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1、2012届全国名校英语模拟试题汇编:完形填空(26)【2012届南充高中高三第六次月考】完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The professors house,big and untidy,stood alone at one end of a huge garden.The place was totally uncared for,quite 21 and overgrown with all sorts of useless things. I

2、22 my way through bushes and tall weeds to the front door and rang the bell.I was glad that I had found him. In twenty minutes he 23 me right on all the 24 that had puzzled me. I was on the 25 of leaving when I looked out of his study window and said,“Youre very fond of gardening,I see.”“No,Im not,”

3、 he said.“ 26 ,I love this garden,though. Its 27 I always wanted it to be. I never touch it at all.”“It could be made lovely. It 28 a pity to let all this ground go to waste. But perhaps you dont 29 that way?” said I.“I dont. I lived here when I was a child,and I had 30 of gardening then. It was my

4、fathers hobby,you see. Unfortunately,he wasnt 31 enough to do it himself. My brother and I did all of it between us year after year. There was one right way and many wrong ways. Each blade(叶片) of grass was an enemy to be 32 by hand, not just cut off. Ive spent a good part of life at work here.”“I se

5、e. You took a dislike to it, and now youre getting even!”“I dislike it. Then, of course, I didnt understand the 33 it had. It used to 34 me. It appeared in my dreamsa mistake here, something not quite straight here, the enemy showing its head in a place I was 35 to have cleaned. The work was too muc

6、h. It seemed endless. The size of the place was itself a fight to a boy.”“And now its yours,youre just letting it go to. ”“ 36 ?” he said.“No,I dont agree with that. This garden and I are now the best friends. I like 37 it grow 38 its own way. I make no demands on it. I never disturb it, and it neve

7、r disturbs me. It has 39 at last, and so have I.”“But the path is over grown. Its inconvenient for you,isnt it?”“Thats part of my 40 ,” he laughed.“You can go out the back way. The weeds are shorter there because they dont get the sun.”21. A. wild B. crazy C. large D. nice22. A. lostB. feltC. tookD.

8、 made 23. A. let B. put C. taughtD. explained 24. A. gardening B. plants C. problems D. solution 25. A. time B. point C. permission D. request 26. A. Even if B. So C. As though D. Even so 27. A. as B. where C. why D. whether 28. A. seems B. is C. proves D. sounds 29. A. recognizeB. sense C. see D. k

9、now 30. A. fond B. short C. free D. enough 31. A. interestedB. fit C. content D. demanding 32. A. fought against B. cleared up C. rooted out D. cut down 33. A. effect B. reason C. cause D. result 34. A. astonish B. shock C. worry D. disappoint 35. A. thought B. supposed C. ordered D. expected 36. A.

10、 SellB. Develop C. Grow D. Ruin 37. A. noticing B. attendingC. watering D. watching 38. A. on B. in C. with D. of 39. A. freedom B. time C. sunlight D. space 40. A. life B. pleasure C. job D. research 【答案】21-25 ADBCB 26-30 DAACD 31-35 BCACB 36-40 DDBAB2012届全国名校英语模拟试题汇编:完形填空(27)【2012届皖南八校第二次联考】完形填空供2

11、0小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、 B、 C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。My husband and I were cleaning windows together yesterday. We have the double-hung(双吊钩)_36 that you can pull forward and flip(翻转), allowing us to _37 the inside and the outside surfaces.My husband was_38 one window-and it

12、 popped out(跳出) of its frame! Well, our _39 is for sale and the last thing we needed was for something to_40.He was so_41 and tried with all his strength to get it _42 together, using a few less than pleasant words(I am sorry to say). After twenty minutes he still could not get it_43. thats when my

13、23-year-old_44 told his dad to _45 for a minute and he would try to fix with me.Its amazing how you can see things more clearly and do things more_46 when you are _47. He and I fixed the window in three minutes! I called my husband in to see! He coulnt_48 it!I know this isnt really a gift_49, in a w

14、ay, it was. My son_50 my husband to leave, to cool down, and_51 him from the worry for a moment. And my son fixing it with me was a _52 to me, because I saw him as a man instead of the kid he always seems to be in my_53.Calm is good. Breathe through _54 times and maybe even take a break from stressf

15、ul times. Return with a clear mind and things will usually_55 much better!36. A. doors B. chairs C. tables D.windows37. A. destroy B. smooth C. clean D. dry38. A. washing B. painting C. repairing D. changing39. A. furniture B. house C. home D. car40. A. break B. dirty C. lose D. fly41. A. interested

16、 B. delighted C. worried D. excited42. A. up B. away C. out D. back43. A. separated B. delivered C. fixed D. added44. A. son B. nephew C. student D. daughter45. A. put away B. walk away C. give away D. take away46. A. fortunately B. difficulty C. slowly D. easily47. A. calm B. equal C. nervous D. fr

17、ightened48. A. hate B. doubt C. believe D. satisfy49. A. or B. so C. and D. but 50. A. asked B. forced C. ordered D. promised51. A. kept B. freed C. saved D. protected52. A. surprise B. wonder C. gift D. hurt53. A. power B. hand C. turn B. eyes 54. A. easy B. happy C. exciting D. difficult55. A. bre

18、ak out B. turn out C. pull out D. make out36.D 由文章第一句话“My husband and I were cleaning windows together yesterday.”可知,“我们”有双吊钩的“窗户”,这样的“窗户”便于你能向前推并翻转。37.C 第一段提到:昨天“我”和丈夫一起擦窗子。由此可知是便于“我们”“擦洗”窗户的里面和外面。故clean“把弄干净”符合语境。38.A 由文章第一段可知,夫妻二人正在擦洗窗户,此处指的应该是“我”的丈夫正在“洗”一扇窗户。故wash“冲;洗”符合语境。39.B 由语境可知应该是“我们”的“房子”

19、要出售。40.A 由前面的“and it popped out of its frame!”可知,窗子坏了。故此处应该表示“我们”最不需要的事情就是东西“坏了”。break“打破、弄坏”符合语境。41.C 由下文中的“, using a few less than pleasant words (I am sorry to say).”可知,丈夫感到那么的不安(worried)。42.D 由上文中提到的“it popped out of its frame!”应该使窗户恢复原样。get back意为“恢复”符合语境。43.C 由下文中的“and he would try to fix it w

20、ith me.”可知,丈夫尽力把窗户“安装”在一起。44.A 由倒数第二段中的“And my son fixing it with me”可知答案。45.B 由下文中的“I called my husband in to see!”可知,儿子告诉他的父亲走开一会。walk away“走开”符合语境。46.D 由前面的“clearly”及后面的语境可知应该用“easily”合适。47.A 由最后一段中的第一句话“Calm is good.”可知当你“镇定的”时候,看事情更清晰,做事情更容易。48.C 由上一段中的“After twenty minutes he still could not g

21、et it.”可知丈夫二十分钟后仍没能把窗户安装好。再由下文中的“He and I fixed the window in three minutes!”可知,他无法“相信”!49.D 由上下文语境可知是转折关系。故选but。50.A 由上下文语境可知,应该是儿子“让”自己的父亲走开一会。51.B 儿子帮助父亲从焦虑中摆脱出来。free from 意为“使摆脱”符合语境。而keepfrom,阻止某人;protect from,保护免受;save from,从挽救均不符合语境。52.C 由本段第一句知,“我”知道这并不真的是一份礼物,但是在某一方面,它又是。故推知,“我”的儿子和我一起修理窗户,

22、对“我”而言是一份“礼物”。53.D 由上文中的“a man ”可知下文中与之对应的应该是“the kid”,故选instead of“而不是”。54.D 在母亲眼中的儿子。故用“in ones eyes”。其它三项均不符合语境。55.B 带着清醒的头脑返回并且事情将通常产生更好的结果。2012届全国名校英语模拟试题汇编:完形填空(28)【2012届河北省衡水中学高三上学期四调】完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出可以填入空白的最佳选项. Culture shock is a complex topic, but Im a simpl

23、e man with simple perspectives. So my experience of foreign culture boils down to three basic stages: anger, acceptance and appreciation.When I _36_ my life in China I was often filled with frustration and _37_over the way things were. Things were seen as clearly “_38_” and I rejected the view of th

24、ere being other ways of doing things. Afterwards I came to _39_different ways of doing things _40_still saw my own ways as superior.My views were still heavily colored by _41_and I often accepted situations I felt _42_by simply coining the phrase Thats China, _43_ China was a backward country that s

25、imply didnt do things correctly. Finally, _44_, I came to understand and appreciate the new _45_ and ways of doing things, sometimes using them as effectively as the_46_.For example, fish is never _47_ with the head in my country, thus my feelings went from “Ugh! I cant eat this! The fish is _48_at

26、me saying, Youre a _49_ man. Take this off the table,” to “Ill let my friends enjoy, but Ill just stick with the other_50_,” and to Would anyone mind if I eat the eyeball?It is not the same with every westerner, and some take _51_ than others to go through the three stages. It all depends on how _52

27、_ you are and how tightly you _53_to your own culture. It took a little over a year of living in China _54_ I finally appreciate the new culture. Now, Im more _55_in China than in my own country.36. A. ended B. began C. continued D. enjoyed37. A. curiosity B. fear C. purpose D. anger38. A. wrong B.

28、right C. wise D. smooth39. A. find B. use C. accept D. refuse40. A. or B. but C. while D. so41. A. preferences B. references C. facts D. standards42. A. necessary B. important C. nervous D. stupid43. A. mentioning B. saying C. meaning D. referring44. A. therefore B. however C. besides D. thus45. A.

29、character B. personality C. revolution D. culture46. A. locals B. foreigners C. researchers D. citizens47. A. bought B. sold C. served D. separated48. A. glancing B. laughing C. shouting D. staring49. A. kind B. cruel C. brave D. unique50. A. fishes B. vegetables C. dishes D. soups51. A. more B. les

30、s C. further D. longer52. A. adaptable B. considerable C. dependable D. enjoyable53. A. get B. hold C. catch D. insist54. A. since B. as C. before D .when55. A. anxious B. welcomed C. comfortable D. miserable【答案】3640. BDACB 41-45 ADCBD 46-50 ACDBC 51-55 DABCC2012届全国名校英语模拟试题汇编:完形填空(29)【2012届江西省赣中四校高三

31、第一次联考】完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。 When I was a teenager I volunteered to work at the water station at a 10,000m race. My job was to 36 water to the runners, I remember being so 37 to see all the different kinds of people who passed by and grabbed

32、a cup of water. Some ran past, some walked past and a few wheeled past. I saw so many types of people doing it. I thought maybe I could do it too! So the next year I 38 up for the race. That first 10,000m race was quite an 39 . I jogged, I walked, I jogged and I walked. 40 , I didnt know if I could

33、finish. Then came a defining(起决定性作用的) 41 . At one point near the end, a 70-year-old man ran past me, very, very fast, and I felt 42 because I was 15 years old, younger than him but I couldnt even keep up with him. I felt 43 for a second. But then I 44 something. He was running his race and I was run

34、ning mine. He had 45 abilities, experience, training and goals for himself. I had mine. Remember my 46 was only to finish. After a minute, it 47 me that this was a lesson I could draw from. I learned something about myself in that moment. I turned my embarrassment into 48 . I 49 that I would not giv

35、e up running races. In fact, I would run even more races and I would learn how to train and prepare 50 and one day I would be one of those 70-year-old persons who were still running. As I crossed the finish line, I was proud of my 51 . In life we all have those moments when we 52 ourselves with othe

36、rs. Its only 53 . Dont allow those moments to 54 you. Turn them into motivation and let them inspire you. With the proper preparation and training, you can improve your result to 55 anything you want in life.36. A. bring out B. pass out C. take outD. pick out37. A. excitedB. worried C. concerned D.

37、anxious38. A gave B. made C. signed D. dressed39. A. achievement B. encouragement C. interest D. experience40. A. At times B. In time C. In all D. After all41. A. victory B. decision C. moment D. conclusion42. A. embarrassed B. annoyed C. moved D. thrilled43. A. relaxed B. defeated C. puzzled D. ins

38、pired44. A. realized B. lost C. noticed D. remembered45. A. necessary B. evident C. common D. different46. A. motto B. plan C. goal D. direction47. A. worried B. hit C. reached D. hurt48. A. attraction B. devotion C. inspiration D. expectation49. A. hoped B. promised C. decided D. suggested50. A. sl

39、ightly B. hardly C. clearly D. properly51. A. excitement B. accomplishment C. movement D. judgement52. A. introduce B. relate C. present D. compare53. A. important B. natural C. strange D. ridiculous54. A. weaken B. wound C. amuse D. cheer55. A. reserve B. deliver C. achieve D. abandon【答案】36-40 BACD

40、A 41-45 CABAD 46-50 CBCCD 51-55 BDBAC2012届全国名校英语模拟试题汇编:完形填空(30)【2012届湖北省荆州市高中毕业班质量检查 I】完形填空 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A woman who had a bad temper scolded everyone around her and she 31 the violent rage(愤怒) inside her was everyone elses fault. S

41、he went to see a well-respected Buddhist monk to ask for 32. The monk told her to take a large clay jug(水壶) from his kitchen, fill it with water and 33 outside. “When people 34, you must offer them a glass of water. Do this until there is no 35 left inside you.” the monk said. So she stood outside w

42、ith a water jug and 36 water to passers-by every day for the next several weeks. And every morning she asked herself 37 rage still pulsed through her body, and every morning the answer was “yes.” So she 38 serving water. Until this afternoon when a rude man walked up, 39 the water jug out of her han

43、d, drank 40 out of it, and then threw the jug on the ground as he continued on his way. The rage within the woman turned into an uncontrollable fit. Unable to 41 herself, she picked up the jug off the ground and, threw it at the rude man as he walked away. The jug suddenly 42 into pieces over the ba

44、ck of his head and he fell to the ground, 43 and bleeding. When the woman 44 down, she realized what she had done and began to cry. She reported the incident to the police and two police cars arrived at the 45 moments later. Then one of the police officers walked over to the woman, who was still 46,

45、 and said, “The city 47 you a big thank you. That man has been on our most 48 list for over a year now. ” Now we see if we completely rid ourselves of our inner darkness, then we will always make the 49 choices. 50 , life isnt predictable. So, to forgive yourself is to set a prisoner free and the di

46、scoverer of the prisoner is you yourself.31 A. discovered B. hoped C. believed D. announced32 A. advice B. choice C. apology D. permission33 A. regret B. reflect C. shout D. stand34 A. pass B. starve C. complain D. leave35 A. water B. grief C. energy D. rage36 A. drank B. served C. delivered D. pour

47、ed37 A. if B. why C. when D. how38 A. condemned B. continued C. stopped D. refused39 A. spilled B. snatched C. stole D. robbed40 A. accidentally B. carefully C. exactly D. directly41 A. express B. describe C. change D. control42 A. blew B. broke C. divided D. exploded43 A. unconscious B. awake C. de

48、ad D. alert44 A. turned B. lay C. calmed D. broke45 A. background B. case C. scene D. situation46 A. sobbing B. talking C. screaming D. laughing47 A. owes B. allows C. offers D. appreciates48 A. needed B. required C. wanted D. lacked49 A. real B. practical C. wrong D. right50 A. After all B. Once for all C. In all D. Above all【答案】31-35 CADAD 36-40 BABBD41-45 DBACC46-50 AACDA


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