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本文(2020届高考英语二轮复习常考题型大通关(全国卷):完形填空---夹叙夹议文 WORD版含答案.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2020届高考英语二轮复习常考题型大通关(全国卷):完形填空---夹叙夹议文 WORD版含答案.doc

1、 高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家1、阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A year ago, I thought I was at the end of my rope. Every time I 1 GinnyOwens song,I felt 2 hurt and tears welled up in my 3 . I wanted to know why life was so 4 to me. My family has been through a(n) 5 . My husband and I 6 almost a month in h

2、ospital 7 from second-degree and third-degree bums. My son had 22 stitches(针) from jumping through the window to 8 the fire. Everymonth,Ihad to take outloans to 9 the medical treatment. Icried about mylife, 10 whyit couldntbring mea ray of 11 .I cried because my husband dicing have a steady job. I c

3、ried because I had to suffer the fire and watch my son 12 . Now, as I lie in my bed with my son and myhusband, I 13 understand the meaning of 14 Life has never allowed us to be hungry and has always 15 the money we need at the 16 moment. I learn that a mother can have great love for her child as I p

4、ulled my son out of the 17 closet. I still struggle. I still wish I could see the plan that life has for me. But I can see the 18 that life is building in me and the spiritual growth that life is giving me. I 19 that it is only in my darkest moment that the light in my soul can 20 .1.A.rememberedB.d

5、isplayedC.noticedD.heard2.A.exactlyB.deeplyC.obviouslyD.slightly3.A.eyesB.mindC.heartD.cheeks4.A.importantB.friendlyC.kindD.cruel5.A.floodB.fireC.accidentD.earthquake6.A.tookB.sparedC.spentD.wasted7.A.keepingB.recoveringC.sufferingD.saving8.A.escapeB.fightC.preventD.set9.A.look forB.go for

6、 pain13.A.suddenlyB.hardlyC.strangelyD.certainly14.A.weaknessB.sicknessC.sufferingD.sharing15.A.providedB.earnedC.donatedD.raised16.A.exactB.convenientC.limitedD.last1

7、7.A.burningB.destroyingC.fallingD.mending18.A.surpriseB.decisionC.characterD.sadness19.A.realizeB.hateC.proveD.accept20.A.developB.passC.shineD.appear2、阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 After my husbands Chinese kung fu school was open for about a week, my daughters and I decided to see how it

8、was going. We were deeply 1 to see there wasnt a single student in the school. My husband was standing 2 in the school waiting for customers. We had to 3! We decided to be his 4 until he got some real ones. We thought it was better to have five people in the school 5 just him if a passerby looked in

9、 the window. He started teaching us 6and forms. We found that some of them actually were 7 to ballet moves but much more difficult. It was kind of fun but 8 , too! We were attracted by then, so we 9 as learners. 10 , we got actual students in our school. There were many men and teenage boys, and we

10、11 lots of other girls and women as well. One special student was a 12 seven-year-old girl. She was going 13 and had other health problems. With my daughters help and 14 this little girl got to be a real kung fu kid. Although she is now a sightless, grown adult, Im confident she can 15 herself if sh

11、e needs to. I am 16 to say my daughters are more confident in every area of their lives. This experience taught me to 17 things I never would have 18 before kung fu. I havent been 19 in all of my efforts, but Ill give almost 20 of niceness a try!1.A.boredB.upsetC.nervousD.moved2.A.cheerfullyB.aggres

12、sivelyC.aloneD.forever3.A.actB.jokeC.appearD.learn4.A.familiesB.workmatesC.consultantsD.students5.A.more place ofC.rather case togetherB.signed

13、 upC.broke awayD.stayed on10.A.EventuallyB.UnfortunatelyC.ObviouslyD.Regularly11.A.discoveredB.joinedC.unitedD.attracted12.A.traditionalB.homelessC.disabledD.typical13.A.blindB.deafC.lameD.stupid14.A.threatB.encouragementC.adjustmentD.approval15.A.protectB.recognizeC.feedD.educate16.A.stubbornB.prou

14、dC.sensitiveD.tentative17.A.apply toB.give upC.try outD.hold back18.A.appreciatedB.predictedC.ignoredD.considered19.A.helpfulB.successfulC.cheerfulD.enthusiastic20.A.someB.eitherC.noneD.any3、阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 I was headed for the UMW womens basketball game yesterday. Suddenly, I

15、 saw an old fellow, maybe 65 years old, 1 next to a stop sign on William Street. He seated himself on the ground, wearing 2 clothes and an oversized jacket. I 3 my car and got out, walking up to this old man and asked, “ How are you doing?” He looked at me surprisingly, just like I was going to 4 hi

16、m, and he said, l am fine, just making a(n) 5 .” He looked embarrassed as he said, “I live on the 6 . I could see that he was 7 and had no family members around to help him. The one thing that 8 me was that he never asked me for anything, no money or food. This reminded me of many monks who had give

17、n up all their 9 and owned nothing but a 10 bowl and maybe a piece of cloth for clothing. I asked him 11 it was fine if I could give him some 12 . He looked up and said 13 ,“ Well,anything helps. I dont care.” I gave him a folded 50-dollar bill 14 in small notes so he couldnt see it yet. He thanked

18、me 15 and said, God bless you t sir. ” I asked him if he wanted to come in and 16 the basketball game, “I go to UMW and our womens team is pretty good,I added, “ You should come and watch the game if you have time. He nodded. I walked hack to my car, but looked back. I saw him 17 with his backpack a

19、nd start walking toward the 18 . My giving was like a ripple in a(n) 19 . One act may be small, but if you drop a stone in a river, it will make hundreds of ripples 20 outward and comfort others. 1.A.lyingB.sleepingC.standingD.sitting2.A.shabbyB.newC.fashionableD.beautiful3.A.startedB.parkedC.brokeD


21、whetherD.why12.A.moneyB.foodC.waterD.advice13.A.anxiouslyB.curiouslyC.angrilyD.peacefully14.A.filledB.lostC.coveredD.caught15.A.independentlyB.faithfullyC.sadlyD.kindly16.A.playB.winC.watchD.lose17.A.get upB.put inC.get outD.get back18.A.houseB.homeC.gymD.building19.A.seaB.pondC.oceanD.river20.A.exp

22、andingB.interruptingC.describingD.spreading4、阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 I was reading the morning newspaper. My daughter, Sydney ,walked in and talked to me about one of our 1 kids,and sponsoring 2 child We had sponsored four already, and I thought,“Wow,these kids are 3 !” Just the next

23、morning,we got a packet containing a 4 of a girl named Anita in Kenya. Sydney went 5 ,writing her a long letter and 6 a picture of Anita following the photo to send with it. Soon after that,I 7 a marathon in South Africa as a player. I went to Kenya to meet Anita and her family. When I 8 for Anita s

24、 house, the whole village were there to welcome me. When I asked Anitas father if he put his crops on the 9 ,he said,“No,I dont take any food to sell thats the food my family live on. ” It 10 me: What a tough life they lead! I then went with them on their 11 for water, which was downhill nearly two

25、miles over rocky path. Their water 12 was a dirty river. 13 , I wouldnt have even washed my car with that water. It was time to go. Anitas father said to me, “Its a great 14 for my family that you are our daughters sponsor.” I felt like the relationship between us was closer, feeling so 15 to them.

26、Our family needs to be making a 16 in other people s lives. I see in my family a 17 to connect with other people. I 18 my kids. I want them to know the world and know 19 people in other areas of the world who are poor. We have the chance to influence their lives, 20 they have a chance to influence o

27、ur lives.1.A.lovedB.sponsoredC.adoptedD.educated2.A.oneB.eachC.anyD.another3.A.taking upB.coming upC.adding upD.making up4.A.photoB.letterC.presentD.note5.A.seriousB.crazyC.confusedD.anxious6.A.supplyingB.purchasingC.searchingD.drawing7.A.washedB.organizedC.ranD.reported8.A.set outB.pulled outC.set

28、upD.pulled up9.A.villageB.marketC.restaurantD.city10.A.thrilledB.attractedC.excitedD.hit11.A.waitingB.requiringC.walkD.ride12.A.sourceB.tubeC.fieldD.system13.A.StrangelyB.HonestlyC.ObviouslyD.Certainly14.A.helpB.chanceC.advantageD.honor15.A.appreciatedB.sorryC.connectedD.superior16.A.differenceB.pla

29、 if5、阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 I never expected to go to the University of Michigan. I grew up in a small Midwest town where college wasnt

30、 1 by any means. Many students entered the workplace 2 out of high school. For a long time, thats where I thought I would 3 . At some point during my senior year, I started 4 everywhere, just because I wanted to see 5 I would get. I had the required grades and the ACT (American College Testing) 6 ,

31、but I came from a town of nowhere. So you can imagine the 7 of emotions I had when I received a big envelope in the mail with the word “ 8 ” written across the top. Now that the opportunity was open to me, I decided to go. I had received 9 aid and scholarships, which I think was a 10 factor (因素) in

32、the decision. But my parents didnt see 11 college as an opportunity for me to build on my 12 . And it seemed that no matter how much work I 13 , it would just be considered a waste of 14 . I often felt I was lacking 15 . I did the application all by myself. After moving to college, I did two jobs an

33、d paid for my 16 and bills. Looking back on it now, I feel that it wasnt 17 to be self-reliant. But in the long run, I 18 the lack of support I had at such a key point in my life which taught me to be 19 and responsible in hard times, to go beyond 20 and to try things I never thought I would ever be

34、 able to try. I believe thats what college is all about. upB.put upC.end upD.pick up4.A.deliveringB.applyingC.registeringD.competing5.A.whenB.whetherC.howD.where6.A.qualificationsB.diplomasC.scoresD.certificates7.A.

35、anxietyB.reliefC.calmnessD.conflict8.A.WishesB.RegardsC.CheersD.Congratulations9.A.financialB.spiritualC.academicD.parents10.A.boringB.drivingC.discouragingD.promising11.A.adjustingB.attendingC.droppingD.managing12.A.moralB.survivalC.potentialD.confidence13.A.get inB.take inC.put inD.persist in14.A.


37、所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Passing Your Love OnWaiting for the airplane to take off, I was happy to get a seat by myself. Just then, an air hostess approached me and asked, “Would you mind 1 your seat? A couple would like to sit together.” The only 2 seat was next to a girl with her arms in casts(石

38、膏绷带), a black-and-blue face, and a sad 3 . “No way am I going to sit there,” I thought immediately. But a soft voice spoke, “She needs help.” Finally, I 4 to move to that seat.The girl was named Kathy. She had been in a car accident and 5 was on her way for6.When the snack and juice arrived, it did

39、not take me long to 7 that Kathy would not be able to 8 herself. I considered 9 to feed her but hesitated, as it seemed too10to offer a service to a 11. But then I realized that Kathys need was more 12 than my discomfort. I offered to help her eat, and 13 she was uncomfortable to accept, she 14 as I

40、 expected. We became closer and closer in a short period of time. By the end of the five-hour trip, my heart had 15 , and the time was really 16 spent than if I had just sat by myself.I was very glad I had reached 17 my comfort zone to sit next to Kathy and feed her. Love 18 flows beyond human borde

41、rs and removes the fears that keep us 19 . When we stretch to serve another, we grow to live 20 a larger and more rewarding world.1.A.leavingB.changingC.takingD.giving2.A.comfortableB.suitableC.availableD.favorable3.A.heartB.expressionC.actionD.thought4.A.decidedB.wantedC.regrettedD.promised5.A.imme


43、oughC.sinceD.as14.A.refusedB.wonderedC.criedD.did15.A.warmedB.jumpedC.brokenD.cheered16.A.goodB.worseC.betterD.bad17.A.belowB.throughC.acrossD.beyond18.A.seldomB.neverC.hardlyD.sometimes19.A.separateB.independentC.silentD.upset20.A.ofB.inC.atD.for7、阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Fear started

44、 taking over when I was walking into my first school in America. I had travelled a long distance from India in order to 1 my mother, who had been here for three years. With2and fear, I reached for the door cautiously, opening it3 . Everyone stared at me as I entered the room. Without paying attentio

45、n to them, I4the teacher and asked if this was the right class.5a soft voice he answered, Yes. His voice6me a little. Then he asked me to choose where I would7 . I chose the seat closest to the door. I didnt actually want to8a seat. In India we had9seats, so I never needed to worry about that. I spe

46、nt the rest of the class taking notes from the 10 produced by the overhead projector (投影仪). In Indian schools, the technology was not 11 . Since it was my first day, I was 12 about which classroom I should go to, but I 13 to get to my classes without asking anyone. It was 14 . I went to my next clas

47、s and the bell rang 15 I entered. I went through the regular 16 of asking the teacher if I was in the right class. She said, The 17 is over. But the bell just rang, I said. She said, That is the lunch bell. I apologized. Then I headed for the 18 . At the end of the day, I was on my way to the bus st

48、op. I 19 my bus and sat down inside happily. Though I felt a little confused today, everything seemed all right. Every confusion seemed like a (n)20I had to overcome to reach my goal.1. A. search B. assist C. join D. care2. A. surprise B. curiosity C. confidence D. anxiety3. A. slowly B. loudly C. q

49、uickly D. immediately4. A. blocked B. approached C. disturbed D. followed 5. A. Above B. At C. In D. With6. A. puzzled B. promoted C. inspired D. comforted7. A. stand B. sit C. lie D. listen8. A. rule out B. carry out C. give out D. pick out9. A. assigned B. painted C. repaired D. marked10. A. sound

50、 B. image C. effect D. record11. A. developed B. invented C. improved D. employed 12. A. touched B. disappointed C. confused D. impressed 13. A. failed B. pretended C. tended D. managed 14. A. noon B. daybreak C. dawn D. dark15. A. if B. though C. as D. since16. A. process B. excuse C. exercise D. e

51、xamination17. A. work B. meeting C. discussion D. class18. A. library B. cafeteria C. lab D. gym19. A. spotted B. left C. uncovered D. locked20. A. goal B. object C. obstacle D. destination8、阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 When I was 17, I met a famous doctor named Paul Bragg. He gave me one

52、of the most valuable 1 of my life; a statement that was filled with words of 2 . To this very day, I still 3 it; I am a genius (天才) , and I apply my wisdom. 4 ,I was a high school dropout (辍学学生) and was living in a tent in Hawaii. I had a very limited vocabulary and had never 5 reading a single book

53、. When Dr Bragg taught me this statement, he held me to say it with feeling 6 it were true and present. To do so seemed so far away from 7 that it was funny. After saying it many times, 8 . I began to feel what those powerful words meant. 9 every day I continued to say it, and it became 10 to believ

54、e; I am a genius, and I apply my wisdom. It was two and a half years later when I really saw the 11 of the statement. I was sitting in a college library 12 by fellow students whom I was helping with higher mathematics. I heard one of the students speak 13 to another, “John is really a 14 ! At the mo

55、ment, I 15 what Dr Bragg had taught me, and I 16 to say this statement for the rest of my life. I cant quite put into words what a(n) 17 this statement has made in my life. 18 it, I was able to change from a dropout to the top of my college classes. I think that the key to 19 is putting your true fe

56、elings into a statement you 20 and saying it over and over every day.1.A.enjoymentsB.partsC.giftsD.knowledge2.A.ideaB.comfortC.praiseD.power3.A.likeB.needC.sayD.use4.A.At the timeB.For a whileC.All at onceD.For the that7.A

57、.historyB.hopeC.lifeD.reality8.A.moreoverB.howeverC.otherwiseD.anyhow9.A.UntilB.SinceC.SoD.After10.A.easierB.funnierC.more unusualD.more impossible11.A.evidenceB.purposeC.detailsD.results12.A.followedB.surroundedC.assistedD.invited13.A.loudlyB.kindlyC.softlyD.directly14.A.starB.spokesmanC.kidD.geniu

58、s15.A.readB.rememberedC.showedD.doubted16.A.decidedB.askedC.expectedD.learned17.A.differenceB.problemC.improvementD.impression18.A.Except forB.More thanC.Instead ofD.Because of19.A.loveB.successC.happinessD.understanding20.A.think aboutB.look forC.believe inD.dream up9、阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中

59、,选出最佳选项。 I couldnt drive myself so I took my husbands car every day to work. However, his 1 were different from mine. I worked earlier. So he 2 me off and went to a small cafe to drink coffee until work time. Then,in the afternoons, I walked three miles to his 3 place. One day while waiting for him,

60、 I 4 a beautiful car pull in the car park. I was busily 5 the car when I noticed the drivera pretty woman. Our eyes made 6 and she smiled at me. She was wearing a light blue shirt that just 7 her car. Minutes later,a nice-looking man came out of the building and entered her car. Then she 8 away. Sit

61、ting there in my jeans and shirt,I wanted to 9 . How could some people have it all? Maybe Id have 10 about her,but later it became almost a 11 event to see her about once a week. She seemed 12 and always waved,flashing a big smile. My 13 stayed long after she drove away. Then one day,when waiting in

62、 our 14 car park, I saw her get out of her car with her husbands help. She walked 15 .The lady had a prosthesis(假肢) on the left leg. For weeks Id envied this woman, 16 I d been able to walk three miles to our car. I thought the lady had 17 , but she didnt. I thanked life for my legs, arms and sight,

63、and for teaching me a 18 early on in life. When you meet a person who seems much happier than you, dont be 19 . You still had your parents, and the 20 to walk,run or dance through life wonderful things money cant buy.1.A.plansB.ideasC.hoursD.purposes2.A.sawB.droppedC.tookD.set3.A.studyB.restC.partyD

64、.work4.A.noticedB.madeC.feltD.heard5.A.repairingB.consideringC.admiringD.washing6.A.senseB.a differenceC.a choiceD.contact7.A.coveredB.matchedC.improvedD.compared8.A.walkedB.ranC.turnedD.drove9.A.cryB.laughC.sleepD.sing10.A.worriedB.caredC.forgottenD.learned11.A.regularB.rareC.majorD.social12.A.conf


66、nnoyed20.A.timeB.abilityC.courageD.need10、阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 I listen with interest how people discuss with each other. Mostly they 1 . They get caught in negative(消极的)stuff,talk about it 2 ,and try to make others agree with them in their misery. And they pay no attention to the

67、most 3 thing.Happiness is a feeling. We should 4 how to create such a feeling. Can you learn how to be 5 on purpose?We are so used to our negative mindset that we dont even 6 it anymore.And so our mind,used to negativity,looks at the world through the eyes of 7 Even if an event occurs as happy and p

68、ositive, we cannot find the emotion of pure 8 ,because we always think of negative things.This 9 happened to me. It was in my twenties that I first 10 my own negative self-talk. Once, in a bus,looking at the sunny skies,I noticedthe 11 and found myself thinking that rain was coming,and the 12 day sh

69、ould turn grey and miserable soon.Many people around me was 13 the same, and we saw nothing 14 in it. We simply did not know how to be happy.This was the moment when my 15 to positive thinking started. I cannot 16 bad stuff from happening, but I have built tools in my mind to 17 these events.Happine

70、ss is a string of short moments, and in each of those moments we have the 18 to choose our own response to them. We can learn to think on purpose. And with purposeful 19 we learn to create wanted emotions, which will help us find 20 in our life, and even happiness.1. A. explainB. complainC. laughD.

71、question2. A. constantlyB. gentlyC. friendlyD. politely3. A. impossibleB. difficultC. importantD. surprising4. A. take downB. wonder atC. make upD, concentrate on5. A. unusualB. luckyC. happyD. interested6. A. understandB. recognizeC. mentionD. remember7. A. selflessnessB. freedomC. confidenceD. mis

72、ery8. A. pleasureB. sadnessC. painD. regret9. A. certainlyB. fortunatelyC. hardlyD. finally10. A. doubtedB.provedC. noticedD.changed11. A. birdsB. starsC. rainbowsD. clouds12. A. snowyB. beautifulC. terribleD. foggy13. A. expectingB. behavingC. lookingD. explaining14. A. similarB. excitingC. comfort

73、ableD. strange15. A. careerB. educationC. visitD. journey16. A. preventB. protectC. spareD. free17. A. look atB. search forC. go throughD. see through18. A. secretB. powerC. needD.reason19. A. managementB. practiceC. discussionD. thinking20. A. balanceB. hurtC. excuseD. cheating 答案以及解析1答案及解析:答案:1.D;

74、 2.B; 3.A; 4.D; 5.B; 6.C; 7.B; 8.A; 9.D; 10.B; 11.A; 12.D; 13.A; 14.C; 15.A; 16.A; 17.A; 18.C; 19.A; 20.C解析:1.这里指每当作者听到(heard) Ginny Owens的歌时。2.作者深深地(deeply)感到痛苦,眼泪从眼中汹涌而出。根据下文内容可知,作者受伤很深。3.参见上题解析。4.作者想知道为什么生活对她如此残忍。根据语境可知,选D项。5.由下文内容second-degree and third-degree burns以及the fire可知,作者一家遭受过一场火灾。6.作者和

75、丈夫花了(spent)近一个月的时间住院。sb.spend some time (in) doing sth.意为某人花费多少时间做某事。7.此处表示作者和她丈夫从二度和三度烧伤中恢复(recovering)过来。8.作者的儿子为了躲避(escape)大火跳窗户受伤了,因此缝了22针。9.每个月,作者不得不贷款来支付(pay for)医疗费用。10.作者为生活(的残酷)而哭泣,想知道(wondering)为什么它不能给她一线希望(hope)。11.参见上题解析。12.作者因不得不遭受火灾带来的伤痛,眼睁睁看着儿子痛苦而哭泣。in pain处于痛苦中。13.作者突然(suddenly)明白了遭受

76、苦难(suffering)的意义。14.参见上题解析。15.根据空后的the money we need 可知,这里是说生活总是给我们提供(provided)我们需要的金钱”。16.生活总在恰好的(exact)时候为我们提供金钱。17.作者把儿子从着火的(burning)壁橱里拉出来。此处作者在回忆火灾时的情景。18.但作者能看到生活正在磨练她的毅力(character)以及它所带给作者的精神上的成长。19.她认识到(realize)只有在生活最黑暗的时刻,她的灵魂之光才能够闪耀(shine)。20.参见上题解析。 2答案及解析:答案:1.B; 2.C; 3.A; 4.D; 5.C; 6.B;

77、 7.C; 8.A; 9.D; 10.A; 11.D; 12.C; 13.A; 14.B; 15.A; 16.B; 17.C; 18.D; 19.B; 20.D解析:1.考查形容词词义辨析。A. bored无聊的;B. upset心烦不安的;C. nervous紧张的;D. moved感动的。我丈夫的中国功夫学校开学大约一周后,我和女儿们决定去看看情况如何。看到学校一个学生也没有,我们深感不安。故选B。2.考查副词词义辨析。A. cheerfully愉快地;B. aggressively侵略地;C. alone独自的;D. forever永远。根据上文“there wasnt a single

78、 student in the school”可知,我丈夫独自站在学校里等顾客。故选C。3.考查动词词义辨析。A. act行动;B. joke笑话;C. appear出现;D. learn学会。根据上文学校没有学生,因此我意识到我们必须行动起来!故选A。4.考查名词词义辨析。A. families家人;B. workmates同事;C. consultants顾问;D. students学生。根据后文“he got some real ones”和“so we stayed as learners”可知我们决定做他的学生,直到他有了一些“真正的”学生。故选D。5.考查短语辨析。A. more

79、than多于;B. in place of代词;C. rather than而不是;D. in case of万一。我们认为,如果一个过路人朝窗户里看,学校里有五个人总比只有他一个人要好。故选C。6.考查名词词义辨析。A. speeches演讲;B. moves动作;C. manners礼仪;D. designs设计。根据后文ballet moves可知他开始教我们动作和招式。故选B。7.考查形容词词义辨析。A. useful有用的;B. accessible易接近的;C. similar相似的;D. comparable可比较的。我们发现其中一些动作实际上和芭蕾舞动作相似,但难度要大得多。故

80、选C。8.考查形容词词义辨析。A. challenging有挑战性的;B. astonishing吃惊的;C. relaxing放松的;D. inspiring鼓舞人心的。根据前文“but much more difficult”可知这是一种乐趣,但也具有挑战性。故选A。9.考查动词短语辨析。A. got together聚集;B. signed up签字;C. broke away放弃;D. stayed on保持;继续。我们被吸引了,所以继续学习。故选D。10.考查副词词义辨析。A. Eventually最终;B. Unfortunately不幸地;C. Obviously明显地;D. R

81、egularly规律地。最终,学校有了真正的学生。故选A。11.考查动词词义辨析。A. discovered发现;B. joined加入;C. united统一;D. attracted吸引。有很多成年人和十几岁的孩子,我们也吸引了很多其他的女孩和女人。故选D。12.考查形容词词义辨析。A. traditional传统的;B. homeless无家可归的;C. disabled残疾的;D. typical典型的。根据后文Although she is now a sightless, grown adult可知一个特殊的学生,是一个残疾的七岁女孩。故选C。13.考查形容词词义辨析。A. bli

82、nd盲的;B. deaf 聋的;C. lame跛足的;D. stupid愚蠢的。根据后文“sightless, grown adult”可知她不仅失明还有其他健康问题。故选A。14.考查名词词义辨析。A. threat威胁;B. encouragement鼓励;C. adjustment调整;D. approval批准。在我女儿的帮助和鼓励下,这个小女孩成了一个真正的功夫孩子。故选B。15.考查动词词义辨析。A. protect保护;B. recognize认出;C. feed喂养;D. educate教育。虽然她现在是一个失明的成年人,但我相信如果她需要,她可以保护自己。故选A。16.考查形

83、容词词义辨析。A. stubborn固执的;B. proud骄傲的;C. sensitive敏感的;D. tentative暂定的。我自豪地说,我的女儿们在生活得各个方面都更加自信。故选B。17.考查动词短语辨析。A. apply to应用;B. give up放弃;C. try out尝试;D. hold back隐瞒。这段经历让我学会了尝试一些在学习功夫之前从未考虑要去学的东西。故选C。18.考查动词词义辨析。A. appreciated感激;B. predicted预测;C. ignored忽略;D. considered考虑。指我“之前从未考虑要去学的东西”,故选D。19.考查形容词词

84、义辨析。A. helpful有帮助的;B. successful成功的;C. cheerful愉快的;D. enthusiastic热情的。我所有的努力并没有都成功,这里是部分否定结构。故选B。20.考查代词辨析。A. some一些;B. either要么;C. none没有;D. any任何。但我会尝试几乎任何美好的事物。故选D。 3答案及解析:答案:1.D; 2.A; 3.B; 4.D; 5.A; 6.C; 7.B; 8.A; 9.D; 10.A; 11.C; 12.A; 13.D; 14.C; 15.B; 16.C; 17.A; 18.C; 19.B; 20.D解析:1.根据下文的He

85、seated himself on the ground可知,这位老人应该是坐在威廉大街的停车标志旁,故选D项。2.根据下文可知,老人在外流浪,由此可知其穿着破旧, 故选A项。3.根据下文“我”走向老人,并和他说话可知,这里应该是指“我”停下车。故选B项。4.根据他惊讶地看着“我”可知,老人是以为“我”要伤害(hurt)他,故选D项。confuse意为“使困惑”;treat意为“请客; 款待”;serve意为“服务;提供”。5.根据下文可知,这位老人以乞讨为生,make a living为固定搭配,意为“谋生”,故选A项。 make an offer意为“开价;出价;make a differ

86、ence 意为 “有影响;有作用”;make a decision 意为“作决定”。6.根据上文对老人的描述可知,这位老人无家可归,在街头流浪。live on the street为固定短语,意为“流落街头”,故选C项。7.根据设空处后的hadno familymembers around to help him可推断出B项符合语境。fortunate意为“幸运的”;confident 意为“自信的; satisfied意为满意的”。8.根据设空处后的 “he never asked me for anything no money or food”可知,这位老人虽然以乞讨为生,但是他未向“我

87、” 要东西,与一般的乞讨者很不同,所以“我”应该是感觉到惊讶。 frighten意为“使害怕”;delight意为“使高兴”;please意为“使满意”。故选A项。9.结合上文可知,这里站指和尚放弃自己的财物,故选D项。relative意为“亲戚”;friend意为“朋友”;right意为“权利”。10.根据常识可知,和尚在化斋时会手拿一只乞讨用的碗,故选A项。shining意为“闪耀的”;rocking意为“摇摆的;震动的”;ringing意为“响亮的”。11.根据空后的“ Well, anything helps. I dont care. ” 可推断“我”在问他是否可以给他一些钱,故选C

88、项。12.根据下文I gave him a folded 50-dollar bill可知,此处给的是钱,故选A项13.根据空后的“ Well, anything helps. I dont care. ” 可知,D项符合语境。anxiously意为焦虑地”;curiously意为“好奇地;angrily意为“愤怒地”。14.根据设空处后的so he couldnt see it yet可知,这里是指“我”给他一张折起来的50美元,被小额纸币覆盖着,所以他暂时看不到。故选C项。15.由空后的“God bless you, sir. ”可知,老人应该是在真诚地感谢“我”。independentl

89、y意为“独立地”;sadly意为“悲伤地;kindly意为“友好地”。根据语境可知,应选B项,faithfully, 意为“忠诚地”。16.根据后文“ You should come and watch the game if you have time. ”可知,此处应选C项。17.根据上文可知,老人坐在地上,所以这里是指他起身走向体育馆,故选A项。18.根据上文的He nodded.可知,他点头答应去看篮球赛,因此选C项。19.根据空后的One act may be small, but if you drop a stone in a river可推断,设空处与river相关,又由sma

90、ll可知,应选B项。20.句意为:但如果你扔一块石头到河里,将会泛起更多的波纹,向外传播(spreading),安慰他人。expand意为“扩张”;interrupt意为“打断”;describe意为“描述”。故选D项。 4答案及解析:答案:1.B; 2.D; 3.C; 4.A; 5.B; 6.D; 7.C; 8.A; 9.B; 10.D; 11.C; 12.A; 13.B; 14.D; 15.C; 16.A; 17.B; 18.D; 19.C; 20.A解析:1.B由下一句中的We sponsored four already可知,该空指作者一家资助的孩子。2.D作者的女儿和作者谈论再资助一

91、个孩子的事情。3.C作者家已经资助了四个孩子,现在又要资助一个孩子。 所以作者感叹:“哇,这些孩子会越来越多。”4.A作者家收到一个包裹,包裹里有Anita的一张照片。5.B由下文Sydney给Anita写长信可知,Sydney对这件事非常热心。6.D Sydney给Anita写了一封长信,而且还按着Anita的照片画了一幅Anita的肖像。7.C由下文中的as a player可知,作者跑马拉松。8.A由上一句中的I went to Kenya可知,作者动身去Anita的家。9.B由下文中的I dont take any food to sell可知,作者询问Anita的父亲是否会把庄稼弄到

92、市场上卖掉。10.D听了 Anita父亲的话,作者想到:他们过着多么艰苦的生活啊。11.C他们沿着布满岩石的小路步行下山。12.A脏兮兮的河水是他们的水源。13.B坦白地说.作者甚至不会用这么脏的水洗车。14.D作者资助Anita对于她全家人来说是一件非常荣幸的事情。15.C作者感觉和Anita 家人内心紧密相连。16.A作者的家庭通过资助Anita影响了她一家人的生活。17.B作者的家人渴望与他人内心相连。18.D作者鼓舞自己的孩子去了解世界,了解他人。19.C作者希望自己的孩子去了解其他地方真实的人们。20.A我们有机会去影响别人的生活,别人也有机会影响我们的生活。 5答案及解析:答案:1

93、.A; 2.A; 3.C; 4.B; 5.D; 6.C; 7.D; 8.D; 9.A; 10.B; 11.B; 12.C; 13.C; 14.D; 15.A; 16.B; 17.C; 18.B; 19.A; 20.D解析:1.根据上句“I never expected to go to the University of Michigan. ”可知,在作者长大的小镇上,(人们)绝不会被“期待”去上大学,故选A项。envy意为“羡慕;妒忌”;admire意为“钦佩;赞美”;afford意为买得起。2.根据上句“I grew up in a small Midwestern town where

94、college wasnt_ by any means. ” 可知,在作者长大的地方,去上大学无论如何都不是一件被期待的事,由此可推知,很多学生读完中学,就“立即”去工作了。straight意为“立即;径直”,符合语境。故选A项。randomly意为“任意地;随便地;late意为“晚; 迟”;happily意为“高兴地。3.根据上文中的 Many students entered the workplace.可知,很长一段时间,作者以为自己最终也会这样度过一辈子。end up意为“最终处于”,符合语境。故选C项。work up意为“激起兴趣”;put up意为“建造”;pick up意为“捡起

95、;接载”。4.根据空后的 just because I wanted to see_I would get和第三段中的“I didapplication all by myself. ” 可知,此处指作者开始到处申请大学,apply意为“申请;应用”,符合语境。故选B项。deliver意为“递送;发表(演讲)”;register意为“登记; compete意为“竞争”。5.根据设空处前面的everywhere可知,作者到处申请大学只因为想看看自己可以走到哪里。故选D项。6.根据设空处前的I had the required grades可知,作者取得了要求的成绩,并获得了美国大学入学考试(所要

96、求)的分数,设空处应和前面的grades对应,score意为“分数”,符合语境。故选C项。 qualification意为资格;学历”;diploma意为“毕业文凭”; certificate意为“合格证书”。7.根据上一句中的but I came from a town of nowhere 可知,作者因为自己来自个无名之地,以为自己没有办法上大学, 所以当收到录取通知书时,各种情感的冲突随之而来。conflict意为“冲突;矛盾”,符合语境。故选D项。另外根据空后的emotions 也可知,此处应选D项。anxiety意为“焦虑”;relief意为“宽慰”; calmness意为“冷静”。

97、8.根据常识可知,作者收到了大学录取通知书,上面一般会写着“祝贺你!”。congratulations意为“祝贺”,符合语境。故选D项。wishes意为“祝愿”;regards意为“致意,问候”;cheers意为“干杯(用于祝酒)”。9.根据下文中的I did two jobs and paid for my_and bills可知,作者家庭并不是很富裕,上大学需要经济支持,financial 意为“财政的;财务的”,符合语境。故选A项。spiritual意为“精神的”;academic意为“学术的”。10.根据上文可知,作者获得了经济支持和奖学金,这是作者认为令他作出去读大学这个决定的推动因

98、素。driving意为 “驱动的;推动的”,符合语境。故选B项。boring意为“无聊的”; discouraging意为“令人沮丧的”;promising意为“大有希望的”。11.句意为:但是我父母并没有把上大学当成是我发挥潜能的一次机会。attend college意为“上大学”,符合语境故选B项。adjust意为“调整”;drop意为“落下”;manage意为“管理”。12.句意见上一题解析。根据语境和句意可知,上大学应是发挥其潜能,potential意为“潜力;潜能”,符合语境。故选C项。moral意为“道德”;survival意为“幸存”;confidence意为“信心。13.句意为

99、:似乎无论我呕心沥血做多少工作,都被认为是浪费钱。get in意为“到达”;take in意为“吸收”;put in意为 “花费(时间或精力)(做某事)”;persist in意为“坚持”。故选C项。14.根据下文中的I did two jobs and paid for my _and bills 可知,虽然作者上大学的钱都是自己通过劳动挣得的,但是他的父母还是认为作者读大学浪费钱,money意为“金钱”,符合语境。故选B项。space意为“空间”;resource意为“资源”; time意为“时间”。15.根据下句“I did the application all by myself.

100、”和最后一段中的the lack of support可知,作者缺乏支持,support意为“支持”,符合语境。故选A项。courage意为“勇气”;motivation意为“动机”;concern意为“关心”。16.由前面的I did two jobs可知,作者打两份工,用来支付自己的生活必需品和账单,necessity意为“必需品”,符合语境。 故选B项。feast意为“宴会,盛宴”;seminar意为“研讨会”;major 意为“专业”。17.根据上文的讲述可知,作者回首往事时,感觉自力更生很不容易,故选C项。awkward意为“令人尴尬的;紧张的”。18.根据空后的which taug

101、ht me to be_ and responsible in hard times可知,从长远来看,作者感激当时的缺乏支持。appreciate意为“感激”,符合语境。故选B项。ignore意为“忽视”;support意为“支持”;disapprove意为“不同意”。19.根据上文作者独立申请大学、上学时打两份工用来支付自己的生活必需品和账单可知,作者学会了独立,意为“独立的,符合语境。故选A项。easy-going意为“随和的”;honest意为“诚实的”;considerate意为“体贴的。20.根据文章第一句“I never expected to go tothe Universit

102、y of Michigan. ” 可知,作者尝试了超出自己预期的事情。 beyond expectation意为“超出预期”,符合语境。故选D项。 recognition意为“识别;认可”;description意为“描述”;control意为“控制”。 6答案及解析:答案:1.B; 2.C; 3.B; 4.A; 5.D; 6.A; 7.C; 8.B; 9.A; 10.A; 11.D; 12.C; 13.B; 14.D; 15.A; 16.C; 17.D; 18.D; 19.A; 20.B解析:1.考查动词。根据下一句可知空姐想让作者“换”座位。本段最后部分提到还有一个空座,也是暗示。2.考查


104、“知道”,语意不恰当;recognize表示“认出”,语句不通顺。8.考查动词。她不能给自己“喂”东西,下一句中的feed her也提供了暗示。A项有一定的干扰性,但根据juice一词可知应该用drink,而不是eat,所以此项不太恰当。9.考查动词。offer to do sth.表示“主动提出做某事”,下文中的“I offered to help her eat.”也提供了线索。10.考查形容词。作者认为这么做似乎“没有礼貌”。喂食物理应靠近,所以C项不合理;前面提到食物端上来之后,作者意识到她无法吃东西才决定帮她,并不是一见面就想提供帮助,因此D项不恰当。11.考查名词。作者和她只是萍水

105、相逢。文中没有交代作者的性别,因此难以确定是性别差异引起的尴尬;作者本身也是“乘客”,所以C项不正确。12.考查形容词。她的需要比自己的不适更“重要”。A项表示“非同寻常的”,指的是与以往不同,语意不恰当。13.考查连词。此处是让步状语从句,表示“虽然”。即尽管她感觉接受别人的照顾不舒服,但还是顺从了。14.考查动词。此处did代指accepted,为了避免用词重复。15.考查动词。作者为能帮助别人而内心感到无比“温暖”。下一段中的love一词也提供了暗示。cheer表示“欢呼”,语意不太恰当。16.考查形容词。结合本句中的the five­hour trip可知强调的是“时间”。自己

106、坐在座位上不需要花费“能量;精力”。17.考查介词。my comfort zone指的是my seat,即作者原来的座位。上文提到作者离开了自己的座位,坐到了另外一个地方,所以用beyond,表示“在另一边”。18.考查副词。作者字里行间是对自己的做法表示肯定,前三项都表示否定意义,可排除。19.考查形容词。that keep us separate是定语从句,修饰先行词fears。由于恐惧,我们无法进行沟通,被这堵无形的墙“分开”。此处与borders相呼应。20.考查副词。当我们“跨越”恐惧的界限,伸出温暖的双手时,就可以生活在一个更广阔的世界中。happen to do sth表示“碰巧

107、发生某事”,不符合语意;D项在文中没有信息支持。 7答案及解析:答案:CDABC DBDAB DCDAC ADBAC解析:1. C 根据下文中的 who had been here for three years 可知,我到美国是为了与母亲团聚。join在此意为加入,与会合,符合句意。2. D既焦虑(anxiety)又害怕,我小心地把手伸向教室的门。3. A根据前面的reached for the door cautiously可知,应该是慢慢地 (slowly)打开门。4. B根据and asked可知,我走近(approach)老师。5. C名词voice通常与介词in搭配6. D他的声音

108、稍稍安慰(comfort) 了我。7. B然后他要我选择一个座位坐(sit)下来。8. D 我实际上不想挑选(pick out)座位。rule out排除的可能性;carry out执行,实施;give out发出,发放。9. A在印度我们被分配(assigned)座位。l0. B此处指头顶上面的投影仪产生的图像(image)。11. D印度学校还没有应用(employ)这种技术。develop开发,发展; invent发明;improve提高,改善。12. C 后文Though I felt a little confused 有提示。confused 困惑的, 符合句意。touched感动

109、的;disappointed失望的;impressed印象深刻的。13. D manage to do sth.意为设法做成某事,符合句意a fail to do sth.未能做某事;pretend to do sth.假装做某事;tend to do sth.易于做某事。14. A 根据That is the lunch bell. 可知,已到了中午(noon)。15. C 我进去的时候铃响了。从属连词as在此意为当时 候,引导一个时间状语从句。16. A 我经历了一个常规的过程(process),询问老师我是否上对了课。17. D 她说下课(class) 了。18. B前文That is

110、the lunch bell.有提示,故作者决定去自助食堂 (cafeteria)吃午饭。19. A 我找到了(spot)公交车,高高兴兴地坐了进去。spot在此用 作动词,有发现之意。leave离开;uncover揭开;lock锁住。20. C根据下文的I had to overcome to reach my goal可知,此处应填obstacle,意为障碍。 8答案及解析:答案:1.C; 2.D; 3.C; 4.A; 5.B; 6.A; 7.D; 8.B; 9.C; 10.A; 11.D; 12.B; 13.C; 14.D; 15.B; 16.A; 17.A; 18.D; 19.B; 2

111、0.C解析: 1.考查名词。A. enjoyments 娱乐;B. parts 部分;C. gifts 礼物;D. knowledge知识;根据情理可知我17岁认识的这个医生,给了我人生中最重要的一份礼物,故选C。2.考查名词。A. idea想法; B. comfort 安慰;C. praise 表扬;D. power 力量;根据情理可知这个礼物是一份充满力量文字的说明,所以选D。3.考查动词。 A. like 喜欢;B. need 需要;C. say说;D. use用;根据情理可知直到今天,我都说自己是一个天才,我要用自己的智慧,还可以C。4.考查短语。A. At the time在那时;B

112、. For a while 一会;C. All at once 马上;D. For the moment 暂且;根据语境可知我那时是一个辍学的学生,居住在夏威夷的一个帐篷里,可知选A。5.考查动词。A. advised 建议; B. finished完成;C. minded 介意;D. admitted承认;根据情理可知我词汇量很少,我从来没有独自完成过读一本书,故选B。6.考查短语。 A. as if 好像; B. so that 结果;C. in case万一; D. now that 既然;根据情理可知 Bragg告诉我这个声明的时候,他说好像它是真的,故选A。7.考查名词。A. his

113、tory 历史;B. hope 希望;C. life 生命; D. reality 现实;根据句意可知这样做好像太远离了现实,故选D。8.考查副词。A. moreover此外; B. however 然而;C. otherwise 否则; D. anyhow 无论如何;根据情理可知然而,重复了很多次,我渐渐明白了话中的意思,故选B。9.考查连词。 A. Until 直到;B. Since自从;C. So 所以; D. After以后;根据情理可知我每天都坚持读它,故选C。10.考查比较级。A. easier 更容易;B. funnier 更有趣; C. more unusual 更不同;D.

114、more impossible 更不可能;根据情理可知我变得更容易相信了,故选A。11.考查名词。 A. evidence 证据; B. purpose 目的; C. details 细节;D. results 结果;根据情理可知结果是两年半以后我真的明白了上面所说的,故选D。12.考查动词。A. followed 跟随; B. surrounded 围绕;C assisted 帮助;D. invited 邀请;根据情理我坐在一个大学的图书馆里围着一些我帮助他们数学的学生,故选B。13.考查副词。A. loudly 大声地; B. kindly 友好地; C. softly 柔软地; D. d

115、irectly 直接地;根据语境可知我听见一个学生小声的和另一个人说,他真是个天才,故选C。14.考查名词。A. star明星;B. spokesman 演讲者;C. kid 孩子;D. genius天才; 根据语境可知我听见一个学生小声的和另一个人说,他真是个天才,故选D。15.考查动词。 A. read 读; B. remembered 记住; C. showed展示;D. doubted 疑问;根据情理我自己住了Bragg的教导,故选B。16.考查动词。A. decided 决定;B. asked 要求; C. expected 期望;D. learned学习;根据情理可知我决定在我的余

116、生里我都要说这句话,故选A。17.考查名词。A. difference 不同;B. problem 问题;C. improvement 提高;D. impression 印象;根据情理可知我不能用语言说出这份声明的不同之处,故选A。18.考查短语。A. Except for 除了; B. More than 很多;C. Instead of 而不是;D. Because of 因为;根据情理可知我因为这个从最后的学生变成了尖子生,故选D。19.考查名词。A. love 爱;B. success 成功; C. happiness幸福; D. understanding 理解; 根据情理可知我认为

117、成功的秘诀是吧自己的感觉放在这样一个声明里,故选B。20.考查短语。A. think about思考; B. look for寻找; C. believe in相信;D. dream up 梦想;根据情理可知你相信你每天都会去说它,故选C。 9答案及解析:答案:1.C; 2.B; 3.D; 4.A; 5.C; 6.D; 7.B; 8.D; 9.A; 10.C; 11.A; 12.D; 13.B; 14.C; 15.A; 16.D; 17.B; 18.C; 19.A; 20.B解析:1.由下句I worked earlier可知,作者夫妻俩上班的时间(hours)不一样。2.联系空后的 me o

118、ff and went to a small cafe to drink coffee until work time可知,丈夫送妻子上班,即将妻子放下 (dropped)车。3.结合前文的worked earlier,第一段介绍他们的上班规律, 此处指作者到丈夫上班(work)的地方等他。4.从空后的 a beautiful car pull in the car park 可知,作者注意(noticed)到一辆好车开了进来。5.结合前文的a beautiful car可知,车是好车,因此作者非常羡慕,即忙于欣赏(admiring)它。6.由 she smiled at me 可知,她们视线

119、接触(contact)。make sense“有意义”;make a difference“有影响”;make a choice“做出选择”。7.联系空前的 She was wearing a light blue shirt 可知,她身上穿着的淡蓝色的衬衣与她的车极为相配(matched)。cover “覆盖”;improve “改进”;compare “比较”。8.依据前文the driver a pretty woman可知,她是驾车 (drove)离开。9.结合下句“How could some people have it all?” 可知,作者内心很难过,即可推断她想哭(cry)。

120、10.由see her about once a week可知,作者原以为会忘掉 (forgotten)她,但后来每周都能遇见她,已经成了常事。11.联系空后的to see her about once a week可知,几乎每周都能遇到一次成了常有的(regular)事情。rare“稀有的”; major “主要的”;social“社会的;社交的”。12.根据空后的“always waved,flashing a big smile” 可知,她显得很友好(friendly)。confident “有信心的”;honest “诚实的”;patient “有耐心的”。13.结合下文 For we

121、eks Id envied this woman 的提示可判断,每次那位女士开车走了以后,作者还会嫉妒(envy)很久。14.从“car park, I saw her get out of her car with her husbands help. ”可知这里是作者通常(usual)等丈夫的停车场,由此可判断选C项。15.由“The lady had a prosthesis on the left leg. ”可知,她行走不便,自然走得慢(slowly)。16.自己能走(而她却不能走),然而作者却在嫉妒她。本句前后为转折关系。17.由上文的“How could some people

122、have it all?”可知,作者原以为那位女士拥有一切(everything),但实际上她却没有。18.文章最后一段即是作者根据这次经历悟出的人生道理(lesson)。19.联系空前的“When you meet a person who seems much happier than you. 可知,此处意指凡事不要被你所看到的表象所蒙蔽(fooled)。20.结合空后的 to walk,run or dance through life,可知残疾的女士行走不便,而我们却有走、跑、跳的能力(ability)。 10答案及解析:答案:1-5:BACDC 6-10:BDAAC 11-15:D

123、BBDD 16-20:ACBDA解析:1.B考查动词辨析。【解题思路】根据空格后一句中的“They get caught in negative(消极的)stuff”可知,他们陷入消极的事情中不能自拔,由此可推知,空格处指他们经常抱怨。 complain意为“抱怨”,符合语境。故选B。2.A考查副词辨析。【解题思路】空格前的“it”指代“negative stuff”,根据 空格后的 “try to make others agree with them intheir misery”可知,此处指一直谈论消极的事情。 constantly意为“不断地,经常”,符合语境。故选A。3.C考査形容词

124、辨析。【解题思路】根据语境可知,此处指消极的人忽视了 对他们自己最重要的事情。important意为“重要的”,符合语境。故选C。4.D考查动词短语辨析。【解题思路】根据第一段最后一句中的“pay no attention to”并结合语境可知,此处指“我们”应该把注意力集中在如何获得幸福快乐上。concentrate on 意为“集中精力于,专注于”,符合语境。故选D。5.C考査形容词辨析。【解题思路】根据空格前两句可知,此处指你能有目的性地学习如何获得幸福呢? happy意为“幸福的”, 符合语境。故选C。6.B考查动同辨析。【解题思路】根据语境可知.此处指我们太习惯于消极的心态,以至于我

125、们甚至根本没有意识到这种消极的心态。recognize意为“意识到”,符合语境。故选B。7.D考査名词辨析。【解题思路】根据空格前的“used to negativity”可知,我们经常从不幸的视角看问题。misery意为“悲惨, 不幸”,符合语境,故选D。8.A考查名词辨析。【解题思路】根据该句中的“an event occurs as happy and positive”和“because we always think of negative things”可知,此处指我们不能享受真正的快乐。 pleasure意为“快乐”,符合语境。故选A。9.A考査副词辨析。【解题思路】根据下文描述

126、可知,此处指“我”当然也经历过这种(消极思维)。certainly意为“当然”,符合语境。故选A。10.C考查动词辨析。【解题思路】根据语境可知,此处指“我”在二十几岁的时候注意到了自己的消极思维模式。notice意为 “察觉,注意到”,符合语境。故选C。11.D考査名词辨析。【解题思路】根据空格后的“rain was coming”和语境 可知,“我”在晴朗的天空中看到了云。cloud意为 “云”,符合语境。故选D。12.B考査形容词辨析【解题思路】根据该句中的“sunny skies”和“turn grey and miserable ”可知,此处指美好的一天。 beautiful意为“美

127、好的”,符合语境。故选B。13.B考查动词辨析:【解题思路】根据语境可知,周围很多人与“我”的表现相同。behave意为“表现”,符合语境。故选B。14.D考査形容词辨析。【解题思路】根据语境和空格后一句“We simply did not know how to be happy. ” 可知,“我”和周围的人们思维一样,而且并不觉得奇怪。strange意为“奇怪的”,符合语境。故选D。15.D考査名词辨析。【解题思路】根据语境和上文描述可知,“我”意识到了问题的症结所在,从这时起开启了用积极的思维模式思考问题的旅程。journey意为“旅行,行程”,符合语境。故选D。16.A考査动词辨析。【

128、解题思路】根据语境可知,此处指“我”无法阻止消 极事情的发生。prevent. from是固定用法,意 为“阻止发生”,符合语境。故选A。17.C考査动词短语辨析。【解题思路】根据语境可知,此处指但“我们”可以换个角度去经历这些消极事情和挫折。go through意 为“经历,经受”,符合语境。故选C。18.B考查名词辨析。【解题思路】根据语境可知,此处表示幸福是一系列短暂的瞬间,每个瞬间我们都有能力选择我们想要如何应对他们。power意为“能力”,符合语境。故选B。19.D考査名词辨析。【解题思路】根据空格前一句“We can learn to think on purpose. ”可知,此处应用purposeful thinking 与 之相呼应。故选D。20.A考査名词辨析。【解题思路】分析句子结构可知,此处是which引导的 非限制性定语从句表示结果,指将会帮助我们在生活中找到平衡,甚至是幸福。balance意为“平衡”,符 合语境,故选A。 高考资源网版权所有,侵权必究!

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