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本文(2020-2021学年外研版(2019)高中英语必修二课时学案:UNIT3 ON THE MOVE PERIOD 3 DEVELOPING IDEAS WORD版含解析.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2020-2021学年外研版(2019)高中英语必修二课时学案:UNIT3 ON THE MOVE PERIOD 3 DEVELOPING IDEAS WORD版含解析.doc

1、Unit 3 On the movePeriod3 Developing ideas and Presenting ideas知识点梳理I.词汇精讲对接高考知识点1.【原句】 .while its waterproof band is fully adjustable so that it is comfortable to wear.而它的防水带是完全可调的,所以穿起来很舒服。adjustable adj.可调节的【考点归纳】adjust vi.& vt.调整;(使)适应adjust to doing sth.适应做某事调整以适应adjust oneself to.使某人

2、自己适应adjustment n调整,调节;适应make an adjustment/adjustments作出调整【例句】For example,making an adjustable desk lamp is your fantasy.例如,做一盏可以调节的台灯纯属是你的想象。To be exact,other people can extend our intelligence and help us understand and adjust our emotions.确切地说,其他人能够拓展我们的智力,帮助我们理解、调整我们的情感。【对接高考】单句语法填空She soon adju

3、sted herself to the new surroundings.她很快适应了新环境。Some schools will make adjustments(adjust) in agreement with the national soccer reform.为了与国家足球改革相一致,一些学校将做出调整。知识点2.【原句】Using only a rope,you can develop your footwork and balance.只使用一根绳子,你就可以练就你的步法和平衡感。balance n天平;平衡;结余,余额 vt.平衡;权衡【考点归纳】keep ones balan

4、ce保持平衡lose ones balance失去平衡out of balance不平衡balance A against B权衡A与Bbalanced adj.平衡的,均衡的a balanced diet均衡的饮食【例句】Try to balance your diet by eating more fruit and less dessert.尽量多吃些水果,少吃甜食,使饮食均衡合理。The doctor advised me to have a balanced diet.医生建议我均衡饮食。【对接高考】完成句子When he was running after his brother,

5、the boy lost his balance and had a bad fall.在追赶哥哥时,这个男孩失去平衡,重重地摔了一跤。The girl seemed to be out of balance on the ice.这个女孩在冰上似乎失去了平衡。We must balance the advantages against the disadvantages before we decide.在做决定之前我们必须权衡利弊。知识点3.【原句】During the interview,listen carefully to each question and try to under

6、stand the main ideas within the interviewees responses.在面试过程中,仔细听每个问题,试着理解受访者回答中的主要观点。response n回答;答复【考点归纳】in response to回答;回应make a response to对作出回应respond vi.回答;响应;作出反应respond to回答;回应【例句】How did he respond to the news about his personal life?他对有关他私生活的消息是如何回应的?【对接高考】单句语法填空The law was passed in resp

7、onse(respond) to the public pressure.在公众压力下该法规获得通过。【一句多译】我建议他制定一个新计划,但是他没有回复。I suggested that he work out a new plan but he didnt respond to it.(respond)I suggested that he work out a new plan but he didnt make a response to it.(response)知识点4.【原句】Then I discovered an app called Running Power.然后我发现了一

8、个名为Running Power的应用程序。power n力量;能力;权力;职权;政权;电力供应【考点归纳】come to power上台,当权(表示动作,不能和一段时间连用)be in power当权,执政(表示状态,可以和一段时间连用)have the power to do sth.具有做某事的能力/权力beyond/out of ones power某人力所不能及的powerful adj.强有力的【例句】There was a time when the little girl lost the power of speech.有一段时间这个小女孩失去了说话的能力。Could you

9、 tell me when the president Trump came to power?你能告诉我特朗普总统是什么时候上台的吗?【对接高考】单句语法填空She had the power to control(control) the situation.她有能力控制局面。I am sorry its beyond my power to make such a decision.对不起,我无权做此决定。This kind of animals has some powerful(power) teeth.这种动物有强大的牙齿。知识点5.【原句】End by saying why he

10、/she inspires you. 最后说说他/她为什么会激励你。inspire vt.鼓舞,激励;激发;启示【考点归纳】inspire do sth.鼓励某人做某事inspiring adj.令人鼓舞的,鼓舞人心的inspired adj.受到鼓舞的inspiration n.灵感;鼓舞【例句】We need an adult who can inspire the team to cheer up.我们需要一位能激励团队振奋起来的成年人。【对接高考】单句语法填空The actors hope to inspire the children to work(work) hard

11、 for their dreams.这些演员希望鼓舞孩子们为了梦想而努力学习。Hearing the inspiring news,the children were very inspired.(inspire)听到这个鼓舞人心的消息,孩子们都很受鼓舞。I really wonder where his inspiration(inspire) came from.我确实很想知道他的灵感来自哪里。知识点6.【原句】He then persuaded me to try ice hockey. 然后他说服我去打冰球。persuade vt.说服,劝说【考点归纳】persuade注意:persu

12、ade表示“说服”,强调说服的结果;advise表示“劝说,建议”,对方不一定接受,强调动作。“劝说但不一定有效果”应表述为:advise sb. to do sth.或try to persuade do sth.。【例句】I decided to persuade him to change his mind.I decided to persuade him into changing his mind.我决定说服他改变主意。The girl advised her father to give up smoking,but failed.那个女孩劝她父亲戒烟,但没有成功。【

13、对接高考】完成句子He tried to persuade us of his honesty.He tried to persuade us that he was honest.他试图说服我们相信他是诚实的。None of us could persuade him not to do that.None of us could persuade him out of doing that.我们中没有人能说服他不做那件事。II.重点短语精讲精练 知识点【原句】This is a programme run by The Gorilla Organization to raise money

14、 to save the worlds last remaining gorillas from dying out. 这是由大猩猩组织发起的一个项目,旨在筹集资金拯救世界上仅存的大猩猩,不可让它们灭绝。die out灭绝;逐渐消失;逐渐熄灭【考点归纳】die away (声音、光等)逐渐减弱;消失die of/from因而死die down逐渐平息;逐渐暗淡die off相继死去【例句】Many old traditional works of literature have died out already.许多古老的传统文学巨著已经绝迹了。【对接高考】完成句子After the talk

15、 the mans anger died down a bit.谈话之后,这名男子的怒气平息了一点。If the snowstorm doesnt blow over,the cattle will die off.如果暴风雪不停息,牛就会相继死去。The sound of the car died away in the distance.汽车的声音渐渐消失在远方。III.重点句型精讲精练知识点【原句】I had a great day out in London,as well as helping to save gorillas!我在伦敦度过了美好的一天,也帮助拯救了大猩猩! 【考点归

16、纳】as well as也;既又;不但而且;和一样好。用作连词,连接两个相同的成分,如名词、形容词等,通常不位于句首,相当于not only。当as well as连接主语时,谓语动词须和as well as前面的主语在人称和数上保持一致(即与比较远的那个主语保持一致,简称“就远原则”)。类似的词还有together with,along with,with,besides,but,except,including,rather than等。用作介词,相当于besides,in addition to,意为“除之外(还有)”,后面通常接名词或动词ing形式。as well常位于肯定句句末,无须

17、用逗号与句子分开。may/might as well还是为好;不妨。表示委婉的建议,一般是针对当时的情况提出另外的提议。【例句】On the Internet,people can seek information about their favorite stars and complain as well.在网上,人们可以查找他们最喜欢的明星的信息,也可以发牢骚。Now that you have a good chance,you may/might as well make full use of it.既然你有一个好机会,你不妨充分利用这次机会。【对接高考】单句语法填空My sister,as well as her classmates who were late for class,was criticized by Mr Hunt.(be)我姐姐和她迟到的同学都被亨特老师批评了。

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