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本文(《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语外研版选择性必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 4 SECTION A STARTING OUT & UNDERSTANDING IDEAS WORD版含答案.docx)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语外研版选择性必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 4 SECTION A STARTING OUT & UNDERSTANDING IDEAS WORD版含答案.docx

1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家Unit 4Breaking boundariesSection AStarting out & Understanding ideas课后篇巩固提升必备知识基础练.单句填空1.(lack) enthusiasm for sports,she rejected the invitation to a football game.答案Lacking2.(base) on recent research,distance learning slowly proves as valuable as the traditional campus-based form.答

2、案Based3.Parents can provide concrete (assist) for children to participate in physical activities.答案assistance4.It is (vital) that you (should) know how to recognise the signs of a stroke so you or your loved one can get help immediately.答案vital5.The last two (scene) of the play greatly impressed the

3、 audience.答案scenes6.She will be remembered for her selfless (devote) to the cause of the poor.答案devotion7.Weather permitting,we (go) on an outing to the beach tomorrow.答案will go8.The amount of money given to everyone will be the same,regardless whether they are kids or adults.答案of.短语填空at least;invol

4、ve in;come to know;;give up on;call on;at the end of;not to mention;compensate for1.Peter will take up his post as director of the manufacturing company next month.答案at the end of2.If you want to have a slim figure,the best way is to work out in the gym three times a week.答案at least3.It

5、 was my fault and Id like to do something what I had done.答案to compensate for4.We should people around us to donate food and clothes to the children in poor areas.答案call on5.We waste huge amounts of gas or electricity, money and time.答案not to mention6.I your apologising to me,because you always tell

6、 lies.答案give up on7.And now I that theres so much I have to give.答案come to know8. his homework,he didnt notice what had happened.答案Involved in9.It was she who first the pleasures of sailing me.答案introduced;to.完成句子1.我第一次爬到屋顶时,感到紧张不安。 I climbed onto the roof,I felt nervous.答案The first time2.与老师面对面交流后,

7、我决心要努力学习。After a face-to-face talk with my teacher,I to study hard.答案made up my mind3.到户外晒晒太阳是有益的,但过分在阳光下曝晒,你的生命将会面临危险。Its nice to get out in the sun,but if you overdo it,you will .答案put your life at risk4.我们不仅应该在课堂上认真听讲,而且应该经常练习说英语。should we listen attentively in class, practise speaking English fr

8、equently.答案Not only;but also5.她精力充沛,在她五十多岁的时候仍然活跃在政坛上。She is full of energy and she remains active in politics .答案in her 50s关键能力提升练.阅读理解AIn its best times on the nineteenth century,thatch (茅草屋顶) played an important role in protecting British homes from the weather.But new technologies since have led

9、 to a rapid decline in thatching and many of the thatched cottages that remain have been changed beyond all recognition by developers or have run into disrepair,a rather upsetting reminder of a bygone age.A Welsh company,however,is trying to breathe new life into some of the last traditional thatche

10、d cottages in western Wales by repairing them and letting them out as holiday homes.Called “Under the Thatch”,the company is run by Greg Stevenson,who lives in his own thatched cottage in Ceredigion.An architectural historian by training,he repairs old buildings in old-fashioned ways.All the cottage

11、s are in attractive locations around southwest Wales.Unlike most holiday homes,the cottages are let all year roundchiefly because Greg prices them lower than many holiday properties(房屋) and hed prefer that properties are rented just above cost price than not used at all.And with that comes a bargain

12、 or two: its common for a property to go for as little as 35 a night.Consequently occupancy for properties with “ Under the Thatch” is at 95 percent (the average in Wales is 35 percent).Its success has meant that Greg has been able to buy up more old cottages and bring them back into the community.G

13、reg has also diversified from offering only thatched cottages: he now lets out a variety of rare accommodations dotted around western styles,including a renovated(修复的) train carriage and two gypsy caravans which were used by Romanies.Most of his thirty properties are run using environmentally friend

14、ly technologiesincluding solar panels and recycled furnishings.But most importantly,what the cottages all have in common is that they bring back life to local communities.Spend a weekend “Under the Thatch” rather than in a holiday home,buy local food and visit nearby restaurants,and you will be cont

15、ributing to the local economy.【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。在英国历史上曾经发挥过积极作用的茅草屋,被人们遗忘且数量上迅速减少,不过最近威尔士的一家公司正试图给威尔士西部最后的一些传统茅草屋注入新的活力,这家公司把这些茅草屋变成了复古的度假屋,并取得了成功。1.How does the author sound when talking about thatched cottages in Paragraph 1?A.Excited.B.Afraid.C.Sorry.D.Humorous.答案C解析推理判断题。由第一段中“many of the thatched c

16、ottages that remain have been changed beyond all recognition by developers or have run into disrepair,a rather upsetting reminder of a bygone age.”可知,许多保留下来的茅草屋要么被开发商改造得面目全非,要么年久失修,这让人难过地想起了一个逝去的时代。所以可以判断出,作者在第一段中谈到茅草屋时听起来有些难过。故选C项。2.What is the main reason for the success of “Under the Thatch”?A.Th

17、e properties low prices.B.The companys excellent services.C.The companys creative designers.D.The properties beautiful locations.答案A解析细节理解题。由第三段中“Unlike most holiday homes,the cottages are let all year roundchiefly because Greg prices them lower than many holiday properties”可知,与大多数度假屋不同的是这些小屋全年出租,主要

18、是因为Greg把它们的价格控制得比许多度假屋要低。所以“Under the Thatch”成功的主要原因是房价很低。故选A项。3.Beside thatched cottages,what does Gregs company provide?A.Designing plans for modern cottages.B.Other uncommon styles of holiday homes.C.Environmentally friendly technologies.D.Advice on developing the local economy.答案B解析细节理解题。由倒数第二段中

19、“ he now lets out a variety of rare accommodations dotted around western styles,including a renovated train carriage and two gypsy caravans which were used by Romanies.”可知,Greg的公司现在推出了各种罕见的西方风格的住所,包括翻新后的火车车厢和两个吉卜赛人使用的吉卜赛大篷车。所以除了茅草屋,Greg的公司还提供其他不寻常风格的度假屋。故选B项。4.What can be the best title for the text

20、?A.Buy up Traditional Thatched CottagesB.Protect British Homes from the WeatherC.Spend a Weekend Under the ThatchD.Bring Properties Back into the Community答案C解析主旨大意题。通读全文尤其是最后一段中“Spend a weekend Under the Thatch rather than in a holiday home”可知,作者建议游客周末“在茅草屋下”度过,而不是在度假屋度过。所以短文的最佳标题为“在茅草屋下度周末”。选C项。BT

21、o read more,when a self-help book caught Ashley Josts eye at a bookstore,Jost,a 27-year-old college teacher,bought the book,Girl,Stop Apologizing,and began reading it when she got home.She was one chapter in when she discovered it was holding a secret.Jost was sitting on the couch and the dog starte

22、d barking at God-knows-what.She tossed(抛) the book down to ease the dog and five dollars fell out on the floor.Surprised,she began turning page after page.Thats when she noticed a bright pink note with a handwritten message.I was having a difficult day.I thought maybe I could brighten someone elses

23、with this little surprise.Go buy a coffee,an ice cream or a favourite CD.Practice some self-care today.Remember that you are loved.You are amazing.You are strong.Love.LisaJost was greatly surprised.Random(随机的) acts of kindness used to happen to strangers on the Internet,not to her.A photo of the not

24、e Jost shared on Twitter (推特) has been liked more than 3,000 times and shared around the world.In this way,it encouraged people to perform their own random acts of kindness.Jost planned to do at least one kind thing every week.And shes not alone;people continue to reach out to her via Twitter to sha

25、re stories of their own acts of kindness.Afterwards,once a day for a week,she hid notes and Starbucks gift cards in coffee shops,restaurants,and libraries.She even inspired her dad to buy groceries for the person behind him in line at a Walmart.【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Jost偶然在买回来的一本书中发现了一张纸条,上边写着激励的话语。她感到

26、很惊奇,并在推特上分享这则消息鼓励大家多多传递这样的爱心。自此之后她自己也在生活中处处传递着这种惊喜和善意。5.Why did Jost turn the book page after page?A.She wanted to finish the book in time.B.She was curious about her dogs bark.C.She thought there might be more secrets.D.She decided to find the bright pink note.答案C解析细节理解题。由第二段中的“She tossed(抛) the bo

27、ok down to ease the dog and five dollars fell out on the floor.Surprised,she began turning page after page.”可知,她继续翻书想看看有没有更多秘密。故选C项。6.Jost shared the photo of the note on Twitter to.A.encourage others to show kindnessB.thank Lisa for her kind heartC.get as many likes from her fans as

28、how surprised she was答案A解析细节理解题。由第四段中的“In this way,it encouraged people to perform their own random acts of kindness.”可知,她想鼓励大家去展示友好。故选A项。7.According to the passage,Jost did the following EXCEPT.A.inspiring people around herB.reading stories of kind actsC.hiding gift cards in librariesD.posting the

29、pictures of her life答案D解析细节理解题。由倒数第二段最后一句可知,人们通过推特向她分享他们的善行,那么相应的Jost就会去读这些故事。故B项正确。由倒数第二段中的“In this way,it encouraged people to perform their own random acts of kindness.”可知,她鼓励人们展示善心,故A项正确。由最后一段中的“she hid notes and Starbucks gift cards in coffee shops,restaurants,and libraries”可知,她也会在图书馆藏纸条或者星巴克的礼卡。故C项正确。D项文中没有提到,故选D项。8.What would be the best title for the passage?A.A Mysterious LisaB.An Unexpected NoteC.A Warm-Hearted ActD.An Interesting Book答案B解析主旨大意题。文章中的故事是由一张不期而至的纸条引起的,并且文章中提倡大家多展示自己的善心也是需要通过纸条传递的。所以B项(不期而至的纸条)既与引出文章中心的纸条呼应,又与文章倡导的善心呼应,符合文章中心。故选B项。- 5 - 版权所有高考资源网

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