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《优选整合》人教版高中英语选修6 UNIT 5 THE POWER OF NATURE PERIOD 1 测试(学生版) .doc

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1、测试.单词拼写1. It has been _ (估计)that the hurricane is coming to Fujian in three days.2. Mr. Lee was _ (任命)as headmaster at the beginning of the school year.3. The villagers were still suffering the lava that the volcano e_ last week.4. He w_ to his parents on the train saying goodbye.5. The high officia

2、l has explained _ (完全地)clearly what has happened to the reporters from all over the world.6. The _ (飓风) flung their motor boat upon the rocks.7. We should encourage all the children to develop their _ (潜在的)ability.8. The complete _ (装备) of the new hospital will take a year.9. The _ (实际的)cost was muc

3、h higher than we had expected.10. Six other _ (火山) were still erupting.选词填空protectfrom, burnto the ground, make ones way, put on, be appointed as, make an effort, be willing to, work alongside, quite a few, the potential to1. After having a good rest, they _ to the next mountain.2. The whole buildin

4、g was _ in the big fire.3. He is a kind person and _ always _ help me.4. He is a nice person _.5. _ more clothes to keep you warm in such cold weather.6. In summer, people often wear sunglasses to _ their eyes _ the strong sunlight.7. I know you dont like her, but you can _ to be polite.8. At first

5、I thought it was strange so few students were in the classroom; later I knew _ went to do cleaning in the schoolyard.9. He _ monitor of our class at the beginning of the term.10. He has _ become a world-class musician.词语辨析1. evaluate, estimate与value (1)The police _ the crowd at 30, 000. (2)The famou

6、s painting was _ at over 5 million dollars.(3)We need to _ how well the policy is working.2. fit, suit与match(1)It doesnt _ you to have your hair cut short. (2)Does the coat _ me?(3)The Peoples Great Hall and the Historical Museum _ the Tiananmen Square beautifully.单项填空1. At the end of each year, the

7、 HR department _ each members performance in the past year. If it is not good, the employee perhaps will be fired.A. praisesB. evaluatesC. puzzlesD. suggests2. The _ on the wall shows clearly the distribution of _ in the region and how often the ones _.A. painting; volcano; eruptB. blueprint; volcan

8、o; break outC. diagram; volcanoes; eruptD. volcanoes; shoot; break out3. He has no place to live in because his house has been burnt _ the ground.A. onB. ofC. offD. to4. After working in the company for ten years, I thought my work was too _ and wanted to have a change.A. tiringB. tiredC. boredD. bo

9、ring5. All flights _ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the train.A. had been canceledB. have been canceledC. having been canceledD. being canceled6. The housing prices in big cities have not gone down sharply with the new housing policy, so people just feel that the

10、 houses are _ cheap now.A. relativelyB. absolutelyC. obviouslyD. eventually7. The woman was about to open the door _ she heard a strange sound from inside.A. asB. whileC. whenD. then8. The explorers were told to _ themselves with everything they would need for the voyage.A. associateB. equipC. treat

11、D. feed9. _ by the _ news that he had developed cancer, he didnt know what to do.A. Shocked; alarmingB. Shocking; alarmedC. Shocked; alarmedD. Shocking; alarming10. No dish _ all tastes.A. matchesB. suitsC. fitsD. adapts to11. In the city of London, you can see fantastic modern architectures and ant

12、ique buildings _ each other, _ a sharp contrast between modern and ancient architectural styles.A. alongside; makingB. along; to makeC. aside; makingD. together with; having made12. The 18 college students in Fudan University should _ show their greatest respect to their heroZhang Ninghai instead of

13、 being cold and unfeeling.A. absolutelyB. slightlyC. fluentlyD. painfully13. What happened to the houses that used to be here?They _ two years ago.A. had been caught fireB. were on fireC. were burned to the groundD. had been burnt up14. Who is to take the place of Professor Smith?Our manager has dec

14、ided to _ a new professor named Johnson.A. makeB. appointC. useD. appear15. Where are you going?I will _ my way home now.A. goB. makeC. beD. look16. _ of this new treatment cant take place until all the data has been collected.A. EvaluateB. To evaluateC. To evaluatingD. Evaluation17. John is a lazy

15、student, one of _ bad study habits is to leave for tomorrow _ ought to be done today.A. his; somethingB. whose; whatC. whom; thatD. his; that.同义句转换1. As soon as the thief saw the policeman, he ran away quickly. _ _ the policeman, the thief ran away quickly.2. Its getting late. We should go back to t

16、he hotel soon. Its getting late. We should _ _ _ back to the hotel soon.3. If we could all do our best to keep this office tidier, it would help. If we could all _ _ _ to keep this office tidier, it would help.4. I was just beginning to talk about this question. Just then you interrupted me. I was _

17、 to talk about this question _ you interrupted me.5. No matter how weak we are, we are not completely powerless. _ _ _ _, we are not completely powerless.英汉互译1. That day I was lucky enough to have a much closer look at the volcano._2. His work experience equipped him to deal with all kinds of people

18、._3. 他们任命他为经理。_4. Having collected and evaluated the information, I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast._5. 我正要出门,突然有人敲门。_6. If you want to make your way in the world, you must learn to work hard while you are still young._.根据课文内容填空The writers job

19、 is to travel to unusual places and work _1_ people from all over the world, sometimes working outdoors and sometimes using scientific _2_. Exactly speaking, the writer is _3_ as a volcanologist working for the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.He will never forget his first sight of the eruption. He was

20、 _4_ when suddenly his bed began to shake. He didnt _5_ much notice at first, but his room became as bright as day; there had been an eruption and red hot lava was _6_ hundreds of metres into the air. He was lucky enough to have a much closer look at it the next day. Wearing white protective _7_ tha

21、t covered their whole body just like spacemen, they _8_ their way to the edge of the crater to collect lava. The writer is as _9_ about his job as the day he first started, and he is still amazed at the volcanoes beauty as well as their _10_ to cause great damage. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _

22、8. _ 9. _ 10. _ .完形填空Scientists have searched for many years for a _1_ to tell whether a volcano _2_ will be small or large. Now,four scientists say they have discovered something in _3_ that will help do this. They _4_ the research on Mount Unzen on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu.Mount Unze

23、n exploded _5_ November,1990. Since then,more explosions _6_ 43 people and destroyed the homes of more than 2,000 others. The volcano is still _7_ today.The scientists say the lava of the volcano _8_ high level of an element,_9_ is a sign of the presence of the lava from deep in the earth,not from t

24、he surface. They say it shows that the lava _10_ directly from inside the earth is _11_ with huge explosions instead of smaller ones.The scientists examined the lava from 18 explosions of Mount Unzen that took place during many _12_ of years. They _13_ studied the lava from other volcanoes in the ar

25、ea that are older than Mount Unzen. The lava studied came from _14_ large and small explosions. The scientists found that large explosions contained _15_ of the element than small _16_. The scientists say if they had _17_ this two years earlier,they could have _18_ the people living in the area _19_

26、 Mount Unzen and saved many _20_. 1. A. glanceB. methodC. motorD. panic2. A. eruptionB. climateC. aspectD. district3. A. lungB. ashC. lavaD. crater4. A. statedB. teaseC. comparedD. did5. A. inB. onC. fromD. off6. A. have quittedB. have utteredC. have focusedD. have killed7. A. activeB. abstractC. ri

27、diculousD. mental8. A. triesB. managesC. stressesD. contains9. A. whichB. thatC. ifD. when10. A. goingB. comingC. endingD. losing11. A. decreasedB. boredC. swallowedD. connected12. A. hundredB. tenC. numberD. thousands13. A. alsoB. eitherC. tooD. as well as14. A. one B. neitherC. bothD. three15. A.

28、moreB. muchC. lessD. few16. A. thatB. thoseC. onesD. this17. A. knewB. knownC. knowD. knowing18. A. warnB. warnedC. will warnD. can warn19. A. onB. nearC. awayD. besides20. A. livesB. lifeC. liveD. believes.阅读填句There was once a lonely girl who longed so much for love. One day while she was walking i

29、n the woods she found two starving birds. _1_ She cared them with love and the birds grew strong. Every morning they greeted her with a wonderful song. The girl felt great love from the birds. _2_ The larger and stronger of the two birds flew from the cage. The girl was so frightened that he would f

30、ly away. As he flew close, she grasped him wildly. Her heart felt glad at her success in capturing him. _3_ She opened her hand and stared in horror at the dead bird. Her desperate love had killed him. She noticed the other bird moving back and forth on the edge of the cage. She could feel his great

31、 need for freedom. He needed to fly into the clear, blue sky. _4_ The bird circled once, twice, three times. The girl watched delightedly at the birds enjoyment. _5_ She wanted the bird to be happy. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. It sang the sweetest songs that she

32、had ever heard. The fastest way to lose love is to hold on it too tight, while the best way to keep love is to give it wings! A. She gave them some delicious food and left.B. Suddenly she felt the bird go limp.C. Her heart was no longer concerned with her lo ss.D. One day she left with the two birds at home alone.E. She took them home and put them in a small cage. F. One day the girl left the door of the cage open.G. She lifted him from the cage and threw him softly into the air. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _


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