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本文(山东省垦利第一中学英语校本课程:联想记忆英语词语(按单元顺序)人教新课标BOOK6.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、联想记忆英语词语(按单元顺序)Book 6Unit 11. abstract concrete 具体的2. belief=faithbelievetrust=believe in3. consequence=result consequentconsequently=as a consequence=as a result4. aim=goal目标achieve/attain ones aimaim to do aimed at doing sth.5. valuevalues价值观value sth.重视valuable valuelessevaluate评价assess6.

2、focus (ones attention) on=concentrate (ones attention) on=fix ones attention onbe lost in=be absorbed in聚精会神于较be devoted to sth./doing sth.(全身心)致力于be busy with sth./in doing sth.=be occupied with sth./in doing sth.7. religionreligious8. possessions=belongingspossess sth.拥有sb. is in possession of sb.

3、=sth. is in the possession of sb.9. convinceconvince sb. of sth./ that.convince sb. to do sth.=persuade sb. to do sth.convincing令人信服的be convinced of sth.=believe convinced that=believe that.10. impressimpress sth. on sb.向.强调impress sb. with sth.给.留下深刻的印象leave /make a.impression on sb.What imp

4、ressed me most was ./ that.最能打动我的是.11. a great deal=mucha great deal of=much=a large amount ofa big sum of (money)a large number of=a great/good many of(后接可数)a large quantity of(后接可数或不可数)12. ridiculous=absurd较amusing 逗人乐的13. nowadaysat presentat the moment14. scores ofhundreds ofthousands oftens of

5、thousands ofmillions of.15. attemptattempt to do=make an attempt to dotry to doin an attempt to do=in order to=for the purpose of doing.16. predict=foretell预测forecast预报foresee预见17. flesh肌肉meat食用的肉18. buncha bunch of keys/ flowers一大串.19. contemporary当代的modern现代的ancient古代的20. permanent temporaryUnit 2

6、 1. poetry(总称,不可数)poem可数poet2. tick n.(钟表)滴答 对号 v.勾出underline划出3. rhymerhythm节奏4. convey运载=carry, transport 传达,表达=express, 5. emotionfeeling6. nurserynursenursery school幼儿园7. concrete abstract较specificgeneral大体的8. repeatrepetitionrepeatedly=over and over again9. contradictcontradictorycontradiction1

7、0. patternsentence pattern句型11. run out of=use uprun out=be used up=give out=be exhausted如:Our money has run out. 较We have run out of our money.12. be made up of=consist of较be made of13. tease sb.=make fun of sb.=play jokes/ tricks on sb.laugh at sb.14. saltysweet甜的salt15. droop较drop跌落16. dreaddread

8、ful=fearful=frightful17. minimum maximuma minimum of a maximum ofminimize把.最小化maximize18. translatetranslatortranslationtranslate.into.较interpreter(口头)19. in particular in general20. await 等待=wait for 期待=expect21. transformtransform A into B把.转变成change/ turn .into.22. sorrow=sadnesssorry=sorrowful=s

9、ad23. librarylibrarian24. forever=for ever never25. section=part26. appropriate=proper=suitablebe appropriate for=be suitable for=be fit for 27. exchangeexchange sth. for sth. with exchange for较in return for28. warmthwidthdepthstrengthlength29. loaddownloaduploadload a car with sth.=load sth.

10、onto the car30. Take it easy=Dont worry.Take your time=Dont worry.Unit 3 1. cigarettesmoke a cigarettea pack of cigarettegive up/ quit smoking2. alcoholdrink alcoholalcoholic drinks3. fit=healthyfitness=health illness4. stresslay stress on强调stressful令人紧张stressed感到有压力的depressed抑郁的较nervous局促不安的5. ban=

11、forbid permit=allowban/ forbid smokingban sb. from smoking=forbid sb. to smoke6. due to=owing to=because of=thanks to=as a result of7. tough=hard=difficult较rough 粗糙的 粗略的8. addictedbe addicted to sth./ doing sth.对.上瘾be crazy about对.痴迷9. accustomhabitaccustombe accustomed to sth./doing sth.=be used to

12、 sth./doing sth.have the habit of doing sth.fall/ get into the habit of doing sth.10. bad-tempered good-tempered11. mentalmentally physically12. quit=give upquit a jobquit smoking13. effectaffect=have an effect oncause and effect因果较influence14. abnormal normal15. breathebreathhold ones breathbreathl

13、ess=out of breath16. unfit=unhealthy17. strongstrength力气strengthen加强longlength长度lengthen延长18. feel like doing=would like to do19. decide onmake a decision on.20. weaken strengthendeepenwiden=broadensoften hardenlengthen shorten21. chemistchemistrychemical22. in spite of=despite较although+从句in spite o

14、f / despite the fact that.23. comprehendcomprehension24. take a risk=take a chance25. get / fall into the habit of doing sth.=get used/ accustomed to doing in the habit of doing sth.=have the habit of doing sth.26. legalillegal27. at risk=in dangerat the risk of doing the risk of sth.

15、(ones life)/doing (losing ones life)=risk doing sth.冒.的危险28. survive (from) sth. (an earthquake/an accident)survival29. embarrassedembarrassingembarrassment30. male femaleUnit 4 1. consumeconsumer2. come about happentake placeHow did it come about that.?3. subscribe to 赞成=agree with 订阅4. go up =rise

16、较raise=put up=lift5. result in=lead to=causeresult from=be caused by6. catastrophe(大灾难)=disaster7. floodfaminedrought8. be opposed to sth.=be against sb.=object to sth.=oppose for=be in favor of=support9. consequence=resultas a consequence=as a result=consequently10. statestatement11. rangera

17、nge wide rage of.12. glance at=take a glance atglance throughstare atglare atlook at13. averageon average14. existexistence15. put up with=stand=bear=tolerateUnit 5 1. erupt=happen=break out2. alongside 在.旁边=beside 和.一起=together with3. equipmentequip A with Bbe equipped with装备有=be armed wi

18、th用.武装起来4. appointappoint sb. (as) 官职appointmentmake an appointment with sb.与.有约会5. evaluate=assessevaluation=assessment6. burn to the ground=burn down burn up烧光7. wave挥动wave ones hand to sb.wave goodbye to sb.波浪8. suita suit of clothesbe suitable forThe job suits me.9. make one way to sp.feel/ shou

19、lder/thread ones way (艰难地)走10. actual=realactually较in fact=as a matter of fact11. preciousvaluable较expensivepriceless12. novelistartistscientistviolinistpianistwriter13. shoot sb.击中较shoot at 朝.射击类似strike sb.打中较strike at 朝.击打14. trembleshaketremble with fear15. sweat较sweet甜的sweater16. anxiousbe anxio

20、us about=be worried aboutbe anxious to dobe eager to do17. glance through=look through=read throughtake a glance at18. panicget into a panicdo sth. in panic19. vary from .to .vary from person to personrange diversediversity21. bathe=take a bath较take a shower淋浴breathbreatheclothclothehouse的两种发音22. arousearouse ones interest较arise=come up=happen=appear23. appreciatethank sb. for sth.=appreciate sth.=gratitudethank24. persuasionpersuade sb. into doing sth.=persuade/convince sb. to do sth.版权所有:高考资源网()

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