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1、教案Unit 6 Going WestWarming up, listening, speaking 1.perseverance坚持不懈;不屈不挠This job can be done only with perseverance.必须有毅力才能完成这项工作It is perseverance that it takes to finish the difficult task. 完成这项困难的任务需要毅力 2quit(quit; quit ; quitting) 放弃;停止;离开vt. 1.) 离开;退出 He quitted Paris after a week. 他一周后离开了巴黎2

2、.) 放弃,停止+v-ing He has quit smoking. 他已戒了烟 Quit muttering! 别嘀咕!3.) 解除,免除+of She finally quit herself of fear. 她终于消除了恐惧vi. 1.) 离开;迁出 If he doesnt pay his rent, he will receive notice to quit. 如果他不付房租,他将被通知搬出去。 2.) 停止 Its almost 5 oclock; time to quit. 都快五点钟了;该下班了adj 被免除的 He was glad to be quit of the

3、troublesome job.他很高兴能摆脱那个麻烦大工作同词根:quitter (n) 懦夫 He is no quitter.他决不是懦夫3.apply tovt. 1.) 应用;实施 +to We should apply theory to practice. 我们应把理论运用到实践中去2.) 使起作用;使适用 +to This rule can not be applied to every case. 这条规则并不是在每种情况下都能适用的。 3.) (后常接oneself)使致力(于),使专心从事 +to He applied himself to learning French

4、. 他致力于学习法语be absorbed in/concentrate on/be involved in/be devoted to vi. 1.) 申请,请求+for He has applied for a post in England. 他已申请在英国供职。 2.) 起作用;适用 +to This rule applies to freshmen only. 此项规定仅适用于大学一年级学生。4.circumstance环境;情况(通常用复数形式)1)(周遭的)情况,情形,环境,情势(指会影响到人或人的行为的)in the present circumstances 在目前的情况下a

5、ccording to circumstances应情况,随机应变Circumstances allowing, Ill to abroad to study.情况允许的话,我将出国念书2)指人的境遇,家境;经济情况be in easy circumstances在安逸的境遇中The bad circumstances forced him to steal.贫苦迫使他去偷窃短语: under/in no circumstances决不,无论如何不 Under no circumstances shall I give in.under/in the circumstances 在此情况下,既

6、然如此I had to give up my attempt in the circumstances.5. lose heart 灰心,气馁,丧失信心Dont lose heart when you meet with difficulties.lose ones heart to 爱上倾心于She lost her heart to the soldier with broad shoulders and a deep voice.她爱上了那个肩膀宽阔,声音浑厚的战士6. keep up维持,保持vi 支撑,保持,维持Will the weather keep up? 这样的天气会持续下去

7、吗?Prices still keep up these days. 这些天以来物价仍不下跌Their spirits kept up well in spite of setbacks.尽管遭受挫折,他们的热情仍旧不减当初vt 使继续进行、保持、不使低落、维持、支持Keep up your courage. Failure is the mother of success.The house is becoming too expensive for them to keep up.联想keep up with跟上、赶上、和并驾齐驱、和保持同等地位keep off(使)不接近、不提及、远离

8、keep out of不去惹事,不使进入keep back 扣下、止住、隐瞒He walked so fast that she couldnt keep up with him.keep up with the changes in fashionAn umbrella is used to keep off the rain.Keep off the grass!勿践草地!We should warn children to keep out of the fields.I hope youll keep him out of trouble while Im away.I feel he

9、s keeping something back from us, for he always looks so worried.7.survivalDoctors say his chance of survival are not good.v survive survive the air crash从坠机事故中幸存The girl survived her parents. 这女孩父母已死联想survivesurvival proposeproposalrefuserefusal arrivearrivalapproveapproval signsignalReading8. This

10、 account of the wonderful land beyond the Rocky Mountains gave him the idea to move there. beyond 作介词时,主要用法有:(1) (表示位置) 在的那边;在 之外, (2)My uncle lives beyond the river. 我叔叔住在河的对岸The airport is 40 miles beyond the town. 机场在离城40英里以外的地方(2) (表示时间) 过了,比晚My father arrived beyond eight oclock. 我父亲过了八点钟才到。He

11、came home beyond the usual time. 他比平时回家晚。3) (表示范围、限度) 超出;为所不及If the work is beyond Tom, it is certainly beyond me. 如果汤姆干不了这项工作,我也干不了。 They live beyond their income. 他们的生活入不敷出。(3) (常用于含疑问或否定意义的结构中) 除之外I didnt notice anything beyond his rather strange accent. 除了他那颇为古怪的口音以外,我没有注意到别的。高考示例Im sorry its _

12、my power to make a final decision on the project.A. over B. above C. off D. beyond(上海 2004春)9. We traveled by day.我们白天赶路 by day 日间,白天里 He works by night and sleeps by day.他晚上工作白天睡觉by the day / by the hour / by the pound / by the dozen / by the ton / by the yard/ by weight/by length 按日/按钟点/按磅/按打/按吨/按

13、码/按重量/按长度 10.The journey through.was the most trying part.trying指”困难的,令人难受的”a trying person to deal with难对付的人have a trying day度过难熬的一天try 用做动词时,也有”考验,折磨,伤害”的意思That will try your courage.那将考验你的勇气Dont try my patience!别逼得我忍无可忍11. lose ones way 迷路He lost his way in the forest.他在森林中迷路了make/push/fight/feel

14、/force/wind ones way 有关“lose”的短语lose heart/courage lose ones heart to lose contact with lose control of lose hold of lose interest in lose no time in doing sth lose sight of lose way lose ones temper lose oneself in lose ones breath12. and the long walk through the sand was hard on the oxen. 此处be ha

15、rd on意为“够受,使难以忍受”, 另外,它还可意为“磨得厉害;对过于严厉,苛刻;紧跟等”These rough roads are hard on your shoes. 这些崎岖的道路把鞋磨得厉害。 Dont be too hard on your little son. 不要对你的儿子过于苛刻。When I arrived there, I found that he was hard on me.我到那儿时,发现他紧跟在我的后面。13.The animals drag their legs动物都拖着疲惫的步子走着drag ones feet/legs 意思是”疲惫(或费力,不情愿)地

16、移动At nine oclock she dragged herself to the office.九点钟, 她拖着疲惫的步来到办公室He walked slowly, his legs dragging with each step.他慢慢地走着,每迈一步都费很大的劲拓展drag ones feet/heels常用来表示”故意拖延的意思”She wanted to sell the house, but her husband was dragging his feet.14. burden 负担;责任n.C 1.) 重负,重担;负担,沉重的责任The old man bent with

17、a heavy burden on his back.老人因背着重负而弯腰。vt. 1.) 加重压于,加负担于,烦扰+with The government burdened the nation with heavy taxes. 政府使国民负担重税。 2.) 加负荷于,使载重+with He was burdened with a large bundle of magazines. 他吃力地捧着一大捆杂志。 15.desperate adj. 1.) 情急拼命的,铤而走险的 A desperate man will stop at nothing to get what he wants

18、.一个亡命之徒为了达到自己的目的什么事都做得出来 2.) 危急的;绝望的 He was desperate when he lost all his mone当他丢了所有的钱时,他绝望了 He had to take that job because he was desperate.他非得做这份工作不可,因为他已走投无路了3.) 极度渴望的 +for+to-v He was desperate for work to provide for a large family. 他渴望有个工作,挣钱供养子女众多的家注意下面例子的译文a desperate act绝望的行动a desperate i

19、llness重病a desperate criminal亡命之徒in a desperate situation处在绝境中make a desperate attempt孤注一掷16.accustomed 习惯的,通常的be/get/become accustomed to sth/doing sthI am accustomed to cold weather./walking long distances.我习惯于冷天/长距离步行accustom sb/oneself to sth/doing sth使习惯于, 养成习惯She found it necessary to accustom

20、her child to getting up early.Children are quick to accustom themselves to new surroundings近义词adapt tobe/become/get used to sth/doing sthbe/feel at home with 17.anxiety忧虑,担心,焦虑We waited for news with a growing sense of anxiety.我们等待着消息,越来越着急The doctors report removed all their anxieties. 医生的报告消除了他们的一

21、切忧虑anxiety for sth/to do sth anxiety for knowledge渴望知识 anxiety to please急于讨好His anxiety for success/His anxiety to succeed in life led him to work hard.他切望成功之心促使他努力工作in anxietyadj adv担忧着(的),挂念着(的)with anxietyadv焦虑地wait for sb with anxietyadj anxious an anxious look She is still absent. Im anxious ab

22、out her/her health.He is anxious to see her.adj anxiouslye to an end=draw to an end告终有关“end”的短语put an end to/ /bringto an endat the end of/by the end of/in the end/ on end /make ends meetend in failure/end up (sth/doing sth/as/with)联想 “to”是介词 come to life / come to oneself / come to a complete stop

23、come to a decision / come to a conclusion / come to an agreement come to a better understand 下列词组中的“to”是介词look forward to / get down to / be used to / pay attention to/ make contributions tolead to / stick to / devote to/ turn to / object to / give rise to /be subject toapply oneself to Integratingh

24、 skills19. have a good supply of有大量的supply and demand供需 / the supply of gas煤气的供应/ be in short supply短缺We have new supplies of bags我们有新进的提包20.delivervt. 1.) 投递;传送;运送+to The mailman delivered the letters promptly. 那个邮差准时地投递信件。 2.) 发表;讲;宣布 He delivered an important report at the meeting. 他在会上作了重要报告。 3.

25、) 给.接生;生(婴儿) She delivered twins in the evening. 晚上她生了一对双胞胎。 4.) 解救;解脱;释放+from Education delivered him from ignorance. 教育把他从无知中解救出来。vi.1.) 投递;送货;传送 2.) 履行,实现(+on) I am certain that he will deliver on his promise. 我确信他会履行诺言。deliver the goods 履行诺言;实现期望;交货n delivery Do you charge for delivery?你们送货要算钱吗?

26、How many deliveries are there every day? 每天递送几次呢?21. tough 能耐劳的,坚韧的,困难的This material is as tough as leather.这料子像皮革一样坚韧The steak is too tough.牛排太老He lives in a tough neighborhood.他住的地区邻里非常粗野That was tough work.那是棘手的工作You need to be tough to survive in the jungle.要在丛林中活下来就要有坚忍不拔的意志It is tough to find

27、a job these days.如今找工作太难22. relief (痛苦,困苦,忧虑等)减轻或解除;援助n. 1.) (痛苦,负担等的)缓和,减轻;解除U (+of/from/on) The pills gave her some relief. 药片减轻她一些痛苦。2.) 轻松,宽心,慰藉U/S Hearing the news, he breathed a sigh of relief. 一听到消息,他如释重负地松了口气。It was a great relief to find they are safe.得知他们平安无事才叫人大为宽心3.) 救济物品,救济金U Relief was

28、 flown to the flood-hit areas. 救济物品被空运到洪水泛滥区 To ones relief/regret/delight/disappointment/astonishment/surprise让人宽慰/后悔/高兴/失望/惊讶的是v relieve 减轻,解除 The drug will relieve your discomfort.23. thirstShe has the thirst for fame.她热切求名adj thirsty The young politician was thirsty for power.24.starvation die o

29、f starvation/starvation cure死于饥饿/饥饿疗法v starve Many people starved to death because of the famine. 那次饥荒中有许多人饿死 starve for /to do sth渴望,极需要The children began to cry because they were starving.孩子们因肚子饿而开始哭叫She is starving for attention.她渴望受到注意Ive been starving to see you.我一直很想与你见面25.at stake (生命、名誉等)生死攸

30、关,濒临危险His life was at stake.他生命垂危26.go for 为去; 努力获取; 喜爱;适用于tips she is going for his second gold medal.他力争两块金牌 He went for a gun at home.他到家取枪I really go for rock music.我很喜欢摇滚乐(=go in for)She went for him with a knife.她持刀攻击他What I said about Smith goes for you too.我说的关于史密斯的话也适用于你Phrases1.(被)抛弃 be ca

31、st away 2.开始(旅程;赛跑);出发 set off for 3.不劳无获No pain(s), no gain(s)! 4.伸出hang out 5.在极度需要的(时候)in desperate need of 6.步行 on our feet=on foot7.忍饥挨饿 suffer from starvation 8.赶紧办理;急急忙忙地去做某事 hurry on to (with) 9.用四肢go on all fours 10.(在)边缘(at)the edge of of 11.瞪视; 凝视stare at 12.与时间赛跑 a race against time 13.挽

32、救免于 savefrom 14.占用(时间;空间) .take up to 15.冒险去做某事 risk ones life to 16.两旁都.be lined with17.别紧张;放松点take it easy 18.常识;情理 common sense 19.忘带;留下leave behind 20.经历某事物而幸存live through sth. 21.系;拴;捆tie up 22焦急,急切in anxiety of sth or doing sth. 23跪下get onto ones knees, 24有大量的 have a good supply of 25乐土, 福地, 希

33、望之乡promised land 26.头版新闻front-page news 27.用B包A wrap A in B 28.除了祈求上帝的仁慈别无选择have no choice but to pray for Gods mercy 29.分秒必争every minute counts Unit 11 Key to successComprehend the textPre-readingBefore you read the text, answer the following questions about teams.1 Look at the pictures above. Expl

34、ain for each type of sport what the composition of a team is, which roles each of the team players has, and how the game is played.2 What are the requirements for a sports team to function well?3 Scan the text and list the requirements mentioned in the text.Keys:1 Soccer:Soccer is a game played by t

35、wo teams of 11 players each. One player of each team guards the goal. This is the only player who is allowed to touch the ball with his/her hands. But he/she can only use his/her hands within the penalty area. When he steps out of this area, he/she must follow the general rules applied to all player

36、s. The other then players can touch the ball with any other parts of their body except for their arms and hands. Each team try to shoot the ball into the goal of the other team to get one point. A formal game lasts for 90 minutes and is divided into two 45-minute halves. The team with higher number

37、of points wins the game.Volleyball:Volleyball is a game played between two teams of six members each. The two teams are separated by a net, which is hung up high. The game is played by hitting the ball over the net. When the ball hits the ground on the side of the other team, the hitting team gets o

38、ne point. Team members cannot catch the ball but they can block it at the net or keep the ball in the air using their hands. The first team to score 25 points win the game, provided the margin of victory is at least 2 points. Usually a team has to win 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 5 games to win a match.Ru

39、gby:Rugby is a game played between to teams of 15 players each and with an oval ball. It is a rough game in which players can run and pass the ball on to other team members. The other team must try to get the ball. One team gets 5 points when a player carries the ball across the opponents goal line

40、and touches the tall to the ground. The game is played for 80 minutes and is divided into two 40-minute halves, and the team with the most points is the winner.2 Team members must work well together.3 Team members should listen to the coach; they should respect each others contribution; they must co

41、operate.ReadingHow many types of teams are mentioned here? What are they? (Two. Sports team and group work team. )What is a team? (A team is a group of individual people brought together in order to accomplish a task that cannot be efficiently or effectively completed by any member of the group alon

42、e.)Post-readingExercise (1)True or False:1 A leader is a member of the group work team.2 The coach is not a member of the team rugby.3 If everyone of the team is the best, the team will be the best.4 In a team, every member should obey the leaders all the time.5 The members of the team are all the s

43、ame.Keys: TTFFFExercise (2)1 What are the similarities and differences between a project team and a rugby team?Project team Rugby teamThe team leader is a member of the team. The coach is not a member of the team.The number of members in the team is not fixed. The number of team members is fixed.The

44、 task of a project team is complex. The task of a rugby team is simple.2 What are some of the different roles in a project team?Team leader; people to create ideas; people to develop ideas; people to do practical work; people to comment on and improve ideas; people to identify and solve problems; an

45、d people to suggest solutions.3 According to the author, some team members work best in tasks alone. Is this statement contradictory or not? Explain.Not, it is not a contradiction. Not all work can or needs to be done in teams. If somebody is most comfortable to work alone, then that can be dome and

46、 with the outcome of his or her work he or she can still contribute to the team.Unit 11 Key to successComprehend the textPre-readingBefore you read the text, answer the following questions about teams.1 Look at the pictures above. Explain for each type of sport what the composition of a team is, whi

47、ch roles each of the team players has, and how the game is played.2 What are the requirements for a sports team to function well?3 Scan the text and list the requirements mentioned in the text.Keys:1 Soccer:Soccer is a game played by two teams of 11 players each. One player of each team guards the g

48、oal. This is the only player who is allowed to touch the ball with his/her hands. But he/she can only use his/her hands within the penalty area. When he steps out of this area, he/she must follow the general rules applied to all players. The other then players can touch the ball with any other parts

49、 of their body except for their arms and hands. Each team try to shoot the ball into the goal of the other team to get one point. A formal game lasts for 90 minutes and is divided into two 45-minute halves. The team with higher number of points wins the game.Volleyball:Volleyball is a game played be

50、tween two teams of six members each. The two teams are separated by a net, which is hung up high. The game is played by hitting the ball over the net. When the ball hits the ground on the side of the other team, the hitting team gets one point. Team members cannot catch the ball but they can block i

51、t at the net or keep the ball in the air using their hands. The first team to score 25 points win the game, provided the margin of victory is at least 2 points. Usually a team has to win 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 5 games to win a match.Rugby:Rugby is a game played between to teams of 15 players each an

52、d with an oval ball. It is a rough game in which players can run and pass the ball on to other team members. The other team must try to get the ball. One team gets 5 points when a player carries the ball across the opponents goal line and touches the tall to the ground. The game is played for 80 min

53、utes and is divided into two 40-minute halves, and the team with the most points is the winner.2 Team members must work well together.3 Team members should listen to the coach; they should respect each others contribution; they must cooperate.ReadingHow many types of teams are mentioned here? What a

54、re they? (Two. Sports team and group work team. )What is a team? (A team is a group of individual people brought together in order to accomplish a task that cannot be efficiently or effectively completed by any member of the group alone.)Post-readingExercise (1)True or False:1 A leader is a member o

55、f the group work team.2 The coach is not a member of the team rugby.3 If everyone of the team is the best, the team will be the best.4 In a team, every member should obey the leaders all the time.5 The members of the team are all the same.Keys: TTFFFExercise (2)1 What are the similarities and differ

56、ences between a project team and a rugby team?Project team Rugby teamThe team leader is a member of the team. The coach is not a member of the team.The number of members in the team is not fixed. The number of team members is fixed.The task of a project team is complex. The task of a rugby team is s

57、imple.2 What are some of the different roles in a project team?Team leader; people to create ideas; people to develop ideas; people to do practical work; people to comment on and improve ideas; people to identify and solve problems; and people to suggest solutions.3 According to the author, some tea

58、m members work best in tasks alone. Is this statement contradictory or not? Explain.Not, it is not a contradiction. Not all work can or needs to be done in teams. If somebody is most comfortable to work alone, then that can be dome and with the outcome of his or her work he or she can still contribute to the team.30.走了距离cover a distance of31.为而建的纪念碑.a memorial to32.八十周年纪念the eightieth anniversary of 33.被废弃的马车abandoned wagons 34.草地patches of grass高考资源网 2006精品资料系列


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