stand. Every move that he made was _6_. He was not able to sleep at night. The doctors told Mr. Cousins that they did not know how to cure his _7_ and he might never _8_ the illness. Mr. Cousins, however, refused to give up _9_Mr. Cousi

17、ns thought the _10_ could be caused by unhappy thoughts. He did not want to take medicine to cure himself. _11_, he felt that happy thoughts or laughter might cure his illness.He began to experiment on himself while still in the _12_ by watching comedy shows on television. Mr. Cousins quickly found

18、that ten minutes of real laughter during the day gave him two hours of _13_ without pain at night.Deciding that the _14_ could not help him, Mr. Cousins left the hospital and checked into a hotel room where he could continue his _15_ with laughter. For eight days, Mr. Cousins rested in the hotel roo

19、m _16_ comedy shows on television, reading funny books, and sleeping whenever he felt _17_. Within three weeks, he felt _18_ enough to have a holiday to Puerto Rico, where he began running on the beach for _19_. After a few months, Mr. Cousins was able to carry on his work. He had laughed himself ba

20、ck to _20_语篇解读:文章通过一个具体的例子,告诉我们笑对人们的健康有很大的影响。1A.wentBworkedCstayed Dstudied解析:选B考查动词。根据文章后面的“a magazine called Saturday Review for almost forty years”可以判断出,他为一家杂志社工作,故选B。 BdiscussedCwrote Dlearned解析:选C考查动词。根据前面的意思可知,既然为一家杂志社工作,当然他的工作主要是写文章。3A.share BhaveCwant Dtell解析:选A考查动词。根据文章的意思可知,到不同的国家去旅

21、行,其目的是分享自己的看法,所以选share。4A.counting BgettingCtraveling Dreturning解析:选D考查动词。根据下文中的“after he got back”可以判断出,此处表示他从其他国家旅行回来,所以选returning。5A.sleepy BsickChappy Dtired解析:选B考查形容词。前面的busy和tiring暗示由于工作太忙、太累,他的身体自然是吃不消了,特别是下文中的“he could not stand”,也暗示他生病了。故选B。6A.hopeful BpainfulChelpful Duseful解析:选B考查形容词。根据语境

22、可知,每一次移动都让他疼痛不已。painful“痛苦的,疼痛的”,符合语境。hopeful“有希望的”,helpful“有益的”,useful“有用的”。7A.question BcoughCproblem Dhand解析:选C考查名词。根据上文的“He was not able to sleep at night.”可以判断出,这里指身体上的问题,同时下文并没有说具体哪方面的问题。故用problem。8A.get up Bget overCget to Dget on解析:选B考查动词短语。根据文章的意思可知,医生对他说他可能永远不能康复了。get over的意思是“从(疾病、震惊、断绝关系

23、等)中恢复常态”,符合语境。9A.hope BhappinessCmoney Dmedicine解析:选A考查名词。根据文章的意思可知,虽然医生告诉他可能治不好他的病,但是Mr. Cousins不肯放弃希望。hope“希望”,符合语境。10A.sadness BkindnessCillness Dsleeplessness解析:选C考查名词。根据文章前面的“the illness”可知,此处指的是他的病,所以答案为C。sadness“悲伤”,kindness“善良”,sleeplessness“失眠”,均不符合语境。11A.However BCertainlyCBesides DImporta

24、ntly解析:选A考查副词。根据文章的意思可知,此处表示转折。故用However。12A.factory BhospitalCcompany Dschool解析:选B考查名词。根据语境可知,此时他的治疗应该在医院里,且由最后一段第一句中的“left the hospital”也可知答案。13A.sleep BbreakCmemory Dtrip解析:选A考查名词。上文说白天真正地笑10分钟,下文应该是讲笑带来的好处。前文的“He was not able to sleep at night”暗示出是睡眠问题。故选A。14A.teachers BdoctorsCactors Ddollars解析

25、:选B考查名词。由常识可知,在医院治病的肯定是医生。故选B。15A.studies BdreamsCexperiments Darticles解析:选C考查名词。根据上文中的“He began to experiment on himself”可以判断出,他在做试验。故选C。16A.hearing BwatchingCthinking Dwriting解析:选B考查动词。根据上文中的“by watching comedy shows on television”可知答案。17A.excited BsurprisedCtired Drelaxed解析:选C考查形容词。根据文章的意思可知,他感觉困

26、了才会睡觉。故选C。18A.well BgoodCdifferent Dangry解析:选A考查形容词。下文的“to have a holiday to Puerto Rico”暗示出,他的身体好起来了。well指“身体好”。故选A。 BexerciseCplay Dpractice解析:选B考查名词。根据文章前面的“he began running on the beach”可以判断出,跑步的目的是锻炼。注意exercise在此不是“练习”的意思。 BfightCholiday Dcare解析:选A考查名词。文章最后说明了笑使Mr. Cousins重获健康

27、,这是文章的主题所在。故选A。CTony set off for home again without eating since, as usual, one of the older boys had taken his packed lunch.Angry and _1_, Tony rushed to the park, when he suddenly saw a wasp (黄蜂) flying about among the rose bushes.It _2_ him, making him get away from the roses immediately.Then, a_

28、3_ came into his head: How is it that something so much _4_ than himself could frighten him like that?Having _5_ the insect for a while, he had a good understanding of the wasps _6_: it was fear.A wasp could never _7_ with a person, but everyone was so afraid of its sting that they left the wasp _8_

29、So Tony spent that night _9_ what his “sting” could be.The next day, Tony seemed like a _10_ boy.No longer did he walk with his eyes fixed on the ground, nor did he _11_ nervously when people spoke to him.Instead, he became brave and _12_, ready to face up to anyone.The boy who took his packed lunch

30、 that day ate so spicy a sausage sandwich that he _13_ crying and coughing.Never again did he rob Tony of his lunches.Another older boy _14_ to hit Tony, but this time Tony looked at the boy_15_ and bravely.From memory, Tony told him the _16_ of his parents, his teacher, and the boys own mother, “_1

31、7_ you hit me, Ill call them, and youll be severely punished.” The boy turned around and _18_ from the scene.The strategy _19_. So, in the end, Tony became like the wasp hed seen.Without even having to sting anyone, he frightened them, and _20_that no one would mess with him.语篇解读:文章通过一个小男孩的心理变化过程告诉我

32、们:不要恐惧,要从心理上勇敢面对不好的东西,这样一切才会好起来。1A.excitedBdissatisfiedCfrustrated Drelaxed解析:选C考查形容词。根据文章前面的“one of the older boys had taken his packed lunch”可以判断出,Tony 的午餐被抢,由此可知他感到生气和沮丧。frustrated 意为“沮丧的”,符合文章的意思。excited“兴奋的”,dissatisfied“不满意的”,relaxed“放松的”,均不符合文章的意思。2A.scared BinspiredCrescued Dcomforted解析:选A考查

33、动词。从后文的“making him get away from the roses immediately”以及“could frighten him like that”可知,Tony害怕黄蜂。scare意为“使害怕”,符合文章的意思。inspire“鼓舞”,rescue“营救”,comfort“安慰”。3A.guess BthoughtCbelief Dview解析:选B考查名词。根据文章的意思可知,此处指的是“一个想法出现在他脑海中”。guess“猜想”,belief“信念”,view“观点”,均不符合文章的意思。4A.smaller BbiggerCsmarter Dfiercer解

34、析:选A考查形容词。某个比他小得多的东西怎么会把自己吓成那样?根据句子的意思可知,表示“小一些”要用smaller。bigger“大一些”,smarter“聪明些”,fiercer“凶残些”,均不符合文章的意思。5A.collected BtestedCwatched Dcounted解析:选C考查动词。根据前文Tony 在公园可知,他看了一会儿黄蜂。故选C。6A.challenge BtrickCchoice Dmethod解析:选B考查名词。根据后文的“it was fear”可知,Tony 了解了黄蜂的“把戏”,故要用trick。challenge“挑战”,choice“选择”,meth

35、od“方法”,均不符合文章的意思。7A.bite BdiscussCfight Dhit解析:选C考查动词。黄蜂从不会与人发生争斗,但是每个人都害怕它的螫针,所以不敢惹它。fight with 的意思是“与发生争斗”。 peace Bin silenceCby comparison Don end解析:选A考查介词短语。根据文章的意思可知,人们害怕黄蜂的螫针,所以会与它和平相处。in peace 表示“和平地”,符合文章的意思。in silence “沉默地”,by comparison“通过对比”,on end “连续地”,均不符合文章的意思。9A.remembering Bdou

36、btingCregretting Dwondering解析:选D考查动词。从前文可知,Tony发现了黄蜂的“把戏”,因此整夜都在琢磨自己的“螫针”会是什么。wonder的意思是“想知道,琢磨”,符合文章的意思。10A.different BcommonCstrange Drare解析:选A考查形容词。根据后文的“No longer did he walk with his eyes fixed on the ground”可知,他不再两眼盯着地面走路了。所以第二天和第一天的表现是不同的,故用different。11A.turn back Blook intoCturn down Dlook a

37、way解析:选D考查动词短语。根据后文的“Instead, he became brave”可知,他变得勇敢了,别人跟他说话时,他不再紧张地把脸转开。look away意为“把脸转开,看别的地方”,符合文章的意思。turn back“往回走”,look into “调查”,turn down“关小,调低”,均不符合文章的意思。12A.confident BreliableCcheerful Dsensitive解析:选A考查形容词。根据后文的“ready to face up to anyone”可知,他准备去勇敢地面对任何人,故此处表示他变得很有自信。13A.picked up Bbroug

38、ht outCended up Dcut down解析:选C考查动词短语。根据“.ate so spicy a sausage sandwich that .”和后文的“Never again did he rob Tony of his lunches”可知,抢Tony午餐的男孩最终被辣哭了。end up doing 的意思是“以而告终”,符合文章的意思。14A.promised BthreatenedCdecided Dstarted解析:选B考查动词。根据后文的“.you hit me Ill call them, and youll be severely punished”可知,另一

39、个男孩威胁要打Tony。15A.cruelly BproudlyCdeterminedly Dcarelessly解析:选C考查副词。根据语境以及后面的“bravely”可知,Tony 是坚定地看着这个男孩。determinedly“果断地,坚定地”,符合文章的意思。cruelly“残忍地”,proudly“自豪地”,carelessly“粗心地”,均不符合文章的意思。16A.numbers BfeelingsCnames Dchanges解析:选A考查名词。根据后文的“.you hit me Ill call them”可知,Tony凭记忆将这些电话号码背出来了。故选A。17A.As BIf

40、CThough DUnless解析:选B考查连词。如果你打我的话,我就会给他们打电话。根据句子的意思可知,此处表示条件,要用If。18A.withdrew BrecoveredCsheltered Dsuffered解析:选A考查动词。根据文章的意思可知,男孩转过身,退出了现场。withdraw“退出,撤离”;recover“恢复”;shelter“庇护”;suffer“遭遇”。故选A。19A.improved BfailedCsurvived Dworked解析:选D考查动词。根据“in the end, Tony became like the wasp hed seen”可知,这个策略奏

41、效了。work“奏效”,符合文章的意思。故选D。20A.proved BguaranteedCconcluded Dforesaw解析:选B考查动词。甚至没有非得刺痛任何人,他吓倒了他们,保证没人来惹他。根据句子的意思可知,此处表示“保证”,故选B。prove“证明”,conclude“推断出,得出结论”,foresee“预见”,均不符合文章的意思。体裁二夹叙夹议文.策略指导 随着高考对考生综合运用语言能力的要求不断提高,高考试题中会经常出现采用夹叙夹议的方式来叙述的完形填空。与纯记叙文类完形填空相比,该类完形填空的难度相对大一些。考生除了要正确理解文章的故事情节,还要注意故事的深层含义及文章

42、思想的升华。解题时,考生需要注意记叙和议论的变化及相互关系,并以此为根据选出正确答案。.模拟训练A(2016济南质检)Christina has great compassion for kittens (小猫) who have no home. She goes out to _1_ kittens from the wild. She cares for them, makes sure they are _2_ and finds good homes for them.One very special kitten _3_ came into her life. Her name i

43、s Savannah. When Christina found Savannah she was not in good _4_. She was dirty, afraid and unhealthy. Christina usually takes all _5_ kittens into her home, cleans and feeds them. _6_ they have reached 2 pounds, she takes them to the vet where they are _7_. I remember this day well. Christina had

44、called with _8_ when she found out Savannah had tested positive for FIV. Its a (n) _9_ that is similar to AIDS.Not getting much _10_ than the day Christina found her, Savannah had stopped eating and began losing a lot of _11_. You could see the bones through her thin skin. Finally she stopped walkin

45、g and _12_ altogether. Many would consider this a losing _13_. Christina would spend nights holding Savannah, simply _14_ to make her feel better. In a short time, Savannah began to _15_ a little weight, and started walking again. _16_, Savannah had just recently been tested again. This time she cam

46、e up negative for FIV.There is no _17_ in my mind that Savannah will have a better life because of Christina. I also know that Christina herself will have a better life because of Savannah. I have read a lot of _18_ stories, but this one, the one I have been able to write will _19_ with me forever.

47、It reminds me that love and compassion do make a difference, and _20_ give up on someone or something you believe in.语篇解读:由于Christina的悉心照顾,小猫Savannah逐渐恢复健康,但同时Savannah也给Christina的生活带来了愉悦。所以说,爱和怜悯会起很大作用,请坚定你的信念吧。 1. A.attendBrescueCfollow Dfind解析:选B考查动词。从首句“Christina has great compassion for kittens

48、(小猫) who have no home.”并结合选项可知,此处表示她在野外解救(rescue)小猫。attend“参加”,follow“跟随”,find“找到”,均不符合文章意思。2A.strong BcleverCbrave Dhealthy解析:选D考查形容词。结合全文语境特别是下文中提到的她带小猫去找兽医可知,此处表示她照顾他们,确保它们是健康的(healthy),然后送给好的家庭。3A.recently BfinallyCimmediately Dquickly解析:选A考查副词。根据上下文的意思可知,此处指最近(recently)发生的事情。finally“最后”,immedia

49、tely“立刻”,quickly“快速地”。4A.form BdirectionCsituation Dspirit解析:选C考查名词。联系下文的“She was dirty, afraid and unhealthy.”可知,她的处境(situation)不好。此处不是指形式(form)或方向(direction),而spirit仅指精神状态。5A.old BnewCyoung Dbig解析:选B考查形容词。她通常是把所有的新(new)猫带回家,而不是带老的(old)、小的(young)或大的(big)。6A.Though BBecauseCUntil DOnce解析:选D考查连词。此处表示

50、一旦达到2磅重,故用once引导条件状语从句。而though表示让步,because表示原因,until表示时间。7A.tested BtreatedCinjured Dfound解析:选A考查动词。根据下文的“Savannah had just recently been tested again”可知,此处指找兽医检查(tested)。这里不是“治疗”(treat);injure和find的意思也不符合语境。8A.happiness BlonelinessCsadness Dkindness解析:选C考查名词。知道她病了,她应该感到伤心(sadness),故选C。happiness“幸福”

51、,loneliness“孤独”,kindness“善良”。9A.experiment BdiseaseCstruggle Ddisaster解析:选B考查名词。根据上文中的“Savannah had tested positive for FIV”可知,此处指与艾滋病相似的疾病(disease)。10A.worse BfasterCearlier Dbetter解析:选D考查形容词。根据下文的“Savannah had stopped eating and began losing a lot of _”可知,她的病情并没有好转(better)。11A.weight BheightCstren

52、gth Denergy解析:选A考查名词。她不再进食,所以体重(weight)减轻。height“高度”,strength“力量”,energy“精力”。12A.moving BhearingCeating Dtouching解析:选C考查动词。根据本段提到的情况,并结合选项可知,此处指最后她不动也不吃(eating)。move“移动”,hear“听到”,touch“触摸”。13A.quarrel BbattleCargument Drace解析:选B考查名词。许多人认为这是一场必败之仗(battle),此处指Christina解救小猫这件事情。这里不是争吵(quarrel)、争论(argum

53、ent)或比赛(race)。14A.refusing BpretendingCpreparing Dtrying解析:选D考查动词。她整晚上抱着Savannah,努力(trying)使她感到舒服。refuse“拒绝”,pretend“假装”,prepare“准备”。15A.gain BavoidClose Dkeep解析:选A考查动词。Savannah的情况好转了,所以体重开始增加(gain)了一点儿。此处不是避免(avoid)、失去(lose)或保持(keep)。16A.For example BIn factCWhats more DBy the way解析:选C考查语境理解。此外,又对S

54、avannah进行了检查。whats more“此外,而且”,符合语境。for example“例如”,in fact“事实上”,by the way“顺便说一下”。17A.excuse BdoubtCpossibility Dbelief解析:选B考查名词。我觉得毫无疑问,小猫因为Christina的照顾会有一个更好的生活。excuse“借口”,possibility“可能性”,belief“信念”。18A.interesting BsimpleCdifficult Dinspiring解析:选D考查形容词。根据下文中的“but this one”可推知,作者读过许多鼓舞人心的(inspir

55、ing)故事,很明显,interesting, simple和difficult的意思均不符合语境。 BworkCplay Dstudy解析:选A考查动词。此处强调这个故事将伴随我一生。此处不是指工作(work)、玩耍(play)或学习(study)。20A.always BoftenCnever Dhardly解析:选C考查副词。爱和怜悯会起很大作用,所以永远不要(never)放弃你所相信的人或事物。故选C。always, often和hardly均不符合语境。BA boy trembled in the cold Oslo winter, constantly rubbin

56、g his arms around himself on a bus stop bench.He wasnt wearing a coat _1_ temperatures in the Norwegian capital regularly dropped to 10 during winter.What a(n) _2_ scene, but the actions of the ordinary people who witnessed the difficult situation of 11yearold Johannes were both joyous and _3_A youn

57、g woman who sat _4_the boy noticed him rubbing his arms.She _5_ asked him: “Dont you have a jacket?” “No, someone stole it.” he replied.She questioned him and _6_ he was on a school trip and was told to meet his _7_ at the bus stop.She asked him the name of his school and where he was from as she _8

58、_ put her own coat around his shoulders.Later, another older woman at first gave him her scarf, then wound him in her _9_ thick jacket.Throughout the day, more and more people offered Johannes their gloves and even the coats _10_ their backs as they waited for their bus.All this was _11_ by a hidden

59、 camera from Norwegian charity SOS Childrens Village as part of their winter _12_ to gather donations to send muchneeded coats and blankets to help Syrian children _13_ the winter.Many of the _14_ of the civil war had left their homes without winter clothing.“People should _15_ as much about childre

60、n in Syria as they do about this boy,” Synne Ronning, the _16_ head of SOS Childrens Villages Norway, told the local newspaper.She also _17_ that the child was a(n) _18_ who was never in any danger during the experiment.This story shows human nature in a _19_manner.You are sure to feel that human be

61、ings future _20_ to be a hopeful one when seeing something like this.语篇解读:寒冷的冬天,一个衣着单薄的男孩在汽车站的长椅上被冻得瑟瑟发抖,路过的人纷纷伸出了援助之手。这是一个慈善机构组织的一项活动,男孩只是一名志愿者,活动的目的是筹集物资,帮助那些需要帮助的人。1A.asBandCsince Dor解析:选B根据上文中的“He wasnt wearing a coat”,并结合选项和下文内容可知,空格前后是两个并列的句子,因此and符合语境。故选B。2A.heartbreaking BbreathtakingCamusin

62、g Damazing解析:选A根据第一段第一句“A boy trembled in the cold Oslo winter,constantly rubbing his arms around himself on a bus stop bench.”可知,那是一个多么令人心碎的(heartbreaking)画面。故选A。3A.sad BhappyCinspiring Dmoved解析:选C根据后几段内容可知,人们对小男孩伸出了援助之手,结合空格前内容可知,普通人所做出的行动既令人高兴又令人鼓舞,因此inspiring符合语境。故选C。4A.far from Bahead ofCnext t

63、o Din front of解析:选C根据第一段第一句中的“on a bus stop bench”,并结合选项可知,此处指的是坐在小男孩旁边的一位年轻女士。故选C。5A.slowly BimmediatelyChesitantly Djoyfully解析:选B根据空格前后的内容可知,当那位女士注意到男孩在瑟瑟发抖时,就马上询问情况。immediately“立刻地”,符合语境。故选B。6A.answered BremindedCcaught Ddiscovered解析:选D根据上文中的“She questioned him”可知,她询问那个男孩,发现他是在参加学校组织的旅行,discover“

64、发现”,符合语境。故选D。7A.student BfriendCteacher Drelative解析:选C根据上文中的“was on a school trip and was told to meet”,并结合选项可知,他参加学校组织的旅行,被告知在车站与老师碰面。故选C。8A.selflessly BelegantlyCpolitely Dexcitedly解析:选A根据下文中的“put her own coat around his shoulders”可知,她无私地把自己的外套披在他的肩膀上。selflessly“无私地,忘我地”,符合语境。故选A。9A.old BcheapCsho

65、rt Dlarge解析:选D根据上文中的“then wound him in her”和下文中的“thick jacket”,并结合小男孩11岁这一事实可知,她用她的大厚夹克包裹住小男孩。故选D。10A.from BoffCof Don解析:选B根据下文中的“their backs”,并结合空格前内容可知,此处指的是有的人甚至从身上脱下外套,因此off“脱下”,符合语境。故选B。11A.directed BshownCsponsored Dfilmed解析:选D根据下文中的“by a hidden camera from Norwegian charity SOS Childrens Vill

66、age”可知,所有这一切都被一个隐藏的摄像机拍下来了,film“拍摄”,符合语境。故选D。12A.campaign Bshow Ccourse Dgame解析:选A根据下文中的“to gather donations”,并结合选项可知,此处指的是筹集捐赠物品的一个活动,campaign“活动,运动”,符合语境。故选A。13A.get over Bget throughCtake over Dbreak through解析:选BA项意为“克服,恢复”;B项意为“接通;通过,度过,熬过”;C项意为“接管,接收”;D项意为“突破,突围”。根据上文中的“gather donations to send

67、 muchneeded coats and blankets to help Syrian children”可知,此处指的是帮助孩子们度过冬天。故选B。14A.survivors BsufferersCassistants Dattendants解析:选B根据下文中的“of the civil war had left their homes without winter clothing”可知,内战的难民在离家时没带冬天的衣物。sufferer“受难者,受害者”,符合语境。故选B。15A.mind BcareCtreat Dworry解析:选B根据下文中的“as much about ch

68、ildren in Syria as they do about this boy”以及上文内容可知,人们应该像关心这个男孩一样去关心叙利亚的儿童们。因此care“关心”,符合语境。故选B。 Bschool Cknowledge Dinformation解析:选D根据下文中的“head of SOS Childrens Villages Norway, told the local newspaper”,并结合选项可知,此处指的是挪威SOS儿童村的信息负责人。故选D。17A.demanded BcommandedCnoted Dasked解析:选C根据下文内容,并结合选项可知,

69、她也指出孩子是一名志愿者,在实验中不会有任何危险。note“指出,注解”,符合语境。故选C。18A.interviewer BapplicantCorphan Dvolunteer解析:选D根据倒数第三段内容可知,这是该慈善机构的一次活动,所以这个孩子是一名志愿者。故选D。19A.soft BhardCweak Dstrong解析:选A根据上文中的“This story shows human nature”,并结合选项可知,这个故事以温柔的方式显示了人类的本性。故选A。20A.promises BpreservesCsuggests Dindicates解析:选A根据下文中的“to be a

70、 hopeful one when seeing something like this”可知,当看到类似的事情时,你一定会感到人类的未来有望成为一个充满希望的未来。promise“前景,允诺”,符合语境。故选A。C(2016山东省实验中学模拟)Annually my family has a gettogether in a state park in the mountains of North Carolina.At one of the gettogethers, the weather was cloudy, and more rain was _1_The family membe

71、rs who arrived early were _2_ about the coming rain that would have a bad effect on the number of _3_Just as the rain began to fall, a car _4_ to the panic shelter and out of the passenger side jumped Uncle Earl who was 96 years old and had been blind for many years.Just the arrival of Uncle Earl im

72、mediately changed the _5_ of the group.Ever cheerful and optimistic, Earl continued to _6_ the family.He was the oldest member of the Miller Clan, and all gathered around him.One by one he greeted each child, _7_ their hands and giving them a piece of candy from his pocket, and made them _8_ _9_ I s

73、tood back, I watched how his behavior and cheerfulness brought a smile to everyones face.He did not spend time telling everyone about his _10_ as others were doing.I realized that it was his _11_ to take the road to cheerfulness and not focus on the _12_ sides of his life.By doing so, he was _13_ an

74、 invitation to each family member and wished them to _14_ in the same manner.Just before we began to _15_ on the wonderful spread of food, Earl stood up and was asked to speak to the group for a few minutes.He _16_ everyone to lead a good life and to take a lighthearted _17_ to what may come in our

75、way.Just for one day practice being _18_ and see what happens.Try a new attempt on _19_; see if you can find some humor in the challenges or _20_ them from an optimistic way.Be of good cheer!语篇解读:作者全家在公园进行一年一度的家庭聚会时,乌云密布,大雨倾盆,大家担心这会影响参加的人数和欢乐的气氛。但是,96岁高龄并且失明多年的Earl叔叔的到来为大家带来了欢乐。他告诉家人要以轻松的、积极乐观的心态面对生

76、活中可能发生的一切。1A.poured BassumedCneeded Dpredicted解析:选D根据空格前的“the weather was cloudy, and more rain”,并结合选项可知,天空中乌云密布,这预示着大雨即将来临。predict“预示,预报,预测”,符合语境。故选D。2A.anxious BconfidentCcalm Dsure解析:选A根据空格后的“the coming rain that would have a bad effect .”可知,到得早的家庭成员“担心”下雨会影响客人的出席人数,因此anxious“焦虑的”,符合语境。故选A。3A.cus

77、tomers BclimbersCguests Dvisitors解析:选C根据文章首句可知,这是一次家庭聚会,由此结合选项可知,guest“宾客,客人”,符合语境。故选C。4A.pulled through Bpulled inCpulled up Dpulled out解析:选CA项意为“渡过难关,恢复健康”;B项意为“(火车)进站”;C项意为“慢慢停下”;D项意为“离开,撤离”。根据空格后的“to the panic shelter and out of the passenger side jumped .”可知,一辆车“停下来”,因此pulled up符合语境。故选C。5A.sens

78、e BfeelingCattitude Datmosphere解析:选D结合上下文内容可知,正当大家忧虑不安时,96岁的Earl叔叔的到来改变了当时的气氛,atmosphere“气氛”,与语境相符。故选D。6A.surprise BtroubleCentertain Dcontrol解析:选A根据空格前的“Ever cheerful and optimistic”可知,一向开朗和乐观的Earl叔叔继续使全家人感到惊奇,因此surprise“使惊奇”,符合语境。故选A。7A.carrying BholdingCbringing Dtaking解析:选B根据空格后的“their hands”,并结

79、合选项可知,Earl叔叔牵着孩子们的手,送给每人一块糖果,因此holding“握着”,符合语境。故选B。8A.taste Bpay Claugh Dbuy解析:选C根据下文中的“brought a smile to everyones face”可知,他让孩子们开怀大笑,因此laugh“欢笑”,符合语境。故选C。9A.Although BWhileCAs DBecause解析:选C根据空格后的“I stood back, I watched how his behavior .”可知,此处指的是当作者站在人群后面时。C项词义和用法与语境相符。故选C。B项在引导时间状语从句时,从句谓语动词一般是

80、延续性动词,不符合语境。10A.illness BrichnessCloneliness Dhappiness解析:选A根据上文中的“had been blind for many years”,并结合空格前后的内容可知,他并没有像其他人一样讲述自己的“病情”,因此illness“疾病”,符合语境。故选A。11A.attempt BchoiceCright Dcharacter解析:选B根据空格后的“to take the road to cheerfulness”,并结合选项可知,作者意识到走快乐之路是Earl叔叔的“选择”。故选B。12A.positive BnegativeCopposi

81、te Dcreative解析:选B根据上文的语境,并结合空格后内容和选项可知,Earl叔叔不关注自己生活中“消极的”方面,此处与上文的cheerfulness“相对”。negative“消极的,否定的”,符合语境。故选B。13A.extending BacceptingCwriting Ddeclining解析:选A根据空格后的“an invitation to each family member”可知,他向每一个家庭成员发出了邀请。动词短语extend an invitation to“向发出邀请”,符合语境。故选A。14A.survive BresistCrespond Dcompete

82、解析:选C根据空格前后的内容,并结合选项可知,他希望每个家庭成员以同样的方式回应。respond“回应,回答”,符合语境。故选C。 BinsistCdepend Dfeast解析:选D根据空格后的“on the wonderful spread of food”可知,此处指的是一家人开始尽情享受美食。feast可与空格后的介词“on”构成动词短语,即feast on“尽情享受,大吃大喝”,与语境相符。故选D。 16.A.warned BorderedCreminded Dwished解析:选D根据空格后的“everyone to lead a good life”可知,他“祝愿

83、”每个人都过上好日子,因此wished符合语境。故选D。 17.A.approach BwayCmethod Dmeans解析:选A根据空格前的“take a lighthearted”,并结合空格后的内容可推知,他希望每个人以轻松的心态来面对人生中可能发生的一切。approach“方法,方式,步骤”,与take搭配,意为“采取方式,以的态度”,符合语境。故选A。 18.A.cheerful BbraveCgenerous Dcurious解析:选A根据第二段第一句“Ever cheerful and optimistic”,并结合选项可知,此处指的是“快乐的”,因此cheerful符合语境。

84、故选A。19A.adventures BprojectsCexperiments Dchallenges解析:选D根据空格后的“in the challenges”可知,此处指的是尝试一个新的挑战,因此challenges“挑战”,符合语境。故选D。 20.A.comment BviewClearn Djudge解析:选B根据空格后的“them from an optimistic way”可知,应该以乐观的方式来“看待”各种挑战,view“看待”,符合语境。故选B。体裁三说明文.策略指导说明文类完形填空题常就某一个问题从不同的角度来加以说明,文章可以是用来说明某一个存在的社会现象、一个产品的

85、制作过程、一个产品的使用方法、某个科学成就或人类生活中所面临的某个具体的难题。说明文所呈现的方式较为单一,作者往往一开始就交代说明的对象,然后再从不同的角度进行说明。由于以上特点,这类文章的每一段通常就是其中的一个角度或侧面,所以要注意概括每一个段落的主旨大意,尤其是文章每一段的开头或结尾,作者往往对说明的话题进行概括说明。.模拟训练A(2016银川质检)The mental aspect of athletics is underrated. The common expression, “athletics are 90 percent _1_ and 10 percent physica

86、l,” is often used by coaches, and stresses that mindsets make a huge _2_ in competitions.“The physical aspect of the sport can only take you _3_,” said Olympic gold medalwinning gymnast Shannon Miller during an interview with the Dana Foundation. “The mental aspect has to _4_, especially when youre

87、talking about the best of the best. In the Olympic games, everyone is talented. Everyone _5_ hard. Everyone does the work. What _6_ the gold medalists from the silver medalists is simply the mental game.”Many athletes have used the technique of mental imagery, or _7_, to perform at their best. Resea

88、rch on the brain patterns of _8_ found that the patterns activated when a weightlifter lifted heavy weights were activated _9_ when they simply imagined lifting and some studies have suggested that mental _10_ can be almost as effective as physical training. One study, published in the Journal of Sp

89、ort & Exercise Psychology in 1996, found that _11_ weight lifting caused _12_ changes in muscle activity.“Mental imagery _13_ many cognitive (认知的) processes in the brain: motor control, attention, perception, planning, and memory,” researcher Angie LeVan wrote in Psychology Today. “So the _14_ is ge

90、tting trained for actual performance during visualization. Its been found that mental practices can enhance motivation, increase confidence, improve motor performance and _15_ your brain for success.”_16_ visualizing is more than just thinking about an upcoming event. _17_ athletes use visualization

91、, they truly feel the event taking place in their minds eye.“During visualization, she incorporates (整合) all of her _18_ into the experience,” sports psychologist Dr. JoAnn Dahlkoetter wrote in a blog post on The Huffington Post _19_ a speed skater she works with. “She feels her forefoot pushing off

92、 the track, she hears her skating splits, and she sees herself racing ahead of the competitors. She experiences all of the elements of her race _20_ before executing (完成) her performance.”语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,在体育运动方面,往往重视运动员身体方面的训练而忽视了心理因素,实际上,心理方面的训练对于运动员的成功有着非常大的影响。1A.luckyBintelligentCmental Dstrategic解

93、析:选C根据下文“and 10 percent physical”,并结合上文“The mental aspect of athletics is underrated.”可知,体育运动90%是心理方面,10%是身体方面,因此 mental 符合语境。故选C。2A.difference BimportanceCimprovement Dchallenge解析:选A根据上文“mindsets make a huge”,并结合空格后的内容可知,心态在比赛方面会产生巨大的影响。make a difference 为固定短语,意为“有影响,有关系,有作用”,符合语境。故选A。 long Bs

94、o farCso much Dso high解析:选B根据上文“The physical aspect of the sport can only take you”,以及下文“best of the best”的对比并结合选项可知,此处表示“身体方面只能让你做到这种程度”。so far意为“到这种程度,到目前为止”,符合语境。故选B。4A.turn on Bshow offCtake up Dset off解析:选AA项意为“打开,发动,(使)兴奋”;B项意为“炫耀,卖弄”;C项意为“拿起,从事,占据”;D项意为“出发,引起”。根据上下文语境可知,身体方面只能让你做到这种程度,心理方面必须兴

95、奋起来,与下文“the brain patterns . activated”相照应。故选A。5A.thinks BmovesCruns Dtrains解析:选D根据下文“Everyone does the work.”并结合本文的语境可知,此处表示“每个人都刻苦训练”,因此 train 符合语境。故选D。6A.breaks BpushesCdecides Ddistinguishes解析:选D根据下文“the gold medalists from the silver medalists is simply the mental game”,并结合选项可知,区分金银牌得主的仅仅是心理比赛。

96、distinguish A from B 意为“区分 A与B”,是固定搭配,符合语境。故选D。7A.activation BvisualizationCmotivation Dperception解析:选B根据上文“Many athletes have used the technique of mental imagery, or”可知,空格处与“mental imagery”同义,visualization 意为“想象,形象化,视觉化”,符合语境。故选B。8A.athletes BgymnastsCweightlifters Dskaters解析:选C根据下文“found that the

97、 patterns activated when a weightlifter lifted heavy weights”,并结合选项可知,此处指的是对举重运动员的大脑模式进行研究,因此 weightlifters 符合语境。故选C。9A.regularly BnormallyCfinally Dsimilarly解析:选D根据上文“when a weightlifter lifted heavy weights . when they simply imagined lifting”,并结合空格后的内容可知,举重运动员在举起重物和想象着举起重物时在激活大脑模式方面的效果是一样的。simila

98、rly 意为“类似于,同样地”,符合语境。故选D。10A.connection BpracticeCperformances Ddirections解析:选B根据下文“can be almost as effective as physical training”,并结合下文“Its been found that mental practices .”可知,此处指的是心理练习。故选B。11A.imagining BconsideringCreviewing Ddreaming解析:选A根据下文内容,并结合上文“when they simply imagined lifting”可知,此处指的

99、是在心里想象着举重,因此 imagine 与语境相符。故选A。12A.few BusualCactual Dstrange解析:选C根据下文“changes in muscle activity”,并结合上文语境可知,想象着举重会引起肌肉活动方面的实际变化。actual 意为“实际的,事实上的”,符合语境。故选C。13A.impacts BincreasesCslows Dfollows解析:选A根据下文“many cognitive (认知的) processes in the brain: motor control, attention .”可知,心理臆想会对大脑的许多认知过程产生影响。

100、impact 意为“影响,冲击”,符合语境。故选A。14A.brain BbodyCattention Dmemory解析:选A根据下文“is getting trained for actual performance during visualization.”并结合选项可知,在想象过程中,大脑正在为实际表现得到训练,因此 brain 符合语境。故选A。 BapplyCuse Dprepare解析:选D根据下文“your brain for success”,并结合空格前的内容可知,心理练习能够使你的大脑为成功做好准备。prepare 可与空格后的介词“for”构成动词短语

101、,意为“为做好准备”,与语境相符。故选D。16A.Though BButCThus DOtherwise解析:选B根据下文“visualizing is more than just thinking about an upcoming event”,并结合上一段的内容可知,空格处表示的是转折关系,因此 but 符合语境。故选B。17A.Unless BAfterCWhen DUntil解析:选C根据下文“athletes use visualization,they truly feel the event taking place in their minds eye”可知,当运动员发挥想

102、象时,他们真的感到体育项目正在他们的脑海中举行,因此 when 符合语境。故选C。18A.observations BspiritCdetermination Dsenses解析:选D根据下文“She feels her forefoot . racing ahead of the competitors.”并结合选项可知,在想象中,她把所有的感觉都融合在这种体验中,因此 senses 与语境相符。故选D。 BforCabout Dwith解析:选C根据上文“sports psychologist Dr.JoAnn Dahlkoetter wrote in a blog post

103、on The Huffington Post”以及空格后的内容可知,运动心理学家 JoAnn Dahlkoetter 博士写了一篇关于一名速滑运动员的博客。故选C。 surprise Bin detailCon time Dfor example解析:选B根据上文“She feels her forefoot pushing off the track . the competitors.”可知,她在比赛前详尽地体验了比赛的所有过程。in detail 意为“详细地”,符合语境。故选B。BWhen I was a college student, I did a lot of tr

104、avelings abroad. That was because a professor _1_ me to do so. She said, “Now is the time for you to travel around the world, _2_ your knowledge through actual experiences and have fun! ” I _3_ her. Since I started to work for a _4_ company, however, I have done most of my traveling through the Inte

105、rnet. By using the Internet, I have seen the _5_ of many cities on my computer screen. And I have really made business _6_, too. With the help of the Internet, I have also got _7_ about food in different countries.Therefore, I was beginning to feel that actual trips were _8_ necessary when I happene

106、d to read a famous chefs comment on the Internet. He said, “It is very difficult to have real Italian food in a foreign country, because we enjoy food and the _9_ around us at the same time. So why dont you fly over to Italy and enjoy real Italian _10_? ” Those words reminded me of my _11_ advice. A

107、s information technology _12_, you might be able to see the sights worldwide without making some real trips. But this also means that you will miss the various _13_ you can get from traveling. Today there are people who _14_ direct communication with others and spend much of their time on the Intern

108、et. It is not surprising to see a group of people _15_ not with each other but into their micro phones. It seems as if such people are _16_ by an invisible wall. They seem to be losing out on a good chance to _17_ and talk with other people. I do not think that they are taking good advantage of info

109、rmation technology. We should use information technology as a tool to make our daily _18_ more fruitful. However, we should never let it _19_ our time for facetoface communication. Lets make use of information technology more _20_, and have great fun in experiencing the actual world.语篇解读:现代信息技术极大地丰富

110、了人们的生活,但也因此产生了一定的弊端,使人们减少了与他人面对面的交流。所以我们应该更明智地利用现代信息技术,享受、体验现实社会的乐趣。1A.promisedBallowedChurried Dencouraged解析:选Dpromise意为“允诺,许诺”;allow意为“允许”;hurry意为“匆忙,急忙”;encourage意为“鼓励”。根据下句中“Now is the time for you to travel around the world”可知此处表示教授鼓励“我”到国外去,故D项正确。 up BuseCpractise Dexchange解析:选Abuild u

111、p意为“增进,加强”;use意为“使用”;practise意为“练习”;exchange意为“交换,交流”。根据语境可知此处表示在实际经历中增长知识。故A项正确。3A.agreed with Blearned fromCfollowed Dobeyed解析:选Aagree with意为“同意,意见一致”;learn from意为“向学习”;follow意为“跟随,追随”;obey意为“遵守”。此处表示“我”同意了她的观点,故A项正确。 BfoodCclothing Dmachine解析:选B根据第二段最后一句“With the help of the Internet,

112、I have also got _7_ about food in different countries.”可知作者在网上关注不同国家的食物,由此可知作者在食品公司工作,故B项正确。 BriversCsights Dhouses解析:选Clife意为“生活”;river意为“河流”;sight意为“景色”;house意为“房子”。根据上文“I have done most of my traveling through the Internet”可知“我”的大多数旅行都是通过网络进行的,故此处表示“我”在网上欣赏到了许多城市的风光景色,故C项正确。6A.plans Bbarga

113、insCprogress Dtrips解析:选D前一句讲作者在网上看到许多城市的景色,此处指也真的因公出差(到国外)过。故D项正确。7A.information BtasteCcooks Dfeelings解析:选Ainformation意为“信息”;taste意为“味道,品味”;cook意为“厨师”;feeling意为“感觉”。根据语境可知此处表示在网络的帮助下,“我”也了解了不同国家的食品信息,故A项正确。8A.even more Bno longerCmuch Dactually解析:选Beven more意为“更多地”;no longer意为“不再”;much意为“许多”;actual

114、ly意为“事实上”。根据上文可知通过因特网我可以做想做的一切,因此,我开始感到实际的旅行已经不再那么必要了,故B项正确。句意:因此,我开始觉得实际的旅行已经不再那么必要了,就在那时我碰巧读到了一位有名的厨师在网上的评论。9A.people BdrinkCatmosphere Denvironment解析:选C根据常识及语境可知此处表示人们在品尝异国食品的同时,也在享受着它的特殊氛围,故C项正确。 BdishesCcustomers Dsituations解析:选B此处谈的都是美食,所以此处句意为:那么你为什么不乘飞机到意大利去享受真正的意大利美食呢?故B项正确。11A.fri

115、ends BparentsCprofessors Dboss解析:选C句意:那些话使我想起了我的教授的建议。由第一段第二句可知此处应选professor。故C项正确。12A.produces BadvertisesCforms Dadvances解析:选Dproduce意为“生产,创作”;advertise意为“做广告”;form意为“形成,构成”;advance意为“前进,进展”。根据语境可知此处表示随着信息技术的发展,故D项正确。 BpleasuresCtroubles Dplaces解析:选B句意:但是这也意味着你将错过旅行时的各种乐趣。news意为“新闻”;pleasu

116、re意为“乐趣”;trouble意为“麻烦”;place意为“地方”。故B项正确。14A.avoid BkeepClose Denjoy解析:选Aavoid意为“避免”;keep意为“保持”;lose意为“失去”;enjoy意为“欣赏,享受”。根据此空后的“.spend much of their time on the Internet”可知此处表示现在很多人不再(或避免)与别人直接交流,而是通过因特网联系,故A项正确。15A.meeting BtalkingCcommunicating Dtraveling解析:选B根据此空后的“. into their micro phones”可知此处

117、应表示交谈,故B项正确。16A.stopped BmetCsurrounded Dhurt解析:选C根据上文可知,此处的such people指通过网络互相联系的人,他们似乎被无形的墙所包围。be surrounded with/by意为“被包围”,为固定短语。17A.take BemployCtravel Dmeet解析:选D根据语境可知,此处表示他们似乎丧失了与他人见面及交谈的好机会,故D项正确。18A.communication BstudyCwork Daction解析:选Acommunication意为“通讯,交流”;study意为“学习”;work意为“工作”;action意为“行

118、动”。本篇文章主要谈的就是人们现在的交流、联系方式,故A项正确。19A.spare BincreaseCreduce Duse解析:选Cspare意为“分出,腾出”;increase意为“增加”;reduce意为“减少”;use意为“使用”。根据语境可知,此处表示利用现代信息技术使我们的日常生活更丰富、更有效,但绝不能让它减少我们面对面的交流时间,故C项正确。20A.wisely Bcorrectly Cquickly Dslowly解析:选Awisely意为“明智地”;correctly意为“正确地”;quickly意为“很快地”;slowly意为“很慢地”。根据语境可知,此处表示因此我们应

119、该更明智地利用现代信息技术,同时享受体验现实世界的乐趣,故A项正确。CGenerally speaking, a British is widely regarded as a quiet, shy and conservative (保守的) person who is _1_ only among those with whom he is familiar. When a stranger is present, he often seems nervous, _2_ embarrassed. You have to take a commuter train (通勤车) any mor

120、ning or evening to _3_ the truth of this. Seriouslooking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or _4_ off in a corner, hardly anybody talks, since to do so would be considered quite offensive (冒犯的)_5_, there is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior, which, once _6_, makes

121、 the offender immediately the object of _7_One of the few things we can say about the British with certainty is that a British takes a(n) _8_ to the discussion of their weather and that, if given a chance, he will talk about it _9_. Some people argue that it is because the British weather _10_ follo

122、ws forecast and thus becomes a source of interest to everyone. This may be so. Certainly a British cannot have much _11_ in the weathermen, whose predictions, in many cases, _12_ to be wrong! The man in the street seems to be as accurate or as inaccurate as the weathermen in his _13_Foreigners may b

123、e surprised at the number of references _14_ weather that the British make to each other in the course of a single day. Very often conversational greetings are _15_ by comments on the weather. “Nice day, isnt it?” “Beautiful day!” may well be heard instead of “Good morning, how are you?” _16_ the fo

124、reigner may consider this exaggerated (夸大的) and comic, it is worthwhile pointing out that it could be used to his _17_. If he wants to start a conversation with a British but is _18_ to know where to begin, he could do well to mention the state of the weather. It is a(n) _19_ subject to which a resp

125、onse may well be _20_ of even the most reserved of the British.语篇解读:英国人安静、保守,陌生人之间很少交谈,但他们却非常喜欢谈论天气,因此,天气也就成为了与英国人开始一段谈话的常用话题。1A.relaxedBfrustratedCamused Dexhausted解析:选Arelaxed意为“放松的”;frustrated意为“沮丧的,挫败的”;amused意为“愉悦的”;exhausted意为“疲惫的,耗尽的”。根据第一段第二句中的“When a stranger is present, he often seems nerv

126、ous”可知,英国人只在其熟悉的人面前感到放松,故A项正确。2A.yet BotherwiseCeven Dso解析:选Cyet意为“然而”;otherwise意为“否则,另外”;even意为“甚至”;so意为“所以”。句意:在陌生人面前,英国人会显得紧张,甚至感到尴尬。此处表示递进关系,故C项正确。3A.experience BwitnessCwatch Dundertake解析:选Bexperience意为“经历,体验”;witness意为“目击,证明”;watch意为“观察”;undertake意为“承担;允诺”。根据本段最后一句所描述的商务人士在火车上的表现可知此处表示“在任意一个早上

127、或者晚上乘通勤车的时候,你都可以证明这一事实”,故B项正确。4A.whispering BmurmuringCnodding Dlaughing解析:选Cwhisper意为“耳语,低声说”;murmur意为“低语”;nod意为“点头”;laugh意为“嘲笑”。上文提到在陌生人面前,英国人会显得紧张,再结合此空后的“hardly anybody talks”可知,表情严肃的商人和女士坐在那里看报纸或者在角落里打盹儿。nod off意为“打瞌睡,打盹”,为固定短语,符合语境。5A.Hopefully BExactlyCFrequently DObviously解析:选D句意:显然,在英国有个不成文

128、但人尽皆知的行为准则,一旦有人打破这一准则,这个人就会立刻成为被批评的对象。hopefully意为“有希望地,有前途地”;exactly意为“恰好地,精确地”;frequently意为“频繁地”;obviously意为“显然地,显而易见地”。根据语境可知D项正确。6A.developed BobservedCfollowed Dbroken解析:选D此处表示一旦规则被打破,故D项正确。7A.doubt BargumentCcriticism Dpraise解析:选C上半句提到这是一个人尽皆知的行为准则,故一旦有人打破,则肯定成为批评的对象。doubt意为“怀疑”;argument意为“争论”;

129、criticism意为“批评”;praise意为“赞美,赞扬”。根据语境可知C项正确。8A.emotion BfancyClikeliness Djudgment解析:选Bemotion意为“情感,情绪”;fancy意为“想象,喜爱”;likeliness意为“可能性”;judgment意为“判断,裁决”。根据下文可知,英国人喜欢谈论天气。take a fancy to sth./sb.意为“喜欢某事或某人”,为固定短语,符合语境。 length Bat lastCat most Dat least解析:选Aat length意为“长时间地”;at last意为“最后,终于”;at

130、most意为“至多”;at least意为“至少”。根据语境可知此处表示英国人如有机会就会畅谈天气,故A项正确。10A.always BoftenCconstantly Dseldom解析:选D根据11空后的“the weathermen, whose predictions, in many cases, _12_ to be wrong”可知,英国的天气预报很少是准确的,故此处用seldom“几乎不”。 BreliefChonor Dcredit解析:选Afaith意为“信仰,信念”;relief意为“宽慰;减轻”;honor意为“荣耀,荣誉”;credit意为“信任”。

131、因为天气预报很少准确,英国人当然不能非常相信气象预报员。have faith in sb.意为“信任某人”,为固定短语,故A项正确。12A.put out Bmake outCturn out Dfind out解析:选Cput out意为“熄灭”;make out意为“理解;辨认出”;turn out意为“最后,结果是,最终成为”;find out意为“查明”。气象预报员的预报很多情况下被证实是错的,故C项符合语境。13A.consideration BpredictionCapproval Dappreciation解析:选Bconsideration意为“考虑,体谅”;predictio

132、n意为“预测”;approval意为“赞成”;appreciation意为“欣赏,感激”。上文提到气象预报员的预报不准,此处表示街上的人似乎和气象预报中的预报员一样准确或者不准确。故B项符合语境。14A.about BonCin Dto解析:选D此处考查make reference to的用法,意为“谈及,提及”,为固定搭配,故D项正确。15A.started BconductedCreplaced Dproposed解析:选Cstart意为“开始”;conduct意为“管理;引导”;replace意为“替换”;propose意为“提议,计划”。根据下文可知,此处表示寒暄经常会被谈论天气取代(

133、replaced)。16A.Since BAlthoughCHowever DOnly if解析:选B句意:尽管外国人可能会认为这有些夸张和滑稽,但值得指出的是,了解这些对他是有好处的。根据下半句中的“it is worthwhile .”可知此处用连词although“尽管”引导让步状语从句。17A.benefit BadvantageCdisadvantage Dfavor解析:选Bbenefit意为“好处,益处”;advantage意为“优势,有利条件”;disadvantage意为“缺点,不利条件”;favor意为“喜爱,欢心”。be to ones advantage表示“对有利”,

134、为固定搭配。 a loss Bin detailCin groups Don occasion解析:选Aat a loss意为“茫然,困惑”;in detail意为“详细地”;in groups意为“成群地,分组地”;on occasion意为“有时,偶尔”。外国人想要和英国人攀谈,但又不知道怎样开头,那就不妨先谈谈天气,故A项正确。19A.avoidable BsteadyCoptional Dsafe解析:选Davoidable意为“可避免的”;steady意为“稳定的,稳固的”;optional意为“可选择的,随意的”;safe意为“安全的”。根据英国人对天气话题的热爱可知谈论天气是一个安全的话题,故D项正确。20A.expected BaskedCwished Dreminded解析:选Aexpect sth. of sb.意为“要求,指望”,为固定用法。

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