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2020-2021学年外研版人教版必修3课时作业:MODULE 6 SECTION Ⅱ OTHER PARTS OF THE MODULE WORD版含解析.DOC_第1页
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2020-2021学年外研版人教版必修3课时作业:MODULE 6 SECTION Ⅱ OTHER PARTS OF THE MODULE WORD版含解析.DOC_第3页
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2020-2021学年外研版人教版必修3课时作业:MODULE 6 SECTION Ⅱ OTHER PARTS OF THE MODULE WORD版含解析.DOC_第12页
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1、课时作业17Section Other parts of the Module.单词拼写1She died in _(严寒的) weather in a miserable cottage they shared.2It is _(荒唐的) to spend all her salary buying that socalled antique.3The costs of developing the new mineral discoveries are _(巨大的)4If a war breaks out, many other countries will be _(影响)5We wer

2、e completely _(筋疲力尽) after a days hard work.6The car _(撞) on the rock, killing its driver and two passengers.7The soul without imagination is what an _(天文台) would be without a telescope.8The conductor says they cannot guarantee the punctual arrival of train in _(有浓雾的) weather.9It was said that the t

3、own was _(毁掉) by the floods after the storm.10When I got there, I was _(迷住) by the beauty of the place and the community surrounding it.答案1freezing2.ridiculous3.enormous4.affected5exhausted6.crashed7.observatory8.foggy9destroyed10.struck/stricken.单句语法填空1If I were in _ position of the headmaster, I w

4、ould make every effort to bring _ end to cheating in exams.2The bridge was built in memory of the adventurer who was believed _ (discover) the valley.3Even if what he said didnt make _, you shouldnt have shouted at the meeting.4Is the water in the river cold?Cold? Its absolutely _ (freeze)!5We are p

5、leased _ our visit _ the Great Wall.6The long race will take a large _ of energy.7Unluckily, all the roads leading to Shanghai were blocked_the heavy snowfall.8Youd better cross_the words which are unnecessary in the sentences.9They had to bring the project _ construction to _ end because of lack of

6、 money.10I bothered my head but still couldnt make sense _ this poem of Shakespeare.11It was not until he climbed onto the top of the mountain _ he found the beauty of nature.12Wed better hold more such activities, _ students can combine study with fun.13We were watching an interesting program _ sud

7、denly the electric went off.14The boat will take you all _ way along _ Yangtze River.答案与解析1the; an解析:in the position of “处于职位”;bring an end to “结束”。2to have discovered解析:be believed to have done “被相信做过某事”。3sense解析:句意:即使他说的没有道理,你也不应该在会上大喊大叫。make sense“有意义;讲得通”。4freezing解析:句意:河里的水凉吗?凉?简直是冷极了!freezing“

8、冷极了”。5with; to解析:be pleased with “对满意”;ones visit to某人去某地的参观。6amount解析:a large amount of “大量”,修饰不可数名词。7with/by解析:be blocked with/by意为“被所阻挡”。8out解析:cross out “勾掉;划去”。9under; an解析:句意:因为缺钱,他们不得不终止正在建造中的工程。under construction意为“在建造中”,在句中作定语;bring sth. to an end是固定词组,意为“结束;终止”。10of解析:句意:我绞尽脑汁也不明白莎士比亚的这首诗。

9、make sense of意为“明白,理解”。11that解析:考查not.until的强调句型。句意:直到他爬到山顶他才发现大自然的美。12where解析:先行词为activities,定语从句中缺状语,故用where引导。13when解析:sb. be doing sth. when. 某人正在做某事这时候。14the; the解析:all the way 一直;江河湖海前用定冠词the。.完形填空It was the final week of the term, and as usual, I was stressed. I couldnt _1_, my mind was full

10、of _2_. I was trying to concentrate, but failed. I had problems sleeping and was _3_ all the time. When I started to have terrible headaches, my mom _4_ to take me to the hospital.We sat down to wait _5_ in the waiting room. When my name was finally _6_, a pain in my chest was almost killing me. The

11、n, a nurse took me to the _7_ room.First my heart rate was checked. The doctor didnt seem happy with _8_ he found. His serious face made me even more nervous. He told me my heartbeat was _9_ and was the cause of the pain in my _10_ just now in the waiting room. I was feeling as if the room lacked en

12、ough oxygen. I was breathing with _11_.The doctor was _12_ I had a heart disease. However, after some tests, he ruled out the _13_ of the heart disease. He told me I was most likely having episodic acute stress(间歇性急性应激). I didnt even know what that _14_. He explained that it was my bodys _15_ to my

13、exhausting work schedule. He added that I was _16_ pushing my body too hard, and it had already _17_ its ability to cope. Stress became a threat to both my physical and emotional health. The doctor gave me some medicine and put me on a(n) _18_ program. I was supposed to avoid stress and give myself

14、time to relax.Now, I have learned not to _19_ anymore during an examination. Life is _20_, and stress is just something we make up to make our lives more difficult. I learn a lesson from this: we should learn to slow down.1A.lie down Bcalm downCget down Dbreak down2A.memories BideasCsurprises Dworri

15、es3A.doubtful BtiredCcheerful Dpuzzled4A.decided BmanagedCtried Dpromised5A.hopefully BpatientlyCanxiously Dpolitely6A.mentioned BrecommendedCregistered Dcalled7A.operation BexaminationCmedicine Drest8A.that BwhichCwhat Dwhen9A.irregular BnormalCsteady Dpainful10A.back BheadCleg Dchest11A.concern Bd

16、ifficultyCcare Dease12A.aware BconfidentCsuspicious Dcertain13A.possibility BeffectCdanger Didentity14A.proved BexpressedCindicated Dmeant15A.contribution BreactionCaccess Dapproach16A.still BevenCjust Dever17A.lost BavoidedCovercome Dpracticed18A.volunteer BrecoveryCresearch Deducation19A.complain

17、BcheatCescape Dpanic20A.wonderful BtoughCsmooth Dsweet答案与解析1B根据上文中的“I was stressed”和后文中的“I was trying to concentrate, but failed. I had problems sleeping”可知,此处应是指作者无法平静下来。calm down 意为“平静下来”,符合句意。lie down “躺下”;get down “下来,下去”;break down “分解,出故障,(身体)崩溃”。2D根据“the final week of the term”和“during an exa

18、mination”及上下文可知,此处表示在学期末最后一周,临近考试,作者压力很大,心中充满了焦虑(worries)。3B因为压力大,又睡不好,故此处表示作者一直感到疲劳(tired)。4A当作者头痛得厉害的时候,母亲决定(decided)带他去医院。5C根据语境可知,作者和母亲应是焦虑地在候诊室里等候。6D根据下文中的“a nurse took me to.”可知,此处表示作者的名字被叫到的时候。7B根据下文中的“my heart rate was checked”可知,作者应是进入了检查室。8C分析句子结构可知,空处引导的应是一个宾语从句,且从句中缺少宾语,故用what引导。9A从后文的“t

19、he cause of the pain”“a heart disease”可知,此处指作者的心跳不正常。10D根据前文中的“a pain in my chest was almost killing me”和本句中的“just now in the waiting room”可知答案。11B根据上文中的“the room lacked enough oxygen”可知,此处表示的应是作者感到呼吸困难。12C根据下文中的“ruled out.the heart disease” “I was most likely having episodic acute stress(间歇性急性应激)”可

20、知,此处指医生怀疑作者患有心脏病。但是,经过一些检查以后,医生排除了心脏病的可能性。13A参见上题解析。14D由下文中的“He explained”可知,此处表示医生向作者说明了他的病因,但作者甚至不知道这到底是什么意思。15B此处指医生解释说这是身体对作者的令人疲惫的工作日程做出的反应。16C根据上文内容可知,此处指医生接着说道,作者实在是(just)给自己的身体施加了太大的压力,他的身体已经失去了应对的能力。just 在此意为“确实,完全,实在是”。17A参见上题解析。18B医生给了作者一些药并让他参加一项康复项目。recovery “康复”,符合语境。19D根据文章主旨可知,此处指作者学

21、会了不再感到恐慌。panic 意为“恐慌,惊慌”,符合句意。20B根据后文中的“make our lives more difficult”可知答案。tough 意为“艰苦的,艰难的”。.阅读理解 Whoever has made a voyage up the Hudson must remember the Catskill Mountains. They are a branch of the great Appalachian family, and are seen away to the west of the river, rising up to a noble height,

22、 and looking down the surrounding country. Every change of season, every change of weather, indeed, every hour of the day, produces some changes in the magical colors and shapes of these mountains, and they are regarded by all the good wives, far and near, as perfect barometers (晴雨表) . When the weat

23、her is fair,_they are clothed in blue and purple, and print their outlines on the clear evening sky. However, sometimes, when the rest of the landscape is cloudless, they will gather a lot of gray vapors about their top points, which, in the last rays of the setting sun, will glow and light up like

24、a crown (王冠) of glory. At the foot of these fairy mountains, the voyager may have seen the light smoke rising from a village. It is a little village with great age, having been founded by some of the Dutch colonists (殖民地), and there were some of the houses of the native settlers living within a few

25、years, built of small yellow bricks brought from Holland, having latticed windows (格子窗) In that village, and in one of these very houses, there lived, many years since, while the country was yet a province of Great Britain, a simple, goodnatured fellow, of the name of Rip Van Winkle. He was a son of

26、 the Van Winkles who was so courageous in the chivalrous (骑士风度的) days of Peter Stuyvesant. He received, however, but little of the warlike character of his ancestors. I have observed that he was a simple, goodnatured man; he was, moreover, a kind neighbor, and an obedient (顺从的) husband.1Any voyager

27、to the Huston must think that _.Athe visit to the Catskill Mountains is unforgettableBthe Catskill Mountains are so high that they cant be seenCall the rivers in the Catskill Mountains flow from west to eastDhe wont go to the Catskill Mountains any more2Who are most interested in the changes of the

28、Catskill Mountains?A. Voyagers. B. Children.C. Women. D. Men.3What do you think of Rip Van Winkles ancestors?A. Kind but shy. B. Generous and simple.C. Polite but mean. D. Brave and warlike.4What is the meaning of the underlined word “fair” in the second paragraph?A. Rainy. B. Cloudy.C. Foggy. D. Su

29、nny.答案与解析1A推理判断题。根据第一段第一句“Whoever has made a voyage up the Hudson must remember the Catskill Mountains.”可知,凡是坐船去过哈得逊河的游客都不会忘掉Catskill Mountains。2C细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“.some changes in the magical colors and shapes of these mountains, and they are regarded by all the good wives, far and near, as perfect ba

30、rometers(晴雨表)”可知,所有好太太们都把Catskill Mountains 当作判断天气的晴雨表。3D细节理解题。分析第四段“He was a son of the Van Winkles who was so courageous in the chivalrous(骑士风度的) days of Peter Stuyvesant. He received, however, but little of the warlike character of his ancestors.”可知,其祖先勇敢,具有骑士风度,而且好战。4D词义猜测题。根据上下文可知,fair 在此处的意思是“

31、晴朗的”。.语法填空Keeping a diary in English is an _1_ (effect) way to improve our English writing ability._2_ (compare) with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes _3_(little) time. It can help us to develop the habit of thinking in English. If we persist in this practice, gradually well learn how

32、 to express ourselves in English. In keeping a diary in English, we certainly run up against many _4_ (difficulty). In the first place, _5_ often happens that we have trouble _6_(find) appropriate words and phrases to give expression to our mind. Secondly, there are many idiomatic ways of saying thi

33、ngs in Chinese. And it is extremely hard for us to put them into English _7_ (proper)As far as I _8_(concern), my suggestion is that we should always have a notebook and a ChineseEnglish dictionary within easy reach. _9_ something beats us, we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult o

34、ur dictionary. We can also turn to our English teacher for help, if necessary. In short, I believe that it is _10_ great use to keep a diary in English for the development of our writing skills.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._答案与解析1effective考查词性转换。所填词修饰名词way,故应该用effect 的形容词形式effective(有效的)。2Compared考查非谓

35、语动词(过去分词)。(be)compared with 表示“与相比较”,此处用作状语。注意首字母要大写。3less考查比较级。根据and和shorter 判断此处应该用little 的比较级less,指写日记用的时间较少。4difficulties考查名词。many 后面跟名词的复数形式,故用difficulties。5it考查it 的用法。所填词作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that 从句。It happens that.表示“碰巧”。6finding考查非谓语动词。have trouble(in) doing sth. “做某事有困难”,是固定用法。7properly考查词性转换。修饰动词put into 应用副词形式。8am concerned考查固定短语。as far as sb./sth. be concerned 是固定短语,表示“就某人/事而言”。9When(ever)/If考查让步状语从句。10of考查介词。此处是“beof抽象名词”相当于“be形容词”。


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