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本文(《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语人教版必修第一册练习:UNIT 4 NATURALDISASTERS 单元测评 WORD版含解析.docx)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语人教版必修第一册练习:UNIT 4 NATURALDISASTERS 单元测评 WORD版含解析.docx

1、UNIT4单元测评(时间:120分钟满分:150分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。W:When did you get to the airport?M:I got there at 3 but the plane didnt leave until 5,so I had to wait.1.How long did the man wait at the airport?A.T

2、wo hours.B.Three hours.C.Five hours.答案AM:Which country has the most earthquakes in the world,the United Kingdom or the United States?W:Neither.Japan has the most earthquakes.2.Which country has the most earthquakes?A.America.B.England.C.Japan.答案CM:Have you heard the news about the earthquake?W:Yes.T

3、wenty-four people were killed including five children.3.How many grown-ups were killed in the earthquake?A.Five.B.Nineteen.C.Twenty-six.答案BM:Just hold the string and it will fly high in the sky for a long time.W:Sounds easy.But if it drops down a little.M:Dont worry.If it does,you just run a little

4、and then the wind will help it fly higher.4.What are the speakers doing?A.Having sports.B.Making a model plane.C.Flying a kite.答案CW:Its too late.The bus has stopped.M:I think so.Its a pity there is no subway to your home.W:Im afraid my only choice is the taxi.5.How will the woman go home?A.By taxi.B

5、.By bus.C.By subway.答案A第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。W:Can I have your ticket and passport please,sir?M:Yes,here you are.W:Do you have any check-in luggage?M:Yes,two pieces.Theyre hea

6、vy.I hope theyre not overweight.W:Theyre just all right.Where would you like to sit,sir?M:A window seat if possible.And I forgot to ask before.Could I order a meal,please?W:OK,no problem.Have a good flight,sir.6.What do we know about the mans luggage?A.They are overweight.B.They arent overweight.C.T

7、hey are very large.答案B7.How is the man travelling?A.By air.B.By train.C.By bus.答案A听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。M:You told me youre going to have a holiday in July.Where are you going?W:Im going to Hawaii with my parents for a couple of days.We have some relatives there.M:Where are you staying,at a hotel or at one

8、 of your relatives?W:We are planning to stay at my cousins.He has a big house not far from the beach.M:I really envy you.I wish I could get away for a while.W:Cant you have a holiday this summer?M:Not until the end of August.8.Who is living near the beach?A.The woman.B.The womans cousin.C.The mans c

9、ousin.答案B9.When will the man have a holiday?A.At the end of June.B.At the end of July.C.At the end of August.答案C听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。W:Mr Atkins,would you please tell the court what you were doing and what you saw when the accident happened?M:Yes.I was driving home from work.It was about 5:15 p.m.and th

10、ere was a blue car in front of me.We were both driving along the Harbour Road when a small white Ford suddenly shot out of a side road.It shot right in front of the blue car.The driver tried to stop,but it was impossible.He ran into the white Ford.W:I see.Now,how fast was the car in front of you goi

11、ng when the accident happened?M:The blue car?30 miles an hour.Certainly no more than that.W:And the white Ford shot out without any warning?M:Yes,thats right.W:Thank you,Mr Atkins.10.What was the man doing when the accident happened?A.Driving home.B.Driving to work.C.Driving to a shop.答案A11.Who was

12、to blame for the accident?A.The man.B.The driver of the blue car.C.The driver of the white Ford.答案C12.What does the woman do?A.A judge.B.A lawyer.C.A driver.答案B听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。W:What did you do during the earthquake?M:Stayed in bed.W:What do you mean?Didnt you try to get out?M:No,I had a bad cold,s

13、o I just stayed in bed.W:So what happened?M:Well,I must have slept through the first earthquake although nobody believes me.Then I woke up at about four in the morning,still feeling bad with the cold,eyes running,nose running.I decided to get up and make a cup of tea.Id just get into the kitchen whe

14、n I started to feel the floor shaking under my feet.W:So what happened then?M:Well,I slowly realised it was an earthquake.I heard people upstairs crying.W:Well,didnt you try to get out?M:No.I was feeling so terrible with the cold.So I just stayed in bed and hoped for the best.13.What was the man doi

15、ng when the quake happened?A.Staying in bed.B.Having his meal.C.Lying on the floor.答案A14.What was the matter with the man?A.His legs were hurt.B.He had a cold.C.He couldnt see.答案B15.What did the man want to do in the kitchen?A.To get some food.B.To make some coffee.C.To make some tea.答案C16.What were

16、 the people upstairs doing?A.Laughing.B.Crying.C.Running.答案B听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。On June 12,2013,Peter had a surprise when he woke up in the morning.He found that the floor of his room was flooded.When he looked out of the window,he saw many cars upside down in the street.It was a sad day for Peters ho

17、metown,which is a mountain city.In the twenty-four hours up to noon,nearly seventeen inches of rain fell.Usually about sixteen inches of rain falls in the whole June.Roads were washed away in the peak area.Tons of mud and rocks crashed down on the houses below.11 people died in the flood and more th

18、an 200 people were injured.Sometime after the flood,helicopters flew to the people there.Tractors and lorries worked hard to clear away the big rocks and earth.Many people sent money and basic necessities of life to the victims of the flood and helped them rebuild their hometown.17.What happened tha

19、t day?A.A strong storm was blowing.B.It was snowing hard.C.It was raining heavily.答案C18.What did he see upside down outside his house?A.Buses.B.Cars.C.Bikes.答案B19.How many people were killed and injured?A.11.B.100.C.Over 200.答案C20.What did the people do after the flood?A.They went to the cities.B.Th

20、ey looked for better jobs.C.They rebuilt their homes.答案C第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AAn earthquake is one of the most common natural disasters.It may cause great damage.So it is wise to learn some simple safety tips to protect yourself or your family me

21、mbers.Fragile items like those made of glass are easily broken and should usually be placed on a lower surface,near the ground instead of placing them in the cupboards higher up.Never place them near your bed,sofas and other furniture where you would be sitting or lying down.When there is a strong m

22、ovement,these pieces will fall on the floor directly and not on you.There is a strong chance of short circuits (短路) and fire during an earthquake.Make sure you turn off electrical connections and gas immediately when an earthquake happens.During an earthquake,lie beneath an object that is not easily

23、 damaged.Do not go near objects that could directly fall on you.Never use the elevator to go down.Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside.Research has shown that most injuries happen when people inside buildings try to go out.Use the staircases at all times.If you are outdoo

24、rs,do not take shelter under a tree,streetlights,electric poles or tall buildings.If you are driving,stop your car and stay in a safe place.Do not park your car under a tree or any tall object.If trapped in debris (瓦砾堆),cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing.Tap on a pipe or the wall so th

25、at rescuers (营救人员) can find you.Use a whistle (哨子) if one is available.Never shout for help.Shouting can cause you to breathe in dangerous amounts of dust.Do not light a match because you may burn yourself.Do not move about or kick up dust.【语篇导读】这是一篇应用文。文章作者对于如何在地震中保护自己和家人这一问题,给出了一些简单的安全技巧。21.The pu

26、rpose of the passage is to tell readers.A.what to do in to prevent earthquakesC.the damage caused by earthquakesD.the rescue work after earthquakes答案A解析推理判断题。根据第一段中“Soitiswisetolearnsomesimplesafetytipstoprotectyourselforyourfamilymembers.”由此可知,这篇文章的目的是告诉读者在地震中该怎么做。故选A项。22.The under

27、lined word “Fragile” in Paragraph 2 probably means “”.A.Easily foundB.ExpensiveC.Easily brokenD.Heavy答案C解析词义猜测题。根据“likethosemadeofglassareeasilybrokenandshouldusuallybeplacedonalowersurface,nearthegroundinsteadofplacingtheminthecupboardshigherup.”故选C项。23.During the earthquake,people are advised to .

28、A.take shelter under a to a safe place quicklyC.go out of the building at onceD.turn off electricity and gas immediately答案D解析细节理解题。根据第三段的“Makesureyouturnoffelectricalconnectionsandgasimmediatelywhenanearthquakehappens.”由此可知,地震期间,建议人们立即关掉电和煤气。故选D项。BIn 2015,Chennai was destroyed by one of

29、the worst floods in over a century,leaving thousands without food,water and supplies.During the flood,many heroes arose,one of whom was Santosh,a young man who owned a take-out restaurant in Chennai.When the first flood hit in November,he got a call from a company called Naga Rava.The company asked

30、him to prepare 5,000 packets of food and give them to the flood victims.He,with his partners,took the order,cooked for 14 hours and delivered them.But that night,as they sat together discussing the event of the day,they actually felt ashamed.“Here was a man not even from Chennai and he was going out

31、 of his way to help the affected people.We,while living here,had not really done anything ourselves for our own people,” said Santosh later.He then began the groundwork for a collection to help cook more dishes.Little did he know that the November flood was just the beginning,and the real show was a

32、bout to begin.The December flood affected them all.His own house got flooded and his family were trapped on the second floor.They lost phone connection and electricity.In spite of this,Santosh went back out into the flood,creating a kitchen and preparing food all by himself for the victims.He did no

33、t sleep for four days,taking a one-hour break every day as he kept on cooking.As word got out about this mans effort,others stepped out to join him.From children to the elderly,strangers came to help him in cooking,packing and transporting food.Up to 300 volunteers worked together to make it all hap

34、pen.By the time the fourth day finally came to an end,Santosh and his team had prepared 170,000 food boxes and delivered them to people in need.【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了在金奈发生一个多世纪以来最严重的洪灾期间,Santosh和一些好心人准备了170000份盒饭救援灾区的故事。24.What inspired Santosh to help the affected people?A.A call for help.B.His cookin

35、g skills.C.An act of kindness of a stranger.D.The encouragement from his partners.答案C解析推理判断题。根据第二段的内容“HerewasamannotevenfromChennaiandhewasgoingoutofhiswaytohelptheaffectedpeople.We,whilelivinghere,hadnotreallydoneanythingourselvesforourownpeople”可知,是一个陌生人的善举激励Santosh帮助灾民。故选C项。25.What does “the real

36、 show” in the third paragraph refer to?A.The help and support.B.The severer flood.C.Santoshs familys suffering.D.Santoshs cooking more food.答案B解析词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“LittledidheknowthattheNovemberfloodwasjustthebeginning,andtherealshowwasabouttobegin.TheDecemberfloodaffectedthemall.”可知,12月份的洪水比11月份造成的后果严重,

37、所以此处的“therealshow”指的是12月更严重的洪水。故选B项。26.Which of the following can best describe Santosh?A.Energetic and helpful.B.Determined and clever.C.Selfless and caring.D.Kind and wise.答案C解析推理判断题。根据全文内容可知,Santosh的家也遭受了洪水,但是他依然去帮助其他受灾的人们。这说明他无私且乐于助人。故选C项。27.What is the best title for the text?A.Many Hands Make

38、Light WorkB.Kindness Is Its Own RewardC.Major Floods Brought Challenges To PeopleD.A Man Cooked 170,000 Meals For The Affected答案D解析标题归纳题。本文主要讲述了在金奈发生严重的洪灾期间,Santosh和一些好心人准备了170000份盒饭救援灾区的故事,所以D项适合作本文的标题。故选D项。CIn the summer of 1885,nine-year-old Joseph Meister was very ill.He had been wounded by a si

39、ck dog that had rabies,a very dangerous disease.His parents were told that there was probably only one man who could save Josephs lifeLouis Pasteur.When Pasteur was a young boy in France,he spent many hours every day with the chemist (药剂师) who lived in his small town.At that time,the chemist had to

40、make all the medicines himself.Young Louis enjoyed watching the chemist as he worked and helped those people who came to him each day.As a schoolboy,Pasteur worked slowly and carefully.At first,his teachers thought that young Louis might be a slow learner.Through elementary school,high school,and co

41、llege,Pasteur worked in the same thoughtful way.Then he became a college professor (教授) and a scientist,and he continued to work very carefully.Pasteur was studying about the germs (细菌) that cause rabies when Joseph Meister became ill.In fact,Pasteur believed he had a medical treatment for rabies,bu

42、t he had never given it to a person before.At first,Pasteur was afraid to treat Joseph,but the poor child was dying.Pasteur gave Joseph an inoculation (预防接种) every day for ten days.Slowly,the child became better.During his lifetime,Pasteur studied germs and learned how they cause diseases in animals

43、 and people.He developed vaccinations (疫苗) that prevent many of these diseases.On September 28,1895,Louis Pasteur passed away,at the age of 72.The work of this great man has been of great help to modern medicine.【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了法国微生物学家、化学家路易巴斯德。28.The story of Joseph Meister is given to .A.expre

44、ss the authors sadnessB.introduce the subject of the some common diseases in 1885D.warn children to stay away from dogs答案B解析推理判断题。总览全文可知,作者旨在通过JosephMeister的故事来引入本文的主人公LouisPasteur。故选B项。29.According to the text,young Louis .A.was once badly hurt by a dogB.was very interested in medicineC.

45、made a living by working for a chemistD.had been thought highly of by his teachers答案B解析细节理解题。由第二段的“thechemisthadtomakeallthemedicineshimself.YoungLouisenjoyedwatchingthechemistasheworked”可知,Louis在小的时候就对药物很感兴趣。故选B项。30.We can learn from Paragraph 3 that Louis Pasteur .A.was always patientB.was clever

46、but proudC.was a slow learnerD.was a humorous professor答案A解析推理判断题。由第三段可知,LouisPasteur总是非常认真而且有耐心。故选A项。31.What would be the best title for the text?A.Germs and DiseasesB.Rabies:a Terrible DiseaseC.The Earliest Chemist in FranceD.Louis Pasteur:a Great Scientist答案D解析主旨大意题。总览全文可知,作者主要介绍了法国微生物学家、化学家路易巴斯德

47、。故选D项。DThe American city Anchorage is recovering from a powerful earthquake Friday that damaged public buildings,homes and roads.The 7.0 earthquake caused buildings to shake.But there have been no reports of deaths,serious injuries or damage.Officials say the quake has not affected transportation of

48、 food and supplies.“The ships are coming in on schedule,and the supply lines are at this point working well,” the government told reporters Sunday.The Glenn Highway was probably the road hit hardest by the earthquake.It connects the states largest city to other parts in the north.Traffic has been he

49、avy and moving slowly since the quake.Drivers are being guided.Groups of workers are trying to rebuild areas where the quake left large holes in the road.People who are still nervous after the major quake have been more upset by more than 1,700 aftershocks.“Anything moves,and you feel terrified,” sa

50、id David,whose home suffered structural(结构)damage,including a sunken foundation(地基).Actually,Alaska came up with strict building rules after a 9.2 earthquake in 1964.That was the second most powerful earthquake on record.Government officials said a public health centre promises that money for medica

51、l treatment will continue to come.Mental healthy service(心理健康服务)is also available for people hurt by the disaster.Earthquake experts say there is a 4 percent chance of another 7.0 earthquake or greater in the following week.“The chance is very small,but its not impossible,” said the expert,Paul Caru

52、so.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。美国的安克雷奇市星期五发生强烈地震,使公共建筑、房屋和道路严重受损,目前正在恢复中。32.What was the result of the earthquake?A.Buildings were damaged.B.Food supply was cut off.C.Many people were killed.D.The ships could not come in.答案A解析细节理解题。根据文章第一段“TheAmericancityAnchorageisrecoveringfromapowerfulearthquakeFridaythatdama

53、gedpublicbuildings,homesandroads.”可知,地震造成公共建筑、房屋和道路受损。33.Why is the traffic slow on the Glenn Highway?A.Because small quakes hit the city.B.Because falling rocks are a danger.C.Because the highway is badly damaged.D.Because drivers are misled.答案C解析推理判断题。根据文章第三段中的“TheGlennHighwaywasprobablytheroadhit

54、hardestbytheearthquake.”和“Groupsofworkersaretryingtorebuildareaswherethequakeleftlargeholesintheroad.”可知,工作人员正在努力修建道路上由于地震造成的洞以及其他受到破坏的地方,从而可以推断出,格伦高速公路交通缓慢是因为此高速公路受损严重。34.What can you learn from Paul Caruso?A.Another greater earthquake is on the way.B.Chances of another earthquake still exist.C.It

55、will be safe in the first week after the quake.D.There is no possibility for more quakes.答案B解析推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“Earthquakeexpertssaythereisa4percentchanceofanother7.0earthquakeorgreaterinthefollowingweek.Thechanceisverysmall,butitsnotimpossible,”可知,专家保罗卡鲁索认为随后还有可能发生地震,虽然地震概率很小,但也不是不可能,从而可以推断出,他认为还有可能

56、再发生地震。35.Where can you possibly read the passage?A.In a storybook.B.In a travel journal.C.In a poster.D.In a newspaper.答案D解析文章出处题。文章主要报道美国的一次地震以及地震后的恢复工作,从而推断出文章可能选自报纸。第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。HowtoDealwithBeingIndoorsDuringanEarthquakeWould you know what to

57、 do if you are indoors during an earthquake?36Stayindoors.Do not move outside.Many modern buildings made of RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) are designed to withstand moderate earthquakes and are actually quite safe.37.Going outside is dangerous when people get injured from things falling off the bu

58、ilding or other buildings.38.Drop before the earthquake drops you.Use the “Drop,Cover and Hold” methoddrop onto the ground,take cover under a strong and sturdy object and cover your head with your hands and arms.Hold onto whatever you might be underneath,because if it starts to move,youll want to ma

59、ke sure that youre moving with it.Getundersomethingheavy.39 If possible,get under something heavy like a desk or table.Cover your head.Get down low and make sure that you are protected from things that might be falling in your home.Findothersupportsifyoucannotshelterundersomething.If youre not able

60、to get under a table or other forms of protection,get next to an interior wall.Make yourself as small as possible.Cover your head and protect yourself while the shaking is going on.Stayinbedifyouaretherealready.If an earthquake starts while you are in bed,the best thing is to stay there.Cover your h

61、ead and neck with your pillow and ride out the shaking.40 It has been reported that people who get out of bed during an earthquake are more likely to be injured as they may step on broken glass.A.Drop onto the ground.B.Find a heavy desk quickly.C.Earthquakes lead to many disasters.D.Do not get out o

62、f bed until the shaking stops.E.This simple how-to will bring you up to speed quickly.F.It is unlikely that you will be able to walk during an earthquake.G.Steps and lifts are actually more dangerous than staying indoors.答案36.E37.G38.A39.F40.D第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B

63、、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。From Facebook I got to know the Cajun Navy.And there,thousands of selfless volunteers piloted 41 into flooded areas,assisting emergency responders.So I downloaded the app Zello and 42 the Cajun Navy channel.A couple of women who had been taking 43 from victims came on the lin

64、e at 11:00 a.m.and asked whether anyone could 44 through the night.I said,“I can.”I got two-minute “training”and a“Good luck!”.Then I began to answer calls.The first call was from Chad.He was 45 in his house with water up to his chests.He was about to go to his attic(阁楼).I told him to go to his roof

65、 46,so he wouldnt become trapped by the rising water.I took request after request.Around 4:30 a.m.,I got a request from Saundra whose grandfather lived 47.She was worried because without anyone around,he could not 48 to 911.I assured her that someone would get to him.But later I learned the Cajun Na

66、vy had no boats on the water to help,with the flood so severe.Its no wonder that we had so many people desperately begging for rescue.It looked as if Id been 49.Seven hours after the calls,we got word that the Cajun Navy was finally 50 to go onto the water.Every 30 minutes,Id 51 the rescuers of Saun

67、dras grandfather.At 3:00 p.m.,Saundra told me that her grandfather was on his way to a rescue center.I let out a huge sigh of 52.I texted Chad at 5:30 see whether he was 53.I got his word “We are safe now.”Id been awake for 20 hours but wasnt 54.There was no way I could have 55 right then.I d

68、idnt know how police officers,firefighters,911 workers and EMTs did this every day,but I did know I was grateful beyond measures that they did it.【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文。作者作为一名电话接线员在theCajunNavychannel工作。在一次洪水之后,作者通过接线员的工作寻找一位老人,并成功救下了老人。41.A.trucksB.planesC.boatsD.cars答案C解析考查名词词义辨析。句意:在那里有成千上万的无私的志愿者乘船进入洪水区。





73、话,她的祖父单独住。abroad在国外;plainly普通地;separately单独地;together一起。根据下文“Shewasworriedbecausewithoutanyonearound”可知,她很担心因为没有人在身边,所以应该是祖父单独住。故选C项。48.A.break throughB.get throughC.point outD.burst out答案B解析考查动词短语辨析。句意:她很担心因为没有人在身边,他也没打通911。breakthrough打破;getthrough通过,打通;pointout指出;burstout爆发。911是急救电话,所以此处应是打通电话。故选






79、attain得到;sleep睡觉;bother打扰;negotiate商量。根据下文“Ididntknowhowpoliceofficers,firefighters,911workersandEMTsdidthiseveryday,butIdidknowIwasgratefulbeyondmeasuresthattheydidit.”,可知作者现在的心情难以平复,也没有办法睡觉。故选B项。第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The idea that animals can sense earthquakes 56.

80、(be) a popular one,and stories about animals behaving strangely before earthquakes 57.(tell) for centuries.Researchers 58. believe that animals can sense earthquakes suggest that animals may be able to feel the earth vibrate(振动) before humans.It has been proved that animals are 59.(easy) to be influ

81、enced by small environmental changes than humans.Other researchers have suggested animals may sense chemical or electrical changes in the field of the Earth which could be signs of 60. earthquake.However,other scientists think the animals ability to sense earthquakes is very 61.(doubt),saying that a

82、nimals react to various things,like being hungry,protecting their land and enemies.Animal behaviorists also point out that human psychology may have an effect on pet 62.(owner),as they prefer to believe that 63. (they) pets have the power of giving warnings before earthquakes.Can animals sense earth

83、quakes?The answer 64. this question is not clear.So far,debate over 65. animals can truly sense earthquakes has not solved the question.答案56.is57.have been told58.who/that59.easier60.an61.doubtful62.owners63.their64.to65.whether第四部分写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节应用文写作(满分15分)水是生命之源,但水资源短缺和水污染已成为世界最严重的资源环境问题之,需要引起极大

84、关注。假定你是某国际学校的学生李华,请就此问题写一篇演讲稿。要点如下:1.世界人口增多,工农业发展需要越来越多的水;2.河流、湖泊污染严重;3.全民动员,保护水资源。注意1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考范文Good morning,everyone,As we all know,no life can live without water.Not only do people need water,but also plants and animals need water.However,as the population grows and industry an

85、d agriculture develop,more and more water is needed and used.Besides,many beautiful rivers and lakes have been polluted by the waste water from factories,and the polluted water even does harm to people as well as other living things.Therefore,its high time we took measures to prevent water from bein

86、g polluted,to save water as much as possible and to protect the water source on the earth.Thanks for listening.第二节读后续写(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。One Sunday last year,eight of us hiked for a couple of hours through the desert near San Diego to reach Thunder Canyon Cave.We had to go t

87、hrough a waterfall to get inside,so we put on our wetsuits and lowered ourselves 30ft down.By 11:00 a.m.we were inside.With further climbing,we reached a nine-inch crack.Having caved for four hours,I was tired and wet.The group leader,Luca,was guiding three cavers.One of them,Steve,in his 50s,got ja

88、mmed in the crack.There was 10 minutes of pulling and pushing until Steve was free.He was tired and needed to leave.Luca,assuming Id been through the crack before,guided Steve through another 15 minutes of cave to an exit.I was second from last to go through and out of earshot (可听距离).I didnt realize

89、 that Luca wasnt thereif Id known,I wouldnt have attempted the crack,as I needed an experienced guide.The challenge is to move your feet first down the length of the crack,and then angle your body sideways to swing along,before dropping five feet to the floor of the next space.On my first attempt,I

90、knew I wouldnt make it through,but the group encouraged me to try again.I didnt want to inconvenience anyone by having to make the long trip back through the cave,so I backed out and took off my wetsuit.In just my T-shirt,I tried to slide through again but my hips (屁股) jammed.My feet were hanging th

91、e other side and my left arm supported my body.My hand rested on a wooden board that had been left covering rocks to protect cavers from slipping.Luca returned and the team tried everything to move me as I mentally focused on escape.After two hours my arm weakened,so I slid further into the crack,wh

92、ere the gap was only eight and a half inches wide.My body weight was now on my left elbow,my back and chest touching the cold stone walls.The guy behind me,Jim,tried unsuccessfully to pull me back.Of course,I was blocking his escape,too.注意:续写词数应为150左右。With the risk of hypothermia (低体温),Luca finally

93、found the rescue helicopter.参考范文Withtheriskofhypothermia (低体温), the group supplied me with jackets and bags.I was told to keep moving but I could only raise my right arm slightly and look up or down.Jim told stories to try to keep me awake.Id been trapped for five hours and I no longer expected to m

94、ake it out alive.Lucafinallyfoundtherescuehelicopter.Three hours later Cave Rescue arrived.They lifted the board near my head to angle me so I could exit the crack.As they began to pull my feet,the walls painfully squeezed.When they asked if they should stop,I shouted,“Keep goingI dont care anything,just get me out!” When released I was truly joyous with freedom.After resting for 20 minutes,I managed to climb out of the cave.Afterwards,I was sent by a helicopter to meet an ambulance.

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