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人教版高中英语选修9教案:UNIT 5 INSIDE ADVERTISING.doc

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1、Unit 5 Inside AdvertisingI 单元教学目标Skill goals技能目标u Discuss advertising and advertisements. u Talk about how advertisement works.u Talk about the truth and ethnic of the advertisement.u Learn the object complement.u Write an advertisement for a certain target.II 目标语言功能句式Talking about the process, effe

2、ct and honesty of advertisementsI thinkbecauseI dont thinkbecauseI can rememberI think it would be a good idea toI can tell whetherby 词汇1. 四会词汇billboard, casual, garment, association, target, basis, technique, lane, feature, corporation, budget, expense, broadcast, visual, generate, response, stereo

3、, refresh, partly, murder, suitcase, sheet, actress, typist, spokesman, fluent, hostess, invitation, chairman, dial, operator, liter, mature, fashion, misleading, ethical, dishonest, alcoholic, tobacco, ban, promote, immoral, decent, ethics, offending, beware, consumer, trustworthy2. 词组turninto, fit

4、 in (to), rely on, have no use for 3重点词汇advertiser, inform, worthy, rely, appoint, raise, conscience重 点 句 子1. Even some of the casual garments we wear have brand names attached to them which turn us into walking advertisements. P422. As well as worrying about the expense, advertisers must also consi

5、der which media are most appropriate for their product and which their target audience is most likely to see or hear. P 433. However good an advertisement is, people are unlikely to be persuaded if the product is unsuitable for them. P434. They believe these adverts will affect the way people think

6、about their driving habits and will subsequently reduce the number of road accidents. P435. This is why many countries have a government organization which examines complaints about ads. P496. A consumer can complain to the organization, giving reasons for their complaint, and if the complaint is co

7、rrect, the organization can make the company stop using the offending advertisement. P497. When it comes to advertising, consumers need to be educated about techniques used by advertisers so they can judge the claims for themselves and not blindly accept everything that is said in advertisements. P4

8、9. 教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析本单元以Inside advertising(揭密广告)为话题,旨在通过单元教学,使学生了解广告的制作,如何影响到消费群体,正确认识广告并识别和阻止虚假广告;能灵活运用基础句型描述不同广告的目的意图、表现手段和特色以及不同的创意和表达效果;能根据一些建议和要求,针对不同的目标群体,设计并展示自己的广告。1.1 Warming Up 提供了四幅不同场合的广告设计图片,让学生运用已有的知识和经验,选择广告的投放地点;描述日常生活中见到的广告并通过讨论广告对人们消费观念的影响以及什么样的广告会给人留下较深刻的印象。1.2 Pre-reading是Reading的

9、热身活动。它要求学生首先通过观察,讨论文中图片广告的目的、说服手段和表达效果,对文章的内容有一个框架性的认识,再通过阅读来回答细节性理解题。1.3 Reading 是一篇说明性的文章。从广告的定义、有效广告的特点等方面介绍了广告的运作过程,让学生了解有效的广告是如何对消费群体产生影响的。1.4 Comprehending第一个训练题较容易回答,学生运用找读的方式可以从文中找到相关信息完成表格中内容;第二题要求学生利用文中信息对广告的设计意图,目标人群,传达的信息,有效性,真实性等方面的讨论并表达观点;第三题要求学生与同伴合作角色扮演,共同为某一产品策划制作一则广告并向全班展示。1.5 Lear

10、ning about Language 由两部分构成。第一部分要求学生运用课文中所学到的重要单词和短语完成短文与句子。第二部分帮助学生复习非谓语动词作宾语补足语的用法。1.6 Using Language分四部分。第一部分Listening是描述三段音像广告的听力材料,要求学生在听的过程中捕捉下列信息:促销的内容,广告目的,目标人群,主张,事实以及相关的词汇、语言表达;第二部分Writing要求学生根据教师提供的听力材料,为不同的目标群体写一则广告并向全班展示;第三部分Speaking让学生思考日常生活中所看到和听到的广告然后以小组合作形式回答问题,谈论广告内容的真实可信度,是否误导消费者,是

11、否适宜儿童,以及提出一些措施和建议阻止有失诚信和道德的广告;第四部分Reading要求学生阅读并回答问题,谈论关于如何防止虚假广告的误导。 2. 教材重组2.1 从话题内容上分析,Warming Up 与SPEAKING TASK相一致;而从训练目的上分析与TALKING比较一致。从教材份量来说,可将Warming Up和Workbook中的 TALKING, SPEAKING TASK整合在一起,设计成一节任务型“口语课”。2.2 将Listening 和Workbook中的LISTENING, LISTENING TASK整合在一起,设计成一节“听力课”。2.3 可将Pre-reading

12、, Reading和Comprehending三个活动整合在一起上一节“精读课”。2.4 可将Learning about Language, Using Language与Workbook中的USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS, USING STRUCTURES语法练习题整合在一起上一节“语法课”。2.5 可将Speaking, Using Language中的Reading 和Workbook中READING TASK整合起来上一节“泛读课”。2.6 将Using Language中的Writing和Workbook中的WRITING TASK, PROJECT整合成一

13、节“写作课”。3.课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用六课时教完)1st Period Speaking2nd Period Listening3rd Period Intensive reading4th Period Grammar5th Period Extensive reading6th Period Writing. 分课时教案The First Period SpeakingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语 billboard, misleading, percentage, unsuitab

14、le, claim, in charge ofb. 交际用语I think . because .I dont think . because .I can remember .I think it would be a good idea to .I can tell whether . by .I could check . by .2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to talk about the effect, ethic and claims of different advertisements with target langua

15、ge.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn to comment on a certain topic with good reasons to support their opinions.Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点Learn to use the structure to express and suppport their opinions on adverts freely.Teaching methods 教学方法Pair works to discu

16、ss and work in groups of four.Teaching aids 教具准备A computer and a projector.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step Lead-inArouse students interest in adverts by listing some vivid examples.T: Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls! Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Mr / Miss. / Mrs .T: All of you look

17、forward to entering your ideal university in the coming future. Right? Ss: Yes!T: So, your parents do their best to let you get enough nutrition. And milk is the best choice to most of you. Can you tell me what brand milk do you usually drink? Ss: Yili milk. / Mengniu milk .T: Yes, Mengniu milk toda

18、y is recognized as the most popular brand national wide. But do you know how it became the household name at the very beginning?Ss: Yes. Good quality. / Advertisements .T: Thats it! When it was first established in 1999, Niu Gensheng, the manager of the company, put one third of the 9 million start-

19、up fund(启动资金)into advertising. It was just that year the income increased from 0 to 40 million Yuan. How do you think about that? Teacher here can write “9 million” & “0 to 40 million” on the Bb.Ss: Its amazing! / Its unbelievable .T: Do you want to know more about advertising the key element of Men

20、gnius success?Ss: Yes!Step Warming Up Get the students to talk about advertisements on how they change their ways of consuming.T: Well, during the following periods, well learn more about the adverts. Look at the four pictures and questions 1 and 2 on Page 41 please. Work in pairs and talk about the

21、 four different advertisements, including their messages and media.(Besides what have been mentioned, there is also leaflet, shop window, in the middle of our favorite TV programs, public notice board, internet . )S1: Advertisements can be seen on billboards, just like those on the busy business str

22、eets in Shanghai, which is shown in the first picture above. We can also see advertisements on moving buses like the one about newspapers shown in the first picture on the left. Advertisements can also be seen in the train stations, at the airport, at the cinema, at newspapers or magazines, on TV an

23、d on the radio.S2: We can see advertisements on large boards along the main roads and on the balloons in the air, just like those shown in the next two pictures below.S3: I agree. Posters are put up on the shops walls. Sometimes even light planes pulling huge signs fly slowly over a city. Its really

24、 splendid and exciting!S4: Aha, I see. Well, sometimes customers receive mails or gifts sent by companies or shops and this is of course another way of advertising. I will never forget the exciting moment when I was dining with my parents in Kentucky on my 10th birthday. Best wishes were sent to me

25、through birthday songs and soft music. I felt the warmest welcome from the bottom of heart and I made a decision that I would catch every chance to dine there whenever and wherever possible. Maybe one day I will bring my son and grandson there to celebrate their birthdays!T: Great! From these pictur

26、es we can see that various advertisements can be seen or heard almost everywhere in our life and they can be very persuasive and effective as you have just talked about. OK, lets go on with questions 3 and 4.This task can be assigned as group working. The teacher can divide the students into several

27、 groups, and discuss according to the following clues: 1. aspects affected: clothes, food, study, cosmetics, public welfare. 2. Reasons for choosing a certain products: quality, suitable, the attractive adverts, famous spokespeople in the adverts . After a while.T: Have you finished?S1:Yes, I think

28、its true that my life has been affected greatly by the advertisements in many ways. For example I used to dress ordinary clothes made by tailors in my hometown when I was very young. Now I know many famous brands of sports clothes such as Linling, PUMA, Semir and so on and my parents usually buy me

29、these kinds of clothes as I have grown up and these suits are sold at a reasonable price for us students. They are so well designed that I always feel comfortable in them. Every day I see or hear about scores of advertisements in the newspapers or magazines, on the radio and even in the middle of my

30、 favorite TV programs. I can remember some of tthe products that are being advertised such as the Maotai wine, the Septwolves business suits for men, the Wahaha drinks, the Mengniu milk, the Songhe wine and so on because they are advertised repeatedly and some of them are recommended by my favorite

31、actors. As a result I think of them whenever I buy these kind of products.S2: Yes, advertisements have affected my life in some ways. For example I was not good at English especially about how to remember so many words and phrases. I have seen many products designed to help students repeat and prono

32、unce words and expressions correctly. Today with the help of the products named Haojixing, I can practise reading and spelling English words and expressions every day after class and now I have a larger vocabulary and have made great progress in the last few English exams. I can see or hear dozens o

33、f advertisements either in the newspapers or on TV and I can still remember some of their names, for example, the Quanyou furniture, the OLAY cosmetics, the Yili milk powder, and the Luzhou wine. I think these advertisements are so vivid, lively and impressive that its easy for me keep their names i

34、n mind.S3: Yes, I used to buy food and cosmetics at a low price. Now, however, I have got into the habit of buying food and cosmetics of certain brands which are advertised very often, for example the Coca-Cola, the Shuanghui meat, the Annyway cosmetics and so on. As is explained in detail in the ad

35、vertisements, these products are of high quality and produced by famous companies, which can ensure safety and have reasonable prices for ordinary people. Every day nearly hundreds of advertisements can be seen or heard through different media and many names of the products are very familiar to me,

36、such as, the Kangshifu noodles, the Sanlu milk, the Kangbide medicine, the Quick capsules and so on. These kinds of ads appeal to the hopes and dreams or emotions of the suitable target, and the products become their first choices.S4: Sure. Our life has been greatly affected by the instructive ads f

37、or the public welfare, from which people are educated to respect the old, help those poor students, save the earth and protect the environment around us. These ads help to make people more friendly and helpful to one another as well as to the nature so that we can live a better life. They spread kno

38、wledge, change attitudes and improve society. Many names of the products remind me of hundreds of ads advertised every day, for example the Yafang cosmetics, the PANTENE hair cream, the Deer wooden floor, the Tingmei clothing, the Kangbide medicine, the Xianqu biscuits and so on. These ads are caref

39、ully designed with images of beautiful actress, creative pictures and persuasive words, so people can be very familiar with them after constant broadcast, especially after using them . T: Very good! I am glad to see that all of you have your own opinions on ads. Its certain that some ads have good e

40、ffect on people but some dont, so you should learn to distinguish them and buy the right products. OK, so much for these pictures.Step TalkingGet the students to tell whether some advertisement are true or not, and also talk about how to protect themselves from being treated.T: Next, Id like you to

41、work in groups of four to look at the advertisements on Page 84 and discuss the questions in TALKING first. Each of you should make notes while talking.Affirmative:1. a. Brand value b. Reduce the storage c. Increased demand d. Earn more money by selling more products in low price. 2. a. Enlarge the

42、market share b. Supply is over the demand c. People perchase new products that can replace the TV d. Product cost has been decreased.3. a. new material b. install some assistant equipmentsNegative:4. a. Aim at earning more money by saying “return your money in full”b. Practice unceasingly for a very

43、 long time is necessaryc. It takes a long time to get familiar with the basic knowledge of the music and how to play piano.5. a. Till now, there is no such kind of pill that suits all conditions the ad lists.b. Consumers are not told what will happen 10 weeks later.Five minutes later.T: Now, who wou

44、ld like to report your group work?S1: In Ad 1, the advertiser claims that there is a reduction of at least 50 per cent on all carpets and as much as 90 per cent on some. I think the claims are very surprising because the carpets will be sold at such a low price that almost no profit will be made fro

45、m it. Its unbelievable and maybe the advertisers are making contributions to the charities! I would go to have a close look at the carpets by touching them and find whether they feel soft or hard and whether they are made of good materials. If not, I would not take home the rubbish even at a low eno

46、ugh price. S2: In Ad 2, the advertiser claims that their TV has the same quality but the price has been reduced to as low as one fourth of the others. I think the claims maybe true because the computers advertised maybe are of the old style and equipment so its better to sell them at a low price tha

47、n to throw them away. Before I buy them, I would go to see with my own eyes if the computers have brands, names of the producers, dates of producing and I would like the shop assistant to turn them on and check whether they really work or not.S3: In Ad 3, the advertiser claims that their mops is mag

48、ic and wonderful, which can clean floors in half the time compared to the ordinary ones. I think the claim maybe true because new design and technology may be applied to this kind of mop and it can save more time to clean the floors. Before buying it, Id go to the exact shop and ask the shop owner t

49、o practice cleaning the floor using this new kind of mop and find out if what is claimed in the advertisement true or false.S4: In Ad 4, the advertiser claims that those who want to learn to play the piano can come to their piano class and it only takes ten easy lessons to learn to entertain friends

50、 with all the latest tunes. People can also buy pianos on line by credit cards and there is a promise that your money will be returned in full if you are not entirely satisfied. I think the claims are not true because it is not so easy to learn to play the piano according to what I know and maybe ma

51、ny pianos will be returned shortly after they are practiced for some time just because the customers are a little satisfied. If so, the company will certainly suffer a great loss. If I want to learn playing the piano, I will surf the website online to look carefully at the detailed information about

52、 the classes they offer and examine the function and structure of the piano they sell. You know sometimes its unsafe to buy things on the internet.S5: In Ad 5, the advertiser claims that if you take DR DANS WONDER DIET CAPSULES, you can lose 20 kg in 10 weeks. I think the claim maybe true but if the

53、 medicine has much side effect, people may find it difficult to continue taking it. If I want to buy this kind of capsules, I will go to the medicine store and look carefully at the instructions on the packing paper and ask some questions about how to take it and the possible effect of it.T: Very go

54、od! So you have thought a lot about the claims and honesty of different ads. Im sure you will be more skilled to deal with the ads you see or hear in life. Next, please go on talking about the last question:How can you tell if an advertisement is telling the truth or not? Discuss in your groups and

55、then share your answer with the rest of the class.S: I think there are many ways to tell if an advertisement is telling the truth or not. Some false ads usually have the texts written in words such as: root out the diseases, with the most advanced science and technology, return your money in full et

56、c. Others present letters from imaginary customers, honorable prizes, proof from some science department or the rate of successful cure. So we should be careful when choosing certain products and we can call the 3.15 hotline i.e. 010-64949544、62033366 for complaint whenever in trouble!Step SPEAKING

57、TASK (时间不足,可改为作业)Get the students to talk about how to make an advert.T: Now there is little time left. Lets deal with SPEAKING TASK on Page 89. Look at the instructions and discuss in groups the procedures of how to make an ad and Id like one of you to report your group work after ten minutes.S: We

58、 decide to sell our books, clothes, MP3, CDs and self-made presents. We are going to have the sale on the weekend and we want all the students in our school to come to the sale and do something. The message of our ad will be: “Get yourself something here and offer love and care to others far away!”

59、Wed like to put up our ad on the wall of our school gate so as to attract all the students attention to the activity. Well have more words printed on the ad like “Many valuable things for you to select and there is always one fit for you; Take one home and send love to those in need; Take immediate

60、action!” The size of our ad will be 180130cm, and different colors will be used, but mainly the green color which represents hope. We will attack one picture showing a girl eager for knowledge, which is the symbolic design of the Hope Project. We will print some letters in bold, some in different co

61、lors, sizes and styles. Here is a rough sketch of our advertisement and you may give us some advice on it. Thanks!T: Good! You all have good imaginations and you have known much about how to design and make effective and impressive ads. I am very proud of you and I hope you can do more research abou

62、t the ads after class.Step Homework1 Tell the other students your design and comment on the different ads. 2 Finish your advertisement and prepare to show it to the rest of the class.The Second Period ListeningTeaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 promote, truthful, comment, purpose

63、, worthy, community, worse off, appeal tob. 重点句子 Would it be a good idea to ban advertising? If companies stopped spending money on advertising would the goods be cheaper? Whats the purpose of the advertisement? What is the advertisement appealing to? 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Train the students listeni

64、ng ability in getting the general idea of the three students talk about different aspects of advertising and catching the specific information about the different situations.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students to explain their comment on different cases of advertising. Teaching importan

65、t points 教学重点Listen to the talk given by the president of an advertising agency and then answer questions and make choices. Teaching difficult points 教学难点Work with partner and explain the reasons for the presidents comment. Teaching methods 教学方法Listening and cooperative learning.Teaching aids 教具准备Ta

66、pe recorder.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step Revision1. Greetings2. Revision of the claims, the honesty of different ads and ask a pair to present in front of the class.Step Lead-inT: When you take a taxi youll find that usually the driver plays the radio when he or she is driving. Right?S1: Y

67、es.T: Are there any radio adverts?S2: Yes.T: How do you get to know what they advertise for?S1: The product names will be repeated many times.S2: The products are usually recommended by a friend to other people.S3: The anouncers usually describe the products specifically and vividely.S4: .T: Very go

68、od! Next, lets have a listening test to see whether you can get correct information from the radio advertisements.Step ListeningGet the students to listen for three radio advertisements.Ss are asked to look through the introduction of Part 1 and 2, then listen and check the answers. As to Part 3, th

69、e students are asked to underline the key words while reading fast the questions and multiple answers to find out the listening points first, then listen to the tape twice to choose the best answer.T: Please open your books and turn to Page 47. Before you listen to the tape, look through the questio

70、ns and multiple answers to find out the listening points. Pay much attention to these important points while listening. (3 minutes later) While reading, youd better make notes of the listening points like this: purpose: . target: . appeal: .After the students listening twice, check the answers and e

71、xplain some difficult listening points if necessary. Finally make them listen again and finish Part 4.Step LISTENING (Workbook)T: Advertising, comply with the information age, inform the consumers the latest products and deeply influenced our daily life. However, to adverts, there are arguments. Jus

72、t like what youll discussed in groups of four on Page 8, before we listen to the materials.The followings are some clues to answer the questions. Q1: 1. Many products need adverts to become known, and also help them enlarge the market.2.Media need the advertising investment for their further develop

73、ing.3.Many social issues need adverts to draw peoples attention and affect their behaviors.4.Good-making adverts can be the meat and drink(享受) to the audience5.Q2: Take medicine for example:1.There is no quick and very efficient way to cure the difficult and complicated diseases, do not mention the

74、incurable ones.2.A few examples may not suitable to all people.3.Too many generic items(专业术语) are used to trick the patients.4.Lack of necessary detailed information.5.Q3: The goal of adverts is to persuade consumers to buy the products. Even if they stopped spending money on advertising, theyll fin

75、d other efficient ways to publicize the products to gain more profits. In this way, a large sum of money would be paid on the other ways they take.T: Well down!Next listen again and finish Ex. 2.Several minutes later.T: Have you finished?S: Yes!T: OK. Lets check the answers.After the students finish

76、 Ex. 2, play the tape for a third time to help them finish Exx. 3 & 4.Suggested answers to Ex. 4:First show the speakers attitude to these questions, and then call students attention about what will be talked about next.Step LISTENING TASK (Workbook) (若时间不足,可改为作业)Get the students to talk about the t

77、hree advertisements using what they have learned in this unit.T: First look at the three pictures on Page 88 and discuss the five questions below in groups. (Five minutes later) Now, is there anyone to report your group work?S: These ads aim at raising money for poor children. It tells the purpose,

78、place, the time and also how much the ticket is. The second ad targets at parents because of the words “Come along and see how talented your child is!” The third ad targets at students because of the words“Students, bring a friend and get in for half price! The first ad target at all people in Newto

79、wn. For it calls for making Newtown a community to be proud of.T: Good! Now please listen to the tape and answer questions in Ex. 2. And take notes if necessary. Play the tape recorder for a third time to help the students finish Exx. 2 & 3.T: Time is up! Have you finished?Ss: Yes!T: OK. Lets check

80、the answers.Check the answers and if necessary, get the students to listen to the material for a third time and get more details.Step HomeworkPreview Reading.The Third Period Intensive readingTeaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 casual, garment, association, target, basis, techniqu

81、e, lane, feature, corporation, budget, expense, broadcast, visual, generate, response, stereo, refresh, partly, turn . into, fit in (to), rely on, have no use forb. 重点句子Even some of the casual garments we wear .attached to them which .Adverts are not only ., but also by. That wishes to .As well as w

82、orrying about ., advertisers must also consider which media . and which their target audience is .However good an advertisement ., people are unlikely to . if the product .They believe . the way people think about .and will subsequently reduce .Some adverts, like the ., appeal to . or our desire to

83、.2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to talk about how advertising works.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Teach the students learn how to talk about how advertising works. Teaching important & difficult points 教学重难点Talk about how advertising works.Teaching methods 教学方法Skimming, task-based method

84、, role-play method.Teaching aids 教具准备A recorder, a projector and some slides.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step Lead-inAs soon as coming into the classroom, the teacher can recite some message (广告词) that is well-known to the students to arouse the interest and get to know what the topic is today

85、.T: Hello! Everybody!Yesterday, when I was watching TV, an advertisement really moved me. Next, Id like to describe it to you: A woman, exhausted from a whole day work, helps her mother wash the fect all of which are seen by her little son, who then, brings her a basin of water for washing. Have you

86、 ever saw that advert? What does it mainly talk about?Ss: It aims at educating people that everything you do will directly effect people around you, especially the little children.T: Yes, thats it! A good advert can impress people deeply. But do you know how an effective advert work? Ss: Yes! / No!T

87、: Today, well learn more about that.Step Pre-readingGet the students to talk about questions in this part.T: Now, Look at the title of the reading passage. What can you guess about the content of the passage from the title? Id like you to discuss this question with your partner. Then Ill ask some st

88、udents to report your work. Are you clear?Ss: Yes, sir / madam.After a few minutes.T: Whod like to answer the question? Volunteer? S1: Let me try. As a TV fan, I got excited at the first sight of the title. Every day I watch a great deal of ads, which change my way of consuming, and I wonder how the

89、m greatly influence us. I guess the passage will tell us how to make advers.S2: Judging from the title, I think the passage is mainly about how the advertisers work in order to succeed in their career.S3: It tells us that the text is about the advertising and explains the advantage and difficulty fo

90、r the advertisers to achieve their goal in modern times.T: Very good! Now, lets go on with Ex. 1 in Pre-reading. Please look at the advertisements in the text and talk with your partner about each of them. Then Id like some of you to give your opinions.Five minutes later.S1: The first advertisement

91、wants us to save water. It is tap, used in our daily life, with running water, essential to us all, that makes up more than half of the poster, which aims at drawing peoples attention to cherish water. Meanwhile, a website is offered for further details.S2: The second advertisement wants us to liste

92、n to a certain kind of radio station. Words dictating the FM broadcast band shown by white color are very impressive with the background made up by singing orioles, famous for their beautiful sounds, and shinning star with bright color. All these make it easy for people to remember and eager to join

93、 them.S3: The third advertisement wants us to buy the kind of shoes. Bright red and calm blue pose a striking contrast which makes the shoes adverted more attractive. With the flames and colors, it shows us young people having exciting sports. I think its the most effective because it properly appea

94、ls to its target and many young people will fix their attention on it at the sight of the picture.S4: The fourth advertisement wants us to buy a certain kind of drinks. With the “Buy one get one free” message, I think it will be the most effective for sure because many customers will get excited whe

95、n seeing the word “free”.S5: The fifth advertisement wants us to protect the environment and do something to stop pollution. It shows us the ideal beautiful clear sky and some pictures of the earth being polluted todays. I think its the most effective one because it makes the comparison between the

96、idea and reality and people will certainly be deeply impressed by it.S6: The last two advertisements want us to drive carefully at a suitable speed so as to be responsible for ourselves and others. Both of them show the pictures of different traffic conditions for example, highways and expressways.

97、I think the last one is more effective because it sends more messages to drivers, especially the red “stop” with a question mark in the middle. T: Well done! Next, lets learn how adervtising works. Step While-readingGet the students to talk about how adervtising works.T: We have talked so much about

98、 advertisments.Next, lets see how asvertising works. Before you read, glance at Ex. 1 in Comprehending.Give students enough time to do this.T: Have you finished?Ss: Yes!T: Well, next read the text and answer the questions.After the students finish this, check the answers.Suggested answers:Who advert

99、ises?Advertisers e.g. Individuals, organizations and associationsWhy do they advertise?To persuade people to behave in certain ways, to inform or educate the public Where do they advertise?On buses and billboards, on trains and in train stations, in shop windows, outside restaurants and on public no

100、tice boards, in magazines , newspapers and TV programs, on the radio and on the InternetHow do they decide where to advertise?After considering which media are most appropriate for their product and which their target audience is most likely to see or hear.Does advertising work?Advertisements can be

101、 effective if they suit the interests or lifestyle of their target audience or if they are constantly used over time.T: Well done! Now you have got a basic idea of this text. Now read it again and talk about how many parts it can be divided into.After a while.T: Are you ready?Ss: Yes!T: Well, whod l

102、ike to have a try?Ss: It can be divided into the following four parts:Para. 1 Where ads can be found.Para. 2 What an ad is.Para. 3-7 How successful ads are made.Para. 8-9 What effective ads are.T: Great!Next, please go through the whole text again and Id like you to analyze the text in details. Show

103、 students the following questions:1. What are the writing techniques of this text?2. Whats the main idea of the text?Suggested answers:1. In this text the writer illustrates how adverts work giving different examples, definition of adverts, listing the steps of making ads, and finally makes the conc

104、lusion of what ads are effective to the targets. 2. The text tell us how adverts work, and how hard a work it is for advertisers, also help us avoid being controlled by the adverts that fill our daily lives.After that help the students to deal with the difficult language points in the text. (Refer t

105、o the Appendix.)Step Comprehending Get students to talk about and role-play adverts according to what they have learned.T: Now, please look at Ex. 2 on page 44. Read the passage again and discuss Ex. 2 in group of four.Suggested Answers:1. A. The common name for H2O is water. They call it H2O becaus

106、e it rhymes with the words “go and low”, or “have to (two) no.”B. The purpose of this advertisement is to educate people to save water and protect the limited natural resource in the earth.2. A. The advertisement is made for young people.B. The message it gives is that you will live an exciting life

107、 in the fast lane if you buy the shoes.C. Affirmative: The shoes are specially designed for sports, which can help people keep fit and enjoy their life. In that way people will be full of passion and hope for the coming future.Negative: I think it is not true because people cant do all the exciting

108、things shown in the picture such as surfing, skiing, skating, etc. just by wearing the shoes advertised. Thats just a kind of overstating about the function of their shoes.3. A. Because the advertiser wants to emphasize the words which carry the key massage so as to win the attention of the target a

109、udience to know more about the free drink.B. I think the advertiser will not lose money by giving two more at no extra cost because its simply another way of advertising, by means of which they can increase their product sales and make more money.C. The advertiser make use of the consumers psycholog

110、y-save money and get more-to promote their products sales and gain more profit.4. A. This advertisement encourages us to think over the pollution on the earth and try to take measures to protect the environment.B. With the development of modern agriculture and industry, people neglect protecting env

111、ironment, instead they overdo in fulfilling their individual desire. More and more waste is produced, much of which goes into the air and causes the air pollution as a result.C. Set a date for publicizing the importance of environmental prtection to our human beings. Or establish rules and take meas

112、ures to punish to restrain environmental damage. 5. A. Both ads want people to pay more attention to the speed limit while driving in different places and at different period of time in order to ensure safety.B. Both ads target at people who have cars, especially those who are fond of speed driving.

113、C. If I were a driver, I would pay more attention to the second advertisement. It uses two questions which provoke people to think about their driving speed, and the possible consequences. The wording is concise, but thought-provoking. T: Well, from all these above, you have got a further understand

114、ing of how adverts work. Next lets do the role-play on Page 45 in pairs , using what you have learnt above. Ten minutes later.S1: Age is not a barrier for people to choose jeans. We can enlarge the buyer groups by taking age group as the breakthrough(切入点). We can make a series of adverts which take

115、the memory of a successful man as the clue. In his memory, jeans of this brand have accompanied him through all his time, no matter hard or sweet. Because of trust, he succeeds; because of trust, he chooses the jeans. By this we can pass our idea to the audience: our jeans are suitable to different

116、age groups.(Or we can change age group to different occasions: at work, in public, at leisure time, at party, etc.)S2: We think young couples or young lovers might also buy them. We will invite some beautiful young ladies and handsome guys who will act as couples or lovers to have a fashion show in

117、the city center. We will invite a fashion designer of our company to instruct every two couples or lovers to wear fashionable jeans of different styles and colors for different scenes for example at home, in the streets or at work. A broadcaster will be invited to be present at the show, who will ex

118、plain the good quality of the jeans as well as describing the satisfaction of the performers with our product. At last we will interview some audience and ask questions about our product and finally offer some free suits of jeans to those winners as prize. What a great scene!T: Wonderful, Im sure yo

119、ur jeans will sell well and you will make a large sum of money owing to your successful advertisements. OK. So far you have learnt a lot about advertising and you know its not easy to be successful in this field. I hope you will work hard and get well prepared for your large business deal in the fut

120、ure. Step Homework1. Recite the key sentences in the text.2. Finish Discovering useful words and expressions on Page 45 and USING WORDS AND EXPRSSIONS in Workbook.The Fourth Period GrammarTeaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 casual, garment, association, basis, inform, worthy, corp

121、oration, refresh, conscience, attachb. 重点句式Advertisements have become part of . andso it is important thatThe aim of advertisements is to .It is shocking that . and we believe it is important to .We have found it very difficult to . as many people .2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to unders

122、tand the object complement and practice using it. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to use the object complement properly. Teaching difficult and important points 教学重难点How to teach students to answer questions using the useful structure.Teaching methods 教学方法Study independent

123、ly, practice.Teaching aids 教具准备A projector, a blackboard.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step Revision1. Check the homework and ask some questions according to the text.e.g. definition of an ad; how to make effective ads2. Make the students translate some sentences or spell some key words in the t

124、ext.Step Revising useful structuresGet the students to revise and summarize the object complement structure.T: Now, please look at some examples carefully on the screen and answer the questions below:1. Ill have Tom repair the car tomorrow.2. Ill get Tom to do it now.3. Ill have Tom working all day

125、long.4. Ill have Tom punished for what he has done.5. Well make Tom our monitor soon.6. We found Tom alive in the forest.Q1: Whats the function of the words in bold?Q2: What words usually have this kind of function?Q3: Which verbs are usually used in this kind of sentences? List some of them.T: Now,

126、 lets deal with the questions one by one.S1: All the words in bold act as object complements, which explain and add what has happened to the objects in front of them. S2: Infinitive & Present participant (e.g. 1-3) Past participant (e.g. 4). Nouns and adjectives (e.g. 5-6). S3: There are many verbs

127、which act as predicates can be followed by an object and then an object complement. For example: have, make, get, leave, find, see, hear, notice, watch, observe, force, help, order, choose, name, call, keep, elect , so on and so on.T: Very good! Now that you have learnt a lot about object complement

128、, please open your books and lets try to fill in the blanks in Ex. 1 on Page 46 and Ex. 1 on Page 86. You should pay attention to the different forms of the object complements and try to figure out the language situation from the context of each sentence before you fill in the blanks. Ill give you f

129、ive minutes and we will check the answers after that. After the students finishing the exercise, check the answers.Step PracticingGet the students to practice the object complement by doing some exercises.T: Next, please do Ex. 2 on Page 86 and you are asked to read every sentence. Then check the an

130、swers together.T: Since you have got familiar with the object complements, now lets look at the Ex. 2 on Page 46. First Id like you to read the letter quickly to get a general idea, Ill give you three minutes. (Three minutes later). Well, what does the letter tell you? S: In the letter Ms M Lynn exp

131、ressed her thanks to Mr. Foster who had donated to help the orphans live a better life.T: Good! Now please read the letter sentence by sentence and try to underline the object complements. Well check the answers three minutes later.Well, next, please open your books and turn to Page 86, and well dea

132、l with Ex. 3 in the same way. First read quickly and give the main idea of the dialogue.S: In the dialogue, Jo is apologizing to his mother for having been naughty and his mother is not going to forgive him at the moment.T: Thats right. Now try to underline the object complements and then you should

133、 practice it with your partner.Step Questions on Page 87 (Workbook) (若时间不足,可改为作业)T: First lets look at the pictures on Page 87 and try to talk about them using object complement by answering the questions above. You may use different verbs as predicates to describe the scenes you know. Now, work in

134、pairs and practice the questions and answers, then well have a check together in about ten minutes.Step Homework1. Finish the grammar exercises of this unit.2. Preview the Reading materials in the USING LAGUAGE and in the Workbook.The Fifth Period Extensive readingTeaching goals 教学目标 1. Target langu

135、age 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 misleading, ethical, dishonest, alcoholic, tobacco, ban, promote, immoral, decent, ethics, offending, beware, consumer, trustworthy , when it comes to, be responsible forb. 重点句子 1. This is why . which examines complaints about ads?2.A consumer can complain to the organization, gi

136、ving ., and if ., the organization can .using the offending advertisement. 3.When it comes to ., consumers need to . used by advertisers so . for themselves and . everything that is said in advertisements. 4. The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that ., over 50 percent . by the diseases as

137、sociated with . and that.2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to talk about keeping advertisers honest.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to talk about keeping advertisers honest.Teaching important points 教学重点The main idea of each passage and the answers to each question

138、. Teaching difficult points 教学难点Let Ss to learn to tell the general idea of each passage.Teaching methods 教学方法Listening and fast reading.Teaching aids 教具准备A recorder, a projector, computer.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step Pre-readingGet the students to talk about the honesty and ethic of the a

139、dvertisement.T: Today, as the development of economy, ethic especially honesty has been paid much attention to. In the NMET for 2001 graduation, this subject was even taken as the title for Chinese writing. And it is also emphasized in various fields. Of course, including what we have learnt recentl

140、y adverts. Do all the advertisements you have seen and heard in your daily life give the true information? S: No. Some of them are true but some of them tell lies. Its not easy to tell them apart. T: Well, next, lets talk about the adverts and how to keep advertisers honest.Ask the students to turn

141、to Page 48 and discuss the questions in Speaking in groups of four.After a while.T: Now, whod like to have a try? S1: Every year, when the NMET is coming, appealing to the examinees eagerness to enter an ideal university, many producers drumbeat their so-called tonics (补品) through advertisements. Th

142、ese tonics are said to be helpful to examinees by enhancing their memory, wiping out fatigue and also improving their marks in some way. These advertisements mislead parents to buy them for their children. In fact, the tonics are not as powerful as they are described. Healthy eating, proper rest and

143、 efficient study are key elements to good performance in NMET. Rules and laws should be carried out to regulate these advertisements, and protect the customers from being treated. S2: The ads on the electric poles contain misleading information because they try to persuade people to trust fortunetel

144、lers who wipe out diseases. I think children might be misled . They are totally in some way because some diseases can not be completely cured even in hospitals with the advanced equipment and professional doctors. I think the local organization in charge of the public health should make their rounds

145、 every day and clean these ads and find out the truth and take the liars to the police station to punish them.T: I agree. Some laws should be passed to regulate advertising and some organizations should be set up to help consumers keep from these misleading and unethic advertisements.Step Listening

146、& ReadingGet the students to talk about how to keep advertisers honest.First let them glance at the four questions on Page 50, and then answer the questions by reading the text.T: Now, look at the headline. Can you guess the main idea?S: It mainly talks about how to keep advertisers honest.T: Very g

147、ood!Next read the text and answer the questions on Page 50 in groups of four.Several minutes later.T: Time is up!Who would like to have a try?Suggested answers:1. With the help of law, advertising organizations and complaints organization as well as being educated about techniques used by advertiser

148、s.2. Yes. I would complain about the second advertisement, because its misleading and maybe somewhat harmful to peoples health. As we all know its important for everyone to exercise and have a healthy diet every day in order to keep fit, but according to the advertisement, people can lose 15kg and m

149、ore without exercise or diet just by drinking that kind of High Ace Tea. I doubt whether its effective or whether the claims are false.3. Because we are flooded with ads in our modern world, many schools believe its their duty to educate students about advertising so as not to make them blindly acce

150、pt everything claimed in the ads. I think its necessary and important for schools to do so because we are growing up and we dont know much about the outside society as students. We will gain more experience and protect ourselves from the misleading ads if we are educated in advance.4. Yes, I know th

151、ere is an organization for the citizens to complain if they find a false advertisement called the Chinese Consumer Association or the 3.15 Consumer Association. Those who dont know can easily find it out on the internet.Step READING TASKGet students to read a passage, and design some questions accor

152、ding to it.T: Can you think of some food ads broadcasted today?S: Yes. Some food ads on TV for example drinks like Wangwang, Wahaha, Leibaishi, Mengniu milk, Wowo candies, Xizhilang jelly, Gaolegao,Kangshifu noodles Lujing chewing gums and so on.T: Who are their targets, the adults or the children?S

153、: I think many of them aim at kids, from whom the producers can make a lot of money from the parents.T: Do you think these food ads can make the children have a good appetite? Why or why not?S: Yes, as far as I know some children are addicted to the food advertisements on TV and they try to taste ev

154、ery kind of foods they have seen or heard of in the ads. They go to the supermarkets when-ever possible to buy bags of different foods with attractive wrapping paper and persuasive advertising texts. Many of these foods contain large sum of calories so its easy for the children to become fatter and

155、fatter day by day. Meanwhile, some of them dont have enough nutritious food everyday meals and even get sick because of the disorders of digestion. T: Good. Not all the foods advertised are suitable for all the children and some of them do get the disease of obesity, which means very fat. Now, Id li

156、ke you to read a passage entitled DOES FOOD ADVERTISING HAVE AN EFFECT ON OBESITY? and then work with your partner to complete the tasks of Ex. 2 and 3.Five minutes later.T: Now who would like to tell us your questions, first the five ones about the facts in the text?S1: Our first five questions are

157、:Q1: How many people die every year because of unhealthy diet and lack of exercise in the world?Q2: Why was the plan made by the WHO in 2004?Q3: Which country has the highest number of food ads in childrens television in the world?Q4: How often is the food advertisement shown on TV in Sweden and Aus

158、tralia?Q5: Does food ads have great effect on obesity in Sweden and Quebec in Canada? How do you know it?T: How about the next five questions that give opinions or reasons?S2: Our next five questions are:Q6: Do you know anything about obesity?Q7: Whats your favorite food advertisement? Why do you li

159、ke it?Q8: Is there any child in your neighborhood who has suffered from obesity?Q9: What do you think of the plan by the WHO in 2004?Q10: Do you think food ads really have effect on obesity? why or why not?T: Now, please find the answers to the ten questions. Then, go through it again and check the

160、answers with your partner.Suggested answers:Q1: About 28.25 million.Q2: To fight obesity, to encourage the citizens to adopt a sensible diet and to take up some form of physical activity.Q3: Australia.Q4: There is only one food ad per hour because there are strict laws about advertising during child

161、rens television programs. Q5: No. Because there has been no great difference in the number of obese children since the government banned food ads in childrens television.Q6: Yes, obesity is a kind of nutritional disease of being very fat, which was usually infected by some children who have suffered

162、 from the excess of nourishment.Q7: My favorite food advertisement is one about the Baishi cola drinks. It was recommended by Zhou Yuming, one of the F4 members, who is very handsome and has a nice voice, besides, the whole advertisement tells a story of true love between child and parents as well a

163、s the workers of the airport and the passengers. Im deeply impressed every time I see it.Q8: Yes, many of them. My little cousin used to eat a lot of food bought from the malls every day. And he has become so fat that its hard for him to move about easily, which speeds up the process of becoming fat

164、. What a poor boy! He has to go on a diet and forced by his parents to eat little.Q9: I think the plan itself is very useful and it shows the great concern of the WHO about the serious problem of obesity. If it is carefully carried out, it will do much good to peoples health.Q10: Yes, I think many e

165、xamples in our life have proved this. Many children are blindly driven by so many food ads around them and some of them get obese due to excess eating of food with high calories and low nutrition.T: Well done! So what mark will this pair get? 10? I agree. Well, you may go on practicing the questions

166、 and answers with each other after class.Step Homework1. Ask students to work in groups and talk about how to keep the ads honest and the effect of food ads.2. Preview writing in USING LANGUAGE and WRITING TASK in the Workbook.The Sixth Period WritingTeaching goals 教学目标 1. Ability goals 能力目标Enable t

167、he students to write a successful advertisement.2. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to write an advertisement.Teaching important and diffcult points 教学重难点How to evaluate impressive Chinese advertisements. How to write a successful advertisement for different target. Teaching m

168、ethods 教学方法Task-based method.Teaching aids 教具准备A recorder, a projector, a computer.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step Homework checkingAsk some students to say at least five ways to protect themselves from the misleading ads. The students hand in their homework and the teacher shows a few copies

169、 on the projector. The whole class check the answers together and correct the mistakes if there are any. Step Pre-writingGet students to analyze some adverts to prepare for their advert design.T: Do you like Chinese advertisements?Why? Are there any Chinese ads that you dislike? Give the reasons.S:

170、Yes. Some Chinese ads are my favorites but some of them are disgusting because they are not carefully made and they are often broadcasted in the middle of my favorite TV programs.T: Well, turn to PROJECT on Page 90. First read the introductions of this part and then answer the questions. You may wor

171、k in groups and discuss the answers to these questions, and then Id like some of you to report your group work.S1: I like the Chinese advertisement on TV about keeping a good figure by drinking the Dayingxiang Tea. This advertisement targets at the man and woman who are not satisfied with their figu

172、res. It persuades people to buy and drink this kind of tea so as to lose weight and keep slim. It appeals to peoples emotion that having a good body figure is admirable, attractive and healthy . It gives the fact that many people especially young women have lost weight of about ten kilograms in less

173、 than a month. I think there is something dishonest in it because it is sometimes harmful to ones body to reduce so much fat just by drinking the tea and the spokeswoman who recommends it cant possibly own her good figure due to drinking that kind of tea. Anyway I like the advertisement because I ca

174、n see my favorite Hong Kong film star in it and it has appealed to my desire of being less fat myself.S2: I dont like the Chinese advertisement in the newspaper about curing some incurable diseases. It targets at the patients and their relatives in deep sorrow and pain and wants them to buy the medi

175、cine at a high price. It appeals to peoples desire to keep alive and recover in a short period and it shows some examples of some patients who has been cured of the incurable diseases. There are many things dishonest in it because diseases like cancer and liver problems are not easy to be rooted out

176、 just like what they have said. I hate this kind of advertisement because its unethical to cheat the poor patients of money and that will make them much more disappointed and painful or even kill them sooner than usual.Step WritingGet the students to design their own adverts.T: Next, Id like you to

177、choose one of the things advertised in the listening but write a different advertisement for a different target. Here Ill give you some tips:First try to identify your target, then how to appeal to your targets emotion or desire and whats more important, what the message of your advertisement will b

178、e. Now, Id like you to discuss with your partner and think about your target. Then plan your advertisement following the scripts and write an advertisement for that target. Give the students some time to talk about the choices and make a decision when you have chosen one of the targets, write an adv

179、ertisement and perform your advertisement to the class and ask them to guess who your target is.Step WRITING TASK (若时间不足,可改为作业)T: Now, I have two tasks for you to choose for your group, look at Page 90. If you choose the second task, youll have to read again the procedures of the SPEAKING TASK on Pa

180、ge 89. Now Id like you to discuss in groups of four and make your decision first, then follow the scripts and write your advertisement. Ill have one group report your work in ten minutes.Sample idea for Task 1:Our target audience is children and we will try to show beautiful pictures and key words i

181、n different colors so as to appeal to their desire of appreciating beauty and health. Our message to the children will be very brief and direct, i.e. “sensible diet+ regular exercise = good health”. And well present our excellent final copy to you next period after further discussion.Step HomeworkFi

182、nish the WRITING TASK on Page 90. 附件I. 课文注释与疑难解析1. It appeals to peoples desire to “fit in” and be part of the group. 它迎合了人们要“合群”,成为团体一部分的愿望。1) 句中词组appeal to意为 “投合(兴趣或心意)”,其后可接名词、代词作宾语,也可接动词不定式作宾语补足语,意为“希望怎样做”。例如:This book doesnt appeal to children.这本书不适合儿童。Creative work appeals to me wonderfully.创造

183、性的工作很适合我。I appeal to you to say whether I am not right.我希望你说出我是对还是错。2) 句中词组fit in意为“放进去,适合,给安排时间”,相当于be suitable for,可用作不及物动词词组,作为及物动词时后常接名词、代词作宾语。例如:Can you manage to fit this small table in somewhere?你能设法把这张小桌放到某个地方去吗?That picture is so modern that it doesnt fit in here. 那张照片太现代了,不适合这儿。The doctor

184、cant fit in any more visits this week. 本周这位医生没时间再接待来访病人了。3) 句中词组part of,意为“的一部分”。例如:He walked part of the way home with me.他和我一起走了一段路回家。A sense of humor is part of a healthy personality. 幽默感是健康性格的一部分。The individual is only a part of the social whole. 个人只是社会整体的一部分。2. When it comes to advertising, con

185、sumers need to be educated about techniques used by advertisers so they can judge the claims for themselves and not blindly accept everything that is said in advertisements.当谈到广告时,消费者需要了解广告者所用的技巧这样他们可以自己作出判断,而不是盲目接受广告中所说的一切。1) 句中词组 come to 意为“谈到,涉及”;“恢复知觉”;“实际意思是”;“共计”;when it comes to 意为“当谈到的时候”。例如

186、:When it comes to English, Im very proud of myself. 当谈到英语的时候,我对自己很自豪。If it comes to building, Smiths are the firms you should consult. 如果谈到建筑,史密斯公司是你应咨询的。She is unconscious now, but may come to herself soon. 她现在无知觉,但很快就会苏醒的。What you say comes to this. 你说的一切实际就是这个。2) need to be done 相当于need doing, 意为

187、“需要被做”,类似的动词还有want, require等。例如:The houses dont need repairing at present. 那些房子现在不需要翻修。The flowers require watering in a short while.过一会给这些花浇点水。3. A consumer can complain to the organization, giving reasons for their complaint, and if the complaint is correct, the organization can make the company s

188、top using the offending advertisement.消费者可以向该机构投诉, 陈述原因,如果情况属实,该机构可以勒令该公司停止使用此广告。全句为并列句,后句中用if引导条件状语从句。前句中现在分词短语giving reasons for their complaint 作伴随状语,表示主语a consumer主动发出的动作,与前面的谓语动词complain同时发生。类似的用法。例如:Walking in the street, he came across an old friend of his. 正在街上走时, 他偶遇一位旧友。The students walked

189、 out of the room, singing and laughing. 学生们有唱有笑地走出了房间。另外,现在分词还可用在句中作原因、结果、方式等状语。例如:Not knowing the word, he took out the dictionary.因为不懂那个词,他拿出了字典。The tree fell down on the road, blocking the way.树倒在路上,堵住了道路。4. Some adverts, like the environmental protection advertisement below, appeal to our consci

190、ence or our desire to be worthy citizens.一些广告,就像下面的环保广告一样,投合了我们做好公民的意识或愿望。句中形容词worthy意为“有价值的, 值得尊敬的, 值得, 配得上”, 其后可接名词或不定式。例如:She is a worthy winner of the match.她是这场比赛的大赢家。You are not worthy to live in the same apartment with her. 你不值得和她住同一所公寓。He said he was not worthy to be your husband.他说他不配做你丈夫。另

191、外,worthy 还可以构成词组be worthy of sb. / sth.;be worthy of being done相当于 be worthy to be done. 注意比较与be worth doing 形式的区别, 两者均意为“值得, 配得上”。例如:His behavior is worthy of great praise.他的行为值得很好地表扬。The poor boy is worthy to be helped by us.那可怜的男孩值得我们帮助。This book is well worth reading by all the students here. 这本

192、书很值得所有在座的学生一读。. 语法非谓语动词作宾语补足语不定式和分词都可以作宾补,用法与宾语和宾补的关系以及动词类型有关。1) 宾语和宾补在逻辑上若有被动关系,即构成“动宾关系”,则用过去分词。例如:Hell have his watch repaired.You must make yourself heard.2) 宾语与宾补在逻辑上有主动关系,即构成“主谓关系”,则用现在分词和动词不定式。(1) ask, tell, order, want, wish, expect, teach, invite, advise, force, allow, beg, cause, warn, per

193、suade, request, remind, enable, permit, help, make, let, have等动词后用不定式。例如:I asked him to repeat the question.Let me have your homework now.(2) feel, keep, get, set, leave, find, have, look at, listen to等动词后用现在分词。例如:She felt her heart beating very fast.Keep the fire burning.(3) 有些动词如:feel , hear , not

194、ice, see , watch等后面既可以用现在分词作宾语补足语,也可用不带to的不定式来充当。但这两种情况在表达的意义上有所不相同:用现在分词作宾语补足语,强调分词动作在发生和进行之中;用不带to的不定式来充当宾语补足语,则着重说明不定式动作从发生到结束的全过程。因此,说话人可根据需要和可能来确定自己的选择。例如:I saw him crossing the street at six yesterday evening. 昨晚六点我看见他正在过街。I saw him cross the street yesterday.昨天我看见他过街去了。They heard him reading

195、something aloud in the next room. 他们听见他在隔壁房间朗读。They heard him read something aloud in the next room for a while. 他们听见他在隔壁房间朗读了一会儿。注意:动词see、watch、notice、hear、listen to、observe、feel、taste、smell、make、let、have等的宾补用动词原形,变被动时要加to,此时的不定式就是主语补足语。例如:He was seen to pass by the house yesterday.They were made t

196、o finish the work last night. 文化背景知识10 Steps to Writing Successful Ad Copy1. Define exactly what youre selling before you sit down to create the ad. 2. Know who youre selling to. Keep that person in mind as you write your ad. 3. Come up with a clear statement of the benefits of what youre selling. F

197、eatures are important, but its the perceived value that prompts action by the reader. 4. Write as if youre one-on-one with the reader. Think of ads that drew you in. They spoke to you. And they assumed you possessed a certain level of intelligence.5. Stay away from ego statements unless youre skille

198、d enough to be humble or modest or humorous. Smuckers is an odd name for a line of jams and preserves, but they turned it to their advantage with the famous line, “With a name like Smuckers, its got to be good.”6. Make sure theres a strong connection between your headline and main visual. You want e

199、ach to amplify the other in order to make a dynamic statement of benefit. Fresh donuts need to be made early in the morning, which is why Dunkin Donuts showed a sleepy guy named Fred crawling out of bed before sunup because it was “Time to make the donuts.”7. Choose your ad environment carefully. Yo

200、ur better mousetrap may not be appreciated in Gourmet magazine.8. Study competitive ads and make sure that yours is different. Work hard to make it stand out.9. Solicit comments. Track results. Change your approach if there seems to be a problem.10. Be certain your product or service lives up to any

201、 claims. No matter how brilliantly conceived and executed your ad is, its satisfied customers and clients who create your best advertising.So, by all means, use the 10 tips above to write as persuasively as you can, but remember that if you attract sales by deceiving your customers you risk not only legal action but poor word of mouth, no repeat business, and more refund requests. So, be as persuasive as you can possibly be, but avoid the temptation to be “too” persuasive.版权所有:高考资源网()


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