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本文(2020届江苏高考英语二轮复习专题突破(教师用书):专题二 完形填空第五讲 逻辑关系 WORD版含答案.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2020届江苏高考英语二轮复习专题突破(教师用书):专题二 完形填空第五讲 逻辑关系 WORD版含答案.doc

1、第五讲逻辑关系高考对逻辑关系的考查主要有两种:一是考查逻辑关系的关联词;二是考查通过逻辑关系来推断出正确的答案。因此,解题时,一定要重视语篇中前后句或上下文之间的逻辑关系,由逻辑关系中已知的部分推断出未知的部分,从而大幅提高解题能力。高考英语完形填空中主要有以下10种逻辑关系:1.因果关系文中前后句之间是因果关系时,两句之间往往有表示原因和结果的关联词,如:because, so, as a result等;但是,有时两句之间却没有表示因果的信号词,这时前后句之间存在着一种隐性的因果关系。典例1(2017江苏卷)He might not have done this particularly

2、well,_46_ the teacher told Gabriel that he had a good 47.ear and suggested that Gabriel go into the music store-room to see if any of the instruments there 48.appealed_to him.46.A.because B.but C.though D.so答案A句意:他也许弹(钢琴)得并不特别好,因为老师说他对音乐的领悟能力不错,并建议他去乐器贮藏室看看是否有令他喜欢的乐器。他弹得不够好,也许是因为钢琴不太适合他,是因果关系,故选A。2.

3、条件关系条件关系就是指从句提出一种条件,主句说明在这种条件下产生的结果。常见关联词有if, unless, on condition that等。典例2(2019北京卷)If they have problems with registration, Wilson is there to _24_ them.If they run out of certain daily necessities,Wilson will drive to the nearest store and purchase whats needed.If a student gets hungry on the lon

4、g drives to and from school, Wilson never _25_ to buy them a meal.24.A.assist C.urge D.warn答案A根据上文可知,他不仅提供搭载服务,当学生遇到困难时,他也会帮助(assist)他们。watch观察;urge催促;warn警告。25.A.expects B.attemptsC.manages D.hesitates答案D根据上文语境可知,如果有学生饿了,他会毫不犹豫地(never hesitate)给他们买饭。expect期待;attempt试图;manage管理。3.让步关系一般说来,让步

5、关联词分为介词类和连词类。介词类的让步关联词有despite,in spite of, regardless of等,连词类有though,although,as和while以及even if, even though等。典例3(2019宿迁市高三期末测试)When Lyndsay and Matthew took home their newborn twins a few days after Christmas 2016, they knew that baby Williams days would be short._16_ he looked perfect and healthy

6、, he had a severe heart defect, 17.identified in the womb.16.A.Even though B.As thoughC.Unless D.In case答案AA.even though即使; though好像;C.unless除非; case万一。根据_16_ he looked perfect and healthy, he had a severe heart defect, 17.identified in the womb.“尽管他看起来完美健康,但他在娘胎里就有严重的心脏缺陷。”此处是even though引导的

7、让步状语从句,故选A。4.转折关系当前后两句的逻辑关系为转折关系时,前句往往提出某种事实或情况,后句转而陈述与前句相反或相对的意思, 即后句才是说话人所要表达的真正意图。常见关联词:however, but, on the contrary等。典例4(2017江苏卷)For a long time Gabriel didnt want to be involved in music at all.In his first years of high school._40_,one day,in the music class that was 41.part of his schools st

8、andard curriculum,he was playing idly (随意地)on the piano and found it 42.easy to pick out tunes.40.A.Therefore B.HoweverC.Thus D.Moreover答案B此处是说,Gabriel在一次音乐课上意外发现自己很喜欢音乐,此处所表达的含义与上一段是转折关系,故选B。5.对比关系当前后句的逻辑关系为对比关系时,两句在意义上应具有明显的差异,以便进行对照比较。常见关联词:while, whereas, not.but, instead等。典例5(2017全国卷)The profes

9、sor was deaf and any talking was 57.prohibited.I soon realized that the silence was not unpleasant._58_, if there had been any talking, it would have 59.caused us to learn less.58.A.Lastly B.Thus C.Instead D.However答案C“I soon realized that the silence was not unpleasant(我很快意识到安静不是不令人愉快的)”和“if there

10、had been any talking, it would have caused us to learn less(如果当时有口语交流,那只会造成我们学的手语更少)”是对比关系,故选C。6.并列关系在用并列连词and或not only.but also连接而成的句子中,前后句之间的逻辑关系为并列关系,既可以是同近义并列,也可以反义并列。典例6(2018江苏卷)This was a long journey of unaccustomed hardship and _40_ recovery.40.A.expected B.frighteningC.disappointing D.surpr

11、ising答案Dand 表示并列,unaccumstomed 与surprising 语义对等。因此选择surprising。典例7(2017全国卷)Freddy was an average 44.student,but not an average person.He had the rare balance of fun and compassion(同情).He would 45.laugh the loudest over fun and be the saddest over anyones _46_.46.A.misfortune B.disbeliefC.dishonesty

12、D.mistake答案A根据并列连词and和前一分句中的fun以及46空前面的saddest不难判断:两分句之间的逻辑关系为并列关系,且是反义并列,故选A。7.递进关系所谓递进关系,是指后一分句以前一分句为基点,并在程度或范围上比前一分句有更进一层的语义关系。常见关联词有even, besides, whats more等。典例8(2018江苏卷)To make matters worse, Moth was diagnosed(诊断) with a _37_ disease.37.A.mild B.commonC.preventable D.serious答案D根据“to make matt

13、ers worse”可知,此处为递进关系,Moth被诊断出患了一种严重的疾病,因此选择serious。8.解释关系解释关系是指一个句子对另一个句子、短语或单词进行解释或说明。解释的方法既可通过某些动词(mean, be和suggest等),也可通过某些符号(破折号,冒号和括号等),或者关联词(for example/instance, namely等)。典例9(2017北京卷)In the more than five years since Hannah began her activities,she has received a lot of _51_.For example, she

14、received the 2007 BRICK Award recognizing the 52.efforts of young people to change the world.51.A.praises B.invitationsC.replies D.appointments答案A由for example可知,两句之间为解释关系。并且由后一句的句意“例如,她获得2007年度的BRICK Award大奖”可知,51空处应表示“赞美”,故选A。9.顺序关系当前后句之间的逻辑关系为顺序关系时,它们往往表示某一事件或动作的连续发生。值得注意的是,顺序关系有时不是指前后句之间,而是存在于上下段

15、或上下文之间。常见关联词有to begin with, first of all, first(ly), second(ly), then, next, in the end, finally, eventually,last but not least 等。典例10(2019全国卷)_58_ you climb into an arctic-like zone with 59.permanent snow and the glaciers that may soon disappear.58.A.Obviously B.EasilyC.Consequently D.Finally答案D 上文

16、介绍了从山下到山上的五个生态系统,所以这里说最后(finally)爬到了一个像北极圈一样的区域。obviously明显地;easily容易地;consequently因此,所以。典例11(2018江苏卷)_49_, the couple found that their bodies turned for the better, with re-found strong muscles that they thought had 50.lost forever.49.A.Initially B.EventuallyC.Temporarily D.Consequently答案B最后,这对夫妇发现

17、他们的身体好转。eventually“最后,终于”,符合语境。10.时间关系时间状语从句常由when, while, after, before, as soon as等引导。解题时一定要认真研究前后句之间的逻辑关系,结合语境推断出最佳选项。典例12(2017江苏卷)In his first years of high school,Gabriel would look pityingly at music students,36.struggling across the campus with their heavy instrument cases,37.turning_up at sc

18、hool for practice hours _38_ anyone else had to be there.38.A.before B.after C.until D.since答案A根据38空的前半句可知Gabriel不喜欢音乐的一个原因就是学音乐的学生要比规定的到校时间早几个小时到校去练习音乐,故选A。1.(2018北京卷)Mr.Anderson said:“I couldnt believe that the guy never took a penny.To think he is sleeping on the streets tonight 26.when he could

19、have stolen the money and paid for a place to stay in.This guy has nothing and _27_ he didnt take the wallet for himself;he thought about others 28.instead.A.rather B.yet C.already D.just答案BA.rather相当;B.yet但是;C.already已经;D.just仅仅。Tom一无所有,但是他没有拿走钱包。前后两句话之间是转折关系,故B选项正确。2.“I can help,Mum!”James said.“_

20、44_ I can make you and Dad feel better,can Brett come over?Please?”A.As B.If C.Since D.Before答案B“如果我能让你和父亲感觉好一点儿”与“Brett能过来吗?”是条件与结果的关系,故选B。3.Hard though she tried to make the kids _40_,the thunder won the battle for their attention.A.concentrate B.changeC.hide D.sit答案A根据though可知,前后分句之间为让步关系。句意:“尽管她

21、尽力让孩子们集中注意力,雷声却吸引了孩子们的注意力”。故选A。4.The lessons they learned may not be _40_ what they would have gotten in school,but are certainly more personal and meaningful,because they had to work them out on their own.A.harmful to B.mixed withC.different from D.applied to答案C由转折连词but后一分句可推知整句的句意“她们学到的经验可能与她们在学校学

22、到的并无区别(different from),但一定更加个性化,更有意义,因为她们必须靠自己来弄清楚”,故选C。5.(2019北京卷)The students who hes 15.driven have gone on to become physicians, teachers and engineers, but what theyve also got out of their time in school is finding a role model and a friend in Wilson.Some students _16_ call him “Grandpa”.A.eve

23、n B.ever C.once D.already答案A根据上文中的a role model and a friend可知,有些学生把他当作榜样或朋友,有些学生甚至(even)喊他“爷爷”为递进关系。6.Northern Europeans usually do not like having bodily contact (接触) even with friends, certainly not with strangers.People from Latin American countries,_45_, touch each other quite a other w

24、ords B.on the other a similar way all means答案B“拉丁美洲的人相互之间身体接触较多”与前一句“北欧人通常不喜欢身体的接触,即使是朋友,当然更不用说陌生人”之间为对比关系,用on the other hand(另一方面),故选B。7.(2019全国卷)The 3,500 residents cannot all 56.enjoy the sunshine at the same time._57_, the new light feels like more than enough for the towns 58.sun-

25、starved residents.A.Instead B.HoweverC.Gradually D.Similarly答案B空前提到居民不能同时享受阳光,空后说,新光线对小镇居民而言感觉绰绰有余,由此可知,前后语义为转折关系,故填however(然而)。8.(2016北京卷)The race began on January 27.The first musher,Shannon,picked up the medicine from the train at Nenana and rode all night._46_ he handed the medicine to the next

26、musher,Shannons face was black from the extreme cold.A.Though B.Since C.When D.If答案C前后句之间的逻辑关系为时间关系,且从句意(当他把药给下一位赶狗拉雪橇的人的时候,Shannon的脸因极度的寒冷而冻得发黑。)来判定空处应为:当的时候,故选C。9.(2016北京卷)On January 31, a musher named Seppala had to 47.cross a frozen body of water called Norton Sound.It was the most _48_ part of

27、the journey.Norton Sound was covered with ice,which could sometimes break up without warning.If that happened,Seppala might fall into the icy water below.A.shameful B.boringC.dangerous D.foolish答案C空后的句子“Norton Sound was covered with ice, which could sometimes break up without warning.If that happene

28、d, Seppala might fall into the icy water below.”是对空处所在句子的解释,由这一解释可知“这是旅途中最危险的一部分”,故选C。10.(2018全国卷)I took off my T-shirt and _49_ into the water.I saw there were two instructors on board and a man lying across the middle.A.stared B.sank C.dived D.fell答案C根据上文皮划艇有麻烦和下文我去帮忙救人可知,我脱掉我的T恤衫,跳入水中。stared盯着看,目

29、不转睛地看,凝视;sank下沉,沉没;dived潜水,跳水;fell打倒;击倒。故选C项。11.(2016江苏卷)And I went into a 40.speech about how hard I worked and the gains I was making.I must have talked for ten minutes.Kurt 41.listened patiently,but then he _42_ smiled and said,“You dont have a personal plan for growth,do you?”A.eagerly B.gradual

30、lyC.gratefully D.finally答案D由信号词then可知,前后分句之间的逻辑关系为顺序关系。根据语境可知:耐心听完之后,Kurt才最后微笑着说“You dont have a personal plan for growth, do you?”故选D。12.(2017北京卷)They saw a man _36_ out of a garbage can.She asked her mother why he did that,and her mother said that the man was homeless and hungry.A.jumping B.eating

31、C.crying D.waving答案B后一句中的“the man was homeless and hungry(这个男人无家可归且饥肠辘辘)”表示原因,本句表示结果,即前果后因。由因推果,可知“他们看见一个男人正在捡垃圾桶里的食物吃”,故选B。A(2019南京高三一模)Julie was one of my favorite students at the University of Nebraska.I remember her coming to me after class one day.While most students hurriedly left, Julie _1_ t

32、o ask questions about the next weeks exam.Julie never _2_ it to the exam, though.The day after our conversation, she was tragically struck by a truck.In Julies ward, her parents stood in quiet _3_.The physician entered, cleared his _4_, and said, “Your Julie has only a few _5_ to live.” He felt the

33、_6_ to ask, “Would you consider donating some of her organs?”_7_, in a neighboring state, Mary leaned forward, her eyes following every movement of her child.She was _8_ memories to enjoy when she could no longer _9_ him.Several states away, John, 26, was reading to his sons, his body connected to a

34、 life-giving “artificial kidney”.Doctors had given him a _10_ of only weeks to live.His only hope was a kidney transplant.Julies grief-stricken parents _11_ the physicians question in their mind.Julie had once said she wanted to be an organ donor _12_ her death._13_ as they were, they turned to the

35、physician, responding, “Yes.Julie always gave to others while living.She would want to give in death.”Within 24 hours, Mary was informed she would receive one of Julies eyes, and John was told to prepare for a kidney transplant.Julies other organs would give life and _14_ to other waiting recipients

36、.“Julie died right after her twentieth birthday.My heart breaks again and again, at each birthday, at each _15_:when she might have graduated;when she might have married.” says Julies mother.“But Julies life was a _16_ to us.Knowing that in her death, she gave life and sight to others is _17_ to us,

37、 and remembering that we carried out her _18_ has helped us _19_ the loss of her.”I may have had a small part in teaching Julie how to live.But she, and her family, are still teaching me an even greater lesson how to _20_.【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。叙述了被卡车撞倒的朱莉危在旦夕。父母按照她生前的遗愿,将器官捐赠给了其他需要的人。这件事情给作者上了人生中重要的一课,使她重新思

38、考了如何使死亡更有意义。1.A.continued B.offeredC.remained D.came答案Ccontinue继续;offer提供;remain留下;come来。句意:当大多数学生匆忙离开时,朱莉留下来问了关于下周考试的问题。left与remained相对应。故C选项切题。 B.madeC.took D.deserved答案Bget获得;make制作;take拿;deserve值得,应得,应受。句意:尽管如此,朱莉永远没有来参加考试。make it “成功”符合句意。故B选项切题。3.A.embarrassment B.shockC.disbelief D.des

39、peration答案Dembarrassment尴尬;shock震惊;disbelief不相信;desperation绝望。句意:在朱莉的病房里,她的父母默默地绝望地站在那里。女儿躺在病房内,伤势很重,所以她的父母感到绝望和无助。故D选项切题。4.A.hand B.mindC.throat D.pocket答案Chand手;mind思维;throat 喉咙;pocket口袋。句意:医生进来了,清了清嗓子,说:“朱莉只剩下几个小时了。clear his throat“清了清嗓子”表示医生要引起朱莉父母的注意并公布一条信息。故C选项切题。5.A.months B.hoursC.minutes D.

40、weeks答案Bmonth月;hour小时;minute分钟;week周。句意:医生进来了,清了清嗓子,说:“朱莉只剩下几个小时了。由下文“Within 24 hours”可知,等待接收器官的病人,被通知在24小时之内进行移植,所以判断出朱莉只剩下几个小时的生命了。故B选项切题。6.A.urge B.pressureC.freedom D.pride答案Curge 推动力;pressure压力;freedom坦诚;pride自豪。句意:医生坦诚地问道:“你会考虑捐献她的一些器官吗?”器官捐赠是个很严肃的问题,需要征得家属的同意。所以判断出医生在询问病人家属的时候是很坦诚地问了问。故C选项切题。

41、7.A.However B.MeanwhileC.Anyhow D.Somewhat答案Bhowever然而;meanwhile同时;anyhow无论如何;somewhat 有点。句意:与此同时,在邻近的一个州,玛丽俯身向前,眼睛注视着孩子的一举一动。meanwhile表示相同的时间段,另外一些人的情况或者状态,为后文说明朱莉与其他病人的关系做好了铺垫。故B选项切题。8.A.calling up B.picking upC.setting up D.storing up答案Dcall up 给打电话;pick up拾起;set up建立;store up储存。句意:她一直储存着并享受着自己失明

42、时对孩子的记忆。玛丽只记得自己失明前对孩子的印象,所以这些记忆一直储存在脑海中。故D选项切题。9.A.see B.touchC.hug D.feel答案Asee看;touch触摸;hug拥抱;feel感觉。句意:她一直储存着并享受着自己失明之前对孩子的记忆。玛丽失明了,所以看不到自己的孩子。故A选项切题。10.A.prescription B.noticeC.diagnosis D.prediction答案Dprescription处方;notice通知;diagnosis诊断;prediction预测。句意:医生预测他只有几个星期的生命。生命垂危的慢性病病人在死亡之前都会有不确定的一段时间,

43、所以医生会对死亡时间作出预判。故D选项切题。11.A.turned over B.figured outC.thought up D.took in答案Aturn over 仔细考虑;figure out计算出;think up想起;take in吸收。句意:朱莉悲痛欲绝的父母仔细考虑了医生的问题。由下文“Julie had once said she wanted to be an organ donor in the event of her death.”可知,朱莉曾经说过,如果她去世了,她想成为一名器官捐赠者。所以朱莉的父母在思考了一会,才想起女儿说过想成为一名器官捐赠者这件事情。故A

44、选项切题。 virtue of the event ofC.on account of D.for fear of答案Bby virtue of 由于;in the event of 如果;on account of 由于;for fear of 唯恐。句意:朱莉曾经说过,如果她去世了,她想成为一名器官捐赠者。in the event of“如果”表示假设,符合句意。故B选项切题。13.A.Miserable B.HesitantC.Passionate D.Motivated答案Amiserable 痛苦的;hesitant犹豫的;passionate 热烈的;mot

45、ivated 有动机的。句意:他们虽然很痛苦,但还是转向医生,回答说:是的。朱莉活着的时候总是乐于助人。父母得知要失去自己的女儿,一定是很痛苦的。故A选项切题。14.A.happiness B.sightC.encouragement D.promise答案Bhappiness快乐;sight视力;encouragement鼓励;promise承诺。句意:朱莉的其他器官会给其他接收器官者生命和光明。根据17空前的she gave life and sight to others可知,朱莉给其他人带去生命和光明。故B选项切题。15.A.ceremony B.crossroadsC.milesto

46、ne D.junction答案Cceremony仪式;crossroads 十字路口;milestone重大事件,里程碑;junction连接。句意:我的心一次又一次地碎,在每一个生日时,在每一个大事情时:当她可能已经毕业的时候;当她可能已经结婚的时候朱莉的母亲说。由“when she might have graduated;when she might have married”可知,当她可能已经毕业的时候;当她可能已经结婚的时候这些事对于人的一生来说,都是重大的事情。故C选项切题。16.A.lesson D.chance答案Clesson课;bless祝福;g

47、ift礼物;chance机会。句意:但是朱莉的生命是给我们的礼物。朱莉把器官捐给了别人,所以她的生命是留给活着的人的礼物。故C选项切题。17.A.comforting B.heartbreakingC.rewarding D.demanding答案Acomforting 安慰的;heartbreaking 令人心碎的;rewarding有报酬的;demanding 苛求的。句意:她知道她死的时候,给了别人生命和光明,这对我们是一种安慰。故A选项切题。18.A.arrangements B.expectationsC.wishes D.values答案Carrangement安排;expecta

48、tion期望;wish愿望;value价值。句意:她记得我们实现了她的愿望。由前文可知,朱莉希望把自己的器官捐献给别人,她的父母帮助她实现了她的愿望。所以carry out wish“实现愿望”符合题意。故C选项切题。19.A.over B.throughC.beyond D.with答案Bover在期间;through通过;beyond 越过;with 随着。句意:“我们”实现了她的愿望,这也帮助“我们”度过失去她(的痛苦)。故B选项切题。20.A.give D.die答案Dgive给;sacrifice牺牲;help帮;die死。句意:但她和她的家人仍然

49、在给我上一堂更重要的关于如何使死亡更有意义的课。作者觉得通过这件事,让他重新思考了如何使死亡更有意义。故D选项切题。B(2019宜兴市高三一模)Have you ever imagined your future? I try to do this all the time.Most of us will follow in our _1_ footsteps, by this I mean our adult lives will _2_ resemble the lives we live as children, set by our parents examples.Have you

50、ever _3_ and thought about this? What an awful job it must be to _4_ a child properly! But, what happens to the children that live _5_ drugs, alcohol and violence in their childhood? Where can they find good examples for themselves?I know of one place that is trying to _6_ all children.It is the McD

51、owell County D.A.R.E.program in McDowell County North Carolina.Our teachers carry on their shoulders the great _7_ of teaching kids to just say NO to drugs, alcohol and violence.I am personally acquainted with _8_ of these things, not because I have ever _9_ them myself, but because of my dad.He dra

52、nk, _10_ drugs and smoked pot (抽大麻).When I was 7 my mom took me and my sister and _11_.I wonder if my dad ever thought about the _12_ and what this bad decision would lead to when he first started experimenting with drugs and pot at 13.He has been in jail, he cant get a decent job, and he lost his _

53、13_.These bad choices also caused him to hurt his children in horrible ways.I am _14_ that I have at least one parent to help me make wise decisions, and to teach me right from wrong.I am also _15_ that theD.A.R.E.program is taught in our schools.One of the most _16_ things I learned

54、that a person that has a parent with an addiction problem is more than twice as likely to become addicted themselves, as compared to a person that has no family history of drug _17_.I have learned many things through this _18_, especially about the consequences of our trying drugs.You could get arre

55、sted, hurt yourself or someone else, _19_ your life by becoming an addict, or even die.All of these things are terrible, but I cant think of anything _20_ as a parent than hurting our children and the people that love us.DRUGS DESTROY LIVES! I give theD.A.R.E.program two thumbs up, for all the good

56、things being accomplished.【语篇解读】文章讲述了作者的亲身经历,自小作者的父亲就滥用毒品,幸亏母亲引导他做出了正确的决定。本文表明了父母对于孩子的影响潜移默化。1.A.grandmas B.brothersC.parents D.teachers答案Cgrandmas祖母的;brothers兄弟的;parents 父母的;teachers老师的。依据后面的“set by our parents examples”可知,我们绝大多数人都会追随我们父母的足迹。故选C。2.A.closely B.looselyC.hardly D.physically答案Aclosely

57、紧密地;loosely松散地;hardly 几乎不;physically身体地。“closely resemble”表示“近似”,符合语境。句意:我的意思是我们的成年生活和我们孩提时的生活是相似的。故选A。3.A.lived B.stoppedC.started D.decided答案Blive生活;stop停止;start开始;decide决定。注意后面的“and thought about this”,要思考,首先要停下来。你曾经停下来思考一下这个问题吗?故选B。4.A.praise B.understandC.appreciate D.raise答案Dpraise表扬;understan

58、d理解;appreciate欣赏;raise养育。依据全文可以看出这里探讨的是“养育子女”的问题。句意:要正确地培养子女是一件多么费劲的事啊!故选D。5.A.on B.over D.for答案Aon在之上;over超过;in在内部;for为了。live on 靠生活,以为食。句意:对于一个童年时期就终日吸食毒品,酗酒和实施暴力的孩子来说会发生什么呢?故选A。6.A.treat B.representC.reach D.persuade答案Ctreat对待;represent代表;reach 到达;persuade说服。这里用reach表示援助。句意:我知道一个尽力去援助所有孩子的地方

59、。故选C。7.A.pressure B.responsibilityC.probability D.advantage答案Bpressure 压力;responsibility责任;probability可能;advantage优点。(这里的)老师们承担了教育孩子拒绝毒品、酒精和暴力的责任(responsibility)故选B。8.A.both B.all C.none D.neither答案Bboth 两者都;all所有都;none 一个没有;neither两个都不。根据上下文可知,此处表示我个人了解这一切(all)。故选B。9.A.smoked B.acceptedC.tried

60、fused答案Csmoke吸烟;accept接受;try尝试;refuse拒绝。由下文提示“but because of my dad”(是因为我的父亲)可推知,此处表示不是因为我自己亲身体验过这些。故选C。10.A.ate B.sold C.took D.bought答案Ceat吃掉;sell出售;take拿;buy购买。take drugs吸毒,符合语意。他(作者的父亲)酗酒,吸毒,抽大麻。故选C。11.A.went B.wept C.begged D.left答案Dgo走开;weep哭泣;beg祈求;leave离开。根据语境可知,这里表示母亲带着我和妹妹离开了父亲。故选D。

61、asons B.possibilitiesC.program D.consequences答案Dreason理由;possibility可能;program 项目;consequence后果。我想知道,当父亲13岁开始尝试那些毒品和大麻时,他是否考虑过后果。故选D。13.A.patience D.position答案Cpatience 耐心;temper 脾气;family 家庭;position 位置。从前后文中可知他(作者的父亲)失去了家庭。故选C。14.A.lucky B.awareC.sure D.clear答案Alucky 幸运的;aware 意识到

62、的;sure 肯定的;clear 清楚的。根据上下文可知,此处表示:我很幸运,至少我还有母亲帮我作出明智的决定,教我辨别是非。故选A。15.A.concerned B.disappointedC.curious D.grateful答案Dconcerned担忧的;disappointed失望的;curious好奇的;grateful 感激的。本题要注意“also”,与上文的“幸运的”相同,这里也应该是一个褒义词。grateful感激的,符合语意。我也很感激我们学校开设了theD.A.R.E program。故选D。16.A.important B.excitingC.strange D.att

63、ractive答案Aimportant 重要的;exciting令人兴奋的;strange 奇怪的;attractive 吸引人的。我从theD.A.R.E program中学到的最重要的事情之一就是父亲或母亲吸毒的孩子吸毒的风险比没有吸毒史的家庭的孩子大两倍多。故选A。17.A.sales B.purchasesC.abuse D.production答案Csale出售;purchase购买;abuse 滥用;production 产品。我从the D.A.R.E program中学到的最重要的事情之一就是父亲或母亲吸毒的孩子吸毒的风险比没有吸毒史的家庭的孩子大两倍多。drug abuse

64、吸毒。故选C。18.A.behavior B.programC.experience D.action答案Bbehavior 行为;program 项目;experience 经历;action 行动。通过这个项目,我学到了很多东西。故选B。19.A.destroy D.lose答案Adestroy 破坏;build 建造;save 挽救;lose 失去。根据上文可知此处作者是在陈述吸毒的后果,吸毒的人可能会被捕,自残或者伤害到别人,因为上瘾而毁掉自己的生活,甚至造成死亡。故选A。20.A.wiser B.easierC.worse D.better答案 Cwise

65、r 更聪明的;easier更容易的;worse更糟糕的;better 更好的。这里是作者的感慨,也是文章的升华。作为父母,没有什么比伤害自己的孩子和挚爱自己的人更糟糕了。故选C。.单项填空1.(2019南通四校联考)Even though the way Lin Daiyu expresses her feelings may be _ to a modern audience, it is rooted in her character and makes who she is.A.allergic B.foreignC.sensitive D.fundamental答案B句意:尽管林黛玉表

66、达感情的方式可能对现代观众来说是陌生的,但它根植于她的性格之中,塑造了她的性格。allergic过敏的;foreign外国的,陌生的;sensitive敏感的;fundamental基本的。此处指对现代观众是陌生的,故选B。2.Trump said he believes North Korea will _ its promise to suspend missile tests while he prepares for a summit with Kim Jong Un.A.take to B.make upC.stand by D.hold out答案C句意:特朗普表示,他相信朝鲜将信

67、守承诺,在与金正恩参加峰会之前暂停导弹测试。take to喜欢,开始从事;make up组成,化妆,编造;stand by 支持,信守(诺言),袖手旁观;hold out坚持,伸出,提供。故选C。3.You are subject to punishment if you fail to _ to the customs when carrying the prohibited articles listed above.A.state B.declareC.announce D.communicate答案B句意:如果你携带上述违禁物品未向海关申报,将受到处罚。state声明,陈述;decla

68、re宣布,申报;announce宣布,宣告;communicate交流。此处指申报,故选B。4.(2019江苏省高考压轴卷)The teacher often gives his students a brief pause in class _ they can take in what he has taught.A.why B.when C.who D.which答案B句意:这个老师经常在课堂上给学生一个短暂暂停的时间,在这段时间里学生们可以吸收他所讲的内容。前句的先行词是pause间歇,从句主谓宾成分齐全,缺少时间状语,应使用关系副词when引导。故B选项正确。5.(2019江苏省名校

69、联考)If you see things in a negative light, you will find faults everywhere and problems where there are really _.A.none B.some C.many D.nothing答案A句意:如果你用消极的眼光看待事物,你会发现到处都是错误,到处都是问题。none没有任何东西;some一些;many许多;nothing无事,无物。此处指没有问题的地方也有问题,故选A。6.Have you heard of yesterdays gas explosion?Yes.Only two of th

70、e 35 miners at the scene _ to have made it out safely.A.have thought B.are thoughtC.had thought D.were thought答案B句意:你听说昨天的瓦斯爆炸了吗?是的,在现场的35名矿工中,只有两名被认为安全获救。此处指现在只有2个人被认为安全获救,用一般现在时的被动语态,故选B。7.As often happens after long sleeplessness, he was _ by an unreasoning panic.A.seized B.fascinatedC.impressed

71、D.embarrassed答案A句意:像经常发生的那样,在长时间失眠之后,他陷入了一种莫名其妙的恐慌之中。seize抓住,逮住;fascinate使着迷;impress铭记;embarrass使困窘。此处指被莫名其妙的恐慌抓住,陷入其中。故选A。8.If you want to improve your figure and health, the most effective thing to do is to show up at the gym every time you _ be there.A.can B.will C.may D.shall答案A句意:如果你想改善你的身材和健康,

72、最有效的方法就是每次能去健身房的时候都去。can能;will将,愿意;may可以,能够;shall会,将。此处指能去的时候就去,表示能够,故选A。9.Dave was a _.Because of his misconduct in class, the whole class had to stay after school.A.wet blanket B.leading sheep D.dark horse答案C句意:Dave是害群之马,由于他上课行为不端,下课后全班都不得不留下来。wet blanket扫兴的人;leading light重要人物;black s

73、heep害群之马;dark horse黑马。此处指害群之马,故选C。10.(2019苏北四市联考)Thanks to the “sugar tax”, food factories have reduced sugar in their products, _ about 45 million kilograms of save B.savedC.saving D.having saved答案C句意:由于“糖税”,食品工厂在食品中减少了糖,节省约4 500万公斤的糖。句中主语food factories和动词save是主动关系,用现在分词的一般形式作结果状语,表示现在的情

74、况。故选C。11.(2019苏锡常镇四市调研)The real winners in sport are those who know how to persevere and to behave with _whether they win or lose a game.A.certainty B.cautionC.dignity D.independence答案C句意:在体育运动中,真正的赢家是那些知道如何坚持下去并表现得有尊严的人无论他们是赢是输。certainty必然,确实;caution小心,谨慎;dignity尊严;independence独立。此处指表现得有尊严,故选C。12.(

75、2019无锡高三一模)In the forest, sound is the best means of communication over distance _ in comparison with light, it wont be blocked by trees when travelling.A.while B.becauseC.when D.though答案B句意:在森林中,声音是最好的远距离交流方式,因为与光相比,它传播时不会被树木阻挡。while虽然,然而;because因为;when当时;though虽然,尽管。此处表示原因,故选B。13.(2019宿迁高考调研)The s

76、hooting took place early Monday outside a club in the city of Fort Myers,which _ a party for teenagers.A.held B.was holdingC.had held D.holds答案B句意:这起枪击于周一一早发生在迈尔斯堡市的一家俱乐部外面,这家俱乐部当时正在为青少年举办聚会。根据句意可知,which引导的定语从句描述的动作显然与枪击事件同时发生,所以用过去进行时。14.According to The Sun, British scientists have solved the anci

77、ent riddle of _ came firstchicken or egg?A.who B.whatC.which D.that答案C句意:据太阳报报道,英国科学家日前解开了“先有鸡还是先有蛋”的古老谜团。表示“哪一个”用which,在宾语从句中作主语,故选C。15.Mr Johnson, I have something I would like to trouble you with._.Just tell me what I can do.A.You have my wordB.Dont give me thatC.You can say that againD.Dont stan

78、d on ceremony答案D句意:约翰逊先生,我有件事想麻烦你。别太拘谨,告诉我我能做什么。You have my word我向你保证;Dont give me that少来那套;You can say that again 说得好;Dont stand on ceremony别太拘谨。此处指别拘谨,别客气,根据句意选D。.阅读理解A(2019江苏名校联考)Until recently, voice cloningor voice banking, as it was then knownwas a customized industry which served those at ris

79、k of losing the power of speech to cancer or surgery.Synthesizing(合成) a voice was a long and expensive process.It meant recording many phrases, each spoken many times, with different emotional emphases(重音)and in different contexts (statement, question, command and so forth), in order to cover all po

80、ssible pronunciations.Not any more.Software exists that can store pieces of recorded speech which is merely five milliseconds long, each marked with a precise pitch(音高).These can be put together to make new words, and adjusted individually so that they fit harmoniously into their new sonic homes.Thi

81、s is much cheaper than conventional voice banking, and permits novel uses to be developed.This year Vivo Text plans to release an app that lets users select the emphasis, speed and level of happiness or sadness with which individual words and phrases are produced.Mr.Silbert refers to the emotive qua

82、lity of the human voice as “the ultimate instrument”.Yet this power also troubles him.Vivo Text licenses its software to Hasbro, an American toymaker keen to sell increasingly interactive playthings.Hasbro is aware, Mr.Silbert notes, that without safeguards a naughty child might, for example, type i

83、mpolite words on his mothers smartphone in order to see a younger sibling burst into tears on hearing them spoken by a toy using mums voice.More troubling, when tested against voice-biometrics software like that used by many banks to block unauthorized access to accounts, more than 80% of the fake v

84、oices tricked the computer.Alan Black, one of Festvoxs developers, thinks systems that rely on voice-ID software are now “deeply, fundamentally insecure”.Dr.Saxena and his colleagues asked volunteers if a voice sample belonged to a person whose real speech they had just listened to for about 90 seco

85、nds.The volunteers recognized cloned speech as such only half the time (ie, no better than chance).The outcome, according to George Papcun, an expert witness paid to detect fake recordings produced as evidence in court, is the appearance of a technology with “enormous potential value for disinformat

86、ion”.As might be expected, countermeasures to recognize such deception (欺骗) are being developed.Nuance Communications, a maker of voice-activated software, is working on algorithms(算法) that detect tiny skips in frequency at the points where slices of speech are stuck together.Adobe, best known as th

87、e marker of Photoshop, an image-editing software suite, says that it may add digital watermarks to speech synthesized by a voice-cloning software called VoCo it is developing.Such technology may help computers recognize suspicious speech.Even so, it is easy to imagine the chaos that might be created

88、 in a world which makes it easy to put authentic-sounding words into the mouths of opponentsbe they colleagues or heads of state.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。直到最近,语音克隆(当时被称为语音银行)还是一个定制化的行业,为那些面临因癌症或手术而丧失说话能力的人提供服务。尽管已经做出了努力,但语音克隆的问题是不可避免的。1.Paragraphs 1 and 2 are mainly about _.A.significant elements influencing

89、voice cloningB.possible applications of voice cloning in realityC.complexities of creating a synthetic copy of a voiceD.differences between traditional and existing voice banking答案D段落大意题。第一和第二段主要是讲传统语音银行和现有语音银行之间的区别。故选D。2.Whats Hasbros attitude towards Vivo Tests new app?A.Optimistic. B.Conservative

90、.C.Unconcerned. D.Subjective.答案B推理判断题。根据第三段中最后一句可知,Hasbro对Vivo Test的新app持保守态度。故选B。3.The experiment carried out by Dr.Saxena and his colleagues shows that volunteers _.A.identified cloned speech in about 45 secondsB.preferred a real speech to a voice sampleC.proved only a little harder to fool than s

91、oftwareD.found it hard to use the software to record their voices答案C推理判断题。根据第五段中Dr.Saxena and his colleagues asked.only half the time (ie, no better than chance).可知,Saxena博士和他的同事所做的实验表明,志愿者比软件更难被欺骗。故选C。4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?A.Investments should be increased to advance voice clo

92、ning.B.Long-term measures should be taken to popularize the idea of voice cloning.C.Disagreements among firms about the way to treat voice cloning are getting serious.D.Problems of voice cloning are unavoidable despite the efforts that have been made.答案D推理判断题。根据最后一段中Such technology may they

93、colleagues or heads of state.可知,从最后一段可推知“尽管已经做出了努力,但语音克隆的问题是不可避免的。”故选D。B(2019南京市六校高三联考)When Oscar Pistorius was convicted (证明有罪的) of murder last month, the judge described the case as a “human tragedy of Shakespearean proportions”.The Paralympic athletes fall from grace made this comparison appropri

94、ate:overcoming severe disability to reach “Olympian heights”, falling in love with a beautiful model, and, in a coincidence that wouldnt be out of place in one of the plays, taking her life on Valentines Day.Mr.Pistoriuss tragic flaw was that he was an excessive paranoia(偏执狂), which showed itself in

95、 an enthusiasm for guns.Mr.Pistoriuss case is, indeed, peculiarly Shakespearean.But Justice Eric Leach, who delivered the judgment, is but one of those who have turned to the playwright in times of legal need.In 2012, Britains High Court quoted “King Lear” in a trial regarding a “threatening” joke o

96、n Twitterthey eventually overturned a conviction on the grounds that social-media users “are free to speak not what they ought to say, but what they feel”.A choice snippet of “Hamlet” (“a little patch of ground that hath no profit in it but the name”) was quoted in a 2008 boundary dispute.“Henry ” w

97、as called forth by Senator Sam Ervin Jr during the Watergate hearings.The condemnation of Dzokhar Tsarnaev, involved in the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings, was sealed with lines from Julius Caesar:“the evil that men do lives after them;the good is often buried with their bones.”Lawyers love of Shakes

98、peare is appropriate given that more of his lines are devoted to discussing law than any other profession.Some think his knowledge of the law was so detailed that the “real” Shakespeare must have been a lawyer.A study by Scott Dodson and Ami Dodson published last year set out to discover “the most l

99、iterary justice” of those currently sitting(开庭), and which authors were regularly turned to for quotable wisdom.The “most abundant citer and the widest read” was found to be Antonin Scalia, andno surpriseWilliam Shakespeare topped the list of the often-quoted, along with Lewis Carroll.Both Shakespea

100、re and Carroll accumulated sixteen references from five justices.Other popular authors among the bench were George Orwell, Charles Dickens, Aldous Huxley and Aesop.The words of Shakespeare are likely to be sounded around courtrooms for decades to come as many universitiesparticularly in America and

101、Britainhave included him in their law courses.Harvard Law School offers a seminar which focuses entirely on “justice and morality in the plays of Shakespeare”.Kings College Londons “Shakespeare and the Law” model is co-taught by the Literature and Law faculties, and explores “the role of the law in

102、mediating the place of the individual within society”.There are sensible reasons behind this;the University of Southampton, in line with recent studies, states that it offers the opportunity to study law through a literary prism of Shakespeare, Dickens, Kafka and others in order to “help law student

103、s to become more ethically sharp”.A study argues that reading literary fiction makes people show empathy, challenge prejudice, and be more flexible in their decision-making.A literary sensibility enables lawyers to present clear, structured opinions and briefs.But what is it about the work of Shakes

104、peare, in particular, that lends itself to legal quotation and reflection? After all, as Robert Peterson pointed out in “The Bard and the Bench”, all 37 of Shakespeares plays have been quoted by American courts, in over 800 judicial opinions.One answer lies in the fact that Shakespeares status embod

105、ies high culture;quoting him seeks to invest the judgment with credibility and induce a sense of history.Mr.Peterson notes that this can “drive decisions in authentic ways”.Another option is Shakespeares universalityeveryone has either read, or claims to have read, plays like “Hamlet”.His works have

106、 become globally shared;the term “Shakespearean tragedy” induces a rise-and-fall story even if the listener is not familiar with the works themselves.The horrifying details of Mr.Pistoriuss actions on that night, placed in a familiar Shakespearean frame, helps members of the court, and the public, t

107、o make sense of the unnecessary bloodshed.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章叙述的是律师喜欢引用莎士比亚的语言。莎士比亚的语言经常在法庭上被引用的原因是他的话增加了判决的可信度。莎士比亚的话在今后几十年里的法庭上将会继续沿用。5.Why is Oscar Pistorius mentioned in the first paragraph?A.To introduce the topic of the passage.B.To explain why he was announced guilty of murder.C.To show the app

108、ropriateness of Shakespeares comparison.D.To highlight how Shakespeare influenced his conviction.答案A推理判断题。根据第一段第一句可知,第一段提到奥斯卡皮斯托瑞斯是为了引出这篇文章的主题,也就是人们喜欢在法庭上引用莎士比亚的话,故选A。6.What can be inferred from the passage?A.Studying law makes people more flexible in making right decisions.B.The quotation from Shak

109、espeare in court will keep up in the following decades.C.The accusation against Twitter was overturned by Britains High Court in 2012.D.It is a must for law students in America and Britain to take courses in Shakespeares play.答案B推理判断题。根据第四段第一句The words of Shakespeare are likely many universiti

110、es可知,莎士比亚的话在今后几十年里的法庭上将会继续沿用。故选B。7.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “embodies” in the last paragraph?A.Creates. B.Shapes.C.Promotes. D.Represents.答案D词义猜测题。根据最后一段中One answer lies in.and induce a sense of history.(一个答案是莎士比亚的地位体现了高雅文化;引用他的话,是为了让判断具有可信度,并引发历史感。)可推知,画线词

111、的意思是“体现”,故选D。8.The reason why Shakespeare is often quoted in court is that _.A.he is universally recognized as a productive playwrightB.the quotation from him adds credibility to the judgmentC.there are many professional legal terms in his worksD.Shakespearean tragedy is globally read by people答案B推理

112、判断题。根据最后一段中One answer lies in.or claims to have read, plays like “Hamlet”.可知,莎士比亚的话经常在法庭上被引用的原因是他的话增加了判决的可信度,故选B。9.How is the passage mainly developed?A.By listing data.B.By presenting examples.C.By analyzing phenomena.D.By making comparisons.答案C推理判断题。根据第三段中The “most abundant citer and the widest re

113、ad” was found.were George Orwell, Charles Dickens, Aldous Huxley and Aesop.(“引用最多、阅读最广”的名人是安东宁斯卡利亚,不出所料,威廉莎士比亚和刘易斯卡罗尔并列榜首。莎士比亚和卡罗尔都从五位大法官那里收集了16份推荐信。其他受欢迎的作家包括乔治奥威尔、查尔斯狄更斯、奥尔德斯赫胥黎和伊索。)可知,文章主要是通过分析现象来叙述内容的。故选C。10.Which of the following is the most suitable title for the passage?A.Why Lawyers Love Sha

114、kespeareB.Famous Quotations from ShakespeareC.How Shakespeare Created Popular WorksD.The Most Influential Playwright in History答案A标题归纳题。通读全文尤其是第三段中Lawyers love of Shakespeare is.and which authors were regularly turned to for quotable wisdom.可知,本文讲述的是“为什么律师喜欢引用莎士比亚的语言”,故选A。.任务型阅读(2019名容高考模拟)It is now

115、 mandatory(强制)for drivers or passengers to wear seat belts while in a car in all states.In addition, it is also mandatory for kids of be in some kind of specialized car seat.Given the strict requirements in other vehicles, why dont buses have seat belts?The main answer, at least for school buses, is

116、 that seat belts do not make school buses safer.Overall, traveling on school buses is the safest way to travel40 times safer than riding in a carwith only a handful of deaths occurring to passengers on school buses every year.The seats on the school bus are placed very close to each other and have h

117、igh backs that are thickly padded.As a result, in an accident the students would be propelled forward a very short distance into a padded seatback that in a way is like an airbag.In addition, the fact that people sit high off the ground on school buses also makes it safer to travel on them.While sch

118、ool buses feature high-backed seats and elevated seating locations, the same cannot be said of city buses.However, from a practical angle, theres little need to require seat belts on city buses.Although the design of the modern low-floor city bus is less safe than the design of school buses, the fac

119、t that city buses rarely travel at speeds greater than 35 miles per hour means that any collision is likely to be small. Also, given that most trips on city buses are short and that many trips have standing passengers, the presence of seat belts will make even less of a difference.Another answer why

120、 buses do not have seat belts is cost.It is estimated that adding seat belts to buses would add between $8,000 and $15,000 to the cost of each bus.In addition, seat belts would take up room currently used as seats, meaning that each bus would have fewer seating places.The additional room in the bus

121、taken up by seat belts would mean that bus fleets would have to increase by as much as 15% just to carry the same number of people.Such an increase would be especially difficult in cities that experience overcrowding on their vehicles.Regardless of whether their passengers have seat belts, all buses

122、 provide seat belts for drivers and most bus companies make their drivers wear seat belts in order not to be influenced by a collision.Why dont buses have seat belts?Topic(2)_Everyone is (1)_ to wear their seat belts in a car while no seat belts are provided for passengers on buses.School buses:Seat

123、 belts make no (3)_ in improving the safety of the school bus.Traveling on school buses is safe thanks to their seats with high-padded backs, which can (4)_ the students from danger because they are propelled forward into them in a collision.Sitting high off the ground on school buses also (5)_ to t

124、he safety.City buses:Their low traveling speed reduces the risk of a collision.City buses tend to travel a short (6)_.Many passengers stand while on a city bus, making seat belts (7)_.Fixing seat belts on buses can (8)_ in an increase in cost.Seat belts can also limit the number of seating places by

125、 (9)_ room on a bus.As a result, an increasing number of bus fleets are required to carry the same number of people.A ruleAll buses provide seat belts for drivers, who should wear seat belts to (10)_ the impact of a collision.【语篇解读】本文讨论了为什么公共汽车不配备安全带的问题。文章主要从校车和城市公交车两个方面作出了解释。1.required根据第一段首句可知,每个人

126、在汽车上都需要系安全带,require与主语Everyone之间是被动关系。故填required。2.Reasons根据第一段最后一句可知,下文讲述公共汽车上没有安全带的原因。由Topic与A rule可推断,首字母大写,故填Reasons。3.difference根据第二段首句可知,在公共汽车上,至少在校车上,佩戴安全带并不是更安全的。make no difference“没有影响;不起作用”。故填difference。4.protect根据第二段的句子The seats on the school bus are placed.that in a way is like an airbag

127、.可知,校车的座位靠得很近,座椅有高高的厚厚的椅背,发生在事故时,学生向前撞到椅背上,就像是撞到安全气囊上,可以保护学生避免危险。can后接动词原形。故填protect。5.adds/contributes根据第二段尾句可知,在校车上坐得很高也增添了安全性。动名词作主语谓语动词用单数,add to“增添”和contribute to“有助于”都符合语境。故填adds/contributes。6.distance根据第三段的句子“Also, given that most trips on city buses are short.”可知,城市公交运行的距离短。a short distance

128、“短距离”。故填distance。7.unnecessary根据第三段的句子“.that many trips have standing passengers, the presence of seat belts will make even less of a difference.”可推断,城市公交有许多乘客站着,让安全带没有必要。故填unnecessary。8.result根据第四段的句子It is estimated that.the cost of each bus.可知,安装安全带导致费用提高。result in“导致”,故填result。9.occupying根据第四段的句子In addition, seat belts would.fewer seating places.可知,安全带占用公共汽车上的空间,减少了座位的数量。介词后接动名词,故填occupying。10.avoid根据最后一段内容可知,所有的公共汽车都为司机提供安全带,用来避免碰撞的影响。故填avoid。

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