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本文(2016-2017学年高中英语北师大版选修7习题 UNIT 19-SECTION Ⅴ LANGUAGE AWARENESS & CULTURE WORD版含答案.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2016-2017学年高中英语北师大版选修7习题 UNIT 19-SECTION Ⅴ LANGUAGE AWARENESS & CULTURE WORD版含答案.doc

1、Section Language Awareness & Culture Corner & Bulletin Board根据提示写出下列单词1_ n殖民地2_ vt. 建立;设立3_ n. 扩展;扩张4_ n. 移居5_ n. 条约6_ n& vt. 影响7_ v. 承认,认可【答案】1.colony2.establish3.expansion4.immigration5.treaty6.influence7.acknowledge根据提示补全下列短语1be associated _和往来;与有关系2_ addition 另外;此外3be known _ 被了解/知道4be involved

2、_ 与有关;被卷入;专心地(做)5come _ (偶然)发现,遇见6not only._ (also). 不但而且7pass on._. 把传给【答案】1.with2.in3.to4.in5.across6but7.to根据提示补全下列教材原句1They are _ interesting _ I watch them again and again.它们如此有趣,以至于我看了一遍又一遍。2He is known to be the last surviving member of his subspecies but _ George will pass on his genes to a

3、new generation.人们知道他是他的亚种的最后一个活着的成员,但人们希望乔治会把他的基因传给新一代。3Nevertheless,_ the effect of the goats introduced to the Galapagos by the early settlers _ are understood to have destroyed the ecological balance on the islands and the livelihood of Georges clan.然而,人们认为正是早期定居者引进到加拉帕戈斯群岛的山羊所造成的影响破坏了岛上的生态平衡以及乔治

4、家族的生活。4This _ had American words and expressions,_ introduced a new,simplified spelling which is still in use.这本书不仅收进了美式单词和表达法,而且介绍了一种新的、简化了的拼写方法,这种拼写方法仍在使用。【答案】; is hoped was;that4.not only;but also阅读P16课文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式English is the most 1._ (wide) studied forei

5、gn language in the world. In many countries English is used as a first language 2._ more millions of people speak it as 3._ second language.4._ how did English become a world language?British English began to spread around the world in Shakespeares. In 1607, British rulers established the first perm

6、anent English speaking 5._(settle) in North America.Noah Webster introduced a new, simplified spelling in his Dictionary of American English. American English 6._(influence) by immigration from Europe.In the 20th century, American English began to influence the rest of the world.Canadian English sta

7、rted when British loyalists moved north into Canada in 1782.Australian English began when the first British 7._(prisoner) were sent away to Australia.The Australian accent was 8._ (heavy) influenced by Cockney, but it is also unique because of the Aboriginal words 9._ have come into the languageword

8、s like “kangaroo”and “boomerang”New Zealand English sounds very similar 10._ Australian English,but uses more British words and expressions and has borrowed words from the Maoris.【答案】1.widely2.while3.a4.So5.settlement6.was influenced7. be associated with与联系,与发生联系(教材P15)

9、Celebrity is not usually a characteristic associated with middleaged giant tortoises from the Galapagos Islands.加拉帕戈斯群岛的中年巨龟并不是一直就很有名。(1)associated adj. 联合的;组合的;有关联的associated with 与有联系的(2)associate with sb. 与某人交往或常打交道associate sb./sth.with sb./sth. 把和联系在一起;由联想到(3)association n. 联合;联想;交往;协会;团体in ass

10、ociation with 与合伙/合作;与有关Dont associate with dishonest boys.不要和不诚实的孩子结交。The scientist decided he didnt want to associate himself _ the project,and left.这位科学家决定不愿与这个计划有任何瓜葛,就离开了。I benefited much from my _ (associate)with him.通过和他的联系我获益良多。【答案】withassociation influence n& vt.影响(教材P15)However,few have be

11、en so influenced by humanity as Lonesome George.但是,很少有东西像“孤独的乔治”一样如此受人类影响。influence do sth.影响某人做某事have an influence on/uponhave an effect on/upon 对有影响under the influence of 在的影响下The advice from his friends influenced him to change his mind.朋友的建议让他改变了主意。The film Confucious had a strong influenc

12、e _ some young people.电影孔子对一些年轻人产生了极大的影响。The court was told that he was _ the influence of alcohol when he committed the offence.法庭得知他是在酒精影响下犯罪的。【答案】onunder pass把传给/传染给/转嫁给(教材P15)He is known to be the last surviving member of his subspecies but it is hoped that George will pass on his genes t

13、o a new generation.人们知道他是他的亚种的最后一个活着的成员,但人们希望乔治会把他的基因传给新一代。pass away去世pass by. 经过pass down 把传给后人pass out 昏过去pass through 穿过,贯穿She passed _ peacefully in her sleep.她是在睡眠中安详逝世的。On the way to the tube station she passed _ a cinema.去地铁站的路上她经过一家电影院。【答案】awayby acknowledge v承认,认可(教材P15)By the time George w

14、as discovered,breeding programmes were known to be increasing the numbers of other tortoise subspecies,but it was acknowledged that his case was different.到乔治被发现的时候为止,人们知道繁殖计划是为了增加其他海龟亚种的数量,但是人们也承认乔治的情况有所不同。acknowledge (doing)sth./that(从句)承认(做了)某事/承认It is acknowledged that. 大家公认的是acknowledge sb./sth

15、.to be/as. 承认是Mary acknowledged _ (tell) a white lie to her father in order to hide the bad news from him.玛丽承认为了不让父亲知道那个坏消息而向父亲撒了一个善意的谎言。It was universally acknowledged _ purple is a noble colour.人们普遍认为紫色是高贵的颜色。Mo Yan was generally acknowledged _(be) the best writer in China.莫言是全国公认的最优秀的作家。【答案】havin

16、g toldthatto be come across(偶然)发现;遇见;被理解(教材P17)Once I was reading an English story and came across a new word.曾经有一次我在读英语故事时遇到了一个新词。come about发生come out 出来;开花;出版come up 上升;(话题、议题等)被提及come up with 想出,提出come to 总共,总计;涉及How did the problem come about in the first place?当初这个问题是怎么产生的?When does their new a

17、lbum come _?他们的新专辑什么时候上市?What points came _ at the meeting?会上讨论了些什么问题?【答案】outup be involved in与有关;被卷入;专心地(做)(教材P17)But I was so involved in the story that I didnt want to stop to check its meaning.但是我是如此的投入到故事中去,以至于我不想停下来去查看它的意义。involve doing sth.包括做某事be involved with 涉及become involved in 卷入;陷入This

18、problem is closely involved with the management of our school.这个问题跟我们学校的管理密切相关。He was involved in _(write) his doctoral dissertation.他在聚精会神地写他的博士论文。【答案】writing.语境填词1I benefited much from my _(associate) with him.2There are plans for the _(expand) of our school building.3There are strict controls on

19、_(immigrate) into this country.4I got _(involve) in a quarrel about the price.5It was widely _(acknowledge) that our business is going downhill.【答案】1.association2.expansion3.immigration4.involved5.acknowledged.选词填空have an influence on;associate with;come across;pass;be involved in1They prefer

20、 to _ young people.2I _ an old friend of yours while I was abroad.3Many a woman _ her husband.4We are told that the man _ the crime.5I wish I could _ all my knowledge _ these young people.【答案】1.associate with2.came across3.has great influence involved in5.pass on;to (教材P16)This not_only had A

21、merican words and expressions,but_also introduced a new,simplified spelling which is still in use.这本书不仅收进了美式单词和表达法,而且介绍了一种新的、简化了的拼写方法,这种拼写方法仍在使用。【要点提炼】该句用了not only.but (also).结构,意为“不但而且”,其中only可用merely替换,also可省略。(1)语法功能:连接平行结构。(2)主谓一致:not only.but (also).连接的两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词的人称与数遵循“就近原则”。(3)倒装:not onl

22、y.but (also).连接两个并列分句,且not only位于句首时,not only后的分句需部分倒装,but (also)后的分句仍用陈述语序。He not only read the book,but also remembered what he had read.他不但读了这本书,而且记得所读的内容。Not only _ the sun give us light,but also it gives us heat.太阳不仅给我们提供光,而且给我们提供热。Not only the students but also the teacher _(be) against the pl

23、an.不但学生反对这个计划,老师也反对。【答案】doeswas (教材P17)They are so interesting that I watch them again and again.它们如此有趣,以至于我看了一遍又一遍。【要点提炼】句中so interesting that.为“soadj.that.”句型,that后面的句子为结果状语从句。sothat.引导结果状语从句常见的结构还有:suchthat.It is so cold a day that we have to stay at home.天太冷了,我们只好待在家里。Soon there were _ many deer

24、 that they ate up all the wild roses.不久,鹿太多了,以至于它们吃光了所有的野玫瑰。He is _ a kind teacher that we all like him.他是一位如此好的老师,以至于我们都喜欢他。【答案】sosuch完成句子1不但老师自己对外国电影感兴趣,就连他所有的学生也开始对外国电影感兴趣了。_ himself interested in foreign films,_ all his students are beginning to show an interest in them.2她是如此可爱的一个女孩,以至于每个人都喜欢她。

25、【导学号:73450007】She is _ everyone loves her.3他不但在学英语,而且还在学法语。He is learning _【答案】1.Not only is the teacher;but lovely a girl that3.not only English but (also)French非人称转述结构阅读下列句子,体会黑体部分的用法1He is known to be the last surviving member of his is hoped that George will pass on his

26、genes to a new generation.3The number of Galapagos tortoises are said to have begun their was realized that they could supply excellent fresh meat for passing ships.5.they were known to be able to survive for six months without food and water.6Nevertheless, it was the effect of the goat

27、s introduced to the Galapagos by the early settlers that are understood to have destroyed the ecological balance on the islands and the livelihood of Georges was feared that the islands many unique species would be damaged.8.but the archipelago is expected to make a full recovery.9.George

28、was taken to the Chares Darwin research Centre on Santa Cruz island and provided with a harem from related subspecies, but was said to have been uninterested.一、概述当转述人们的一般认识或说的话时,常用这样的结构:Itbe过去分词that从句,其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是that从句。常用于这一结构的动词有:predict,say,know,believe,claim,suppose,think,fear等,这一结构称为非人称转述结构

29、。二、用法1“Itbe过去分词that从句”可以变为“People动词that从句”和“Sb./Sth.be过去分词不定式”。如:It is said that George will pass on his genes to a new generation.People say that George will pass on his genes to a new generation.George is said to pass on his genes to a new generation.人们说乔治会把他的基因传给新一代。2若主句谓语是suggest,order等,从句须用虚拟语气

30、,谓语部分用“(should)do”形式。It has been suggested that measures(should)be taken at once.人们已经建议必须立即采取措施。名师点津“主语动词的被动语态不定式”的三种情况:(1)如果转述的动作此时正在发生,不定式用进行时态。He is said to be studying abroad now.据说,他现在正在国外学习。(2)如果转述的动作发生在转述之前,不定式用完成时态。He is said to have gone abroad two years ago.据说他是两年前出的国。(3)如果转述的动作或状态发生于转述的同一

31、时间或还未发生,不定式用一般时态。The mayors father is said to live a simple life in the countryside.据说市长的父亲在乡下过着简朴的生活。句型转换1It is reported that the world famous football star will come to China next year.The world famous football star _.2Many middle school students are reported not to get enough sleep,especially dur

32、ing the school week._many middle school students are not getting enough sleep,especially during the school week.3It is predicted that there will be five scientific achievements in the 21st century._,there will be five scientific achievements in the 21st century.4It is thought that the laptops price

33、will be reduced by the year 2017. 【导学号:73450008】The laptops price _by the year 2017.5People all know that mans determination will affect nature._ mans determination will affect nature.【答案】 reported to come to China next year2.It is reported that3.As is thought to be reduced5.Its known to us all that

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