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本文(2016-2017学年高中英语(江苏)译林版必修3学业分层测评4 UNIT 2 SECTION Ⅱ WELCOME TO THE UNIT & READING-LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含解析.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2016-2017学年高中英语(江苏)译林版必修3学业分层测评4 UNIT 2 SECTION Ⅱ WELCOME TO THE UNIT & READING-LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含解析.doc

1、学业分层测评(四)Welcome to theunit & ReadingLanguage points(建议用时:35分钟).单项填空1When I called Mrs.Green yesterday afternoon,she was _ in choosing a Tshirt for her son.AoccupiedBoccupyingCabsorbing Daddicted2. I really dont know how many paragraphs the passage _.Amakes up Bconsists ofCbases on Drefers to3Will y

2、ou go to Marys birthday party?No,_ invited,I cant go to it.Ill be too busy then.Aif BunlessCeven though Dwhen4Teachers will never _ by computers in the classroom.Areplace Bbe replaceCbe replaced Dbe replacing5She _ the gun and fired.Arose BraisedCraises Drises6Take care during the holidays!Drinking

3、too much can _ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.Acontribute to Brelate toCattend to Ddevote to7The coach,because of the drivers carelessness,was _ and ran into the river on such a cold December morning.Aunder control Bout of controlCwithin reach Dout of reach8His success doesnt _ his clev

4、erness.Working hard _ his progress.Alie on;leads to Blead to;leads toClead to;lies in Dlie in;leads to9Society _ a variety of people.Ais made up of Bis made out ofCis made into Dis made in10You said boys were cleverer than girls.That is _ I disagree.Awhat BwhereCwhich Dwhy11Tom is in _ control of th

5、e company.That is to say,the company is in _ control of him.Athe;/ B/;theCthe;the D/;/12This printer is of good quality.If it _ break down within the first year,we would repair it at our expense.Awould BshouldCcould Dmight13Is what the politician says _ what he does?Adifferent from Bdiffer fromCdiff

6、erently from Dhave difference of14It was _ that protecting the cultural relics could do much good to the development of the town.Asure BcertainCuncertain Dsurely15Youre speaking too fast.Can you speak _?Aa bit more slowly Bslowly a bit moreCmore slowly a bit Dslowly more a bit.完形填空【导学号:28820034】Do y

7、ou know_1_languages there are in the world? There are about 1,500 but many of them are not very_2_.English is one of the most important languages because many people_3_it, not only in England and America,_4_in other countries of the world.About 200,000,000 speak it_5_their own language, and another

8、200,000,000 use it as_6_ language.It is_7_to say how many people are learning it._8_boys and girls in school are trying to do so.Many English children study French.French is also a very important language._9_ children study German, Russian, Japanese and Chinese.Which is the best_10_to learn a langua

9、ge? We know that we all learnt_11_language well when we were_12_.If we learn a second language in the_13_way,it wont seem so difficult.What does a small child do?It_14_ what people say, and it tries to guess what it hears.When it wants something,it has to_15_ it.It is using the language,_16_in it an

10、d talking in it all the time.If people use a second language_17_, they will learn it_18_.In school,you learn to read,to hear and to speak.It is best to learn all new words through the_19_.You can read them, spell them manyBwhat numberCa lot of Dso many2A.useful BnecessaryCimporta

11、nt BuseClearn Dspeak4A.but BandCalso BwithCfor Das6A.foreign Ba secondCthe second Da special7A.easy BagainCdifficult Dbest8A.Millions of BMillion ofCMillions DSeveral million9A.Some BOtherCAll DFew10A.time BwayCthing Dplace11A.a foreignBour mothersCothersDour own12A.born Bchi

12、ldren Cgrown Dboys13A.same Bdifferent Cuseful Dgood14A.does Bsays Clistens to Dfollows15A.ask Bwant Cget Dask for16A.speaking Bwriting Cthinking Ddoing17A.some time BsometimesCall the time Dfor the time18A.quickly Bsoon Cfreely Deasily19A.mouth BhandsCears Dmind20A.speak BuseClove Dwrite.阅读理解(2016襄阳

13、市四校高一期中)ORTOTROT? I heard that word while studying in Australia.It is a local language for “Are you ready (to go)?”And at Sydney Airport, I asked the way to the train station and a man told me“Go ask that bloke over there.” “Bloke” is used in Australia and refers to a person.“Day” and “die” sound al

14、most alike and since “a”, “i” and “o” all sound almost the same, I have always told my Australian friends, jokingly, that they only need 24 letters, and not 26 like the rest of us do.Australian English began to be different from British English in 1788 and has many words that some consider unique (独

15、特的) to the language, such as outback, meaning a remote, sparselypopulated (人口稀少的) area.Early settlers from England brought other similar words, phrases and usages to Australia.“Bonzer”, which was once a common Australian word meaning “great” or “beautiful”, is thought to have been an American term.T

16、he American influence on language in Australia has come from pop culture, the mass media (books, magazines and television programmes) and the Internet.Australian English is most similar to New Zealand English for their similar history.Words of Irish origin are used, some of which are also common els

17、ewhere in Irish, such as “tucker” for “food”Some native English words whose meanings have changed under Irish influence, such as “paddock” for “field”, which has exactly the same meaning as the Australian “paddock”are still in use.1According to the passage, we know Australian English _.Ahas special

18、charactersBis a kind of old languageCis very difficult to learnDis the same as British English2Why did the writer tell his Australian friends they only need 24 letters?A. Because Australians never use “a” or “i”BBecause Australians speak very easy English.CBecause there are 3 letters having similar

19、pronunciation.DBecause there are some different ways to call the same thing.3Australian English is most similar to New Zealand English because _.A. they learn from each otherBthey have similar historyCthe two countries have the same political systemDpeople from the two countries often travel to each

20、 others country4The American influence on Australian English comes from the following EXCEPT _.Apop cultureBthe InternetCcomputer softwareDthe mass media详解答案学业分层测评(四).1.A句意:昨天下午我给格林夫人打电话的时候,她正忙着给她的儿子选T恤衫。be occupied in doing sth.“忙于做某事”,符合句意及句子结构的要求,可用be absorbed in doing sth.替换;addicted通常与介词to搭配,be

21、 addicted to“对上瘾”。2Bconsist of在此表示“由组成”,不用于被动语态。若用make up,则要用其被动形式。3C由“I cant go.busy then.”可知,此处表达的意思是“即使被邀请”,even though invited是even though I am invited的省略形式。4C句意:在课堂上,电脑永远不会取代老师。本句主语是“老师”,be replaced by意为“被取代”。5Brise为不及物动词,后不能跟宾语,所以排除A、D项;raised与fired是并列谓语,形式上应一致,所以B项正确。6A后句句意:过量饮酒会引发心脏病和高血压。con

22、tribute to“引发,是的原因之一”,符合语境。relate to“涉及”;attend to“处理,照料”;devote后要接宾语。7B句意:由于司机的粗心大意,那辆长途客车在寒冬腊月的一个早上失控掉进了河里。out of control“失去控制”,与the drivers carelessness相吻合。under control“在控制之下”;within reach“够得着”;out of reach“够不着”。8D句意:他成功不是因为他聪明,努力工作是他进步的原因所在。lie in“在于”;lead to“引起,引发”。9A句意:社会是由形形色色的人组成的。be made u

23、p of“由组成,由构成”,符合句意。10B考查表语从句。disagree为不及物动词,所以要用连接副词。11B句意:汤姆掌管公司,也就是说,公司在他的掌管之下。in control(of)“控制,掌握;管理”。in the control of“受控制”,主语一般为物。12B句意:这种打印机质量优良。如果它在第一年中出了毛病,我们将无偿维修。题干第二句为虚拟条件句,且表示对将来情况的虚拟,故从句谓语形式为“should动词原形”。13Abe different from是形容词词组;differ from是动词词组;differently是副词;difference是名词。句意:这个政治家所

24、说的与他所做的不同吗?故本题答案为A。14B本题主要考查sure和certain两个形容词的区别。It is/was certain that.为固定句型;sure后接that从句时,其主语不能是it,故排除A项;C项意为“不确定”,不符合句意;D项为副词,不能作表语,排除D项。句意:保护文化遗产能对这个城镇的发展有很大好处,这是确信无疑的。故本题答案为B。15A句意:你说得太快了。你能说得稍微慢一点吗?a bit是程度副词,修饰比较级more slowly,语序为“程度副词比较级”。.【语篇解读】世界上大约有1500种语言,其中英语是最重要的语言之一。学习语言最好的方法就是从小开始。1A由下

25、句“There are about 1,500”可知,上文是询问“世界上有多少种语言”。2C由下句“English is one of the most important language”可知,上句是说全世界1 500多种语言中有许多是不重要的。3B由于很多人使用英语,所以英语才是世界上最重要的语言之一。所以用use。4A该空与上文的not only一起构成not only.but (also)固定短语,意为“不仅而且”。5D全世界有200 000 000人把英语作为母语来讲,所以用介词as,意为“作为”。6B全世界有200 000 000人把英语作为第二语言。“a序数词”表示“再一,另一

26、”;the second“第二”。所以选B项。7C很难说目前全世界有多少人正在学习英语。8Amillions of意为“无数,许多”;several million意为“数百万”,该句表示“全世界许许多多的学生正在学习英语”。9A上文说很多英国学生学习法语,也有一些学生学习其他语言,如德语、俄语、日语和汉语。依据句意,选A项。10B下文主要谈论学习语言的方法。11D当我们还是孩子的时候,就学会了自己的母语。故D项正确。12B根据句意和常识可知,B项正确。13A如果我们用同样的办法学习另一门语言,就不会那么难了。14C在孩子学会说话之前,先要“听”。故C项正确。15Dask for sth.“请

27、求得到某物”。16C孩子索取东西的过程,其实就是用语言思维和交流的过程。17Csome time意为“一段时间”;sometimes意为“有时候”;all the time意为“一直,总是”。根据句意,应选C项。18A如果人们一直使用另一门语言,那么他们就会很快地学会这门语言。19C学习生词最好先听,既然听当然要用耳朵。20D根据句意可知D项正确。.【语篇解读】本文讲述了澳大利亚英语的一些特点,以及这些特点的成因。1A推理判断题。第二段句子“has many words that some consider unique (独特的) to the language”说到,澳大利亚英语有其独特的

28、地方。所以选A。2C细节理解题。第一段句子“since a,i and o all sound almost the same”告诉我们在澳大利亚英语中,有三个字母的发音几乎一样,所以开玩笑说只需要24个字母。故选C。3B细节理解题。第二段最后一句“Australian English is most similar to New Zealand English for their similar history.”说明澳大利亚英语和新西兰英语相似的原因是他们有相似的历史。故选B。4C推理判断题。文章第二段句子“The American influence on language in Australia has come from pop culture, the mass media (books, magazines and television programmes) and the Internet.”指出了美国英语对澳大利亚英语产生影响的几种方式。通过排除法选C。

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