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2021届高考二轮英语高频阅读词组 练习(五十四) WORD版含解析.doc

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1、2021届高考英语高频阅读词组+练习(五十四)一:词组梳理1 in sight 被见到;在望 2 in spite of 尽管3 in step 齐步,合拍 4 in step with 与.一致/协调5 in tears 流着泪,在哭着 6 in the course of 在.期间/过程中7 in the distance 在远处 8 in the end 最后,终于9 in the event of 如果.发生,万一 10 in the face of 即使;在.面前11 in the first place 首先 12 in the future 在未来13 in the least

2、丝毫,一点 14 in (the)light of 鉴于,由于15 in the way 挡道 16 in the world 究竟,到底17 in time 及时 18 in touch 联系,接触19 in turn 依次,轮流;转而 20 in vain 徒劳,白费力21 instead of 代替,而不是 22 just now 眼下;刚才23 little by little 逐渐地 24 lots of 许多25 many a 许多 26 more or less 或多或少,有点27 next door 隔壁的,在隔壁 28 no doubt 无疑地29 no less than

3、不少于.;不亚于.30 no longer 不再31 no more 不再 32 no more than 至多,同.一样不33 none other than 不是别的,正是 34 on ones guard 警惕,提防35 nothing but 只有,只不过 36 now and then 时而,偶尔37 off and on 断断续续,间歇地 38 off duty 下班39 on a large/small scale 大/小规模地 40 on account of 由于41 on(an/the) average 平均,通常 42 on behalf of 代表43 on board

4、 在船(车/飞机)上 44 on business 为了公事,出差45 on condition that 如果 二:习题训练(A)As trees across the northern areas turn gold and deep red, you can find autumn colors in parks and woodlands, in the cities, countryside, and mountains. People are wondering what these colors are for. For years, scientists have worked

5、 to understand the changes that happen to trees in the autumn. Up to now there have been different explanations for why natural selection makes autumn colors so widespread.Dr.Hamilton from Oxford University proposed that bright autumn leaves contained a message: they warn insects to leave them alone

6、. In the autumn, insects choose trees where they will lay eggs. When the larvae(幼虫)come out the next spring, they feed on the trees, often with a result of destruction of the trees. Dr. Hamilton suggested that trees could ward off these insects with poisons. They could have strong defenses by lettin

7、g egg-laying insects know what was in store for their eggs.Dr.Hamilton and his students turned the theory into a mathematical model, which showed that warning signals could indeed drive the evolution(进化)of bright leaves. It was a first attempt to see what was out there.A research team from the Unive

8、rsity of Wisconsin gave a quite different explanation. “If you are up here in Wisconsin, by the time leaves change, all the insects that feed on leaves are gone,” Dr. Hoch said. He believed that autumn colors served mainly as protection.According to Dr. Hoch and his team, autumn colors might be able

9、 to protect the leaves from sun damage or frost(冰冻)injuryin other words, they actually act as a sunscreen to avoid the destruction of the leaves. Besides, autumn colors might protect the leaves from water loss. If the cells in the leaves become dry, the connections between the cells will be weakened

10、 and the leaves will break off.Although there are different explanations about autumn colors, it has really given them a deeper concern for this time of year. “People sometimes say that science makes the world less interesting by just explaining things away,” one famous biologist said.“But with autu

11、mn leaves, the more you know about them, the more amazed you will be.”1.According to Dr. Hamilton, there is a connection between.A.the size of leaves and the survival of insectsB.the size of leaves and the behavior of insectsC.the size of leaves and the quality of insectsD.the size of leaves and the

12、 number of insects2.Dr. Hoch and his team give the explanation that.A.climate has an influence on the color of the leavesB.sun damage and frost injury drive the insects awayC.the color of autumn leaves has a protective functionD.autumn colors bring great destruction to the leaves3.The underlined phr

13、ase “ward off” in Paragraph 2 probably means“”.A.catch B.attract C.ignore D.prevent4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A.The evolution of colorful leavesB.The secret to autumn leaves changesC.The charming autumn colorsD.The role of leaves being protection(B)Before there wa

14、s the written word, there was the language of dance. Dance expresses love and hate, joy and sorrow, life and death, and everything else in between.1 We dance from Florida to Alaska, from north to south and sea to sea. We dance at weddings, birthdays, office parties and just to fill the time.“I adore

15、 dancing,”says Lester Bridges, the owner of a dance studio in Iowa. “I cant imagine doing anything else with my life.”Bridges runs dance classes for all ages. “Teaching dance is wonderful. 2 Its great to watch them. For many of them, its a way of meeting people and having a social life.”3 “I can tel

16、l you about one young couple,” says Bridges. “Theyre learning to do traditional dances. They arrive at the class in low spirits and they leave with a smile. 4”So, do we dance in order to make ourselves feel better, calmer, healthier?Andrea Hillier says, “Dance, like the pattern of a beating heart, i

17、s life. Even after all these years, I want to get better and better. 5 I find it hard to stop!Dancing reminds me Im alive.”A.So why do we dance?B.Dance in the U.S. is everywhere.C.If you like dancing outdoors, come to America.D.My older students say it makes them feel young.E.I keep practicing even

18、when Im extremely tired.F.Dancing seems to change their feeling completely.G.They stayed up all night long singing and dancing.答案及解析A语篇解读秋天到了,叶子成了金黄色。在我们眼中这是美丽的秋景,可是科学家们却在研究叶子变成黄色是为了什么。秋天的叶子里藏着什么秘密?1.D推理判断题。根据第二段中In the autumn, insects choose trees where they will lay eggs. When the larvae(幼虫)come o

19、ut the next spring, they feed on the trees, often with a result of destruction of the trees.可知幼虫以树叶为食,所以树叶的大小和昆虫的数量有关系。故选D项。2.C细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中According to Dr. Hoch and his team, autumn colors might be able to protect the leaves from sun damage or frost(冰冻)injuryin other words, they actually act as a

20、sunscreen to avoid the destruction of the leaves.可知秋天的树叶有保护作用,金黄色保护叶子免受伤害,故选C项。3.D词义猜测题。根据第二段画线词前一句When the larvae(幼虫)come out the next spring, they feed on the trees, often with a result of destruction of the trees.和后一句They could have strong defenses by letting egg-laying insects know what was in s

21、tore for their eggs.可知画线词的意思是“阻止”,故选D。4.B主旨大意题。根据第一段第一句As trees across the northern areas turn gold and deep red, you can find autumn colors in parks and woodlands, in the cities, countryside, and mountains.和最后一段中 “But with autumn leaves, the more you know about them, the more amazed you will be.”可知

22、本文叙述的是秋天树叶变化的秘密。故选B项。 B1.B本句为主旨句。空格位于段首。空格后描述跳舞在美国的流行程度:从佛罗里达州到阿拉斯加州,从北到南到大海上。在婚礼上、在生日派对上、在办公室派对上人们都在跳舞。由此可知到处都能看到美国人在跳舞,与B项吻合,所以答案为B项。2.D本句为过渡句。空格前作者用直接引语的方式描述了“教舞蹈简直太美妙了”。空格后句子中出现的代词them指代的就是Bridges所教的学生。D项中的students和them相对应,所以答案为D项。即我的那些年龄大的学生说舞蹈让他们感觉自己年轻。3.A本句为主旨句。空格位于段首。后面以一对年轻夫妻为例说明了跳舞给他们带来的好处。由此推断出本段是描述跳舞会给一个人的情绪带来巨大的影响,这就是人们喜欢跳舞的原因。这与A项(那么,我们为什么要跳舞呢?)相符。4.F本句为细节句。空格前描述这对夫妻刚来到舞蹈班时情绪低落,当他们离开的时候脸上露出了微笑。这都是舞蹈给他们的情绪带来的变化。这与F项(舞蹈好像彻底改变了他们的情绪。)相符。5.E本句为过渡句。空格前描述这么多年来Hillier想跳得越来越好。空格后描述Hillier发现自己就是停不下来,跳舞让Hillier知道自己还活着。作为前后过渡的空格处应该与Hillier一直不停地跳舞相关,这与E项(即使当我非常累的时候我还在练习跳舞。)相符。


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