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云南师大附中2013届高三高考适应性月考卷(三)英语试题 WORD版.doc

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1、云南师大附中2013届高三高适应性月考卷(三)英 语 试 题 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。满分150分,考试用时120分钟。第I卷(选择题,共115分)注意事项: 1答题前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号在答题卡上填写清楚,并请认真填涂准考证号。 2每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。在试题卷上作答无效。第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。

2、第一节(共5小题;每小题15分,满分75分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Which sign can convey the dialogue? A Sign AB Sign B CSign C.2 Where are the two speakers going? A To a partyB To a theater C To a restaurant3 Whats the mans attitude towards the

3、womans new dress?AHe liked it very much BHe didnt think she should have bought another oneCHe thought the first one was better4 What did Lucy do in Hong Kong? AShe made a trip thereBShe did some shopping in the marketCShe studied there 5 Who did the best in this maths exam? A John B lily CThe man.第二

4、节(共15小题;每小题15分,满分225分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时问阅读各个小题;听先后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6 What are the speakers talking about?AA flight timetable BThe way to Changshui Airport CHiring a taxi7 Where is the woman going on Saturday morning

5、? A Jun Yue Hotel B The airport C The taxi company听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8 What is the relationship between the two speakers?AShopkeeper and customer B. Husband and wife CPoliceman and money owner9 What is the woman doing in the city?A She is a visitor there B She is on business there C She is a citizen th

6、ere10Where was the womans money probably stolen?A It was probably by the bankB It was probably on the way to the hotelC It was probably outside the ticket office听第 8段材料,回答11至 13题。11 Why did the man talk to the woman?A He wanted to buy a house B He wanted to get a job C He wanted to rent a flat12 Wha

7、t is the flat the man shows interest in like?A It has a bathroom, one bedroom and a kitchenB It has a kitchen but it doesnt have a sitting-room C It has two bedrooms, a sitting-room, a kitchen and a bathroom13 How much will the man pay for the bigger one each year?A 6,000 dollars B 7,200 dollars C6,

8、600 dollars.听第 9段材料 ,回答第 14至 16题。14 What does the woman dislike doing? A Doing some service work B Typing CTalking15 Why does the woman want to work in the hotel? A The hotel is big and near her home B The payment of the new job is higherC She wants to talk with guests coming from all over the world

9、16 Who is looking after Carol at night now?A The womanB The man C Carols grandma听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What caused the accident? AA car following himB A truck in front of himC A car from a side road18 What was Jacks driving speed? A 15 kilometers an hour B 50 kilometers an hour C 150 kilometers an ho

10、ur19 What can be inferred from the accident?A Nothing was done until the policemen came B Another driver should he responsible for the accident C The accident was due to careless driving and complicated traffic20What do you think of the man and the woman?A. They are kind and helpful B They are self-

11、protective C They are troublesome第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21Do you know who invented ce1lphone?一sorry,Ive no ideaPerhaps EuropeanAa :an Bthe; a C;the Dthe; an22While watching TV, 。 Athe doorbell rang Bthe door rings Cwe heard the door

12、bell ring Dwe heard the doorbell rung23一 with us another two hours, I suppose, and we will fulfill the task perfectly 一Will that do? OK, lets have a try ATb stay BStaying CStay D Stayed24一I cant find MrB1ackWhere did you see him this morning? 一It was in his office he worked A where Bwhich Cthat Don

13、which 25Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year, a record $12556 a barrel on October 25 A reaching B reached C to reach D having reached26 Nothing in the room after the terrible fire caused by a cigarette end A stayed B kept C remained D left27 How long will it be the scienti

14、st succeeds in providing cures for cancer and AIDS? A when B since C until D before 28 The driver might have had an accident but for the fact that he the car suddenlyA braked B would brake C had braked D should have braked29 Its nothing unusual to experience failure, and ought we to be so discourage

15、dA in no time B in no way C by all means D in any condition30If you are admitted to a key university, as a prize? Im longing for an iphone 5A what you expect your father will give you B what do you expect your father will give you C you expect what your father will give you D what do you expect will

16、 your father give you31He has made some progress in his studies . He could have achieved more, .A So has he ; yet B So he has; eitherC So he has; though D So it is with him; yet32 , Susan will try her best to overcome itA No matter difficult the problem is B However difficult is this problem C No ma

17、tter how the problem is difficult D No matter how difficult the problem is33 Of all the information, some came from the Internet, how about ? A the others B the rest C another D others34 Nowadays our government is about health care and welfare of its people A curious B serious C ambitious D various3

18、5Frequent terrible coal mine accidents killed over 2,000 people in China last year .A Guess what? BWhats up? CThats the caseDQuite OK第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1 5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Mother used to ask me what the most important part of the body is Through the y

19、ears I would 36 a guess at what I thought was the correct 37 .When I was younger, I thought sound was very important to us as humans, 38 I said, “My ears, Mommy” She said, “No many people are 39 ” Since making my first attempt, I had considered the correct answer carefully So several 40 later, I tol

20、d her, “Mommy, 41 is very important to everybody, so it must be our 42 ”She looked at me and told me, “You are learning fast, but the answer is not correct because there are many people who are blind” Over the years, Mother asked me a couple more times and always her answer was 43 . Then last year,

21、my grandpa died Everybody was _ 44 When it was our turn to say our final 45 to Crandpa, my Mom asked me, Have you found the answer to my usual questionwhat is the most important body part 46 , my son?I was 47 when she asked me this now I always thought this was a game between her and me She saw the

22、48 on my face and told me, This question is very important It shows that you have really lived your life For every body part you gave me 49 , I have told you were wrong and I have given you an example 50 But today is the day you need to learn this important lesson She looked down at me as only a mot

23、her can I saw her eyes well up with tears She said, Son, the most important body part is your _51 ,I asked, Is it because it holds up my headShe replied, No, it is because it can hold the head of a friend or a loved one when they cry Everybody needs a shoulder to 52 on sometime in life, my son I onl

24、y hope that you have enough love and friends that you will always have a shoulder to cry on when you 53 it Then and there I knew the most important body part is not a selfish oneit is sympathetic to the _ 54 of others People will forget what you said People will forget what you did But people will 5

25、5 forget how you made them feel .36A make Breply C think Dcontribute37A guess B answer C part Dchoice38A anyhow B otherwise C therefore D however39A deaf B blind C dumb Ddisabled40A days B minutes C months Dyears 41A hearing B touching C sight Dtaste42A eyes B ears C hands Dlegs 43A right B wrong C

26、the same Ddifferent44A injured B hurt C wounded Ddamaged45A sorry B hello C good-bye Dyes 46A already B still C though Dyet47A pleased B shocked C disappointed Dsatisfied48A confusion B smile C question Dexcitement49A in the future B at present C in the past Dfor the moment 50Ahow Bwhy C what Dwhere

27、51Aback Bhead C neck Dshoulder52Acry Brest C put Dcarry53Aaccept Bget C need Dhave54Aembarrassment Bpain C anger Dawareness55Anever Bever C completely Dforever第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ATexas parks will celebrate National Fishing Week b

28、y offering a day of license free fishing in public waters on June 3 Besides, youth fishing activities are scheduled across the state June 3-11 Cedar Hill State Park (Dallas County ): Wal-Mart Kids All-American Fishing Derby, June 3. 10 amto 2 pm . Kids can test their fishing skills; prizes are offer

29、ed. 972-291-3800, exl. 232.Texas Freshwater Fisheries Centre (Henderson County ): National Fishing Day , June 3, 9 am to 4 pm. Children 12 and younger will be admitted free for fishing , contests, games and prizes. 903-676-2278.Caddo Lake State Park &Wildlife Management Area (Harrison County): Wal M

30、art-Kids All-American Fishing Derby , June 11,9 am to 3 pm 903-679-3351.Contact: 1-800-792-I112; www.takemefishing .org and www.tpwd.state.tx.us. Alligators (短鼻鳄)can be found in the wild in nearly half the counties in Texas, especially in the eastern part of the state, so residents and visitors may

31、need a safety course about alligators .Although no deaths attributable to alligator attacks been recorded in Texas during the past 15 years, 17 people have reported injuries. Its against law to feed a free-ranging alligator, because after an alligator realizes that people are a source of food , it w

32、ill become a problem animal. The alligator is a protected game animal in Texas, Special permits are required to hunt , raise or possess alligators. TIPS FOR SAFETY AROUND ALLIGATORS:Stay at least 30 feet away from an alligator.Never Feed an alligator or leave food accessible.Dont approach them or sw

33、im in areas where alligators have been seen. During warm months , alligators are most active at dawn and dusk.Alligators are common in swamps , rivers and muddy places. While typically found in fresh water, they can tolerate salty water.SOURCE: Texas Parks & Wildlife; www.tpwd.state.tx.us/nature56Th

34、e author has mainly mentioned .Amost people like fishingBNational Fishing Week in Texas parksChow to play with alligators Dthe living habit of alligators57If a kid wants to test his fishing skill, its better to visit .ATexas Freshwater Fisheries CentreBTexas Parks & WildlifeCCedar Hill State ParkDCa

35、ddo Lake State Park &Wildlife Management Area58From the passage, we know .Aalligators are rarely seen in many parts of TexasBthere have been some victims of alligators in the past decade.Chunting alligators are not allowed unless youve got permission Dit is legal to do anything to alligators59The un

36、derlined word “swamps” can be replaced by .Astreams Bwet landsCdesertsD. oceansBLike to kick back for an afternoon siesta (休息)?Good news : A new study shows that regular napping may cut your risk of dying of a heart attack of other heart problems.Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health

37、(HSPH) and the University of Athens Medical School in Greece, tracked 23,681 apparently healthy men and women, aged from 20 to 86, for more than six years. They found those who look afternoon siestas of 30 minutes or more at least three times a week had a 37 percent lower risk of dying from heart di

38、sease than those who did not. Even more impressive :researchers found that working men who took regular or occasional naps had a 64 percent lower risk of death from heart attacks or other heart-related ills than their non-napping compeers. And working women ?”The apparent effect was evident mainly a

39、mong working men .” says lead study author Dimitrios Trichopculos.“ There were not enough coronary (冠心病) deaths among the working women (only six ) in this group to allow sound inference.”( Of course, some might consider that a positive thing.)Trichopoulos , a cancer prevention and epidemiology (流行病

40、学) professor at HSPH, says researchers decided to look into this issue, because coronary death tends to be low in populations in which the frequency of siestas tends to be high .Trichopoulos says that if further studies net similar results. “then lifestyle changes that would allow afternoon napping

41、might to be considered.” Of course ,thats easier said than done ,especially in the United States, where employers are not exactly known to encourage workers to nap. “I am fully aware that the lifestyle in the US does not leave much room for changes of this type,” he says.Afternoon siestas have long

42、been a part of daily life in Greece, where the study took place , as well as in other Mediterranean and some Latin American countries, which tend to have low mortality (死亡) rates from coronary disease. The Mediterranean diet, rich in fruit, vegetables, beans and olive oil, has also been credited for

43、 keeping a lid on heart disease. Trichopoulos says the study considered diet, physical activity and other factors that are predictive of coronary mortality. His advice :” For those, whose lifestyle allows having a nap, go ahead and have one. No doubt your boss will be thrilled.” 60Where are workers

44、least encouraged to take a nap?AIn the Mediterranean.BIn Greece.CIn Latin America.DIn the US.61The underlined phrase “keeping a lid on “ probably means .Areducing the risk of Bproviding a cure forCbeing closely related to Dcovering up62The findings of the new study would be most welcome to .AbossesB

45、researchersCworking menDworking women 63This passage most probably appears .Ain a book reviewBon an entertainment channelCon a fashion websiteD. in a science magazineCEveryone knows about the Royal Canadian Mounted police, which was the subject of several early musical films made in Hollywood . But

46、nowadays the romantic red uniform jacket is only worn on special occasions , and the famous horses are rarely seen . So the “mountie (骑警)” as a member of this police force is known ,is not , in fact , often mounted except on a powerful motor cycle. He is a member of a very modern and efficient organ

47、ization.The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has responsibility for a large area, from the Great Lakes and the industrial cities near the US border up to the vast icefield and frozen lakes in the Arctic Circle. A mountie may work in the headquarters building in Ottawa , sitting at a desk like any other

48、 clerk. He may pilot a patrol (巡逻)plane across the snow-deserts in the north, where it is impossible for any other sort of vehicle to go. He may be doing customs work at the frontier. He may be in plain clothes watching for a suspicious character at an airport , or he may simply be driving a patrol

49、car. There are more than ten thousand men in this force, and it was one of these who were responsible for the arrest of James Early Ray. Police all over the world were looking for Roy after the murder of Martin Luther King. In June 1968, a group of policemen in Canada were doing routine work with ap

50、plications for passports. Suddenly one man noticed a photo which looked very much like Ray , whose description had been given to all the police departments. The name was different, but the resemblance was so strong that the police started to investigate.They discovered that the man had already gone

51、to Britain. The photograph and the finger-prints were sent to the British police, who arrested Ray at London Airport, when he was just going to get on a plane for Brussels . So the murder that had shocked the world was solved by the observation of a mountie in Ottawa. 64A “ mountie “ can play many r

52、oles except being a (an) .ApilotBclerkCarchitectDpoliceman65The Royal Canadian Mounted Police got its name because they .Aused to ride horsesBworked in the mountains of CanadaCoften rode motor cyclesDstill ride horses nowadays66According to the passage, the “mountie “ is as a form of police force.Ao

53、ut of dateBstill helpful Conly valuable for special occasionDperforming their duties near the U . S. border67From the passage we can learn that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police .Aare only popular in Hollywood Bare good at catching thievesCwore red uniforms in the past Dare driving cars along the fr

54、ontier nowDThe past fifty years or so have seen the gradual disappearing of animals from this earth, fishes the sea, trees and plants from the land. Many factors result in this unpleasant phenomenon. Among them, hunting is the main factor that endangers wildlife. Some people kill wildlife for sport.

55、 They take pleasure in collecting heads and furs. Yet others specialize in commercial hunting like killing whales. Apart from this, the rapidly growing human population threatens wildlife on land, too. Towns expand and roads have to be built, so forests are burnt and trees are chopped down. It seems

56、 that man needs every inch of land within his reach, so he moves on to the natural habitat of wildlife. Tigers, lions and leopards slowly die off without the food and shelter that the forests provide.In addition, rapid urbanization (城市化)means industrial expansion. Very often , poisonous chemicals, i

57、ndustrial wastes and oil are dumped into the rivers and seas. Fish and birds are threatened.Man depends greatly on animals for survival. He needs their meat and furs. Thus, man cannot do without wildlife, or he himself would become extinct . The public should be made aware that it would be better to

58、 shoot the animals with a camera than with a gun. In this way, they can preserve and help wildlife to continue living rather than to remove all signs of it .Man must learn to farm the sea as he does the land. He should control the amount and the frequency of his catch. He should allow fish to breed

59、and multiply (繁殖)before netting them. Man also needs to build forest reserves and to pass laws prohibiting the killing of animals , especially those that are already rare. To keep the present animal kingdom , the least that man can do is to clean the seas and rivers and to prevent pollution. The cyc

60、le of nature is such that it forms a vicious circle . The pesticides (杀虫剂)that we spray on crops can kill the birds and animals that feed on them. When man eats these poisoned animals, he himself can die. We must therefore test chemicals to be used before they are sprayed or it might mean the death

61、of man!68The authors purpose in writing the passage is to .Aintroduce the present situation of wildlifeBdraw peoples attention to the serious problem of pollutionCexplain relationship between wildlife and human beingsDdraw peoples attention to the protection to the passage 69Which of the following i

62、s NOT true according to the passage?ASome people devote themselves to killing animals for money.BThe growing human population threatens wildlife because people take land from animals.CPeople can preserve and help wildlife to continue living by shooting the animals with a camera.DFishes are threatene

63、d by poisonous chemicals, industrial wastes and oil.70What is the authors attitude towards this phenomenon?AConcerned. BObjective. CDoubtful.D. Approving.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 71 Do you ever feel depressed , tired, sick or just burned out ? When you feel this

64、 way, maybe all that you need to feel better is a good dose of laughter. Laughing can instantly lift your spirits when youre feeling down. 72 Doctors have discovered that adding laughter to your life can make you healthier, too.73 Read on to find out how you can improve your life through laughter!Th

65、e most obvious thing laughing does for you is to make you feel better. After watching a funny movie or laughing with friends , you feel more relaxed. Lifes problems appear a little bit smaller and you can almost feel your stress disappear.One reason for this is because laughter has the same stress-r

66、elieving effects as exercise. When you laugh, your muscles, especially the ones in your face and stomach, get a good workout. 74 Laughing is good for your body in many ways. Laughter, for example, strengthens your immune system . So when you laugh , you are actually helping your body fight off sickn

67、ess . Laughing is also a natural way to ease pain. Got a headache? Laughter just might be the best medicine for you.In addition to the many health benefits, laughing is also good for your relationships. As the popular saying goes :” Laugh and the whole world laughs with you . Gry and you cry alone.”

68、 If you want more people to like you, try laughing more. Laughing draws people closer together . And it can help relieve tension in relationships. 75 So we need to make a conscious effort to laugh more in our daily lives.ALaughter Is Medicine For EverythingBIn fact, laughing has many physical and ps

69、ychological benefits.CIts estimated that a good hearty laugh is the equivalent to seven minutes of exercise.DUnfortunately as we get older , most of us laugh less.ENothing is better than to laugh. Why wait ?FLaugh Your Way To Health And Happiness.GBut laughing does more than just make you feel bette

70、r.第卷(非选择题,共35分)注意事项: 第卷共1页,用黑色碳素笔将答案答在答题卡上。在试题卷上作答无效。第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(满分10分)About 80 million America are trying to lose weight. Thats almost one in each three people in the United States. Some eat less of certainly foods, especially fat and sugar. Others take up medicine, exercise or even

71、had operations. Lose weight is not easy, but it can also cost lots of money. But why so many people in the U.S. want to lose weight? Many people worry about notlooking pretty. Other people are concerned at their health. Many doctors say that putting on too much weight is not healthy. Almost 40 milli

72、on people weigh at least 20 percent much than theirusual weight. 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及修改均仅限一词,每句中最多有两处错误。 2只允许修改十处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。(试题内容见答题卡)第二节:书面表达(满分25分) 2012年国庆长假期间中国政府出台了惠民的新政策免收高速公路的过路费( toll),吸引了大批人外出旅游。请根据这几幅画面,谈一谈你的看法。 注意:词数100左右。参

73、考答案第一部分:听力(共两节,20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)15 BCBCA 610 CBCAB 1115 CCBBC 1620 ACBBA第二部分:英语知识运用第一节:单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)2125 BCCAA 2630 CDABB 3135 CDBBC第二节:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)3640 ABCAD 4145 CACBC 4650 DBACB 5155 DACBA第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)5659 BCCB 6063 DACD 6467 CABC 6870 DCA第二节(

74、共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)7175 FGBCD第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错 (满分10分)About 80 million America are trying to lose weight Thats almost one in each three people 1 Americans 2 every in the United States Some eat less of certainly foods, especially fat and sugar Others take up 3 certain 4medicine, exercise or ev

75、en had operations Lose weight is not easy, but it can also cost lots of 5 have 6 Losing 7 andmoney But whyso many people in the US want to lose weight? Many people worry about not 8 do looking pretty Other people are concerned at their health Many doctors say that putting on too 9 aboutmuch weight i

76、s not healthy Almost 40 million people weigh at least 20 percent much than their10 moreusual weight第二节:书面表达 (满分25分)【参考范文】At the sight of the pictures, I was really shocked by what I saw With the announcement of the good news that highway tolls were banned during this National Day, enormous people ch

77、ose to drive their private cars to travel, thus making the highways crowded with a long dragon of cars, causing a lot of traffic accidents as well as leaving behind a lot of trash on the road Furthermore,most places of interest were full of quantities of visitors, making it impossible for them to se

78、e well and exposed to great safety danger Looking at the pictures, I lost in deep thought It is good for our government to make some policy to favor the people, yet it has caused lots of problems, such as public safety and pollution So it is necessary for the government to adjust the policy As far a

79、s I am concerned, people can enjoy the favor of the policy in different times of year not only during the National Day Besides, some of public facilities should be improved to satisfy peoples demands Last but not the least, people should have an awareness of safety and protecting the environment whi

80、le traveling in public places as they can test our behavior and citizen quality 【解析】第二部分:英语知识运用第一节:单项填空21B 考查冠词。第一空中cellphone是发明物,在发明物之前应用定冠词。而第二空考查的是European中的首个读音是辅音j开头,所以用a。22C 考查句子结构的概念和非谓语动词。句意为:在看电视的时候,我们听到门铃响了。注意“we”才能发出“watch”的动作。 23C 考查固定句型:祈使句(原形动词)+and + 陈述句。24A 考查的是定语从句。但学生会误认为考查强调句型。此题若

81、是强调句型,全句应该是:It was in his office where he worked that I saw him this morning 即强调句中含定语从句。25A 考查非谓语动词。现在分词作结果状语。26C 考查动词辨析。句意为:在那场由烟头引起的大火之后,房间里的东西所剩无几。remain不用被动。27D 考查状语从句。before表示“要过多久才”。28A 考查虚拟语气中事实句中的时态。29B 考查介词短语辨析。其后用了倒装句,所以选B。而A 意思为“立即;立刻”。30B 考查宾语从句的语序。31C 考查句型。So + 陈述句,表示“确实如此”。though表示“然而”

82、,是副词。32D 考查让步状语从句:No matter how / However + adj + 主语 + 谓语。33B 考查代词。代替前面的名词information。 34B 考查形容词辨析。curious表示“好奇的”;serious表示“认真的”;ambitious表示“有野心的”;various表示“不同的”。35C 考查交际英语。Thats the case表示“情况确实是这样。”第二节:完形填空36A make a guess是短语搭配,表示“猜”。37B 对妈妈提出的问题作出回答。38C 前面说声音很重要,所以就回答说“耳朵很重要。”前后之间表因果关系。39A 根据常识可知耳

83、朵出问题,肯定是“聋了”。40D 根据时间推算,应该是多年后作者还是未能得出正确的答案。41C 从后文中“there are many people who are blind”可知。42A 与41空中的sight相呼应。43C 多年后妈妈还是问相同的问题,而我仍然没有说出正确的答案,所以妈妈的回答还是一样的,没变。44B 此处表示“外公去世了,每个人都很伤心。”45C 此处表示在向外公进行遗体告别。46D 此处表示“仍然还是那个问题。”47B 此时此刻,妈妈还在问这个问题,对此我感到很惊讶。48A 与47空相呼应。表示“脸上的茫然的表情”。49C 过去你每一次给出答案,我都说你说错了。所以应

84、该是“过去”。50B 从第一段和第二段可知,妈妈对孩子每一次的错误猜测,都给出了理由。所以此处应选B。51D 从后文中“Everybody needs a shoulder to”可知应该是“肩膀”。52A 从前句的cry可知。53C 从句意“当你需要时,朋友能给你肩膀靠一靠。”可知答案。54B 结合上段可知,当别人痛苦时,你应该表示同情。55A 与前面两句形成对比。第三部分:阅读理解第一节56B 全文主旨大意归纳题。本文主要介绍National Fishing Week这一活动周的内容。二、三、四段是该项活动的具体内容。57C 细节理解题。由文章第二段“Kids can test their

85、 fishing skills”可知。58C 细节理解题。由倒数第三段中的“Special permits are required to hunt, raise or possess alligators”可知答案。59B 词义猜测题。从其后的rivers 可以推断该词应表示“湿地”。60D 细节理解题。从第四段倒数第二句可知答案。61A 词义猜测题。从前一行提到的“rich in fruit, vegetables, beans and olive oil”可知该地区的膳食结构是好的膳食结构,所以应该是有助于降低冠心病患病的风险的。62C 细节理解题。从第三段第三行中“The appare

86、nt effect was evident mainly among working men”可知答案。63D 文章来源题。根据文章的内容和写作手法可以判断出答案。64C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知答案。65A 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句话可知答案。66B 推理判断题。根据第二段的内容可知。67C 细节理解题。从第一段“But nowadays the romantic red uniform jacket is only worn on special occasions ”可知答案。68D 推理判断题。前面四段说明野生动物正在灭绝的起因,最后两段谈到如何对待野生动物目的在于唤起人们保

87、护野生动物的意识。69C 细节理解题。A项在第二段中,B项在第三段中,D项在第四段中。70A 考查作者态度题。根据文章最后两段内容可知。第二节71F 本空作为全文的标题。所以可根据全文内容推断得知。72G 从本空前句和空后面的句子可知,大笑好处还不仅仅如此。73B 从本空下面的段落可知,大笑能带来身体和心理的益处。74C 从本空所在的段落可知,大笑能锻炼肌肉,因此一次开怀大笑相当于7分钟的锻炼。75D 本空后面的句子和此空是因果关系。听力原文Text 1W:Oh, dear! What a nice painting! And it is my favorite style I must ta

88、ke a picture of it M:Im afraid you cant Look at the sign over there Text 2W:Lu Yin Ge is a nice place to have dinnerM:I cant agree more I heard it has a range of foods that suit different tastes and different budgets Text 3W:Darling! How do you like this dress I just bought? M:I cant understand why

89、you need another one You just bought one last week Text 4M:Hi, Lucy! Did you have a good time in Hong Kong? W:Yes, very nice, thanks I finished my course in marketing Besides, I got to know my boyfriend thereText 5W:I heard you got 90 in our math exam, didnt you? M:Yes But Lily did much better You k

90、now she is always the best in math studies W:I am with you But this time John got the highest score Text 6M:Good morning City TaxiW:Good morning Id like to book a taxi to Changshui Airport on Saturday morning, please M:Where shall we pick you up? W:I am at Jun Yue Hotel on Wu Yi Road There will be t

91、hree of us sharing How much will it be? M:About 80 yuan What time do you want to leave? W:Seven in the morning M:Right So well be there at the gate at seven then Thank you very much Goodbye W:GoodbyeText 7W:(Rushed in) Excuse me, officer I have something to report I have just had my money stolenM:Do

92、nt worry Before you start, just take a seat and calm down a little Dont be too upset That wont help us W:Yes, youre exactly right Where should I start? M:At the very beginning When did it happen? W:About fifteen minutes ago M:And where exactly was this? W:Maybe it was on the moving stairs up from th

93、e underground at the hotel I felt someone had been following me from the time I left the bank M:The bank? W:Well, you see I went to bank to withdraw some cash, so I can buy my airline ticket back home Im only here on a visit, you seeM:Well How much did you withdraw? W:About 5,000 dollars worth M:All

94、 the money was taken? W:Yes All of it M:Got it Text 8W:Can I help you? M:Yes, Im looking for an apartment W:To buy or to rent? M:Oh, to rentW:Can I know what size and the price of the house you have in mind? M:Not too small And I really dont want to pay more than five hundred dollars a month W:Well,

95、 weve got here one on Dongfeng Road Its five hundred and fifty dollars a month M:Would you please tell me something in detail about it? W:It has a kitchen, a bathroom and one bedroomM:Well, it sounds good But Id prefer something a bit bigger if possible W:Oh, I see Here is another one Its just oppos

96、ite the square M:How much do they want to charge? W:It is about six hundred dollars a month Its the biggest apartment weve got in this area M:Whats it like? W:Well, there are two bedrooms, a sitting-room, a kitchen and a bathroom M:It is not bad, though the price is a little higher than I expected C

97、an I go and have a look? W:Of course, sir Wait just a moment, please I am looking for the key to it Text 9M:I wonder why you are sitting here with your mouth closed the whole evening Whats the matter, honey?W:Well, I dont like my job as a typist Theres no one to talk to by sitting in front of the ma

98、chine, and the day goes too slowlyM:Then what do you intend to do? W:Id like to do some service work, like working in a hotelM:Thats funny W:Well, by working in a hotel, I can meet all kinds of people from home and abroad Besides, Ill have many chances to practice my English, and that will help me t

99、o improve my spoken English M:Do you have any particular hotel in mind?W:I hope to get a job at the Holiday Inn That is a well-known hotel, and its not far from my homeM:But you have to work at nightW:So what? It doesnt matter much as long as I feel happy, I think M:Who will take care of Carol at ni

100、ght?W:If I cant, you can ask your mother for helpM:Carol is only one year old I hope you will think this overText 10Last Friday evening Jack was driving home from work in his car, thinking of the wonderful meal waiting for him at home He was driving along a road at 50 kilometers an hour when another

101、 car came out of a side road very quickly The man tried to brake his car, but it was too late Unavoidably, there was an accident There was damage to both cars, and both Jack and the other man were hurt One of Jacks legs was broken, and the other driver had a serious cut on his head At that time, ano

102、ther car was following Jacks It stopped quickly and a man and a woman came out of the car They ran to the damaged cars and pulled Jack and the other man out because they thought the gas might catch fire and burn the two men Then they called the hospital and police Soon an ambulance came and took the two injured men to the hospital Then two policemen came and began to measure and asked the witnesses questions about the accident A truck came and pulled the two cars off the road Everything returned to normal again


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