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广东省深圳高级中学2020-2021学年高二第一学期期末考试英语试卷 PDF版含答案.pdf

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1、高二期末英语1/11深圳高级中学(集团)20202021 学年第一学期期末测试高二英语试卷命题人:郑维群 刘琳 赵雪霞审题人:王洪澄本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,第卷第 1 至第 9 页,第卷第 9 至第 11 页。全卷满分 120 分:第卷 80 分;第卷 40 分。考试时间 120 分钟。注意事项:1、答题前,考生将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。2、答第卷时,每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动用橡皮擦干净后,再涂其它答案,不能答在试题卷上。3、答第卷时,使用黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡指定区域书写,要求字体工整,笔迹清晰。

2、4、考试结束,监考人员将答题卡按座位号、页码顺序收回。第 I 卷 选择题部分一、单项选择(共30小题;每小题0.5分,满分15分)请从各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。1.China,a country with more than 5,000 years of history,is peopled with fifty-sixdistinctive ethnic groups and thus is renowned for its rich and_ cultures.A.delicateB.distinguishedC.diverseD.distinct2.Amo

3、ng the various books concerning calligraphy,I like Introduction to Calligraphy _,which is highly thought of by calligraphy fans.A.in factB.in contrastC.in particularD.in addition3._our school,I am writing this letter to cordially extend my invitation to alumni(校友)from all over the world to participa

4、te in this grand festival with us.A.Instead ofB.In place ofC.In exchange forD.On behalf of4.Before the journey,it is necessary that you should learn some Chinese daily expressions,whichwill _ you a wonderful experience in China.A.provideB.guaranteeC.serveD.attempt5.The problem of garbage pollution i

5、s getting so serious that many cities around the world are nowbeing surrounded by garbage and people are suffering from the _ of it.A.circumstancesB.componentsC.consequencesD.conclusions6.Ranging from visiting time-honored Jiangnan gardens,reading _ dating from thousandsof years ago,to appreciating

6、the local Jiangnan songs,various activities opened up a window for usto catch a glimpse of the poetic world.A.guidebooksB.brochuresC.advertisementsD.poems7._his misfortune,Steven Hawking set an example to the whole world,showing hisdetermination to overcome any hardship.A.In favour ofB.In charge ofC

7、.In spite ofD.In danger of8.The students in SZSHS have great admiration for their English teachers,whose helpfulness andkindness win great popularity and a good _ among them.A.reliabilityB.refreshmentC.reputationD.restoration高二期末英语2/119.As we all know,jiaozi,regarded as a symbol of reunion,is one of

8、 the most _ foodsduring the Spring Festival,which most people will eat with their family to celebrate the coming ofthe new year.A.normalB.ordinaryC.generalD.typical10.The reason why the China Railway High-Speed(CRH)is favoured by many passengers is thatcompared with other means of transportation suc

9、h as cars and planes,the CRHs higher speedthan cars and lower price than planes_ people from all walks of life.A.appeal toB.contribute toC.subscribe toD.devote to11.Knowing that you show a _ for Tai Chi and are willing to learn it,Im more than gladto offer you some practical advice.A.possibilityB.pr

10、ofessionC.prejudiceD.preference12.As for the present,I recommend that you select some well-designed ones and it should not benecessarily expensive but_.A.averageB.abstractC.appropriateD.actual13.The campus book fair will attract students from different schools and there they will sell,buy and_ secon

11、d-hand books.A.removeB.conveyC.consumeD.exchange14._by an anonymous English teacher,the camera club was set up with her generousdonation and has served all the students for 15 years,during which many wonderful activities havebeen organized and arranged in our club.A.FoundB.SponsoredC.AttemptedD.Supp

12、lied15.My rich experience as a passionate and responsible translator _ me for the jobadvertised on your website.A.equipsB.qualifiesC.enablesD.allows16.Likewise,if you have trouble in coping with your academic challenges,listening to upbeat musicmay help you brighten your day,boost your mood and thus

13、 relieve your_.A.stressB.shadowC.sorrowD.darkness17.Knowing that you have been _ to online games for a long time,I am very worriedabout you and willing to do my utmost to help you get rid of the bad hobby.A.adaptedB.addictedC.opposedD.accommodated18.If you want to have a further understanding of pap

14、er-cut,it is wise of you to know someworld-famous figures and appreciate their _ which can best demonstrate theirunparalleled skills.A.masterpiecesB.perspectivesC.judgmentsD.techniques19.Troubled by the new language and the unfamiliar surroundings,Im writing to ask whether itpossible for you to offe

15、r me some advice on how to get _ to the new campus life in aforeign country.A.accustomedB.connectedC.allergicD.admitted20.Many Chinese still tend to live together because by doing this all family members can develop astrong sense of belonging as well as _ their emotional bonds.A.enhanceB.strengthenC

16、.boostD.improve21.For the sake of our human beings health and happiness,posters were put up around thecommunity to _ public concern over environment protection.A.accumulateB.preserveC.causeD.arouse高二期末英语3/1122.In order to protect the wildlife,it is high time that severe measures should be _ to stopi

17、llegal hunting and logging.A.inventedB.organizedC.adoptedD.scheduled23.Since you seem to be surprised at the fact that in China,three generations,grandparents,parentsand children,often live together,it will be my pleasure to explain this _ to you.A.phenomenonB.coincidenceC.exampleD.detail24.With the

18、 belief that family and friends are those who shape my life,I spend large _oftime I can spare keeping them company.A.numberB.amountC.dealD.quantities25.Sally and I quietly exchanged amused _ when we heard this.A.glancesB.wordsC.opinionsD.anxiety26._at several foreign languages,Im confident that Im f

19、it for the volunteer job in thisexhibition.A.ExcellingB.EnrollingC.EngagingD.Experiencing27.On the path of pursuing knowledge,numerous teachers we have _ may have a lifelongimpact on us,and even contribute to shaping who we are.A.evaluatedB.awaitedC.assistedD.encountered28.So,if you can come and cel

20、ebrate the Dragon-boat Festival with our family,I am sure you cangeta much deeper _ into our culture.A.understandingB.commandC.insightD.comprehension29.When it comes to dormitories,what deserves your special attention is how much the_fee is.A.entranceB.accommodationC.tuitionD.living30.If interested

21、in the competition,please _ your photo on our school website beforeNovember 22nd.A.submitB.applyC.registerD.consult二、阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。ACambridge Shakespeare Festival 2020Special Charity PerformancesOnce again,in loving memory of Margare

22、t Elizabeth Crilly,the Cambridge ShakespeareFestival will continue its support of the Childrens Hospice in Milton and St.Johns Hospice onthe Wirral,with a series of special charity performances.Every penny raised will go directly tothese organizations.All special charity performances begin at 2:00 p

23、m in their usual venues(会场);normalperformances begin at 7:30 pm.Eight Fantastic Performances高二期末英语4/11Hamlet8 July-27 JulyA Midsummer Nights Dream8 July-27 JulyHenry IV(Part I)8 July-27 JulyThe Winters Tale8 July-27 JulyMuch Ado About Nothing29 July-17 AugustThe Tempest29 July-17 AugustHenry IV(Part

24、 II)29 July-24 AugustAs You Like It29 July-24 AugustTicketsTickets cost 17 and 13 concessions(减价票).Tickets are available to purchase on our website.We regret the necessary imposition(征收)of a 1.50 booking fee per ticket,but the increase in our own administration costs has made thisunavoidable.IMPORTA

25、NT NOTESConcession tickets:Please note,you will need to bring proof of eligibility(资格证明)to buy concession tickets.Student concessions only apply to those with proof of being in full-time education.Othercategories for concession tickets include the old,unemployed and disabled.Seating policy:There are

26、 about 200 chairs at each venue available on a first come,first served basis.There isalso a picnic area immediately in front of the chairs for audience members to sit on the lawn(草坪)though this is ground-level only,you should not use your own chairs in this area.Please note:purchase of a ticket guar

27、antees admission but does not guarantee a seat.31.In which way are special charity performances different from normal ones?A.Their venues.B.Their show time.C.Their ticket prices.D.Their seating policy.32.When can you see Much Ado About Nothing?A.On 24 July.B.On 26 July.C.On 28 July.D.On 30 July.33.H

28、ow much should a disabled person pay to book an evening performance?A.13.B.14.50.C.17.D.18.50.BElizabeth Freeman was born about 1742 to African American parents who were slaves.At theage of six months she was acquired,along with her sister,by John Ashley,a wealthyMassachusetts slaveholder.She became

29、 known as“Mumbet”or“Mum Bett”.For nearly 30 years Mumbet served the Ashley family.One day,Ashleys wife tried to strikeMumbets sister with a spade.Mumbet protected her sister and took the blow instead.Furious,sheleft the house and refused to come back.When the Ashleys tried to make her return,Mumbetc

30、onsulted a lawyer,Theodore Sedgewick.With his help,Mumbet sued(起诉)for her freedom.While serving the Ashleys,Mumbet had listened to many discussions of the newMassachusetts constitution.If the constitution said that all people were free and equal,then she高二期末英语5/11thought it should apply to her.Event

31、ually,Mumbet won her freedom the first slave inMassachusetts to do so under the new constitution.Strangely enough,after the trial,the Ashleys asked Mumbet to come back and work for themas a paid employee.She declined and instead went to work for Sedgewick.Mumbet died in 1829,but her legacy lived on

32、in her many descendants(后裔).One of her great-grandchildren was W.E.B.Du Bois,one of the founders of the NAACP,and an important writer and spokesperson forAfrican American civil rights.Mumbets tombstone,still stands in the Massachusetts cemetery where she was buried.Itreads,in part:“She was born a sl

33、ave and remained a slave for nearly thirty years.She couldneither read nor write,yet in her own sphere she had no superior or equal.”34.What led to Mumbet running away from the Ashleys?A.Finding a new employer.B.Wanting to be a lawyer.C.Being abused and angry.D.Attending to her sister.35.What influe

34、nce did the discussion of the new constitution have on Mumbet?A.It helped Mumbet to better serve the Ashleys.B.It reminded Mumbet to win her equality and freedom.C.It caused Mumbet to violate the new constitution.D.It helped Mumbet to apply for a job smoothly.36.What do we know about Mumbet after th

35、e trial?A.She chose to work for a lawyer.B.She became a writer in her own field.C.She founded the NAACP for her grandchildren.D.She jumped at the chance to be a paid employee.37.What is the text mainly about?A.A story of a famous writer and spokesperson.B.The friendship between a lawyer and a slave.

36、C.The life of a brave African American woman.D.A trial that shocked the whole world.CWhen you walk with a backpack,do you know how the things inside move from side to side?Now scientists have figured out how to tap into that movement to produce electricity.Picture a pendulum(摆锤)fixed to a backpack f

37、rame and stabilized with springs on eitherside.The packs weight is attached to the pendulum,so the pendulum swings side to side as youwalk.Then a machine is driven by that swinging movement,and spits out electrical current tocharge a battery.Volunteers carried the pack while walking on a running mac

38、hine and wore masks to measurethe flow of O2 and CO2.Walking with the slightly swinging 20-pound load,the device(设备)didnot significantly affect the volunteers metabolic(新 陈 代 谢 的)rate compared to when theycarried the same weight fixed in place.In fact,the energy-harvesting pack reduced the forces of

39、acceleration theyd feel in a regular pack,which might mean greater comfort for a long hike.Andthe device did produce a steady trickle(涓流)of electricity.If you up the load to 45 pounds,theswing of the pack could fully charge a smart phone only after 12 hours.The details are in thejournal Royal Societ

40、y Open Science.高二期末英语6/11The device produces electricity from human movement and has been identified as a workablesolution to providing a renewable energy source for portable electronic devices.It is particularlyuseful for those who work in remote areas,as these people often carry a lot of weight in

41、 abackpack for their exploration.But heres a real conundrum:the energy-harvesting device currently weighs five pounds.Theresearchers say thats about four pounds too many to be a smart alternative to batteries.So theyhope that more research lets them lighten the load,to ensure the pack charges you up

42、 withoutweighing you down.38.What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?A.How the device works.B.What the device looks like.C.Who the device is designed for.D.Why scientists designed the device.39.Which of the following describes the device?A.It greatly affected the volunteers metabolic rate.B.It harve

43、sted energy as the volunteers walk.C.It failed to produce steady electricity.D.It was useless for a long walk.40.What does the underlined word“conundrum”in the last paragraph mean?A.Problem.B.Method.C.Bond.D.Decision.41.What will the researchers try to do next?A.Increase the charging speed of their

44、device.B.Find smarter alternatives to batteries.C.Reduce the weight of their device.D.Put their device on the market.DAmong the annoying challenges facing the middle class is one that will probably gounmentioned in the next presidential campaign:What happens when the robots come for theirjobs?Dont d

45、ismiss that possibility entirely.About half of U.S.jobs are at high risk of beingautomated,according to a University of Oxford study,with the middle class disproportionately(不成比例的)squeezed.Lower-income jobs like gardening or day care dont appeal to robots.Butmany middle-class occupations-trucking,fi

46、nancial advice,software engineering-have arousedtheir interest,or soon will.The rich own the robots,so they will be fine.This isnt to be alarmist(杞人忧天的).Optimists point out that technological upheaval hasbenefited workers in the past.The Industrial Revolution didnt go so well for Luddites(反对技术进步分子)w

47、hose jobs were displaced by mechanized looms(织布机),but it eventually raisedliving standards and created more jobs than it destroyed.Likewise,automation should eventually高二期末英语7/11boost productivity,stimulate demand by driving down prices,and free workers from hard,boringwork.But in the medium term,mi

48、ddle-class workers may need a lot of help adjusting.The first step,as Erik Bryn and Andrew McAfee argue in The Second Machine Age,should berethinking education and job training.Curriculums-from grammar school to college-shouldevolve to focus less on memorizing facts and more on creativity and comple

49、x communication.Vocational schools(职 业学 校)should do a better job of fostering problem-solving skills andhelping students work alongside robots.Online education can supplement the traditional kind.Itcould make extra training and instruction affordable.Professionals trying to acquire new skillswill be

50、 able to do so without going into debt.The challenge of coping with automation underlines the need for the U.S.to revive its fadingbusiness dynamism:Starting new companies must be made easier.In previous eras of drastictechnological change,entrepreneurs smoothed the transition by dreaming up ways to

51、 combinelabor and machines.The best uses of 3D printers and virtual reality havent been invented yet.TheU.S.needs the new companies that will invent them.Finally,because automation threatens to widen the gap between capital income and laborincome,taxes and the safety net will have to be rethought.Ta

52、xes on low-wage labor need to be cut,and wage subsidies such as the earned income tax credit should be expanded:This would boostincomes,encourage work,reward companies for job creation,and reduce inequality.Technology will improve society in ways big and small over the next few years,yet this willbe

53、 little comfort to those who find their lives and careers upended by automation.Destroying themachines that are coming for our jobs would be nuts.But policies to help workers adapt will beindispensable.42.Who will be most threatened by automation?A.Leading politicians.B.Low-wage laborers.C.Robot own

54、ers.D.Middle-class workers.43.What is the authors attitude towards the future?A.optimisticB.pessimisticC.indifferentD.objective44.Education in the age of automation should put more efforts on_.A.creative potential.B.job-hunting skills.C.individual needs.D.cooperative spirit.45.Where can you most pos

55、sibly see this passage?A.TeensB.FutureC.The sound of workersD.The revolution of science第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。高二期末英语8/11What does Wi-Fi stand for?Long gone are the days of dial-up and waiting for your turn to use the computer.Its easier thanever to c

56、onnect to the Internet in the digital world today.46Wi-Fi is a wireless network that uses radio frequency signals to connect to the Internet or sendmessages between devices without wires.Everything from your phone and laptop to tablets andprinters can use Wi-Fi,thanks to these waves.47Two years late

57、r,a group of companiesformed the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance(WECA,now the Wi-Fi Alliance),a globalnon-profit organization created to promote the new Wi-Fi standard.None of that history explains what Wi-Fi stands for,because the phrase doesnt stand foranything.Wi-Fi is a trademarked term

58、 describing the device or technology based on the Institute ofElectrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE)wireless communication standard 802.11,according tothe Wi-Fi Alliance.48So the Wi-Fi Alliance hired the marketing company Interbrand tocome up with a shorter name:Wi-Fi,according to one of the fou

59、nding Alliance members.49The rumor that it stands for“Wireless Fidelity(无线保证)”is thanks to the Alliance.Some members didnt understand the branding or marketing for Wi-Fi.They felt consumers wouldwant an explanation for the name.So the Alliance agreed to include a tagline:The Standard forWireless Fid

60、elity.Thats why so many people assume Wi-Fi stands for wireless fidelity,but thetagline came after the name.50Dont add to the confusion and stop miss-associating thesephrases by learning the real meaning behind these acronyms(缩略词).A.Thats a mouthful.B.This is mostly thanks to Wi-Fi.C.The name caused

61、 a misconception about Wi-Fi.D.There is some debate surrounding the question what Wi-Fi stands for.E.In 1997,a committee of industry leaders approved a common Wi-Fi standard.F.Several years ago,a common standard of Wi-Fi was set up by several companies.G.Plus,the Alliance removed the tag,although th

62、e confusion it brought still lives on today.三、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One day,Miss Ellis gave her pupils a new kind of homework:homework on happiness.Herpupils would be“happiness51”,and were to see what would happen when they tried tobring happiness to those

63、 around them.As part of their homework,all the students did really52,wonderful things,but what Carla Chalmers did left everyone53.Several days afterthe homework had been handed out,Carla turned up carrying a big bag.“Here in this bag I have all the happiness Ive collected so far,”she said54.On seein

64、gthis,everyone was filled with55,but Carla didnt want to show anyone what was in the bag.Instead,she pulled out a small box and gave it to her teacher.When Miss Ellis had taken the box,Carla took a(n)56camera out of her own pocket and stood with it at the ready.“Open it,Miss Ellis.”The teacher slowl

65、y opened the box and looked inside.A big smile57on her face,andat that moment Carla took a photo,Carlas photo came out of the camera immediately,and she高二期末英语9/1158it to Miss Ellis along with a sheet of paper.The teacher read the paper in silence,and whenshe,had finished,she gestured at the59.“Oh,so

66、 its”“Yes!”60Carla,opening the bag.“Its a great big pile of smiles!”She opened the bag and photos of different61fell out.The rest of the class tried to62how Carla had managed to create such a great big chainof happiness.All there in the box was a photo of a big smile.But everyone who had seen it fel

67、thappiness being transmitted(传送)to them,and in return,without63,every person64with a smile of their own.She managed to65understanding of the smile truth that every time you smile you aresending a gift to the world.51.A.explorersB.instructorsC.playersD.collectors52.A.regretfulB.delightfulC.stressfulD

68、.thankful53.A.surprisedB.satisfiedC.annoyedD.depressed54.A.disappointedlyB.sadlyC.amazedlyD.smilingly55.A.astonishmentB.kindnessC.expectationD.pride56.A.expensiveB.old fashionedC.instantD.good-looking57.A.disappearedB.frozeC.fadedD.shone58.A.offeredB.soldC.packedD.paid59.A.boxB.bagC.cameraD.pocket60

69、.A.addedB.questionedC.repliedD.interrupted61.A.smilesB.teachersC.ceremoniesD.friends62.A.try outB.focus onC.decide onD.figure out63.A.imaginationB.expressionC.hesitationD.reason64.A.respondedB.refusedC.demandedD.proved65.A.hideB.correctC.appreciateD.spread第 II 卷 非选择题部分四、语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面

70、短文,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The culture and customs of New Zealand are66(incredible)unique.You wouldnever think that a country67(locate)in the corner of the world would be so multi-cultural,but you really dont realize how different it is until you arrive.There are literally people from allover the wor

71、ld that live in New Zealand.Most of the island is inhabited by68(immigrate)from European countries,but the“minorities”on the island make69a majority of thepopulation.The native Maori play a large role in society,and many of their customs70高二期末英语10/11(combine)with modern ones.There are many Asians an

72、d Africans who have also immigrated to the country over the years,71(make)it a melting pot of cultures.But its not like many other countries72there seemsto be tension among the different cultures.People in New Zealand believe in a principle that theycall“a fair go”.If something goes wrong,then peopl

73、e in New Zealand are73(much)likelyto give others74second chance so that they can prove75(them)or show that thingscan be done differently.五、写作(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为 150 左右。Johns grandfatherJohn lived in a village with his grandfather.Every morning men went to the farms,an

74、dchildren to the school.Everything was fine.Everyone was happy except John because hisgrandfather wouldnt buy him chocolates or change his school bag.“For what are you savingmoney?”John shouted at his grandfather angrily.“These arent necessities.You are a very goodboy.Arent you,my good boy?”smiled h

75、is grandfather.He knew John wasnt bad as he presentedhimself.He knew deep down John had a very kind heart.”“Yes,I am good.But you are the worstperson I ever met and I hate you.”Join said and stormed out of the room to the school.He wasgetting late as usual.His life was like this.Every day he fought

76、with his grandfather at least once.His wishes werenot generally satisfied,which really upset him.His grandfather wasnt poor,but he wasnt ready tospend on chocolates and clothes.Upon his arrival at school,he heard his friends talking about the story of the unknown.Theteacher had yet not come.He place

77、s his ears to the conversation.“Do you know that someoneplaced 500 dollars with a message inside Mr.Darwins house while he was sleeping?”Said hisbest friend Gum.“Yes.This happened not only to Mr.Darwin but to many needy families.Iwonder who did all this,perhaps,God!”replied Tom.“My father is ill.I w

78、ish God helps him,too.”said Gum in a low voice.“How great it is to get a surprise!”John thought.When he returned home,his grandfather was watering the plants in their garden.On seeing高二期末英语11/11him back,his grandfather asked,“How was the day,dear?”“Nothing special”,he said and wentinto the house.His

79、 grandfather loved gardening,who could be found in the garden almost all thetime.And John found it the most boring work ever.He had a strong feeling that his grandfatherwouldnt become so selfish,if he hadnt spent so much time alone in the garden.1.所续写短文词数 150 左右;2.续写部分两段,每段的开头语已给出。Paragraph 1When th

80、ey were eating dinner,John finally broke the silence._Paragraph 2In the depth of night,a sound hit Johns ears._深圳高级中学(集团)20202021 学年第一学期期末测试高二英语 参考答案第一部分选择题部分(满分 80 分)单项选择(满分 15 分)15 CCDBC610 DCCDA1115 DCDBB1620 ABAAB2125 DCADA2630 ADCBA阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)31-33 BDB34-37 CBAC38-41 ABAC42-45 DDAB46-50 B

81、EADG完型填空(满分 15 分)51-55 DBADC5660CDABD6165ADCAD第二部分非选择题部分(满分 40 分)语法填空(满分 15 分)66.incredibly67.located68.immigrants69.up70.are combined71.making72.where73.more74.a75.themselves读后续写(满分 25 分)文本主要内容:John 和爷爷一起生活。每天上学前,John 都会和爷爷发一通脾气说爷爷小气,不给他买巧克力,不给他换新书包。爷爷总是笑着说,那些都不是必需品,并夸 John 是个心地善良的孩子。John 气鼓鼓地急急上学去

82、了。到了学校,同学们都在谈论一个不知名的好心人。好心人一次次在夜间,把纸条和钱留在那些有困难的村民家里。大家都在猜想那个好心人可能是上帝吧。这时,John 的好朋友 Gum 低声说,他爸爸病得很重,他多么希望,上帝也能帮帮他爸爸。John 也想,若是能有惊喜,该有多好啊。John 放学回到家时,爷爷和往常一样在花园里忙碌着,爷爷热爱园艺,但是在 John 看来,园艺工作是世上最没劲的工作了。他有一种强烈的感觉,党得爷爷就是因为总是一个人在园中干活,才会变得那么自私。首句理解 1.第一个首句,吃晚饭时,John 终于打破沉默。预测爷孙开始对话,很可能,话题会涉及不知名的好心人、Gum 爸爸的病情等。2.第二个首句,半夜时分,John 听到一个响声。预测应该是爷爷外出或回家发出的声响,John 然后解开真相,很可能爷爷就是那个无私的不知名的好心人等【优秀范文分享】


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