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本文(2020届新高考英语二轮课件:第四板块 第一部分 第5讲 书信体作文——普通书信&电子邮件 .ppt)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2020届新高考英语二轮课件:第四板块 第一部分 第5讲 书信体作文——普通书信&电子邮件 .ppt

1、第四板块写作高考总复习大二轮 山东版 英语 第五讲 书信体作文普通书信&电子邮件A典型例题 (2018全国卷)假定你是李华,你的英国朋友 Peter 来信询问你校学生体育运动情况。请给他回信,内容包括:1.学校的体育场馆;2.主要的运动项目;3.你喜欢的项目。注意:1.词数 100 左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。审题谋篇学生习作Dear Peter,Im very glad to hear from you.You asked me about the physical exercise in our school in your last letter.The following

2、 are relevant details.A new stadium has been built.It has become the new landmark in our school.As the stadium was set up,many sports are able to be held.It makes ping-pong,football as well as running competition enjoy great popularity.My favourite sport is playing basketball.It is because it has be

3、en giving me strength to face the challenges in my life.I hope you will come to our school and experience it in the near future.Yours,Li Hua升级方案1.升级词汇:more_than delighted2.在句前加过渡词“首先”:To_start/begin with3.句合并升级为定语从句:To_start_with,a_new_stadium_has_been_built,which_has_become_the_new_landmark_in_our_

4、school.4.升级词汇:a_wide_range of5.句升级为 with 结构,v.-ing 作状语:With_the_stadium_set_up,a_wide_range_of_sports_are_able_to_be_held,making_ping-pong,football_as_well_as_running_competition_enjoy_great_popularity.6.句升级句式:The_reason_is_that_it_has_been_giving_me_strength_to_face_the_challenges_in_my_life.7.在句前增

5、添过渡语:All_in_all/In_conclusion满分作文Dear Peter,Im more than delighted to hear from you.You asked me about the physical exercise in our school in your last letter.The following are relevant details.To begin with,a new stadium has been built,which has become the new landmark in our school.With the stadiu

6、m set up,a wide range ofsports are able to be held,making ping-pong,football as well as running competition enjoy great popularity.My favourite sport is playing basketball.The reason is that it has been giving me strength to face the challenges in my life.All in all,I do hope you will come to our sc

7、hool and experience it in the near future.Yours,Li HuaB典型例题 (2017全国卷)假定你是李华,正在教你的英国朋友 Leslie 学习汉语。请你写封邮件告知下次上课的计划。内容包括:(1)时间和地点;(2)内容:学习唐诗;(3)课前准备:简要了解唐朝的历史。注意:1.词数 100 左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。审题谋篇学生习作Dear Leslie,I am writing to tell you my plan for the coming Chinese lesson.Ive decided to teach you Ta

8、ng poetry in Room 101 Building 1 on Wednesday,which will last two hours.Tang poetry is a symbol of Chinese traditional literature,and plays an important part in Chinese culture,so its necessary for you to master it.Besides,in order to learn Tang poetry well,youd better get some information about Tan

9、g Dynasty before class.Please tell me if its convenient for you.Furthermore,when you meet with some puzzling questions,dont hesitate to turn to me.Yours,Li Hua升级方案1.在句中使用短语替换动词 decided:made_up_my_mind2.在句中加入具体的时间早上 8 点:at_8_am.3.在句中使用非谓语短语替换 and plays an important part in Chinese culture:playing_an_

10、important_part_in_Chinese_culture4.在句中使用抽象名词具体化替换 necessary:a_necessity5.在句中使用短语替换 master:have_a_good_knowledge_of6.句改为问句,体现交际性:Would_you_tell_me_if_its_convenient_for_you?满分作文Dear Leslie,I am writing to tell you my plan for the coming Chinese lesson.Ive made up my mind to teach you Tang poetry in R

11、oom 101 Building 1 at 8 am.on Wednesday,which will last two hours.Tang poetry is a symbol of Chinese traditional literature,playing an important part inChinese culture,so its a necessity for you to have a good knowledge ofit.Besides,in order to learn Tang poetry well,youd better get some information

12、 about Tang Dynasty before class.Would you tell me if its convenient for you?Furthermore,when you meet with some puzzling questions,dont hesitate to turn to me.Yours,Li Hua一、书信体作文的写作技巧书信邮件类作文一般是以提纲式作文的形式出现并进行考查。命题人往往通过给定写作要点,或者较为宽泛的要求,让考生紧紧围绕中心进行写作。写作技巧有:1认真审题,确定“基调”通过题目所给的文字信息,加以适当的细节,确定文章的主题,表述要点、

13、文体、时态及人称等。2列出提纲,明确主题首先弄清题目与提纲之间的关系。提纲只是对文章的提示和概括,但不是主题句。需要根据提纲的性质,写出完整的、体现主旨的句子,使之成为主题句。3围绕主题,细化扩展要使整篇习作内容充实,言之有理,且层次感强,考生在写作过程中必须紧紧围绕主题展开具体叙述,且要注意句与句、段与段之间的连贯性。4有始有终,虎头豹尾一篇优秀的习作,开头和结尾部分尤为重要。习作之始,必须能够吸引读者的眼球,让其有强烈的愿望读下去;收尾之处要有力度,切勿拖泥带水,要既能体现作者的总结(或愿望、态度等),又能发人深思。二、书信体作文常用词汇及句型(一)常用词汇/短语1interview vt

14、.采访2pursue vt.追求3achievement n.成就4progress n进步5successful adj.成功的6disappoint vt.使失望7realize vt.实现;意识到8dream n梦想9desire vt.渴望10determined adj.有决心的11exploration n探究12effort n努力;成就13praise vt.表扬14pleasure n愉快,快乐15hard-working adj.勤奋的16confidence n自信17rapid adj.快速的18beneficial adj.有益的19announce vt.宣布20g

15、ain vt.获得;得到21inspire vt.激发;鼓舞22encouragement n鼓励23appreciate vt.感激24honor n荣誉25imagine vt.设想26satisfied adj.满意的27concentrate v集中28focus v集中29attentively adv.聚精会神地30challenge n挑战31harmful adj.有害的32preparation n准备33experience vt.经历34manage v处理,应付35make great efforts 竭尽全力36focus ones attention on 把注意力

16、放在37bury oneself in 集中精力于38achieve ones goal/dream 实现某人的目标/梦想39sing high praise for 高度评价40gain great confidence 获得巨大的信心41make rapid progress 取得巨大的进步42but for 要不是43come across 遇到44pursue ones dream 追求某人的梦想45be crazy about 对痴迷46give up 放弃47dream of 梦想48come true 变成现实49manage to do 做成某事50keep a positiv

17、e attitude towards 对保持乐观态度(二)常用句型.精彩开头开头一般来说要做到开门见山,使读者了解要谈什么,最好能立刻吸引读者的兴趣。exhibition.我写信邀请你来看中国剪纸艺术展。I am writing to tell you some good news.我写信告诉你一些好消息。(2019福建质检书面表达)Im delighted to know that you are interested in the Chinese speech contest,which is intended for foreigners.我很高兴知道(2019济南高考模拟书面表达)Im

18、 Li Hua,an exchange student from China visiting your school now.我是李华,来自的一名交换生。.正文佳句衔接与过渡性词语的使用是正文语言连贯性得以实现的最常用手段。在句与句之间,段与段之间恰当地使用一些承上启下的连接(过渡)性词语是非常必要的。归纳如下:1表示起始关系的过渡性词语(2018全国卷书面表达)Generally speaking,your arrival shouldnt be later than the fixed time.一般来说,你在约定的时间之前早到。Now Ill tell you the next lea

19、rning programme.现在我来告诉你下一个学习计划。2表示时间顺序的过渡性词语(2018北京卷书面表达)Then I showed them how to make tea.然后我教他们如何沏茶。(2018天津卷书面表达)Meanwhile,attached to this email is a training plan I have worked out for my team.同时,附上这封电子邮件是我为我的团队制定的训练计划。3表示并列关系的过渡性词语(2018浙江卷书面表达)And I treasure this as a good chance to broaden my

20、 perspective as well as improve my spoken English.我珍惜这一个开阔了我的视野以及提高我的英语口语的好机会。As you know,not only build up your body but also shape your character.正如你所知道的,打兵乓球不仅可以增强你的体质,还能塑造你的性格。4表示转折关系的过渡性词语(2017浙江卷书面表达)However,they still approached to the wolf bravely.然而,他们仍然勇敢地接近狼。5表示因果关系的过渡性词语(2018北京卷书面表达)Sinc

21、e you have long been interested in Chinese culture,I think Beijing Language and Culture University is an ideal place for you.既然你很早就对中国文化感兴趣,我认为北京语言大学对你来说是一个理想的地方。(2018天津卷书面表达)Therefore,it cant be better if you can join my team and show your talent.因此,如果你能加入我的团队来展示你的才能那就更好了。6表示递进关系的过渡性词语(2018 全 国 卷 书

22、 面 表 达)Besides,our school set up a volleyball team and a basketball team.此外,我们学校还成立了排球队和篮球队。(2018全国卷书面表达)Whats more,the stadium opens from 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday.另外,体育场从星期一到星期五的上午 9 点到下午 5 点开放。7表示列举事实的过渡性词语(2018全国卷书面表达)Youd better bring some little gifts,such as a special food or drink from y

23、our country.你最好带些小礼物,比如来自贵国的特殊食物或饮料。(2018江苏卷书面表达)For example,there are huge amounts of reference books which I am confused to choose from.例如,有如此多的参考书以至于我很困惑,不知如何选择。8表示观点的过渡性词语(2018全国卷书面表达)As for the physical exercise in our school,here is something about it.这里有一些事情是关于我们学校的体育运动情况。(2017北京卷书面表达)Persona

24、lly,I prefer the tour along the Yangtze,the longest river and one of the mother rivers of Chinese civilization.就个人而言,我更喜欢沿着长江,最长的河流和中国文明的母亲河之一旅游。9表示总结的过渡性词语(2018全国卷书面表达)All in all,I sincerely invite you to come to our school and see for yourself.总而言之,我诚挚地邀请你到我们学校来亲自看看。In short,internet voting,to som

25、e extent,is unfair,if not immoral,and cannot be trusted.总之,即使符合道德标准,网上投票在一定程度上也是不公平的,不应该被相信。.余味结尾结尾有概括全文内容,进一步强调中心思想,升华主题的作用。主要有以下写法:1表示感谢法Ill appreciate it if you can reply to my letter at your earliest convenience.如果您尽早给我回信,我会非常感谢。Id appreciate it if you could do me a favor.如果你能帮助我,我将非常感谢。I must thank you again for your generous help.我必须对你慷慨的帮助再次表示感谢。2表示期待法Hope youll have a good time in China.希望你在中国玩得快乐。Looking forward to your reply.期待着您的回复。I hope well get together again next year.希望明年再聚。

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