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2022四年级英语下册 Unit 1 My school阶段过关卷一(Part A) 人教PEP.doc

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1、基础达标测一、读一读, 找出规律, 写出单词。(10分)1. waterunderrulertig _comput _2. 你能根据规律再写出几个这样的单词吗? _二、给下列词汇选出正确的图片。(10分)()1. teachers officeA. B. ()2. libraryA. B. ()3. computerA. B. ()4. first floorA. B. ()5. playgroundA. B. 三、单项选择。(20分) ()1. _ this your book?A. AreB. IsC. Do()2. I see the _ office. A. teacher B. te

2、achers C. teachers()3. The library is _ the second floor. A. on B. in C. under ()4. Where_ the art room? Its on the second floor. A. isB. areC. /()5. Is this your toy bus? _A. Yes, it isnt. B. No, it is. C. No, it isnt. 四、选出正确的单词填空。(20分)1. This _ (is, are) my ruler. 2. My pencil is _ (in, after) my

3、pencil box. 3. The library is next _ (on, to) the computer room. 4. Go _(to, on) the teachers office. 5. _(What, Where) is Mikes English book?五、情景选择。(20分)()1. 打扰别人之前通常说: _A. Excuse me. B. Sorry. ()2. 新来的同学想知道教师办公室在哪里时, 应说: _A. Do you have a teachers office?B. Where is the teachers office?()3. 你想对朋友说

4、: 我们去图书馆读书吧, 应说: _A. Lets go to the library to read a book. B. Lets go to the park to fly a kite. ()4. 小明找不到自己的钢笔了, 你看到在桌子下面, 你告诉他说: _A. Its on the desk. B. Its under the desk. ()5. 你向朋友介绍图书馆在二楼, 你应说: _A. The library is on the two floor. B. The library is on the second floor. 六、根据上下文, 选择合适的句子补全对话。(2

5、0分)Mike: 1. Is this the library? A. No, it isnt. B. Is it next to the classroom?C. Excuse me. D. Where is the library?John: 2. Mike: 3. John: Its on the second floor. Mike: 4. John: Yes, it is. Mike: Thank you. 答案 一、1. er; er2. (答案不唯一)sisterdinnereraser二、1. A2. B3. A4. B5. A三、1. B点拨: 由this可知谓语动词用Is。2. B点拨: teachers的所有格形式是teachers, 所以选B。3. A点拨: 在二楼, 用介词on。4. A点拨: 本句中art room 是单数形式, be动词选用is。5. C点拨: 以“Is this? ”开头的一般疑问句, 肯定回答是“Yes, it is. ”, 否定回答是“No, it isnt. ”, 只有C表达正确。四、1. is2. in3. to4. to5. Where 五、1. A2. B3. A4. B5. B六、1. C2. A3. D4. B


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