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1、单项填空考前模拟训练第二组南山卧龙 1. Good morning!_, sir?Id like to see the latest type of computer.A. What B. Why C. Yes D. Pardon2. Why werent you at the meeting?I _ for a long-distance call from my aunt in America.A. waited B. was waiting C. had been waiting D. had waited3. Fewer violent cases have happened here

2、 since the special new law _.A. went into power B. came into force C. brought into practice D. put into effect4. What do you believe made her angry? _ the game.A. Lose B. Having lost C. Lost D. Because of losing5. The clear sky _ fine weather. Lets go swimming, shall we?A. promises B. wants C. expec

3、ts D. allows 6. If you _ wait over there for a minute, Mr. Smith, Ill tell our manager youve arrived.A. must B. should C. will D. can7. Ill wait here until 6:00, so _ here by then.A. trying to get B. try and get C. make sure to reach D. you to come8. How did you like the concert?_! My favourite sing

4、er lost her voice and didnt even _ an appearance.A. Terrible; have B. What a failure; take C. Very unsatisfactory; get D. What a disappointment; make9. The couples went into the big supermarket full of customers, but _ they got _. They entered different sections.A. before long; missed B. before long

5、; separatedC. long before; lost D. long before; changed10. We should keep to the basic knowledge. I dont think it proper to give us so difficult a problem _ no one can work out.A. that B. which C. while D. as11. She is so kind that she always _ her clothes to the poor.A. gives in B. gives off C. giv

6、es over D. gives away12. We have fine weather today, dont we?Yes. Its a bit cold, _.A. still B. too C. though D. besides13. _ industry to develop so rapidly, more and more waste will be produced.A. For B. With C. As D. Because of14. Although I often eat out, seldom _ a restaurant so filled with that

7、 much smoke.A. I had seen B. did I see C. I see D. have I seen15. A house built of stone lasts longer than _ built of wood.A. one B. the one C. a one D. the house【答案与解析】1. C 该题考查情景会话题。这是在商店里一位顾客与店员的对话。从语境来看,空缺处为店员的回答,只有C合乎题意。Yes, sir?相当于汉语中的“买什么,先生?”此处不能按汉语习惯使用What。2. B 该题考查根据语境选用正确时态题。上句说“你为什么没去参加会

8、议”,据此回答“我当时正在等我姑姑从美国打来的长途电话”,说的是“你们开会时”我正在等一个电话。3. B 该题考查动词短语的辨析。从分“很少有暴力案件发生”可推测,后部分应为“自从一项新的特别法律生效以来”。come into force为“生效”,“起作用”;go into power为“上台”,“掌权”。4. B 该题考查的是非谓语动词作主语的用法。从“你认为是什么让她生气了?”知,回答应为what的内容,即回答应是名词、代词或相当于名词的非谓语动词等。在四个选项中,只有B能做主语。(from )5. A 该题考查动词词义辨析。该题选D,意为“晴朗的天空有希望有个好天气”。Promise在

9、此意为“有希望”,“有可能”。当promise后跟形容词时可跟to be,如:It promises to be fine tomorrow.(明天可能是晴天)。其他如want为“想”,要”;expect为“期望”,“盼望”;allow为“允许”等都不合语境。6. C 该题考查情态动词的辨析。该题选择will,但will在这里并非是表将来的助动词而是情态动词,意为“愿意”。该句可译为:Smith先生,如果你愿意在那里等几分钟的话,我会告诉经理你已到了。7. B 该题考查祈使句的用法。由连词so可知,空缺处应为一个完整句子,而四个选项中只有B为祈使句,其他为非谓语动词。8. D 从第一个空格很难

10、选出答案,需要结合语境和第二个空来作答。从后面的“我最喜爱的歌唱家失声”可推测“她没有出场”,从搭配来看此处应用make,make an appearance为短语。这样答案就很明显了。9. B 从下文的“他们进入了不同的部分”来看,这对夫妇不久就在拥挤的超市里走散了。get separated为“走散了”。“get+过去分词”结构比较重要,常见的有:get dressed / caught / stuck等;另外,get后也可使用现在分词,如get going / running等。10. D 该题考查as引导的定语从句与sothat引导的结果状语从句的区别。由于work out是及物动词短

11、语。因为这里缺少宾语,我们可判断这里应用as引导一个定语从句。该题如果改为no one work it out,那么答案就选A了。11. D 该题考查动词短语的辨析。根据前部分“她很善良”可推测“她常把衣物捐赠给穷人”。give away在此意为“捐赠”;而give in为“放弃”,give off为“发出”,“放出”,都不合语境。12. C 该题考查though作副词的用法。上句为“今天天气很好,是吗?”答句为:“是的,尽管有点冷”。though用在一个句子后面(常有逗号),表转折,意为“然而”,“不过”。13. B 该题考查介词with的用法。根据语境,此处应该选用with,意为“随着工业的快速发展,将会产生越来越多的废物”。14. D 该题考查倒装结构。当seldom, never, little, hardly等否定词置于句首时,要用倒装结构。15. A 该题考查替代词one的用法。在英语中,为避免重复,常用one来代替可数名词的单数形式。one为代替泛指的名词,在没有修饰语时其前不能加冠词,即不能说a one。但当其前有修饰语时,可使用不定冠词,如a good one, a red one等。


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