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2019英语新一线同步人教选修十课件:UNIT 2 SECTION Ⅲ USING_LANGUAGE .ppt

1、Unit 2Section 学之窗师之说梦之旅Section Using_Language.高频单词点击1(vi.)回答;响应;作出反应(n.)反应;回答2(n.)职员;员工3(vt.)怀疑(n.)怀疑(adj.)多疑的,可疑的(adv.)疑神疑鬼地respondresponsestaffsuspectsuspicionsuspicioussuspiciously4(n.)侮辱;凌辱(adj.)侮辱的;无礼的5(vt.)责骂;斥责6(adj.)醉的;常醉的(v.)喝;喝酒(n.)喝酒(n.)醉汉7(n.)抓;挠;刮8(vt.&n.)要求;需要(adj.)过分要求的;苛求的9(n.)行李insu

2、ltinsultingscolddrunkendrinkingdrinkdrunkscratchdemanddemandingbaggage.重点短语必记1complain.抱怨2 ones side 在某人身边3be disguised 化装成4due 应该的,预计的,由于5get of 摆脱掉aboutbyastorid.常用句型必备1 and collect my baggage.2 how to behave.功能意念项目1Whats up?2Whats going on.3My thanks.4I dont believe it.5Im sorry to tell you this,

3、but.6Thats a lie.Get my horses readyI suggest you teach them单词点击1respond(1)vt.回应,应答;对回答The doctor responded that he couldnt tell the name of her disease.医生回答说他无法说出她的病名。(2)vi.反应,对回应(以动作),显示良好的反应(与to连用)He failed to respond to the medicine.他服了这药未见起色。The boy responded to the care with a thankful smile.那

4、男孩对那关心报以感激的微笑。response n 反应;回响;答复in response to 对的反应,回应make response to 对做出反应,回应Millions of people gave freely in response to the famine appeal.千百万人响应救灾呼吁而慷慨解囊。She made no response to my letter.她没有回复我的信。即境活用 1 完成句子(1)His illness _(没有反应)treatment by drugs.(2)I asked him a question but he _(未作回答)答案:(1

5、)didnt respond to(2)didnt respond2staff nC职员,员工;全体职员 vt.为配备(人员)be on the staff 在工作人员中The staff of our school are off today.我校的全体工作人员今天休假。He is on the editorial staff of the newspaper.他是这家报社的编辑部人员。Most of our offices are staffed by volunteers.我们大多数办公室里都配有志愿人员。温馨提示:staff 作主语时,若看作整体,谓语动词用单数;若看作个体,谓语动词用

6、复数。集合名词集锦class 班team 队audience 观众jury 陪审团cast 演员班底group 组family 家庭committee 委员会government 政府organization 组织即境活用 2 用所给动词的适当形式填空(1)Our class_(be)so good that all the class _(be)happy to live in it.(2)The family _(be)watching TV together.(3)The entire staff _(have)done an outstanding job this year,beca

7、use the staff _(be)helpful.答案:(1)is;are(2)are(3)has;are3suspect vt.怀疑;猜想 n.C嫌疑犯,犯罪嫌疑人suspectn.怀疑suspectthat-clause 怀疑suspect sb.of(doing)sth.怀疑某人做某事 be 怀疑是suspicious adj.怀疑的,可疑的suspicion n.怀疑We suspect the truth of his story.我们怀疑他故事的真实性。He was suspected of having stolen the money.他被怀疑偷了这笔钱

8、。We suspected that he was lost,even before we were told.在别人告诉我们这件事之前,我们已认为他有可能失踪了。What she said sounded convincing,but I suspect it to be a lie.她的话听起来像那么回事,但我认为那是谎话。He is the prime suspect in the case.他是这个案子的首要嫌疑人。doubt,suspect(1)doubt“怀疑不是”,表示不相信。肯定句中用后跟whether/if 宾语从句,否定句、疑问句中用 that 宾语从句。I doubt w

9、hether well arrive on time.我认为我们不可能按时到达。(2)suspect“怀疑是”,表示相信。The police suspect her of murder.警察怀疑她犯了谋杀罪。即境活用 3 单句改错(1)She strongly doubted that he was lying to her._(2)You can complain,but I suspect if itll make any difference._答案:(1)doubtedsuspected(2)suspectdoubt4drunken adj.(酒)醉的drunken用作定语drunk

10、用作表语The man is drunk.这人喝醉了。A drunken man is lying in the street.一个喝醉了酒的人正躺在大街上。drink v 喝酒;喝,为举杯祝贺n.饮料,一杯,一口,酒drink up 喝光drink to.为干杯drink down 一口气喝下drinking n.喝酒drinking water 饮用水Milk is a good drink for the health.牛奶是有益健康的饮料。Lets drink to Pauls success.咱们为保罗的成功干杯。即境活用 4 用 drink 的适当形式填空(1)The accide

11、nt is due to a_driving.(2)She got _ on beer at the party yesterday.(3)My father was advised to give up_.(4)He _ so much that she couldnt stand.(5)We went outing last week with bottled_.答案:(1)drunken(2)drunk(3)drinking(4)drank(5)drinks5scratch vt.&nsing.(常与 out,off,through 连用)抓,刮,挠,划,搔He tried to scr

12、atch the paint off the wall.他试图从墙上刮下油漆。He scratched the insect bite on his leg(with his nails)他(用指甲)搔他腿上虫咬的地方。up to scratch 够上水准;情况良好without a scratch 安然无恙;完好无损(start)from scratch从零做起,白手起家,从头做起He started his business from scratch.他白手起家。The piano player was not up to scratch.这位钢琴演奏者不够水准。即境活用 5 翻译句子(1

13、)He scratched a few lines to a friend._(2)The boy was saved out of the ruins without a scratch._答案:(1)他给朋友草草写了封短信。(2)那男孩从废墟中被救了出来,毫发未伤。6baggage nU行李(英国通常用 luggage)How much baggage do you have?你有多少行李?I have five pieces of baggage in all.我共有 5 件行李。答案:(1)Two pieces of baggage have been lost.(2)All the

14、baggage has to be carried by train.即境活用 6 翻译句子(1)有两件行李丢了。_(2)所有这些行李都得用火车来运。_7demand(1)vt.&vi.要求;需要demand sth.(of/from sb.)向/对要求某事demand to do sth.要求做某事demandthat.(should)do sth.要求The judge demanded silence in the courtroom.法官要求法庭上要安静。He demanded to be told everything.他要求知道一切。The workers demanded tha

15、t the boss(should)make an apology to them.工人们要求老板道歉。(2)n.要求,需求,需要in demand 有需要的on demand 一经要求This cheque is payable on demand.这是见票即付的支票。English teachers were in great demand at one time.曾一度急需英语老师。(3)demanding adj.过分要求的;苛求的The work is demanding.这工作要求极高。即境活用 7 These days air conditioners are_ great de

16、mand,so the boss demands that everyone _ extra hours.Ain;work Bin;worksCon;work Don;works解析:in demand有需要的,demand从句应用(should)动词原形,而on demand“一经要求”,与句意不符。答案:A 短语精析(be)due to(1)应给的,应得的(be due to sth.)The parents care is due to their children.父母亲应给予小孩照顾。(2)归因于,归功于(be due to sth.)Her world-wide fame is d

17、ue to his support.她名扬全球应归功于他的支持。(3)预定的,预期的(be due to do sth.)They are due to set off this evening.他们预定今晚动身。(4)因为,由于(due to sth.)The game was postponed due to rain.比赛被推迟是由于这场雨。句型归纳1Get my horses ready and collect my baggage.备马,收拾行李。get宾语宾补形容词 使处于某种状态不定式使做动词-ing式使运转起来过去分词使被Dont get your computer dirty

18、.不要弄脏你的电脑。Ill go and get my hair cut.我要去理发。Youll never get him to understand.谁也无法让他明白。Its too cold and I cant get the car starting.天太冷了,我不能把车发动起来。即境活用 8 单句改错(1)Do you think youll get the work finish on time?_(2)Can you get the clock go again?_(3)Did the boss get John deal with the case?_(4)I cant ge

19、t this drawer opened._答案:(1)finishfinished(2)gogoing(3)dealto deal(4)openedopen2I suggest you teach them how to behave.我建议你教教他们怎样守规矩。demand,suggest,insist,order,propose,command,ask,advise 等后的宾语从句,以及由 demand,suggestion,order,proposal,advice 等后的同位语从句,表语从句及主语从句中都要用 should动词原形。其中 should 可省略。The order ca

20、me that all the schools(should)have free weekends.命令下发了,所有学校周末都不准排课。The workers made a demand that they(should)be paid higher.工人们提出要求,薪水高些。It is my suggestion that we(should)start early tomorrow morning.我建议明早早点动身。温馨提示:当suggest意为“暗示,表明”时,其宾语从句不用虚拟语气。Her pale face suggested that she was serious ill.她苍

21、白的脸表明她的病情很严重。即境活用 9 The captain commanded that all the things on board _ away before the ship sank.Ashould throw Bbe thrownCmust be thrown Dwere thrown解析:command后从句中用should动词原形。排除C、D,而things和throw之间为被动关系,故选B。答案:B 摘要是对一篇文章的主题思想的简单陈述。它用最简洁的语言概括了原文的主题。写摘要主要包括三个步骤:(1)阅读;(2)写作;(3)修改成文。第一步:阅读1认真阅读给定的原文材料。

22、如果一遍不能理解,就多读两遍。阅读次数越多,你对原文的理解就越深刻。故 事 摘 要 2给摘要起一个标题。用能概括文章主题思想的单词、短语或短句子作为标题,也可以主题句作标题。主题句一般在文章的开头或结尾。好标题有助于确定文章的中心思想。3决定原文中哪些部分重要,哪些部分次重要。对重要部分的主要观点进行概括。4简要地记下主要观点主题、标题、细节等你认为对概括摘要重要的东西。第二步:动手写作1摘要的字数可以少于要求的数字,但是千万不能超过这个数字。2摘要应全部用自己的话完成,尽量不要引用原文的句子。3应该遵循原文的逻辑顺序。4摘要须全面、清晰地表明原文所载的信息。5写摘要时可以采用下列几种小技巧:

23、(1)删除细节,只保留主要观点。(2)选择一至两个例子。原文中可能包括很多的例子,你只需从中筛选一至二个例子。(3)把长段的描述变成短小、简单的句子。(4)避免重复。原文中,为了强调某个主题,可能会重复论证说明。但在摘要中应该删除。(5)压缩长的句子;或者使用词组代替整句或者从句;或者使用概括性的名词代替具体的词。(6)使用最短的连接词。比如,可以使用 but,then,thus,yet,though,不能使用 at the same time,in the first place,because of these,on the other hand 等较长的连接词。使用分号也能起到连接词的效

24、果。(7)文章中的第一人称说的话通常在摘要中转换成第三人称,从而把大段的对白简化。第三步:修改成文草稿拟好以后,对它进行修改。首先,与原文比较看是否把所有重要的观点都概括了,摘要中的观点是否与原文中的完全一致。其次,如果摘要中出现了不必要的词汇、短语或长句子,删除它们。第三,检查拼写、语法和标点符号的错误。最后,保持语言简单明了,这样一篇摘要就可以完成了。【写作任务】用100120词对皇帝的新装写一篇情节摘要。参考词汇:骗子swindler,游行procession【范文在线】There lived an emperor.He loved nothing in the world except

25、 new clothes.One day,two swindlers who called themselves weavers said they could weave the most beautiful cloth,and that the clothes made of the cloth could tell clever people from stupid ones.The king gave the two swindlers a large quantity of gold in advance and ordered the cloth to be woven at on

26、ce.He sent his ministers to see the cloth.But they didnt tell him the truth,because they might be thought to be stupid.As a result,though he didnt see the cloth,he still believed the clothes made of it were perfect.He even wore them in the great procession.Almost all the people in the street praised

27、 the clothes but one little girl.She said the king had nothing on.【靓点点击】1文章简要讲述了故事内容,使用了自己的语言,能使读者明白故事的梗概。2文中使用了较高级的并列复合句:who called themselves weavers said they could weave the most beautiful cloth,and that the clothes made of the cloth could tell clever people from stupid ones.原因状语从句because they m

28、ight be thought to be stupid,分词短语made of it,ordered the cloth to be woven以及较高级的词汇:procession,perfect,in advance等,以及相关的连词:and,but,as result等。请根据以下信息写一篇关于小说呼啸山庄的文学评论,向你校英语报投稿。Title呼啸山庄(Wuthering Heights)Category小说Author艾米丽勃朗特(Emily Bront)Characters吉普赛男孩希斯克利夫(Heathcliff)呼啸山庄主人厄恩肖先生(Mr Earnshaw)厄恩肖先生的儿子

29、欣德利(Hindley)和女儿凯瑟琳(Catherine)Plot希斯克利夫被厄恩肖先生收养并喜欢上了凯瑟琳厄恩肖先生去世后,欣德利侮辱希斯克利夫,因此他决定离开庄园希斯克利夫发迹后回来找欣德利报复经历了许多后希斯克利夫发现复仇毫无意义Theme这是一个关于爱情和复仇的故事,它告诫我们应保持人性的尊严并追寻心灵的自由注意:1.词数 120 左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:吉普赛人 gipsy;侮辱 insult;复仇 revenge;尊严 dignity参考范文:Wuthering Heights is a highly praised novel by Emily Bron

30、t.The novel deals with the story of the main character Heathcliff who is a gipsy.He is picked up by Mr Earnshaw on his travels and brought up together with Mr Earnshawschildren.After Mr Earnshaw dies,his son Hindley insults the gipsy boy.Heathcliff and Catherine fall in love with each other,but thei

31、r pure love is stopped by Hindley,because he considers it a shame to let a gipsy marry his sister.Unable to bear the insult,Heathcliff leaves Wuthering Heights.Finally he becomes wealthy and treats Hindley very cruelly.After having many experiences,Heathcliff realizes that revenge is completely mean

32、ingless.Wuthering Heights is a classic of English literature.It shows that we should keep our dignity and seek freedom of mind.单词拼写1Her father s_her when she dropped the plates.答案:scolded2They _(侮辱)us by ignoring our complaints.答案:insult3Please take good care of your _(行李)答案:baggage4The company has

33、a s_of 231.答案:staff5The d_man is walking up unsteadily.答案:drunken6The job_(要求)care and patience.答案:demands7Caocao had a very _(怀疑)mind.答案:suspicious8He was s_at the bite on his arm.答案:scratching.单句改错1They employ a total of 150 staffs._答案:staffsstaff2These baggage can be stored here._答案:TheseThe3He w

34、as drunken so that he had to go home by bus._答案:drunkendrunk4The king made his daughter to leave for France._答案:去掉to5There was a fisherman lived by the sea._答案:livedliving.单项填空1Whats the matter with him?_too much,he is dead_.ADrinking;drunk BDrinking;drinkCDrunk;drunk DDrunk;drink解析:句意为:喝得太多了,醉得不省人事

35、了。第一个drink与he之间为主动关系,故用现在分词;第二个为形容词作表语,“醉的”。答案:A 2The two men were _of receiving stolen property,which made their parents worried.Asuspected BdoubtedCarrested Dblamed解析:考查词语辨析。句意为:这两个男子被怀疑收受赃物,这让他们的父母非常担心。suspect sb.of doing sth.表示“怀疑某人做某事”,此处表示被动。答案:A 3Who do you suggest_charge of the department?At

36、aking BtakenCtake Dto take解析:suggest后的从句谓语动词用(should)动词原形;take charge of主管,负责。答案:C 4It has been raining hard these days,so the wheat will be saved_the heavy rain.Which of the following is wrong?Adue to Bbecause ofCowing to Dbecause解析:本题考查介词与连词的区别。选项的后面仅有名词短语the heavy rain,故只有because是错误的,因为because的后面

37、应跟从句。答案:D 5In our childhood,we were often _by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.Ademanded BremindedCallowed Dhoped解析:本题考查动词的搭配。句意为:童年时,奶奶经常提醒我们注意餐桌礼节。remind do sth.提醒某人做某事,此处为其被动语态。答案:B 6_baggage do you have?Only_.AHow much;one BHow much;one piece CHow many;one DHow many;one piece解

38、析:baggage为不可数名词,用how much提问,一件行李为a piece of baggage。答案:B 7Have you got your work_?No,I will get my friend_me.Adoing;to help Bdone;helpCdone;to help Ddoing;help解析:get sth.done做了某事,get do使某人做某事。答案:C 8The police suspected him _ killing his wife?Ato BonCin Dof解析:suspect sb.of doing sth.怀疑某人(做)某事。答

39、案:D.阅读理解UN Health Agency Says Breastfeeding Can Save Babies LivesThe World Health Organization says exclusive breastfeeding can save millions of infant lives every year.As World Breastfeeding Week gets underway,W.H.O.and its partners are promoting mothers milk as the best way to give babies a health

40、y start in life.W.H.O.recommends exclusively breastfeeding babies until they are six months of age.And it says continued breastfeeding up to two years of age and beyond will greatly reduce child deaths caused by infection and malnutrition(营养不良)in developing countries.WHO estimates 3.5 million childr

41、en die every year of malnutrition.It says up to 1.5 million children could be saved by increasing breastfeeding.Thats because mothers milk contains important nutrients,vitamins and minerals that are found nowhere else.And these provide immunities(免疫力)against a host of infections and diseases.It defe

42、nds the baby against all the potential microbia that can affect him.So,that is why the child will have less episodes of diarrhea(腹泻),will have less experiences with respiratory infectionsand also less likely to die because of common childhood illnesses,especially diarrhea and pneumonia(肺炎)WHOacknowl

43、edges that breastfeeding may not be appropriate in all cases.For instance,if a mother is HIV-positive,she could transmit the disease to her baby through breastfeeding.It might be better for mothers to choose formula milk.According to the environment,the risk of the baby dying because of other illnes

44、ses,other infections diseases might be a lot higher than before.For example,many developing countries do not have safe water and mixing polluted water with powdered formula is a common cause of death among infants.WHO says mothers milk is best everywhere in the world,in rich and poor countries alike

45、.New studies show breastfeeding can protect children against chronic(慢性的)diseases later in life.Breast fed babies are at lower risk of getting high blood pressure,high cholesterol,of becoming very fat and of developing type 2 diabetes.1What does the underlined word“respiratory”in the third paragraph

46、 mean?Aof stomach Bof breathingCof brain Dof lung解析:词义猜测题。下文的especially diarrhea and pneumonia可知这里的respiratory不是指胃部而应该是呼吸方面的疾病。答案:B 2Exclusive breastfeeding can reduce the risk of the following diseases EXCEPT_.Amalnutrition and high cholesterolBdiarrhea and blood pressureCpneumonia and type 2 diabe

47、tesDheart attack and pneumonia解析:细节判断题。由第二、三段以及最后一段可知母乳喂养可降低婴儿患营养不良、腹泻、肺炎、高血压、高胆固醇和二型糖尿病的几率。而文中没有说心脏病。答案:D 3From the passage we can know_.Aall the babies should be fed with mothers milkBmothers milk can not transmit disease to babiesCbreast fed babies have less chance to get some diseases than other

48、sDthe longer exclusive breastfeeding is,the more healthy the babies are in every country答案:选C 解析:推理判断题。由第四段可知 A、B 项是错误的;由第二段可知 D 项是错误的;由最后一段的“Breast fed babies are at lower risk of getting high blood pressure,high cholesterol,of becoming very fat and of developing type 2 diabetes.”可知 C 项是正确的。4The ma

49、in idea of the passage is that_.Aexclusive breastfeeding can save babies liveBmillions of babies die of malnutrition in developing countriesCbreastfeeding may not be appropriate in all casesDbreastfeeding can protect children against chronic diseases解析:主旨归纳题。文章第一段首句给出了全文的主题:母乳喂养可降低婴儿的死亡率。而B、C、D项是文章的部分内容。答案:A

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