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五年高考(2011-2015)英语试题分项精析版 专题17 完形填空之夹叙夹议类(原卷版) WORD版缺答案.doc_第1页
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1、精品5年高考分类精编专题17 完形填空之记叙文类2015年高考试题.【2015浙江】完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21-40各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。Since finishing my studies at Harvard and Oxford. Ive watched one friend after another land high-ranking, high-paying Wall Street jobs. As executives(高级管理人员) with banks,

2、consulting firms, established law firms, and major corporations, many are now 21 on their way to impressive careers. By societys 22 , they seem to have it made.On the surface, these people seem to be very lucky in life. As they left student life behind, many had a 23 drink at their cheap but friendl

3、y local bar, shook hands with Longtime roommates, and 24 out of small apartments into high buildings. They made reservations at restaurants where the cost of a bottle of wine 25 a college years monthly rent. They replaced their beloved old car with expensive new sports cars.The thing is, a number of

4、 them have 26 that despite their success, they arent happy. Some 27 of unfriendly coworkers and feel sad for eight-hour workweeks devoted to tasks they 28 . Some do not respect the companies they work for and talk of feeling tired and 29 . However, instead of devoting themselves to their work, they

5、find themselves working to support the 30 to which they have so quickly become 31 .People often speak of trying a more satisfying path, and 32 the end the idea of leaving, their jobs to work for something they 33 or finding a position that would give them more time with their families almost always

6、leads them to the same conclusion; it s 34 . They have loans, bills, a mortgage(抵押贷款)to 35 , retirement to save for. They recognize theres something 36 in their lives, but its 37 to step off the track.In a society that tends to 38 everything in terms of dollars and cents, we learn form a young age t

7、o consider the costs of our 39 in financial terms. But what about the personal and social costs 40 in pursuing money over meaning? These are exactly the kinds of us tend to ignore and the very ones we need to consider most.21. A. much B. never C. seldom D. well22. A. policies B. standards C. experim

8、ents D. regulations23. A. last B. least C. second D. best24. A. cycled B. moved C. slid D. looked25. A. shared B. paid C. equaled D. collected26. A. advertised B. witnessed C. admitted D. demanded27. A. complain B. dream C. hear D. approve28. A. distribute B. hate C. applaud D. neglect29. A. calm B.

9、 guilty C. warm D. empty30. A. family B. government C. lifestyle D. project31. A. accustomed B. appointed C. unique D. available32. A. yet B. also C. instead D. rather33. A. let out B. turn in C. give up D. believe in34. A. fundamental B. practical C. impossible D. unforgettable35. A. take of B. dro

10、p off C. put off D. pay off36.A. missing B. inspiring C. sinking D. shining37.A. harmful B. hard C. useful D. normal38.A. measure B. suffer C. digest D. deliver39.A. disasters B. motivations C. campaigns D. decisions40.A. assessed B. involved C. covered D. reduced.【2015安徽】完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读

11、下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 In our modern world, when something wears out, we throw it away and buy a new one. The 36 is that countries around the world have growing mountains of 37 because people are throwing out more rubbish than ever before. How did we 38 a throwaway

12、 society? First of all, it is now easier to 39 an object than to spend time and money to repair it. 40 modern manufacturing (制造业) and technology, companies are able to produce products quickly and inexpensively. Products are plentiful and 41 . Another cause is our 42 of disposable (一次性的) products. A

13、s 43 people, we are always looking for 44 to save time and make our lives easier. Companies 45 thousands of different kinds of disposable products: paper plates, plastic cups, and cameras, to name a few. Our appetite for new products also 46 to the problem. We are 47 buying new things. Advertisement

14、s persuade us that 48 is better and that we will be happier with the latest products. The result is that we 49 useful possessions to make room for new ones. All around the world, we can see the 50 of this throwaway lifestyle. Mountains of rubbish just keep getting bigger. To 51 the amount of rubbish

15、 and to protect the 52 , more governments are requiring people to recycle materials. 53 , this is not enough to solve (解决) our problem. Maybe there is another way out. We need to repair our possessions 54 throwing them away. We also need to rethink our attitudes about 55 . Repairing our possessions

16、and changing our spending habits may be the best way to reduce the amount of rubbish and take care of our environment.36. A. keyB. reason C. project D. problem37. A. giftsB. rubbishC. debtD. products38. A. faceB. becomeC. observeD. change39. A. hideB. control C. replaceD. withdraw40. A. Thanks toB.

17、As toC. Except for D. Regardless of41. A. safeB. funny C. cheap D. powerful42. A. loveB. lackC. prevention D. division43. A. sensitiveB. kindC. braveD. busy44. A. waysB. places C. jobsD. friends45. A. donateB. receive C. produceD. preserve46. A. adapts B. returns C. respondsD. contributes47. A. tire

18、d of B. addicted toC. worried aboutD. ashamed for48. A. newer B. stronger C. higher D. larger49. A. pick up B. pay forC. hold ontoD. throw away50. A. advantages B. purposesC. functionsD. consequences51. A. show B. record C. decreaseD. measure52. A. technology B. environmentC. consumersD. brands53. A

19、. However B. OtherwiseC. ThereforeD. Meanwhile54. A. by B. in favour ofC. afterD. instead of55. A. spending B. collectingC. repairingD. advertising.【2015湖南】Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or ph

20、rase that best fits the context.It was a rainy morning and the children, mainly boys with various learning difficulties, refused to settle for the start of the lesson. As an inexperienced teacher, I tried every means to get them to be 36 , but in vain. my panic was rising and I could feel my heart b

21、eating wildly. This was the 37 of my job as a music teacher, I thought - teaching was not for me. Then I had an idea. Hoping that no one would notice that I was 38 inside, I threw my voice as far as it would reach: Put your heads on the desks and close your 39 ! We are going on a journey. 40 , the c

22、hildren fell silent. Now what should I do? I thought to myself. Reaching over to my collection of CDs, I blindly 41 , put it in the machine and played it.Obediently (顺从地), my class lay their heads on their desk, closed their eyes and 42 . When the music started, the room as filled with the most beau

23、tiful tones and musical colors I could have ever imagined. All the children were 43 . When the music finished, I asked them all to raise their 44 slowly so that we could share our musical journey.At this point, when all the children were willing to share their experiences, I began to learn how to 45

24、 . The music allow me to learn that teaching is about sharing and respect, tears and smiles, the knowing and the 46 and most of all, an understanding of each other. This was the power that 47 in the classroom could have.36 A. gladB. safeC. kindD. quiet37.A. endB. aimC. ruleD. plan38.A. guessing B. s

25、hakingC. respondingD. laughing39.A. eyesB. mouthsC. booksD. doors40.A. Punctually B. ImportantlyC. AmazinglyD. Obviously41.A. passed one on B. gave one backC. turned one inD. took one out42.A. sleptB. noddedC. waitedD. continued43.A. talkingB. singingC. dancingD. listening44.A. legsB. headsC. armsD.

26、 shoulders45.A. teachB. imagineC. play D. understand46.A. unprepared B. unspoken C. unknownD. unforgotten47.A. gamesB. musicC. tearsD. knowledge.【2015新课标全国II】完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Where do you go when you want to learn something? School?

27、 A friend? A tutor? These are all 41 places of learning. But it may well be that the learning you really want 42 somewhere else instead. I had the 43 of seeing this first hand on a 44 .My daughter plays on a recreational soccer team. They did well this season and so 45 a tournament, which normally w

28、as only for more skilled club teams. This led to some 46 experiences on Saturday as they played against teams 47 trained. Through the first two games, her 48 did not get one serious shot on goal. As a parent, I 49 seeing my daughter playing her best, 50 still defeated.It seemed that something clicke

29、d with the 51 between Saturday and Sunday. When they 52 for their Sunday game, they were 53 different. They had begun to integrate (融合) the kinds of play and teamwork they had 54 the day before into their 55 . They played aggressively and 56 scored a goal.It 57 me that playing against the other team

30、 was a great 58 moment for all the girls on the team. I think it is a general principle. 59 is the best teacher. The lessons they learned may not be 60 what they would have gotten in school, but are certainly more personal and meaningful, because they had to work them out on their own.41. A. public

31、B. traditionalC. officialD. special42. A. passesB. works C. lies D. ends43. A. dream B. ideaC. habitD. chance44. A. trip B. holidayC. weekendD. square45. A. wonB. entered C. organizedD. watched46. A. painfulB. strange C. commonD. practical47. A. lessB. poorlyC. newly D. better48. A. fansB. tutors C.

32、 class D. team49. A. imagined B. hatedC. avoidedD. missed50. A. if B. or C. butD. as51. A. girls B. parentsC. coaches D. viewers52. A. dressed B. showed up C. made up D. planned53. A. slightly B. hardlyC. basically D. completely54. A. seen B. knownC. heard D. read55. A. styles B. trainingC. gameD. r

33、ules56. A. evenB. stillC. seldom D. again57. A. confused B. struck C. remindedD. warned58. A. touching B. thinkingC. encouraging D. learning59. A. Experience B. Independence C. CuriosityD. Interest60. A. harmful to B. mixed with C. different from D. applied to2014年高考试题【2014天津卷】 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分

34、30分)阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从16-35各题所给A,B,C,D的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。One night, when I was eight , my mother gently asked me a question I would never forget. “Sweetie, my company wants to 16 me but needs me to work in Brazil. This is like your teacher telling that youve done 17 and allowing you to skip a grade(跳级),

35、but youll have to 18 your friends. Would you say yes to your teacher?” She gave me a hug and asked me to think about it. I was puzzled. The question kept me 19 for the rest of the night I had said “yes” but for the first time, I realized the 20 decisions adults had to make.For almost four years, my

36、mother would call us from Brazil every day. Every evening Id 21 wait for the phone to ring and then tell her every detail of my day. A phone call, however, could never replace her 22 and it was difficult not to feel lonely at times.During my fourth-grade Christmas break, we flew to Rio to visit her.

37、 Looking at her large 23 apartment, I became 24 how lonely my mother must have been in Brazil herself. It was then 25 I started to appreciate the tough choices she had to make on 26 family and work. 27 difficult decisions, she used to tell me, you wouldnt know whether you make the right choice, but

38、you could always make the best out of the situation, with passion and a 28 attitude.Back home , I 29 myself that what my mother could do, I could, too. If she 30 to live in Rio all by herself, I, too, could learn to be 31 . I learn how to take care of myself and set high but achievable 32. My mother

39、 is now back with us. But I will never forget what the 33 has really taught me. Sacrifices 34 in the end. The separation between us has proved to be 35 for me.A. attract B. promote C. surprise D. praiseA. little B. much C. well D. wrongA. leave B. refuse C. contact D. forgiveA. explaining B. sleepin

40、g C. wondering D. regrettingA. poor B. timely C. final D. toughA. eagerly B. politely C. nervously D. curiouslyA. patience B. presence C. intelligence D. InfluenceA. Comfortable B. Expensive C. Empty D. ModernA. Interested in B. aware of C. doubtful D. satisfied withA. when B. where C. which D. that

41、A. abandoning B. balancing C. comparing D. mixingA. Depending on B. supplied with C. Faced with D. Insisting onA. different B. friendly C. positive D. generalA. criticized B. informed C. warned D. remindedA. managed B. offered C. attempted D. expectedA. grateful B. energetic C. independent D. practi

42、calA. examples B. limits C. rules D. goalsA. question B. experience C. history D. occasionA. pay off B. come back C. run out D. turn upA. blessing B. gathering C. failure D. pleasure【2014安徽卷】完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。In 2012, I had just recove

43、red form a serious illness when I received an invitation to a writers conference in Orlando, Florida. My family persuaded me that a(n) 36 might be just what the doctor ordered, so off I 37 . Arriving in the Sunshine State was rather tiring, but I 38 to catch a taxi to my 39 and settle in. Next morni

44、ng, I took another 40 to the shopping centre to buy a few souvenirs. 41 I went to a cafe to have lunch, but all the tables were 42 . Then I heard a friendly voice saying, You can 43 my table.I gratefully sat down with the 44 lady and we had a happy lunch together. As the 45 drew to a close she asked

45、 how long I would be in Orlando. I had already told her that I hadnt 46 a car, and hadnt realised how 47 taking taxis would he, After a while she said, My dear, dont use any more taxis. Im retired and it would be my pleasure to 48 you wherever you wish. I told her that I couldnt put her to that 49 ,

46、but she brushed aside my protests (反对)。She asked me where I was 50 and next morning she was waiting at my apartment at the 51 time to take me to Disney World. She spent some time with me before leaving me to 52 alone. At the end of the day, she 53 to take me back to my accommodation. I 54 her money

47、but she refused to take any.Ill never forget that wonderful lady who, through her 55 , filled my brief holiday in Florida with wonderful memories.A. holiday B. ceremonyC. operationD. experimentA. kept B. went C. droppedD. knockedA. intended B. promised C. managedD. deservedA. hospital B. companyC. u

48、niversityD. accommodationA. colleague B. passenger C. suitcaseD. taxiA. Instead B. First C. LaterD. OnceA. classifiedB. occupiedC. decoratedD. paintedA. share B. reserveC. setD. possessA. oldB. poor C. innocentD. stubbornA. journey B. mealC. speechD. interviewA. donated B.repairedC. hired D. guidedA

49、.convenient B. worthwhileC. unfortunateD. expensiveA.inspire B. entertainC. callD. driveA.businessB. argument C. troubleD. challengeA.working B. stayingC. movingD. shoppingA.appointedB.limitedC. favourite D. regularA. digestB. explore C.perform D. calculateA.forgotB. refusedC. returnedD.preferredA.s

50、entB.lentC. offered D. owedA.confidenceB. dignityC.curiosityD. kindness【2014全国新课标I】完形填空(共20 小题;每小题两分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。As a general rule, all forms of activity lead to boredom when they are performed on a routine basis. As a matter of fact, we can see

51、 this _41_at work in people of all _42_. For example, on Christmas morning, children are excited about _43_with their new toys. But their _44_soon wear off and by January those_45_toys can be found put away in the basement. The world is full of_46_stamp albums and unfinished models, each standing as

52、 a monument to someones _47_interest. When parents bring home a pet, their child_48_bathes it and brushes its fur. Within a short time, however, the_49_of caring the animal is handed over to the parents. Adolescent enter high school with great_50_but soon looking forward to_51_. The same is true of

53、the young adults going to the college. And then, how many_52_, who complain about the long drives to work, _53_drove for hours at a time when they first_54_ their drivers licenses? Before people retire, they usually _55_to do a lot of_56_things, which never had _57_while working. But _58_after retir

54、ement, the golfing, the fishing , the reading and all of the other pastimes become as boring as the jobs they _59_. And, like the child in January, they go searching for new_60_.A.principle B.habit C.way D.powerA.parties B.races C.countries D.agesA.working B.living C.playing D.goingA.confidence B.in

55、terest C.anxiety D.sorrowA.same B.extra C.funny D.expensiveA.well-organized B.colorfully-printed C.newly-collected D.half-filledA.broad B.passing C.different D.mainA.silently B.impatiently C.gladly D.worriedlyA.promise B.burden C.right D.gameA.courage B.calmness C.confusion D.excitementA.graduation

56、B.independence C.responsibility D.successA.children B.students C.adults D.retirees A.carefully B.eagerly C. nervously D.bravelyA.required B.obtained C.noticed D.discovered A.need B.learn C.start D.planA.great B.strange C.difficult D.correctA.time B.money C.skills D.knowledgeA.only B.well C.even D.so

57、onA.lost B.choose C.left D.quitA.pets B.toys C.friends D.colleagues【2014浙江卷】完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140各题所给的四个选项中(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。I had worried myself sick over Simons mother coming to see me.I was a new 21 , and I gave an honest account of the students work. In Simon

58、s case, the grades were awfully low. He couldnt read his own handwriting. 22 he was a bright student. He discussed adult subjects with nearly adult comprehension. His work in no way reflected his 23 .So when Simons mother entered the room, my palms(手掌心) were sweating. I was completely 24 for her lis

59、ses on both my cheeks.“I came to thank you,” she said, surprising me beyond speech. 25 me, Simon had become a different person. He talked of how he 26 me, he had began to make friends, and for the first time in his twelve years, he had 27 spent an afternoon at a friends house. She wanted to tell me

60、how grateful she was for the28 I had nurtured(培养) in her son. She kissed me again and left.I sat, stunned (惊呆), for about half an hour, 29 what had just happened. How did I make such a life-changing difference to that boy without 30 knowing it? What I finally came to 31 was one day, several months b

61、efore, when some students were 32 reports in the front of the class, Jeanne spoke 33 , and to encourage her to raise her voice, L had sai, “Speak up. Simons the expert on this. He is the 34 one you have to convince, and he cant hear you in the 35 of the room.” That was it. From that day on, Simon ha

62、d sat up straighter, paid more attention, 36more, and became happy. And it was all because he 37 to be the last kid in the last row. The boy who most needed 38 was the one who took the last seat that day.It taught me the most 39 lesson over the years of my teaching career, and Im thankful that it ca

63、me 40 and positively. A small kindness can indeed make a difference. A. cleaner B. reporter C. monitor D. teacherA. Or B. And C. But D. So A. courage B. abilities C. feelings D. dream A. desperate B. responsible C. unprepared D. unsuitable A. Because of B. In spite of C. Apart from D.As for A. loved

64、 B. envied C. pleased D. criticized A. gradually B. constantly C. recently D. obviouslyA. self-respect B. self-doubt C. self-pity D. self-defence A. imagining B. observing C. wondering D. regretting A. also B. even C. always D. still A. expect B. remember C. believe D. accept A. writing B. reviewing

65、 C. editing D. giving A. quietly B. repeatedly C. quickly D. firmly A. lucky B. lonely C. only D. likely A. entrance B. middle C. front D. back A. slept B. smiled C. shouted D. quarreled A. intended B. pretended C. refused D. happened A. change B. praise C. thanks D. visits A. difficult B. painful C

66、. valuable D. enjoyableA. early B. slowly C. frequently D. occasionally2013年高考试题【2013江苏卷】完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I used to believe in the American Dream, which meant a job, a mortgage (按揭), credit cards, success. I wanted it and worked toward it like

67、 everyone else, all of us 36 chasing the same thing.One year, through a series of unhappy events, it all fell 37 . I found myself homeless and alone. I had my truck and $ 56. I 38 the countryside for some place I could rent for the 39 possible amount. I came upon a shabby house four miles up a windi

68、ng mountain road 40 the Potomac River in West Virginia. It was 41 , full of broken glass and rubbish. I found the owner, rented it, and 42 a corner to camp in.The locals knew nothing about me, 43 slowly, they started teaching me the 44 of being a neighbor. They dropped off blankets, candles, and too

69、ls, and began 45 around to chat. They started to teach me a belief in a 46 American Dreamnot the one of individual achievement but of 47 .What I had believed in, all those things I thought were 48 for a civilized life, were nonexistent in this place. 49 on the mountain, my most valuable possessions

70、were my 50 with my neighbors.Four years later, I moved back into 51 . I saw many people were having a really hard time, 52 their jobs and homes. I managed to rent a big enough house to 53 a handful of people. There are four of us now in the house, but over time Ive had nine people come in and move o

71、n to other places. Wed all be in 54 if we hadnt banded together.The American Dream I believe in now is a shared one. Its not so much about what I can get for myself; its about 55 we can all get by together.36. A. separatelyB. equallyC. violentlyD. naturally37. A. offB. apartC. overD. out38. A. cross

72、edB. leftC. touredD. searched39. A. fullestB. largestC. fairestD. cheapest40. A. atB. throughC. overD. round41. A. occupiedB. abandonedC. emptiedD. robbed42. A. turnedB. approachedC. clearedD. cut43. A. butB. althoughC. otherwiseD. for44. A. benefitB. lessonC. natureD. art45. A. stickingB. lookingC.

73、 swingingD. turning46. A. wildB. realC. differentD. remote47. A. neighborliness B. happinessC. friendlinessD. kindness48. A. uniqueB. expensiveC. rareD. necessary49. A. UpB. DownC. DeepD. Along50. A. cooperationB. relationshipsC. satisfactionD. appointments51. A. realityB. societyC. townD. life52. A

74、. creatingB. losingC. quittingD. offering53. A. put inB. turn inC. take inD. get in54. A. yardsB. sheltersC. campsD. cottages55. A. whenB. whatC. whetherD. how【2013北京卷】完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分)阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Leap(跳跃)to Honor Leaping on a narrow balance b

75、eam(平衡木) is not easy. But Lola Walter, a 13-year-old gymnast, is an expert at it. To perfect her skills, Lola 36 for four hours a day, five days a week. At the state championships in March, she finished seventh out of 16 girls. Thats especially impressive, 37 she is legally blind, born with a rare c

76、ondition that causes her eyes to shift constantly. She often sees double and cant _38 how far away things are. When she was little, her mom 39 that even though she couldnt see 40 , she was fearless. So her mom signed her up for gymnastics when she was three. She loved the 41 right away and gymnastic

77、s became her favorite. Though learning gymnastics has been more 42 for her than for some of her tournaments, she has never quit. She doesnt let her _43 stop her from doing anything that she wants to. She likes the determination it takes to do the sport. Her biggest 44_ is the balance beam. Because s

78、he has double vision, she often sees two beams. She must use her sense of touch to help her during her routine. Sometimes she even closes her eyes. “You have to 45_ your mind that itll take you where you want to go,” says Lola. To be a top-level gymnast, one must be brave. The beam is probably the m

79、ost 46 for anyone because its four inches wide. At the state competition, Lola didnt fall 47 the beam. In fact, she got an 8.1 out of 10- her highest score yet. Lola doesnt want to be 48 differently from the other girls on her team. At the competitions, the judges dont know about her vision _49 _. S

80、he doesnt tell them, because she doesnt think they need to know. Her mom is amazed by her _50 attitude. Lola never thinks about 51_. She is presently at level 7 while the highest is level 10 in gymnastics. Her 52 is to reach level 9. She says she wants to be a gymnastics coach to pass down what shes

81、 learned to other kids 53 she grew up. Lola is 54 of all her hard work and success. She says its helped her overcome problems in her life outside gymnastics, too. Her 55 for others is “just believe yourself”.36. A. runs B. teaches C. trains D. dances37. A. since B. unless C. after D. though38. A. te

82、ll B. guess C. assume D. predict39. A. suspectedB remembered C. imagined D. noticed40. A. deeply B. well C. ahead D. closely41. A. task B. sport C. event D. show42. A. boring B. enjoyable C. difficult D. unsatisfactory43. A. talent B. quality C. nature D. condition44. A. doubt B. advantage C. challe

83、nge D. program45. A. examineB. express C. open D. trust46. A. fearful B. harmful C. unfair D. inconvenient47. A. to B. on C. off D. against48. A. greeted B. treated C. served D. paid49. A. pains B. stresses C. injuries D. problems50. A. positive B. friendly C. flexible D. caution51. A. defendingB. q

84、uitting C. winning D. bargaining52. A. standardB. range C. view D. goal53. A. until B. as C. when D. before54. A. proud B. tired C. ashamed D. confident55. A. plan B. advice C. reward D. Responsibility【2013辽宁卷】完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填人空白处

85、的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑:A little girl lived in a simple and poor house on a hill. Usually she 36 play in the small garden. She could see over the garden fence and across the valley a wonderful house with shining golden windows high on another hill. 37 she loved her parents and her family, she desired to liv

86、e in such a house and 38 all day about how wonderful and exciting 39 must feel to live there.At the age when she gained some 40 skill and sensibility (识别力),she 41 her mother for a bike ride 42 the garden. Her mother finally allowed her to go, 43 her keeping close to the house and not 44 too far. The

87、 day was beautiful. The little girl knew 45 where she was heading! 46 the hill and across the valley, she rode to the 47 of the golden house.48 she got off her bike and put it against the gate post, she focused on the path 49 to the house and then on the house itself. She was very disappointed when

88、she 50 that all the windows were 51 and rather dirty.So _ 52 and heart-broken, she didnt go any further. She 53 and all of a sudden she saw an amazing 54 . There on the other side of the valley was a little house and its windows were golden. Looking at her little home, she 55 that she had been livin

89、g in her golden house filled with love and care. Everything she dreamed was right there in front of her nose!36. A. mightB. shouldC. wouldD. must37. A. UnlessB. AlthoughC. SinceD. But38. A. dreamedB. worriedC. askedD. shouted39. A. thisB. thatC. itD. which40. A. differentB. scientificC. musicalD. ba

90、sic41. A. beggedB. blamedC. invitedD. paid42. A. insideB. outsideC. throughD. along43. A. insisting on B. relying on C. arguing aboutD.wondering about 44. A. travelingB. runningC. ridingD. walking45. A. madlyB. rapidlyC. exactlyD. possibly46. A. OverB. DownC. AroundD. Beside47. A. windowsB. stepsC.

91、centerD. gate48. A. UntilB. AsC. WhileD. Because 49. A. gettingB. introducingC. leadingD. moving50. A. feltB. learnedC. concludedD. found 51. A. transparentB. bright C. plain D. wide 52. A. anxious B. angry C. serious D. sad53. A. turned around B. cheered up C. settled down D. dropped in54. A. hillB

92、. valleyC. backgroundD. sight55. A. imaginedB. decidedC. realizedD. guessed【2013四川卷】完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Look, its Baldy! A boy shouted in my direction across the playground. Even though I was used to regular insults(侮辱) because of the 11

93、on my head, it was 12 horrible to hear. I sighed as I headed back to the class.When I was just 20 months old, I suffered serious 13 after a bowl full of hot oil fell on my head. I was 14 to hospital and had to stay there for weeks while the doctors 15 to save my life. Hollys very 16 to be alive, the

94、y told Mum and Dad. But shell be 17 with scars on her head, and of course her hair wont grow there.As a child, I cared much about my scars, so I 18 wore a scarf to cover them up when I left home. 19 I didnt, people would call me horrible names like Baldy. Although my friends were always comforting m

95、e, they never 20 understood how it felt.Then through the hospital I was 21 to a childrens burns camp, where children like me can get any help. There, I 22 14-year-old Stephanie, whose burns are a lot more serious than mine. But she is so 23 that she never lets anyone put her down. You shouldnt 24 wh

96、at people say about what you look like because were not different from anyone else, Holly, she 25 me. And you dont need to wear a scarf because you look great 26 it! For the first time in my life I could speak to someone whod been through something 27 . So weeks later, at my 13th birthday party, 28

97、by her bravery, I gave up my scarf and showed off my scars. It felt amazing not having to 29 away behind my scarf.Now, I am 30 of what I look like and much happier, because I have realized it is your personality(个性)that decides who you truly are.11. A. hat B. scarf C. scars D. cuts12. A. still B. ju

98、st C. never D. seldom13. A. hunger B. cold C. defeats D. burns14. A. rushed B. led C. invited D. forced15. A. learned B. fought C. returned D. decided16. A. happy B. lucky C. lonely D. poor17. A. pressed B. occupied C. left D. painted18. A. possibly B. usually C. finally D. nearly19. A. Although B.

99、Since C. If D. Before20. A. correctly B. roughly C. easily D. really21. A. promoted B. introduced C. reported D. carried22. A. met B. recognized C. remembered D. caught23. A. honest B. strong C. active D. young24. A. write down B. agree with C. pass on D. listen to25. A. promised B. encouraged C. or

100、dered D. calmed26. A. in B. for C. without D. beyond27. A. similar B. strange C. hard D. important28. A. allowed B. required C. guided D. inspired29. A. hide B. give C. keep D. put30. A. sick B. aware C. tired D. proud【2013山东卷】完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题

101、卡将该项涂黑。I used to be a very self-centered person, but in the past two years I have really changed. I have started to think about other people_36_I think about myself. I am happy that I am becoming a_37_person. I think my _38_started when I was at Palomar College. At first, I just wanted to get my_39_

102、and be left alone. I thought I was smarter than everyone else, so I hardly ever_40_ to anyone in my classes. By the end of my first semester, I was really_41_. It seemed as if everyone but me had made friends and was having fun. So tried a(n) _42_. I started asking people around me how they were doi

103、ng, and if they were having trouble I_43_ to help. That was really a big_44_for me. By the end of the year, I had several new friends, and two of_45_are still my best friends today. A bigger cause of my new_46_, however, came when I took a part-time job at a Vista Nursing Home. One old lady there wh

104、o had Alzheimers disease became my_47_ . Every time I came into her room, she was so _48_ because she thought I was her daughter. Her real daughter never_49_her, so I took her place. She let me _50_that making others feel good made me feel good, too. When she died, I was_51_, but I was very grateful

105、 to her. I think I am a much_52_ person today than I used to be, and I hope I will not_53_ these experiences. They have _54_ me to care about other people more than about myself. I _55_who I am today, and I could not say that a few years ago. 36. A. since B. before C. or D. unless37. A. famousB. sim

106、pleC. different D. skilled 38. A. education B. careerC. tourD. change39. A. balanceB. homeworkC. degreeD. interest 40. A. talked B. wrote C. lied D. reported 41. A. carefulB. lonelyC. curiousD. guilty 42. A. argument B. game C. experiment D. defence 43. A. dared B. offered C. hesitated D. happened 4

107、4. A. dream B. problemC. duty D. step 45. A. usB. which C. them D. whom46. A. attitude B. hobbyC. hope D. luck 47. A. friendB. partnerC. guide D. guest 48. A. politeB. happy C. strange D. confident 49. A. bothered B. answered C. visited D. trusted 50. A. explainB. guessC. declareD. see51. A. homeles

108、sB. heartbrokenC. bad-tempered D. hopeless 52. A. quieterB. busier C. better D. richer53. A. forget B. faceC. improve D. analyze 54. A. forced B. preferred C. ordered D. taught55. A. missB. like C. wonder D. expect 2012年高考试题(2012天津卷) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I fell in love with Y

109、osemite National Park the first time I saw it, when I was 13. My parents took us there for camping. On the way out, I asked them to wait while I ran up to El Capitan, a _16_ rock of 3,300 feet straight up. I touched that giant rock and knew _17_ I wanted to climb it. That has been my lifes passion (

110、钟爱) ever since _18_ the rocks and mountains of Yosemite. Ive long made Yosemite my _19_.About 15 years ago I started seeing a lot of _20_, like toilet paper, beer cans, and empty boxes, around the area. Its _21_ me why visitors started respecting the place _22_ and treated such a beautiful homelike

111、place this way.I tried _23_ trash (垃圾) myself, but the job was too big. I would _24_ an hour or two on the job, only to find the area trashed all over again weeks later. Finally, I got so _25_ it that I decided something had to change.As a rockclimbing guide, I knew _26_ about organizing any big eve

112、nt. But in 2004,together with some climbers, I set a date for a _27_. On that day,more than 300 people _28_. Over three days we collected about 6,000 pounds of trash. It was amazing how much we were able to _29_. I couldnt believe the _30_ we madethe park looked clean!Each year volunteers come for t

113、he cleanup from everywhere. In 2007 alone, 2,945 people picked up 42,330 pounds of trash and _31_ 132 miles of roadway.I often hear people _32_ about their surroundings. If you are one of them, I would say the only way to change things is by _33_ rather than complaining. We need to teach by _34_. Yo

114、u cant blame others _35_ you start with yourself.16A.distant Bhuge CnarrowDloose17A.immediately Bfinally Cgradually Drecently18A.imagining Bpainting Cdescribing Dclimbing19A.garden Bhome Clab Dpalace20A.material Bresources Cwaste Dgoods21A.beyond Bagainst Cover Dwithin22A.more Bmost Cless Dleast23A.

115、throwing away Bpicking upCbreaking down Ddigging out24A.kill Bsave Cwait Dspend25A.satisfied with Bdelighted in Ctired of Dused to26A.something Banything Ceverything Dnothing27A.cleanup Bparty Cpicnic Dconcert28A.dropped out Bshowed up Clooked around Dcalled back29A.demand Breceive Caccomplish Dover

116、come30A.plan Bvisit Ccontact Ddifference31A.crossed Bmeasured Ccovered Ddesigned32A.talk Bcomplain Cargue Dquarrel33A.doing Bthinking Cquestioning Dwatching34A.method Bexplanation Cexample Dresearch35A.although Bif Cwhen Dunless(2012湖北卷)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I tend to accept

117、 any idea put forward by experts on TV. One day, a sociologist proposed that the _31_ society has been consuming modern humans little by little. For fear that I would become a victim of the consumer society, I _32_ hurried to a bicycle shop in my neighborhood. _33_ the shopkeeper Mr. Johnson was sel

118、ling me the bicycle, he said, “This is the best thing you _34_ have done. Life has become hopelessly _35_. A bicycle is simple, and it brings to you _36_ things: fresh air, sunshine and exercise,” I agreed. Happy as a child, I got on the bicycle and headed out onto the streets. After some time, I _3

119、7_ at the other end of the town. I was _38_ that this simple vehicle could let me _39_ long distances in a fairly short time. But how _40_ did I really go? Since I hated to be _41_, I went back to Mr. Johnson and asked him to _42_ an odometer (里程表) on my bicycle. He agreed, but _43_, “An odometer wi

120、thout a speedometer (速度计) is like a _44_ without a knife.” I admitted he was right and in a few minutes, the two devices (装置) were _45_ to the handlebars of my bicycle. “What about a horn?” he then asked. “Look, this horn is no larger than a matchbox and has many _46_.” Attracted by these functions,

121、 I bought the horn.“You cant leave the back part _47_” noted Mr. Johnson. He fixed a metal box with buttons _48_ the seat, and said, “Is there anything better than this oven when you feel _49_ on your way? I can give you a special discount, ” I was not strong enough to _50_ the offer.“I congratulate

122、 you once more; this is the best thing you could have done.” said Mr. Johnson in the end.31A.adult Bhuman Cconsumer Dbachelor32A.eventually Bimmediately Creluctantly Dgratefully33A.Although BBecause CAs DUnless34A.would Bshould Cmust Dcould35A.boring Bcomplicated Cstressful Dtough36A.natural Bmyster

123、ious Ccomplex Dunique37A.gave up Bbroke down Ccalmed down Dended up38A.amazed Bamused Cconfused Dconcerned39A.march Bdrive Ccover Dmeasure40A.far Blong Cfast Ddeep41A.unreliable Bimpractical Cunprepared Dinaccurate42A.fix Bcheck Crepair Dlay43A.swore Badded Creplied Dconcluded44A.pencil Bfork Cbox D

124、cake45A.distributed Bconverted Capplied Dattached46A.shapes Bsizes Cfunctions Dmodels47A.loose Bblank Cbare Dincomplete48A.beside Bbefore Cbelow Dbehind49A.sick Bhungry Chot Dthirsty50A.consider Bwithdraw Cmake Dresist(2012福建卷)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I often read of incidents o

125、f misunderstanding or conflict. Im left _36_.Why do these people create mistrust and problems, especially with those from other _37_?I was growing up in Kuala Lumpur in the early 1960s,_38_ children from different races and religions played and studied _39_ in harmony. At that time my family lived a

126、 stones _40_ from Ismails. And no one was bothered that Ismail was a Malay Muslim and I was an Indian Hinduwe just _41_ our differences. Perhaps, our elders had not filled our heads with unnecessary advice, well _42_ or otherwise.We were nine when we became friends. During the school holidays, wed _

127、43_ the countryside on our bicycles, hoping to _44_ the unexpected. At times Ismail would accompany my family as we made a rare shopping trip to town. We would be glad of his _45_.When I was twelve, my family moved to Johor. Ismails family later returned to their village, and I _46_ touch with him.O

128、ne spring afternoon in 1983, I stopped a taxi in Kuala Lumpur. I _47_ my destination. The driver acknowledged my _48_ but did not move off. Instead, he looked _49_ at me.“Raddar?”he said, using my childhood nickname(绰号)I was astonished at being so _50_ addressed(称呼). Unexpectedly! It was Ismail! Eve

129、n after two _51_ we still recognized each other. Grasping his shoulder, I felt a true affection, something _52_ to describe.If we can allow our children to be _53_ without prejudice, theyll build friendships with people, regardless of race or religion, who will be _54_ their side through thick and t

130、hin. On such friendships are societies built and _55_ we can truly be, as William Shakespeare once wrote,“we happy few, we band of brothers”36A.interested Bpleased Cpuzzled Dexcited37A.parties Bcities Cvillages Draces38A.why Bwhich Chow Dwhen39A.together Baround Calone Dapart40A.drop Bthrow Cmove Dr

131、oll41A.refused Bmade Csought Daccepted42A.paid Bmeant Cpreserved Dtreated43A.explore Bsearch Cdiscover Ddesert44A.get through Bdeal with Ccome across Dtake away45A.arrival Bchoice Ceffort Dcompany46A.lost Bgained Cdeveloped Dmissed47A.stated Bordered Cdecided Dchose48A.attempts Binstructions Copinio

132、ns Darrangements49A.anxiously Bcarelessly Cdisappointedly Dfixedly50A.familiarly Bstrangely Cfully Dcoldly51A.departures Bmonths Cyears Ddecades52A.possible Bfunny Chard Dclear53A.them Bthemselves Cus Dourselves54A.from Bby Cwith Dagainst55A.still Botherwise Cthen Dinstead2011年高考题1.(2011全国新课标卷)完形填空

133、In our discussion with people on how education can help them succeed in life,a woman remembered the first meeting of an introductory_36_course about 20 years ago. The professor _37_the lecture hall,placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans(豆), and invited the students to _38_how many

134、beans the jar contained.After _39_shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thin,dry smile,announced the _40_ answer,and went on saying,”You have just _41_an important lesson about science.That is Never_42_ your own senses.” Twenty years later,the _43_could guess what the professor had i

135、n mind.He _44_himself,perhaps,as inviting his students to start an exciting _45_into an unknown worldInvisible(无形的)to the 46 ,which can be discovered only through scientific 47 .But the seventeen-year-old girl could not accept or even 48 the invitation.She was just 49 to understand the world.And she

136、 50 that her firsthand experience could be the 51 .The professor,however,said that it was 52 .he was taking away her only 53 for knowing and was providing her with no substitute.“I remember feeling small and 54 ,”the women says,“and I did the only thing I could do.I 55 the course that afternoon,and

137、I havent gone near science since.”36A.artB.historyC.scienceD.math37A.searched for B.looked atC.got throughD.marched into38A.countB.guessC.reportD.watch39A.warningB.givingC.turning awayD.listening to40A.readyB.possibleC.correctD.difficult41A.learnedB.preparedC.taughtD.taken42A.loseB.trustC.sharpenD.s

138、how43A.lecturerB.scientistC.speakerD.woman44A.describedB.respectedC.sawD.served45A.voyageB.movementC.changeD.rush46.A.professor B.eye C.knowledge D.light47.A.model B.senses C.spirit D.methods48.A.hear B.make C.present D.refuse49.A.suggesting B.beginning C.pretending D.waiting50.A.believed B.doubted

139、C.proved D.explained51. A.growth B.strength C.faith D.truth52.A.firm B.interesting C.wrong D.acceptable53.A.task B.tool C.success D.connection54.A.cruel B.proud C.frightened D.brave55.A.dropped B.started C. passed D.missed2.(2011北京卷)完形填空I used to hate being called upon in class mainly because I didn

140、t like attention drawn to myself. And 36 otherwise assigned(指定)a seat by the teacher, I always 37 to sit at the back of the classroom.All this 38 after I joined a sports team. It began when a teacher suggested I try out for the basketball team. At first I thought it was a crazy 39 because I didnt ha

141、ve a good sense of balance, nor did I have the 40 to keep pace with the others on the team and they would tease me. But for the teacher who kept insisting on my “ 41 for it”, I wouldnt have decided to give a try.Getting up the courage to go to the tryouts was only the 42 of it! When I first started

142、43 the practice sessions, I didnt even know the rules of the game, much 44 what I was doing. Sometimes Id get 45 and take a shot at the wrong directionwhich made me feel really stupid. 46 , I wasnt the only one “new” at the game, so I decided to 47 on learning the game, do my best at each practice s

143、ession, and not be too hard on myself for the things I didnt 48 “just yet”.I practiced and practiced. Soon I knew the 49 and the “moves”. Being part of a team was fun and motivating. Very soon the competitive 50 in me was winning over my lack of confidence. With time, I learned how to play and made

144、friends in the 51 friends who respected my efforts to work hard and be a team player. I never had so much fun!With my 52 self-confidence comes more praise from teachers and classmates. I have gone from “53” in the back of the classroom and not wanting to call attention to myself, 54 raising my hand

145、even when I sometimes wasnt and not 100 percent 55 I had the right answer. Now I have more self-confidence in myself.36. A. as B. until C. unless D. though37. A. hoped B. agreed C. meant D. chose38. A. continued B. changed C. settled D. started39. A. idea B. plan C.belief D. saying40. A. right B. ch

146、ance C. ability D.patience41. A. going B. looking C. cheering D. applying42. A. point B. half C. rest D. basis43. A. enjoying B. preparing C. attending D. watching44. A. less B. later C. worse D. further45. A. committed B. motivated C. embarrassed D. confused46. A. Interestingly B. Fortunately C. Ob

147、viously D. hopefully47. A. focus B. act C. rely D. try48. A. want B. do C. support D. know49. A. steps B. orders C. rules D. games50. A. roles B. part C. mind D. value51. A. process B. operation C. movement D. situation52. A. expressed B. improved C. preserved D. recognized53. A. dreaming B. playing

148、 C. relaxing D. hiding54. A. by B. for C. with D. to55. A. lucky B. happy C. sure D. satisfied3.(2011天津卷)完形填空A Love Note To My MomWhen I was a little girl, would often accompany you as you modeled for fashion photographers. It was years later that finally understood what role modeling 16 in your lif

149、e. Little did I known you were 17 every penny you earned to go to 18 school.I cannot thank you enough for 19 you told me one autumn afternoon when I was nine. After finishing my homework. I wanted into the dining where you were buried 20 piles of law books. I was 21 .Why were you doing what I domemo

150、rizing textbooks and studying for 22 ?When you said you were in law school, I was more puzzled. I didnt known. Moms 23 be lawyers too. You smiled and said,“In life, you can do anything you want to do.”As young as I was ,that statement kept 24 in my ears. I watched as you faced the 25 of completing y

151、our studies, staring companies with Dad, while still being a 26 and a Mom if five kids. I was exhausted just watching you 27 .With your words of wisdom in my 28 mind, I suddenly felt unlimited freedom to dream. My whole world 29 .I set out to live my life filled with 30 ,seeing endless possibilities

152、 for personal and professional achievements.Your words became my motto. I 31 found myself in the unique position of being either the first (woman doctor in Maryland Rotary) 32 one of the few women (chief medical reporters) in my field. I gained strength every time I said , “Yes, Ill try that.” Encou

153、raged by your 33 , I have forged ahead (毅然前行) with my lifes journey, less afraid to make mistakes, and 34 meeting each challenge. You did it, and now Im 35 it. Sorry, got to run. So much to do, so many dreams to live.16. A. found B. play C. kept D. provided17. A. saving B. making C. donating D. rece

154、iving 18. A. business B. fashion C. law D. medical19. A. what B. that C. which D. where20. A. at B. to C. upon D. under21. A. amused B. worried C. puzzled D. disappointed22. A. role B. tests C. positions D. shows23. A. must B. ought to C. need D. could24. A. ringing B. blowing C. falling D. beating2

155、5. A. choices B. chances C. challenges D. changes26. A. professor B. doctor C. reporter D. model27. A. in danger B. in action C. in trouble D. in charge28. A. weak B. powerful C. youthful D. empty29. A. came back B. closed down C. went by D. opened up30. A. hope B. hardship C. harmony D. sadness31.

156、A. constantly B. shortly C. hardly D. nearly 32. A. and B. but C. or D. for33. A. description B. statement C. praise D. introduction34. A. secretly B. curiously C. carelessly D. eagerly 35. A. doing B. considering C. correcting D. reading5.(2011湖南卷)完形填空 Directions: For each blank in the following pa

157、ssage, there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. People in communities have slowly been pushed apart through the years, mostly because people simply arent taking the time to say a simple “hello,” After considering this p

158、henomenon, I decided I was going to 36 the way I was doing things. My 37 came one morning when I was in the community library. I passed by a girl who 38 her books out of her locker .Thinking like most that someone else would help her pick them up, I continued my way. However, when I had to 39 becaus

159、e I stupidly forgot my book, I noticed she had just finished packing them up by herself he one had stopped to 40 her. “OK,” I thought to myself, “this is where I should have changed.” My best opportunity came a few days later when I saw a man 41 by himself waiting for the library to open ,so I sat d

160、own next to him and began a 42 .It was difficult to get started ,and even when I had to say goodbye, almost every 43 from my new friend had a tone (语气) of doubt in it ,And who could blame him? People arent used to making an 44 chat with a stranger. But a change, no matter how 45 it is needed, doesnt

161、 just happen. It takes people like us to make it possible. I 46 you to take a small step out of your comfort zone and try to make someones day a little brighter, Together, we can really make come 47 as a whole.36. A. change B. explain C. learn D. show37. A. trouble B. doubt C. wish D. opportunity38.

162、 A. took B. dropped C. got D. pulled39. A. come out B. stand by C. go back D. turn up40. A. please B. greet C. help D. praise41. A. sitting B. walking C. riding D. running 42. A. discussion B. lesson C. report D. conversation43. A. joke B. response C. cry D. story44. A. unchangeable B. unprepared C.

163、 unforgettable D. unfinished45. A. desperately B. frequently C. simply D. widely46. A. allow B. warn C. order D. advise 47. A. tater B. straighter C. closer D. Slower6.(2011福建卷)完形填空 Diana Velex does everythings with maximum effortand at maximum speed.That 36 learning a new language,completing two ce

164、rtificates and opening a store. When arriving in Canada in 2008,she had one 37 ; to have what she had back Home in Colombia.”I didnt want to 38 what I do ,like so many who come to a new Country,” she said .”I 39 to open a store here in Canada but knew I had to 40 myself properly.” Diana quickly real

165、ize that making her dream of shop owership in Canada a 41 Meant going to school to get the 42 education and certification.”My experience of Owning a shop and working as a designer in Colombia gave me43 in my abilities. But I couldt speak the language and I had to 44 how to do things in Canada. It wa

166、s like having to. 45 all over again,”said Diana 46 ,she found just the help she needed for relaunch (重新开张) 47 continuing education at George Brown College. She began taking 48 for both the Essential Skills in Fashion Certificate and the image Consulting Certificate in May 2009. 49 Diana met with the

167、 language barrier, she was always going 50 while at college. By the end of October 2009,she had completed all certificate requirements. Within two years after her 51 in Canada, Diana at last achieved her 52 goal when her new store opened its doors in Torontos Sheppard Center. She was on the fast-tra

168、ck to 53 . Looking back, Diana, a fashion(时装)designer, 54 her achievements to the goal she set, the education she received from the college, and 55 the efforts she made. Now Diana is very happy doing what she is doing. 36. A. requires B. encourages C. introduce D. advises37. A. goal B. memory C. cho

169、ice D. problem38. A. continue B. choose C. change D. lose39. A. demanded B. decided C. agreed D. hesitated40. A. teach B. prepare C. enjoy D. persuade41. A. reality B. fact C. challenge D. wonder 42. A. physical B. private C. primary D. necessary 43. A. pressure B. judgment C. influence D. confidenc

170、e 44. A. put away B. depend on C. learn about D. look into 45. A. advance B. start C. suffer D. work 46. A. Naturally B. Gradually C. Luckily D. Clearly 47. A. through B. for C. before D. with 48. A. notes B. responsibilities C. chances D. courses 49. A. Though B. As C. Since D. Once 50. A. around B. back C. ahead D. out 51. A. adventure B. arrival C. performance D. journey 52. A. original B. common C. another D. distant 53. A. success B. wealth C. glory D. happiness 54. A. adds B. connects C. devotes D. owes 55. A. after all B. above all C. at least D. at first


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