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2013年高三英语总复习 质量过关检测必修一 UNITS 1~2 WORD版含答案.doc

1、必修一Units 12质量过关检测分值:150分时间:120分钟第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)略第二部分:基础知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。21(2012青岛期末检测) In my mind, no such_thing in our country as_Great Wall can stand for the image and culture of China.A. a; theB. a; /C. /; theD. /; /22(2012浙南、

2、浙北部分学校联考)We cant_the fact that there is still a long way to go before we can get rid of pollution.Aignore Bneglect Crealize Drecognize23(2012自贡二诊)Are you glad to hear from her?Of course._, I dreamed about her several nights.A. Whats more B. That is to sayC. In other words D. Believe it or not24(2012

3、三明普高联考)An inspiring teacher knows how to create an atmosphere for his students_allows them to express themselves freely during the class.A. where B. whichC. what D. who25(2012浙南、浙北部分学校联考)Twenty people went to his house and attended his birthday party, me_.Aincluding Bto include Cinclude Dincluded26(

4、2012河北省普高质检)Why did you keep it a secret from us? We_about it.A. should be told B. ought to have been toldC. should have told D. ought to be told27(2012沈阳四校协作体月考)She went out angrily_I realized what was happening.A. while B. afterC. when D. before28(2012宝鸡质检一)Not having done enough practice, he coul

5、d hardly make himself understood with his_English.A.break B.breaking Cbroke Dbroken29(2012青岛一模)Do you have_ready for the opening ceremony, Ted?No, we still need some volunteers.A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing30(2012太原调研)More than one example_necessary to make the students understan

6、d this rule B.are C.has taken D.have taken31(2012太原调研)The middleaged man went to bed_, and when he woke up he found he still had his shoes on.A.drunk B.drinking Cbeing drunk Dhaving drunk32(2012太原调研)Whats your opinion of Mr.Lis request that we_spend half an hour reading English aloud ev

7、ery morning?A.must B.would C.should D.could33(2012青岛期末检测)Reading articles like that, if_, will do harm to you.A. continuedB. continuesC. continuingD. to continue34(2012北京西城区期末统考)After_seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to enter the personnel managers office.Athat Bhow Cwhat Dwhy35. (2012石家庄市质检一

8、)With exports_a big role in its economic growth,China has been affected by the current financial storm.Aplayed Bto play Cplaying Dplay第二节:完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(2012四川眉山一诊)Teleflora sighed.He could not go to the new school one more day.The

9、 kids didnt_36_about his name, but they all played and ate lunch together without him. That was the whole_37_.So when Teleflora went to_38_ this morning, his head was bowed and his feet kicked at_39_on the sidewalk.As usual, Mrs.Benson asked if anyone had something_40_to show to the class._41_Mrs.Be

10、nson read to the class_42_the newspaper, and today Teleflora was_43_when she read about the US.Mint (美国造币厂) making five special_44_every year to honor each of the 50 states.He knew all about those shiny new state coins.He and his dad_45_them.Dad gave him a small_46_to hold them.By the end of the yea

11、r, Teleflora would have all 50.By the time he was ready for bed that night, he_47_to take one of his coins tomorrow.The next day, when the_48_settled, Teleflora_49_his album and held it high for the class to_50_. “These are the coins Mrs.Benson_51_about.And this is John Muir on the California coin,”

12、he said, pointing.“Muir wanted to save the wilderness.”Teleflora spoke rapidly as he_52_the designs: North Carolina and the first airplane flight.South Dakota, with four presidents carved on Mount Rushmore.“How can I get some of these coins? Why dont we meet after school?” Josh_53_.And Tel can expla

13、in everything we need to_54_.Tel? Josh just called him Tel? Like they were longtime_55_? Tel held his album and smiled.So he did have friends.文章大意:Teleflora在新学校里很孤独,没有人和他一起玩耍。怎样才能改变这种状态呢?他利用一次课堂上老师讲解美国钱币的故事,把自己收藏的钱币拿出来和其他同学一起分享,终于赢得了友谊。36A.worry B.think Clearn Dlaugh37A.question B.doubt Cproblem D.w

14、 Cshop Dhospital39A.everything B.anything Csomething D.nothing 40A.special BpreviousCstrange D.important41A.Sometime BSome timeC.SometimesDSome times42A.about BinC.on D.from43A.shocked BfrightenedC.surprised Dmoved44A.coins BbillsCnotes D.dollars45A.gathered BcollectedCcr

15、eated D.found46A.drawer BbagCboxDalbum47A.wanted BrequiredC.decided D.hoped48A.boys B.kidsC.girls D.teacher49A.showed B.heldC.closed D.opened50A.see BobserveC.watchDnotice51A.talked BreadCwrote D.thought52A.found BdrawCshowed D.explained53A.asked BorderedCinsistedDcontinued54A.learn BknowC.haveDconf

16、irm55A.deskmates BclassmatesCfriendsDcompanions第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A(2012沈阳四校协作体月考)Im a volunteer for The American Diabetes (糖尿病) Association(ADA). I am on the planning committee for a oneday cycling event called “Tour de Cure”. Its sponsored by the ADA

17、 and the profits(利润) of this event are used for diabetes research and program funding.While I was talking to people about our “Tour de Cure” event in downtown Denver one day, I met a young boy wearing a red hat from Oklahoma named Jack. I think he was 1011 years old. It was the jar of red rubber wri

18、st bands (The American Diabetes Association diabetes awareness wrist bands) that caught Jacks eye. These are the bands we give out to people who have diabetes, who have a family member who has diabetes or to those people who know someone who has diabetes.People wear these for a variety of reasons: i

19、n memory of a loved one, to promote diabetes awareness and to show support for people who have diabetes. Jack walked towards me eyeing the jar and then he said, “Can I have one of those?” So, I replied to Jack, “Do you have someone in your family who has diabetes?” Jack said, “No, but I know someone

20、 who has diabetes.” So I gave him one to wear for his friend.Then, Jack began looking at our “Tour de Cure” photo album. When Jack had finished and was about to go, he looked up at me and said, “Would you take a donation?” I was surprised to hear this from a 1011yearold boy, but I said, “Yes.” I too

21、k the lid of our donation container off as Jack was reaching into his pocket. His hand came out clinched around the donation he was about to make. It was my impression that what he had in his hand was everything he had in his pocket, as he did not count it. After Jack dropped his donation into the c

22、ontainer, I gave him a highfive, as I so often do to acknowledge an accomplishment or an appreciation. I also gave him a handshake before he parted. After Jack left, I counted his gift$3.00. I then realized that he gave all he had, without counting the cost.The heart of a child made me smile that da

23、y. Thank you, Jack.文章大意:我在为美国糖尿病协会作志愿者时,一个名叫杰克的小孩的善心捐赠深深感动了我。56What attracted Jack to walk towards the author?A. The jarB. The hatC. The photo albumD. The donation container57It was probable that Jack wore a wrist band to_.A. prove his confidence in fighting diabetesB. promote his strong diabetes aw

24、arenessC. express his love for his family membersD. support his friend who has diabetes58That Jack wanted to make a donation surprised the author because the author thought_.A. Jack was telling a lie to himB. Jack was playing a joke on himC. Jack was brave enough to do soD. Jack was a great person f

25、or his age59What would be the best title of the passage?A. A lovely boy I metB. The heart of a childC. A moving day I spentD. The donation of a childB(2012太原调研)Bake Sugar CookiesNobody is actually sure who created the very first cookie.But the first cookie may have been a mistake.Many cooking expert

26、s believe that a long time ago cooks who wanted to test the temperature of their ovens would bake a little bit to find out if the oven was hot enough to bake an entire cake.Thesetest cakes were called “keokje”, which means “little cake” in the language used in the Netherlands.People from the Netherl

27、ands brought the recipe to the United States.The word “cookie” may have come from their word “keokje”,Cookies are also very popular in England, but the English call them “biscuits”, as do Australians.Almost every country has a word for cookie.In Spain, they are called “galletas”, and in Italy, cooki

28、es are called “biscotti”Americans are not the only people who enjoy cookies.You can make cookies following these steps:Preheat oven to 150 .Put a little butter on a cookie sheet.Mix together white sugar, brown sugar, butter and eggs.Then add vanilla(香草)Add flour, salt, baking soda, and baking powder

29、.Then mix well.Drop by spoonfuls onto the cookie sheet.Bake at 150 for 12 minutes or until lightly brown.文章大意:小甜饼在很多国家很受欢迎,它是怎么制作的,又是从哪里起源的呢?文章进行了详尽的叙述。60In which country were the test cakes first made?A.Spain. B.Australia.C.The Netherlands. D.The United States.61What is the first step to bake cooki

30、es?A.Heat oven to 150 BMix the butter and the sugar.C.Test the temperature of the oven. D.Brush the cookies with some oil.62If the cookies look lightly brown, what does this mean?A.They have burned. BThey are done.C.They have become soft. D.They need to cook again.C (2012广西老牌高中一调)Helping children id

31、entify their interests can be a fun and exciting time for parents. You will be able to participate in several different things to help your children widen their interests and develop connections with other children. Your children need to identify their interests so they can make friends and start pl

32、anning out their future. Some interests will be able to help your children get scholarships(奖学金)to college and they can even help them with their careers some day.Children need to use their imagination and expand their learning ability. During the summer months, enroll(使加入)your children in summer yo

33、uth camps that teach a variety of programs. Tell them that they need to participate in at least 3 classes to see if there is something they really enjoy. If they still are resistant after that time, allow them to enroll in a different program that they want to try. Some children need to attend the c

34、lass more than once to determine if they are comfortable there and if they really like it.Ask your children if they would like to bring along a brother or sister or friend with them to the new activity. When children have to face new challenges, it is often easier for them to do so if they have some

35、one else with them, it will help to reduce their unwillingness and anxiety.When you take them to a place with other children, help them make friends. Children learn from your behavior and they may not understand how to approach other children. Seeing that their parents are comfortable with one anoth

36、er, they will let down their guard and may have an easier time socializing with other children of their ages.文章大意:孩子的兴趣爱好作用巨大。怎样帮孩子找到自己的兴趣爱好呢?63Whats the passage mainly about?A.How to help children get scholarships.B.How to help children find new friendships.C.How to help children develop wider inte

37、rests.D.How to help children develop their learning ability.64A child needs to participate in at least 3 classes can help him make more can help him find his real interestC.he wont easily get bored in different classesD.he can develop learning ability in different classes65

38、Bring a brother or sister or friend to a new activity can help a with new challenges easilyBenjoy a more happy timeC.learn more new skillsDget rid of loneliness66What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.Parents should leave their children in a new environment.B.Its easy for children

39、 to socialize with other children of their ages.C.Children prefer to make friends with children older than themselves.D.Parents play an important role in helping their children make friends.D(2012成都一诊)There are a lot of things that happen to me in China but would certainly never happen in the US. On

40、e of those things is being called “strong”The first time was last December. I was walking across the high school campus in Guangzhou where I taught when a student in a gray scarf waved hello. I smiled and waved back, but then she stopped and called my name. “Youre so strong!” She smiled and pointed

41、at what appeared to be my arm.I looked down at my arms. Lets get one thing clear: Im a very skinny guy. Once, while rehearsing for a high school talent show, I was told by the teacher in charge that I couldnt participate in the mens shirtless dance routine because my visible rig cage(胸腔) would frigh

42、ten the audience. “Im so what?” “Youre so strong!” she repeated. “Um, thanks!” I didnt know what else to say, so we both waved goodbye.The next morning I stepped into my oral English classroom only to be greeted instantly by a unanimous(异口同声的) “Waaa!” of shock and admiration. “What?” I asked. “Youre

43、 so strong!” shouted a boy from the back of the class. “Okay, will someone tell me what that means?” I was curious as to the real reason for such praise. So I turned to the monitor, gesturing for him to speak. “We just mean, you look very strong today,” he offered earnestly. “What?! You mean like th

44、is?” I curled(卷起) my arm like a bodybuilder. “No! But its so cold, and youre only wearing a shortsleeve shirt.”Oh, I got it. My “strength” had less to do with my muscle and more to do with my apparent ignorance of the cold weather.文章大意:我是一个很瘦的人,可是学生们却说我“strong”,这是怎么回事呢?67From the passage we can lear

45、n that the author is_.A. a Chinese student B. an American studentC. a Chinese teacher D. an American teacher68The author used the example of being refused to join in the dance routine to show that_.A. many people worry about his bad healthB. he is as strong as a body builderC. actually he isnt physi

46、cally strong at allD. being called “strong” often happens to him69The underlined word “she” in the 4th paragraph refers to_.A. the girl he met on the campus B. the teacher in charge of the dance routineC. the girl who joined in the rehearsingD. a stranger he met on the way to work70Which of the foll

47、owing is the best title for this passage?A. The Chinese Culture or the Western CultureB. Am I Strong or Do I Need a SweaterC. How I Can Get Stronger in WinterD. How We Can Tell Two Different Cultures ApartE(2012济南二月月考)The western alphabet, which is used in Europe, the America, Africa, Australia and

48、New Zealand as well as in other countries, originated in the Middle East. The people who gave the world this alphabet were the Phoneacians, a people who established colonies all over the Mediterranean, including Carthage in Africa and Gades in Spain. In their alphabet, the letters were represented b

49、y little pictures which represented sounds. The Phoneacian A was aelph, which means “bull”, and it was made from a little picture of a bulls head. The letter B was beth which meant “house”, and showed the roundroofed buildings which you can still see today in Syria.The Phoneacians had contact with a

50、nother nation of sailors, the Greeks, with whom they fought and traded. The Greeks also started to use the Phoneacian alphabet. They changed the names, so aelph and beth became alpha and beta. The shapes of the letters are the same, but they have been turned sideways. If you know any Greek, you can

51、try turning the letters around again, and see how they look. You will see that the curve on the right of the Greek A becomes the horns of a little bull. Of course, the first two letters of the alphabet give it its name. Over the years there have been changes. Latin developed an alphabet with some di

52、fferent letters to the Greeks, and other letters have been added since. But really westerners are using the same system of writing which has served them so well for thousands of years.文章大意:本文告诉我们的是西方字母表的历史。71What is the purpose of this text?A. To share something of the Phoneacian history. B. To tell

53、 the story of the western alphabet.C. To compare the western alphabet with others. D. To describe the order of the Greek alphabet.72Where did the western alphabet originally come from?A. Carthage. B. Gades. C. The Mediterranean. D. The Middle East.73Which picture, according to the text, represents b

54、eth? 74Which change did the Greeks make to the Phoneacian alphabet?A. They changed the pictures to sounds.B. They put a curve on the letter A.C. They changed the shapes of the letters.D. They turned the letters in a different direction.75Which of the following shows the development of western alphab

55、et? More letters were added to the alphabet. Little pictures represented sounds. The letters were turned sideways. The names of the letters were changed. A. B. C. D. 第四部分:书面表达(满分35分)(2012西安五校一模)假设你是李华,你收到你的美国笔友Mike的一封Email,请根据邮件内容给Mike 回一封电子邮件。Dear Li Hua, How are you going on recently? Im so glad t

56、o tell you that I have planned to go to Xian to attend a training school to study Chinese in my coming holiday. Would you please give me some suggestions on how to learn Chinese well? Write back soon.Mike写作要点:1. 上课认真听讲,做好笔记;2. 课外大胆开口,多与人交流,提高听力能力;3. 合理安排时间,勤加练习。注意:1. 词数120左右。开头语已为你写好。2. 内容可适当发挥,注意行文

57、连贯。Dear Mike,Im so glad to learn that._Yours,Li Hua21答案:C考查冠词。句意:在我看来,在我国只有长城能代表中国的形象和文化。由句意可知,the Great Wall“长城”;第一空中no such thing“没有任何事物”,其中no相当于not a,故不再与a连用。22答案:A考查动词。句意:我们不能无视这一事实还要很久才能消除污染。ignore“无视,不理睬”符合句意。23答案:D考查情景对话。句意:“你愿意收到她的信吗?”“当然。信不信由你,我梦到她好几晚上了”。whats more“并且”;that is to say “也就是说”

58、;in other words“换句话说”;believe it or not“信不信由你”。24答案:B考查定语从句。_allows them to express themselves freely during the class是定语从句部分,该部分缺少主语,所以选关系代词which或者who;再根据先行词是atmosphere可知,不选who。25答案:D考查非谓语动词。句意:二十个人去了他家参加他的生日宴会,我也去了。此处也可用including me。26答案:B考查情态动词。句意:你为何对我们保密?你本应该告诉我们的。ought to/should have done“本应该做

59、某事(却没做)”。C项语态不对;A、D项时态不对。27答案:D考查连词。句意:我还没有明白发生了什么事,她就生气地出去了。由句意可知,before意为“还没来得及就”。28答案:D考查非谓语动词。broken English“不标准的英语,蹩脚的英语”。29答案:A考查代词。首句句意:开幕式一切准备就绪了吗?由句意可知,选everything。该题易误选anything。30答案:A考查主谓一致。“more than one单数名词”作主语,谓语动词用单数,排除B、D两项;再由空后的necessary可知,选A项。31答案:A考查形容词作主语补足语。句意:那位中年男士醉着上床睡了觉,当他醒来时

60、,他发现自己还穿着鞋。drunk“醉酒的”,在此作主语补足语。课本典例:You went to school very upset.。32答案:C考查虚拟语气。request后面所接的that从句中,应该用“(should)动词原形”表示虚拟语气。33答案:A考查非谓语动词和状语从句的省略。句意:如果继续阅读那样的文章,那么它会对你造成伤害。由句意可知,if后省略了reading articles is,所以填continued。34答案:C考查名词性从句。_seemed an endless wait是介词after所接的宾语,该部分缺少主语,所以选起双重作用的what。35答案:C考查非谓

61、语动词。句意:因为出口在中国经济增长中起着重大的作用,所以中国受到了现在的金融风暴的影响。此处with的复合结构作原因状语,所以排除D项;其中exports与play构成逻辑上的主谓关系,所以排除A项;再由句意可知,此处不表将来,所以排除B项。36答案:D其他孩子并没有取笑他的名字,但却不与他玩。laugh at“取笑”。37答案:C由上一句信息,可知那就是Teleflora在新学校的问题所在。38答案:ATeleflora早上去上学。39答案:BTeleflora在上学途中见到什么就踢什么。40答案:A 老师问是否有同学有特殊的东西向同学们展示。special“特殊的”;previous“先

62、前的”;strange“奇怪的”;important“重要的”。41答案:C有时,老师会向同学们读来自报上的东西。sometime“某时”;some time“一段时间”;sometimes“有时”;some times“许多次”。42答案:D见上题解释。43答案:C当老师所读内容是他熟悉的时候,Teleflora感到惊喜。44答案:A下文有暗示。45答案:BTeleflora和他的父亲收集了那些硬币。46答案:D父亲给Teleflora一个album,以便他装硬币,下文49空后有暗示。47答案:CTeleflora做出决定要向同学们展示他收集的硬币。48答案:B当(kids)同学们坐好后,T

63、eleflora准备向同学们展示硬币。49答案:DTeleflora打开album,以便展示硬币。50答案:ATeleflora打开album,展示硬币给同学们看。51答案:B老师给大家读过的东西,上文41空后有暗示。52答案:DTeleflora向同学们解释硬币的设计意义。53答案:A有同学向他提问表现出对他的硬币感兴趣。54答案:B同学希望Teleflora向他解释他想知道的东西。55答案:C同学们对他使用的昵称,就像多年的好友。Teleflora赢得了友谊。56答案:A细节理解题。由第二段第三句话“It was the jar of red rubber wrist bands (The

64、 American Diabetes Association diabetes awareness wrist bands) that caught Jacks eye.”可知。57答案:D细节理解题。由第三段最后两句话可知,杰克是为了朋友。58答案:D推理判断题。由第四段可知,杰克提出要募捐,这让我很惊讶,因为他只是一个小孩子,能这么做,他一定是品质高尚。59答案:B主旨大意题。由文章大意可知,本文讲述了一个名叫杰克的孩子的善心,所以B项正确。60答案:C细节理解题。由第一段后三句话可知,荷兰是最早制作这些小饼的国家。61答案:A细节理解题。由最后“Preheat oven to 150 .

65、”可知,制作小甜饼的第一步是把烤炉预热到150度。62答案:B推理判断题。由文章最后一句话“Bake at 150 for 12 minutes or until lightly brown.”可知,当小饼看上去稍微有点棕色时,小饼就熟了。63答案:C主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要是围绕第一段所提出的发展孩子的兴趣爱好这一话题展开的,故答案选C。64答案:B细节理解题。由文章第二段中的第四句话“Tell them they need to participate in at least 3 classes to see if there is something they really e

66、njoy.”可知,这样做的目的是帮助孩子找到他们的兴趣所在。65答案:A细节理解题。由文章第三段可知,让孩子带一个朋友或者兄弟姐妹一起参加某项活动,遇到新的挑战时,他可以更容易地应对。66答案:D细节理解题。由文章最后一段可推知,父母可以帮助孩子克服在新环境下存在的心理上的障碍,帮助他们交朋友。67答案:D推理判断题。由第一段第一句话可知,作者是美国人;由第二段第二句话“I was walking across the high school campus in Guangzhou where I taught when a student in a gray scarf waved hell

67、o.”可知,我是广州一所大学的老师。68答案:C推理判断题。第三段论述的中心是“Lets get one thing clear: Im a very skinny guy.”,即我并不强壮;而所举例子正是为论证这一观点的。69答案:A猜测词义题。由前文可知,此处的she指的就是在校园向我问好的那个女学生。70答案:B主旨大意题。全文讲述了作者对学生说作者“strong”的误解,此处的strong并不是身体强壮,而是不怕寒冷之意。所以B项符合。71答案:B推理判断题。文章一开始就点明了主题:西方的字母表。72答案:D细节理解题。由第一段第一句话“.originated in the Middl

68、e East.”可知。73答案:A细节理解题。由第一段最后一句话“The letter B was beth which meanthouse,and showed the roundroofed buildings which you can still see today in Syria.”可知,应该选圆顶的房子。74答案:D细节理解题。由第二段第四句话“The shapes of the letters are the same, but they have been turned sideways.”可知,希腊人保存了字母的形状,但是给它改变了方向。75答案:A细节理解题。由文章叙述

69、顺序可知。书面表达范文借鉴Dear Mike,Im so glad to learn that you want to learn Chinese. There is no doubt that to learn Chinese well is by no means an easy thing, but I have some ideas that may help.Firstly, it is important to listen to the teacher carefully and take notes so that you can go over your lessons la

70、ter. Secondly, try to practise speaking Chinese as much as possible out of class and write whatever you hear down to accumulate more words and expressions. Dont be afraid of making mistakes. And try to communicate with local people to develop listening skills. Last but not least, you should organize your time well and do a lot of exercise.I think the most important thing is that you should believe in yourself. Im sure that you will succeed after your hard work.Yours,Li Hua版权所有:高考资源网()

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