1、2019届杭州二中高二年级下学期期末统测模拟试卷第一部分 听力 略第二部分 阅读理解第一节AThe letter that would change everything arrived on a Tuesday. It was on ordinary morning in mid-April that smelled of clean washing and grass cuttings. Harold Fry sat at the breakfast table, freshly shaved, in a clean shirt and tie,with a slice of toast
2、that he wasnt eating. He gazed beyond the kitchen window at the clipped lawn.“Harold!” called Maureen above the vacuum cleaner. “post!”He thought he might like to go out,but the only thing to do was mow the lawn and he had done that yesterday. The vacuum tumbled into silence, and his wife appeared ,
3、looking cross, with a letter. She sat opposite Harold. Maureen was a slight woman with a cap of silver hair and a brisk walk. When they first met, nothing had pleased him more than to make her laugh. To watch her near frame collapse into unruly happiness. “Its for you”, she said,He didnt know what s
4、he meant until she slid an envelope across the table, and stopped it just short if Harolds elbow. They both looked at the letter as if they had never seen one before, It was pink, The postmark says Berwick-upon-Tweed.HedidntknowanyoneinBerwick.Hedidntknowmanypeopleanywhere.Maybeitsamistake. “Ithinki
5、tsnot.Theydontgetsomethinglikeapostmarkwrong,sheresponded. Haroldstudiedthemysteriousenvelope.Itspinkwasnotthecolourofthebathroomsuite,orthematching towels.ThatwasavividshadethatmadeHaroldfeelheshouldntbethere.Hisnameandaddresswasscribbledin ball-pointpen,theclumsyletters collapsingintooneanother,as
6、ifachildhaddashedthemoffinahurry,MrHaroldFry,13FossebridgeStreet,Kinsbridge,SouhHams.Hedidntrecognizethehandwriting “Well?”saidMaureen,passingaknife.Heheldittothecorneroftheenvelopeandtuggeditthroughthefold. “Careful,”shewarned. Hecouldfeelhereyesonhimasheeasedouttheletter,andputonhisreadingglasses.
7、Thepagewastyped, andaddressedfromaplacehedidntknow:StBenadinesHospice(善终收容服务). DearHarold,Thismaycome toyouassomesurprise. Hiseyesrantothebottomofthepage. Well?saidMaureenagain. “Goodlord.ItsfromQueenieHennessy. Sheworkedatthebrewery, yearsago.Dont youremember?Maureen? A kind friend.Its,its,its-canc
8、er.Queenieiswritingtosaygoodbye.l.um.GoshTears crammedhiseyes.21. What kind of atmosphere can you feel in paragraph 1?A. Relaxing B. Boring C. Interesting D. Depressing22. According to the text, what kind of person might Maureen be?A. Elegant and friendly. B. Charming and careful. C. Simple and gene
9、rous. D. Hardworking and doubtful.23. What might be talked about in the paragraphs following the text?A.Queenies desire to recover.B.Queenies more explanation about her disease.C.Harolds decision to ignore the letter.D.Harolds memories of Maureens poor health.B From Alaska to Alabama, reading is req
10、uired as homework around the country for their students. In New York, for example, the Arlington Central School District, an hour outside New York City, requires all middle school students to read at least one book before returning to school in the fall. The requirement, according to the letter that
11、 went home to parents, supports reading for pleasure and provides a springboard(跳板) for reflection in the fall. Everyone agrees that reading raises achievement, and research shows that students who read over the summer develop reading skills, while those who do not often slide backward, losing up to
12、 two months of what they learned while in school Most of the summer slide happens among low-income students, which over years can result in a big achievement gap. “As a parent and teacher I think required summer reading is a must!” says California educator Constantina Possidon. “I teach at a low-inc
13、ome school, and every August the kids levels have dropped and we spend a month or two catching others up. But Chris Janotta, a teacher in Illinois, says required reading can be a turn-off for kids. The purpose behind is good, but anytime reading is required, it at once has a stigma that makes many c
14、hildren not want to do it, he says. So whats the answer? If educators know that kids who read over the summer achieve more while those who dont fall further and further behind, how can they get all their students learning? Kim Broadley, an educator from Missouri, may have the solution-its all about
15、the choice. Rather than a list of required reading or suggested reading that meets academic need, we should offer kids a list of books you wont be able to put down to keep kids doing summer reading, she says. There are tons of books that students will fall in love with and that can be used as hooks(
16、钓钩) to the academically required books.24. What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?A. Reading is an important part during summer holidays. B. Summer reading is of great value to students.C. Many schools encourage summer reading. D. Schools have a lot of reading tasks.25. What can we know abo
17、ut summer reading for students? A. requires some reading skills.B. It is usually guided by their parents.C. It helps them achieve more at school. D. It puts low-income students at a disadvantage.26. Whats Chris Janottas attitude toward required summer reading?A. Concerned. B. Negative. C. Uncertain.
18、 D. Supportive27. The solution mentioned in the last paragraph means_.A. offering enjoyable books that are academically helpful B. required reading is necessary to some degreeC. getting students choose books by themselves D. asking students to read as much as possibleCMention the word “coding” and t
19、he first image that comes to mind is a complicated algorithm(运算法则)that has no relationship to the real world. It is, therefore, no wonder that most kids avoid learning this sill that is becoming increasingly important in todays world. Now, thanks to a small robot, even kids as young as five, will be
20、 demanding program. Root, a robot, can be accessed using an iPad. It has been deigned to teach coding to kids atvarious levels. For beginners or young children, Root is less about coding but more about problem- solvingKidscanconstructa “whatif”situationbymovingicons(图标)aroundonthetablet andobserving
21、the consequencesoftheiractioninstantly.Thissimple “causeandeffect”logic canbeusedtoteachtherobotto drivealongaverticaldry-erasewhiteboardandquicklydrawwithadry-erasemarker. Rootcanalsobe instructedtomovearoundthefloor,drawpatterns, andavoidbarriers. Asstudentsgetmorecomfortablewiththeconcept,theycan
22、downloadcommands, meaningthatRoot canbetoldtodrawaracetrackonawhiteboard,andthenmultiple Root robotscanbeinstructedtorace eachother.OtherfunoptionsincludeprogrammingRoottogofasterwhendriving overthecolorgreenand comingtoastop uponsensingthecolorred. Thats justthebeginningofthepossibilities- Rootcana
23、lso betaughttofleewhenitdetectsdanger, whichinthiscaseisthebeamfromaflashlight, andevenplay AngryBirdsonawhiteboardusingreal-worldphysics.SincemultipleRootscanbeusedatthesame time,therobotistheperfectclass-roomtooltointroducecodingtoyoungkids. Raphaelbelievesthatthisnovelapproachtocodingwillexcitegr
24、eatinterestbecauseunlikethe traditionalmethod,Rootmakescodingfunforeventheyoungestofstudents.Unfortunately,the robot, successfullytestedbykidsinthelaboratory, isnotyetavailableforschools.Theresearchersestimate thatRootwillbesoldforabout$200,makingitfairlyaffordablefor anyonethat wishestolearnhowtoco
25、de.28. Why are kids afraid to learn to code according to the author?A. It is very difficult for them to learn this skill.B. It gets them more uncomfortable to use computers.C. Learning code will have less fun playing computer games.D. Kids find it will have less fun playing computer games.29. The ro
26、bot called Root helps kids to_.A.change kids study attitudes B. move icons around more easilyC. greatly improve kids test marks D. feel at ease when learning to code30. What do we know about the robot?A. It is used to design programs B. It teaches kids to code.C. It makes “Angry Birds” popular D. It
27、 helps kids to break codes.第二节British roads are some of the safest in the world. A study in 2019 that compared more than 30 countries found that 3.8 people per 100,000 died in traffic accidents in the UK. This number was lower than any other country. So, what did British drivers do to achieve this?_
28、31_ Here are five top tips for drivers who are planning a trip to the UK.People in Britain drive on the left said of the road. In fact, a long time ago people drove on the left in most countries, but now only a few countries have this. _32_33_ If you are in a queue of traffic, then dont try to push
29、past the vehicles in front of yours. This is called “jumping the queue”. You must wait for your turn, otherwise people may get angry with you.You must stop at traffic lights when they are red. In many other countries, it is ok to go past the red lights if you are turning a corner or if there isnt an
30、y other traffic around. In the UK you could have lots of trouble if you do this.If another driver flashes their cars lights at you then they are probably trying to tell you that they will wait for you to go first. _34_._35_. If you try to offer them some you could end your holiday visiting a British
31、 prison.A. What traffic rules do they have?B. What are they doing differently?C. They think that driving on the right is safer.D. British people feel that waiting should be fair for everybody.E. If you are involved in an accident then dont try to pay the policeF. Dont forget that this also means you
32、 must drive the other way around roundabouts(环岛)G. British people dont like to use their car horn(喇叭)much and they think people who do are rude.第三部分第一节 完形填空In my first year of college, I was invited to be an instructor at a high school camp. About an hour into the first day of camp, I first _36_ the
33、 boy. He was small and skinny, and his obvious _37_ and shyness made him appear weak and _38_. only 50 feet away, other campers were talking and playing. Thinking he might feel _39_, I walked toward him and asked if he wanted to join the _40_. He quietly replied, “No.” I could _41_ that this whole e
34、xperience was foreign to him. He seemed to want to be anywhere _42_ where he was. But I somehow knew it wouldnt be right to _43_him. At lunch the next day, the campers were singing camp songs together. My eyes _44_ and I spotted the boy, sitting alone, staring out the window. I tired to invite him t
35、o _45_. He again replied, “I just dont really _46_ this.” I realized this was going to take more time and _47_ than I had thought. With my _48_ for the boy, I paid special attention to him and spent time with him when I could. The days flew by fast. _49_, before I knew it, it was the final night of
36、camp and there was the “last dance”. As I watched the campers share their _50_moments, I suddenly saw what would be on of the most _51_ memories of my life. The boy, who stared _52_ out the window, was now a dancing wonder, sharing _53_ intimate(亲密的)time with people around him. In that _54_, I reali
37、zed how easy it is to give a bit of yourself but you may never know how much each _55_ may mean to someone else.36. A. expected B. introduced C. noticed D. recognized37. A. guilt B. discomfort C. relief D. patience38. A. casual B. fragile C. innocent D. abnormal39. A. cared for B. held back C. left
38、out D. turned down40. A. activities B. celebrations C. performances D. preparations41. A. accept B. predict C. remember D.sense42. A. other than B. just as C. or rather D. as well as43. A. blame B. defeat C. push D. punish44. A. narrowed B.rolled C. widened D. wandered 45. A. assist B. comment C. pe
39、rform D.participate46. A. get into B. look into C. act on D. count on47. A. interest B. effort C. need D. reward48. A. concern B. doubt C. respect D. regret49. A. Besides B. However C. Meanwhile D. Thus50. A. changing B. fading C. parting D. training51. A. distant B. recent C. vivid D. vague52. A. b
40、lankly B. blindly C. coldly D. wildly53. A. awkward B. difficult C. peaceful D. meaningful54. A. game B. way C. instant D. memory55. A. dream B. gesture C. idea D. plan第二节 语法填空Inordertounderstandtheroleandfunctionofbeliefinoursociety,onewayistocomparethe_56_(different)between a societywithbeliefanda
41、societywithoutit.Andtroughthisprocessofcomparison,itmightbeeasierfor ustounderstand_57_importantbeliefreallyis. Withoutbelief,wedonotknowwhatwearefighting_58_.Thisisthefundamentaldifference someonewhohas_59_beliefsystemandsomeonewhodoesnot.Aparentwhois workingsohardforthe benefitsandfinancialsecurit
42、yofthechildrentendtogivemoreandcomplain_60_.Amanorawomaninlove,whoistryingtomaintainorchangetheirsituationin the beliefthattheycouldonedaybewiththeirbelovedones,wouldnotevenfeeltheburdenofworkAstudent,who_61_(strong)believesthatabrighterfutureisavailable,wouldnotmindafewextrahourstobebetteracademica
43、lly.Andapublicservant,whomakestheinterestofthe generalpublicaspriority,wouldnotmind_62_(burn)somelatenightoilsothattherequiredworkcould_63_(finish)inhighquality.Foralltheexamplesmentionedabove,wecaneasilyimaginehowthesituationwould changedramaticallywhentheydonothavethebeliefsystemoftheirown.Itsa gi
44、venfact64_lifeishardbutwhateverdifficultiesoccur,those_65_beliefisstrongeraremorelikelytoovercomethemsuccessfully.第四部分 写作第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)假设你是李华。央视节目经典咏流传(Everlasting Classic)风靡你校,该节目以流行歌曲的形式咏唱中国经典古诗词。你校外教Dimi对中国文化非常感兴趣,请你写一封邮件,邀请他参加你校将要举行的经典咏流传活动,内容包括:1.参加者;2.时间和地点;3.活动内容。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文
45、连贯。Dear Dimi_Yours,Li Hua第二节 概要写作Is early childhood education really necessary? Early childhood education primarily focuses on learning through playing to develop the childs physical, sensory, communicational and social development.Early childhood education has become a concern of the government, wh
46、o pushes poor children to be formally trained before they are old enough for kindergarten. There are good reasons for the government to push early childhood education.Studies have shownthat orphaned children who did not receive good care and education become developmentally delayed causing failure i
47、n school, and even in life.Further studies show that poor children who take part in HeadStart programs are more prepared for school, less likely to end up in Special Education classes, and are less likely to receive public help or go to prison.There are also negative parts to putting a child in form
48、al education programs too early. TimeMagazineonline explains that the younger the child the less his chances of catching up with first grade work. I have personally witnessed many children of my generation who went to Head Start programs become frustrated and bored with school before they finished h
49、igh school. Yet parents have been sure that theearlier the child starts school, the better off he or she is, so they push to start children earlier. Actually while early formal education of poor children does show great gains in the early elementaryyears, studies also show that this head start is re
50、ally a false start, as the gains are lost in middle and highschool years.It seems that environment is a bigger factor on lifes success than early education.Head Startprograms have not achieved its original goal in closing the achievement gap in poor and middle schoolchildren.Perhaps it is time to find other ways to close that gap.阅读:ADB;CCBA;ADB;BFDGE完形:CBBCA DACDD ABADC CADCB语法:differences; how; for; a; less; strongly; burning; be finished; that; whose作文略第 6 页