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2007 平湖市当湖高级中学零模考试英语试卷.doc

1、2007 平湖市当湖高级中学零模考试英语试卷 命题人:Roger 2007-2-1第一部分:单项填空(共20小题。每小题1分;满分20分)A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. - Look! Jane has _ tense expression on her face. - So she does. It seems that _ news is true.A. a; /B. a; theC. the; / D. the; a2. -Mum, have you seen my mobile phone? -_ you bought last w

2、eek? Im afraid I havent seen _.A. The one; itB. The one; oneC. One; it D. One; one3. The woman was _ by the business mans offer of marriage and stupidly gave him most of her money.A. taken onB. taken inC. taken offD. taken out4. -Will $ 200 _ the cost of the damage? -Im afraid not. I need at least $

3、 100 more.A. doB. includeC. coverD. afford5. I was so familiar with him that I recognized his voice _ I picked up the phone. A. while B. after C. in case D. the minute6. The_ house smelled as if it hadnt been lived in for years.A. little white wooden B. little wooden whiteC. white wooden little D. w

4、ooden white little7. My teacher of English is really very kind. Ill never forget the _ he has done me.A. favorB. deedC. helpD. value8. -What do you think of the five doll mascots for the 2008 Olympic Games? -_, they are lovely, but we cant figure out what they mean easily.A. To tell the truthB. Im a

5、fraidC. UnfortunatelyD. As a matter of fact9. -Where will you start your work after graduation? -Mmm, its not been decided yet. I _ continue my study for a higher degree.A. needB. mustC. wouldD. might10. -How did your students express their thanks to you on Teachers Day? -A gift together with many f

6、lowers _ sent to me.A. isB. areC. wasD. were11. When _ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.A. comparedB. being comparedC. comparingD. having compared12. - Tom, why did you make no reply to me when I called your name in the street

7、just now? - Sorry, Jim. I _ to my wife on the phone.A. was talkingB. talked C. am talkingD. had talked13. Mr White will come to the party on Sunday, _ he promised to every one of us.A. whenB. thatC. whatD. which14. -Does Betty know where her violin is? -She saw somebody walking off with one, but she

8、 doesnt know _.A. whoseB. itC. whomD. which15. -Any fashion news about skirts? -Yes. This seasons short skirts have gained popularity now, although they _ to be shocking at first.A. had been thoughtB. were thoughtC. are thoughtD. had thought16Ask the professor at professoref. com. _ more advice on a

9、ll things about English,visit .A. About B. To C. For D. With17Ring me at 7 am? No, not that early! I _. A. sleep B. will sleep C. am sleeping D. will be sleeping18Jack is bad-tempered, selfish and _ an unpleasant man. A. therefore B. altogether C. otherwise D. anyhow19The women carrying babies, come

10、 in first, _? A. dont you B. will they C. do you D. will you20 The ties are good in both quality and style; she knows that _she chooses will match her husband. A. however B. whichever C. whatever D. whenever第二部分:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Grow

11、ing up is not always easy. When facing difficulties, courage and a spirit of independence can be more useful than crying for 21 ! Thats what Hong Zhanhuis story of 22 boy to man with family hardships tells us.Hong was born in 1982 in a poor family in Xihua County, Henan Province. When he was 23 11,

12、his father became mentally ill and one day came back with an abandoned baby girl. A year later, Hongs mother and younger brother both 24 home because of poverty and pressure from his sick father. Their burdens fell onto the 12-year-olds shoulders: to treat his fathers illness, to 25 the adopted sist

13、er Chenchen, and to go on to study. Hong didnt 26 . Since a young age, he has worked in parttime jobs to feed his family. At the same time, he has studied at college. To take care of Chenchen, he worked hard to 27 a room near his campus for her, and send her to school. After Hongs story went public,

14、 people were 28 to tears by his unselfishness. Hard 29 his life was, Hong didnt abandon his father and the adopted 30 , because they needed his help. With his hard-won money, he even aided other students 31 against misfortunes. Today when many tend to worry more about their own happiness, Hongs deed

15、s 32 us of what we usually neglect: love and care for others. Without these, 33 of us could survive. Hong 34 donations from others. He said he felt encouraged by kind offers, but he could 35 his own work. Short of money to buy food, the boy climbed tall trees to get birds eggs for his baby sister. H

16、e walked two hours at weekends to buy different things to 36 around his school to earn money. Through his hard life, the boy developed 37 against misfortune that made him a hero in peoples eyes.Hongs story shows that with love and willpower, no hardship can 38 a person but himself. So when facing di

17、fficulties, dont 39 about bad luck. Consider what more you could do for your family and society 40 youll find the world smiling back.21. A. moneyB. food C. clothesD. help22. A. caring B. growingC. movingD. turning23. A. onlyB. alreadyC. everD. still24. A. stayedB. wentC. soldD. left25. A. bring upB.

18、 turn toC. stick toD. devote to26. A. give awayB. give upC. run outD. turn down27. A. buildB. rentC. buyD. paint28. A. encouragedB. movedC. inspired D. made29. A. asB. becauseC. unlessD. while30. A. brotherB. daughterC. sisterD. uncle31. A. strugglingB. leaningC. standingD. turning32. A. leftB. reme

19、mberedC. remindedD. told33. A. any oneB. every oneC. noneD. no one34. A. threw awayB. turned outC. gave offD. turned down35. A. depend onB. stick toC. refer toD. turn to36. A. showB. eatC. sellD. share37. A. a chanceB. an abilityC. a spiritD. a belief38. A. buryB. defeatC. winD. knock39. A. worryB.

20、careC. complainD. joke40. A. andB. whenC. whileD. until第三部分:阅读理解(第一节20小题, 第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AMy grandfather grew up in war-torn Europe .When German soldiers occupied his hometown ,the thriving city of Tarow ,Poland, he refused to obey them and eventually joine

21、d the Soviet army to fight for his countrys freedom . “Stand straight, stand tall,” he told himself.After the war, in 1947, he boarded a boat for Manhattan. He was hungry and suffering from seasickness. All alone in a new country, he was frightened about his future .Still, he marched head-on into th

22、e hustle and bustle of the streets of New York . Soon he met other European immigrants, each of them trying to find his or her own way .If they could do it ,why couldnt he? “Stand straight, stand tall,” he would remind himself.Thanks to the help of a loyal and trusting friend, my grandfather gained

23、a jewelry booth on Canal Street, New York City .He once told me how nervous he was on that first day of work. He was not only trying to learn this tough new business, but also a new language.To his surprise, the men in neighboring boothswho could have taken advantage of himoffered their help and adv

24、ice. Within months, my grandfather was commanding his spot behind the counter, selling diamonds and cultured pearls as if hed been doing it his whole life.Stand straight and stand tall.In later years , my grandfather would take both my mother and her sister down the aisle at their weddings. As he st

25、ood with each of them, he thought about their new beginnings, and of the adventures and journeys they would experience together .He also thought about the children who would one day carry on his family name.I am so proud to be one of those children . Listening to my grandfathers remarkable experienc

26、es has changed the way I view my own life.41Which is the correct order of the things that happened in the passage?a. My grandfather took both my mother and her sister down the aisle at their weddings.b. World War II broke out in Europe.c. My grandfather went to America.d. My grandfather began to run

27、 his diamond business.e. The men in neighboring booths helped him.Ab, c, a ,d, eBb, c, d ,e ,aCb, c ,e , a ,d Dc, b ,e ,d ,a42Which is NOT true according to the passage?AMy grandfather was a soldier during World War II.BMy grandfather went to America by sea.CMy grandfather had been doing a jewelry b

28、usiness his whole life.DMy grandfather ran his business successfully.43Grandpa probably inspired his grandchildren in time of trouble by saying “ ”.AA friend in need is a friend indeedBGod help those who help themselvesCStand straight ,stand tallDPractice makes perfect44It can be concluded that .AGr

29、andpa never lost heart in time of hardshipsBGrandpa never threw doubt upon his fateCGrandpa was born to be a businessmanDGrandpa didnt live up to his friends expectationsBYou feel happiest when you create a healthy balance between giving and receiving. If you give and give without making time to fil

30、l your own needs, then its likely you will burn out , or feel upset .When you take and take without giving anything back ,you never feel fulfilled, so you are always searching for ways to fill the void in your life.The way to create a healthy balance between giving and receiving is to know and then

31、live by your values .I break values up into two groups which I call being and having values. Your being values are the character traits of the ideal person you would like to be. I suggest to my clients that they choose three being values that they are willing to make a commitment to live by. An exam

32、ple of some being values are: kind, loving, generous, inspirational ,peaceful ,wise and even powerful .By acting on these values you give to others through your actions and you inspire others by being a positive role model. Mastering being these character traits becomes your life purpose.Your having

33、 values are the feelings you need to create in order to be happy. These could be companionship, achievement, support , being valued or financial security. This is what you receive. You take responsibility for filling your own needs by taking steps to create these feelings and conditions in your life

34、.When you make a commitment to live by your being values, it becomes easier to make conscious choices rather than reactionary ones. If your usual pattern is to talk about your problems, you could choose to think and act like a calm person. A calm person might go for a walk ,meditate(沉思), or set a ti

35、me limit before responding. If your usual pattern is to worry, you could choose to act like a responsible or wise person. In other words, you would act like the person you choose to bethis is the key to personal power.When you choose to act on your values , you not only feel good about yourself, you

36、 reinforce(加强)your chosen beliefs. Over time acting in this way changes how you see the world, and in turn the way other people think of you.45The main purpose of this passage is to .Apersuade the readers to make a commitmentBexplain to the readers what personal values areCinform the readers how to

37、be truly happyDinstruct the readers how to make wise choices46According to the text ,living by your being values ,you would .Again a lot of powerBform positive personalityCseek all human virtuesDfill your own needs47The underlined word “void” in Paragraph 1 means .Aa feeling of emptinessBan absence

38、of ones mindCa break of continuityDa state of confusion48What can be inferred from the text?AHaving values are better than being values.BA calm person does not choose to complain.CThe way other people think of you decides who you are.DA responsible person does not care about financial security. C My

39、Space, the social networking website, is different from other websites which only provide stories about other people. MySpace is a place that allows you to broadcast your own stories and personal information to as many people as you like. Started two years ago, it is a big source of information for

40、and about American kids.Teenagers and their parents feel very differently about it. Teens are rushing to join the site, not sharing their parents worries. It signals yet another generation gap in the digital era.For teenagers, it is a reliable network to keep in touch with their friends. They will o

41、ften list their surnames, birthdays, after-school jobs, school clubs, hobbies and other personal information.“MySpace is an easy way to reach just about everyone. I dont have all the phone numbers of my acquaintances. But if I want to get in touch with one of them, I could just leave them a message

42、on MySpace,” said Abby Van Wassen. She is a 16 -year-old student at Woodland Hills High of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.Parents on the other hand are seriously concerned about the security problems of MySpace.“Every time we hold a parents meeting, the first question is always about MySpace, ” said Kent

43、Cates, who travels the country doing Internet safety seminars(研讨会). The National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children has received at least 288MySpace-related complaints, according to Mary Beth Buchanan, a lawyer in Pittsburgh.“Your profile on MySpace shows all your personal information to anyo

44、ne on the Web. And MySpace even lists this information by birthplace and age. Its like a free checklist for trouble makers and it endangers children,” Buchanan said.49From the passage, we can learn that MySpace .Abrings about the generation gapBis very careful about peoples privacyCencourages you to

45、 list your personal informationDlists the telephone numbers of your friends50Why are some parents against MySpace?ABecause they think MySpace has a bad influence on their children.BBecause they dont want to pay so much money for MySpace.CBecause it takes up too much of their childrens spare time.DBe

46、cause troublemakers can easily approach their children through the site.51What can we infer from “Every time we hold a parents meeting, the first question is always about MySpace?”AMySpace has become a top issue troubling parents.BMySpace often holds parents meetings.CMySpace is quite popular with p

47、arents.DParents have lots of questions about the website.52The writers attitude towards MySpace is .Anegative BpositiveCoptimistic(乐观的)Dobjective(客观的) DWives, children and parents left behind in the countryside by migrant workers need special assistance, a member of the Chinese Peoples Political Con

48、sultative Conference said yesterday.Adult males moving to work in cities, is causing a challenge to the traditional function of bringing up children and supporting the elderly, said Shen Shuji, who is also an official with the All-China Womens Federation.Shen recommended certain measures, including

49、a special policy to guarantee educational opportunities for such children, accelerating (加速) the establishment of pension (养老金) and medical care systems in rural areas, and encouraging enterprises and non-governmental organizations to help such families.The rights and welfare of migrant workers them

50、selves have called much attention in recent years. The government has made policies to protect their rights. The number of children aged between 6 and 16 in this situation is more than 20 million nationwide, accounting for more than half of the countrys total. Some of the children have both their pa

51、rents in cities and have to be taken care of by grandparents or other family relatives.Without enough care from parents, many of them become problem children, Shen said. Wives left at home by their husband have to face hard work, loneliness and a lack of a sense of security. In many cases long-term

52、separation ends up with divorce.There is still no pension system in Chinas countryside. Traditionally, the elderly in rural areas are supported by their children with low incomes.But the exodus of their children has left many old people in a difficult situation. They have to continue to work in farm

53、s while taking care of their grandchildren, Shen said.The country should gradually scrap (消除) the decades-old bi-polar system separating rural and urban areas, which prevent farmers from enjoying the equal rights. 53What is the key to solving the problem that wives, children and parents are left beh

54、ind in the countryside?AMigrant workers should have a higher pay.BMore profitable policies for migrant workers should be carried out.CThe government should try to make the countryside catch up with the city.DEveryone should give his hand to help migrant workers.54We can infer from the passage that _

55、.Aenough efforts have been made to improve the situation in the countryside.Bfamilies in the countryside are often very large.Call the children can go to school before long.Dthere is a long way to go before solving the problem55Which of the following is NOT the problem of adult males moving to work

56、in cities according to the passage?AThe broken marriage.BMore problem children.CLack of labour force.DMore deserted land.56The underlined word “exodus” probably means _.ApovertyBmissingCabsenceDillness EStress Level Tied to Education LevelPeople with less education suffer fewer stressful days, accor

57、ding to a report in the current issue of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior.However, the study also found that when less educated people did suffer stress it was more severe and had a larger impact on their health.From this, researchers have concluded that the day to day factors that cause st

58、ress are not random. Where you are in society determines the kinds of problems that you have each day, and how well you will cope with them.The research team interviewed a national sample of 1,031 adults daily for eight days about their stress level and health . People without a high school diploma

59、(毕业文凭) reported stress on 30 percent of the study days , people with a high school degree reported stress 38 percent of the time , and people with college degrees reported stress 44 percent to the time .“Less advantaged people are less healthy on a daily basis and are more likely to have downward tu

60、rns in their health,” lead researcher Dr. Joseph Grzywacz , of Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center , said in a prepared statement . “The downward turns in health were connected with daily stressors and the effect of daily stressors on their health is much more devastating (毁灭性的) for the le

61、ss advantaged .” Grzywacz suggested follow-up research to determine why less-educated people report fewer days of stress when it is known their stress in more acute and chronic . “If something happens every day , maybe its not seen as a stressor” Grzywacz says . “Maybe it is just life .”57Stress lev

62、el is closely related to .Afamily size Bsocial status Cbody weight Dwork experience 58Which group reported the biggest number of stressful days ?APeople without any education .BPeople without high school degrees .CPeople with high school degrees .DPeople with college degrees .59The less advantaged p

63、eople are , the greater .Athe impact of stress on their health is Bthe effect of education on their health is Cthe level of their education is Dthe degree of their health concern is 60Lesseducated people report fewer days of stress possibly because .Athey dont want to tell the truth Bthey dont want

64、to face the truth Cstress is too common a factor in their lives Dtheir stress is more acute第二节:阅读下列材料, 从所给的六个选项(A、和F) 中,选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。The people below are all willing to offer help to those who needs help. After the description of these people, there is information about six

65、 voluntary jobs (A- F). Decide which place would be most suitable for the person(s) mentioned in questions 61-65 and then mark the correct number on your answer sheet. There is one extra paragraph about one job which you dont need to use.61_Stephen: Last summer I went through a training program and

66、became a literacy (文化知识) volunteer. When I began to discover what other peoples lives were like because they could not read, I realized the true importance of reading. 62_ Ben: After graduation, I dont want to apply for a job at once. Instead, I plan to spend one year to help those who need help mos

67、t and try my best to improve their lives. You know, education is essential to poverty relief and at the same time Ill get valuable experience for my future career.63_ Susan: Im a girl from England and has studied French for years. Im here in Beijing University studying Chinese. I like China as it is

68、 full of mysteries. So I hope the voluntary work will help me to get in touch with Chinese people and get to know about China. Although my study is busy, I can be free at night and at the weekends. 64_Tim: Since I myself have overcome a lot of difficulties in my life, I understand young peoples prob

69、lems and I know how to listen patiently to others and offer some advice. Im working now in the daytime so I can only spend two to three hours a day at night to help others. 65_Lisa: I burst into tears when I saw those children in a TV programme. What a sight. They are only bone and skin left. Whats

70、worse, every day the children are dying because of lack of food. I realized how lucky I am with enough food and a good chance to get education. The summer vacation is coming and I hope I can do something for them. AAs we know, the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing and many people from other

71、 countries will come to visit China. The taxi drivers in Dongfeng Taxi Company think the way to show kindness is to be able to greet the foreigners in their languages. They need someone who can teach them languages and the best time is at night when they are not so busy. BTim is so addicted to on-li

72、ne games that he cannot concentrate on his study like before. Now he often misses school in order to play games, and tells lies to his teachers and parents again and again. Though he realizes what he does is wrong, he just cant stop it. How badly he needs someones help.CMarie, a 44-year-old single m

73、other of three, has to walk two miles to the nearest supermarket twice a week because she doesnt know which bus to take. Whats worse, since she does not know words, she can not write out a shopping list. Also, she can only recognize items by sight, so if the product has a different label, she will n

74、ot recognize it as the product she wants. D“Helping hand” organization will hold an event to help the starving children in Africa. The event starts in August and those taking part in will go without food for 30 hours. In this way, it is expected that money will be raised for the poor children. E“Gre

75、en Earth” cares a lot for the animals in danger. Still many people in the world dont know much about the importance of animal protecting. This summer vacation a lot of events will be organized to call on people to live in harmony with our earth. FA group of young children in a remote village in sout

76、hwest China are in great need of teachers. Because of the low salary, many teachers came and then went. The villagers hope to have a teacher who can stay for at least a year, because they know knowledge can make a difference to the childrens future.第二卷(共50分)第四部分:写作(共三节,满分50分)第一节:单词拼写(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满

77、分10分)根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词正确的完全形式。(每空限写一词)66. I will visit you next Saturday, if it is quite c_ to you. 67. Professor Smith, could you give us some a_ on how to learn English well?68. The people in the eastern provinces speak quite d_ from the rest of Canada.69. How much do you c_ for repair

78、ing my CD player?70. They a_ to meet at 10am, but Tom didnt turn up until 11 oclock.71. Its extremely hot in summer here, e_ in July and August.72. In that big flood, thousands of houses were d_ and people became homeless.73. Sorry, Im not the boss here. Its b_ my power to make a final decision.74.

79、Companies always e_ customers to buy their products by repeated advertising.75. Many men were b_ underground when there was an accident at the mine.第五部分:短文改错(共10小题。每小题1分;满分10 分)Reading English newspapers are my favorite activity. When 76._I entered into high school, I began to enjoy doing such work.

80、 77._Under the teachers help, I realize that reading English articles is 78._of great important. Its a good way to improve my English. 79._Ive learned many new words and expression by doing so. I 80._also get much information, included news about China and the 81._world outside. It opens my eyes wid

81、ely. Which I love most is 82._the section about TV programs in the coming week. I dislike 83._reading long articles there are many new words. I will work 84._hard to keep on even as its a particularly hard task for me. 85._书面表达(满分30分)假如你是李华,一位17岁的女孩,英语成绩非常突出,有两年英语家教的经验,现在是学校“爱心俱乐部”的成员,认为志愿工作能够使人树立信心

82、,培养良好的交际技能。看到下面这则招聘信息,你愿意利用这次机会,为需要帮助的儿童献出自己的微薄之力,同时增长见识,了解社会。请根据所给中、英文提示完成下面的英文邮件。注意:1词数不少于100。2邮件开头和结尾已为你写好。3可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。提示词:tutor家教A Voluntary ActivityIn the winter vacation5 VolunteersWantedAs English teachersAt S.O.S Childrens Village Those who are interested in taking part in the activity,

83、please send an email to studentunion before Jan. 24th , 2007 explaining your past experiences and purposes for applying. Student Union Student UnionDear Student Union,I have just read the ad on the school bulletin and the moment I saw it I took an interest in becoming one of the volunteer English te

84、achers of the five. Now Im writing here to apply for this opportunity. Id appreciate it so much if you could possibly consider my application. Im looking forward to your early reply and please email me at lihua yahoo. . Yours sincerely,Li Hua2007 平湖市当湖高级中学零模考试英语试卷答题卷命题人:Roger 2007-2-1第三部分:阅读理解第二节 61

85、_ 62 _ 63 _ 64 _ 65 _第四部分:单词拼写66._ 67._ 68._ 69._ 70._ 71. _ 72._ 73._ 74._ 75._第五部分:短文改错 Reading English newspapers are my favorite activity. When 76._I entered into high school, I began to enjoy doing such work. 77._Under the teachers help, I realize that reading English articles is 78._of great i

86、mportant. Its a good way to improve my English. 79._Ive learned many new words and expression by doing so. I 80._also get much information, included news about China and the 81._world outside. It opens my eyes widely. Which I love most is 82._the section about TV programs in the coming week. I disli

87、ke 83._reading long articles there are many new words. I will work 84._hard to keep on even as its a particularly hard task for me. 85._书面表达(满分30分)Dear Student Union,I have just read the ad on the school bulletin and the moment I saw it I took an interest in becoming one of the volunteer English tea

88、chers of the five. Now Im writing here to apply for this opportunity._ Id appreciate it so much if you could possibly consider my application. Im looking forward to your early reply and please email me at lihua yahoo. . Yours sincerely,Li Hua 2007 平湖市当湖高级中学零模考试英语试卷答案 命题人:Roger 2007-2-1第一部分:单项填空(共20小

89、题。每小题1分;满分20分)15 BABCD 6-10AAADC1115 CADAB 16-20CDBDB第二部分:完形填空(共20小题;每小题l.5分,满分30分)2125 DBADA 26-30 BBBAC 3135 ACCDA 36-40 CBBCA第三部分:阅读理解(第一节20小题, 第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)41-45 BCCAC46-50 BABCD 51-55ADCDD 56-60 CBDAC 61-65四 单词拼写(每小题1分; 满分10分)66. convenient 67. advice 68. differently 69. charge 70. agreed

90、71. especially 72. destroyed 73. beyond 74. encourage 75. buried五短文改错(每小题1分;满分10分)76. are 改为 is 77. into 去掉 78. Under 改为With 79. important 改为importance 80. expression 改为expressions 81. included 改为including 82. Which 改为What 83. 正确 84. there 前加 where 85. as 改为if或 though书面表达(满分30分)Dear Student Union,I

91、have just read the ad on the school bulletin and the moment I saw it I took an interest in becoming one of the volunteer English teachers of the five. Now Im writing here to apply for this opportunity.I am Li Hua ,a girl of 17 ,and I have a good command of English . For two years I have been tutorin

92、g two primary school kids in English .Presently I work as a member of Loving Heart Club in our school. Voluntary work has helped me build confidence and good communication skills.In my opinion, being a volunteer teacher at the SOS village is obviously more than just teaching; furthermore ,it is help

93、ful to broaden our horizon and improve our understanding of the world. Thats why Id like very much to take this opportunity and make the most of my special talents and interests .By helping those kids ,I feel I can make a big difference to their future and make a small contribution to society.Id appreciate it so much if you could possibly consider my application. Im looking forward to your early reply and please email me at lihua .Yours sincerely,Li Hua15

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