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《优选整合》人教版高中英语必修五 UNIT 5 FIRST AID PERIOD 4 测试(教师版) .doc

1、Unit 5 Using Language.语境填词A)根据句意及汉语提示,写出所缺单词。1The local fire department said the rescue was still in progress and there was no _(伤害) to any people on the ground.2Due to lack of _(治疗),some patients rescued from the ruins died soon.3The supermarket is taking on a few_ (临时的) assistants for the Christma

2、s season.4This has been considered to be a_(症状) rather than a disease in itself.5You must _(倒) all the water into another bottle.B)在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。6More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great _(vary) of goods.7Every individuals effort will make a difference

3、 _ environment protection.8Interest is as vital _ learning as the ability to understand,even more so.9I have a Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,which is an important _(aid) in learning English.10Such knowledge is still useful when _(apply) to similar situations in other countries.答案:1.inju

4、单句改错1Though I told him over and over again to be careful when driven,he wouldnt listen._2Dont take anything away.Father likes everything to be in the place._.3What I have said applies only some of you._4He had previously aided

5、 him money and legal advice._5The thief was on the point of putting his hand into the ladys handbag while the bus suddenly stopped._答案:1.drivendriving2.去掉the3.only后加to4.him后加with5.whilewhen.选词填空fall ill;make a difference;squeeze out;over and over again;in place;a number of;put ones hands on;

6、1He always donates money to a poor village school,which_to the children there who can go on receiving education.2You may read any book on the shelf on condition that you promise to put the book_.3He read the poem_till he could recite it.4Few of the students have_the materials for their compositions.

7、5They have_of the job market by young people.6She_,but she refused to be sent to hospital.7_questions came up at the meeting but none has been settled.8This new technology has_agriculture so far.答案:1.makes a place3.over and over again4.put their hands on5.been squeezed out6.fell ill7.

8、A number of8.been applied to.完形填空A man died and was on his way to another _1_, either the heaven or the hell. He saw an extremely _2_ palace halfway and the owner of the palace _3_ him to stay and live in the palace.The man said, “I have been working _4_ during my life and now I just want to eat and

9、 sleep _5_ any work.”The owner of the palace said, “_6_, there is nowhere else better than here for you. There is a wealth of _7_ in my palace and you can eat whatever you want without anyone _8_ you. _9_, you can rest assured (放心) that _10_ needs to be done by you.” Then, the man settled down in th

10、e palace.At the beginning, the man felt very _11_ at the rotation (轮流) of eating and sleeping. But _12_, he felt a bit lonely and empty. So he went to the owner and groaned, “It is very _13_ to live by just eating and sleeping every day. Now I show no _14_ in this kind of life any more. Could you he

11、lp me find a _15_?”The owner replied, “_16_, there is no job here at all.”After another several months, the man could not _17_ the present life and went to the owner _18_, “I really could not stand this sort of life any more. If you do not offer me a job, I would _19_ to go to the hell instead of li

12、ving here.”The owner of the palace smiled contemptuously (轻蔑地), “Do you think it is heaven here? It is _20_ the hell!”1A.worldBhouseChomeDhospital2A.round Bclean Croyal Dsplendid3A.asked BwarnedCforced Ddemanded4A.comfortable BhardChonestly Dhappily5A.apart from BbesidesCwithout Dwith6A.If any BIf s

13、oCIf necessary DIf possible7A.jewels Btastes Cbooks Dfood8A.stopping BdroppingCnoticing Dmeeting9A.However BOtherwiseCAnyway DMoreover10A.anything BeverythingCnothing Dsomething11A.surprised Bhappy Cmad Dfrightened12A.easily Bcarefully Cconfidently Dgradually13A.strange Benjoyable Cboring Drelaxing1

14、4A.interest Btrust Cpatience Dcuriosity15A.partner Bway Cmeaning Djob16A.Thats right BCheer upCSorry DNever mind17A.bear Blose Chandle Drisk18A.indeed Balready Calways Dagain19A.hope Bprefer Cpromise longer Balso Cactually Dstill答案和解析:1A本句前半部分提到男子去世,由此可知他在去另外一个“世界”的路上。2D第三段中提到男子可以在宫殿中尽

15、情享用自己喜欢的食物,由此可推知他在半路上看到的是一座极其“辉煌的”宫殿。splendid“辉煌的;华丽的”。3A根据第三段中宫殿主人所说的话可知,对方是在“邀请”男子留下来住在宫殿中。ask sb. to do sth.“邀请某人做某事”。4B根据本句后半部分的内容可知,男子生前一直都在“努力”工作。5C男子一生都在努力工作,现在只想吃和睡,“不”想做任何工作。6B听完男子的要求,宫殿的主人回答道:如果是这样,再没有其他地方比这儿更适合你了。if so“如果是这样”。7D根据“you can eat whatever you want”可知,宫殿中的“食物”非常丰富。另外,上一段中的“. n

16、ow I just want to eat .”也是线索提示。8A男子可以在宫殿中吃他想吃的任何东西,没有人会“阻止”他。9D男子不但可以在宫殿中尽情地吃,“而且”还可以放心地休息,不需要做任何事情。10C参见上题解析。此处表示的是否定含义,故用nothing。11B男子实现了自己的愿望:吃了睡,睡了吃。起初感到非常“高兴”。12D但是,随着时间的流逝,男子“逐渐”感到有点儿孤独和空虚。gradually“逐渐地”。13C男子向宫殿的主人抱怨,说每天只是吃、睡,这样活着太“乏味”了。14A男子厌倦了每天只是吃、睡的生活,对这种生活不再感“兴趣”。show (no) interest in st

17、h.“对某事物(不)感兴趣”。15D根据下一段中的“job”可知,男子希望宫殿的主人能够帮助他找一份“工作”。16C结合本句后半部分的内容可知,宫殿的主人回答的是“抱歉”。17A又过了几个月,男子无法“忍受”当前的生活。下文中的“I really could not stand this sort of life any more.”也是线索提示。bear“忍受,经受住”;handle“应付,处理”。18D此处与第四段中的“So he went to the owner .”相呼应,说明男子“再次”去见宫殿的主人。19B句意:如果你不给我提供一份工作,我宁可去地狱,也不愿住在这里。prefer

18、 to do sth.“宁愿做某事”。20C句意:宫殿主人轻蔑地笑道:“你以为这里是天堂吗?它实际上是地狱!”.七选五As Nicole and Mike Zupan get closer to retirement, they worry about more than just covering their own living expenses for the next several decades._1_ He is autistic(患自闭症的) and may never be able to live on his own. Their idea of retirement i

19、s to live a quiet life close to their son. _2_They want to create a special needs trust to help pay for treatment and other expenses he might face as an adult. “Because of our sons needs, I guess I never really considered true retirement for us,” she says._3_She is to attend college in a few years.T

20、he Zupans ideal plan is for Mike, 60, to retire first, in five to seven years, and for Nicole, 52, to continue working for several years beyond that before she joins him in retirement.But before they can get there, they want to pay off the $18,000 in credit card debt, partly because their sons treat

21、ment is not covered by insurance. They have about $230,000 left on the mortgage(按揭) for their home in Fairfax County, Va., which they assess will take about 12 years to pay off. _4_Matters are complicated by the fact that Nicole, who worked as a preschool teacher, is now unemployed while she recover

22、s from foot operation. _5_ Mikes $120,000 income, which he earns as a government clerk, is enough to cover their basic living expenses. But Nicole wants to get back to work so the family could afford more treatment for Josef and pay down their debt faster. They also would be able to save more for th

23、eir longterm goals, including retirement, their daughters college tuition and their sons future living expenses.ABesides they have a $14,000 loan they used on home improvements.BIts unlikely that Josef will go to college.CTheyre also trying to save for their 14yearold daughter, Elshaday.DThey want t

24、o set aside enough money for their 15yearold son, Josef.EIt could be a few weeks before she can return to the workforce.FCan their retirement savings cover them?GHe may need to move into a group home when he gets older.答案:1.D2.G3.C4.A5.E.短文改错I am Corna delicious food favoring by people and animals.

25、More than 450 years ago, I am introduced into China. And in 17th century, I was grown a lot in Tibet and Sichuan so I did not need much water like rice. Today you can see me nowhere around the world. People lived in the west prefer to boil and eat my fruits with salt or butter. However, people in ea

26、ch other places often make my fruits into powder, that will later be mixed with water and other things. In this way, many different kind of food can be made. So now you see, people can not live in the absent of me. 答案:I am Corna delicious food by people and animals. More than 450 years ago, I introd

27、uced into China. And in 17th century, I was grown a lot in Tibet and Sichuan I did not need much water like rice. Today you can see me around the world. People in the west prefer to boil and eat my fruits with salt or butter.However, people in each other places often make my fruits into powder, will later be mixed with water and other things. In this way, many different of food can be made. So now you see, people can not live in the of me.

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