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2020届高考英语专练之自我检测(四) WORD版含答案.doc

1、2020届高考英语专练之自我检测(四)1、The annual Hong Kong Book Fair is one of the largest of its kind in Asia,attracting the attendance of several hundred thousand book lovers. The Fair gives readers an opportunity to have a preview of new books and to communicate with book writers. It also aims at promoting local

2、reading culture through the organization of various activities.During the seven-day event, its also hoped that visitors would respond and contribute to the Fairs appeal for environmental protection to make the Hong Kong Book Fair a green spotlight.Download app to reduce papersThe HK Book Fair app is

3、 newly developed this year to provide instant fair updates for visitors. Go green and reduce the use of paper maps.Green travelTo prevent serious traffic jams and reduce air pollution, ask your friends to visit the Hong Kong Book Fair together using public transport.Carry own shopping bagsPlastic sh

4、opping bag charging has been fully conducted in Hong Kong. Exhibitors shouldn t distribute plastic bags to customers for free. Theyll have to charge customers no less than 50 cents for each plastic bag. Therefore, visitors are encouraged to carry their own bags!Waste recycleCategorized waste recycle

5、 bins are placed inside. Please support waste recycle.Share the love for forestsDuring and after the Fair,you must be eager to share many photos with your friends, but please try to do so through your blogs or e-mails in order to reduce paper consumption, thus contributing to the protection of our f

6、orests. Also, drinking machines and paper cups are available inside. But please be environmentally friendly and try to bring your own bottle.1.According to the text, the Hong Kong Book Fair_.A.takes place every yearB.lasts a whole fortnightC.has had an app since its beginningD.just attracts thousand

7、s of book writers2.What are visitors to the Fair encouraged to do?A.Rent a car with their friends.B.Bring water bottles themselves.C.Stop using shopping bags.D.Share photos with friends in any way they like.3.What is the purpose of the text?A.Introducing activities of a book fair.B.Increasing attend

8、ance to a book fair.C.Providing details about a book fair.D.Offering green tips for a book fair.2、I had very good parents. My mother came to this county from Scotland by herself when she was 11, and she didnt have much of an education. My dad was kind of a street kid, and he eventually went into the

9、 insurance business, selling nickel policies door-to-door. It was the 1930s, a time when America was a lot more racist and segregated (被隔离的)than it is now.One day, my dad asked his boss, “Whats the toughest market to sell?” and the insurance guy replied, “Well, black people. They dont buy insurance.

10、” My dad thought, they have kids; they have families. Why wouldnt they buy insurance? So he said, “Give me Harlem.” He took the Harlem territory and sold nickel policies; every Friday, he would go around and collect the nickel and give his customers a receipt on the policy.When my dad died in 1994,I

11、 talked about him on The Tonight Show. I told the story of how he worked in Harlem and how he always taught us to be open-minded and not to say or think racist things. Then one day, I got a letter from a woman who was about 75 years old.She wrote that when she was a little girl, a man used to come t

12、o her house to collect on policies, and he would always bring her a lollipop. She said this man was the only white person who had ever come to dinner at their house and the only white person she had ever had dinner with until she got to be almost an adult. The man was very kind to her, she said, and

13、 his name was Angelowas this my father?The letter made me cry. I called her up and said yes, that was in fact my dad, and she told me how kind he had been to her family. Her whole attitude towards white people was based on that one nice man she met in her childhood, who always treated her with kindn

14、ess and respect and always gave her a piece of candy and asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up. From this experience, I learned a valuable life lesson, to never judge people and to be open-minded and kind to others.1.Why did the woman write the letter to the author?A.To buy nickel policie

15、s.B.To teach a lesson to the author.C.To share her story about Angelo.D.To find out if Angelo was still alive.2.Whats the womans attitude towards white people?A.Favorable.B.Indifferent.C.Ambiguous.D.Negative.3.What can be inferred from the passage?A.Harlem is an area full of white people.B.The autho

16、rs father had a good education.C.The author is the host of the show The Tonight Show.D.Black people were looked down upon in America in the 1930s.4.What can be the best title of the passage?A.My dads greatest lessons.B.An unexpected letter from a black woman.C.The life story of an insurance guy.D.Th

17、e help a woman received from my father.3、Imagine someone who has spent the majority of their life sitting with a sign on the side of the road and that very person giving someone their last 20 dollars. Thats exactly what Marine Corps veteran (退伍军人)Johnny Bobbitt,34,did in October in Philadelphia.Bobb

18、itt served in the U.S. Marine Corps and worked as a paramedic (医务辅助人员)in Vance County, N. C. before he became homeless. Nobody knew how he got to where he was because he was discreet about that.One night in October, Bobbitt was sitting roadside with a sign in Philadelphia as usual, when Kate McClure

19、 of Florence Township, N. J. was driving home down Interstate 95 and ran out of gas. Scared and nervous, she got out of the car to head to the nearest gas station. As McClure was heading to the nearest gas station, she ran into Bobbitt and he told her to get back in the vehicle and lock the door. Mi

20、nutes later, he appeared with a red gas can. Hed used his last $20 to buy her gas.After that unexpected meeting, McClure and her boyfriend, Mark DAmico, who both live in New Jersey,visited Bobbitt several times to deliver gift cards, cash, snacks and toiletries. They then decided to create a fund-ra

21、ising page so he wouldnt have to spend the holidays sleeping on the street.McClure started the GoFundMe page on November 10. With the page, the couple hoped to raise $10,000, enough money for his rent, a reliable vehicle and up to six months expenses. Bobbitts story ran in a local paper. By November

22、 15,more than 10,000 local people had made donations through the GoFundMe page and more than $300,000 had been raised.On Thanksgiving,Bobbitt was resting in a hotel,his feet up on the bed,drawing up a grand plan for his new life, thanks to several thousand dollars raised to repay him for a good deed

23、.1.What does the underlined word “discreet” in paragraph 2 most probably mean?A.Doubtful.B.Cautious.C.Guilty.D.Optimistic.2.McClure met Bobbitt when she_.A.couldnt find a gas to the way homeC.couldnt unlock her carD.was in search of gas3.It can be known from the text that_.A.Bobbitts st

24、ory obtained wide attentionB.Bobbitt became world-famous overnightC.the GoFundMe page collected over $400,000 for BobbittD.the GoFundMe page was started to help people like Bobbitt4.What is the best title for the text?A.A Homeless Veteran Paid Kindness ForwardB.A Homeless Veteran Had a Generous Hear

25、tC.A Homeless Veterans Kindness Paid OffD.A Small Kindness Made a Big Difference4、A research has shown that nearly 90 percent of traffic accidents are caused by human errors. So our aim is a fully autonomous car that gets rid of the cause of most accidents: the driver. Researcher Hodgson points out,

26、 “For safety, the faster you can remove humans, the better, even if there are unfortunately a few accidents from new causes. It s a question of balancing the number injured or killed by autonomous vehicles with the people whose lives are potentially saved.”Its an idea that Elon Musk, chief executive

27、 of electric car company Tesla Motors, has long believed. His company are determined to be the first to deliver a fully autonomous vehicle to consumers. Last year, Musk announced that Teslas 2017 goal was “to do an example drive of full autonomy all the way from LA to New Yorkand have the car park i

28、tself.”However, even Tesla admits that there are problems to overcomethe software needs further validation and the appropriate regulatory approval needs to be in place. Indeed, recent crashes of Tesla vehicles and Google cars confirm that the software isnt ready yet.The UK government appears committ

29、ed to encouraging the development of autonomous vehicles. Its supporting four city trials, publishing the Modem Transport Bill to reduce red tape around their introduction and adapting the legal system to take into account problems such as insurance liability when a human isnt in control of a vehicl

30、e.The insurance industry is similarly eager to help increase autonomy in cars. As the Association of British Insurers (ABI) points out, “More than 90 per cent of road accidents are caused by human error.” This costs motor insurers a shocking 20m per day in claims.1.What difficulty does the company T

31、esla Motors have?A.New inventions may cause more injuries and deaths.B.The company lacks confidence to make new creations.C.The software should be made officially acceptable.D.The traffic regulation has proved unreasonable.2.What is the UK governments attitude to autonomous cars?A.Ambiguous.B.Positi

32、ve.C.Cautious.D.Disapproving.3.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?A.Insurance companies would like to support autonomous cars.B.Human mistakes may be the key cause of traffic accidents.C.Traffic accidents wastes insurance companies quite a lot.D.Motorists are surprised to hear about autonom

33、ous cars.4.What is the authors purpose in writing the text?A.To show his deep love for autonomous cars.B.To introduce a new development in technology.C.To amuse readers with funny examples.D.To provide a persuasive argument against autonomy.5、What are Britains social customs? TimeBritish people plac

34、e a high value on punctuality. _ If you are unable to be punctual, it is expected that you call the person you are meeting. The following are some general tips.You should arrive: At the exact time for dinner, lunch, or appointments with doctors, lawyers and other professionals. A few minutes earlier

35、 for public meetings, concerts, movies, sporting events, classes and weddings. Invitations If you receive a written invitation to an event, you should respond to let the person who sent the invitation know whether or not you plan to attend. _ You may refuse by saying Thank you for inviting me, but I

36、 will not be able to come. If, after accepting, you are unable to attend, be sure to tell those expecting you as far in advance as possible that you will not be there. Though it isnt necessarily expected that you give a gift to your host, it is considered polite to do so. _ Flowers, chocolate, or a

37、small gift are all OK. A thank-you note or telephone call after the visit is also considered polite and is a good way to express your appreciation for the invitation. Dining When you accept a dinner invitation, tell your host if you have any dietary restrictions. _ Food may be served in one of sever

38、al ways: family style, by passing the serving plates from one to another around the dining table; buffet(自助餐) style, with guests serving themselves at the buffet; serving style, with the host filling each plate and passing it to each person. _A.Guests usually wait until everyone at their table has b

39、een served before they begin to eat.B.No strict rules need to be followed.C.Never accept an invitation unless you really plan to go.D.He or she will want to plan a meal that you can enjoy.E.It is often considered impolite to arrive even a few minutes late.F.If you have been invited for a meal, you a

40、re advised to bring one.G.Tell those expecting you as far in advance as possible that you will not be there.6、阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。It was the end of the Depression, and things were tough. Mom had a hard time 1 us kids on her own. Looking back, I realized what mom

41、 went 2 sending us kids to school. Every morning she would tuck (塞) a new piece of 3 in our shoes, because our soles (鞋底) were 4 . We were 5 to move constantly these years. Although the 6 was twenty-five dollars a month, mom couldnt afford it.Christmas was 7 , and we were given a twenty-five-dollar

42、Christmas fund because of social services. Mom said 8 buying some delicious food, she would use the money to pay for the rent, assuring us a 9 over our heads for a little while longer.Unknown to mom, I had been doing part-time jobs to earn enough money to 10 a pair of new boots, which were with no c

43、ardboard in the soles. But on the way to the shopping mall, I 11 many houses with Christmas lights and decorations. It was then that I 12 that in our house, we had no lights, no decorations, nor any money for Christmas food.As I continued walking, I felt 13 . Here I was going to buy a pair of new bo

44、ots 14 mom was in tears at home. She must be trying to 15 to us why there were no presents. Then I 16 my mind. I should do something for my mom. I went into a grocery store, filled with 17 . I bought some food and some other Christmas treats. I spent every cent of my hard-earned money. Arriving at h

45、ome, I knocked on the door. I could 18 wait to see my mothers face! When mom opened the door, some of the groceries 19 down onto the floor, and she just stood there surprised. Holding 20 the tears, I shouted, “Merry Christmas, mother!”1.A.keepingB.protectingC.lovingD.raising2.A.inB.onC.throughD.over

46、3.A.cardboardB.paperC.clothD.handkerchief4.A.found outB.tired outC.worn outD.given spite ofB.because ofC.regardless ofD.instead of9.A.skyB.houseC.roofD.protection10.A.b


48、yB.anxiouslyC.hardlyD.quickly19.A.fellB.piledC.threwD.packed20.A.downB.upC.backD.off7、Imagine that you are in a remote village somewhere with no medical clinic._Once the doctors get to you, they examine you and take blood samples, but they wont be able to help you until they take the samples back to

49、 the hospital to find out what is wrong._Thanks to engineer Andy Ozcan, many people may never be in this situation. He has invented an app that turns your mobile phone into a diagnostic(诊断的)tool.Ozcans invention is important because it is very accurate and easy to use. In many remote places, even if

50、 doctors have microscopes and other instruments to help them make diagnoses, there may still be other problems. Many doctors, for example, dont have enough training to correctly interpret what they see._With Ozcans mobile phone app, health workers can take a special photo of a blood sample and send

51、it to a central computer at a hospital. The computer will then automatically interpret the photo and send a diagnosis back in a few minutes._His technology only requires a mobile phone and an Internet connection. As more than four billion people already have cell phones, the cost of establishing the

52、 diagnostic system is fairly low.By inventing a medical tool that uses existing technology-mobile phones-Ozcan has developed a medical tool that is both practical and economical. Therefore, it can be effectively almost anywhere._.A. Another reason that Ozcans invention is important is that it is ine

53、xpensive.B. Even though you may only have a simple infection (感染), you might die because of the delay.C. People are trying to reduce the cost of this new medical tool.D. Ozcans simple, cost-effective tool might just save millions of lives around the world.E. This tool has become much more popular al

54、l around the world.F. You become very sick and must wait days until a mobile medical unit arrives to help.G. As a result, they may diagnose illnesses incorrectly.8、假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下面划一横线

55、,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。When I was very young, I stayed at my hometown with my grandma. She was a diligent woman. She likes to grow vegetables or takes care of all the houseworks. Though my parents often ask her to quit the work, my grandma never listen. She takes th

56、at she does as her great joy. I understand her because I see her smile and satisfied with life. Several months before, my father bought for her a new smartphone. And during the Spring Festival, I instructed her on how email and use the Internet. Aside from emailing, she thinks it feels greatly to ta

57、lk to their grandchildren on WeChat.9、假定你是李华,你的朋友Tony刚刚升入高三,因为寒假时间短,没有休息好,所以现在状态很差。面临高考压力,Tony不知所措。请你给他写一封信表示安慰,要点如下:1. 表示难过和理解;2. 就如何调整状态提出建议。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_ 答案以及解析1答案及解析:答案:1.A; 2.B; 3.D解析: 2答案及解析:答案:1.C; 2.A; 3.D; 4.B解析: 3答案及解析:答案:1.B; 2.D; 3.A; 4.C解析:1.细节理解题。根据第三段中Kate McClure

58、 of Florence Township, N. J. was driving home down Interstate 95 and ran out of gas. As McClure was heading to the nearest gas station, she ran into Bobbitt.可知,McClure是在去加油站寻找油时遇见Bobbitt的。故选B。2.推理判断题。根据文意第五段Bobbitts story ran in a local paper.可知,McClure是在一月十号達立募捐网页的,他们原本期望帮助Bobbm募集一万美元,他的故事还上了当地的报纸,

59、 截至十一月十五号,一万多名当地人通过该网页进行了捐款,募集到的捐款超过了三十万美元。可知,Bobbitt的故事引起了广泛的关注。故选D。3.推理判断题。根据文意第五段Bobbitts story ran in a local paper.可知,McClure是在一月十号達立募捐网页的,他们原本期望帮助Bobbm募集一万美元,他的故事还上了当地的报纸, 截至十一月十五号,一万多名当地人通过该网页进行了捐款,募集到的捐款超过了三十万美元。可知,Bobbitt的故事引起了广泛的关注。故选A。4.主旨大意题。本文主要讲述一个无家可归的退伍军人将身上仅有的二十美元买了汽油送给在回家途中汽车没油的年轻女

60、子,事后这名女子和她的男朋友专门達了一个网页为他募捐并且募捐到了三十多万美元,即这个无家可归的退伍军人的善心得到了回报。故选C项。 4答案及解析:答案:1.C; 2.B; 3.A; 4.B解析:1.细节理解题。由 However, even Tesla admits that there are problems to overcomethe software needs further validation and the appropriate regulatory approval needs to be in place. 可知特斯拉汽车公司遇到的问题是软件应该被制作的更容易接受。故选

61、:C。2.细节理解题。由 The UK government appears committed to encouraging the development of autonomous vehicles. 可知英国政府对于自主汽车的态度是积极的。故选:B。3.主旨大意题。由 The insurance industry is similarly eager to help increase autonomy in cars. 可知最后一个自然段主要讲了保险公司愿意支持自主汽车。故选:A。4.写作意图题。本文主要讲了汽车公司正在研发无人驾驶的自主汽车,所以作者写这篇文章的目的是介绍新的技术发展

62、。故选:B。 5答案及解析:答案:1-5 ECFDA解析:1.本句应该和上文的信息British people place a high value on punctuality有关,英国人看重守时,不守时当然是不礼貌的行为,故选E项。2.根据下文的信息You may refuse by saying.可知本句应该和拒绝有关,故C项合适。3.本条建议讨论的是应邀就餐时是否要带礼物的话题,故F项正确。4.根据上文的信息可以推断,你应邀就餐时,有任何饮食禁忌要直说,主人可能会另有安排,故本题选D项。5.本句应该和餐桌礼仪有关,选项中涉及该礼仪的只有A项。 6答案及解析:答案:1.D; 2.C; 3

63、.A; 4.C; 5.B; 6.D; 7.B; 8.D; 9.C; 10.A; 11.D; 12.B; 13.A; 14.D; 15.C; 16.B; 17.B; 18.C; 19.A; 20.C解析:1.考查动词.A.keeping保持; B.protecting保护; C.loving喜爱; D.raising抚养;妈妈独自一人抚养我们几个孩子长大很辛苦.raise 意为抚养.故答案为D.2.考查介词.A.in在里面; B.on在上面; C.through穿过; D.over超过;回首往事时,我意识到为了供我们几个孩子上学,妈妈经历了怎样的困难.go through 意为经历,遭受.故答案

64、为C.3.考查名词.A.cardboard纸板; B.paper纸; C.cloth布; D.handkerchief手帕; 每天妈妈都会往我们的鞋底塞一块硬纸板,因为我们的鞋底磨坏了.根据第三段中的a pair of new boots, which were with no cardboard in the soles可知选A项.故答案为A.4.考查动词短语.A.found out查明; B.tired out 试验;C.worn out 穿破,精疲力尽;D.given out 发出;因为我们的鞋底磨坏了,故答案为C.5.考查动词.A.delighted高兴的; B.forced强迫; C

65、.honored 荣幸的;D.frightened害怕的; 在那些日子里,我们不停地搬家是很平常的事.故答案为B.6.考查名词.A.food食物; B.shelter避难所; C.expense消费; D.rent房租; 房子的租金是一一个月25美元.根据第二段中的she would use the money to pay back the rent提示可知此处选rent.故答案为D.7.考查动词.A.leaving离开; B.approaching到达; C.celebrating庆祝; D.advancing提前; 根据第三段中的many houses with Christmas li

66、ghts and decorations可知选B项.故答案为B.8.考查固定搭配 spite of 尽管;B.because of由于; Cregardless of 不管;D.instead of代替;妈妈说不买食物,要用这笔钱付房租,确保我们能有房子住.根据下文可知,作者买了很多食物,可知此处应选D项.故答案为D.9.考查名词.A.sky天空; B.house房子; C.roof屋顶; D.protection保护; 根据本空后面的overourheads可知,应该选roof,而非house.故答案为C.10.考查动词.A.buy购买; B.sell卖; C.donate 捐赠;

67、D.exchange交换; 妈妈不知道的是,我直打零工赚钱想买一双新靴子.根据第四段中的Here I was going to buy a pair of new boots可知选A项.故答案为A.11.考查动词.A.admired钦佩; B.envied 嫉妒;C.watched观察; D.noticed注意到; 在去商场的路上,我注意到很多房子都挂着圣诞彩灯和装饰品.故答案为D.12.考查动词.A.guessed猜测; B.realized意识到; C.imagined想象; D.expected期望; 那时我才意识到我们家没有彩灯,没有装饰品,甚至没有钱买圣诞食物.故答案为B.13.考查

68、形容词.A.guilty内疚的; B.surprised惊讶的; C.nervous紧张的; D.relieved放松的; 我继续往前走,感到很内疚.guilty 意为内疚的.故答案为A.14.考查连词.A.where哪里; B.though尽管; C.if如果;D.while然而; 我想买一双新靴子而我妈妈在家垂泪.while 在句中表示对比.故答案为D.15.考查动词.A.persuade说服; B.manage设法做成; C.explain解释; D.tell告诉; 她一定正想办法向我们解释为什么我们没有圣诞礼物.故答案为C.16.考查动词.A.decided决定; B.changed改

69、变; C.lost失去; D. kept保持;根据下文 I should do something for my mom可知,所以我改变了主意.故答案为B.17.考查名词.A.sadness伤心; B.excitement激动; C.depression沮丧; D.wonder想知道; 我走进杂货店,内心充满了兴奋.作者感到能为家里做点事,让妈妈高兴,为此而感到兴奋.故答案为B.18.考查副词.A. quietly静静地; B.anxiously焦急地; C.hardly几乎不; D.quickly快速地; 我迫不及待地想看看妈妈的表情.can hardly wait to do sth.意为

70、等不及要做某事.故答案为C.19.考查动词.A. fell摔倒; B.piled堆叠; C.threw扔掉; D.packed打包; 根据some of the groceries(19)down onto the floor可知,妈妈打开门,一些物品掉在了地板上.故答案为A.20.考查固定搭配.A.down向下; B.up向上; C.back向后; D.off离开; 忍住泪水,我大声说:妈妈,圣诞快乐!hold back意为抑制住;hold on意为停住;hold off意为不开始; 延迟; hold down意为按住某人;剥夺自由或权利.故答案为C 7答案及解析:答案:F; B; G; A

71、; D解析:【16题详解】考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据上文“想象一下,你在一个偏僻的村庄,没有医疗诊所”及下句“一旦医生找到你,他们会给你检查并取血样,但是直到他们把血样带回医院,找出问题所在,他们才能帮助你”可推断出生病了要等几天医疗队才来看病。分析选项可知F项符合题意。故选F。 【17题详解】考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据上文的内容“如果你生病要等好几天医生才来看病,并送医院检查才能诊断。可推断出”即使只是简单的小感染,可能也会因为耽搁而死”,分析选项可知B项符合题意,故选B。 【18题详解】考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据上文“In many remote pla

72、cesthere may still be other problems. Many doctors, for example, dont have enough training to correctly interpret what they see.”可知,“在许多偏远的地方,即使医生有仪器帮忙,仍然会出现其他问题。例如,许多医生没有足够的培训来正确解释他们所看到的”,由此可判断出“这样可能会出现误诊”,分析选项可知G项(因此,他们可能错误地诊断疾病)符合题意,故选G。 【19题详解】考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。第二段说Ozcan的发明重要的一个原因,这儿应当是另一个原因。分析选项

73、可知A项(Ozcan发明重要的另一个原因是它很便宜)应该是正确的。把A放入句中,符合题意。可知本小题是这一段的主题句。根据本段的内容可知“Ozcan的发明成本相当低”。A项与本段有词的复现,inexpensive即为fairly low。故选A。 【20题详解】考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据上文Ozcan has developed a medical tool that is both practical and economical. Therefore, it can be effectively almost anywhere“OZCAN研制了既实用又经济的医疗工具。因此,它几

74、乎可以在任何地方都有效”由此可推断出这种简单成本低的工具可以在全世界上救人,分析选项可知D项(OZCAN的简单、有效的工具可能会拯救全世界数百万的生命)符合题意,故选D。 8答案及解析:答案:When I was very young, I stayed at my hometown with my grandma. She a diligent woman. She likes to grow vegetables takes care of all the . Though my parents often ask her to quit the work, my grandma neve

75、r . She takes that she does as her great joy. I understand her because I see her smile and satisfied with life. Several months , my father bought for her a new smartphone. And during the Spring Festival, I instructed her on how email and use the Internet. Aside from emailing, she thinks it feels to

76、talk to grandchildren on WeChat.解析:本文为记叙文。文中介绍了作者的奶奶辛勤操劳,笑对生活,她还学会了使用智能手机上网发邮件和使用微信跟孙辈们聊天。第1处,考查时态。根据上下文语境可知,本文用一般现在时。故将was改为is。第2处,考查并列连词。根据上下文可知,此处为并列关系,故将or改为and。第3处,考查不可数名词。housework为不可数名词,故将houseworks改为housework。第4处,考查主谓一致。主语为第三人称单数,谓语用一般现在时态,故将listen改为listens。第5处,考查宾语从句。分析句子结构可知,宾语从句中she doos缺


78、,故将their改为her。 9答案及解析:答案: Dear Tony,I am sorry to hear that you fail to adapt yourself to Senior 3 for lack of rest in the past short vacation. Moreover, burdened with pressure from College Entrance Exam, you feel totally at a loss. I can really relate to how you feel and would like to offer some su

79、ggestions.To begin with, try to relax and find some positive distractions. It is not a good idea to constantly remind yourself of not having enough rest. Instead, keep yourself occupied physically and mentally so that you dont have time to be downcast. What more, it is of great significance to work

80、out a plan and set small targets. As the saying goes, failing to plan is planning to fail. When you follow the plan strictly and make it a routine, youll achieve a sense of accomplishment day by day, which can guarantee your final success. Last but not least, a best friend and partner of the same grade really counts. It is advisable to turn to him or her and share your sufferings. I believe your friend will surely offer some helpful advice that can give you inspirations. Hopefully my suggestions could be of some help and I am convinced that youll find the way out.Yours,Li Hua解析:

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