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2018年高考英语江苏专版二轮专题复习三维训练:专题限时检测(三) 动词和动词短语 WORD版含答案.doc

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2018年高考英语江苏专版二轮专题复习三维训练:专题限时检测(三) 动词和动词短语 WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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2018年高考英语江苏专版二轮专题复习三维训练:专题限时检测(三) 动词和动词短语 WORD版含答案.doc_第2页
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2018年高考英语江苏专版二轮专题复习三维训练:专题限时检测(三) 动词和动词短语 WORD版含答案.doc_第3页
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2018年高考英语江苏专版二轮专题复习三维训练:专题限时检测(三) 动词和动词短语 WORD版含答案.doc_第4页
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2018年高考英语江苏专版二轮专题复习三维训练:专题限时检测(三) 动词和动词短语 WORD版含答案.doc_第5页
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2018年高考英语江苏专版二轮专题复习三维训练:专题限时检测(三) 动词和动词短语 WORD版含答案.doc_第6页
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2018年高考英语江苏专版二轮专题复习三维训练:专题限时检测(三) 动词和动词短语 WORD版含答案.doc_第7页
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2018年高考英语江苏专版二轮专题复习三维训练:专题限时检测(三) 动词和动词短语 WORD版含答案.doc_第8页
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2018年高考英语江苏专版二轮专题复习三维训练:专题限时检测(三) 动词和动词短语 WORD版含答案.doc_第9页
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1、专题限时检测(三)动词和动词短语(共3组,限时20分钟)1(2017盐城市高三一模)Only when he has_ to need things can a man truly be his own master and so really exist. AdeterminedBceasedCclaimed Dstopped解析:选B句意:只有当一个人对其他事物无所求的时候,他才能真正地成为自己的主宰并因而真实的存在。cease“停止”,符合语境。determine“决定”;claim“声称,夺走”;stop“停止”。2(2017常州高三一模) Senior political figur

2、es worldwide have _oneChina policy and have _support for the widely accepted principle after it was challenged by US presidentelect Donald Trump. Abacked; voiced Bsustained; spokenCapproved; declined Dsupported; rejected解析:选A句意:在美国总统当选人唐纳德特朗普质疑“一个中国”政策之后,全球高层政治人物纷纷拥护“一个中国”政策,并表达了对这个普遍被认可的原则的支持。第一空中用

3、back或者support都可以表示“支持,拥护”;sustain“维持”;approve“批准,赞成”;第二空中用voice意为“表达,吐露”,符合语境。decline“谢绝,婉拒”; reject“拒绝,排斥”。3(2017南京、盐城高三一模)Hearing the doorbell, I ran to answer it but found my brother had_me and let the guests in. Ainterrupted BupdatedCanticipated Doverlooked解析:选C句意:听到门铃声我跑去开门,发现我兄弟已经在我前面让客人进来了。 a

4、nticipate“先于之前(做)”,符合语境。interrupt“打断,打扰”;update“更新”;overlook“忽视”。4(2017南通市高三一模) I can _Dianas thoughts from the changes in her facial expressions. Aread BnoticeCcount Dwatch解析:选A句意:我可以从她脸部表情的变化中看出黛安娜的心事。read在此处是“看出,了解”的意思,read ones thoughts意为“看出某人的想法(心事)”。5(2017南通、泰州高三一模)The computer program of the

5、1970s was unable to _between letters and numbers. Adiscriminate BconcludeCnegotiate Dcompensate解析:选A句意:20世纪70年代的电脑程序无法区分字母和数字。discriminate此处表示“区分,辨别”,符合语境。conclude“推断,作结论,结束”;negotiate“谈判,商议”;compensate“补偿,弥补”。6(2017连云港、宿迁、徐州高三一模) Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of our government, Id like to _a sinc

6、ere welcome and heartfelt gratitude. Aexploit BexposeCexpand Dextend解析:选D句意:女士们,先生们,我谨代表政府对各位致以真诚的欢迎和衷心的感激。extend此处表示“提供,给予,表示”,符合语境。exploit“剥削,压榨,利用”;expose“显露,露出,使暴露于”;expand“使扩大,增加,扩展(业务)”。7(2017南通、泰州高三一模)You stayed up late again last night?Yes. I had to _the time lost last week. Acount on Bappea

7、l toCtake away Dmake up解析:选D句意:“你昨晚又熬夜很晚吗?”“是的,我必须弥补上周浪费的时间。”make up此处表示“弥补”,符合语境。count on“指望,依靠”;appeal to“呼吁,上诉,对有吸引力”;take away“带走,拿走”。8(2017南京、盐城、连云港高三一模)If these new measures dont work, well have to _our old system. Amake up for Bcome up withCbreak away from Dfall back on解析:选D句意:如果这些新的措施没有效果,我们

8、将不得不仍然依赖旧的体系。fall back on“依赖,转而依靠”,符合语境。make up for“补偿”;come up with“提出”;break away from“脱离”。 9(2017南京、盐城高三一模) Facebook has recently _a string of Facebook groups committed to illegally sharing copyrighted music. Acracked down on Bfallen back onCkept up with Dgot away with解析:选A句意:脸书最近制裁了一些非法分享有版权保护的音

9、乐作品的脸书团队。crack down on“制裁”,符合语境。fall back on“求助于”;keep up with“跟上,保持同步”;get away with“侥幸逃脱”。10(2017南通、泰州、扬州高三一模)If you want to go further in the new sport, the best way is to _and practise more frequently. Adive in Bdrop outCcatch on Dspring up解析:选A句意:如果你想在这个新的运动项目中取得进步,那么最好的方法就是热切地投入和更加频繁地练习。dive i

10、n“热切地开始做某事”,符合语境。drop out“退出”;catch on“(开始)明白,意识到,流行”;spring up“突然涌现”。11(2017常州高三一模)Words mean more than what is _ on paper. It takes the human voice to fill them with shades of deeper meaning.Aset off Bset upCset down Dset aside解析:选C句意:文字所表达的不只是写在纸上的内容,还需要人的诵读来赋予其更深层的含义。set off“出发”;set up“建立”;set d

11、own“记下,写下,确定”;set aside“留出,搁置一边”。故选C项。12(2017通、泰、扬、徐、淮、宿高三一模)Roger trained hard for the tournament for months, but unfortunately he had to _due to a knee injury. Apull out Bwork outCtry out Dgive out解析:选A句意:罗杰为比赛努力训练了好几个月,但不幸的是,由于膝盖受伤他不得不退出。pull out“拔出,退出”,符合语境。work out“解决,算出,实现,弄懂,锻炼”;try out“试验,考验

12、”;give out“分发,公布,用尽”。13(2017苏、锡、常、镇高三一模) Owing to The Chinese Poetry Competition, publications on classical Chinese literature are _a significant share of storage space at the bookstore. Ataking up Bdividing upCbreaking up Dputting up解析:选A句意:由于中国诗词大会的影响,中国古典文学的出版物占据了书店储藏空间一个重要的部分。take up“占据”,符合语境。di

13、vide up“分割”;break up“结束,解散,分手”;put up“搭建,住宿”。14(2017南通、泰州高三一模)Schools in our city provide a variety of optional classes to _students of different levels. Acater to Bswitch toCobject to Dsubmit to解析:选A句意:我们市的学校提供了各种各样的选修课来满足不同层次的学生的需求。cater to“满足某种需要或要求”,符合语境。switch to“切换到,转到”;object to“反对”;submit to

14、“提交,服从,屈服”。15(2017无锡高三一模) This powerful music style addresses issues like love, sex, drugs, politics and death. Often it _the accepted values. Aargues against Brebels againstCfights with Ddeals with解析:选B句意:这种强有力的音乐形式探讨的是爱、性、毒品、政治、死亡这类问题。它通常叛离社会公认的价值观。rebel against “反抗,背叛”,符合语境。argue against“争辩”;figh

15、t with“与并肩战斗”;deal with“处理”。1(2017无锡高三二模)Digital teaching, as you know, since introduced, has _our way of learning, enabling us to focus more in class. Atraded BtransformedCtranslated Dtransported解析:选B句意:正如你所知道的,数字化教学自从引入以来就改变了我们的学习方式,使得我们在课堂上更精力集中。transform“改变”,符合语境。trade“交易”;translate“翻译”;transpor

16、t“运输”。2(2017常州高三三模) Taylor Swift _the Worlds HighestPaid Musicians of 2016 list. Really? Unbelievable!Atook BmadeCtopped Dwon解析:选C句意:“泰勒斯威夫特在2016世界收入最高音乐人榜单中位居首位。”“真的吗?难以置信!”top“居于之首,处于的最高位置”。3(2017苏州高三二模)Friendship does not merely _a sharing of activities; it is a sharing of self on a very personal

17、 level. Ainvolve BrequestCassociate Ddeliver解析:选A句意:友谊不仅仅是分享活动,更是在个人层面上分享自我。involve“包含,涉及”,符合语境。request“要求,请求”;associate“联想,联系”;deliver“发言,递送”。4(2017南京、淮安高三三模)As its economy is maturing, Chinas _ a greater role in critical issues like climate and development. Adefining BassumingCguaranteeing Dassuri

18、ng解析:选B句意:随着中国经济的逐渐成熟,中国在像气候和发展这样的关键问题上正承担着更加重要的角色。此处assume意思为“承担”,符合语境。define“下定义”;guarantee“保证”;assure“使确信”。5(2017南京、盐城、连云港高三二模)Our dream is to _a World Cup that makes you, your grandchildren and everyone in football really proud. Astage BchairCfound Dwatch解析:选A句意:我们的梦想是要举办一届世界杯,让你们和你们的子孙后代,让参与足球的

19、每一个人都感到自豪。stage此处是动词,意思是“举行,举办,筹划”。chair“担任(会议的)主席,使入座”;found“创立,建立,创办”;watch“观察,注视,看守,警戒”。6(2017镇江高三三模)APEC economies will continue to _food security needs, and how best to meet them through policy action. Asatisfy BassessCoverlook Dremove解析:选B句意:APEC经济体会继续评估食品安全的需求,以及如何通过政策措施最好地满足这些需求。satisfy“使满足”

20、;assess“评估”;overlook“忽视”;remove“去除,移除”。7(2017苏北四市高三二模) Thousands of soldiers are working to _ food and blankets to the earthquake victims.Aintroduce BdistributeCsubmit Dpresent解析:选B句意:数以千计的士兵正在给地震灾民分发食物和毛毯。distribute“分配,分发”;introduce“介绍,使初次了解”;submit“提交”;present“颁发,授予”。8(2017扬州高三二模) Dont forget to d

21、rop me a line when you settle down.Trust me! I wont. Ill keep you _. Atouched BpostedCcorresponded Dpreserved解析:选B句意:“当你安顿好,不要忘了给我写信。”“相信我,我不会忘的。我会随时告诉你我的消息。”keep sb. posted“使某人知晓某事”,符合语境。9(2017南京、淮安高三三模)I got beaten in the first round in the contest. I am feeling depressed.Cheer up! You have to _yo

22、urself _to have the last laugh. Aopen; up Bpick; upCknock; up Ddo; up解析:选B句意:“我在第一轮比赛中就被击败了。我感觉很沮丧。”“高兴点!你必须振作起来,这样才能笑到最后。”open up“打开”;pick sb. up“使某人振作精神”;knock sb. up“敲门叫醒某人”;do up“梳妆,打扮”。10(2017苏州高三三模)I think the experiment supports my theory, but I need to _the results a couple of times to make

23、sure that no mistakes are made while collecting the data. Aget over Btake overChand over Dgo over解析:选D句意:我认为这次实验支持我的理论,但我需要对结果仔细检查若干次,以确保收集数据的时候没有出现错误。get over“克服,恢复”;take over“接替,接管”;hand over“交出,移交”;go over“复习,重温,仔细检查”。11(2017镇江高三三模) If you manage to survive the crisis, think about how it will hel

24、p you _new challenges. Agive up Btake upChold up Dput up解析:选B句意:如果你能设法度过这次危机,想想它会怎样帮助你接受新的挑战。take up new challenges “接受新挑战”,符合语境。give up“放弃”;hold up“举起,阻挡”;put up“举起,提供住宿”。12(2017苏、锡、常、镇高三二模) He could have put pressure on us to adopt his proposal.Yes, but he didnt _. Amake his way Bget his wayCgive

25、his way Dfeel his way解析:选B句意:“他本来可以给我们施加压力让我们采纳他的提议。”“是的,但是他没有随心所欲。”make ones way“行进,前进”;get ones way“随心所欲,如某人所愿”;give ones way“让路”;feel ones way“摸索着前进”。13(2017苏、锡、常、镇高三三模) The Palace of Versailles, Frances national treasure, has _many changes in its centurylong history while keeping its beauty. Ago

26、ne through Btaken onCled to Dshowed off解析:选A句意:凡尔赛宫作为法国的国宝,在它百年历史中保持着它的美丽的同时,已经经历了许多变化。go through“经历”;take on“呈现,承担,雇佣”;lead to“导致”;show off“炫耀”。14(2017连云港、宿迁、徐州高三三模)The British government published an official policy document _its plans to bring the UK out of the European Union. Aletting out Bputti

27、ng outCsetting out Dworking out解析:选C句意:英国政府发布了一个官方的政策文件,阐明其脱欧的计划。set out“陈述,阐明,提出”,符合语境。let out“发出,放走,泄露(秘密)”;put out“熄灭”;work out“解决,算出,制定出,弄懂,锻炼”。15(2017南京、盐城高三二模) I regret to tell you that the council did not _our plan. Oh, what a shame!Asmile on Bconcentrate onCsee through Dlive through解析:选A句意:“

28、我很遗憾地告诉你,理事会没有同意我们的计划。”“哦,太可惜了!”smile on“对加以赞许,同意”,符合语境。concentrate on“集中注意力”;see through“看穿”;live through“经历(艰难或险境)”。1John, I think honesty is the best policy for my coming interview.Well, that rule _ everyone. But be flexible then.Acaters to Bappeals toCapplies to Dobjects to解析:选C句意:“约翰,我认为在我接下来的面

29、试中,诚实是最好的原则。”“嗯,这个原则适用于每一个人。不过那时要灵活变通。”A项意为“迎合”;B项意为“对有吸引力”;C项意为“适用于,申请”;D项意为“反对”。根据句意可知,C项正确。2Psychologists explain how your walk can _ your hidden personalities in a recent behavioral study. Areserve BrelieveCrelease Dreveal解析:选D句意:在最近的一项行为研究中,心理学研究者解释说,你的走路姿势可以揭示你潜在的个性。A项意为“预订”;B项意为“解除,缓解”;C项意为“释

30、放,发布”;D项意为“透露,揭示”。根据句意可知,D项符合语境。3In terms of academic performance, Mike does not belong to the brilliant students in our class, yet we can never _ the possibility that he will be admitted to his ideal college.Aconfirm BdiscountCexplore Devaluate解析:选B句意:在学业方面,迈克在我们班不属于出彩的那一类,然而我们不能低估他被录取进入理想的大学的可能性。c

31、onfirm“确认,确信”;discount“低估;忽视;贬损”;explore“探索”;evaluate“评估”。故选B项。4Merkel called May to congratulate her on becoming Prime Minister and to _ her success in the new job.Apromise BspareCallow Dwish解析:选D根据语境可知,此处表达的是“祝愿”,故用wish, wish sb. sth.“祝愿某人某事”。promise“承诺,允诺”;spare“留出”;allow“允许”。5I feel both excited

32、 and nervous to speak before such a large audience, so I spent a lot of time _ my lecture.Aallocating BreleasingCpromoting Dpolishing解析:选D句意:面对这么多人讲话我感到既兴奋又紧张,因此我花了很多时间来给我的演讲润色。allocate“分配”;release“发表,发布”;promote“提高”;polish“润色,修改”。6The football striker scored a goal in the last minute of the match,

33、which _ their victory.Aappreciated BendangeredCguaranteed Dchallenged解析:选C句意:那个足球前锋在比赛的最后一分钟进了一个球,这确保了他们的胜利。根据语境可知,应选guarantee“保证,确保”。appreciate“欣赏,领会”;endanger“使遭危险”;challenge“挑战”。7Why didnt you answer my message? We were waiting anxiously for your decision.Sorry. It _ my notice, as I was busy rece

34、iving some new clients.Adeserved BfailedCescaped Ddenied解析:选C句意:“你为什么不回我的信息?我们在焦急地等待着你的决定。”“对不起。由于我当时正忙于接待几个新客户,没有注意到你的信息。”escape ones notice/attention“未被某人注意,被某人忽视”。deserve“应得”;fail“不及格,使失望”;deny“拒绝”。8Oh, my God. It seems that something is wrong with the engine.I hope it can _ until we get to the n

35、ext garage.Awork out Bstand outChold out Dset out解析:选C句意:“噢,我的天哪。引擎似乎出问题了。”“我希望它能坚持到我们到达下一个修理厂。”work out“锻炼,算出”;stand out“显眼,突出”;hold out“坚持”;set out“出发,开始工作”。9With the development of the central and western China, more and more cities have _ in what was a wasteland ten years ago.Abuilt up Bsprung u

36、pCgrown up Drisen up解析:选B句意:随着中国中西部地区的发展,十年前的废弃土地上涌现出了越来越多的城市。spring up“涌现”,符合句意。build up“建立,增进”;grow up“成长”;rise up“起义”。10The great achievements in recent 30 years have proved that the reform and open policy is a vital measure that _ the national conditions of China.Afits into Bturns intoCchanges into Dlooks into解析:选A句意:近30年来的巨大成就已经证明了改革开放政策是一个极其重要的举措,这个举措适合中国的国情。fit into“符合,适合”。结合句意可知应选A项。


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