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2022六年级英语下册 句型与语法专项复习卷 外研版(三起).doc

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1、句型与语法专项复习卷时间:60分钟满分:100分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一总分得分一、选词填空。(5分) into about to down out1. She is looking _ of the window. 2. Shenzhou V flew _ space. 3. What are you going _ study?4. The apples are falling _ the stairs. 5. Whats it _?二、单项选择。(10分) ( ) 1. Mary is singing very _. A. goodB. loudlyC. nice( ) 2. My

2、mother bought a book _ me. A. ofB. forC. in( ) 3. Please give the cola _ me. A. toB. forC. at( ) 4. _ much is it?Its 5 dollars. A. WhatB. HowC. Do( ) 5. Its easy _ mistakes with English words. A. makingB. makesC. to make三、用所给词的正确形式填空。(10分) 1. She wants _ (eat) some meat. 2. It will _ (sun) tomorrow

3、in Beijing. 3. In this picture, the sun is _ (shine). 4. The bus _ (come) to the station now. 5. Who can help _ (she)?6. He went to Shanghai for the _ (three) time. 7. My father asked me _ (read) the book. 8. We decided _ (make) a paper plane together. 9. The bus took _ (we) to our school. 10. My gr

4、andma lived _ (be) eighty-one. 四、情景交际。(10分) ( ) 1. 你想知道几点了, 你会问:A. What time is it?B. What oclock is it?( ) 2. 一阵风吹来, 你手里的气球飞走了, 你会说:A. My balloon is flying away. B. My balloon is falling. ( ) 3. 你想知道对方想喝什么时, 你会问:A. What do you want to drink?B. What do you want to eat?( ) 4. 别人对你说“Can I help you?”时,

5、 你应该回答:A. Yes, please. B. Yes, do it. ( ) 5. 你想知道可乐的价格时, 你会问:A. How much is the cola?B. How many is the cola?五、判断下列句子与所给图片是(T) 否(F) 相符。(5分) ( ) 1. My brother is crying. ( ) 2. They are going to swim tomorrow. ( ) 3. We will study English in middle school. ( ) 4. She is talking to her friends. ( ) 5.

6、 This is a book about space travel. 六、给下列句子选择合适的应答语。(10分) ()( ) 1. Can I help you?( ) 2. How much is it?( ) 3. When are we going to the park?( ) 4. Where is my T-shirt?( ) 5. What is he doing?A. He is flying a kite in the park. B. Its on the bed. C. I want a hamburger, please. D. Its ten dollars. E.

7、 At half past eight. ()( ) 1. What did your mother buy yesterday?( ) 2. Why is the boy crying?( ) 3. What are you going to study?( ) 4. Good luck to you! ( ) 5. Is it really a dog?A. No, it isnt. B. Thank you. C. We are going to study Physics. D. Because he is sad. E. She bought some apples. 七、根据汉语提

8、示补全句子。(10分) 1. 她写了一本关于她自己的书。She _ a book _ _. 2. 在英国继续练习中文。 _ _ practising Chinese in the UK. 3. 他们打算下个星期天去野餐。They are going to _ _ _ next Sunday. 4. 她环游世界。She travelled _ _ _ _. 5. 玲玲打算跟她的朋友说再见。Lingling is going to _ _ _ her friends. 八、连词成句。(10分) 1. the are picnic going have a in we to park (?) _2.

9、 tree the singing are in birds the (. ) _3. space in is travel interested Jack ( . ) _4. Daming many from got his presents friends (. ) _5. he of joy a us lot brought (. ) _九、按要求完成下列句子。(10分) 1. I will go home at 4:30. (对画线部分提问) _ _ _ go home?2. She couldnt see and she couldnt hear. (改为用or连接) _3. Lin

10、gling can help the boy. (对画线部分提问) _ _ help the boy?4. Please give Tom this book. (写出同义句) Please _ _ _ _ Tom. 5. My father bought a model plane for me yesterday. (改为一般疑问句) _ your father _ a model plane for _ yesterday?十、根据图片, 补全对话。(10分) 1. _ He is reading a book. 2. Are you going to go swimming? _3.

11、_ Because I am going to have a party. 4. How much is the hamburger? _5. Whats the weather like tomorrow? _十一、选择合适的选项补全对话。(10分) Mingming: 1. _Xiaoyong: I went to Beijing. Mingming: 2. _Xiaoyong: Yes, I had a great trip. Mingming: Who did you go there with?Xiaoyong: 3. _ Mingming: What did you do in B

12、eijing?Xiaoyong: 4. _ We also shopped in Wangfujing Street. And I bought a present for you. Mingming: 5. _A. Did you have a nice trip?B. Oh, thank you. C. Where did you go for your holidays?D. I went there with my mother. E. We visited many interesting places.句型与语法专项复习卷答案:一、1.out2.into3.to4.down5.ab

13、out二、1.B2. B点拨:buy sth.for sb.意思是“给某人买某物”。3. A点拨:give sth.to sb.意思是“把某物给某人”。4. B点拨:对价格提问用how much。5. C点拨:Its easy to do sth.“做某事是容易的”。三、1.to eat点拨:want to do sth.意思是“想做某事”。2. be sunny点拨: will后接动词原形。sunny是形容词, 故填be sunny。3. shining4. is coming点拨:句子中有now用现在进行时。5. her点拨:动词help后用人称代词宾格形式。6. third7. to r

14、ead点拨:ask sb.to do sth.意思是“要求某人做某事”。8. to make点拨:decide to do sth.意思是“决定做某事”。9. us点拨:动词take后用人称代词宾格形式。10. to be点拨:live to be.意思是“活到”。四、1.A2.A3.A4.A5.A五、1.F2.F3.F4.F5.F六、()1.C2.D3.E4.B5.A()1.E2.D3.C4.B5.A七、1.wrote;about herself2.Keep on3.have a picnic4. all over the world5.say goodbye to 八、1.Are we g

15、oing to have a picnic in the park?2. The birds are singing in the tree.3. Jack is interested in space travel.4. Daming got many presents from his friends.5. He brought us a lot of joy.九、1.When will you2.She couldnt see or hear.3. Who can4.give this book to5.Did; buy; you十、1.What is he doing?2. Yes, I am.3. Why are you wearing a hat?4. Its three dollars and seventyfive cents.5. It is going to snow.十一、1.C2.A3.D4.E5.B


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