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-学业水平考试2016-2017高中英语必修一(浙江专用人教版)课时作业:UNIT 1 PERIOD ONE WORD版含答案.doc

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-学业水平考试2016-2017高中英语必修一(浙江专用人教版)课时作业:UNIT 1 PERIOD ONE WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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-学业水平考试2016-2017高中英语必修一(浙江专用人教版)课时作业:UNIT 1 PERIOD ONE WORD版含答案.doc_第7页
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1、Period OneWarming Up & Reading.阅读理解Friends play a very important part in everyones life.Friendship usually develops during childhood.New friends are made when you progress through school.Those friends that you make as a student can usually last long.Friends influence your development,maturity(成熟)and

2、 sense of responsibility(责任)A familiar expression is“You can tell a lot about a person by knowing who his friends are.”Friendship is based on common interests.If you like sports,most of your friends are likely to be athletic(竞技的)If you enjoy reading and shopping,most of your friends do the same.Some

3、 people call you their friends for the wrong reasons.These people are not really friends.They are superficial(表面的)only“friends”on the outside,not the inside where it counts.Superficial friends only want to be your friends if it is to their advantage.True friends are there if you are rich or poor.It

4、is easy to have many socalled“friends”if you are rich.By this time you should be able to separate your friends into the real or the“phoney”True friends are most special.They are also difficult to find.You can consider yourself very lucky if you have one true friend.This friend is eager to help you w

5、henever necessary.He or she knows you would do the same for them.A true friend is someone you can talk to about any subject or problem.You and your true friend have good understanding of each other.True friends support you,take your side,and build up your confidence.1The first paragraph tells us_Aho

6、w to make a true friendBwe should make friends in our childhoodCwhat is friendship based onDfriends play a very important part in our life答案Dks5u由第一段第一句话“Friends play a very important part in everyones life.”开始,本段后面部分均在谈朋友在人生中的重要作用,可以影响我们的成长、成熟及责任感。2Which of the following is TRUE?AWhat you value abo

7、ve anything is the friendship developing during childhood.BThe friendship developing during your school days will be with you for a long time.COnly through your friends influence will you take the responsibility for your task.DIf you have no music in you,none of your friends will be a music lover.答案

8、Bks5u由第一段第四句“Those friends that you make as a student can usually last long.”可知,在学生时期交的朋友会持续很长时间,因此B项正确。3“So-called”friends refer to_Afair-weather friendsBthose who want to benefit from youCthe friends who are on the surface onlyDall of the above答案Dks5u本文第二段即是对“所谓的朋友”的介绍。这些所谓的朋友只是外在的、表面的朋友,他们和你交朋友只是

9、为了他们的利益,所以应选D。4Which of the following is TRUE?AYour can tell true friends from phones easily.BTrue friendship is too difficult to find.CYou can share your joys and sorrows with a true friend.DA true friend will stand by you whatever happens.答案Cks5u并非所有的人都能区分真正的朋友和表面的朋友。.完形填空There are many kinds of f

10、riends.Some are always_1_ you,but dont understand you.Some say only a few words to you,but understand you.Many people will step in your life,but only_2_friends leave footprints(脚印)I shall always recall(回忆)the autumn and the girl with the_3_She will always bring back the friendship between us.I know

11、she will always be my best friend.It was the golden season.I could see the yellow leaves_4_on the cool_5_In such a season,I liked walking alone in the leaves,_6_to the sound of them.Autumn is a_7_season and life is uninteresting.The free days always get me_8_But one day,the sound of a violin_9_into

12、my ears like a stream(小溪)flowing in the mountains.I was so surprised that I jumped to see what it was.A young girl,standing in the wind,was_10_ in playing her violin.I had_11_seen her before.The music was so nice that I listened quietly.Lost in the music,I didnt know that I had been_12_there for so

13、long but my existence(存在)did not seem to disturb her.Leaves were still falling.Every day she played the violin in the corner of the building_13_I went downstairs to watch her performance.I was the only listener.The autumn seemed no longer lonely and life became_14_15_we didnt know each other,I thoug

14、ht we were already good friends.I believe she also loved me.Autumn was nearly over.One day,when I was listening carefully,the sound suddenly_16_To my astonishment(惊讶),the girl came over to me.“You must like violin.” she said.“Yes.And you play very well.Why did you stop?”I asked.Suddenly,a_17_express

15、ion appeared on her face and I could feel something unusual.“I came here to see my grandmother,but now I must leave.I once played very badly.It was your listening every day that_18_me.”she said.“In fact,it was your playing_19_gave me a meaningful autumn,” I answered,“Lets be friends.”The girl smiled

16、,and so did.I never heard her play again in my life.I no longer went downstairs to listen like before.Only thick leaves were left behind.But I will always remember the fine figure(身影)of the girl.She is like a _20_so short,so bright,like a shooting star giving off so much light that it makes the autu

17、mn beautiful.1A.with Bfor Cagainst Dto答案Aks5u结合后面一句可知,“许多人与你在一起(with you),却不能理解你”。2A.good BtrueCnew Dold答案Bks5u只有真正的朋友,才能留在心中。3A.sound BsongCplay Dviolin答案Dks5u结合后面第9空前的内容可知,“我”每天去听小姑娘拉小提琴。4A.shaking Bhanging Cfalling Dfloating答案Dks5u金黄的树叶在秋风中随风飘动。5A.wind BsnowCair Drain答案Aks5u叶子是在风中飘动。6A.watching B

18、listening Cseeing Dhearing答案Bks5u现在分词作伴随状语。listen to“听”。7A.lively Blovely Charvest Dlonely答案Cks5u秋天本是收获的季节,但是此处“我”却独自一人漫步在落叶之上,与下文的生活的无趣相对应。8A.up BoffCdown Dover答案Cks5u短语get sb down意为“使人泄气;使人疲倦”。9A.flowed BgrewCentered Dran答案Aks5u琴声像山涧溪流一样,流进(flow into)“我”的耳畔。10A.lost Bactive Cbusy Dinterested答案Aks5

19、ube lost in(doing) sth“陷入之中”。此处指小姑娘正在聚精会神地拉小提琴。11A.once Bnever Coften Dusually答案Bks5u结合上下文可知,“我”以前与小姑娘素不相识。12A.waiting Bstopping Cstanding Dhearing答案Cks5u“我”沉浸在优美的琴声中,不自觉地在风中伫立了很久。13A.because BsoCwhen Dbut答案Cks5u从下文可知,“我”并不是听到琴声才下楼,而是因为两人心有灵犀,每次几乎都是在小姑娘拉琴的同时,“我”也到了楼下。因此这里应用when。14A.interesting Bmovi

20、ng Cencouraging Dexciting答案Aks5u与上文第7空后的“生活无趣”相对,琴声让“我”觉得“生活有趣”。15A.But BHowever CEven DThough答案Dks5u从整个句意来看,这里是一个让步状语从句。though表“尽管”,合乎文意。16A.stopped Bbegan Cgone Dchanged答案Aks5u与平日不同,琴声突然停止,小姑娘朝“我”走来,让“我”惊讶。17A.happy BsadCstrange Dsurprised答案Bks5u由下文可知,小姑娘即将离开,故脸上闪现出悲伤的神色。18A.surprised Bexcited Cen

21、couraged Dinterested答案Cks5u在小姑娘眼中,“我”每天来听琴声对她是一种无声的激励。19A.that Bwhich Cit Dwho答案Aks5u此处是一个强调句型。20A.song Bdream Cfire Dsister答案Bks5u结合全文的意思可知,在“我”看来,小姑娘就像一个梦,让“我”久久难忘。.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(When Sara came home from work,she found her mother in an anxious state.)Sara:Whats wrong,Mum? Yo

22、u seem upset?Mum:Its your _1_ (young) sister Jill,she should have been here _2_ hour ago.Sara:Dont worry,Mum! Its not all that late and she has _3_ (probable) not realized how late it is.I think shell be here soon.(Just then Saras brother Peter came into the chicken.)Peter:Whats up? Mums on the phon

23、e and she seems as though shes going to cry.Sara:Its Jill.She should _4_ (reach) home by now and Mums getting anxious.Peter:You neednt feel so anxious,Mum! You know _5_ teenage girls are like.Im sure shes all right.Mum:I cant help but be concerned.Ive just rung Lucy and she said Jill left her outsid

24、e the cinema ages ago to get the bus home.Peter:Well,the bus service isnt very frequent _6_ the evenings.Perhaps she missed one and is waiting for another.Have you tried _7_ (phone) her on her mobile?Mum:Yes,but theres no reply.That made me even more worried.I think _8_ must have happened to Jill.Do

25、 you think we should call the police?Sara:Calm down,Mum! Youll make yourself ill.Perhaps she switched her mobile _9_ in the cinema and forgot to switch it back on again.Or it may need to be _10_ (charge)答案1.younger/youngest2.an/one3.probably 4have reached5.what6.in7.phoning8.something9.off10.to be charged/charging 版权所有:高考资源网()


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