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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家2012届英语总复习作业本:Module6 The Internet and Telecommunications(外研版必修1).单项填空1Why do you look so worried?Ive lost a file_a lot of important documents.AcollectingBformingCcontaining Dsaving2Many people in Copenhagen joined in the parade,hoping to make_clear that something should be done to s

2、ave the earth.Athis BthatCit Dwhat3Clothing_for preschoolage children often follows the fashion for adults.Adecorated BpreferredCdesigned Dorganised4There is no denying that teachers have a relatively stable income_with people in many other professions.Acomparing Bto compareCcompare Dcompared5It has

3、 been proved that every substance,no matter what it is,_of atoms.Aconsists Bis consistedCis consisting Dhas been consisted6The books in the school library are easily_as all the shelves are open.Aaccessible BrelativeCacceptable Dsensitive7She has a list of achievements_she is proud,including local go

4、vernment participation in the energysaving movement.Ain which Bin thatCof which Dof that8Through various studies,scientists have been able to_new methods of slowing down the aging process.Aput up with Bcome up withCkeep up with Dend up with9Will $100 be all right?Thats far from enough!We need at lea

5、st_.Aas twice as many Btwice as manyCtwice as much Das twice as much10China possesses enormous quantities of coal and is rich in other minerals_.Abesides Bas wellCeither Din case11When you start to build up a store of vocabulary it is important to use it_.Aeventually BoccasionallyCfortunately Dfrequ

6、ently12With the completion of his first novel he is starting to feel_about what hell be making in the future.Aoptimistic a bit moreBmore optimistic a bitCa bit more optimisticDa bit optimistic more13The only_to the village surrounded by the flood was destroyed so the rescuers couldnt reach the villa

7、gers.Aaccess BapproachCadvance Daddress14What a small meeting room!Do you think_possible for so many students to sit in?Athis BthatCthere Dit15Speaking of all the songs he has written,I think this is probably his_one.Abetterknown BwellknownCbestknown Dmostknown.完形填空(2011英语周报第1期) One afternoon,I join

8、ed CharityFocus folks to distribute (分发) food to homeless people. We_1_at a coffee shop and other members came with lots of food packaged properly for_2_.The first person we offered_3_to cried and was at a loss for words.This was an emotional moment for all of us and really_4_me.After this,the rest

9、of our distribution_5_at a particular place near Port Authority where many such_6_people sat.Here the food was distributed quickly with a crowd_7_us and receiving our packets.Our activity got_8_by 500 pm and we started back to our homes._9_,I was still feeling the need to do more.I distributed all t

10、he stuff I had prepared.Still the_10_was a little less.Then I found one lady sitting on one corner of the road.I asked her if she would like to eat_11_and she agreed.I_12_nice pizza and cake and gave the entire package to her.I thought she would be_13_and start eating at once,but instead she just ke

11、pt the package and started_14_for money.I added some money as well and went off. After this as I walked home,I felt a surge of satisfaction I_15_experienced before.I didnt feel_16_though I hadnt eaten much the whole day.This was a unique,deep_17_,and I felt a little uplifted (意气昂扬) from my normal se

12、lf and very peaceful within.This is what happens_18_we give what we actually need.I never got that feeling by doing any other_19_and Im sure those beautiful moments are worth any sacrifice.What I_20_was much more than what I gave.1.A.rested BarguedCdiscussed Dgathered2A.distributing BcookingCeating

13、Dpractising3A.clothes BcardsCfood Dmoney4A.disappointedBdisturbedCinterestedDtouched5A.lost BhappenedCfailed Dremained6A.needyBgenerousCbusyDenthusiastic7A.supportingBdirectingCsurroundingDencouraging8A.off BupCout Dover9.A.InsteadBHoweverCBesides DTherefore10A.satisfactionBexplanation CsuggestionDq

14、uestion11A.bothBallCsomethingDeverything12A.enjoyedBpurchasedCmadeDsorted13A.amused BashamedCworried Dexcited14A.looking BwaitingCasking Dfighting15A.never BalwaysCoften Drecently16A.proud BhungryChopeless Dcold17A.effort BideaCopinion Dfeeling18A.though BbeforeCwhen Dwhere19A.actionBexperimentCrese

15、archDbusiness20A.permitted BgotCadmitted Dsent.阅读理解(2011南昌一模)Each year,millions of people go abroad to work,study,or travel.Its a great way to find out what life is like in another part of the world!Youre probably hoping to make new friends and learn about the culture in your host country everything

16、 from attitudes and beliefs to social customs and popular foods.But constantly having to deal with new situations can be frustrating (产生挫折的),even stressful.Homesickness,stress,fear,and confusion are all symptoms of “culture shock”At first,you may feel like getting on the plane and heading home.Its O

17、K to have those feelings,but the following are some tips to help you handle the challenges that you will face.Dont expect to be perfect.You may feel frustrated that you have culture shock,especially since you probably spent so much time preparing for your trip.No matter how much information you read

18、,or how well you speak the host language,it is natural to feel overwhelmed sometimes.If you give yourself some time,things will gradually get easier.Have an open mind.While its certainly OK to feel frustrated or confused in your new surroundings,try not to form an opinion about the new culture too s

19、oon.Dont think of the host as better or worse,just differentyoull be more willing to try new things.Participate.This is obvious,but everybody needs to be reminded.Just watching life go on around you isnt good enough.You really need to try things for yourself.Dont worry about making a mistake;people

20、in your host country will generally be very understanding and willing to help if you have questions.Your study abroad experience is a unique and special time in your life,one that youll never forget.If you follow our suggestions,youll be able to handle it well,and have a wonderful time.Good luck!1Wh

21、at is culture shock? ASomething you feel surprised at.BThe problems you have when you go to another country.CThe frightening feelings you have.DSomething different from your own culture.2What should you do when you feel depressed?AGo back to your own homeland.BTalk to someone about your problem.CGiv

22、e yourself some time to get used to it.DStop thinking of it.3Which of the following statements is WRONG?AIt is natural to feel overwhelmed sometimes.BNot everything is perfect.CTry to form the opinion about the new culture as soon as possible.DTell others about your problems.4What is the main idea o

23、f this article?AHow to overcome culture shock.BWhy do people have culture shock.CWho might have culture shock.DWhen will you have culture shock.答案:.单项填空1解析:考查动词辨析。contain意为“包括”,此处用其动词ing形式作定语,符合题意。collect意为“收集”;form意为“形成”;save意为“节约,储蓄”。句意为:“你为什么看起来如此着急?”“我丢了一个文件夹,里面有很多重要的文件。”答案:C2解析:考查it作形式宾语。真正的宾语为

24、后面的that从句。答案:C3解析:考查动词辨析。be designed for意为“为设计”,此处用动词ed形式短语在句中作定语。decorate装饰;prefer喜欢;organise组织,均不符合题意。答案:C4解析:考查非谓语动词。compared with意为“与相比”。句意为:不可否认与其它行业相比,教师的薪水比较稳定。答案:D5解析:考查语态和时态。consist of意为“由组成”,不能用于被动语态,也不用于进行时。句意为:现已证明,无论是什么物质,都是由原子组成的。答案:A6解析:考查形容词辨析。accessible意为“可进入的;可使用的”,符合题意。relative意为“

25、相对的,比较的”;acceptable意为“合意的,受欢迎的;可接受的”;sensitive意为“敏感的”。答案:A7解析:考查定语从句。be proud of意为“以自豪”,of which she is proud为“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句,修饰achievements。答案:C8解析:考查短语辨析。come up with意为“提出;想出”,符合题意。put up with意为“忍受,容忍”;keep up with意为“跟上”;end up with意为“以告终”。句意为:通过各种各样的研究,科学家已经能够想出新的方法来延缓衰老过程。答案:B9解析:考查倍数表达法。“倍数as形容

26、词或副词原级as”结构表示“是的几倍”。money是不可数名词,用much。句意为:“100美元够了吗?”“远远不够。我们至少需要两倍。”答案:C10解析:考查as well的用法。besides常放在句中,意为“此外”;either用于否定句句末;in case意为“以防,万一”;as well意为“也,还,而且”,常位于句末。句意为:中国拥有大量煤炭,其它的矿藏也很丰富。答案:B11解析:考查副词辨析。frequently意为“时常,常常;eventually意为“最后,终于”;occasionally意为“偶尔”;fortunately意为“幸运地”。句意为:在你开始大量识记词汇时,重要

27、的是要经常去使用词汇。答案:D12解析:考查形容词比较级。形容词比较级前常用a little,a bit,a lot,rather,no,any much,far,even,still,yet等副词来修饰。optimistic的比较级为more optimistic,故选C。答案:C13解析:考查名词辨析。access通路;approach方法,接近;advance预先;address地址。句意为:通向被洪水围困的村子的惟一通路被毁了,所以营救人员无法接近那些村民们。答案:A14解析:考查形式宾语。句意为:多么小的会议室啊!容纳这么多的学生你认为可能吗?it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式to

28、sit in。答案:D15解析:句意为:谈到他创作的所有歌曲,我认为这很可能是他最著名的一首。本题应该用最高级形式,故选C。答案:C.完形填空语篇解读一次给无家可归者捐赠食物的善举使我懂得了:感人的时刻值得我们做出任何牺牲。1解析:从本空后“其他成员也赶了过来”得出:我们约定好在一家咖啡馆集合(gathered)。答案:D2解析:上文的distribute和下文的distribution提示:其他成员带着精心包裹好的食物准备分发(distributing)。答案:A3解析:根据上文的distribute food可知我们是提供食物(food)。答案:C4解析:第一个受助者cried,这一情景感

29、动(touched)了“我”。答案:D5解析:根据下文的the food was distributed quickly可知,我们剩余的食物分发在Port Authority附近的一个地方进行(happened)。答案:B6解析:之所以到这里来分发食物,是因为我们知道这里聚集着很多贫困的(needy)人。答案:A7解析:与本空后receiving构成并列:当一群急需要帮助的人围(surrounding)在我们周围接受帮助时,我们的食物很快就分发完了。答案:C8解析:与本空后构成承接关系:当慈善活动结束(over)后,我们开始往回走。答案:D9解析:我们的慈善活动结束了,然而(However),

30、“我”却意犹未尽还想帮助别人。答案:B10解析:把“我”准备的物品分发完后,“我”还是感觉不满足(satisfaction)。下文的I felt a surge of satisfaction是提示。答案:A11解析:“我”问她是否想吃一些(something)东西。答案:C12解析:因为“我”把自己带的东西都分发给了别人,于是“我”就给她买了(purchased)好吃的比萨饼和蛋糕。答案:B13解析:“我”想一个饥肠辘辘的人有了好吃的东西肯定会欣喜若狂(excited)。答案:D14解析:由下句“我塞给了她一些钱”可知:她接过食物后,又开始向“我”要(asking)钱。答案:C15解析:下文

31、的never got that feeling提示:在回家的路上,“我”感受到了以前从未(never)有过的满足感。答案:A16解析:本空后eaten提示:尽管那天“我”并没有吃多少东西,但是“我”却没有感到饥饿(hungry)。答案:B17解析:这里说的是内心的感觉(feeling)。答案:D18解析:这就是当(when)我们做助人之举时在内心所发生的变化。答案:C19解析:本文就是作者所参加的一次慈善活动(action)。答案:A 20解析:与本空后的gave构成对比:我所得到的(got)远远大于我所付出的。答案:B.阅读理解语篇解读本文主要讲述了如何克服文化冲击。 1解析:细节理解题。从第二段第一句“Homesickness,stress,fear and confusion are all symptoms of culture shock”可知答案为B。答案:B2解析:细节理解题。从第三段最后一句可知答案为C。 答案:C3解析:细节理解题。从第四段中的“try not to form an opinion about the new culture too soon”可知C项说法是错误的。答案:C4解析:主旨大意题。综观全文,尤其是第二段最后一句可知,文章主要介绍如何克服“文化冲击”。答案:A高考资源网版权所有,侵权必究!


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