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本文(2020-2021学年八年级英语下册 Module 2 Experiences Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids练测 (新版)外研版.docx)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2020-2021学年八年级英语下册 Module 2 Experiences Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids练测 (新版)外研版.docx

1、Module 2 ExperiencesUnit 2 【自测】根据课文内容填空,每空一词1. Mike and Clare are in Cairo, one of the and busiest cities in Africa.2. The company has sent Peter to work in Germany, France and China .3. The Robinsons love the world.4. They have to many interesting places.5. They find hard to spell and pronounce the

2、 words.【过关】一、根据句意及中文提示完成句子,每空一词1. The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous (塔) in the world.2. Jim has gone to (德国) by plane.3. Youd better go to (法国) to visit the Eiffel Tower.4. Tom is very different from his brother in many (方面).5. Two years ago, Mr Smith (派遣去) his daughter to learn English in

3、the US.二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 mix king move miss fifteen-year-old 1. Peter has to from Washington to Los Angeles.2. Mrs White told Gina the salt with water.3. I my parents so much, because they have been in Paris for a long time.4. They have visited the ancient palaces of and queens of Egypt.5. Mike is a

4、 boy and he is happy about mixing the four languages.三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1. 到目前为止,我们为这可怜的孩子募捐到数千元。 , we have raised several thousand yuan for the poor kid.2. 这男孩正盼望着过他的生日并开始倒计时日子。The boy to his birthday and has started to the days.3. 虽然罗布只有4岁,但他已去过许多地方。Though Rob is only four, he many places.4. 我发现学习阿拉

5、伯语很有趣。I Arabic.5. 汤姆效力于本地的一家报社。Tom a local newspaper.四、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1. So far, they (learn) four languages.2. They (move) here with their parents two years ago.3. Excuse me, you (see) my schoolbag in the reading room?Look!Is this yours?4. you ever (travel) to Hong Kong before?No, I havent.5. your

6、mother ever (be) to the forest?No, she hasnt.【提升】一、完形填空Snowy was a beautiful little horse. Her dream was to be a show jumping horse. Every day she would ask her 1 to teach her to jump. When her mum decided that she was big enough, 2 went into the jumping arena(竞技场) together for the first time.Snowy

7、was very 3 , but when she saw how high the jumps were, she started shaking. “I dont think this is a good 4 . I could never jump that high. I think wed better 5 ,” she said. Her mum said, “I wouldnt ask you to 6 that high. Theres a low jump over there. Why dont you start jumping over that?” Snowy was

8、 a little afraid at first, 7 later she walked to it and jumped over it. “I 8 it!” she shouted happily.Soon Snowy became 9 jumping over low jumps, but her mum said to her, “You cant just jump over that 10 you want to be a show jumper. Try that taller jump over there.”Again, Snowy was 11 . But she gav

9、e it a try and found she 12 do it. As the weeks went on, Snowy entered the arena and 13 the tallest jumps. She knew it was time to jump over them.Over the past few weeks, something had changed. These jumps didnt look as high as before. Snowy jumped over them 14 . Her mum was proud of her and said, “

10、This is what happens when you start small and build your way up. Keep 15 and then youll be able to do anything.”( )1. A. monitorB. mumC. coachD. dad( )2. A. sheB. heC. weD. they( )3. A. tiredB. excitedC. calmD. surprised( )4. A. planB. wayC. ideaD. chance( )5. A. leaveB. waitC. stayD. jump( )6. A. f

11、lyB. startC. singD. climb( )7. A. butB. soC. orD. and( )8. A. foundB. tookC. wonD. did( )9. A. worried aboutB. famous forC. good atD. careful with( )10. A. ifB. tillC. althoughD. while( )11. A. shyB. nervousC. interestedD. proud( )12. A. mustB. mightC. shouldD. could( )13. A. wrote aboutB. picked up

12、C. looked atD. set up( )14. A. slowlyB. easilyC. loudlyD. quietly( )15. A. runningB. smilingC. goingD. trying二、阅读理解Do you have friends or relatives who live in other parts of China? For example, perhaps you live in Beijing, but your cousin lives in Chongqing. Luckily, if you want to give them a phon

13、e call, you dont have to worry about which time zone(时区) youre in. This is because almost all parts of China follow the same standard(标准) time.However, things are different in some coun-tries. For example, there are some different time zones in the US. My home town is in the Eastern Time Zone. But s

14、ome of my friends are in the Mountain Time Zone. When I want to call them, I have to discuss the time with them to make sure we are both free at that time.When I studied in China in the first year, I often got phone calls from my mother late at night. My home town is 12 hours behind China time. Now

15、my family, friends and I have already got used to the difference.In fact, there is an exception(例外) in China when it comes to time zones: the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. In this area, people follow Beijing Timethe time that the rest of the country followsor Xinjiang Time. When making plans wit

16、h each other, people in Xinjiang have to be clear which time theyre using, Beijing Time or Xinjiang Time.( )1. Whats the first paragraph mainly about?A. The writer likes living in China.B. We can talk with our friends on the phone anytime.C. Almost all parts of China use the same standard time.D. It

17、s hard to live in a country with different time zones.( )2. The underlined word “discuss” means“ ”.A. write downB. look atC. talk aboutD. put away( )3. Why did the writers mother call her late at night?A. Because she had something important to tell her daughter.B. Because she wanted to ask her daugh

18、ter for help.C. Because she missed her daughter very much.D. Because she forgot the time difference.( )4. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The writer has a study experience in China.B. Xinjiang Time and Beijing Time are the same in China.C. China is 12 hours behind the time of the writers home town

19、.D. It is difficult for the writer to make phone calls to her friends.( )5. Whats the best title for the passage?A. Find the Right Time to Make a Phone CallB. Different Countries, Different TimeC. Enjoy the Time with FriendsD. Time Zones in the US三、词汇运用A)用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。 invite dream ancient affo

20、rd make up 1. Jack knew that playing basketball for the NBA was only a .2. We dont have enough money. We can only to buy a small house.3. I didnt believe what Tom said. I thought he all the things.4. In the beginning, I didnt want to her to my party, but finally I changed my mind.5. Mencius, also kn

21、own by his birth name Meng Ke, was a famous thinker in times.B)根据汉语提示完成短文。Playing computer games is fun. Its also a6 (认真严肃的) business(商业). People call it “esports” as well.Last 7 (夏天), over 12,000 fans were at Wembley Arena in London, shouting and 8 (欢呼). Thousands more were watching online. But thi

22、s wasnt a football, basketball or tennis 9 (比赛). It was esports or competitive computer gaming. The 10 (奖金) for the winners was 3 million!Millions of people in the UK play games for fun. Some of them have 11 (成为) professional(专业的) gamers, playing games as their full-time job. Do you know that some f

23、ootball teams employ(雇用) esports players? They 12 (派遣) them around the world to13 (参加) football video game competitions. Its not 14 (容易的) to be a professional gamer, though. They practise for ten or more hours a day, five or six days a week. They also study videos of other players and plan ways to 1

24、5 (打败) them.As well as playing games, many people like watching them too. The games can be exciting to watch. People can watch them on the Internet. Sometimes online fans can interact(互动) with the game. For example, some gamers rename characters in the game with the names of online fans.四、任务型阅读阅读下面短

25、文,根据文中信息完成表格。每空不得超过三词。For people in Shanghai and some other cities in China, “gar-bage sorting(垃圾分类)” may be the most popular words now.Many people find it hard to put different kinds of garbage in the right place. Dont worry!A kind of robot from America can give us a hand. It can use its cameras to

26、 “see” pictures on the package(包装). Then it puts the garbage into the right place.The garbage problem is one of the serious problems in China now. Every year, most garbage goes into landfills(填埋场). Near some big cities like Beijing and Shanghai, there will be no space for landfills in four or five y

27、ears. But if we start doing the sorting job, things will become much better. So everyone should be serious about garbage sorting now.But garbage sorting is not the best way to protect our environment. The best way is to make less garbage.HumanIt is 1 for many people to put different kinds of gar-bag

28、e into the right place.RobotA kind of robot from America can help peo-ple sort garbage by “2 ” pic-tures on the package.Garbage Facts in ChinaMost garbage goes into landfills.There will be no 3 for landfills near some big cities.We should be 4 about garbage sorting now.The best way to protect our en

29、vironment is to make 5 garbage.参考答案Unit 2 【自测】1. biggest 2. before 3. seeing 4. been 5. it【过关】一、1. towers 2. Germany 3. France 4. ways 5. sent二、1. move 2. to mix 3. miss 4. kings 5. fifteen-year-old三、1. So far 2. is looking forward, count down 3. has been to 4. find it very interesting to learn 5. w

30、orks for四、1. have learnt 2. moved 3. have, seen 4. Have, travelled 5. Has, been【提升】一、15. BDBCA 610. BADCA 1115. BDCBD二、15. CCDAB三、1. dream 2. afford 3. made up 4. invite 5. ancient6. serious 7. summer 8. cheering 9. match 10. prize11. become 12. send 13. enter 14. easy 15. beat四、1. hard/difficult/not easy 2. seeing 3. space 4. serious5. less

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