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2022四年级英语下册 Module 1模块知识梳理卷 外研版(三起).doc

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1、Module1模块知识梳理卷班级_姓名_得分_ 时间:30分钟满分:100分基础知识梳理一、单词过关(英汉互译)(13分)1. 友好的, 亲切的, 讨人喜欢的_2. 聪明的_3. 接(电话) _4. 电话; (给)打电话_ 5. 不好的, 坏的_ 6. 酷的_7. 姨母; 姑母; 舅母; 伯母; 婶母_8. 伯父; 叔父; 舅父; 姑父; 姨父_9. 年龄较大的_10. 幼小的, 年幼的_11. 可爱的_12. shy_ 13. naughty_ 二、核心短语(英汉互译)(7分)1. 有点害羞_ 2. 一位很亲切的老师_ 3. 接电话_ 4. little brother_ 5. big si

2、ster_ 6. a bad bird_ 7. 一个聪明的学生_三、重点句子(英汉互译)(5分)1. This is Maomao. _2. 他非常淘气。 _3. Youre a shy doctor! _4. 她是一位亲切的老师。 _5. 你现在能接电话吗? _四、核心语言点(5分)人物描述某人的性格或外貌特征:人+be动词+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数描述某人的性格或外貌特征:人+be动词+形容词1.She _ _ niceteacher.2.She _ _ _ shy.模块强化检测五、将下列词汇分类。(16分)clever, shy, uncle, naughty, aunt, lit

3、tle sister, big brother,bad, cute , cool, mother, very, tallnicefathera bit1. 2. 3.六、单项选择。(14分)( ) 1. This _ my teacher. A. amB. isC. are( ) 2. Hes a _ shy. A. bitB. bitsC. big( ) 3. Linda is _ clever girl. A. aB. anC. /( ) 4. This is my _, and he is a teacher. A. uncleB. motherC. aunt( ) 5. Im six,

4、 and my _ brother is ten. A. littleB. bigC. small( ) 6. Lanlan is tall _ clever. A. withB. andC. or( ) 7. Daming is nice, _ he is a bit shy. A. alsoB. andC. but七、情景交际。(10分)( ) 1. 当你想对别人说:“这是我的妈妈。”时, 应该说:_ A. This is my mother. B. That is my mother. ( ) 2. 当你想对别人说“我的弟弟很聪明。”应该这样说:_A. My big brother is

5、 naughty. B. My little brother is very clever. ( ) 3. 当你想问:“你现在能接电话吗? ”时, 应该这样问:_ A. Do you answer the call now? B. Can you answer the call now? ( ) 4. 当你想说:“你的妹妹有一点害羞。”应该这样说:_ A. My little sister is shy. B. Your little sister is a bit shy. ( ) 5. 当你想夸对方是一个聪明的女孩时, 应该这样说:_A. You are a clever girl!B.

6、You are a cute girl!八、根据图片及首字母提示完成句子。(10分)1. My b brother is a n boy. 2. C you a the call? 3. Linda is a c girl. 4. The soldiers(军人) are c . 5. This dog is b . 九、连词成句。(10分)1. teacher, is, very, a, nice, she(. )_2. she, bit, shy, is, a, but(. )_3. answer, can, now, you, the, call(? )_4. is, friend, t

7、his, my(. )_5. big, my, brother, is, cool, very(. )_十、阅读理解。根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)Im Lily. I come from London. Im eleven. This is a photo about my family. There are six people in my family. This is my grandpa. He is a driver, and hes very tall. This is my grandma. Shes a very nice teacher. This is my

8、 father. He is a doctor, and hes very cool. This is my mother. She is a doctor too. They work in the same hospital(医院). This is my little sister. She is a bit shy. ( ) 1. Lily is twelve. ( ) 2. Her grandpa is tall and bad. ( ) 3. Lilys mother is a doctor. ( ) 4. Her father is a doctor too. ( ) 5. He

9、r little brother is a bit shy.Module 1模块知识梳理卷 基础知识梳理:一、1.nice2.clever3.answer4.call5.bad6. cool7.aunt8.uncle9.big10.little11.cute12.害羞的13.淘气的二、1.a bit shy2.a nice teacher3.answer the call4.弟弟5.姐姐6.一只坏鸟7.a clever pupil三、1.这是毛毛。2.Hes very naughty.3. 你是个害羞的医生!4. Shes a nice teacher.5. Can you answer th

10、e call now?四、1.is a2.is a bit模块强化检测: 五、1.nice: clever, shy, naughty, bad, cute, cool, tall2. father: uncle, aunt, little sister, big brother, mother3. a bit: very六、1.B2. A点拨: a bit 意为: 稍微,有点儿。3. A点拨: 考查句式“人be动词a/an形容词可数名词单数”。4. A5. B点拨: ten大于six,可知是big brother(哥哥)。6. B7.C七、1.A点拨: This is.意为: 这是,介绍离自

11、己近的人或物。2. B点拨: little brother 意为: 弟弟。3. B点拨: 考查句式: “Can you 动词(动词词组)原形其他?”,用于询问对方是否可以做某事。4. B点拨: your你的, a bit稍微,有点儿。5. A点拨: 考查句式“You are.”描述对方的职业、身份、性格特征。八、1.big; nice2.Can; answer3.clever 4. cool5.bad九、1.She is a very nice teacher.2. But she is a bit shy.3. Can you answer the call now?4. This is my friend.5. My big brother is very cool.十、1.F2.F3.T4.T5.F


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