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山东省青岛市2021届高三下学期3月统一质量检测英语试题 PDF版含答案.pdf

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1、2021年高三年级统 一质星检测英语试题2021.03 注意事项:1答卷前,为生务必将自己的姓名、准为证号小写在答题卡上2.回答选抒题时,选出钳小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮掠干净后,再选涂其他答案标开。回答非选抒题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在木试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,本试卷和答题卡 一井交回第一部分阅读(共两节,满分so分)纺一节(共15小题;钳小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出砐佳选项A Summer Teen Volunteer Opportunities Bloomington Parks an

2、d Recreation offers an excellent opportunity for teens to get involved and make a difference in their eommunity by volunteering within a variety of summer youth programs.Summer Teen volunteers assist with activities under the guidanee of experienced staff and gain valuable leadership skills.In the s

3、ummer,teens can apply to volunteer in the following programs:Summer Adventure Playground Program Volunteer Program Dates:June 14.August 12 Location(s):Kelly,Poplar Bridge,Running,Smith,Sunrise and Westwood parks Information:Help facilitate opportunities to play and lead playground participants(in gr

4、ades 2 7)in games,sports,arts and crafls,and make new friendships Mini View Volunteer Program Dates:June 14 August 6 Location:Valley View Elementary School Information:Help to assist with the supervision of preschoolersI st graders in a social/recreational setting.The View Volunteer Program Dates:Ju

5、ne 14-August 6 Location:Valley View Elementary School Information:Help to assist with supervision of 2nd-5th graders in a social/recreational如远Camp Kola Junior Counselor Program Dates:June 14-August 9 Location:East Bush Lake Information:Help campers learn basic outdoor skills while meetiog OCfriends

6、.sin严g crazy songs and having tons of fun To apply,fill out a Parks and Recreation 2021 Summer Teen Volunteer Application.Please be sure to answer all questions and indicate all pro妒m(s)of interest.Applicants ill be contacted吐email with next steps after March 31,2021.Contact us by phooc(952-563-8877

7、)or e七叫at parksrecBloomingtonMN.gov for more information.I.Vhat benefit can volunteers get from the programs?A.Making the community difTcrcnt.B.Bccoming an experienced staff mcmber.C.Acquiring useful leadership skills.D.Getting opportunities for college.2.Which pro即m suits you if you are good面th kin

8、dergarten kids?A.Summer Advcnture Playground Program Volunteer.B.Mini View Volunteer.C.The View Voluntecr.D.Camp Kota Junior Counselor.3.What should you do to apply for the opportunity?A.Fill in nn application fom1 BA.nswcr questions via nn mterv,cw.C.Clarify your program(s)of interest by phonc.D.Co

9、ntact the organizcrs on March 31 英诏试题究1页共10页英诏试尔2页共10页B Everyone has heard the phrase,giving up is not an oplion.Many disregard it and do not believe in it.But this small yet effective phrase gives a strong message.There will always be something that interrupts or causes inconvenience in the journey

10、 to achieve the dreams.But鲤should not drive one away from the path that they are on.Fitting the context perfectly is the story of Ian Wilham.Popularly known as the Social Golfer,Ian William is an accountant,lecturer,author,and a former golf player.He dreamed of pla加g golf at childhood.He would often

11、 observe players playing from a distance.He worked hard and changed his financial 1血itations.Then he began practicing in various golf皿tches.Due to his devotion and love for the sport,he picked up the techniques quickly and soon began playing as a professional.He also dreamed of partieipating in the

12、Senior Golf Tour in the coming year.However,in 1996,Ian was diagnosed with a tumor(肿瘤)in the left part of his brain,which affected his hearing from the right side and damaged his balance nerve.He underwent two surgeries in 1997 with a smile叩d a hope to be cured.Although the surgeries were successful

13、,Jan caught meningitis(脑脱炎)while recovering from it Apart from being hopeful and optimistic,there was no other way Ian could cope with the situation Just as things had begun to normalize,in 2006,Jans body was affected by a major stroke(中风)This stroke numbed the left side of his body.His life-long dr

14、eam of participating in a golf tournament could not be fulfilled anymore.I皿took his time to recover and came back even stronger.He w皿ted to inspire millions with his journey血d decided to share his experiences through a book.Jan has now published his 3rd book Still Crazy After A/117,ese Years in 2020

15、.4.What does the underlined word that in paragraph I refer to?A.The option.8.The message.C.The barrier.D.The dream.5.Vbat can we infer from paragraph 2?A.William showed talent in golf as a child.8.The lack of money prevented him practicing golf at an early age.C.Williams road to becoming a professio

16、nal golfer was smooth D.Talent and ambition made William learn quickly.英语试题第3页共10页6.Which of the following helps William face the illnesses according to the passage?A.Doctorscomfort.B.Familys support.C.Advice from the books.D.Hope and opt血ism7.What can we learn from Williams sto叩A.Move forward whate

17、ver happens.B.Love wins over illness C.Seize every opportunity to learn.D.Luck favors ready minds.cFor many Chinese consumers,a satisfying breakfast is one that includes either hot ponidgc(粥)or steamed buns(t.员头).Cold sandwiches,which are usually popular with w.;.tcmers,arc prob北lyone of the last op

18、tions on their minds.But that is not to say that consumers,especially those in an international city like Shanghai,would avoid everything considered Western for brca哗L For instance,coffee,which has steadily grown in popularity in the country,is one drink that many cannot do without today.To satisfy

19、this growing demand for breakfast scts that combine clements from the East and the West,food companics have bccn rolling out a host of new offerings to attract the customers.One example is Shanghai Qiao Coffee,which was launched by local time-honored food company Qiaojiashan at the end of 2019.Apart

20、 from its traditional dim sum,the store nlso sells、-arious types of coffee.According to Shen Yan,deputy manager of Shanghai Qiaojiashan Food Development Co Ltd.the most popular breakfast set at the moment is the steamed vegetable bun p止过with black coffee.The calories that one gets from a meal featur

21、ing Chinese dim sum and coffee are less than those of a Western breakfast.Since a steamed bun has nearly 200 calorics and a cup of black coffee barely has any calories,this combination can be considered healthy and delicious,said Shen.Even the smaller shoppers in thefood scene邱jumping on the氐st-West

22、 b心订ast trend.Western food establishments,too,have been rolling out Chinese b心还st options.Consumers and even cultural heritage will also benefit from the increased competition.If not for the current trend which has revived interest in certain traditional dim sum,these foods could soon be lost to his

23、toryt Shen said 英语试厄尔4页共10页8.What can we learn about breakfast in Shanghai in paragraph I?A.People prefer porridge and steamed buns.B.Cold sandwiches arc a popular choice.C.People avoid western food for breakfast D.Coffee is a must for many people.9.Why does the set of the steamed vegetable bun with

24、 black coffee sell well?A.Because its newly launched.B.Beeausc it contains more vegetables.C.Because its traditional.D.Because its tasty and healthy.10.What can we learn from Shens words in the last paragraph?A.The competition for breakfast sets is of no benefit to consumers.B.Only big companies hav

25、e the ability to seize the market share.C.Western food companies dont care about East-West breakfast.D.Some traditional foods might disappear without the combination trend.11.What does the author intend to tell us?A.Chinese consumers show more interest in western food.B.Wcstem breakfast is warmly we

26、lcomed by Shanghai people.C.The Chinese-Western breakfast set is beeoming a hit in Shanghai D.Shanghai Qiao Coffee has won great suceess for its breakfast sets droughts and heatwaves means a loss of crop production and one and a half acres of forest 1s cut down every second.Of course,just because yo

27、ung people are now readily armed with statistics such as these doesnt mean all adults will eagerly listen to them.Many write off young activists simply due to their age,and others still arent willing to see the environmental challenges we face,but that doesnt mean a difference cant be made A study o

28、n partieipants aged 16-24 in the UN climate negotiations revealed that adults perceived younger activists as being more trustworthy due to the lack of financial incenti心(刺激)to be there.Young activists often have an independent view of whats going on and,being free from politics,they often say what a

29、dults arent willing to.So,it seems achieving a carbon neutral world in the future might depend on young determined voices inspiring experienced adults who can make a difference.D In 2019,more than 1.4 million young people around the globe took part in the School Strikes for Climate Action protests t

30、hat were largely advocated by 17-ycar-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg.The inspirational young Swede,while a media favourite,is far from the first or last young person to fight for a better environmental future With the rise of social media in recent years,websites such as YouTubc provide accessi

31、ble coverage on ccological mattcrs that quickly gather millions of views,and links to new scientific infonnation are easily shared between peers.But,its not just onlmc research that exposes the truth,and its not a distant threat either.Climate change is happening around us as we speak;an increase of

32、 12.Why is Greta Thunberg mentioned in the first paragraph?A.To show that the young activists arc playing a part.B.To give an introduction to Greta Thunberg.C.To illustrate lhc seriousness of climate change D.To arouse readers interest io environmental protection 13.What does the underlined phrase w

33、rite offin paragraph 3 probably mean?A.Consider unimportant.B.Take seriously.C.Give up.D.Write dmm.14.What does paragraph 4 focus on?A.The way young activists work.B.The advantages young activists have.C.The contributions young activists make D.The views young activists hold 15.Which can be a suitab

34、le title for the text?A.Greta Thunberg:an outstnnding activist B.Climate change:a matter needing everyones attention C.The rise of soeial media m吐es ecological matters ncccssiblc.D.The young are making a difference to the environmental fururc 英语试题第5页共10页英iii试过lil 6页共10页第二节(共5小题:每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短

35、文,从短文后的选项中选出可以坟入空白处的垃佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项Shooting down an ice-covered track,a bobsled(大舌橇can goC钰ter than 80 miles an hour.16 Th e answer ts a combinallon of athletics皿d se1enee At the start of a race,the crews push their sled,building up speed before they jump in for the ride.For months before the race,

36、the crew members have built up explosive power in their legs.That means doing a lot of jumps,and sprints(冲刺跑)It also means pushing heavy sleds!The push is the crews only chance to add speed.17 The design of the sleds runners(滑板)reduces their friction with the ice.18 They may not melt enough ice for

37、a fast ride.Runners that are too rounded may become too warm,softening the ice and slowing the sled dOll.I 9 The rules state that all runners must be made of the same type of steel,and crews may polish them using only approved materials.Before each race,officials check the temperature of the runners

38、.Runners may not be more than a few degrees warmer than the ice.20 But remember the sled must not be too fastthe crew still needs to be able to reach the bottom safely.A.Vhy do people go for the sport?B.Crews polish their runners for a fast ride.C.The riders sit inside a hard shell,ealled cowling(整流

39、罩)D.How do bobsleds go C还ter than cars on a highway?E.A hot runner will melt more ice and may possibly go faster.F.Runners that arc too flat would spread the friction over a wide area G.All other work goes into keeping other forces from slowing the bobsled down 第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共1 5小题:每小题1分,满分

40、15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的砓佳选项Devin Hinkston,30,was driving through the town when he spotted a boy playing basketball tn his driveway.When he got 21,he realized the boy was using a trash can as a basketball hoop 英语试题第7页共10页Hinkston decided to-22_ that.I always do random acts of 23,Hinks

41、ton said.For example,when I see a _11 pct-son,Ill buy him a jacket or food.I just never 25 about 1t on social media bccau丈thats not the reason why I do it.I do it from the _还When Hinkston _互_ the house with a basketball hoop as a gift,he was greeted by Patricia Williams and her 8-year-old grandson J

42、eremiah.Williams said Jeremiah loves 28 and pla)-s it in the league in a local church.,This man was a complete _边_,Williams said.I just started crying because I felt he叩sanangel.Hinkston said he got 30 too.Jeremiah was jumping for 31and I was dropping tears,Hinkston said.It was special.Hinkston said

43、 he bas stayed in工with the family and plans to go back to the house to help them 33 the basketball hoop.His 34 dream,he said,is to one day fund a _li_ gym for the kids in the eommunity so they have activities to do afier school.21.A.faster 22.A.make 23.A.kindness 24.A.lucky 25.A.think 26.A.heart 27.

44、A.left 28.A.sports 29.A.helper 30.A.emotional 31.A.joy 32.A.mood 33.A.buy 34.A.unrealistic 35.A.super B.closer B.change B.happiness B.wealthy B.argue B.beginning B.passed by D.athletes B.supporter D.lost B.shock B.lifc B.fit D.early B.nonprofit C.clearer C.find C.freedom C.homeless C.complain C.bene

45、fit C.pulled up to C.gif C.loser C.hopeful C.fun C.touch C.prep皿C.stand血C.splendid D.sooner D.get D.surprise D.=lcss D.post D.young D.built D.b迅etb:i.11D.s止m穿rD.cr:i.巧D.;sh D.tension D.br,:ik D.ultimnte D.s伈inl英诏试妇尔8页共10页第二节(共10小题:和小题1.5分,沽分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处坟入1个适当的1(!.词或括号内单词的正确形式What will you think o

46、f when hearing the word kung fu?The answer for most people may be Shaolin mo心,Bruce Lee or Kung Fu Panda.6 for Laurence J.Brahm,an American documentary filmmaker,the first thing加t_丑_(spring)lo mind is the concept of non-violence.Wushu,38(translate)intomartial arts in English,is the Chincsc name for

47、kung fu.Martial means military,while Wushu doesnt really mean!hat.Brahm told the people _.12(nllend)the premicre(百映)of his latest work,Searching for Kung Fu.As Brahm cxplained,if you break down 40 charactervu,it consists of two characters one is ge,meaning dagger-axe;the other is zhi,meaning to stop

48、.So,the meaning of martial arts in Chincse is上(actual)the art of stopping fighting In thc movic,Brahm digs into lite principles and values in this Chinese cultural legacy(遗产)dates back lhousands of years but keeps 43(it)cnonnous influence and auraction to this day.According to Brahm,kung fu movies h

49、ave a _一生(mass)fan base around the world,not just because of the fight seenes,but also because oflhc 45(wise),philosophy,morality and strategy WI山in tlte movies.He hopes his movie ca help build bridges and understanding across nations and among people 第三部分写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)假定你是李华,你校要举办中国艺术展 请你给

50、外教Mr.Smith写封邮件,邀请他来观展,内容包括:I.展览的时间和地点;2.展览内容注意:写作词数应为80左右第二节(泊分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和肝给段诏开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Sarah lived in a big family一four children with three sisters older than her.Father worked hard on the farm all day long to support the family.They had to save every penny to make ends meet One win

51、ter morning in March,Sarah put on her old spring coat to go out and play.These buttons dont work,Sarah said to Mama.Just then,Mama noticed that this coat was too small for Sarah.She promised Sarah that after her sisters lei for school,she would check the band-me-dollS(旧衣服)for a coat that fit.When th

52、e house was quiet,Mama went to the hall closet and pulled out all the old spring coats.But she could not find a suitable one for Sarah-Sylvias were too big,Susans too spotted.and Sallys too ragged.The coats were fine for play.But Sarah had no coat for church and t011 and special occasions.Mama told

53、it to Papa when he came in fiom the barn(右棚),after feeding the COWS Papa sat down at the table.Are you sure Sarah cant wear a hand-me-do11?he said.Its either a new coat or a ragged coat,Mama said.Papa frowned,staring out at the front yard.S叩hhas never had a new coat,Mama added For a long while,nobod

54、y spoke.The fire in the wood stove crackled(发出咱啪1).S:t.ra.h looked closely at Papa.Then Papa cleared his throat.A ragged coat wont do,he said.S:trah.血you old enough to take care of a new coat?Yes,Papa,Sarah said.Im old enough to do almost anything.Papa gave her a serious look.Very well,he said.While

55、 we are in tOll to中y,well buy you a coat of your very own.After they had eaten the soup,they headed for t011 in Papas old truck.注意I.纹写词数应为150左右2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位仪作答May I assist you?the clerk asked,after they went inside the clothes store.The pink coat fit Sarah perfectly,but it seemed that it would only fit one year.英语试凶第9页共10页英语试题第10页共10页


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