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1、十堰市2014高考英语单项选择、阅读理解回顾训练(18)及答案单项选择 1. Will you go fishing with me?_.A. No, Ill be very busy B. Yes, Ill be gladC. Certainly, Ill be sorry D. Certainly, Ill be glad to 2. Is this the restaurant _ ?A. which you work B. in which you workC. for which you work D. where you work in3. Bread and butter_ fo

2、r breakfast in many Chinese homes nowadays.A. serve B. servers C. is served D. are served4. -Where is Xiao Wang?-I dont know. He_ be in the library.A. can B. must C. might D. may5. -Do you like the material?-Yes, it _ very soft.A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt6. The harder you work,_.A. the

3、 greater progress youll makeB. the greater youll make progressC. youll make the greater progressD. youll make greater progress7. The sunlight came in_ the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room. A. through B. across C. by hour D. each hour8. He has a part - time job and was paid_. A. by the h

4、our B. by an hour C. by hour D. each hour9. The two sides have finally_, though some small differences still exist.A. made a decision B. reached an agreementC. settled down D. broken up10. You cant see the_ now for they are having a meeting at the moment.A. editor-in-chiefs B. by an hour C. by hour

5、D. each hour11. We cant go on with the experiment because the computer_.A. hasnt been repaired B. hasnt repairedC. is not repaired D. hadnt been repaired12. It is the protection for the trees_ really matters, rather than how many trees are planted.A. what B. thatC. 不填 D. which13. In such dry weather

6、, the flowers will have to be watered if they _A. have survived B. are to survive C. would survive D. will survive 14. You _ pay too much attention to your reading skill, as it is so important.A. can not B. should C. must D. neednt15. _ full preparations, we decided to put off the meeting till next

7、week.A. We did not make B. Having not madeC. We had not made D. Not having made16. -_?-It depends on what it is.A. Will you buy me some stampsB. Would you please do me a favourC. How about going shopping with meD. Remember me to your family, will you17. The old woman is sitting_ her daughter.A. near

8、 to B. next C. next to D. next by18. He felt rather _ that she should drive the car at such a_ speed.A. frightening, frightening B. frightened, frightenedC. frightening, frightened D. frightened, frightening19. -It starts raining outside.-Oh, _! A. so it is B. so does it C. it does so D. so it does2

9、0. Can you imagine what a girl will look like_ she comes across a rat in her room?A. now that B. though C. in case D. if21. The train was_ to arrive at 11:30,but was an hour late.A. about B. likely C. certain D. supposed22. Collecting stamps as a hobby_ increasingly popular during the past fifty yea

10、rs.A. becomes B. became C. has become D. had become23. To everybodys surprise, the fashionable young lady _ to be a thief.A. found out B. proved out C, put out D. turned out24. America was_ was first called India by ColumbusA. that B. where C. what D. the place25. In Switzerland, six miles west of G

11、eneva,_ a collection of laboratory buildings.A. lie B. are lying C. lies D. lays 26. With summer coming on, the weather gets hot _.A. day after day B. day and night C. day in and day out D. day by day27. I would have come to see you earlier, but I_too busy.A. had been B. were C. was D. would be28. -

12、Thank you very much.-Not at all , I was_ glad to help.A. too B. only too C. not so D. much30. The British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things, _ is often the case in other countriesA. as B. that C. so D. it 参考答案15 DBCCC 610 AAABC 1115 ABBAD1620 BCDDD 2125 DCDCC

13、 2630 DCBCA 21(2012浙江高考)The research lacks _ evidence,and therefore,its conclusions are doubtful.Asolid BfierceCsevere Dpotential22(2012浙江高考)Mike was usually so careful,_this time he made a small mistake.Ayet BstillCeven Dthus23(2011课标全国高考)The form cannot be signed by anyone _ yourself.Arather than

14、Bother thanCmore than Dbetter than24(2011全国高考)It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music,but it is _ another to play it well yourself.Aquite BveryCrather Dmuch25(2011全国高考)Mr.Stevenson is great to work forI really couldnt ask for a _ boss.Abetter BgoodCbest Dstill better26(2010上海高考)When Mom loo

15、ked back on the early days of their marriage,she wondered how they had managed with _ money.Aso few Bsuch fewCso little Dsuch little27(2011湖北高考)The old engineers eyes still shone bright in the wrinkled brown face and his step as he came across the room was _,though slow.Ashaky BheavyCcasual Dsteady2

16、8(2011湖北高考)An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a persons character;however,they are not always _.Apractical BavoidableCpermanent Dbeneficial29(2011湖北高考)The staterun company is required to make its accounts as _ as possible for its staff to monitor the use of money.Atransparent Bre

17、asonableCsecure Dformal30(2011江西高考)The film is,I have to say,not a bit interesting.Why?Its _ than the films I have ever seen.Afar more interesting Bmuch less interestingCno more interesting Dany less interesting31(2011江西高考)The house was too expensive and too big._,Id grown fond of our little rented

18、house.ABesides BThereforeCSomehow DOtherwise32(2011辽宁高考)No matter how _,it is not necessarily lifeless.Aa desert may be dry Bdry a desert may beCmay a desert be dry Ddry may a desert be33(2011江西高考)She has already tried her best.Please dont be too _ about her job.Aspecial BresponsibleCunusual Dpartic

19、ular34(2011江苏高考)In that school,English is compulsory for all students,but French and Russian are _.Aspecial BregionalCoptional Doriginal35(2011安徽高考)To be great,you must be smart,confident,and,_,honest.Atherefore Babove allChowever Dafter all36(2011安徽高考)_,I managed to get through the game and the pai

20、n was worth it in the end.AHopefully BNormallyCThankfully DConveniently37(2011浙江高考)Since people are fond of humor,it is as welcome in conversation as _ else.Aanything BsomethingCanywhere Dsomewhere38(2011浙江高考)The professor could tell by the _ look in Marias eyes that she didnt understand a single wo

21、rd of his lecture.Acold BblankCinnocent Dfresh39(2011浙江高考)Ive been writing this report _ for the last two weeks,but it has to be handed in tomorrow.Afinally BimmediatelyCoccasionally Dcertainly40(2013浙江杭州七校联考)Some people are very _ and enjoy making their own home repairs.But for others,a broken chai

22、r means one thing:Its time to call a repairman.Alazy BhandyCpatient Ddiligent41(2013浙江名校联盟第一次联考)The clock is tickingwe dont have much time.We must take action _.Afrequently BanxiouslyCcasually Dimmediately42(2013河南中原名校联考)You shouldnt have said that.Look! She is getting _.But I meant no harm.Aunfair

23、BunconcernedCunmoved Duneasy43(2013云南昆明摸底调研)John intended to be a famous singer;_,he has a long way to go now.Atherefore BmeanwhileChowever Dotherwise44(2013河北普通高学质监)Hainan is a very large island and its the second _ island in China.Alarge BlargerClargest Dmost large45(2013福建三明期中)We used to see each

24、 other_,but I havent heard from him since last year.Aespecially BregularlyCparticularly Dapproximately46(2013河南洛阳一练)Have your living conditions improved?No,_than before,Im afraid.Ano better Bnot betterCnot worse Dno worse参考答案21A句意:这项研究缺乏可靠的证据,因此,其结论是令人怀疑的。solid“可靠的,可信赖的”;fierce“强烈的,极度的”;severe“非常的,严

25、重的”;potential“潜在的,可能的”。22A句意:迈克通常特别细心,然而这次他犯了一个小错误。前后两句显然是转折关系,故用yet表示“然而”。23Brather than意为“而不是”;other than意为“除了”;more than意为“超过,不仅仅”;better than意为“好于,优于”。句意:这张表格除了你本人外,不能由任何人代签。24Aquite another表示“完全不同”。句意:喜欢听好音乐是一回事,但你自己演奏得好完全是另一回事。25A“cant/couldnt.比较级”表达最高级含义。注意“”表示解释说明,根据前一句“Mr.Stevenson is great

26、 to work for”可知,史蒂文森是一个不错的老板,因此说“我真的不能找到一个比他还好的老板了”,表示在我看来他是最好的。26Cfew只修饰可数名词,排除掉选项A和B,因为money是不可数名词;当little,much,few,many等表示数量多少的词修饰名词时,通常与so连用。27Dshaky “摇晃的”;heavy“沉重的”; casual“随便的,漫不经心的”; steady“稳定的”。句意:这位年迈的工程师穿过房间,脚步很慢却步伐稳健,布满皱纹的古铜色的脸上目光炯炯。28Cpractical “实际的;实用的”; avoidable“可以避免的” ; permanent“永久

27、的;持久的”; beneficial “有益的”。句意:一个不幸的童年或许会对一个人的性格产生消极影响,然而这些影响也不会一直持久存在下去。故C项正确。29Atransparent “透明的”; reasonable“合理的”;secure“安全的”;formal“正式的”。句意:国有企业要求账务做得尽可能的公开透明,让全体员工都能监督资金的使用。故A项正确。30A根据题中“not a bit interesting”可知,说话人认为这部电影实在是没意思。再根据答语中“Why?”可知,第二个人并不同意第一个人的看法,所以答案为A项。far more“多得多,更加”。31A根据题中“The ho

28、use was too expensive and too big.”可知,这座房子太大又太昂贵,而且说话人越来越喜欢自己租的小房子,由此推断说话人不倾向于买房子。前后两句为递进关系,答案为A项,besides,意思是“此外,而且”。B项“因此,所以”;C项“以某种方式,不知怎的”;D项“否则,要不然”。32B句意:无论沙漠多么干燥,它都不一定是没有生物生长的。how或者no matter how在引导从句的同时,还要修饰形容词或者副词。dry是形容词,所以一定要紧跟在how的后面,但是其他成分要在句子中保持原来的位置,不能前移。故选B项。33D句意:她已经尽全力了,请不要对她的工作太挑剔了。

29、根据题意可知答案为D项particular,在此意思是“挑剔的,苛刻的”。A项“特别的”;B项“负责的”;C项“不同寻常的”。34C句意:在那所学校,英语是所有学生必修的,但是法语和俄语则是可以选修的。special“特殊的,特别的”;regional “地区的,区域的”;optional“可选的,并非必须的”;original“起初的,原来的”。35B句意:要想成为一个伟大的人,你必须得聪明、自信,并且最重要的是诚实。therefore“因此,所以”;above all“首先,尤其是,最重要的是”;however“然而,可是”;after all“毕竟,终究”。36Chopefully“有希

30、望地,有前途地”;normally“正常地,一般地,通常,常态地”;thankfully“感谢地,感激地”;conveniently“方便地,便利地”。句意:谢天谢地,我设法通过了比赛,因而为此所受的苦最终是值得的。37C句意:因为人们喜欢幽默,所以它在交际以及任何场合下都受到人们的欢迎。anything “任何东西”;something“某些东西”;anywhere“任何地方”;somewhere“有些地方”。根据句意,强调任意场合,故选C项。38Bcold“冷的,冷淡的”;blank“茫然的,无表情的”;innocent“天真的,清白的,无辜的”;fresh“新鲜的,清新的”。句意:从玛丽

31、亚茫然的眼神授能够断定她根本不明白他讲课的内容。故选B项。39Cfinally“最后”;immediately“立刻,马上”;occasionally“偶尔,有时候,不时地”;certainly “当然,必定”。40B句意:一些人总是手巧的,喜欢自己做些维修工作。但对其他人来说,一把坏了的椅子意味着一件事:该叫维修工了。lazy“懒散的”;handy“方便的,手巧的”;patient“耐心的”;diligent“勤奋的”。根据句意可知B项正确。41D钟表在滴答滴答的跑着,我们没有很多时间了。我们必须立刻采取行动。frequently“频繁地”;anxiously“着急地”;casually“随

32、便地”;immediately“立刻,马上”。42D考查形容词辨析。句意:你不该那么说。你看,她变得非常不安了。我没有恶意。unfair“不公平的”;unconcerned“不关心的”;uneasy“不安的”。43C句意:约翰打算成为歌唱明星,但是,他还有很长的一段路要走。前后是转折关系,故选C项。therefore“因此”;meanwhile“与此同时”;however“然而”;otherwise“否则,要不然”。44C句意:海南岛是一个非常大的岛,是中国第二大岛。序数词the second后用最高级形式,表示“第二大岛”。45B句意:我们以前经常见面,但自从去年就没有收到他的来信。espe

33、cially“尤其,特别”;regularly“定期地”;particularly“特殊地”;approximately“近似,大约”。根据句意选B项。46A句意:你的生活条件改善了吗?没有,恐怕不比以前的好。no better than“和一样差”。 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Without _thorough understanding of Chinas specific conditions, you cant have _ say over the only-child policy. A. a; the B. the; a C. a; a;

34、D. the; the22. Why are you making so much noise? I just cant help _.A. so B. that C. that D. it 23. What did she _for so much money? Nothing but a few CDs.A. pay B. spend C. buy D. prepare24You must do as I told you I dont? AWhat if BHow come CWhat about DOnly if25. The media today can draw public a

35、ttention to help is actually needed.A. thatB. whenC. whereD. how26. Hard work and lack of sleep have _her beauty and youth in recent years A. worn out B. tried out C. made out D. sent out27. _for the fact that she got hit by a car and broke her leg on her way to school, she might have passed the exa

36、m. A. Had it not been B. Were it not C. Hadnt it been D. Was it not 28. Im glad to introduce Mr. Smith to you, without _consideration our project would have ended in failure. A. whom B. his C. whose D. who 29. The further falling of the stock market as reported today has _a fresh wave of selling. A.

37、 give off B. set off C. put off D. got off30. - Can we meet tomorrow morning?- Not in the morning, Im afraid. I _.A. will be working B. will workC. am about to work D. am going to work31. Please remind your grandpa to take medicine on time,for a man of his age_ be very forgetful.A. should B. must C.

38、 shall D. can 32. It seems water from this tap_ for some time. Well have to take it apart to put it right.A. had leaked B. is leaking C. leaked D. has been leaking33. _she toured Jiu Zhaigou, he was deeply impressed with its beautiful scenery.A. For the first timeB. The first time C. It was the firs

39、t timeD. At first34.The English exam is not difficult, is it?_. Even Tom _ to the top students failed in it.A. Yes; belongs B. No; belonged C. Yes; belongingD. No; belonging35. What a successful Spring Festival Gala (春晚)! Who said we couldnt make it? _.A. No pains, no gains B. Practice makes perfectC. Actions speak louder than wordsD. A golden key can open any door参考答案21-25CDCAC 26-30AACBA 31-35DDBCC


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