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本文(《FRINDS老友记》第2季中英文对照完整剧本:205 THE ONE WITH FIVE STEAKS AND AN EGGPLANT.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家205 The One With Five Steaks and an EggplantScene: At Chandler and Joeys. Ross and Chandler are there. Ross is watching wrestling.ROSS: Man, I sure miss Julie.CHANDLER: Spanish midgets. Spanish midgets wrestling. Julie. Ok, yes, I see how you got there. (phone rings)ROSS: You ever fi

2、gure out what that things for?CHANDLER: No, see, Im trying this new screening thing. You know, I figure if Im always answering the phone, peoplell think I dont have a life. My god, Rodrigo never gets pinned. (MACHINE-JOEYS VOICE): Here comes the beep, you know what to do.JADE: Hello, Im looking for

3、Bob. This is Jane. I dont know if youre still at this number, but I was just thinking about us, and how great it was, and, well, I know its been three years, but, I was kinda hoping we could hook up again. I barely had t he nerve to make this call, so you know what I did?CHANDLER: What?JADE: I got a

4、 little drunk.and naked.CHANDLER: Bob here.CHANDLER: (on phone) Whatve you been up to?JADE: Oh, you know, the usual, teaching aerobics, partying way too much. Oh, and in case you were wondering, those are my legs on the new James Bond poster.CHANDLER: Can you hold on a moment? I have another call. (

5、to Ross) I love her.ROSS: I know.CHANDLER: Im back.JADE: So, are we gonna get together or what?CHANDLER: Um, absolutely. Uh, how bout tomorrow afternoon? Do you know uh, Central Perk in the Village, say, five-ish?JADE: Great, Ill see you then.CHANDLER: Ok. Ok. Having a phone has finally paid off.ROS

6、S: Even though you do do a good Bob impression, Im thinkin when she sees you tomorow, shes probably gonna realize, hey, youre not Bob.CHANDLER: Im hoping that when Bob doesnt show up, she will seek comfort in the open arms of the wry stranger at the next table.ROSS: Oh my god. You are pure evil.CHAN

7、DLER: Ok, pure evil, horny and alone. Ive done this.(At Monica and Rachels)ROSS: (on phone) Yeah, yeah, everybodys here. Hey, everybody, say hi to Julie in New Mexico.ALL: Hi, Julie!RACHEL: (sarcastically) Hi, Julie.CHANDLER: Ok, while Ross is on the phone, everybody owes me 62 bucks for his birthda

8、y.PHOEBE: Um, is, is there any chance that youre rounding up? You know, like from, like 20?CHANDLER: Hey, come on, we got the gift, the concert, and the cake.JOEY: Do we need a cake?CHANDLER: Look guys, I know its a little steep.RACHEL: Yeah, whoosh!CHANDLER: But its Ross.PHOEBE: Its Ross.JOEY: All

9、right.CHANDLER: Ill see you guys later, I gotta a thing.ROSS: Ok, sweetheart, Ill call you later tonight. Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, hey, hey, youre not really gonna go through with this, are you?CHANDLER: You know, I think I might just.RACHEL: So uh, what are you guys doing for dinner tonight?JOE

10、Y: Well I guess I gotta start savin up for Rosss birthday, so I guess Ill just stay home and eat dust bunnies.PHOEBE: Can you believe how much this is gonna cost?RACHEL: Do you guys ever get the feeling that um, Chandler and those guys just dont get that we dont make as much money as they do?JOEY: Y

11、es! Yeah, its like theyre always saying lets go here, lets go there. Like we can afford to go here and there.PHOEBE: Yes, yes, and its, and we always have to go to, you know, someplace nice, you know? God, and its not like we can say anything about it, cause, like this birthday thing, its for Ross.J

12、OEY: For Ross.RACHEL: For Ross, Ross, Ross.MONICA: (enters) Oh my god. RACHEL: Hey.JOEY: Hi.RACHEL: What?MONICA: Im at work, ordinary day, you know, chop chop chop, sauti, sauti, sauti. All of a sudden, Leon, the manager, calls me into his office. It turns out they fired the head lunch chef, and gue

13、ss who got the job.JOEY: If its not you, this is a horrible story.MONICA: Fortunately, it is me. And, they made me head of purchasing, thank you very much. Anyway, I just ran into Ross and Chandler downstairs, and they think we should go out and celebrate. You know, someplace nice.JOEY: Yeah, somepl

14、ace nice. (to Phoebe and Rachel) How much do you think I can get for my kidney? (at Central Perk)ROSS: Im tellin you. You cant do this.CHANDLER: Oh, come on. I can never get a girl like that with conventional methods.ROSS: That doesnt matter. She wanted to call Bob. Hey, for all we know, Bob is who

15、she was meant to be with. You may be destroying two peoples chance for happiness.CHANDLER: We dont know Bob, ok? We know me. We like me. Please let me be happy.ROSS: Go over there and tell that woman the truth.CHANDLER: All right.ROSS: Go.CHANDLER: Hi. JADE: Hi.CHANDLER: Listen, I have to, uh, um, I

16、 have to, I have to confess something.JADE: Yes?CHANDLER: Whoever stood you up is a jerk.JADE: How did you-?CHANDLER: I dont know. I just had this weird sense. You know, but thats me. Im weird and sensitive. Tissue?JADE: Thanks.CHANDLER: No, you keep the pack. Im all cried out today.(At Somplace Nic

17、e)ROSS: Ok, ok, here is to my sister, the newly-appointed head lunch chef-MONICA: Who is also in charge of purchasing.ROSS: Newly appointed head lunch chef who is also in charge of purchasing-MONICA: Who has her own little desk when Rolands not there.ROSS: Uh, lunch chef, purchasing, own little desk

18、 when Rolands not there. Heres to my little sister-MONICA: Oh, wait, and I got a beeper!JOEY: Cool.PHOEBE: Lets see!ROSS: Thats fine, Ill just wait!MONICA: Oh, sorry.JOEY: Sorry, sorry.ROSS: Monica! (glasses clinking)WAITER: Are we ready to order? RACHEL: Oh, you know what, we havent even looked yet

19、.WAITER: Well, when you do, just let me know. Ill be right over there on the edge of my seat.PHOEBE: Wow, look at these prices.RACHEL: Yeah, these are pretty ch-ching.JOEY: What are these, like famous chickens?CHANDLER: Hey, sorry Im late. Congratulations, Mon. (to Ross) Im not sorry Im late. How in

20、credible was my afternoon with Jade?ROSS: Well, pretty incredible according to the message she left you on my machine. Hey, Chandler, why is this woman leaving a message for you on my machine?CHANDLER: Oh, see, I had to tell her that my number was your number, because I couldnt tell her that my numb

21、er was my number because she thinks that my number is Bobs number.ROSS: Hey, tell me again, what do I do when Mr. Roper calls?WAITER: Do I dare ask?MONICA: Yes, I will start with the carpaccio, and then Ill have the grilled prawns. ROSS: That sounds great. Same for me.WAITER: And for the gentleman?J

22、OEY: Yeah, Ill have the Thai chicken pizza. But, hey, look, if I get it without the nuts and leeks and stuff, is it cheaper?WAITER: Youd think, wouldnt you? Miss?RACHEL: Ok, I will have the uh, (whispers) side salad.WAITER: (whispers) And what will that be on the side of?RACHEL: Uh, I dont know. Why

23、 dont you put it right here next to my water?WAITER: And for you?PHOEBE: Um, Im gonna have a cup of the cucumber soup, and, um, take care.CHANDLER: I will have the uh, Cajun catfish.WAITER: Anything else?CHANDLER: Yes, how bout a verse of Killing Me Softly. Youre gonna sneeze on my fish, arent you?R

24、OSS: (using calculator) Plus tip, divided by six. Ok, everyone owes 28 bucks.RACHEL: Um, everyone?ROSS: Oh, youre right, Im sorry. JOEY: Thank you.ROSS: Monicas big night, she shouldnt pay. MONICA: Oh, thank you!ROSS: So five of us is, $33.50 apiece.PHOEBE: No, huh uh, no way, Im sorry, not gonna ha

25、ppen.CHANDLER: Whoa, whoa, prom night flashback.PHOEBE: Im sorry, Monica, Im really happy you got promoted, but cold cucumber mush for thirty-something bucks? No! Rachel just had that, that, that salad, and, and Joey with his like teeny pizza! Its just.ROSS: Ok, Pheebs! How bout well each just pay f

26、or what we had. Its no big deal.PHOEBE: Not for you.MONICA: All right, whats goin on?RACHEL: Ok, look you guys, I really dont want to get into this right now. I think itll just make everyone uncomfortable.PHOEBE: Fine. All right, fine.JOEY: Yeah.CHANDLER: You can tell us. ROSS: Hello, its us, all ri

27、ght? Itll be fine.JOEY: Ok, um, uh, we three feel like, that uh, sometimes you guys dont get that uh, we dont have as much money as you.MONICA: Ok.ROSS: I hear ya. CHANDLER: We can talk about that.PHOEBE: Well, then.Lets.ROSS: I, I just never think of money as an issue.RACHEL: Thats cause you have i

28、t.ROSS: Thats a good point.CHANDLER: So um, how come you guys havent talked about this before?JOEY: Cause its always somethin, you know, like Monicas new job, or the whole Rosss birthday hoopla.ROSS: Wha-? Whoa, hey, I dont want my birthday to be the source of any kind of negative-theres gonna be a

29、hoopla?RACHEL: Basically, theres the thing, and then theres the stuff after the thing.MONICA: If it makes anybody feel better, then we can just forget the thing, and well just do the gift.ROSS: G-gift? The things not the gift?CHANDLER: No, the thing was, we were gonna go see Hootie and the Blowfish.

30、ROSS: Hootie and the-oh my. I, I can catch them on the radio.PHOEBE: No, now I feel bad. You wanna go to the concert.ROSS: No, look, hey, its my birthday, and the important thing is that we all be together.MONICA: All of us.CHANDLER: Together.ROSS: Not at the concert.RACHEL: Ok.JOEY: Yeah.RACHEL: Th

31、ank you.JOEY: Thanks.PHOEBE: Yeah.CHANDLER: So, the ebola virus. Thats gotta suck, huh?(at Monica and Rachels)CHANDLER: Gee, Monica, whats in the bag?MONICA: I dont know, Chandler. Lets take a look.PHOEBE: Oh, its like a skit.MONICA: Why, its dinner for six. 5 steaks, and an eggplant for Phoebe. ROS

32、S: Whoo!PHOEBE: Cool.MONICA: Yeah, we switched meat suppliers at work, and the new guys gave me the steaks as sort of a thank-you.ROSS: But wait, theres more. Hey, Chandler, what is in the envelope?CHANDLER: By the way, this didnt seem so dorky in the hall.ROSS: Come on.CHANDLER: Why, its six ticket

33、s to Hootie and the Blowfish! The Blowfish!MONICA: Its on us, all right, so dont worry. Its our treat.PHOEBE: So.Thank you.ROSS: Could you be less enthused?JOEY: Look, its a nice gesture, it is. But it just feels like-MONICA: Like?JOEY: Charity.MONICA: Charity?ROSS: Were just tryin to do a nice thin

34、g here.RACHEL: Ross, you have to understand that your nice thing makes us feel this big.PHOEBE: Actually, it makes us feel that big.ROSS: I dont, I dont understand. I mean, you, its like we cant win with you guys.CHANDLER: If you guys feel this big, maybe thats not our fault. Maybe thats just how yo

35、u feel.JOEY: Oh, now youre tellin us how you feel.RACHEL: Ok, we never shoulda talked about this.PHOEBE: Im just gonna pass on the concert, cause Im just not in a very Hootie place right now.RACHEL: Me neither.JOEY: Me too.MONICA: Guys, we bought the tickets.PHOEBE: Oh, well, then youll have extra s

36、eats, you know, for all your tiaras and stuff.CHANDLER: Why did you look at me when you said that?MONICA: Well, I guess now we cant go.RACHEL: What? Come on, you do what you want to do. Do we always have to do everything together?MONICA: You know what? Youre right.PHOEBE: Fine.ROSS: Fine.JOEY: Fine.

37、CHANDLER: Fine.RACHEL: Fine.MONICA: All right. Were gonna go. Its not for another six hours. Were gonna go then.ROSS: Chandler! CHANDLER: Yeah?ROSS: Geez! Are you ready?CHANDLER: Yeah. Just let me grab my jacket and tell you I had sex today.ROSS: Whoa! You had sex today?CHANDLER: Wow, it sounds even

38、 cooler when somebody else says it. I was awesome, ok? She was biting her lip to stop from screaming. ROSS: Wow.CHANDLER: Now I know its been awhile, but I took it as a good sign.(phone rings)ROSS: Still doing the screening thing?CHANDLER: I had sex today. I never have to answer that phone again.MAC

39、HINE: Here comes the beep, you know what to do.JADE: Hey, Bob, its Jade. Listen, I just wanted to tell you that I was really hurt when you didnt show up the other day, and just so you know, I ended up meeting a guy.CHANDLER: Bob here.JADE: Oh, hi.CHANDLER: So, uh, you met someone, huh?JADE: Yes, yes

40、, I did. In fact, I had sex with him 2 hours ago. CHANDLER: So, uh, how was he?JADE: Eh.CHANDLER: Eh?JADE: Oh, Bob, he was nothing compared to you. I had to bite my lip to keep from screaming your name.CHANDLER: Well, that makes me feel so good.JADE: It was just so awkward and bumpy.ROSS: (silently

41、mouthing) Bumpy?CHANDLER: Well, maybe he had some kind of uh, new, cool style, that youre not familiar with. And uh maybe you have to get used to it.JADE: Well there really wasnt much time to get used to it, you know what I mean?(at the concert)MONICA: You know what? Im not gonna be able to enjoy th

42、is.ROSS: Yeah, I know, its my birthday. We all should be here.CHANDLER: So, lets go.ROSS: Well maybe, you know, maybe we should stay for one song.CHANDLER: Yeah, I mean, it would be rude to them for us to leave now.MONICA: You know, the guys are probably having a great time.(at Monica and Rachels)JO

43、EY: Come on you guys, one more time.PHOEBE: Ok. One.JOEY: Nooo.MONICA: That was amazing!ROSS: Excellent, that was excellent.CHANDLER: I cant believe the guys missed this.ROSS: What guys? Oh, yeah.STEVE: Excuse me, youre Monica Geller arent you?MONICA: Do I know you?STEVE: You used to be my babysitte

44、r.MONICA: Oh my god, little Stevie Fisher? Howve you been?STEVE: Good, good, Im a lawyer now.MONICA: You cant be a lawyer. Youre eight.STEVE: Listen, it was nice to see you. I gotta run backstage.MONICA: Uh, wait, backstage?STEVE: Oh, yeah, my firm represents the band.ROSS: Ross.CHANDLER: Chandler.S

45、TEVE: How are you? Look, you guys wanna meet the group? Come on. So, are you one of the ones who fooled around with my dad?(at Central Perk)ROSS: Hey, you guys.RACHEL: Happy birthday.ROSS: Oh, thank you, thanks. So uh, how was your night last night?RACHEL: Oh, well, it pretty much sucked. How was yo

46、urs?MONICA: Yeah, ours pretty much sucked, oh, but, I did run into little Stevie Fisher. Remember him?RACHEL: Oh yeah. I used to babysit him. Hey, hows his dad?MONICA: Uh, good.ROSS: Uh, aside from that, the whole evening was pretty much a bust.CHANDLER: Yeah, we really missed you guys.JOEY: Yeah, l

47、ook, we were just saying, this whole thing is really stupid.PHOEBE: We just have to really, really, really, not let stuff like money get-is that a hickey?MONICA: No, I just, I fell down.RACHEL: On someones lips? Whered you get the hickey?MONICA: You know, a party, or-RACHEL: What party?ROSS: It wasn

48、t so much a party as.a gathering of people, with food, and music, and, and the band.JOEY: You partied with Hootie and the Blowfish?CHANDLER: Yes, apparently Stevie and the band are like this.RACHEL: Who gave you that hickey?MONICA: That would be the work of a Blowfish.RACHEL: Oh!PHOEBE: Oh! I cant b

49、elieve it. I cant believe this. Were just like, sitting at home, trying to guess Joeys fingers, and you guys are out like partying and having fun, and you know, all, hey, Blowfish, suck on my neck.ROSS: Look, dont blame us. You guys coulda been there, you know.RACHEL: What, as part of your poor frie

50、nds outreach program?(Monicas pager goes off)MONICA: Its work.CHANDLER: I dont know what to say. Im sorry that we make more money than you. But were not gonna feel guilty about it. We work really hard for it. JOEY: And we dont work hard?MONICA: (on phone) Yeah, hi, its Monica. I just got a page.CHAN

51、DLER: Im just saying that sometimes we like to do stuff that costs a little more.JOEY: And you feel like we hold you back.CHANDLER: Yes.RACHEL: Oh!CHANDLER: No.MONICA: Leon, Leon. Shhh! Guys. Wait, I dont understand. Those steaks were just a gift from the meat vendor. That was not a kick back. Ill j

52、ust replace them and we can forget the whole thing. What corporate policy? No. Yeah. All right. I just got fired.PHOEBE: Oh.(Everyone goes over to comfort Monica)WAITRESS: Heres your check. Thatll be $4.12.JOEY: Let me get that. (to Chandler) You got five bucks?MACHINE: Here comes the beep, you know

53、 what to do.JADE: Hi, its me. Listen, Bob. Im probably way out of line here. I mean, It has been 3 years, and youre probably seeing someone else now, but if we could just have one night together, just for old times sake, one hot, steamy, wild night.(Joey lunges for phone and misses.)END 205 五块牛排和一根茄











64、外我们昨天整个晚上都满凄惨的对呀,我们刚才还说这件事太愚蠢了我们必须真的真的不让钱这种事情介入那是个吻痕吗?不,我只是我跌倒了跌在别人嘴上?你那吻痕哪儿来的?什么派对?那不算是派对只能说是一群人聚在一起有吃的,有音乐,还有你们跟”混混与自大狂”混?对,很显然史提跟混混是死党那吻痕是谁给的?是其中一个自大狂弄的我真不敢相信我们只是坐在家里头猜乔伊的手指头而你们却跑出去疯狂作乐说:”自大狂吸我脖子”不要怪我们本来你们也可以去的什么?当被你们施舍的穷朋友,是不是?帅,是公司我不晓得该说什么很抱歉我们赚的钱此你们多可是我们不想因此有罪恶感我们很努力的赚钱啊我们就不努力?我是摩妮卡刚刚有人CALL我有时候我们会想做比较花钱的事情嘛是我们拖住你了雷各位!我不明白那些牛排只是肉商送来的礼物可不是回扣啊那我买回去还他们我们把这件事忘掉好了什么公司政策啊?我被开除了你们的帐单,一共四块两毛我来付你有没有五块啊?哔一声过后,你知道怎么做是我小包也许我不该做这样的要求我是说都过三年了说不定你另外有女朋友了我们如果能在一起一个晚上看在往日的份上干柴烈火的一晚9 版权所有高考资源网

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