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2012届高三英语第二轮复习考点精讲精炼 第6讲单项选择——动词及动词短语.doc

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1、2012届高三英语第二轮复习考点精讲精炼第6讲 单项选择动词及动词短语特定语境中的动词及动词短语辨析细外动词及动词短语的考查(延边F)经典易错题会诊(延边F)命题角度l(延边F)特定语境中的动词及动词短语辨析1. (延边F) (典型例题精选t was already past midnight and only three young men in the tea house. A. left B. remained C. delayed D. deserted (延边F) 考场错解 C(延边F) 专家把脉 本题考查动词辨析。1eave离开;remain停下,留下;delay耽搁;desert

2、遗弃,放弃。根据题意:已经过了午夜,只剩下3个年轻人还待在茶馆。 (延边F) 对症下药 B2. (延边F) (典型例题精选ts already 10 o clock I wonder how it that she was two hours late on such a short trip. A. came over B. came out C. came about D. came up (延边F) 考场错解 B (延边F) 专家把脉 本题考查同一动词与不同副词或介词构成短语意义和用法的区别。come over从远处来,传达:come out出现,出版;come about发生;come

3、 up(植物)长出地面。本题意为:已经10点了,我想知道这么短的旅途她怎么晚了两个小时。意指这件事是怎么发生的。故C正确。 (延边F) 对症下药 C3. (延边F) (典型例题精选 The building around the comer caught fire last night. The police are now the matter. A. geeing through B. working out C. looking into D. watching over (延边F) 考场错解 A (延边F) 专家把脉 本题考查动词短语的基本意义和用法。See throuhg sb识破某

4、人;work out计算出,制定出;look into调查;watch over保护,守卫。本句意为:警察正调查此事。 (延边F) 对症下药 C4. (延边F) (典型例题精选 Four dollars a pair? I think it s a bit too much. If you buy three pairs, the price for each will to three fifty. A. come down B. take downC. turn over D. go over (延边F) 考场错解 B (延边F) 专家把脉 本题考查动词与副词构成不同短语的语义辨析。com

5、e down下降,降价;take down取下,拿下; turn over反转;go over复习,浏览。原题语义为:如果你买三双,则每双35美元。故所需要的是“降价”之意。 (延边F) 对症下药 A5. (延边F) (典型例题精选 )Please tell me how the accident . I am still in the dark. A. came by B. came upon C. came to D. came about (延边F) 考场错解 B (延边F) 专家把脉 本题考查同一动词与不同介词/副词构成不同短语的语义辨析。原题语义为:请告诉我事故是怎样发生的,我现在仍

6、然不明白。come about意为“产生,引起”;come by意为“得到,获得”;come upon意为“碰上。发现”;come to意为“达到”。 (延边F) 对症下药 D6. (延边F) (典型例题精选 )Could you please tell me where you bought the shoes you yesterday? A. tried on B. put on C. had on D. pulled on (延边F) 考场错解A或B (延边F) 专家把脉 本题考查不同动词与同一介词或副词构成不同短语的语义辨析。本题出现的短语为近义短语。题干意为“你能不能告诉我你昨天穿

7、的那双鞋是在哪儿买的”。try on“试穿”,put on“穿上,戴上”(强调动作),have on“穿上,戴上”(强调状态),pull on“拉上,戴上”(强调动作),所以合题意的只有have on。 (延边F) 对症下药 C7. (延边F) ( 典型例题精选 ) To understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it into parts. A. down B. up C. off D. out (延边F) 考场错解 B (延边F) 专家把脉 考生对break down与break up含义及区别不明白。“break dow

8、n”分解、rtegSugar and stareh(淀粉)are bmken down in the stomach“break up分开vi eg sentences break up into clauses“break off”与“break out”后不跟into故选A。(延边F) 对症下药 A(延边F)专家会诊1(延边F)动词及动词短语几乎年年必考,所涉及到的动词知识都是常用的,常见的。 2(延边F)平时要进行大量的阅读,在阅读中去理解动词短语的新意义。要着重掌握以下动词构成的动词短语get, come, look, put, turn, take, send, set,carry,

9、 call, have, care, pay, hold, keep, think, hear, make, give, hend, deal, ask 等. 3(延边F)多记一些常见动词及短语的含义和用法并学会在特定语境中灵活运用。以下为常见短语动词: 一、(延边F)动词+介词/副词短语例句act on照行事He acts on principlesAnswer for对负责You Will answer for whatyouve donearmagainst带武器以防He aITaed himself againstwild animalsagree wim同意(某人)I agree w

10、itll he ragree to同意(建议等)They agreed to tlle proposalagree on(in)同意商定(问题,条件等)They agreed on the questionarrive at/in到达(某地)He arrived in Nanjing at fiveodock yesterday morningaim at瞄准He aimed the gun al the birdask after问候My father asked after youask fof请求the boy asked for more foodborrowfrom从借来He bor

11、rowed a bikefromMarybelieve in信任We all believe in herbelong to属于The house belongs to meburst into突然起来She burst into tears at thenewsbegin at从(页)开始Teday we shall begin alpage 40baseon根据He baged the conelusion on experimentsbeat about me bush绕弯子Tell me the truthDontbeat about the bushconsist of由组成The

12、society consists of fivememberscongratulate肌祝贺We congratulated her on winning tlle contestcometo an end结束The talk come to an endat tencompareto把比作He comparedthe youngtothe rising suncomparewith同相比She compared tlle blue pen with the red penegre for喜欢:照料He doesnt care for p1ying footballchangefor用交换He

13、 changedlIis radiofor a recorder.change fromto从转到She changed from team A to team Bclear up放晴The weather cleared up in the afternooneolne aeross偶然碰到I came across an old friend in the streetcome mto想出;进入An idea suddenly came into my mindcall up打电话l shall call her up sooncall for叫(人)He iill call for yo

14、u in the evening call for为叫喊He heard sonleone calling for helpcall on访问(某人)she will call on a frend onSundaycall on号召The party called on us to study hardcureof治愈The medieine cured hjm of his paindepend on 依靠He depended onhismotherin lifedisagree with与意见不同He disagreed with her over the plandie of因病、饥

15、饿等而死The man died of cancerdie from因伤、意外等而死The dead nlan diedfrom a serions wounddie for为而死He died forthe peoptedevote to把用于She devoted all her money to buyins booksengage in从事,忙于He is engaged in writing anew book.end with以结束The party ended with danc-ing.fail in 夫败She failed in winning thegame.find o

16、ut 查He has not found out the trouble yet.give up 放弃Never give up hope.get over 克服,渡过You ll soon get over yourshyness.get on (/off )上车/(下车)She got on the bus at GulouSquare.get on 进展He is getting on well in thework.get ready for/准备好He has got ready for the journey.get in 收进The peasants got in the whe

17、atin May.grow up 长大, 发展The children have alreadygrown up.give in 投降( 让步)They gave in at last.get up 起床She gets up early every morning.go on 继The meeting went on deep into the night.go all out 竭尽全力They went all out to build theairport.go through放弃,没有也行She went through the bookbefore buying it.go over

18、复习;看一遍She went over the lessons forthree times.go down (日, 月)落下,下沉The moon has gone down.go without 放弃, 没He had to go without food.hand in 交进来They handed in their papers.have nothing to dowith 与无关He has nothing to do with thematter.have something to dowith 与有关Does she have anything to dowith the cas

19、e?head for朝去The ship is heading for thenearest port.help with 帮助He helped her with her English.help., in在帮助He helped her in studyingEnglish.hope for 希望(得到)She hoped for Mary to come.introduce., to.介绍She introduced me to her father.inspire., with.以激发He inspired them with courage.insist on 坚持She insis

20、ted on doing itthat way.interfere with ( in )妨碍;干涉Dont interfere with his work.join in 参加 ( 活动 )She also joined in the dancing.join sb. In加入某人从事He joined us in watering thetrees.keep on 继续She kept on making experiments.knock at (on)(门等)Someone is knocking at ( on )the door.long for 渴望I m longing for

21、 a letterfrom him.look up_查导;向上看He is looking up a new wordin the dictionary.look upon., as把看作Do you look upon him as agood friend?learn by heart背会She has learnt it by heart.leave for 动身去He is leaving for Nanjing nextweek.look for 寻找The police are looking for thelost car.lie in 位于The town lies in th

22、e hills.live on 靠活,以为主食Sheep live on grass.laugh at 笑,嘲笑Don t laugh at others.look through翻阅;浏览The bey looked through thepicture book.mix., with同混合Oil and water can t mix witheach other.meet with 遇到She met with some difficohies.make up ones mind决定He has made up his mindwhat to say.owe to 归功于He owed

23、all his success to hisparents.operate on为手术He operated on the woundedsoldier.put., into把放入She put the book into the bag.play with 玩The boy played with a toytank.put up 举起They put up their hands.put up 挂起She put up a picture on thewall.put off推迟The match is put off owing tothe rain.point out 指出The te

24、acher pointed out hismistakes.preside over ( at )主持(会议) ,指挥Who is to preside over themeeting?present., with 赠送He presented her with a goldwatch.put., across使理解(相信)She didn t put the meaningacross very well.prevent.from阻止The snow prevented him fromcoming.persist in 坚持He persisted in doing that.put.,

25、into practice实施We shall put the plan intopractice.quarrel over为争吵They quarrelled over theproperty.quarrel with同争吵She quarrelled with her mother.reply to 答复He hasnt replied to me yet.recover from 恢复She has recovered from herillness.rely on 依靠He relied on his daughter inthe past.refrain from设法不,忍住Plea

26、se refrain from smoking.mb. of. 抢走The pain robbed him ofsleep.run over 辗过去The bus ran over his legs.result from 引起His illness results from overeating.result in 导致Overeating results in his illness.remember sb. To代问好Please remember me to yourmother.set about 着手干They set about the work atonce.set out 出

27、发They set out at dawn.succeed in 成功He succeeded in passing theexam.speak of 说到She once spoke of the book tome.supply., with 提供They supplied the soldierswith weapons.share in 分担 ( 享 )He shared in her joys and Sorrows.share sth with 与某人共同使用She shared a room with others.settle in 安顿下来He settled in a sm

28、all town.see through 看透I have already seen throughthe man.see to it 保证See to it that the work is donewell.send for 派人请We have sent for the doctor.stand by 支持We II stand by you in yourhour of need.stand for 代表What deesU. S. stand for?spend., on 花费She spent a lot of money onbooks.show around带参观He show

29、ed the guests aroundthe city.talk about 谈论What are you talking about?tide over 渡过He has tided over his illness.turn against 背叛She will never turn againsther country.tul-n into 变成Water can turn into gas.turn to 翻到,转向Please turn to page 10.think of 想念We think of you all the time.think about ( of )They

30、 are thinking about buying it.turn on 打开Please turn on the radio.turn off 关掉Please turn off the lights inthe loom,tell., from 区分I can t tell her from hersister.take off 脱去She asked him to take off thecoat.turn out 关掉He forgot to turn oat the gas.turn out 生产The factory turns out 100 carsper day.turn

31、round绕着转The earth turns round the sun.turn up 出现He didnt turn up until eleven o clock.to begin with 首先To begin with, we are short ofmoney.wait for 等待We shall wait for you at theschool gate.watch out for 提防We should watch out for theenemy.write to 给写信He wrote to me last week.wake up 醒来She usually wak

32、es up at five.wipe out 消灭The enemy troops have beenwiped out.watch over 照看The old should watch over theyoung. 二、过去分词+介词(这类短语常同连系动词连用)be absorbed in全神贯注于He is absorbed in reading.be burdened with负重He is burdened with a heavyload.be connected with 有关, 有联系He is no longer connectedwith the company.be co

33、vered with 覆盖The road is covered withsnow.be crowded with 挤满The shop is crowded withpeople.be dressed in 穿着She is dressed in red.be engaged to与订婚Mary is engaged to John.be equipped with装备They are equipped with gunsand food.be experienced in对有经验He is experienced in mendingbikes.be filled with 填满The h

34、ole is filled with ants.be furnished with提供,布置They are furnished withenough food.be interested in对有兴趣He is interested in the pieture.be joined to连接,结合One pipe is joined to another.be known as因而知名He is known as a painter.be known for因而出名The hill is known for the temple.be looked on as作为看待He is looked

35、 on as their leader.be made into被制成,使成为The boy was made into an artist.be made up of由构成A car is made up of many different parts.be married to与结婚She is married to a musician.be pleased with对喜欢,满意He is pleased with the work.be prepared for准备好They are prepared for thejourney.be regarded as被认为He is rega

36、rded as the greatestpoet.be satisfied with对满意I am satisfied with your answer.be ashamed of对感到羞愧She is ashamed of her action.be tired of (sth)对厌烦He is tired of this kind oflife.be terrified at 被 吓一跳He is terrified at the snake.三、动词 + 名词 + 介词apply one s mind to专心于He applied his mind to study.catch sig

37、ht of瞧见,看见I caught sight of herjust now.catch ( take ) hold of抓住He caught hold of the girl bythe hand.devote oneself to献身于, 专心于She devotes herself to teaching.devote ones life to为献身He devotes his life to the research.do(great)harm to对危害大The rain has done great harmto the crops.do ( great ) wrong to冤

38、枉,委屈Dont do wrong to an innocent person.feel pity for对感到怜悯He felt pity for the poor girl.fix ones eyes on凝视He fixed his eyes on the girl.form the habit of养成的习惯He has formed the habit ofgetting up early.get a good hold of抓牢He got a good hold of therope.get in touch with同取得联系I got in touch with her by

39、phone.get rid of除去,摆脱She has got rid of the badhabit.give advice on提出建议He gave advice on city planning. have none of 不允许,不接受He will have none of yourempty promise.have trust in 相信She had trust in him.have ( no ) difficultyin(没)有困难He has difficulty in doing thework.have a word with同谈话I want to have a

40、 wordwith you.have trouble in 在有麻烦She had trouble in the matter.have a look at看一下Let me have a good look at it.have words with 同口角(争吵)He had words with his wife.have (show) interestin 对有兴趣He has great interest in thiskind of film.have (deep) effect on 对有(深远)影响The book has great effect onhis life.hav

41、e mercy on 同情,怜悯He has no mercy on the poorold man.have ( take ) pity on 同情He has great pity on thesick boy.have the honour of有幸He has the honour of meetingher there.help oneself to请吃,自用Please help yourself to somefruit.keep a record of 记录She kept a record of her dailylife.make friends with 同交朋友He m

42、ade friends with a foreign girl.make fun of 取笑Don t make fun of him.make ( the ) best use of 充分利用They made the best use of themoney.make(good,full) use of (很好,充分)利用You should make good use ofyour time.make an apology to向道歉He made an apology to her.make one s way to 走向He made his way to thehouse.make

43、 preparations for 准备She is making preparations forthe holiday.make a dive for 猛冲The dog make a dive for thebone.make a mistake about 为产生误会Don t made a mistakeabout her.make a study of研究,学习I shall make a study of theplan.pay attention to 注意He paid much attention to herlife.pass a judgement on判决The co

44、urt passed a judgementon the case.put ones heart and into 全神贯注于She put her heart and soul into the work.set fire to 放火、点火They set fire to the house.show respect for 尊敬They show respect forthe old.show mercy to 同情Never show mercy to the enemy.say good-bye to 向道别They said good- bye toeachother.say hel

45、lo to 打招呼He said hello to the students.set an example to树立榜样He set an example to theyoung.shake hands with 握手They shook hands with eachother.take aim at 瞄准He took careftd aim at thetarget.take the side of支持,站在一边They took the side of the government.throw light on 阐明,使人明白His explanation threw light on

46、the poem.take pride in 因而自豪She took pride in her success.take part in 参加They took an active part insports.take delight in 以为乐He took great delightin travel.takd a message for 捎个口信Please take a message for her.add up to 总计为The income adds up to 1,000dollars.break away from 改掉;与脱离关系He has broken away

47、from thebad habit.be up to 就由,轮到It is up to her to answer thequestion.cut down on 削减He has cut down on expense.catch up with 赶上I can catch up with them.beat down on 直射The sun beats down on e up to达到 ( 标准), 比得上The result didn t come up toour e up against遭到( 反对,困难)The plan came up against abit of oppo

48、sition.do well in在做得好He does well in the work. drop in at sb. 顺便来He drops in on us sometimes.drop in at sp. 顺便Tom often drops in at the museum.do away with 废除They have done away with theold law.face up to面对 ,承担We must face up to the fact.fit in with 适合,符合The clothes fit in with her.fall back on 依靠He

49、 has a good friend to fallback on.get through withThey have got through withthe work.get down toLet s get down to business.get on ( along ) with 进展,相处He got on well with peoplehere.get out of从出来,摆脱He got out of debt.go on with 继续They went on with the meeting.go ahead of 先行He went ahead of them.go ba

50、ck of 背信,He went back of his promise.go in for 参加,爱好He has gone in for the long jump.grow out of 产生自The tail tree grows out of asmall seed.go ahead with进行,继续下去He went ahead with the workand got it done.keep up with 跟上She cant keep up with others.live up to 不辜负We shall live up to his teachings.look o

51、ut for提防,照看Look out for ears when crossing the street.look up to尊敬, 仰望They all looked up to him astheir leader.look back upon 回He likes to look back uponhis school days.look down upon不轻视,重视Dont look down upon him.look forward to 盼望He looks froward to seeing her.put up with忍受,容忍 ,I just cant put up w

52、ith thatkind of man.run up against 遇到We often run up against newwords.run out of 用完I have run out of ink.think highly ofThey think highly of his newnovel.watch out for当心,提防Watch out for thieves in thestreet.work hard at 努力He works hard at his lessons.arrive at a conclusion 得出结论They arrived at a conc

53、lusionat last.burst into pieces成为碎片The glass has burst intopieces.burst into tears突然大哭She burst into tears at thenews.burst into laughter突然大笑The girls burst into e to sbs help(aid) 前来援助某人Some boys came to her e to the rescue前来营救The firemen came to the e into use开始使用,实施The new tool came into usetwo y

54、ears e into power当权,执政The king came into power e into effect开始生效The new rule will come intoeffect e into being产生,建立The custom came into beinglong long e into light 发亮The star came into light e to conclusion得出结论They will come to a conclusion.do up one s hair梳理头发She is doing up her hair.fly into a tem

55、per耍脾气He flew into a tempr at herwords.get into trouble陷入麻烦He has got into trouble inbusiness.get in a word 插话Don t get in a word.help sb. to ones feet帮助某你站起来They helped her to her feet.make up one s mind下决心He has made up his mind todo it.play away one stime 虚度光阴The man played away histi me.plunge i

56、nto sorrow 使陷入悲伤He was plunged into deepSOITOW.put sth. to use使用 ,利用You should put the dictionaryto a good use.set to work 开始工作They set to work after a rest.take on a new look呈现新面貌The town has taken on a newlook.(延边F)考场思维训练1 (延边F) (典型例题精选As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the vi

57、sit to the village scenes of my childhood. A. called up B. called forC. called on D. called in1A解析:call up征召,使人想起;call for要求,需要;call on号召,拜访;call in召集。对村庄的拜访使我想起童年的景象。2 (延边F) (典型例题精选 Although the wind has , the rain remains steady, so you still need a raincoat. A. turned up B. gone backC. died down

58、D. blown out2C解析:turn up出现;go back返回;die down变弱,平息blow out(汽车轮胎)突然漏气。由句意知c正确。3 (延边F)Sherlock Homels was often able to a mystery without leaving his rooms on Baker Street. A. tear up B. clean upC. clear up D. show up3C解析:clear+up澄清;弄清楚;整理。4 (延边F) Whenever we are to walk on the ice, do that it is soli

59、d and thick.A. examine B. cheek C. try D. try out4B解析:check有“核实,检查”之意,相当于make sure。5 (延边F)Smoking is bad for your health. Yes, I know. But I simply cant A. give it up B. give it inC. give it out D. give it away5A解析:give up放弃。(延边F)探究开放题解答(延边F)综合问颗l(延边F)细外动词及动词的考查1. (延边F)It is cerainthat hewill his bu

60、siness to his son when he gets old. A. take over B. think over C. hand over D. go over (延边F) 解题思路 本题是动词“take/think/hand/go与副词over”构成的词组。根据题意“当他变老时,他将把他的企业移交给他的儿子,这是必定无疑的”。故选C项。 hand over“移交”;take over“接管”;think over“仔细考虑”;go overt复习过一遍”。 (延边F) 解答 C2. (延边F) (典型例题精选The computer system suddenly while h

61、e was searching for information on the Internet. A. broke down B. broke out C. broke up D. broke in (延边F) 解题思路 本题考查同一动词与不同介词/副词构成不同短语的语义辨析。题意为:他网上寻找信息期间计算机系统突然瘫痪了。break down机器(坏了);breakout突然爆发;break up四散走开Ibreak in破门而入。 (延边F) 解答 A(延边F)规律总结细外词汇的扩展与掌握应遵从以下规律: 第一,以常见的熟词为根基,对其在新语言环境下的语义推测,是平时学习的重点。这也是近几

62、年高考的趋势,可较好地考查学生的阅读理解能力,这就要求同学们在平时的阅读中注意积累,仔细琢磨; 第二,掌握根据语境/上下文推测生词意思的能力; 第三,熟练掌握专家会诊中所列举的动词短语。(延边F)考场思维训练1 (延边F)Her lost eyesight was by her sharp sense of heating. A. made up for B. made outC. made up of D. made up1A解析:make up for弥补。2 (延边F)People with loud voices really me . A. turn; in B. turn; dow

63、nC. turn; on D. turn; off2D解析:turn off使讨厌;反感。(延边F)考点高分解题综合训练I(延边F)单项选择1 (延边F) (典型例题精选The boss said we had only three days to finish the work. Don t worry. We have already two thirds of it. A. got down B. got throughC. given in D. given away1B解析:该句意为:我们已经通过了三分之二。get down:下来;get through:通过;give in:让步;

64、give away:泄漏,赠送。2 (延边F)Kathy a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and gids. A. picked up B. took upC. made up D. turned up2A解析:考查词义辨析,pick up拾起,取,接(人);无意中获得,得到。take up占据(用),从事;对有兴趣。makeup化妆,完成,补足,编造,组成。turn up调大,出现,露面。该句意为:Kathy和本地的男女孩玩耍时学会了西班牙语,故选A。3 (延边F)The dictionary is being printed

65、 and it will soon A. tum out B. come outC. start out D. go out3B解析:考查词义辨析,turn out证明,结果是;come out出版,出现,传出;start out开始,起始;go out离开,参加社交活动,该句意为:字典正在印刷,不久就要出版。4 (延边F) If any one happens to drop in while I am out, him or her leave a message.A. have B. get C. ask D. tell4A解析:选项B、C、D的用法应为get/ask/tell sbto

66、 do sth,故选A。5 (延边F)It s the present situation in poor areas that much higher spending on education and training. A. answers for B. provides forC. calls for D. plans for5c解析:考查语词辨析answer for负责、保证;provide for赡养、提供生计;call for需求、需要;plan for为作计划;打算。该句意为:贫穷地区当前的形势需要在教育培训上投入更多的钱。6 (延边F) What shall we use f

67、or power when all the oil in the world has ? A. given out B. put outC. held up D. use up6A解析:考查词义辨析。give out用完耗尽,精疲力竭。Put out熄灭;困扰,使不安;发布。hold up阻挡;延误。use up 用完,用光。该句意为:当世界上所有的油都用完时我们用什么来作为动力呢?排除B、c。选项D应用被动形式。7 (延边F)Modern plastics can very high and very low tem peratures. A. stand B. holdC. carry D

68、. support7A解析:该句句意为:现代塑料可以忍受高温和低温,stand忍受,经受,用此意时无进行时。8 (延边F)We went to Canada to travel and my cousin as our guide. A. played B. showedC. acted D. performed8C解析:固定短语act as担任,充当,故选C。 9 (延边F)I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson . A. cut in B. cut downC. cut out D. cut up9A解析:cut in插嘴,突然插入;cut

69、down吹倒;削减;破坏;cut out切掉,删掉;切断;cut up切碎;抨击,对吹毛求疵。该句意为:我正要和Margaret说话,就在这时Jackson突然插话,故选A。10 (延边F) The company is starting a new advertising campaign to new customers to its stores. A. join B. attract C. stick D. transfer10B解析:公司将启动新一轮的广告战以吸引新顾客,at-tract吸引。11 (延边F) Before building a house, you will hav

70、e to the government s permission. A. get from B. follow C. receive D. ask for11D解析:根据句意,“在建房之前,你必须 政府的允许”。ask for请求,符合句意。12 (延边F)I couldn t . The line was busy. A. go by B. go around C. get in D. get through12D解析:短语辨析。go by经过,受之指导;go around 到处;(疾病),谣言传来;get in进来;收(庄稼);get througll 做完;给接通电话,通过。该句意为:电

71、话占线,我接不通。13 (延边F)Ow! I ve burnt myself! How did you do that? I a hot pot. A. touched B. kept C. felt D. held13A解析:“我摸了一口热锅,烫伤了”,touch触摸,故选A。14 (延边F)The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without his notes. A. bringing up B. referring to C. looking for D. trying on14B解析:“总裁在商业

72、会议上没有参考笔记讲了将近一个小时”,refer to参考,查阅。15 (延边F)This picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can my father. A. find out B. pick out C. look out D. speak out15B解析:这张照片是很久以前拍摄的,不知你能否认出我父亲。find out(由研究、计算、探询)获知,得知;pick out分辨出,选择;look out当心,向外看;speak out,大声说出。由句意可知,该题选B。16 (延边F)They started off late

73、 and got to the airport with minutes to A. spare B. catch C. leave D. make16A解析:spare有余,腾出,(时间空暇的),由句意可知选项A正确。17 (延边F)Nowadays, it is considered acceptable for a couple to the marriage if it can t bring them happiness. A. hold down B. give away C. break off D. cut off17c解析:hold down压制、保持;give away送掉

74、,分发,泄漏;break off打断,折断,解除(婚约);cut off切掉,切断。根据 题意,C正确。18 (延边F) In our childhood, we were often by grandma to pay attention to our table manners. A. demanded B. reminded C. allowed D. hoped18B解析:remind表示“提醒”,本题是remind sbto do sth结构,在被动语态中的运用,demand和hope后不能加sbto do结构,c项与句意不符。19 (延边F)April Fool s Day is

75、coming. Be careful not to be when others play tricks on you. A. brought in B. caught in C. taken in D. made in19C解析:be taken in被所骗。20 (延边F)Julia said she sent you a birthday card yesterday. Have you got it? Oh, really ! I haven t my mailbox yet. A. examined B. reviewed C. tested D. checked20D解析:chec

76、k指“核查,核对”。examine意为“仔细查看新的信息或掌握情况”。test考试,考验”。21 (延边F) The doctor suggested my wife and me more exercise every day. A. take B. taking C. to take D. took21B解析:suggest的后接部分,如果视为宾语从句,则从句中主语应为I而非meMywife andme在此处作taking的逻辑主语,故选B。22 (延边F) Sometimes a footballer receives a yellow card for trying to the ga

77、me. A. hold up B. stay up C. break up D. point up22A解析:考查短语动词。hold up此处意为“拖延,延误”。23 (延边F)His idea of having weekly family meals together, which seemed difficult at first, has many good chan ges in their lives. A. got through B. resulted from C. turned into D. brought about23D解析:考查考查词组辨析。get through穿

78、过;result from 由于;turn into变成;bring about带来变化。句意:他的最初 显得有点难的每周一次的家庭聚餐的设想,带来了他们生活中好多的良好变化。24 (延边F)How proud she is ! She has been Beijing University. A. admitted to B. agreed to C. received by D. entered in24A解析:本题考查动词短语辨析。Be admitted to被所录取”。25 (延边F)Don t take all the things. You should learn to with

79、 others. A. spare B. share C. offer D. spend25B解析:此句意为:不要把所有的东西据为己有,你必须学会与人分享。故用share。26 (延边F)When to repairing a computer, I have little knowledge of it. A. I come B. it comes C. we come D. they come26B解析:考查短语动词。come to意为“涉及,谈到”,这里与when”构成“when it comes to sth”句式,意为“当谈到时”。27 (延边F)The doctor had alm

80、ost hope at one point, but the patient finally . A. pulled out B. pulled through C. pulled up D. pulled over27B解析:考查短语动词在实际情景中的应用。pulled out拔出,挖出,离开,(车,船)驶出,度过难关;但与其连用的名词多是“困难”之类的。而pull through可用于表示病人恢复健康,through是介词,亦可为副词;pull up拔起,(使)停下;pull over把拉回来,把开到路边。28 (延边F) After a year s training, I m sure

81、 he will the target. A. hit B. strike C. beat D. knock28A解析:考查动词辨析。hit the target是固定短语“达到目标”。 29 (延边F)I wonder if Joe has really learnt Italian. Not really. He .just a few words of Italian by playing with the local children. A. kept up B. picked up C. drew up D. caught up29B解析:考查动词短语辨析。pick up“偶然碰到”

82、。 30 (延边F)Ling Feng won the first prize in national English competition. Oh,really? I m glad that her efforts at last . A. worked out B. got back C. paid off D. turned out30c解析:pay off此处是不及物动词,意为“得到回报”。 (延边F)完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3150各题所给的四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Many people believe everything or almost

83、everything they read in newspapers or hear on radio. A few years ago I 31 a story about a husband and wife who made a 32 mistake. They had gone shopping and had taken their small baby 33 with them. After they had finished their shop- ping, they returned to their car to go home. 34 they reached their

84、 car, they put the baby in the plastic baby carri- er that 35 rode in for safety. The couple then 36 in their car toward home. After they had driven a few miles, they 37 the back seat to see how the baby was. To their sur- prise,the baby was not there. According to the 38 the couple had put the plas

85、tic seat and the baby on the top of the car but had 39 to put him inside the car. They had driven away with the baby on the top of the car. The couple drove back 40 the store but did not find the baby. They called the police, and the police said that they 41 the baby and that the baby was 42 . The b

86、aby had fallen from the top of the car but had been 43 by his plastic seat. The 44 couple took their baby home and were always careful after that. There was one thing 45 with the story. It was not true. Stories such as this one are often 46 in newspapers and on radio and television. Because they are

87、 read and heard 47 that usually report the truth, many people believe them. People also believe them because, like the story 45 , they have something unusual or frightening about them. What is 49 is that newspaper and radio reporters 50 believe them.31. (延边F)A. read B. told C. imagined D. wrote32. (

88、延边F)A. terrible B. interesting C. harmful D. puzzling33. (延边F)A. along B. away C. around D. alone34. (延边F)A. Before B. While C. After D. Since35. (延边F)A. she B. we C. he D. they36. (延边F)A. drove off B. moved on C. left out D. went away37. (延边F)A. glanced at B. examined C. thought of D. searched38. (

89、延边F)A. radio B. story C. report D. newspaper39. (延边F)A. planned B. forgotten C. expected D. left40. (延边F)A. towards B. near C. for D. around41. (延边F)A. saw B. helped C. had D. saved42. (延边F)A. dead B. comfortable C. fine D. dangerous43. (延边F)A. saved B. covered C. caught D. protected44. (延边F)A. puzz

90、led B. grateful C. frightened D. satisfied45. (延边F)A. fight B. important C. neccessary D. wrong46. (延边F)A. told B. made C. written D. reported47. (延边F)A. in places B. for sure C. with joy D. at ease48. (延边F)A. mentioned B. printed C. recorded D. told49. (延边F)A. believable B. unlucky C. strange D. su

91、rprising50. (延边F)A. almost B. also C. always D. never31A解析:从上下文看是从报上看到。32A解析:丢了孩子后果严重,所以是可怕的错误。33A解析:take along随身带在一起。34A解析:从上下文可知“当他们未上车之前”。35C解析:从下文可知婴儿为男孩,用he。36A解析:drive off“驾车离开”。37A解析:夫妇驾车行驶了一段后,朝车后座里“看”婴儿是否安安然无恙。38B解析:具体内容准确地讲是出自story。39B解析:夫妇把孩子放在塑料座位上,但忘记把孩子放进车内。40A解析:drive back towards“朝开车

92、”。41C解析:had不仅指baby在他们处,还应该或可能包括其他内容。42c解析:fine警察说孩子“安然无恙”。43D解析:孩子从车顶上掉下来,塑料座位有保护作用。44B解析:grateful感激的。45D解析:下文中的“it was not true可知填“wrong”。46D解析:报纸上应为“报道”。47A解析:in places在这些地方。48D解析:上面讲述的这则故事。49c解析:作者对媒体也相信假新闻感到奇怪。50B解析:电台与报纸记者“也”相信这些故事。 (延边F)考点小资料 常用动词以下37个动词应掌握至少四个以上的短语: Group 1: break, call, come, do, get, give, go, have, hold, keep, look, make, take, turn; Group 2: agree, catch, hand, help, run, send, stand, talk, think, try, work; Group 3: carry, drive, lend, let, love, move, pick, push, show, spend, wait, write.精品资料。欢迎使用。高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u


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