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2017优化方案高考总复习&英语(重大版)试题:第一部分 基础考点聚焦 必修1UNIT 6知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含解析.docx

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2017优化方案高考总复习&英语(重大版)试题:第一部分 基础考点聚焦 必修1UNIT 6知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含解析.docx_第1页
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2017优化方案高考总复习&英语(重大版)试题:第一部分 基础考点聚焦 必修1UNIT 6知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含解析.docx_第2页
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2017优化方案高考总复习&英语(重大版)试题:第一部分 基础考点聚焦 必修1UNIT 6知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含解析.docx_第3页
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2017优化方案高考总复习&英语(重大版)试题:第一部分 基础考点聚焦 必修1UNIT 6知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含解析.docx_第4页
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2017优化方案高考总复习&英语(重大版)试题:第一部分 基础考点聚焦 必修1UNIT 6知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含解析.docx_第5页
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2017优化方案高考总复习&英语(重大版)试题:第一部分 基础考点聚焦 必修1UNIT 6知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含解析.docx_第6页
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1、.单句语法填空1There is no doubt China has made a great breakthrough in developing education in the countryside.答案:that2We were astonished (find) the temple still in its original condition.答案:to find3The fire was (spread) fast,but we were finally able to get all the people to leave the scene.答案:spreading4N

2、othing satisfies him,but to his mothers satisfaction,he is (satisfy) with the dish she cooked for him.答案:satisfied5The thought of flying (terrify) him so much that he decided to go by boat.答案:terrified6He is always the first (bear) hardships,the last to enjoy comforts.答案:to bear7Childrens ability to

3、 adapt to a new environment comes (natural)It is not a result of many experiences.答案:naturally8If we let this situation go as it is,our environment (suffer) a great destruction.答案:will suffer9Perhaps (correct) doesnt matter as long as speakers can understand each otherits communication that counts.答

4、案:correctness10I have to say, I (complete) understand where Jerry is coming from.答案:completely.阅读理解A(2016河南实验中学质检)When Armida Armatos daughter,Alexia,came home from school one day last year keen to go on a school trip to Ecuador,she wasnt too sure how to feel.She was happy that her daughter could ex

5、perience something she never did as a teen but was fearful of letting her travel to such a remote part of the world.Alexia was 16 at the time,a student at Westwood High School.The school sponsored a humanitarian trip for 26 students and two teachers to spend 18 days living in a mountain village to b

6、uild a oneroom school.Even though Armato trusted her daughter,the other students and the teachers,she was worried about the side effects from the travel vaccines,possible accidents,and medical care.Now that Alexia was home,Armato said she saw her daughters new maturity,greater confidence and indepen

7、dence.“This is the best thing I ever did,”Alexia said.“The experience was so eyeopening and lifechanging.Youre with people who are not as lucky as you are.They live in very poor conditions but theyre so happy and outgoing.You say,My God.Im taking everything for granted back home.”She said they built

8、 a oneroom school from scratch with no mechanical cement mixers.They used their hands,shovels and basic tools.She and another student lived with a local family in a small village about eight hours outside the capital,Quito.Despite the initial strangeness and knowing only basic Spanish,she said they

9、grew very close and felt like a family.Every year,groups of students at Montreal High School like Alexia pack their bags and fly off with classmates and teachers to developing countries where they volunteer for a variety of projects.“Armatos worries are very common among parents,”says Bill Nevin,a t

10、eacher at St.Georges High School. He organizes a humanitarian trip to India to the Sheela Bal Bhavan orphanage and says the three biggest fears families have are health,security and contact.【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。年仅16岁的高中女孩Alexia和她的同学及老师一起飞往偏远的发展中国家参加志愿者活动。回来后,她的母亲发现她成熟且独立了。Montreal中学的这项志愿者活动促进了学生的成长和发展。1Wh

11、en hearing the news that her daughter would go on a school trip to Ecuador,Armato was Aproud and happyBsupportive but concernedCfearful and nervousDexcited but puzzledB解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“She was happy that her daughter could experience something she never did as a teen but was fearful of letting her

12、travel to such a remote part of the world.”可知,Armato对于她的女儿去Ecuador一事感到高兴,因为女儿能经历到她不曾经历的东西,所以她支持她的女儿;但是让一个女孩去这么遥远的地方她又有点担心。故B项正确。2The underlined phrase“from scratch”in Paragraph 4 probably means“ ”Ahaving great help Busing high technologyCending up in failure Dstarting from the beginningD解析:词义猜测题。根据画

13、线词后面的内容“with no mechanical cement mixers”以及下一句“They used their hands,shovels and basic tools.”并结合语境可知,他们建造了一所只有一间房间的学校,没有使用机械水泥搅拌机,只是用他们的双手、铁铲和最基本的工具。结合四个选项可知,画线词意为“从头开始”。故D项正确。3According to Alexia,people living in poor conditions are Aunfortunate and sadBcheerful and sociableCmiserable and strangeD

14、abnormal but happyB解析:细节理解题。根据第三段Alexia所讲的内容中的“They live in very poor conditions but theyre so happy and outgoing.”可知,虽然他们的生活条件很艰苦,但是他们开心且友好。故B项正确。4What would be the best title for the text?AVolunteering Helps Students Grow and DevelopBSchool Trips Make Parents Worried about Their ChildrenCEcuador i

15、s the Most Attractive Travel Destination in the WorldDBrave Alexia Dreams to Work in Ecuador One DayA解析:标题概括题。根据第三段第一句“Now that Alexia was home,Armato said she saw her daughters new maturity,greater confidence and independence.”及倒数第二段“Every year,groups of students at Montreal High School like Alexia

16、 pack their bags and fly off with classmates and teachers to developing countries where they volunteer for a variety of projects.”可知,每年Montreal高中都有很多学生志愿去发展中国家帮助其开展项目,通过这个志愿活动,他们得到了成长和发展。故A项最能概括本文的主旨,适合做标题;B项仅说明了文章的一个方面,不能全面地概括文意;C、D两项与文章无关。故A项正确。B(2016太原高三模拟)The earth is dying before us yet we sit

17、and watch.If the TV or the game system breaks,we run off to the stores to get it fixed immediately no matter what the cost.Why arent we willing to fix our earth? Are our televisions and game systems more important to us than where we live? Where shall we continue to live,until the end of time?The ea

18、rth is our home and cannot be replaced.We must take care of it.We have come up with so much technology that limits us instead of helping us.Take that game system we run to repair.What does it do? It occupies kids time!The earth has already given kids plenty of entertainment in the forms of fields an

19、d hills,forests and plains,water and land.However,instead of using what the earth has given us,and helping kids by giving them exercise as they run around,we decide to ruin kids minds with game systems that glue them to the screen for hours,and make them ignore their homework and chores.We have poll

20、uted this earth by making these things which do not even help us in any way!We have already messed up this world,we have ruined the air,water,and animals that it has so willingly provided for us.We need to stop this destruction of life and bring back the world we had before.It will not be easy,but e

21、verybody can help!What about something as simple as turning the lights off when you leave a room? Recycling what can be recycled? Picking up litter? Donating money to an environmental organization? None of these things are very hard.We cant just always say,“Oh,the earth is a mess.Ah,well,those big c

22、ompanies that are polluting so much can stop and fix it.”Instead,we need to help out.Its not only those big companies;its everyday things that we do too that are ruining the earth.So stop and think about what you can do to make a difference to our world!【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文。地球是人类赖以生存的家园,作者呼吁人们珍惜资源,爱护环境,保护

23、地球。5Why does the author mention televisions and game systems in Paragraph 1?ATo make people better aware of the urgency to the protection of the earth.BTo expose the great harm done to the earth by too much technology waste.CTo show the relationship between overuse of those things with early death.D

24、To remind people to spend less on them and use the saved money in a wiser way.A解析:推理判断题。根据第一段最后两句“Are our televisions and game systems more important to us than where we live? Where shall we continue to live,until the end of time?”可推知,作者把电视和游戏系统与地球相比是为了让人们更好地意识到保护地球的紧迫性。故选A项。6It can be inferred from

25、 the second paragraph that the author Athinks we must take care of our irreplaceable homethe earthBthinks running around in fields occupies too much of kids timeCtakes an extremely negative attitude to things like game systemsDtakes it for granted that technology gives kids plenty of entertainmentC解

26、析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“.we decide to ruin kids minds with game systems that glue them to the screen for hours,and make them ignore their homework and chores.We have polluted this earth by making these things which do not even help us in any way!”可知,作者对于游戏系统之类的事情持坚决否定的态度。故选C项。7We can clearly feel that the a

27、uthor wrote this passage with deep Aanger Bemotion Csadness DregretB解析:推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章中作者用了很多疑问句和感叹句来呼吁人们保护地球;由此可推知,作者是带着强烈的情感来写这篇文章的。故选B项。8What is the main purpose of this passage?ATo criticize those big companies that ruin the earth.BTo ask people to save kids from the harm done by pollution.CTo g

28、ive kids plenty of entertainment in a clean environment.DTo call on people to stop ruining the earth.D解析:写作意图题。根据最后一段最后一句“So stop and think about what you can do to make a difference to our world!”并结合全文的主要内容可知,本文主要是呼吁人们行动起来保护地球。故选D项。.七选五(2016枣庄第八中学模拟)For some people,the warmest memories from childho

29、od come from being read a great story.1. It develops childrens language skills and increases their ability to succeed in school and,later,work.A new report by the American Academy of Pediatrics says reading aloud is so important that parents should start as soon as their children are born and contin

30、ue to read aloud even after their children can read by themselves.They say parents should also point to and talk about pictures in books for infants(婴幼儿).2. The company Scholastic is a major US.publisher of childrens books.Every two years,Scholastic publishes a report on American reading attitudes a

31、nd habits.The 2015 report said only 31 percent of children in the US.read a book for fun almost every day.3 One is simply to have books in the home.Elizabeth Lyttleton,the mother of three,is lucky.Her mother once wrote and illustrated childrens books,so the family always have plenty to read.She says

32、 all her children learn from booksbut in different ways.4. Researchers from the Scholastic company found that 80% of children surveyedof all agessaid they love being read to.And children aged 6 to 11 whose parents do not read to them anymore said they miss it.5 Of all the 6 to 17yearolds in the Scho

33、lastic study,more than 90% said their favorite books are the ones they chose for themselves.AThe Scholastic report also suggests permitting children to choose their own books.BScholastic also identifies some ways to develop a love of reading in a child.CA book does not have to be serious to be good for kids.DFor young children,parents should ask questions about the book.EDo children still read for fun?FAnother way to develop a reading habit in children is to read to them.GBut reading to children does more than create warm memories.答案:15.GDBFA


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