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2020届人教版高三英语一轮复习课件:选修七 U 1 .ppt

1、名师指津Living wellUnit 1课文经典回顾重点词汇讲练写作句型仿写词句基础过关词句基础过关写作词汇 1._ me on my success 祝贺我成功2._ ones post as chairman 辞去主席职务3.take _ food 带足够多的食物 _ personality 开朗的性格5.the rules of _行为准则6.suffer from poor _ 患有近视7.have a _ today 今天听写dictation congratulateresignadequateoutgoingconducteyesight8.recall his _ t

2、raveller 回忆他的旅伴9.set up a _ of his own 他自己开一家公司10.stand in a _ 站成一排11.emergency _ 紧急出口;太平门 with _有尊严地生活13.make a _ of ten pence 获利10便士14.develop a new _开发新软件softwarefellowfirm/company/corporationrowexitdignityprofit阅读词汇 1.clumsy n.长凳2.architect n.建筑师3.bench adj.笨拙的4.earphone n.显微镜5.microscope

3、 n.耳机6.literature vt.废除;废止7.abolish n.证书8.certificate n.文学(作品);著作9.parrot n.鹦鹉10.tortoise n.同伴;伙伴panion n.陆龟;龟12.lap n.跑道的一圈13.bowling n.保龄球14.outwards n.政治(学)15.tank n.社区;团体;社会16.politics adv.向外munity n.大容器;缸;大桶转换词汇 1.Dont feel sorry for the _(disability)or make fun of them.句意为“不要为残疾人难过或嘲笑他们”,表示“残疾

4、人”the disabled(=disabled people),类似的还有the injured(受伤者),the wounded(伤员)等。2.They are _(ambition)although they are poor.作表语用形容词,表示“有雄心的;有野心的”。disabledambitious3.Noise pollution can also damage our _(hear).在形容词性物主代词our后用名词,表示“听力;听觉”。4.She was _(annoy)with Duncan for forgetting to phone.作表语用形容词,表示“生气的”,b

5、e annoyed with sb(对某人生气)是固定搭配。hearingannoyed5.Abraham Lincoln abolished _(slave)in the United States.句意“林肯废除美国的奴隶制(slavery)”,作宾语用名词。6.It was so _(noise)that we couldnt hear ourselves speak.作表语,用形容词,表示“吵闹的,嘈杂的”。slaverynoisy7.Wearing a pair of shorts and a T-shirt is certainly not _(suit)for an interv

6、iew.作表语用形容词,be suitable for(适合,适宜)是固定搭配。8.A good diet is _(benefit)to health.作表语用形容词,be beneficial to(有益于)是固定搭配。suitablebeneficial9.We will have _(hand)robots and computers to assist us with the boring things.在名词前作定语用形容词,表示“方便的,有用的”。10.Medicine should not be kept where it is _(access)to children.作表语

7、用形容词,表示“可接近的,可使用的”。where it is accessible to children意为“小孩能拿到的地方”。handyaccessible11.We were surprised by the sudden _(enter)of their teacher.在“the+形容词”后用名词,表示“进入”。12.The decision was made in my _(absent).在形容词性物主代词my后用名词,表示“缺席;不在某处”。entryabsence13.In many ways my disability has helped me grow stronge

8、r _(psychology).修饰动词grow用副词,表示“心理上”。14.The young writer owed his success to his teachers _(encourage).在名词的所有格后用名词,表示“鼓励;奖励”。psychologicallyencouragement15.The cabbages were stored in the _(base).在the后用名词,表示“地下室”。16.She offered me practical _(assist)with my research.在形容词practical(实际的)后用名词,表示“协助,援助”。b

9、asementassistance17._(congratulate)on your excellent exam results!因congratulate是及物动词,其后没有宾语,所以应为名词,表示“祝贺”,congratulation通常要用复数,注意句首大写。18.After _(graduate),he worked there as a lecturer.在介词后作宾语用名词,表示“毕业”。Congratulationsgraduation19.I hope my suggestions will meet with your _(approve).在形容词性物主代词后用名词,表示

10、“赞成;认可”。这类由动词变为名词的还有arrive arrival(抵达;新到达的人或物),survive survival(存活;幸存),remove removal(迁移;免职;去除)等。approval词组搭配 1._ 换句话说2._在很多方面3._总而言之4._(口语)(祝你)一切顺利5._上气不接下气6._不必担心;没关系never mind in other words/in a word/in brief/in shortin many waysall in all/in a word/in brief/in short/to sum upall the bestout of

11、breath7._ 闲坐着8.have duties _ rights有权利也有义务9._ new environment适应新的环境10._ the details删掉细节11._ difficulties 遇到困难12._others 取笑别人make fun of/play a joke/play a trick on/sit aroundas well asadapt tocut outmeet withlaugh at/ suitable _ children适合儿童 beneficial _ ones health有益于健康 annoyed

12、_ sb about/at sth因某事对某人生气16.gain entry _ the building得以进入大楼17.adapt a novel _ television将小说改编成电视18.have access _ the library可以使用图书馆tofortowithtofor美句必背 1.She is proud _(take)part incompetitions and to have broken a record by running two laps(800 meters)this year.她很自豪今年参加了比赛,并且打破了 800米记录。2.I think I

13、had at least a billion tests,including one in _ they cut out a piece of muscle from my leg and looked at it under a microscope.我想我至少做过十亿次检查了,包括有一次检查,他们从我的腿部切下一块肌肉,放在显微镜下观察。to have takenwhich3.Every time I _(return)after an absence,I felt stupid because I was _ the others.每次缺课回来之后,我就觉得自己很笨,因为我比别人落后。4

14、.I have a busy life with no time _(sit)around feeling sorry for myself.我的生活很充实,没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。returnedto sitbehind5.Just accept them for who they are,and give them encouragement to live _ rich and full a life as you do.接受他们的现状,给他们鼓励,让他们能像你一样过得丰富多彩,充实美满。as课文经典回顾语法填空 In my primary school,I felt stupid be

15、cause I was behind the others.However,my life is a lot 1 _(easy)at high school because my fellow students have accepted me.The few 2 _ cannot see the real person inside my body do not make me 3 _(annoy),and I just ignore them.All in all I have a good life.I am happy to have found many things I can d

16、o,4 _writing and computer programming.My ambition is 5 _(work)for a firm that develops computer software when I 6_(grow)up.easierwhoannoyedliketo workgrowLast year I invented a computer football game and a big company has decided to buy it from me.I have a very busy life with no time to sit around 7

17、 _(feel)sorry for myself.As well as going to the movies and football matches with my friends,I spend a lot of time with my 8 _(pet).I have two rabbits,a parrot,a tank full of fish and 9 _ tortoise.To look after my pets properly 10 _(take)a lot of time but I find it worthwhile.I also have to do a lot

18、 of work,especially if I have been away for a while.takesfeelingpetsa短文改错 Until I was ten years old I was same as everyone else.I used to climb trees,swim and play the football.In fact,I used to dream about playing profession football and possibly represent my country in the World Cup.representingpr

19、ofessionaltheThen I started to get weaker and weaker,until I can only enjoy football from bench on the stadium.At the end I went into hospital for medical tests.I stayed there in nearly three months.I think I had at least a billion test,including one in which they cut out a piece of muscle from my l

20、eg and looked at them under a microscope.couldatInfortestsit1.在same前加the 因same习惯上总是与the连用的。2.去掉football前的the 球类运动前面不用冠词。3.profession professional在football前作定语应该用形容词,表示“专业的”。4.represent representing 与playing并列,均作dream about的宾语,因此形式要一致。5.can could 前面动词是started,是过去时,此处情态动词时态也用过去时。6.on at 表示“在”体育馆,用介词at

21、。7.At In 固定搭配:In the end最后。 for 表示延续多长一段时间用“for+时间段”。9.test tests 前面有a billion,故用名词复数。10.them it 替代上文说到的muscle,是单数。重点词汇讲练搭 配be full of ambition 野心勃勃sbs ambition is to do/be 某人的理想是have an ambition to do sth 有做某事的抱负have the ambition of doing sth 有做某事的抱负achieve/realize ones ambitions 达到目标/实现抱负1.amb

22、ition n.雄心;野心派 生_ adj.志向远大的;有野心的ambitious运 用(1)没什么能阻止我去实现我的目标。Nothing can stop me from achieving my ambition.(2)我的理想是成为一名著名歌手。My ambition is to be a famous singer.(3)他有成为发明家的雄心。He has the ambition of becoming a great inventor.派 生_ adj.令人恼火的_ adj.恼怒的;烦恼的_ n.烦恼2.annoy vt.使不悦;惹恼annoyanceannoyingannoyed

23、搭 配be annoyed at/by sth 因为某事而感到困扰get/be annoyed with sb 生某人的气make me annoyed 使我恼怒annoy sb 使某人不悦;惹恼某人运 用 These flies _(正在烦我).She _(对他很生气)because he was late.I was _(annoy)because I met with an _(annoy)problem.annoying are annoying mewas annoyed with himannoyed运 用resign ones position(as)辞去()职务3.resign

24、 v.辞职搭 配上个月他辞去了总工程师的职务。He resigned his position as chief engineer last month.搭 配the rules of conduct 行为准则conduct a campaign 开展活动conduct an interview 进行面试/采访conduct an experiment 进行/做实验conduct/carry out/do a survey 进行调查4.conduct n.行为;品行 vt.指挥;管理;主持搭 配_ n.指挥;售票员;导体conductor运 用Is it really necessary to

25、 _(做实验)on animals?conduct experiments 搭 配adapt(oneself)to 适应adaptto 使适应be adapted from 由改编5.adapt vt.使适应;改编 vi.适应(to)adopt vt.收养;采取(纳,用)联 想运 用 他们很快适应了城市生活。They soon adapted themselves to the city life.这部电影是由小说改编的。The movie was adapted from a novel.派 生be beneficial to sth/sb 对有益be of benefit to 对有益fo

26、r the benefit of 为了(的利益)benefit from从中受益benefit sb/sth 使受益;有益于6.beneficial adj.有益的搭 配_ v.&n.有助于;益处benefit运 用 使用电脑对孩子们的学习很有好处。Using computers is of great benefit to childrens learning./Using computers is beneficial to childrens learning.我觉得这本书对初学英语的人很有用。I found the book beneficial to English beginner

27、s.派 生have/get/gain access to sth 使用;接近;可以利用7.access n.(接近的)方法;通路;可接近性accessible adj.可到达的;易接近的搭 配运 用 The only access _ the farmhouse is across the fields.Medicine should not be kept where it is _(access)to children.There are still some children who dont have access _ education in poor areas.totoacces

28、sible联 想cut in插嘴cut down 砍倒;削减cut up切碎;使伤心8.cut out(=stop/give up)切去;省略;停止(做某事)运 用(1)Lets cut _ the unimportant details.(2)Ill cut _ my smoking,maybe cut it _ entirely.用in、out、up、down填空。outdownout(3)It is bad manners to cut _ while others are talking.(4)They used the sharpened stone tools to cut _ a

29、nimals.upin联 想in a word=in one word总而言之in words 用语言 other words 换句话说运 用 She has a good handwriting,and is good at writing articles._,she is a qualified secretary.The beauty of sunset can not be described _.He found his first job._,he neednt depend on his parents any more.In other wordsIn a wordi

30、n words联 想out of control 失控out of sight 看不见out of order 坏了out of reach 够不着out of date 过期out of place 不得其所out of question 毫无疑问out of work 失业10.out of breath 上气不接下气运 用(1)The bell wont ring,its _.(2)The paintings look strangely_.(3)He ran so fast that he was_.(4)The plane got _ and crashed.out of contr

31、ol out of orderout of placeout of breath(5)He is _ owing to a physical injury.(6)My passport is no longer valid because it is _.(7)The train went round the bend and was soon _.(8)There are still ten minutes left.It is _ _ to arrive there on time.questionout of workout of dateout of sightout of写作句型仿写

32、提 示 与一样的请注意asas中间词的顺序。Now it is possible for the disabled people to lead _(像正常人一样的幸福生活).Tom is _(一个与Mary一样刻苦的学生).仿 写as hard-working/diligent a studentas happy a life as normal people doas Mary仿 写 _(什么时候出发)has not been decided.2.Wh-+to do(疑问词+不定式)(作主、宾、表语)When to start The mother didnt know _(谁该受责备)for the broken glass.He is not sure _(明天是否会出席会议).whether to attend thewho to blamemeeting(or not)tomorrowThank you!

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