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2015-2016学年高中英语(人教版选修六浙、京专用)课时作业:UNIT 5 PERIOD 3 .docx

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2015-2016学年高中英语(人教版选修六浙、京专用)课时作业:UNIT 5 PERIOD 3 .docx_第1页
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2015-2016学年高中英语(人教版选修六浙、京专用)课时作业:UNIT 5 PERIOD 3 .docx_第2页
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2015-2016学年高中英语(人教版选修六浙、京专用)课时作业:UNIT 5 PERIOD 3 .docx_第3页
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1、Period ThreeUsing Language.语境填词1The _ (小说家) lost her _ (珍贵的) necklace on her way home.2We cant _ (保证) that our flights will never be delayed.3All of us were in a state of _ (惊慌) when a man was _ (射伤) on the spot.4Please accept this gift in _ (感谢) of all youve done for us.5He is full of _ (焦虑),for th

2、e exam is coming.6I found an old woman lying _ (失去知觉的) on the ground.7She wiped the _ (汗) from her face and drank a glass of water.8There are _ (不同的) opinions about it.词义辨析1用anxious,eager填空(1)She is _ to go to college,but _ about not passing the College Entrance Examinations.(2)What he is _ for is k

3、nowledge,and he often stays up reading books,which makes his mother _ about his health.2用reward,award,prize的适当形式填空(1)Is that how you _ me for my help?(2)My brother won the first _ in the contest.(3)We will offer a(n) _ of ten thousand dollars for information about the case.(4)The Olympic winner rece

4、ived a gold medal as a(n) _.完成句子1The old man _ (陷入恐慌中) when he found the door was open.2She _ (担心) the safety of her students.3The boy is very clever and _ (在艺术方面有天赋)4This nature reserve _ (是各种不同的的所在地) rare plants and animals.5She _ (生下了) a baby last night.6_ (浏览) the text and then answer the follow

5、ing questions.7The situation _ slightly _ country _ (由到不等) country.8In production,we should always keep an eye _ on quantity _ (不仅而且要关注质量).单项填空1My mother always gets a bit_ if we dont arrive when we say we will.Aanxious Bashamed Cweak Dpatient2The little boy trembled_ fear when he saw the snake comi

6、ng towards him.Afor Bin Cwith Dover3The new soldier_ the target,but didnt_ it again,which was expected.Ashot;shoot Bshot at;shootCshot;shoot at Dshot at;shoot at4Mary has a great_ of interests,such as traveling,hiking and playing chess.Akind Bdifference Csort Ddiversity5The fridge is_ for one year.T

7、he company will repair or replace it if it breaks down within a year.Apermitted Bpromised Carranged Dguaranteed6The baby was lucky enough to escape_ in the earthquake.Abeing killed Bkilling Cto kill Dto be killed7After a successful operation,Catherine is beginning to_ and will soon come back to scho

8、ol.Apick up Bwake up Cgrow up Dshow up8The sudden eruption of the volcano took the local people_ surprise.Ain Bby Cto Dwith9He hurried to the supermarket,only_ he had left his wallet at home.Ato find Bfound Cfinding Dfind10It is often _ that human beings are naturally equipped to speak.Asaid Bto say

9、 Csaying Dbeing said.任务型阅读在第15题中,Desmond,Darla,Russel,Malcolm,Warren正计划买一辆车。阅读下面六种车的介绍(选项A、B、C、D、E和F),选出符合各自需求的最佳选项。选项中有一项是多余选项。1Desmond is a young and promising athlete.Having won a champion in an important international game,he decides to buy a car to develop a brighter future.Of course,the car mu

10、st be extremely fast and is especially fit for him,a sportsman.()2Darla has just been admitted to a famous university hundreds of kilometers away from her hometown and has been permitted to buy a car.As a young girl,she certainly puts safety factors above all.()3Russel,a farmer in a mountainous area

11、,is growing hundreds of acres of crops.To transport his goods to town timely,he wants to buy a car.He hopes the car will run very fast and first of all must meet the natural conditions.()4Fighting in the commercial circle and getting a great success,Malcolm made a fortune.With an aggressive ambition

12、,he decides to buy a luxury(奢侈的;豪华的) car to develop an even brighter future.()5Warren is a merchant(商人)traveling to different parts of the country in any weather situation,good or bad.He expects to have a satisfactory car to make his career better.()AProvided by an advanceddesign Triton engine,with

13、a perfect cooling system,and plenty of pulling power.Passenger safety is excellently strengthened by Second Generation double airbags and side door intrusion beam.Luxury packages with deluxe accommodation.BWas it wind?Or was it fear?Chances are the both.Equipped with the first fourcam,32valve V8 eng

14、ine offered in a sport utility(实用) vehicle.An advanced source of power generating 320 Ibft of twisting force and 230 horse power.CA spirited package that takes the zoomzoom(疾行声) ethos into the mainstream.An aggressive,confident look,one thats backed by impressive dynamics.Engaging all the senses in

15、the driving experience.Bottom line: if youre in the market for a sedan,stop by our store and ask to try on one of ours.Good luck will be with you!DStyle,quality and high technology are the ingredients which have enabled Maserati to create some of the fastest and most advanced road cars in the world.

16、Its one thing to climb a mountain.E302hp bestinclass V8.3rdrow seating.And available climatecontrolled front seats.The new Lincoln Aviator.Like Navigator,just smaller,proof that magnificence comes in all size.There are those who travel.And those who travel well.FThe cars with shapes we have seen onl

17、y in our dreams.The landbased rocket ships.With cockpits(驾驶座) full of computers and video screens.The cars you can talk to and that will respond.The cars are invisible to the wind.It is said that.据说。句中的it是形式主语,它所代表的是后面的由that引导的主语从句。可用于该句式的动词常见的有:report,believe,know等。该句型结构可转化成:Sb./Sth.be过去分词不定式。It is

18、 said that he is an artist.He is said to be an artist.据说他是个艺术家。It is said that he has gone abroad.He is said to have gone abroad.据说他出国了。课时作业答案解析Period ThreeUsing Language.1.novelistprecious2.guarantee3.panicshot 4appreciation5.anxiety6.unconscious7.sweat 8diverse.1.(1)eageranxious(2)eageranxious(1)e

19、ager强调对成功的渴望,带有更多热切、兴奋的情绪。(2)anxious强调“担心,忧虑”,对结果感到不安,带有更多的焦虑、担忧。2(1)reward(2)prize(3)reward(4)award(1)reward指对某人的工作或服务等的报答;也指因帮助警察抓到罪犯或帮助失主找到东西而得到的赏金、报酬。(2)award指为鼓励在工作中达到或完成所提出的要求或条件的人而进行的奖励,往往强调荣誉而不在乎奖品的大小或奖金的多少,多指奖状或其他表彰物。(3)prize多指在各类竞赛、竞争等中赢得的奖。.1.got into a panic2.is anxious about3.has a gift

20、 for art4.is home to a diversity of5.gave birth to 6Glance through7.variesfromto8.not onlybut also on quality.1.A句意为:如果我们不能在我们说的时间到达,母亲总是有点焦虑。anxious忧虑的,不安的;ashamed羞愧的;weak虚弱的;patient耐心的。2Ctremble with因而颤抖,为固定搭配。3B句意为:新兵瞄准靶子射击,但又没有射中,这是预料之中的。shoot at向某物射击,但是不一定射中;shoot sth.射中某物。4Da diversity ofa var

21、iety of,意为“多种多样的”。5D句意为:这款冰箱保修一年,一年内坏了的话公司会来修理或给换一台新的。guarantee对提出保证,保修;permit允许,许可;promise承诺;arrange安排。6Aescape后跟动名词作宾语,排除C、D两项;the baby与kill之间是被动关系,故选A项。7A句意为:手术成功后,Catherine身体慢慢康复,将很快重返校园。pick up恢复,好起来;wake up唤醒;grow up长大,成熟;show up出现,变得明显。8Btake sb.by surprise使某人出乎意料;使吃惊。9A此处动词不定式作结果状语,表示出乎意料的结果。10A句意为:经常听人说人类天生有说话的能力。It is said that.为固定句式,意为“据说”。.1.B2.A3.D4.F5.E


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