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本文(2018版高中英语北师大版必修4教师用书:UNIT 10 SECTION Ⅰ WARM UP & A MATERIAL WORLD —PREPARING WORD版含解析.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、Unit 10Money对忙碌的现代人来说,金钱和健康哪个更重要呢?不同的人会给出不同的回答。Which is more important,health or wealth?When given this question,different people have varied answers.Some insist that health plays a more important role in our life,while others see more advantages arising from wealth.The first group of people quote t

2、he old saying “Health is above wealth.” to prove their idea.They argue that,on one hand,a strong person can do almost anything as long as he/she tries hard.On the other hand, however, rich people will not be able to enjoy the wealth if their days are numbered.Moreover,they may think that they can bu

3、y everything they like with money.For example,beautiful clothes,delicious food,large houses and luxury cars can be afforded.Therefore,their life is quite comfortable.In contrast,the advocates of wealth have such arguments as follows.In their opinion,they can do more things including earning more mon

4、ey with the help of health body.So,they spend more time doing exercise and enjoying a healthy diet.Thus,their life is regular and colourful. Firstly,wealthy people will be able to buy more healthful food.Secondly,they can enjoy better facilities to improve their health.Take my neighbor, Lao Wang,as

5、an example. He had a heart attack and is in hospital.However,he cannot afford the expensive operation,which costs as much as 100,000 yuan.Therefore,he has to lie in bed hopelessly.If he were a rich man,his life could be saved.In short,we cant draw a conclusion easily that which one is important.For

6、one thing,it is true that we can do many things when we are very rich,but we can never buy our health and healthy relationship with others.For another,we can enjoy a more healthy life with money.Therefore,we should try to strike a balance between them and gain wealth with a healthy body.1arise vi.产生

7、,出现2quote vt.引用;引述3advocate n.(辩护)律师;提倡者;支持者4facility n.设备5in short总之,简言之1Why do some people think health is above wealth? 2Why do others think wealth is more important? 【答案】1.A strong person can do almost anything as long as he/she tries hard.Rich people will not be able to enjoy the wealth if thei

8、r days are numbered.2Wealthy people will be able to buy more healthful food.They can enjoy better facilities to improve their health.Section Warmup & A Material World Preparing根据提示写出下列单词1 vt.挣得,赚得2 adj.旧的,二手的,用过的3 vt.使忧虑;与相关4 adj.勤奋的5 n.寝室,宿舍6 n.商人,实业家7 adj.(酒)醉的8 n.新闻工作者,记者9 adj.贪婪的,贪心的10 n.香烟11 ad

9、j.粗鲁的,无礼的12 n.地毯【答案】1.earn2.secondhand3.concern 4hardworking5.dormitory6.businessman 7drunk8.journalist9.greedy10.cigarette11.rude12.carpet根据提示补全下列短语1be determined (do)决定做2be concerned 关心,担心3give 赠送;泄露(秘密)4 of work失业5dream 凭空想出;虚构出6turn ones back 不理睬,背弃7give 让出;放弃8be tired 对厌烦(指精神上)9drop 退出;辍学10 way

10、当然不;绝不,一点也不【答案】1.to2.about3.away4.out5.up6.on/upon7.up8.of9.out10.no根据提示补全下列教材原句1. They spend half their time dreaming up ways of getting rich,and the rest of their time thinking about all the enjoyable things they would do once they got rich.他们用一半时间梦求致富的办法,用另一半时间来考虑一旦阔绰起来要做些什么令人享受的事。2But do all mil

11、lionaires find the happiness that they thought they would get when they achieve their goals?但是当他们达到目标后,所有的百万富翁都找到了他们原来以为要得到的幸福了吗?3Today he lives in a small dormitory room where there is only secondhand furniture现在他住在一个小宿舍里,里面只有二手家具。4Charles believes that many people want to earn a lot of money so th

12、at they will not have any worries.查尔斯相信很多人都想挣很多钱,这样他们将没有任何烦恼。5Charles Gray decided to drop out and has discovered that having only a little money makes you free查尔斯格雷决定退出,他发现仅有少量的钱财可以使人自由。阅读P8教材课文,选择最佳选项1Charles Gray is an example to show Athat people can be happy without moneyBthat a rich man can fi

13、nd happiness by giving his wealth away to charitiesCsome millionaires will continue to be concerned about money after they become millionairesDif you can dream it,you can do it2What was the sign for Charles to be a millionaire sixteen years ago?AHe was a college professor.BHe had a huge sixbedroom h

14、ouse and 2 million dollars.CHe worked hard to get money.DHe turned his back on his money.3Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?ACharles doesnt have any new furniture in his dormitory room.BCharles is making a living by growing vegetables and flowers now.CCharles can only afford ch

15、eap things now.DCharles is now living in a small dormitory room with a small garden.4How did Charles Gray deal with his huge amounts of money?AHe gave it away to his children.BHe gave it away to local poor people.CHe gave it away to hungry people in the world.DHe gave it away to charities.5How does

16、Charles think about his present life?ATired and worried.BFunny and enjoyable.CFree and happy. DProud and satisfying.【答案】15BBADC阅读P8教材课文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式A lot of people are 1. (determine)to become a millionaire.They hope to do all the 2. (enjoy)things once they got rich.Actually,some mill

17、ionaires continue to be 3. (concern)about money,so they are hardworking to make sure they never lose 4. However,there are some people who dont want to be a millionaire.Charles Gray is one example.Charles Gray was a millionaire sixteen years 5. ,but he was tired 6. being a person who had everything i

18、n a world where many people had nothing.So he gave all his money away to 7. (charity) Charles now lives in a small dormitory room 8. there is only secondhand furniture.Though he has given away all his money,he lives a 9. (happy)life than before.When asked whether there were any things he missed,he replied he wouldnt go back to 10. (be)rich for anything.【答案】1.determined2.enjoyable3.concerned 4it5.ago6.of7.charities8.where 9happier10.being

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