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2020届人教版高三英语一轮复习课件:必修一 U 4 .ppt

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1、必修名师指津Unit 4 Earthquakes 课文经典回顾重点词汇讲练写作句型仿写词句基础过关词句基础过关写作词汇 1._ the crops毁坏庄稼2._ the whole city摧毁整个城市3._ her feelings伤害她的感情4._ him from the fire从大火中救出他5._ himself in his books他埋头读书ruindestroyinjure/hurtrescuebury6._ a book by its cover凭封面评判一本书7._ my thanks to you向你表示感谢8.be _ in ruins被困在废墟中9.The wate

2、r pipes _.水管爆裂了。10.The _ hit the city.地震袭击了该城。earthquake judgeexpresstrappedburst阅读词汇 1.event n.井2.quake n.事件;大事3.disaster n.地震4.well n.灾难;灾祸5.pipe n.砖;砖块6.canal n.水坝;堰堤7.dam n.运河;水道8.brick n.管;导管9.track n.电;电流;电学10.electricity n.百万11.million n.民族;国家;国民12.nation n.轨道;足迹;痕迹13.steam adj.极度的14.extreme

3、n.蒸汽;水汽15.shelter n.标题;头衔;资格16.title n.掩蔽;掩蔽处;避身处17.bar n.&vt.损失;损害18.damage n.条;棒;条状物19.sincerely n.要点;大纲;轮廓20.outline adv.真诚地;真挚地21.headlinen.农场;农家22.survivorn.报刊的大字标题23.smelly adj.发臭的;有臭味的24.farmyard n.幸存者;生还者;残存物转换词汇 1.Two _(cycle)were consulting a road map in preparation for a little tour toget

4、her.作主语用名词,由“正在查看地图”可知主语是人,即“骑自行车的人”,又由two可知用复数。cyclists2.She works as a junior _(report)on a local paper.在“冠词+形容词”后用名词,又由a local paper可知,应是指“记者”。3.Six _(mine)were trapped underground.作主语用名词,“被困在地下”的应是人,即“矿工”,且由six可知用复数。reporterminers4.It is hard to imagine the pain and _(suffer)they went through.在冠

5、词后,与pain并列,应为名词,表示“苦难,痛苦”。5.Computers would be _(use)without software writers.作表语用形容词,根据常识,如果没有软件编写者,电脑会是“无用的”。sufferinguseless6.I was _(frighten)of being left by myself in the house.表示人“感到恐吓的”用-ed形容词。7.Please give him my _(congratulate)when you see him.在形容词性物主代词后用名词,表示“祝贺,贺词”常用复数形式。frightenedcongra

6、tulations8.She looked at me as if I had said a _(dirt)word.在名词前作定语用形容词,表示“脏的”。9.She was so _(shock)that she could hardly bring out a word.作表语用形容词,表示人“感到震惊的”用-ed 形容词。dirtyshocked词组搭配 1._ families许多家庭2._ road accidents交通事故的数量3._ the trapped miners挖出困在井下的矿工4.He behaves _ he were a child.他举止像小孩。5.get in

7、 touch with him _马上和他联系right away/at once a(great)number of/a lot of/lots of/dozens of/plenty of/scores ofthe number ofdig outas if6.My holiday is _.我的假期结束了。7.lay_成了废墟8._of the students五分之三的学生9._of the earths surface三分之二的地表10.choose Tom _ Jim选择汤姆而非吉姆11.care for _and_关心老人和病人the sick at an endin ruins

8、three-fifthstwo-thirdsinstead ofthe old美句必背 1.It seemed as if the world _(be)at an end!看起来好像到了世界末日!2._ they looked nearly everything was destroyed.人们无论朝哪里看,哪里的一切都几乎被毁了。3.All hope was not _(lose).不是所有的希望都破灭了。was/wereEverywherelost4.In the farmyards,the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous _(ea

9、t).农家大院里的鸡甚至猪都紧张得不想吃食。5.But one million people of the city,_ thought little of these _(event),were asleep _usual that night.但是唐山市的100万居民几乎没有把这些情况当回事,当天晚上照常睡着了。as to eatwhoevents课文经典回顾语法填空 At 3:42 a.m.everything began to shake.It seemed as if the world was at an end!Eleven kilometres 1 _(direct)below

10、 the city,the 2 _(great)earthquake of the 20th century had begun.It was felt in Beijing,3 _ is more than two hundred kilometres away.One-third of the nation felt it.A huge crack that was eight kilometres long and thirty metres wide cut across houses,roads and canals.Steam burst from holes 4 _the gro

11、und.Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt.directlygreatestwhichinIn fifteen terrible seconds a large city 5 _(lie)in ruins.The suffering of the people 6 _(be)extreme.Two-thirds of 7 _(they)died or were injured during the earthquake.Thousands of families were killed and many 8_(child)were left wit

12、hout parents.9 _ number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000.Then,later that afternoon,another big quake shook Tangshan.More buildings fell down.Water,food,and electricity were hard 10 _(get).People began to wonder how long the disaster would last.to getlaywasthemchildrenTh

13、e短文改错 All hope was not lost.Soon after the quakes the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to helping the rescue workers.Hundreds of thousands peoplewere helped.The army organized teams to dig out those that were trapped and to bury the dead.helpofwhoTo the north of the city,most of the 10,000 min

14、ers are rescued from the coal mines here.Workers built shelters to survivors whose home had been destroyed.Fresh water was taken to the city by the train,truck and plane.Slow,the city began to breath again.breatheSlowlyhomesforwerethere1.helping help 作目的状语用不定式(to do)。2.在people前加of 表示具体几千人不用of,thousa

15、nd也不用复数,如three thousand people;表示数以千计的人,thousands后要加of。3.that who 当先行词是指人的those时,只能用who引导定语从句。4.are were 由上下文谓语动词时态可知,用过去时。5.here there 指这座城市北面的煤矿“那里”。6.to for 表示“为某人”造庇护所/房子,用for sb。7.home homes 由前面的shelters和survivors可知,用复数。8.去掉by后的the 用by表示“乘”车/船/飞机等,习惯上说by bus/train/boat/plane,不用冠词。9.Slow Slowly

16、位于句首,修饰全句,用副词作状语。10.breath breathe 表示开始做某事是begin to do sth,故名词breath要改为动词breathe。重点词汇讲练搭 配1.burst v.爆裂;突发burst in闯进来;突然插嘴burst into sth 突然(哭,笑起来);闯入burst into laughter=burst out laughing放声大笑burst into tears=burst out crying放声大哭运 用 The audience burst _ cheers.When we were chatting in the room,he burs

17、t _.As she was talking,the old man burst _ crying with excitement.填入一个恰当的词。outintoin派 生理 解_ adj.受伤的;受损害的2.injure vt.伤害;使受伤;损害说出下列各句的汉语意思。Three people were killed and five injured in the crash.injured撞车事故中三人死亡,五人受伤。He injured his knee yesterday.他昨天伤了膝盖。I hope I didnt injure her feelings.我希望我没有伤害她的感情。

18、Dishonesty injures a business.欺骗有害生意。用 法派 生 _ adj.(人)感到震惊的_ adj.(事)令人震惊的3.shock v.(使)震惊;震动n.休克;打击;震惊 尤指令人不愉快;作vt.时,多用于被动语态;作n.表示“令人震惊的事”时,前用a。shockingshocked运 用 听到这个消息,我十分震惊。(一句多译)a.I _ to hear the news.b.I _ the news.c._ me to hear the news.d.The news _ a shock.gave mewas shockedwas shocked atIt sh

19、ocked 听到这个令人震惊的消息,他感到震惊。He was shocked _ news.to hear/at the shocking news 搭 配rescuefrom 从中抢救或营救 go/come to ones rescue援救或帮助某人rescue workworkers抢救工作救援人员4.rescue n.&vt.援救;营救(savefrom harm or danger;set free)运 用 救生艇被派出去救沉船的水手。The life boat was sent out _ the sailors _ the sinking ship.直升机从失火大楼的楼顶救出了将近

20、20人。Helicopters rescued nearly 20 people from the roof of the burning building.fromto rescue搭 配judgefrom/by 从来判断as far as I can judge 据我判断,我认为judging by/from 从上看;根据判断5.judge vt.断定;判断;判决n.裁判员;法官说 明judging from/by用在句首时,为一个独立成分,不受句子主语和时态影响,只用现在分词作状语,而不用过去分词。运 用(1)Schools tend to _(根据来判断)the performance

21、 of their students in exams.(2)_(从表情上看)on Adams face,the news must have been terrible.Judging by/from the lookbe judged by/from联 想at the end of在的尽头,末端(指时间、地点等)by the end of到末之前(指时间,常与完成时连用)in the end/finally/at last/eventually最后;终于put an end to结束come to an end结束6.at an end 终了;结束运 用填入一个适当的词。My friend

22、 is waiting for me _ the end of the road._ the end of last month we had finished Book 4._ the end,they got to their destination.atByIn The old life is at _ end.The meeting come to _ end at last.Its time to put _ end _ the meeting.toananan注 意“a number of+复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数;“the number of+复数名词”作主语时,谓语动

23、词用单数。7.a great number of+复数名词 许多;大量the number of+复数名词 的数目运 用The number of the people invited to the party _(be)50 last night,but a number of them _(be)absent for different reasons.werewas写作句型仿写说 明1.It seemed as if/though 看上去好像;似乎可说It seems that仿 写 看上去好像除了我之外别人都知道。_except me.听她说话的口气她好像去过美国。It seemed as if she had been to America from her words.It seems as if/though everybody knows it说 明2.allnot=not all 并非都all、both、each、always、every及every的合成词与not连用时表部分否定。不是所有的学生都通过了考试。_ have passed the exam.并不是每个人都像你那么自私。_ is as selfish as you.Not everyone Not all the students仿 写Thank you!


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