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2018版英语大一轮复习&单元重点复习 夯基固本提分(北师大版)课时规范训练:第1部分-必修4-UNIT 12 WORD版含解析.doc

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2018版英语大一轮复习&单元重点复习 夯基固本提分(北师大版)课时规范训练:第1部分-必修4-UNIT 12 WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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2018版英语大一轮复习&单元重点复习 夯基固本提分(北师大版)课时规范训练:第1部分-必修4-UNIT 12 WORD版含解析.doc_第2页
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2018版英语大一轮复习&单元重点复习 夯基固本提分(北师大版)课时规范训练:第1部分-必修4-UNIT 12 WORD版含解析.doc_第3页
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2018版英语大一轮复习&单元重点复习 夯基固本提分(北师大版)课时规范训练:第1部分-必修4-UNIT 12 WORD版含解析.doc_第4页
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2018版英语大一轮复习&单元重点复习 夯基固本提分(北师大版)课时规范训练:第1部分-必修4-UNIT 12 WORD版含解析.doc_第5页
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2018版英语大一轮复习&单元重点复习 夯基固本提分(北师大版)课时规范训练:第1部分-必修4-UNIT 12 WORD版含解析.doc_第6页
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2018版英语大一轮复习&单元重点复习 夯基固本提分(北师大版)课时规范训练:第1部分-必修4-UNIT 12 WORD版含解析.doc_第9页
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2018版英语大一轮复习&单元重点复习 夯基固本提分(北师大版)课时规范训练:第1部分-必修4-UNIT 12 WORD版含解析.doc_第10页
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2018版英语大一轮复习&单元重点复习 夯基固本提分(北师大版)课时规范训练:第1部分-必修4-UNIT 12 WORD版含解析.doc_第11页
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2018版英语大一轮复习&单元重点复习 夯基固本提分(北师大版)课时规范训练:第1部分-必修4-UNIT 12 WORD版含解析.doc_第12页
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2018版英语大一轮复习&单元重点复习 夯基固本提分(北师大版)课时规范训练:第1部分-必修4-UNIT 12 WORD版含解析.doc_第13页
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2018版英语大一轮复习&单元重点复习 夯基固本提分(北师大版)课时规范训练:第1部分-必修4-UNIT 12 WORD版含解析.doc_第14页
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1、课时规范训练(十二)Part 1阅读完形组合准度练(建议用时40).阅读理解(共7小题;每小题2分,满分14分)AA diver from the Isle of Arran (阿伦岛) has won one of the worlds most famous environmental awards.Howard Wood is to receive the Goldman Environmental Prize at a ceremony in San Francisco.It is in recognition of his work over 20 years to protect

2、the islands marine environment and allow it to recover.The prize,worth US$175,000,can be used by the winner “to follow their dream of a recovered and protected environment”Mr.Wood was one of the founders of the Community of Arran Seabed Trust (Coast)He played a key role in the campaign to set up the

3、 countrys first “notake” zone,which prohibits fishing in part of the islands Lamlash Bay.Mr.Wood said the news had come “completely out of the blue” and that he was very surprised.Speaking before travelling to San Francisco,he said, “The work of Coast goes back to before 1995,when we could see that

4、the sea floor around Arran was being dredged away.We wanted to have a trial area to find out what happens when you close a small area to all fishing.And we finally made it in 2008.” Since then,the notake zone has allowed the sea floor to regenerate.Coast is actively promoting sustainable fishing met

5、hods.It has recently led a successful campaign to establish one of Scotlands first marine protected areas (MPAs)Coast is also calling on the Scottish government to introduce tougher restrictions to ensure effective protection for the south Arran marine protected area.However,very few legal measures

6、to manage the damaging effects of fishing have so far been put into place in these areas.Mr.Wood said: “Scotland has a tradition of vested interests controlling access to public marine resources and there is still a great deal of work to do to correct decades of mismanagement.If people really unders

7、tood how Scotlands marine resources have been destroyed over the years,they would be shocked.”1Howard Wood received the Goldman Environmental Prize because of Ahis contribution to protecting and regenerating Arrans marine environmentBhis work to found the Community of Arran Seabed TrustChis contribu

8、tion to making tougher restrictions on fishingDhis work to set up Scotlands first notake zone2According to the passage,Coast is an organization that Acame into being in 1995Bwas founded by Howard Wood himselfCpromotes sustainable fishing methodsDset up Scotlands first marine protected area3The under

9、lined phrase,“out of the blue”,in the fourth paragraph most probably means Aout of controlBin short orderCall of a sudden Din a bad state4Which of the following is NOT helpful in protecting Scotlands marine resources?AMore restrictions on marine protected areas.BLimits on access to public marine res

10、ources.CProper management of resources.DThe tradition of vested interests.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了戈德曼环境奖的获得者Howard Wood为保护环境所做的努力。1解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段中It is in recognition of his work over 20 years to protect the islands marine environment and allow it to recover.可知本题应选A。2解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第五段中Coast is actively

11、 promoting sustainable fishing methods.可知本题的正确答案为C。3解析:选C。词义猜测题。根据第四段中Mr.Wood said the news had come “completely out of the blue” and that he was very surprised.可知,Howard Wood之所以对自己获得戈德曼环境奖的事情感到惊讶,是因为这条消息来得“太突然”。故答案为C。4解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第五段中Coast is also calling on the Scottish government to introduce t

12、ougher restrictions .以及第六段中Scotland has a tradition of vested interests .a great deal of work to do to correct decades of mismanagement.可知,本题正确答案为D。BA good deal of fascinating research has been done about the reading patterns of young people,and it is surprising to discover at what an early age chil

13、dren start expressing preferences for particular kinds of books.A recent report,which examined in detail the reading habits of primary school children,showed that even sevenyearold boys and girls have clear views about what they want to read.Girls,in general,read more,and far more girls than boys pr

14、eferred reading stories.Boys were showing a taste for the more instant appeal of picture stories,or else books about their hobbies.These tastes continue unchanged until the children are teenagers.Apparently girls read more in general,but more fiction in particular.You could say that there are more o

15、pportunities for girls to read fiction: magazines encourage the fiction habit in girls in their early teens,and by their late teens they have probably moved on to the adult womens magazines.Teenage boys tend to buy magazines about their hobbies: motorcycles,heavy transport and so on.Adult reading ta

16、stes are also the subject of research.Again the number of women who read for pleasure is considerably higher than the number of men.It seems that the majority of women still want love stories.There has also been some analysis of what men actually read.Apparently only 38 percent of men read anything,

17、but 50 percent of what they read is fiction in the form of actionpacked (情节起伏跌宕的) stories of space or gunmen.5What did the recent research on childrens reading show?AChildren begin to read very fast at an early age.BChildren examine in detail what they read at school.CChildren can read clearly in pr

18、imary school.DChildren form their reading tastes at an early age.6If we have a close look at the reading habits of boys and girls well find that Agirls are more interested in fiction than boysBgirls are more interested in actionpacked stories than boysCboys read more books than girlsDboys have no in

19、terest in fiction7It can be inferred from the passage that Aboys change their reading tastes more often than girlsBchildren usually do not change their reading tastes until they grow upCboys and girls form their reading habits by reading magazinesDpeople have no definite reading tastes【语篇解读】研究表明,孩子的

20、阅读喜好在很早就已形成且保持不变,直到他们长大成为青少年。5解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段的第二句可知,最近的报告表明,孩子们甚至在七岁的时候就对于他们想要读的书有明确的观点,即在早期,孩子们就形成了他们的阅读喜好。故D项正确。6解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Apparently girls read more in general .opportunities for girls to read fiction”可知,女孩儿更喜欢读小说。故A项正确。7解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第二段的第一句可推知,孩子们的这些读书喜好会保持不变,直到他们的青少年时期。故B项正确。.完形填空(

21、共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Mac was cycling along a road in Canadas Yukon,halfway through a 2,750mile bike tour to Prudhoe Bay,Alaska.He was carrying a 30pound camping bag, 1 he wasnt moving very fast.Suddenly he heard loud breathing behind him.“Man,thats a big dog!” he thought.He looked to the side,but to

22、his great 2 ,he saw that it wasnt a dog,but a wolf,running hard to 3 him.Macs heart jumped.He reached for the 4 from his bag.With one hand on the handlebar,he 5 the spray.A bright red cloud covered the wolf 6 ,and it fell back,shaking its head.But a minute later it was by his side again.He sprayed a

23、 second time,and the wolf fell 7 again,but only to quickly restart its 8 The wolf was getting closer and closer, 9 a dozen yards away.Mac waved and yelled at passing motorists,but meanwhile 10 hard.He knew clearly that he must be 11 not to slow down.Otherwise,he would become a 12 of the wolf.Paul an

24、d Becky were driving along the same road.From a distance,they spotted what they 13 was a dog running after a man on a bike.As they got 14 ,they realized it was a wolf.Mac heard a car coming up behind him,and he slowed down.The car veered (改变方向) around the 15 ,and then suddenly stopped in front of hi

25、m.Mac 16 off his bike and dashed for the back 17 of the car.It was locked.Paul quickly 18 the door so as to let Mac in,and the 19 man dived in,shutting the door behind him.It was quite a while before Mac became 20 and cried out: “I thought I was going to die!” And Paul and Becky were glad that they

26、had given a helping hand to people in need.1A.but BsoCfor Dor2A.regret BdisappointmentCfear Danger3A.catch up with Bbreak away fromCgive in to Dcome back to4A.hammer BstickCgun Dspray5A.dropped BpressedCthrew Dheld6A.in turn Bat lastCin time Dat random7A.back BdownCbehind Dover8A.flight BraceCjourne

27、y Dattack9A.still BjustCalso Deven10A.kicked BrodeChit Dpressed11A.crazy BwrongCcareful Dfair12A.victim BcompetitorCkiller Dprotector13A.decided BdeclaredCassumed Dfound14A.faster BcloserCstronger Dwiser15A.climber BmotoristCcyclist Drunner16A.sent BfellCturned Djumped17A.window BseatCdoor Dtrunk18A

28、.bent BstruckCblocked Dunlocked19A.frightened BworriedCdiscouraged Dconfused20A.brave BcalmCoptimistic Dconfident【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。Mac在骑自行车时遭到一匹狼的追袭,幸亏有路人的帮助,他最终躲进了汽车里。1解析:选B。他带着30镑重的露营包,所以他骑得不快。根据空处前后文的句意可知,两句间为因果关系,故B项正确。2解析:选C。根据空后的“he saw that it wasnt a dog,but a wolf,running hard to 3 him”可知,他看到的

29、不是一只大狗,而是一匹狼,这匹狼奋力地追赶他;据此可以判断,他感到害怕,故C项正确。3解析:选A。参见上题解析。A项意为“赶上,追上”;B项意为“和分离”;C项意为“向屈服”;D项意为“向走回”。4解析:选D。根据下句中的“spray”可知,他从包里取出的是喷雾剂,故D项正确。5解析:选B。根据该句中的“spray”并结合语境可知,他按下喷雾剂,故B项正确。6解析:选C。根据该句中的“it fell back,shaking its head”可知,狼退后了;据此可判断,红色喷雾喷出得很及时。C项“及时”,符合语境。A项意为“轮流地”;B项意为“最后”;D项意为“胡乱”。7解析:选A。根据第6

30、空后的“fell back”及该句中的“again”可以判断,狼再次退后了。fall back为固定搭配,意为“退后”。8解析:选D。虽然狼退后了,但是它很快就再次开始攻击,故D项正确。9解析:选B。根据该句中的“closer and closer”和“a dozen yards away”可以判断,狼离他仅有十二码远的距离。10解析:选B。根据上文的“Mac was cycling along a road”和下文的“not to slow down”可知,为了不被狼追上,Mac奋力骑车,故B项正确。11解析:选C。Mac清楚地知道,他必须小心地骑自行车,不要减速,否则他就会被狼攻击,成为受

31、害者。12解析:选A。参见上题解析。13解析:选C。根据语境可知,在远处,他们认为是一只狗在追一个骑自行车的人。C项意为“认为”,符合语境。14解析:选B。根据“they realized it was a wolf”可知,在远处,他们认为是一只狗在追一个骑自行车的人;靠近了他们发现那是一匹狼。15解析:选C。根据上文的“Mac was cycling along a road”可知,汽车在这位骑自行车的人旁边改变了方向并在他前面停了下来。C项意为“骑自行车的人”,故C项正确。16解析:选D。根据空后的“off his bike”并结合语境可以判断,为逃避狼的追袭,Mac跳离了自行车。17解析

32、:选C。根据下句“It was locked”以及下文的“door”可知,Mac为躲避狼,他冲向汽车的后门,但是门锁着。18解析:选D。根据上句“It was locked”和空后的“so as to let Mac in”可知,Paul打开锁让Mac进去。19解析:选A。Mac冲进车里,关住了车门,他非常害怕。20解析:选B。Mac得到帮助躲开狼的追袭后,他平静了下来。.语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)(2017东北三省四市教研联合体高考模拟)Parents today do 1. (they) best to leave possessions for their kid

33、s,2. they are rich or poor.But Mark Zuckerberg,the founder and CEO of the social media giant Facebook,has something 3. (large) in mind.On Dec.1,Zuckerberg,31,announced the birth of his first child and the start 4. the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative,5. organization for helping people in need.6. (make) th

34、e world a better place for their kids to grow up in,Zuckerberg said he and his wife,Priscilla Chan,would give away 99 percent of their Facebook shares 7. now are worth about $45 billion (about 288 billion yuan) to good causes.However,the shares will not be donated to the organization immediately,but

35、 over the course of the couples lives.The 8. (announce) was presented as a letter 9. (write) by the couple to their new baby girl,Max.According to the letter,the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative 10. (help) to realize “human potential” and “equality for all children in the next generation”【语篇解读】很多父母都尽力给孩子留

36、下财产,然而Facebook总裁竟捐出所持Facebook的99%的股份做公益。1解析:their。考查人称代词。do ones best to do sth.表示“尽某人最大的努力做某事”,因此应使用形容词性物主代词their。2解析:whether。考查连词。whether .or意为“无论还是”,为固定短语。3解析:larger。考查形容词比较级。此处暗含与其他父母的比较,因此使用比较级。4解析:of。考查介词。此处of短语作后置定语,the start of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative表示“扎克伯格陈计划的启动”。5解析:an。考查冠词。此处为the

37、Chan Zuckerberg Initiative的同位语,organization的读音以元音音素开头,因此填an。6解析:To make。考查非谓语动词。此处为目的状语,因此使用不定式。7解析:which/that。考查定语从句。空处引导定语从句,先行词为“99 percent of their Facebook shares”,指物,且关系词在从句中作主语,因此填which/that。8解析:announcement。考查名词。此处为主语,由谓语动词was可知,应用单数名词作主语。9解析:written。考查非谓语动词。此处为a letter的后置定语,因write与a letter构

38、成动宾关系,所以使用过去分词作后置定语。10解析:will help。考查时态。依据这封信,扎克伯格陈计划将会帮助实现人类潜能以及下一代所有孩子的平等,应使用一般将来时。Part 2二卷组合规范练(建议用时45).语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)I found one time that helping someone could get you into a lot of trouble.I was in the 1. (nine) grade at the time,and we were having a final test.During the test,the g

39、irl 2. (sit) next to me whispered something,but I didnt understand.Finally I found that she was trying to ask me 3. I had an extra pen.She showed me that 4. (her) was out of ink and would not write.I happened to have an extra one,so I put it on her desk.Later,after the test papers had been turned in

40、,the teacher 5. (ask)me to stay in the room when all the other students were dismissed.As soon as we were alone she began to talk to me about how important it was 6. (stand) on your own two 7. (foot) and be responsible for your own acts.For a long time,she talked about honesty and emphasized the fac

41、t 8. when people do something dishonest,they are really cheating themselves.She made me promise that I would think 9. (serious) about all the things she had said,and then she told me I could leave.I walked out of the room wondering why she had chosen to talk to me 10. all those things.Later on,I fou

42、nd out that she thought I had cheated on the test.1解析:ninth。考查序数词。根据the和grade可以判断,此处表示那时“我”在九年级,空处表示“第九”,故用ninth。2解析:sitting。考查非谓语动词。分析该句结构可知,空处修饰前面的名词the girl,两者存在主谓关系,故用现在分词作后置定语。3解析:if/whether。考查宾语从句。根据语境可知,“我”终于明白她在试图问“我”是否有额外的钢笔。空处引导宾语从句,故用if或whether。4解析:hers。考查代词。分析该句结构可知,空处充当宾语从句的主语,故用名词性物主代词

43、hers,指代“她的钢笔”。5解析:asked。考查动词的时态。根据该句中的were dismissed并结合语境可知,该句叙述的是过去发生的事,故用一般过去时。6解析:to stand。考查动词不定式。分析该句结构可知,该句中的it作形式主语,故用动词不定式作真正的主语。7解析:feet。考查名词的数。根据空处前的two可知,空处应用复数,意为“双脚”,故用feet。8解析:that。考查同位语从句。分析该句结构可知,该句为同位语从句,空处后的内容说明名词fact的具体内容,故用that引导同位语从句。9解析:seriously。考查副词。根据空处前的think可知,空处修饰该动词,故用副词

44、形式。10解析:about。考查介词。talk to sb.about sth.为固定搭配,意为“就某事和某人交谈”。.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Last Tuesday,when we were having an English class,we noticed our teacher looked very pale and taking one or two steps backwards but almost fell down.Immediately,two students sitting in first row went to support her wi

45、th her hands.And then they helped her sit down slowly.Every one of us were worried about her.Then we offered her some hot water and chocolate,although we didnt know whether it would help her physically recovery.After the while,she felt better and got up to continue the lesson.We were all deep moved

46、by her,for which made us realize we should behave ourselves in future and try not to trouble her any more.At the end of the class,she expressed her great gratitude for us.答案:Last Tuesday,when we were having an English class,we noticed our teacher looked very pale and one or two steps backwards almos

47、t fell down.Immediately,two students sitting in first row went to support her with hands.And then they helped her sit down slowly.Every one of us worried about her.Then we offered her some hot water and chocolate,although we didnt know whether it would help her recovery.After while,she felt better a

48、nd got up to continue the lesson.We were all moved by her, which made us realize we should behave ourselves in future and try not to trouble her any more.At the end of the class,she expressed her great gratitude us.书面表达(满分25分)假如你是李华,你校即将举行一年一度的“校园书展(a campus book fair)”活动,其目的是给同学们提供一个交换、利用图书的机会。请你用英

49、语写信给你的加拿大笔友Mike,介绍此次活动的有关情况。内容包括:1活动目的;2活动内容:买书、卖书、交换图书;3活动意义。注意:1.词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Mike,How are you doing these days? Yours,Li HuaOne possible version:Dear Mike,How are you doing these days?Aimed at providing a platform where students can have a chance to exchange and m

50、ake use of their books,the annual campus book fair will soon be held in our school.The fair will attract a huge crowd from the entire school,who are to sell,purchase and exchange their books with their peers.As a regular visitor,Ive found myself increasingly drawn by the fair.For one thing,the fair

51、exhibits books of hundreds of types on diverse topics,motivating us to further develop our reading habits and helping to broaden our horizons.For another,most books are sold at a lower price than what the bookstores offer.Please let me know if you have any suggestions on how to host such a book fair better.Yours,Li Hua


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