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1、广东省2022届高三英语下学期第四次联考试题( 满分: 120分 时间: 120分钟)注意事项:1.答题前, 考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。并用2B铅笔将对应的信息点涂黑,不按要求填涂的,答卷无效。2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。4.考生必须保持答题卡

2、的整洁,考试结束后,只需将答题卡交回。第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 AAs a newly-added Olympic sport, surfing is attracting more attention than ever before. Here is a selection of the top surfing destinations across America.DelawareCoastal Delaware offers plenty of fun

3、waves along the shore of several cute towns. Due to the waves crashing close to the shore, Dewey beach is also a global skim boarding hotspot and happens to be the east coast capital for the sport.If youre planning a visit, check out the popular “Summer Vibes” festival for some beach fun.Atlantic Ci

4、ty, New JerseyWhen world-famous surfer and Olympic Gold medalist Duke Kahanamoku, often referred to as “the father of surfing,” visited the mainland United States in the early 1900s, he rode his longboard off the coast of Atlantic City. The beaches here are wide and beautifuland locals catch waves y

5、ear-round. The Rockaways, New YorkLocated a short distance from Manhattan, The Rockaways attracts new and experienced surfers from across the globe. Be sure to come prepared in winter with a wet suit, while summer brings much warmer water temperatures. Afterwards, explore the town as theres plenty o

6、f cafes, boutiques, and restaurants steps from the sand.Cocoa Beach, FloridaSituated about 45 minutes from Orlando, Cocoa Beach is a renowned surf town thats home to two of the worlds best surfers (Caroline Marks and Kelly Slater) and a favorite for surfers of all levels. This family-friendly town h

7、as lots of activities for everyone. When youre not in the water, you can stroll the Historic Cocoa Village and its shops, cafes, and galleries. 1. What is the most suitable time for surfers to enjoy beach fun in Delaware?A. January. B. August. C. October. D. December.2. What are you advised to do in

8、 the Rockaways?A. Surf with Olympic Gold medalists.B. Check out the surfing festival for fun.C. Explore the ancient town on the beach.D. Get prepared for the cold water in winter. 3. Which destination best suits a household?A. Cocoa Beach. B. The Rockaways. C. Atlantic City. D. Delaware.B“Have you c

9、hecked the oil in the car?” my father used to say to me, his version of “Hello, hope you are well.” Sometimes our phone calls would begin with an inquiry about the oil and end with an inquiry about the oil, with not a lot in between.Fathers have a lot of love to give, but its often supplied through

10、the medium of practical advice. The affectionate phrase “You made my life better from the moment you were born” may be rarely heard, but there is the more common “Ill hold the ladder while you get the leaves off the roof.”Why cant we fathers just say “I love you” or “Its great to see you” ? The poin

11、t is: That s exactly what we are saying. You just have to translate from the language that is Fatherlish. Listen closely enough and the phrase “I love you” can be heard in the lengthier “I could come around Saturday and replace the silicon seal around the base of your toilet because I reckon that th

12、ing is getting really smelly.”When I was 17, I went on my first road trip. My father stood on the corner in the predawn of a cold morning to bid us farewell. “Highways are dangerous,” he said, “so dont try overtaking anything faster than a horse and buggy. And take a break every two hours. And every

13、 time you stop for gas, you really should check the oil.” At the time we thought his speech was funny and would chant “horse-and-buggy” every time I floored the accelerator.Dads long gone now. But after all these years, I realize that had I owned a copy of the Fatherlish-to-English dictionary, Id ha

14、ve understood that the speech my friend and I so casually mocked was simply Dads attempt at affection. 4. According to the passage, how do fathers usually show their affection?A. By inquiring their kids car.B. By doing rather than saying.C. By offering helpful advice. D. By accompanying their kids.5

15、. Why does the author mention his first road trip?A. To exemplify the unique parental concern.B. To provide some background knowledge.C. To explain the reasons for my mocking. D. To present my fathers funny speech.6. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. My father has gone somewhere faraway.B

16、. I regretted making fun of my fathers speech.C. I owned a copy of Fatherlish-to-English dictionary.D. My fathers speech got across to me when I was 17.7. Which words can best describe the authors father?A. Caring and considerate. B. Devoted and generous.C. Talkative and humorous.D. Knowledgeable an

17、d diligent.CA study of 8 different experiments showed that our brains tend to prefer addition rather than subtraction when it comes to finding solutionsin many cases, it seems we just dont consider the strategy of taking something away at all.The researchers found that this preference for adding was

18、 noticeable in three situations in particular: when people were under higher cognitive (认知的) load, when there was less time to consider the other options, and when volunteers didnt get a specific reminder that subtracting was an option. In one of the experiments, participants were asked to improve a

19、 Lego structure so that it was able to take more weight. Half the volunteers were reminded that they could take away bricks as well as add them, and half werent. In the group that got the reminder, 61 percent solved the problem by taking away a brickwhich was a much faster and more efficient way of

20、making the structure stable. In the group that didnt get the reminder, only 41 percent went for the removing bricks approach.“Additive ideas come to mind quickly and easily, but subtractive ideas require more cognitive effort,” says psychologist Benjamin Converse, from the University of Virginia. “B

21、ecause people are often moving fast and working with the first ideas that come to mind, they end up accepting additive solutions without considering subtraction at all.”The researchers have a few ideas about what might be going on. Our brains might find additive changes easier to process perhaps, or

22、 we might be associating adding with ideas of something thats bigger and therefore better in our subconscious. There might also be associations in our minds with the current status being something that needs to be maintained as much as possibleand taking something away is arguably more destructive t

23、o the current status than adding something new.The researchers say their work is important in a much broader sense: for institutions looking to streamline (简化), for example, and even for the human race looking for ways to better manage the planets resources. 8. What does the underlined word “subtrac

24、tion” in paragraph 1 refer to?A. Removal.B. Moderation.C. Refusal. D. Solution.9. In which situation do people prefer adding?A. When they are under high pressure.B. B. When they lack cognitive ability.C. When they are specially reminded.D. When they are hurried to decide.10. What were participants r

25、equired to do in the experiment?A. Re-shape Lego bricks.B. Take Lego bricks away.C. Move the Lego structure. D. Stabilize the Lego structure. 11. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?A. The ways to make additive changes.B. The effects of taking something away.C. The reasons for brains preferring additio

26、n.D. The importance of maintaining current status.DEfforts to preserve the Amazon rain forest, which supports immense biodiversity and locks away tons of climate threatening carbon, are growing more urgent as the ecosystems destruction accelerates. Indigenous (当地的) peoples have been trying to protec

27、t the region by patrolling(巡逻) their territorial boundaries for illegal activities. But rapid deforestation continues. A recent study shows that combining on-the-ground monitoring with satellite data and smartphone technology could help put the brakes on Amazon deforestationand potentially that of f

28、orests elsewhere. Illegal logging, agriculture and coca cultivation particularly threaten the Amazon in the Peruvian Indigenous communities and outsiders are often the culprits (罪魁祸首). The research team wondered if providing training for local people to use satellite-based “early deforestation alert

29、s” could help. The scientists collaborated with 76 Indigenous communities, 36 of which participated in using these alerts to watch over the forest. Over the next two years these trained participants were paid to work as forest monitors and received monthly alerts via the app when satellite data indi

30、cated local forest losses. Monitors investigated alerts, patrolled for deforestation in other areas and reported confirmed losses back to their communities, which decided whether to deal with the culprits on their own or inform state authorities. The researchers analyzed the same forest-loss satelli

31、te data from the given time period in all 76 communities. They found the early-alert program reduced forest loss by 8.4 hectares in the first two yeara 52% reduction compared with the average loss in the control communities. Experts say this approach to tackling Amazonian deforestation looks promisi

32、ng. “Would this work in all communities that have high risk of deforestation? Given the results, its worth a try.” says Catherine Tucker, a researcher at the University of Florida. “But some communities may not have access to the resources needed for such a program, or their territories may hold val

33、uable minerals that would increase the risk of deforestation by outsiders despite monitoring efforts,” wrote Francisco Hernandez Cayetano, a community member involved in the research, “we as Indigenous peoples ask the world for support.” 12. Why did the research team conduct the program?A. To stop c

34、arbon being locked away.B. To tackle Amazon deforestation.C. To monitor satellite movement.D. To control illegal activities.13. How does the community-based monitoring work?A. By offering locals training in using a smartphone app.B. By combining local monitoring with smartphone alerts.C. By organizi

35、ng native people to fight against the outsiders.D. By equipping local forest with satellite data and monitors.14. What is Catherine Tuckers attitude toward the approach to preventing deforestation?A. Pessimistic. B. Objective. C. Approving. D. Conventional.15. Which can be the best title for the tex

36、t?A. Local Monitors Trained for Forest Loss.B. Satellite Data Cure Deforestation.C. Outsiders Are to Blame for Forest Loss.D. Smart Patrol Fights Deforestation.第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项 为多余选项。How to Have an Attractive PersonalityBeing attractive comes more from

37、your personality than your appearance, and demonstrating an attractive personality is key to having lasting relationships. 16 The following tips help foster your ability to fascinate others.l Laugh at yourself.If you make a fool of yourself, laugh at yourself instead of feeling embarrassed. It shows

38、 that youre comfortable in your skin. A sense of humor makes someone more engaging and delightful to be with. 17 It is a great ice-breaker or stress reliever, but dont ruin a serious conversation with inappropriate jokes.l Speak sincerely.Tell people the truth. If you cant commit to something, its b

39、etter to be honest about it than to have to tell them last minute that you cant make it. When people ask for your opinion, you should be honest. 18 For instance, if you dont like your friends shirt, respond with, “I really like you in blue instead,” rather than, “I hate it, its ugly.” l 19 If you se

40、e value in making others laugh and keep yourself positive, youll be a happier person, making others drawn to you as a result. A great way to remind you to laugh more is to have daily jokes on your phone or email. Set them for a time of day when you notice yourself start to feel drained.l Have confid

41、ence in your body.You dont have to have the “perfect body” to be confident in it. People will be more attracted to you if you dress well and carry yourself well. If you need a little boost, place post-its around your mirror that remind you of thecharming parts of your body. 20 A.Speak in apositive w

42、ay.B.Make laughing a priority.C.Remember, there is atime and place for humor.D.There is difference between being frankand rude, though.E.Focus on these rather than whatyoure self-conscious about.F.Actually, developing engaging personalities is not that far out of reach.G.But having charmingappearanc

43、e is only skin-deep and far from enough.第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Alvin, 66, was deep in the woods in Grand Cane last December when something like litter on the ground caught his eye. It was a 21 balloon with a note attached.“Dear Santa,” the

44、note 22 . “My name is Luna. Four years old. This year I have been 23 . I would like candy, Spider-Man ball, My Little Pony. With love, Luna.”Alvins heart hammered in his chest. It reminded him of his childhood wish. He smiled and set out to 24 Lunas wish. He posted a photo of the balloon and the Chr

45、istmas wish list on his Facebook page, asking for help 25 the sender.Meanwhile, Gonzalez, the mother of four-year old Luna, had no idea that such a(n) 26 was underway. It had been a hard year for her family as COVID-19 spread. On a 27 tough day last December, she 28 the idea of having Luna send a le

46、tter to Santa by releasing a balloon. They enjoyed a 29 Christmas together, and then the calendar turned to a new year.One day, Gonzalez received a call saying that someone had found Lunas balloon. Her jaw 30 . She logged on to Facebook and saw Alvins 31 . She called Alvin and finally agreed to let

47、Alvin fulfill her daughters wish list. “Santa dropped your balloon 32 ,” Gonzalez told Luna, “but one of his elves (精灵) found it.” Not long after that, Luna received three boxes worth of 33 with a note signed “Alvin the Elf.”Now, having received so much 34 , Gonzalez and her girl intend to pay it fo

48、rward this year. After all, when Alvin could have just 35 that balloon in the trash, he went more than the extra mile.21. A. beautiful B. broken C. preciousD. blown22. A. printedB. wrote C. typed D. read23. A. nice B. difficultC. demanding D. smart24. A. fulfill B. spread C. make D. express25. A. en

49、tertaining B. uniting C. reportingD. locating26. A. preparationB. effort C. researchD. game27. A. temporarilyB. relativelyC. particularlyD. naturally28. A. came up withB. argued aboutC. put up with D. jumped at29. A. healthy B. green C. modest D. grand 30. A. burst B. cracked C. brokeD. dropped31. A

50、. post B. letter C. name D. photo32. A. in timeB. after all C. by accident D. on purpose33. A. candies B. gifts C. toys D. books34. A. attention B. admirationC. popularity D. generosity35. A. adoptedB. stored C. thrown D. dragged第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Winter sports

51、were already popular in China a thousand years ago in the form of Bingxi (冰嬉), or play on ice. Bingxi as 36 form of performance for the court began in the Song Dynasty and reached its peak during Qing. A Bingxi painting in the collection of the Palace Museum portrays scenes of Bingxi during the Qing

52、 Dynasty. A closer look at the painting will show that there are many 37 (similarity) between how ancient Chinese people enjoyed games on ice and modern day 38 (compete) events at the Winter Olympic Games. In the painting, the emperor, 39 (seat) inside his ice bed, was watching skaters compete 40 (f

53、ierce). Three types of ice skating were performed, the first one of 41 is speed race, similar to modern speed skating. Participants raced to the emperors ice bed from 2 to 3 kilometers away. 42 reached the emperor first won first prize. The second is figure skating. Jumps, spins and pair work moves

54、common in modern day figure skating can all be found in the painting. The third is the soccer on ice. Participants in two teams skated, kicked and tried to score goals. If the “tool” for scoring goals 43 (change) from legs to sticks, it is highly comparable to hockey . To this day, the interest 44 w

55、inter sports in Chinese people has never decreased. Each winter, in Beihai and Shichahai of Beijing, people are still enjoying 45 (they) forms of Bingxi.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(满分15分)你校上学期开展了一系列劳动实践课程,包括蔬菜种植、手工制作、家电维修等等。请你写一篇短文向校英文报投稿,内容包括:1. 你喜爱的课程;2. 你的心得体会;3. 对课程的建议。注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置

56、作答。My Favorite Hands-on Course_第二节 (满分25分)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。I love to play the piano and I greatly enjoy performing my songs, so when the annual winter recital was canceled, I was disappointed. I had looked forward to it for a long time and had already prepared two of my best songs. My m

57、om had a wonderful idea, however, to turn this disappointing letdown into something worthwhile. “You can perform your songs at Carriage House Senior Living,” my mom suggested brightly. “Im sure the seniors there who do not have families visit them that often, would really appreciate the music and yo

58、u could play more than just two songs.” I immediately thought this was a great idea. One of the things I did not like about the recitals was that I was limited to playing just a couple of songs. Playing the piano at Carriage House seemed like a win-win situation because not only would I get to play

59、more songs, but I would also have the chance to cheer up the residents there with some lively tunes.My mom called Carriage House and made arrangements for me to perform. In the coming days, I worked especially hard to polish up fifteen pieces that I thought the crowd would enjoy, including many old

60、classics. When the much-anticipated day finally arrived, my family and I drove to Carriage House. Walking through the enormous double doors, we stepped into an entryway that overlooked the spacious grand dining room. Right at the entrance to the dining room stood the piano as if it were just waiting

61、 to make some music to liven the place up a bit. At nearly every table several gray-haired women or men were seated enjoying their dinner and the company that the crowded room provided. Despite the conversations going on at various tables though, isolation hung like a dark cloud in the room. Almost

62、immediately, we were greeted by an old woman with a walker who introduced herself as Phyllis in charge of Carriage House. She welcomed me and led me to the stage.注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。As I sat down on the bench, I pressed a key on the piano and was surprised to hear no sound. Nervou

63、sness melted away and I started to enjoy the performance with the old. 英语参考答案第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 1-3 BDA 4-7 CABA 8-11 ADDC 12-15 BBCD第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)16-20 FCDBE第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 完型填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21-25 BDAAD 26-30 BCACD 31-35 ACBDC第二节 语法填空(共10小题

64、;每小题1.5分,满分15分)36. a37. similarities 38. competitive39. seated 40. fiercely41. which 42. Whoever43. is changed 44. in 45. their第三部分 写作 第一节 应用文写作(15分) One Possible Version: My Favorite Hands-on CourseIn response to the call of nationwide labor education, a series of hands-on courses were launched las

65、t term in our school, ranging from planting vegetables to making traditional handicrafts. Sewing is one of my favorite courses, where I obtained a fundamental knowledge of essential life skills such as sewing a button, knitting a scarf, and making a cushion by operating the sewing machine. It was su

66、rely a rewarding and fulfilling experience, which not only enriched our extracurricular life but also helped us acquire practical basic working capabilities for livelihood and form the good habit of labouring.The hands-on courses have won wide popularity among students and exerted a positive effect

67、on the personal growth of everyone involved. If possible, an exhibition could be held to demonstrate students well-designed works and display their creativity.第二节 (满分25分)One Possible Version: As I sat down on the bench, I pressed a key on the piano and was surprised to hear no sound. Feeling as if t

68、he whole world was watching me, I was struck dead with embarrassment. How could I perform the song without the piano? Iwas on pins and needleswhenPhyllisslowly made her way to the front of the crowd of dinners and announced in a comforting tone, “This girl has come to sing for us but the piano seems

69、 to be a little nervous.” Almost immediately, there was scattered applause and several people stepped forward to help me plug in the piano and set the microphone. With everything ready, I took a deep breath and commenced my performance.Nervousness melted away and I started to enjoy the performance w

70、ith the old. One woman got up and began to animatedly dance about the room. Some of the people swayed in their chairs to the beat of the music while others tapped theirs toes. The performance ended up with a storm of applause from the crowd. I realized that it was far better than a piano recital because almost everyone seemed to truly appreciate my music and I m proud that I have the power to spread kindness to them. It ended up being a blessing in disguise that the recital was canceled, leading to me sharing the gift of music with those who needed it most.


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