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本文(2016-2017学年高中英语(牛津译林 江苏专用 选修六)配套课件:UNIT 4 PERIOD THREE PART Ⅰ .pptx)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2016-2017学年高中英语(牛津译林 江苏专用 选修六)配套课件:UNIT 4 PERIOD THREE PART Ⅰ .pptx

1、Period Three TaskPart Language Focus 课前预习 梳理记忆理解 课堂讲义 感悟归纳应用 当堂达标 综合巩固反馈 1.n.个人财产;拥有 vt.占有,拥有 2.adj.多山的 n.山 3.n.贫穷,贫困 4.n.手段,方法5.adj.原始的 答案 词语识记 课前预习 .单词自测possessionpossessmountainousmountainpovertymeansprimitive6.vt.(尤指经努力)获得;赢得 7.n.供暖;供暖系统;暖气设备 v.加热 8.n.容器;集装箱 v.容纳 9.adj.麻烦的,讨厌的,棘手的 n.&v.麻烦 10.n.(

2、通常指按周领的)工资 答案 obtainheatingheatcontainercontaintroublesometroublewage答案.短语自测 1.拥有,占有 2.越来越远 3.集中于;专注于 4.担负得起 5.出故障;抛锚take possession offurther and furtherconcentrate onafford to.break down返回 possession 课堂讲义 重点单词 语境感悟(1)The rich man lost all his possessions in the fire.那位富人在那场火灾中失去了他的全部财产。(2)The rare

3、 stamp is in the possession of an unknown collector.那枚稀有的邮票现在为一位不知名的收藏家所有。(3)Our forces took possession of the hill.我们的部队占领了那座小山。(4)He lost all that he possessed when his house burned down.他的房子烧毁以后,他的全部财产都没了。归纳拓展(1)possession n.拥有;所有物,财产 be in ones possession/be in the possession of为所有,归所有 be in pos

4、session of sth.拥有,占有某物 have possession of拥有(指买来或从别人那里买来)take possession of sth.拥有(占有)某物,拿到某物(2)possess vt.占有,拥有;支配 be possessed of拥有注意:(1)in possession of表示主动,其主语通常是人,意为“占有”。(2)in the possession of表示被动,其主语通常是物,意为“被占有”。(1)那位老板拥有100多家商店。The boss ismore than 100 shops.(2)那栋高楼被他的儿子所占有。The tall building

5、ishis son.答案 即时跟踪 in possession ofin the possession of(3)People chewed on leaves or drank a kind of tea made from leavesaspecial chemical to reduce body pains and fever.A.possessingB.possessesC.possessedD.being possessed 解析答案 解析 考查非谓语动词。句意为:人们靠咀嚼叶子或饮用一种由叶子制成,含有特殊化学物质的茶来减少身体疼痛和发烧。possess的逻辑主语是leaves,

6、二者存在主动关系,故用现在分词作定语。Aface 语境感悟(1)(教材P59)One of the major problems facing the children living in thisremote mountainous area is poverty.住在这个偏远山区的孩子们所面临的主要问题之一是贫困。(2)They should talk about this face to face.他们应面对面谈此事。(3)The boy showed great courage in the face of danger.面对危险,那个男孩表现出了巨大的勇气。(4)She is fac

7、ed with a difficult decision.她面临一个艰难的决定。归纳拓展 face n.脸,面孔;表面;vt.面对;面向;正对;承认,正视(现实)face to face面对面地in ones face当面,迎面 in the face of面对着,在(危险、困难的)情况下 lose(ones)face丢(某人的)面子,丢人 make a facemake faces做鬼脸 be faced with sth.面临;面对(1)In order not to,he spent the whole night preparing for the speechof next day.

8、A.lose courageB.lose heart C.lose faceD.lose voice 解析 考查动词短语辨析。lose courage丧失勇气;lose heart灰心,泄气;lose face 丢脸;lose ones voice失声。句意为:为了不丢面子,他花了一晚上的时间准备第二天的演讲。所以答案为C。解析答案 即时跟踪 C(2)the global financial crisis,the Chinese government has taken manymeasurespeoples life to deal with it in 2014.A.Facing with

9、;related B.Faced;relating to C.Faced with;relating D.Facing;related to 解析 句意为:面对全球性金融危机,2014年中国政府采取了很多与民生相关的措施来应对它。表示“面对”时,用faced with或facing皆可;第二个空只能用related to,表示“与有关的”。解析答案 Dmeans 语境感悟(1)(教材P59)Health care is limited as there are no doctors or nurses in thevillagesno one has the means to pay them

10、.村里的卫生保健受限制是因为没有医生和护士人们无法支付他们的费用。(2)They succeeded by means of hard working.他们依靠努力工作而获得成功。(3)She is by no means poor;in fact,she is quite rich.她可不穷,事实上,她相当富裕。(4)Being a student means studying hard.作为一个学生,意味着你要努力学习。(5)Missing the train,he means to wait for another hour.因为错过了这班火车,他打算再等一个小时。归纳拓展(1)mean

11、s n.方式,方法(单复数相同)by any means(口)用一切可能的方法或手段 by all means可以;当然行;没问题 by means of依靠方法,借助手段 by no means(not at all)一点也不,绝不 by this means用这种方式(2)mean doing sth.意味着做某事 mean to do sth.打算或企图做某事 mean do sth.打算让某人做某事(3)be meant for打算给予;打算作用(1)Ill forgive you this time,butshall you make the mistake again.

12、 no any price a no time 解析 考查介词短语辨析。句意为:这次我原谅你,但是绝不允许你再犯这个错误。根据句子倒装结构,可以排除B、C项。by no means绝不,符合句意。at any price无论什么代价;at a discount打折;in no time立刻,马上。解析答案 即时跟踪 A(2)I didnt meanmy mother.But talking to her like that meanther.A.hurting; hurt;hurting C.hurting;

13、to hurt;to hurt 解析 句意为:我本不是故意要伤害妈妈的。但是那样跟她说话就意味着伤害了她。mean to do sth.打算做某事;mean doing sth.意味着做某事。解析答案 Bconcentrate on 重点短语 语境感悟(1)(教材P59)cannot concentrate on learning不能集中精力学习(2)She was too distracted to concentrate properly on her book.她心烦意乱,根本无法专心读书。(3)Italian industry is concentrated main

14、ly in the north of the country.意大利的工业主要集中在该国北部。归纳拓展 concentrate on专心,专注,集中注意力 be concentrated on/in/around.集中在,汇集于 concentrate ones attention on把注意力集中在(1)她不能长时间专心读一本书。She canta book very long.(2)All peoples attentionon the screen when the film concentratedB.was concentrated concentra

15、tingD.was concentrating 解析 句意为:当电影开始时,所有人的注意力都集中在屏幕上。精力被集中在屏幕上,用被动语态;由began可知时态为一般过去时,故答案选B。解析答案 即时跟踪 Bconcentrate on语境感悟 break down(1)(教材P59)However,if the pump breaks down,repairing it can betroublesome,as an engineer has to come from the nearest town to repair it.然而,如果水泵坏了,由于工程师不得不从最近的城里赶过来修理,因此修

16、理水泵是很麻烦的。(2)Her health broke down under the pressure of work.她的身体因工作压力累垮了。(3)We had just covered half its distance when our car broke down and wehad to stop for help.我们刚走完一半的路,突然车子坏了,我们不得不停下来求助。(4)Negotiations between the two companies have broken down.这两个公司的谈判失败了。归纳拓展 break down出故障;(身体等)垮掉;抛锚;分解;失败

17、 break away脱离 break up(关系)破裂;驱散(人群)break out(火灾、战争等)突然发生 break off折断(树枝);停止(工作)break through突破(障碍)(1)用break相关短语的适当形式填空 A fireduring the night.Water caninto hydrogen and oxygen.Marriages based on money are easy to.即时跟踪 答案 broke outbe broken downbreak up(2)Due to peoples unwillingness to cooperate,the

18、 plan put forward atthe conference.A.broke inB.broke out C.broke downD.broke up 解析 考查动词短语辨析。句意为:由于人们对合作的不情愿,会议上提出的计划失败。break down坏掉,失败,符合句意。break in打断,闯入;break out爆发;break up(关系)破裂。解析答案 C返回 1.The big fire destroyed nearly 250 aches of(原始的)forests.2.By this(方法),he learns English more effectively.3.Sw

19、itzerland is acountry,in which lie manyinternational organizations.4.Heris 300 dollars a week.5.He failed to(获得)a scholarship.答案 当堂达标.单词拼写 primitivemeansmountainouswageobtain答案 because of,as a result,break down,be faced with,concentrate on1.They became homelessthe unexpected natural disaster.2.I can

20、tmy studies with all that noise going much trouble,we failed to complete the task on time lastmonth.4.The computer systemsuddenly while he was searching forinformation on the Internet.5.Alice overslept this morning.,she was late for work.选词填空 because ofconcentrate onFaced withbroke down As a

21、 result答案.完成句子 1.坐在后面的那个男人是史密斯先生。is Mr Smith.2.我认为给她带件礼物是个好主意。I thinkher a present.3.如果你需要联系我们,这是我们的号码。Heres our number if you.The man sitting at the back it would be a good idea to bringneed to get in touch with us答案 4.之后她的身体累垮了,得去国外休一段长假。Then,and she had to take a long holiday abroad.5.这所房子归我父母所有。

22、The housemy parents.her health broke downis in the possession of.单项填空 解析答案 1.There were so many people talking in the concert hall that I couldntthe music.A.concentrate onB.fix upon C.centre onD.devote to 解析 本题考查动词短语辨析。句意为:有很多人在音乐会上说话,我不能集中精力听音乐。concentrate on 集中于,专心于;centre on将人或事作为重点;B、D两项中的动词应有宾语

23、。A 解析答案 2.How did youthe old valuable house?It used to bemy uncle.He left it to me in his will.A.take possession of;in possession of B.take the possession of;in the possession of C.take possession of;in the possession of D.take the possession of;in possession of 解析 take possession of拥有;in the posses

24、sion of(某物)被(某人)所拥有。C 解析答案 3.Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at thecoming Asian Games?.Ours is much stronger than theirs.A.Of courseB.It depends C.Dont mention itD.By no means 解析 根据答语的后句可知答话人认为“我们的乒乓球队比他们的强得多”,所以他们的乒乓球队绝不可能在即将到来的亚运会上获得第一名。by no means表示“绝不”。D 解析答案 4.I fi

25、nally managed toa copy of the report.A.obtainB.solve C.arrangeD.accumulate 解析 句意为:我终于设法弄到了这份报告的一个副本。obtain获得,符合句意。solve解决;arrange安排;accumulate积累(知识等)。A 解析答案 5.How about your journey to Mount Emei?Everything was wonderful except that our cartwice on the way.A.slowed downB.broke down downD.put down 解析 slow down减慢速度;break down出故障,抛锚;get down下来;put down把放下,记下,平息。由句意知选B项。返回 B

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